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Earth the holy human birth right kingdom of God teaches for humanity God truth for the

whole human race of earth the God teaches holy human kingdom of God Jesus the Holy Spirit for each holy human birth right child. The holy human truth of earth the holy human kingdom of god for all God birth right children with Jesus the Holy Spirit has been made into killing starving human hell death on God earth.

This god truth about human hell war hate killing on God earth through religions nations takes the highly human rights birth right holy human values peace freedoms God gave to every child of God on earth. The holy human god of heaven earth knows of the human wars hell killing genocide caused by warring hate filled nations religions. This is not the holy human truth of God teaches Jesus the holy spirit world wide human kingdom of God human race

birth right love life truth peace freedom. The holy human birth right earth kingdom of God for each human life is feed by hate anger torture genocide by money greed hate human life degrading religions on God teaches Jesus the Holy Spirit birth right earth. The killing rape abuse trafficking of God children by slave labor sex power mad human dictators is not the holy human birth right truth life

peace freedom God teaches through Jesus who died to end all these human sins acts of suffering pure human evil. God teaches holy human birth right truth in Jesus the Holy Spirit will in love from God the holy trinity set right worldwide the holy human birth right kingdom earth for all god children. God birth right holy human kingdom of God is filled with greed power money war hate hunger religions killing

unending human squalor suffering for to many billions of God teaches Jesus the holy spirit loved birth right children. God teaches of heaven earth with Jesus the holy spirit this not the human birth right earth created by God the holy father the human life Jesus died for its fabricated human hell on God earth. God teaches Jesus the holy spirit the holy human birth right truth heaven to all god children this not the earth of God Jesus

the holy spirit that Jesus diode for this the human greed hell of money grubbing war mongering religious controlling human cause. God teaches Jesus the Holy Spirit in earth the holy human race kingdom of god for the whole human race heals in God teaches Jesus the Holy Spirit human race human life human world birth right to heal the kingdom of god earth for the whole human race God Jesus the holy spirit birth right holy

covenant with each human life on God earth. Amen

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