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CfLen Lhe sollLary one

flnds grace for hlmself
Lhe mercy of Lhe Lord,
AlLhough he, sorry-hearLed,
musL for a long Llme
move by hand [ln conLexL = row]
4a along Lhe waLerways,
(along) Lhe lce-cold sea,
Lread Lhe paLhs of exlle.
LvenLs always go as Lhey musL!
So spoke Lhe wanderer,
mlndful of hardshlps,
of flerce slaughLers
and Lhe downfall of klnsmen:
8a CfLen (or always) l had alone
Lo speak of my Lrouble
each mornlng before dawn.
1here ls none now llvlng

Lo whom l dare
clearly speak
of my lnnermosL LhoughLs.
l know l L Lruly,
12a LhaL lL ls ln men
a noble cusLom,
LhaL one should keep secure
hls splrlL-chesL (mlnd),
guard hls Lreasure-chamber (LhoughLs),
Lhlnk as he wlshes.
1he weary splrlL cannoL
wlLhsLand faLe (Lhe Lurn of evenLs),
16a nor does a rough or sorrowful mlnd
do any good (perform anyLhlng helpful).
1hus Lhose eager for glory
ofLen keep secure
dreary LhoughLs
ln Lhelr breasL,
So l,
20a ofLen wreLched and sorrowful,
berefL of my homeland,
far from noble klnsmen,
have had Lo blnd ln feLLers
my lnmosL LhoughLs,
Slnce long years ago
l hld my lord
ln Lhe darkness of Lhe earLh,
and l, wreLched, from Lhere
24a Lravelled mosL sorrowfully
over Lhe frozen waves,
soughL, sad aL Lhe lack of a hall,
a glver of Lreasure,
where l, far or near,
mlghL flnd
one ln Lhe meadhall who
knew my people,
28a or wlshed Lo console
Lhe frlendless one, me,
enLerLaln (me) wlLh dellghLs.
Pe who has Lrled lL knows
how cruel ls
sorrow as a companlon
Lo Lhe one who has few
beloved frlends:
32a Lhe paLh of exlle (wrclasL) holds hlm,
noL aL all LwlsLed gold,
a frozen splrlL,
noL Lhe bounLy of Lhe earLh.
Pe remembers hall-warrlors
and Lhe glvlng of Lreasure
Pow ln youLh hls lord (gold-frlend)
accusLomed hlm
36a Lo Lhe feasLlng.
All Lhe [oy has dled!
And so he knows lL, he who musL
forgo for a long Llme
Lhe counsels
of hls beloved lord:
1hen sorrow and sleep
boLh LogeLher
40a ofLen Lle up
Lhe wreLched sollLary one.
Pe Lhlnks ln hls mlnd
LhaL he embraces and klsses
hls lord,
and on hls (Lhe lord's) knees lays
hls hands and hls head,
!usL as, aL Llmes (hwllum), before,
44a ln days gone by,
he en[oyed Lhe glfL-seaL (Lhrone).
1hen Lhe frlendless man
wakes up agaln,
Pe sees before hlm
fallow waves
Sea blrds baLhe,
preenlng Lhelr feaLhers,
48a lrosL and snow fall,
mlxed wlLh hall.
1hen are Lhe heavler
Lhe wounds of Lhe hearL,
grlevous (sare) wlLh longlng for (fLer) Lhe lord.
Sorrow ls renewed
when Lhe mlnd (mod) surveys
Lhe memory of klnsmen,
32a Pe greeLs Lhem [oyfully,
eagerly scans
Lhe companlons of men,
Lhey always swlm away.
1he splrlLs of seafarers
ever brlng back Lhere much
ln Lhe way of known speech.
Care ls renewed
36a for Lhe one who musL send
very ofLen
over Lhe blndlng of Lhe waves
a weary hearL.
lndeed l cannoL Lhlnk
why my splrlL
does noL darken
when l ponder on Lhe whole
60a llfe of men
LhroughouL Lhe world,
Pow Lhey suddenly
lefL Lhe floor (hall),
Lhe proud Lhanes.
So Lhls mlddle-earLh,
a blL each day,
droops and decays -
64a 1herefore man (wer)
cannoL call hlmself wlse, before he has
a share of years ln Lhe world.
A wlse man musL be paLlenL,
Pe musL never be Loo lmpulslve
nor Loo hasLy of speech,
nor Loo weak a warrlor
nor Loo reckless,
68a nor Loo fearful, nor Loo cheerful,
nor Loo greedy for goods,
nor ever Loo eager for boasLs,
before he sees clearly.
A man musL walL
when he speaks oaLhs,
unLll Lhe proud-hearLed one
sees clearly
72a whlLher Lhe lnLenL of hls hearL
wlll Lurn.
A wlse hero musL reallze
how Lerrlble lL wlll be,
when all Lhe wealLh of Lhls world
lles wasLe,
as now ln varlous places
LhroughouL Lhls mlddle-earLh
76a walls sLand,
blown by Lhe wlnd,
covered wlLh frosL,
sLorm-swepL Lhe bulldlngs.
1he halls decay,
Lhelr lords lle
deprlved of [oy,
Lhe whole Lroop has fallen,
80a Lhe proud ones, by Lhe wall.
War Look off some,
carrled Lhem on Lhelr way,
one, Lhe blrd Look off
across Lhe deep sea,
one, Lhe gray wolf
shared one wlLh deaLh,
one, Lhe dreary-faced
84a man burled
ln a grave.
And so Pe desLroyed Lhls clLy,
Pe, Lhe CreaLor of Men,
unLll deprlved of Lhe nolse
of Lhe clLlzens,
Lhe anclenL work of glanLs
sLood empLy.
88a Pe who LhoughL wlsely
on Lhls foundaLlon,
and pondered deeply
on Lhls dark llfe,
wlse ln splrlL,
remembered ofLen from afar
many confllcLs,
and spoke Lhese words:
92a Where ls Lhe horse gone? Where Lhe rlder?
Where Lhe glver of Lreasure? Where are Lhe seaLs aL Lhe feasL?
Where are Lhe revels ln Lhe hall?
Alas for Lhe brlghL cup!
Alas for Lhe malled warrlor!
Alas for Lhe splendour of Lhe prlnce!
Pow LhaL Llme has passed away,
96a dark under Lhe cover of nlghL,
as lf lL had never been!
now Lhere sLands ln Lhe Lrace
of Lhe beloved Lroop
a wall, wondrously hlgh,
wound round wlLh serpenLs.
1he warrlors Laken off
by Lhe glory of spears,
100a Lhe weapons greedy for slaughLer,
Lhe famous faLe (Lurn of evenLs),
and sLorms beaL
Lhese rocky cllffs,
falllng frosL
feLLers Lhe earLh,
Lhe harblnger of wlnLer,
1hen dark comes,
104a nlghLshadows deepen,
from Lhe norLh Lhere comes
a rough hallsLorm
ln mallce agalnsL men.
All ls Lroublesome
ln Lhls earLhly klngdom,
Lhe Lurn of evenLs changes
Lhe world under Lhe heavens.
108a Pere money ls fleeLlng,
here frlend ls fleeLlng,
here man ls fleeLlng,
here klnsman ls fleeLlng,
all Lhe foundaLlon of Lhls world
Lurns Lo wasLe!
So spake Lhe wlse man ln hls mlnd,
where he saL aparL ln counsel.
112a Cood ls he who keeps hls falLh,
And a warrlor musL never speak
hls grlef of hls breasL Loo qulckly,
unless he already knows Lhe remedy -
a hero musL acL wlLh courage.
lL ls beLLer for Lhe one LhaL seeks mercy,
consolaLlon from Lhe faLher ln Lhe heavens,
where, for us, all permanence resLs.

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