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Imagine a tree. People say that the forest is green but only the leaves are green. That
is what our attitude to our mind is like. Our conscious mind is like the leaves, only
one part, and only a small part at that, of the total mind or brain. Let us review the
tree as a symbol of our minds:

Linear thinking
Conscious awareness
Propositional thought
Ideas and Ideals energising and directing growth


No language
Appositional thought
Conduit between conscious and unconscious
Carrier of nutrient to the directive element
The strength of character lies here making for efficiency and longevity of the leaves
Contact this by “sleeping on the problem”


In the dark unseen parts of our mind lies the often unknown
Archive of all memories, memories of reality as interpreted by me
Truth and falsity are not discerned here – whatever I think is seen as truth
Common Unconscious
Nutrient for the substance of the tree

Pain to Toxin leads to stinking thinking and victim state

Pain to Compost – courage, honour and service

What is this pain, suffering, or discomfort here to teach

What am I on this planet for? Why am I here? What is life really about or for any way?
These and associated questions have been asked millions of times. These notes are shared
in the belief that the answers are not that hard to find and that the quest of our time on this
Earth is to find happiness from a place within rather than by reacting to the outside
environment. In short, happiness is a real possibility and therein lays success and meaning.
How we journey on our quest in the outer World very much reflects the journey within in the
way we relate to others, cope with the challenge of change and the attendant fear, being
extended beyond comfort zones, approach our families, and develop our careers. This
journey within is where "it is really at". It is here that we ask "Who am I?", "Who is running
this ego.....fate....who?", "Am I OK what do I think and feel about me and
what is the truth here?"......and so on.
Thus the journey of life is driven by an inner journey. It is in this context, that it becomes vital
to know where we are within, where we want to go and how we intend to get there. This
knowing is self knowledge and is very much akin to preparing for a bush walk where we
confirm where we are, identify where we want to go, check for the obstacles and obstructions
that may occur, plan an appropriate route which maximises our safety and enjoyment of the
journey while offering efficiency in getting to our destination, measure the territory to be
covered, the distances involved, and the directions required. From this comes a sense of
purpose and from that comes positive motivation.
We will use the metaphor of navigation as it applies to bush walking. This can provide the
means to present the dynamics involved in determining the plan for our quest for meaning
and fulfilment in an adventure set towards a true personal destiny. Navigation in this context
requires three skills. These are measuring the shape of the ground (map reading), measuring
the distances involved, and measuring the direction(s). When these skills are mastered, we
can put them together to make a navigation data plan. In the context of the journey of life,
this becomes a matter of setting a life mission or destiny statement and the goals to achieve
it. Then we go out and enjoy the journey and that is where happiness is! This text is set out
under the following themes:
• Map Reading.
Happiness vs. Despair
The Nature Approach
Mind Power
The Map
• Distance and Direction
Measuring Distance
Measuring Direction
• Navigation Data Plan.
Planning and Goal Setting.
A Plan for a Pro-active and Happy Life.

The Happiness Despair Paradigm
If the purpose of life can be distilled into one phrase, it could be "TO BE HAPPY" (the issue
of morale). The opposite of this can be seen in the condition of 'DESPAIR' from the Latin “de
sperare” meaning "without hope". The AMA states that Australia is currently in the grips of an
epidemic of depression. We all come from that background. Happiness and despair are
compared in the table below. Note that the attributes on the right are those that most cultures
have demanded of “responsible adults” i.e., adults able to respond proactively.

Suicide Courage
Substance Abuse Honour
Violence (particularly verbal) Service
Without hope (by definition) Full of hope
Cynical (ties into lack of hope) Belief in life
Into hate (of self, the World, others) Unconditional caring
Into blaming others and the World Ability to respond proactively (Responsibility)
Focused on the negative (stinking thinking) Positive-thought, word, act
Low self image/self esteem High self image/self esteem
Locked into self/compulsive/moody Free/self actualised
Imprisoned in Comfort Zones Explore challenges
Limited by mediocrity Pursuit of excellence
Poverty (Old English - stay in ruts) Prosperity (from Latin: in accord with hopes)
The word “courage” is the key and comes from the Latin “cor agere” meaning to come from
the heart or to be life centred and life giving. In Australian culture, courage was “have a go”,
honour was “fair dinkum” and “fair go”, and service was “mateship”. These values emerged
from the most rural of western societies from 1901 to 1930. Australia is now one of the most
urbanised and so has become separated from its roots in the laws of Nature or the ways of
the bush.
Made by humans Made by Nature as we are
Disorder Total order
Disunity Unity
Dependence Interdependency
Routine set in efficiency Variety in seasons
Lack of growth/negative thinking Growing towards life
Philosophy to Action
The positives action characteristics that lead towards happiness can be summarised thus:
The Positives
Courage Honour Service
Life Centred Respect self, others and Empower and improve
Life Giving Nature
1 Have a go Fair dinkum Be a good mate
2 Inner locus of control Self esteem Help others progress
3 No ego See goodness in others Facilitate a team effort
4 Positive Not confuse behaviour with + People first, things
human essence second
5 Go for change Compassion and empathy Setting standards of
6 Life giver Professional manner Setting challenges
7 Able to change paradigms Positive humour Facilitate morale
The Negatives
Suicidal Substance Abuse Violence
1 Disown power Excess eating Win lose paradigm
2 Social withdrawal Excess drinking Lose win paradigm
3 Negative and lazy Illegal drug use Put downs
4 Blaming others Low energy/frequency music Excessive gossip
5 Victim mentality Absenteeism Back stabbing
6 Unfit Running away from reality Bullying
7 Give power to others Inappropriate use of stress leave Excessive vulgar language
In sum. The proactive journey is about observing Nature’s laws (eg unity, growth and
interdependence) and obeying them as a means to develop positive, life giving actions.
Enacting the spirit of the above means using and acting on the template of courage, honour
and service in all that we do, say or think.
The Course to Happiness is like Sailing a Ship
Leadership is measured by morale. The origin of the verb “to lead” is “laed”, an old north
European word for “the course of a ship”. This is a most apt metaphor as leadership means
looking squarely at three choices:

1.Staying and rotting in a safe harbour.
2.Drifting on the tide and wind.
3.Finding a destination, plotting the course and going there either in accord with the rules of
Nature or against them. The latter brings disaster
Sailing in accord with the laws of Nature presents the following scenario:
1.Striving for a destination beyond the horizon and thus out of sight. This requires constant
focus on the “vision”.
2.Sailing often to unknown places over uncharted waters to move with the law of evolution or
change. This requires courage to take risks.
3.The requirement for a crew and a ship who can and will achieve the mission even in the
face of uncertainty and possible set backs in gales, ship wreck and deprivation. This requires
inspirational leadership and sound management.
4.A sense of adventure and humour in the face of challenge. This requires being a well
adjusted human being.
Meeting Needs
Individual needs are well developed in Maslow’s hierarchy, which are described and listed
1.Physiological Needs. Basic needs in food, water, shelter, etc.
2.Safety Needs. Requirements to feel safe in one's environment.
3.Care and Concern Needs. The giving and returning of care.
4.Self Esteem Needs. Positive feeling from positive thinking.
5.Self-Actualisation Needs. That required for full self-potential.
According to Maslow, the needs listed above overlap and require fulfilment in accord with the
sequence 1 to 5. This gives us a clue in determining how we set out a complete and realistic
set of goals and objectives in a program or in our lives. Thus, any strategy in life needs to
include and then go beyond levels 1. and 2. Indeed, if we identify level 5, it will set a context
and purpose for all the other levels.
In Sum
Obviously, many people fluctuate somewhere around the middle between happiness and
despair, but, perhaps, a good and effective leader is a self actualised person who knows how
to be more himself or herself at the happy end for most of the time and who can take others
there. The knowing of the way to happiness cannot be imposed. The pathway of a true
human being is there to be sought and found individually. Role modelling facilitates this
personal paradigm shift.
For a life journey set towards our self-actualisation and our destiny, we must first "take
command" of ourselves (or of “our ship of life”) and then do everything using the template of
courage, honour and service.
Questions (See table above for some guidelines)
In your journal or notebook, please answer the following questions:
1.What are the despair-based behaviours in my life?
2.What can I do to practice courage, honour and service into my life

The Ego Dynamic
The following are the energies that “father” our reactive behaviours based on the ego that
wants to be “stroked” in a certain learned way from our childhood. Becoming an adult means
having he courage and honour to move beyond childish thinking and challenging the ego
game. We have nine ego games and one is pre-eminent. Address this with courage and
honour, and the others fall into place. The nine ego games or fallacies are:
The BOAR (Type 1) has the ego NEED TO BE PERFECT. His perceived lack of perfection in himself
and the World results in resentment and hidden FURY. By standing back and viewing the total perfection
in the order of the universe, the Boar can let go and discover PEACE.
The DOG (Type 2) has the ego NEED TO BE NEEDED. This is based on VANITY in the sense of being
an egoistic 'do gooder'. In this mode, Dog forgets that all beings are complementary. By being free
enough to see the World through others' eyes lovingly, the Dog becomes earthed (Latin humus, the root
of humility) and touches REALITY.
The RAT (Type 3) has the ego NEED TO BE SUCCESSFUL. This leads to DUPLICITY as the 'ends will
always justify the means'. When the Rat can release his image making and see the success implicit in
all aspects of the universe, he can discover TRUTH like no other.
The HORSE (Type 4) has the ego NEED TO BE SPECIAL. This leads the Horse to look around her
(the Latin for this is invidia from which we have our word envy) at a perceived specialness of others
causing a sense of MELANCHOLIA. When the Horse can focus on her personal uniqueness, she can
cease to swing between moods of lows and highs to settle in a state of harmony and BALANCE.
The OWL (Type 5) has the ego NEED TO PERCEIVE. This leads Owl to have a scrooge like disposition
as he sits alone with an AVARICE for information and outward things for his identity. When Owl reclaims
his power he can be compassionately involved and here he finds his OBJECTIVITY.
The RABBIT (Type 6) has the ego NEED TO PROTECT THE SELF. This need is based on FEAR from
the 'what if' paradigm. Rabbit will then align herself with strong leadership and powerful structures.
When Rabbit discovers that nothing can hurt the essence of self (not even death), she can believe in
herself and express COURAGE.
The PLATYPUS (Type 7) has the ego NEED TO AVOID PAIN. With his perm-anent smile, Platypus
ignores pain and succumbs readily to GLUTTONY in all its forms. When he works through pain he can
discover that, living in the moment in tune with nature, he finds JOY.
The SNAKE (Type 8) has the ego NEED TO BE AGAINST. The self centred Snake is obsessed with
injustice and the need to seize power with an over masculine AGGRESSION. When she can feel the
pain in others and realise that vindication is unnecessary because the universe can look after it's own,
she discovers INNOCENCE (Latin for into non violence).
The WATER BUFFALO (Type 9) has the ego NEED TO AVOID. He has a perception of experienced put
down and disempowerment to the extent that he sees reality as over demanding and so 'why try.' In this
state he PROCRASTINATES. When he realises that action is the 'thank you' for being alive, he
becomes DECISIVE.

The Map Of The Ego Dynamic

BOAR Try to do better, hate wasting Idealistic, honest, fair, inspire Resentful, repress anger, find
(Type 1) time difficulty being others, leader, serene, high fault, driven, picky, judging,
Gut relaxed/playful, worry a lot, need energy, persevere, loyal, argumentative, harsh,
Centred perfection for approval, altruistic, support poor, explosive anger
compulsively honest everything industrious
DOG Close to people, like Aware of others needs, Hard to receive, controlling,
(Type 2) caring/helping, want recognition, considerate, sensitive, outward vs. inward looking,
Heart Centred feel unappreciated, feel victim compassionate, nurturing, guilty about own need,
sometimes, see others humble anxious, manipulating, put self
depending on them down/ false humility
RAT On the go, good in a team, Very 'in', popular, confident, Self image in outer 'success',
(Type 3) organiser, 'success' is important, get things done, pragmatic, underdeveloped inner life,
Heart hate 'failure', need achievement enthusiastic, generous, superficial, glitzy, aggressive,
Centred to be noticed decide quickly, articulate well don't admit mistakes, lying is
HORSE Feel not understood, Foster beauty, sensitive, feel Lack joy, romanticise feelings,
(Type 4) environment is very important, all is sacred, refined, deep, complainers, aloof/snobbish,
Heart moods up and down, nostalgia generous, recognise talents serious, depressed, play roles,
Centred about past, good taste, /feelings of others brittle, loners, unforgiving
sometimes preoccupied with
death and suffering

OWL Think a lot, stingy with time and Open minded, curious and Uninvolved, critical, stingy,
(Type 5) money, don't like small talk, objective, deep, wise, forget feelings, loner, see
Head loner, intellectualise, need patient, thorough, clear vision, others as 'fools'
Centred privacy, observe rather than excellent listener
RABBIT Loyal to the group, obey Cooperative, faithful, playful, Fearful, uncertain, inhibited,
(Type 6) authority, cautious, doubting, like loyal, constant, traditional, shy cautious, indecisive,
Head to be sure, fearful, need responsible, reverence elders anxious, dogmatic, legalistic
Centred approval from auth., prudent,
fantasise hero role
PLATYPUS Light and humorous, better Savour life, enthusiastic, fun Over idealise, live in the
(Type 7) planning than doing, enjoy life, loving, celebrate life, future, don't deal with pain,
Head unsuspicious of people- motives, visionary, child like, impatient, flighty, talkative/
Centred experience little pain- un humorous, love making gossip, compulsive smiler
happiness, positive outlook, others happy, playful, hopeful
optimistic, like to tell stories, like
SNAKE Tough, fight for needs, go for Direct, sense of kinship, play Go for power, punish others,
(Type 8) others weakness, get bored hard/work hard, honest, abrasive, sarcastic, over
Gut quickly, justice/ injustice are key strong,' lean on me' type, masculine have to win,
Centred issues, earthy, nonconformist intense, love challenge despise weakness, into
revenge, don't listen well
WATER Complacent, easy going, low Peacemaker, unflappable, Lazy, complaining, hopeless,
BUFFALO energy, hate being unsettled, grounded/salt of the earth, hate confrontation, guilt ridden
(Type 9) feel unimportant, procrastinate, calm, balanced, decisive, about sex, stubborn,
Gut Centred stable like doing nothing modest, relaxed, kindly procrastinate, powerless

From the above, please answer the following questions in your journal or notebook:
1.What is my ego need?
2.Do I really "need" this?
3.What do I need to work through?
4.What is the gift in my life there for the taking
The Legend of the Bear and Questions
Please study the handout on “Mind Power” and read the hand out called “Legend of the Bear”
and then answer the questions at the end of the legend in your notebook or journal:
Centring Yourself
Where is My Operating Centre? Go by yourself for a while and 'feel' your dynamic - savour
it. Then, imagine that there are three rooms named 'Heart Centre,' 'Head Centre', and 'Gut
Centre.' Enter your chosen room, shut the door behind you and sit in the middle on a
comfortable easy chair. Look around you using the props/questions listed below and get a
feel for it. Are you in the right room? If not, go into another until you find the 'home centre'
and then revise the information above. Once in the correct room, sit with it for a while and
then hug yourself. You are home.
1.Heart Centre - Dog (2), Rat (3) and Horse (4). I am adaptive to my environment in my life -
how does this feel? What is it like for me to feel anxiety as my main emotion? Being a doing
person is important to me - in what ways? Being with others seems important - how do I do
this? Being in the 'now' is important for me - how do I do this?
2.Head Centre - Owl (5), Rabbit (6), Platypus (7). I like observing life and the world - how do
I do this? What is it like for me to have fear as a main emotion? I live in my head - what is
this like for me? Working out where I am is important to me - how do I do this? What helps
me to move out of my head and into the 'real world'?
3.Gut Centre - Snake (8), Water Buffalo (9), Boar (1). I feel guided by what I like or don't like
- how is this for me? What is it like for me to have anger as my main emotion? I seem to be
an emotional person - how do I deal with this? Working out who I am is important - how do I
do this? What helps me gain a proper perspective on life?

The Compass for the Ego Dynamic
8 1

7 2

6 3

5 4
Notes on the Use of the Compass:
1. Your Proactive Descriptors. To find the key words for your pro-active behaviour,
identify your type on the circle and then follow the line AGAINST the arrow and read the
positives/strengths of the type at the end of that line. Turn these into affirmations.
2. Your Reactive Descriptors. Similarly, to find the key words for your reactive
behaviour, follow the line WITH the arrow and read the negatives/weaknesses of the type at
the end of that line. Use these as a warning that your ego is in control and find your inner
Please answer the following questions in your journal or notebook:
1.What are my proactive behaviours?
2.What are my reactive behaviours?
The Ruler For The Ego Dynamic
Measure a position between happiness and despair by grading yourself on a scale of 1
to 10 on the following statements in your notebook:
Characteristic of caring behaviour Score
1 I am patient and kind (being gentle, friendly, and playful recognising the
woundedness in self and others)
2 I am happy for other peoples' achievements and giftedness
3 I am unpretentious (while respecting who and what I am)
4 I am respectful of everything and can see life through the eyes of others
5 I am slow to be irritated
6 I am objective, future oriented, and forgiving of the past
7 I am centred on truth, not deceit
8 I am positive (being able to see beyond the physical and mental plane)
9 I trust myself and others
10 I always persevere
Total as a percentage mark of the distance from Despair towards Happiness:
An affirmation is a sentence with the following characteristics:
1.It is in the present tense.
2.It is positive.
3.It is in the first person.
Affirmations are a way of reprogramming the mind. Repeat them morning, noon and night,
and after about three months, you will notice changes in your thinking and action. This is the
process for developing pro-active thinking.

Please answer the following questions in your journal or notebook:
1.In my masculine and feminine traits, what are my weaknesses and what would they look
like converted to affirmations?
2.What are my affirmations from the compass and the map of the ego dynamic?
3.What are my weaknesses from the ruler and what are they converted into affirmations?


Why Plan? The Plan for a pro-active and happy life is where we bring together our
navigation skills in map reading, measuring of distance, and direction finding. Without a plan
you drift aimlessly and get nowhere except by chance. Life is too precious to be left up to
chance. Your destiny is too important for that!
The Relationships Between Our Needs. See the list of personal needs in Maslow’s need
hierarchy given at the beginning of this paper. According to Maslow, the needs listed overlap
and require fulfilment in accord with the sequence physiological through to self actualise.
This gives us a clue in determining how we set out a complete and realistic set of goals and
Our Changing Needs. Our perception of our needs will constantly change! As we self-
actualise, our perception of our needs change. For example, the young Buddha saw his
needs in levels 1 to 4 of Maslow’s hierarchy in the context of his princely court. Later, his
definition had changed with fasting and being one with nature as satisfying these same
needs. Thus constant review is part of this in a process. It is like a spiral going where we
want to go or away from where we want to go.
Avoid Aiming Short. Note that the evidence in our society suggests that most people define
their goals or needs at levels 1 and 2 only. "A good education is required to get a good job",
as a statement is popularly accepted as the aim of education. There are many over qualified
people without employment and this confuses the public because it says nothing of what else
beyond a job that a good education can facilitate.
What is the Relationship of Education to All of This? Education in Latin literally means to
lead out or lead forth. In our language it could be translated to mean bringing out the best in
people. To do this we need to include, but move beyond the 'three Rs' and develop all the
way to Level 5. Thus relationship education, challenge for self esteem and spirituality for an
in touchness with the pure gift within that is unique to each person, are all a vital to our
learning and growth.
The Planning Sequence Offered Here.
1. Set the context with the question "Who am I?".
2. Gain focus by setting the "Life Mission Statement".
3. Identify the blocks to your progress and plan to conquer fear.
4. Achieve power through love.
5. Develop a firm base in security.
6. Become fit enough to see the distance.
Now Prepare Yourself for the Process. Review your notes on the questions raised so far
and sit with them for a while to double check your findings. These will form the raw data that
will go into your development of your personal definition of life's meaning. Ensure that what is
to follow is built on rock, not on sand. You need to do this with your whole mind and you need
to move well beyond the cerebral left-brain activity. Include the process of stillness and re-
creation described in handouts to this text.

Step 1 Who Am I?
Set the Frame or Context. Review the earlier sections and set the "frame" for the goal
setting to follow. Look at the list below and revise and confirm who you are as defined by
your energy.
Type 1 (Boar) Idealist Leader, reformer, high energy, driven
Type 2 (Dog) Carer Compassionate, nurturing, controlling
Type 3 (Rat) Advocate Self assured, achiever, antagonistic
Type 4 (Horse) Creator Artistic, intuitive, melancholic
Type 5 (Owl) Observer Open minded, analytic, loner
Type 6 (Rabbit) Loyalist Cooperative, faithful, anxious
Type 7 (Platypus) Optimist Forgiving, playful, avoid ugly
Type 8 (Snake) Leader Strong willed, direct, abrasive
Type 9 (Water Buffalo) Negotiator Decisive, relaxed, procrastinate
Use Your Own Words. Some synonyms are offered to help find the right word for you.
Idealist: Romantic, Leader, Visionary, Prophet, Romanticist, Radical, Activist.
Carer: Philanthropist, Nurturer, Patron, Benefactor, Helper, Humanitarian.
Advocate: Image Maker, Sales Person, Propagandist, Zealot, Missionary
Creator: Artist, Designer, Virtuoso, Architect.
Observer: Thinker, Counsellor, Sage, Philosopher.
Loyalist: Patriot, Nationalist, Courageous Person, Chauvinist.
Optimist: Positivist, Enthusiast, Partisan, Dreamer.
Leader: Authoritarian, Master, Director, Judge, Arbiter.
Negotiator: Peace Maker, Moderator, Arbitrator, Mediator, Decision Maker.
A Boar would convert this into an affirmation such as: I AM AN IDEALIST
Step 2 Life Mission Statement
Plan With the End in Mind. It is suggested that we start by examining the self-actualisation
need first and that we call this the aim or life mission statement. For example, a Boar may
describe his aim in affirmation form thus: 'I am a person of peace'. In choosing an aim, it is
important to use the words that mean something to you and are not simply a transcript. It is
also important that the aim be stated as a short pithy direct and positive sentence that
ultimately summarises or stands for everything that is to follow. In short, the aim is your
focus. What follows are the 'through/by' elements which are those determinants that have
been developed in the balance of masculine and feminine, weaknesses from "the ruler"
converted to positive affirmations, the positives of the home dynamic and the positives from
the "compass" etc.
An example of a Boar Mission Statement, beginning with the “who am I” or context statement,
is as follows:
I AM AN IDEALIST (the “who am I” part)
I AM A PERSON OF PEACE (the “where am I going” part)
• I am centred on peace )
• I love the poetry and beauty in nature )The mind set that moves me to
• I am calm balanced and decisive ) where I am going
• I trust the universe to unfold perfectly
)This changes as my mind develops
• I take time to smell the flowers )
• I enjoy pleasure without guilt
Etc etc............affirmations from the work and reflection done and listening to the bush and
Review Your Needs. Using the headings below, review your needs against your statement
of who you are what your mission or destiny is and, therefore, what your ultimate dream is.

You are Unique and Your Goals and Affirmations Must Be Unique! Remember that the
outcome is for you alone and so avoid treating this as an exercise being demanded of you by
another. For example, do not become a slave to the language or layout of this but rather
listen deeply to your own self.
What is It that You Really Want? It may sound selfish to listen to your deepest wants and
desires but, when these are detached from your compulsions and are seen in the light of you
as a whole being, it is these very needs and wants which will be life giving to you and the
world around you. Break down your needs into achievable chunks and then list them in
positive terms with a time to be achieved by dates.
Step 3 Conquering Fear
Self Esteem Goals. Determine what it is that you are afraid of (eg rejection) and then set the
challenges required to extend your comfort zones to accommodate your aim (eg peace
means working through rejection, so set up rejection scenarios and sail through them without
being reactive). Simultaneously work on developing a positive self concept eg conquering a
fear of heights, or being alone in the bush for a week, getting a degree at university, or going
on a trek in the Out Back etc.
Step 4 Power Through Love
Care and Concern Goals. Set out the goals required to achieve this:
1.In my inner circle of influence (close family and close friends) eg. Taking my spouse to
dinner every month, or camping with my children as the focus every year.
2.In my second circle of influence (friends and acquaintances) eg. making peace or extending
social interaction and developing family life.
3.In my third circle of influence (the people I do not know) eg joining a service organisation.
Step 5 A Firm Base In Security
Safety Goals. Set out goals that will allow you to feel safe:
1.Spiritual development goals in routines of meditation, prayer, affirmations, uplifting music,
worship etc.
2.Mental development goals eg reading, listening to tapes, seminars qualification courses and
3.Emotional goals in setting boundaries and enforcing them firmly without rancour.
4.Physical (health) goals eg diet and exercise.
Step 6 Fitness To See The Distance
Physiological Goals. Set out your goals to realise the physiological environment in shelter
food and water:
1.Type of diet.
2.Type of lifestyle and the increments to achieve that.
3.Type of work and the increments to achieve that
4.Level of income and the increments to achieve that
5.Type of home and the increments to achieve that.


Review the Situation Regularly. Once a week, review your progress, once a year take
some time out to spend days in retreat, and every seven to ten years step right out of any ruts
and review the whole thing. Goal setting must not become the structure of a prison but rather
the flexible order required to live life to the full. Do not become obsessed by your goals.
Having identified them, reviewed them, visualised them, and set your course, let go and let
the Universe operate in some free space.
Be Honest. As Shakespeare put it "to thine own self be true and it must follow as the night
the day, thou can'st not then be false to any man". Study models like the above and get to
know and love yourself in terms of both light and dark side. Are you truly honest - do you
dare to be true to yourself?

Check List For Reviewing The Process. Some points to check progress to
freedom/proactive behaviour or regression to compulsion, reactive behaviour and despair:
1.Have I identified my energy, my weakness and my strength, and do I know the direction I
need to go to for freedom. Do I do a regular "navigation check" in the bush walk drill "stop,
sit, think, and have a yarn"?
2.Am I impatient with everything to the point messing things up and then allow failure to
confirm a low self image or do I rejoice in learning from failure to find success - the former is
the symptom of low self esteem, the latter the symptom of high self esteem?
3.Am I open to change and growth or do I hang on to the security of the past even if that
makes me miserable?
4.Do I have a positive obligation to myself (eg reading positive books, listening to positive
people and tapes, relating to a positive God in reflection/prayer regularly) or do I simply soak
up all the bad news about me and join in the laments?
5.Do I lead those about me to be more free or do I burden them by joining them in compulsive
behaviour - am I a life giver or a death giver?
The Maintenance Program. The "maintenance program" is essential for our sanity at one
end and our productivity at the other. A suggested format is:
1.Daily: Morning, noon, and night; pause and spend time with you even if but a few minutes.
Stop, sit, think and have a yarn. The Og Mandino's scrolls are very good. Speaking or writing
affirmations is extremely worthwhile. Whatever you do, set a program and do it. This gives
focus to the inner being and allows a positive approach to your community and your work.
2.Weekly: Have a social get together (happy hour) with your friends. One day in seven
focus on your Creator, yourself, and the ones you are intimately close to.
3.Monthly: Read a book of some inspirational worth such as positive textbooks and
autobiographies (eg. A Fortunate Life by A B Facey) where we are inspired by every day
heroism and courage.
4.Annually: Take leave to facilitate:
o Several weeks of quality time with family and close friends. Plan this carefully, positively,
and excitedly and then savour this, as these times are memory makers.
o A week or a few days (8 days is ideal) for an annual reflection time.
o Self-improvement courses, seminars, hobbies and the follow up of special interests.

5.Every Seven Years: Go for a complete change in scenery every five to ten years. A trek to
the Himalayas, a forty-day solo in the bush, an overseas study tour, a sabbatical or something
really 'wild' that you have always wanted to do but kept putting off. Do something to shake
you out of any ruts and thoroughly review your goals.

(A Story or Parable Concerning the Dynamics of the Non Verbal Mind)
The young warrior panted with hidden anxiety as he gripped his spear with sweaty palms.
This was his special moment in life; his time of initiation. Alone in the vast wilderness, he was
required to hunt the legendary bear and then to dream a mystical dream for the holy man of
the tribe to interpret on his return.
For the second time he heard the roar of a bear near the river where the fishing was good.
The warrior felt the hairs on the back of his neck rise and salty droplets of perspiration mired
his view as they stung his eyes; and yet it was a cold day. His mind was torn between
planning his approach to the bear's domain and simply turning to flee. The latter would mean
losing his place in the tribe and only the loyalty to the security of that belonging kept him
He was still planning at the edge of a small clearing when there was an awful crash of
branches 20 paces behind him. He immediately spun around, tripped, and dropped his spear
as he saw the huge apparition of a brown bear standing on its hind legs. He fainted.
A calm descended over him as he collected his wits and realised that the bear was seated
opposite him with a head cocked to one side with mild curiosity and a friendly gentle look.
'Are you all right?' Asked the bear in a gentle woman's voice. She seemed almost motherly
and this was confusing given the manly warrior enterprise he had been so set upon.
'Yes, I think so. Who are you?'
'I am Mihalinka, the keeper of the caves hereabout. Who are you?' She asked this last as if
she already knew and was being a little mischievous.
'I am a warrior on my initiation quest. I am in search of the legendary brown bear with the
white chest and my naming dream.'
'Well, Two Legged, you have found both and just as you were about to give in, I think.'
The warrior shook his head as he realised that all the conversation hitherto had been in 'mind
speak.' Mouths and lips had not moved and yet communication was clear.
'This is ridiculous,' he said to himself. 'Bears do not speak and the ones we hunt are large
fierce male grizzlies.'
'Oh really!' Mihalinka responded in a friendly mocking way. 'So much for expectations. You,
my special friend, are about to be given some choices for initiation but first we must dispel this
youthful approach to manhood. Your guide for your initiation journey is woman and your first
quest will be to find your inner woman........'.
Mihalinka's voice and presence drifted off into a mist that had suddenly descended and chilled
him. As the mist cleared, he found himself in an underground tunnel as if he was in some sort
of mine. He felt drawn to walk along the tunnel as it took him deeper into the earth. It briefly
occurred to him that this was illogical. He should be looking for the surface; for light, fresh
air, and freedom. Somehow, he felt compelled to dismiss this thought and to go on in trust;
trust in his instinct or gut reaction to the situation.
Having moved deep into the tunnel maze, he realised that the light that he had been relying
upon became gently more powerful until he went around a corner and walked into a brightly lit
cavern. At the centre of the cavern, was a large underground lake with a second tunnel
entrance on the other side. As his eyes adjusted, the warrior saw a beautiful young woman
seated on a rock by a small cooking fire. She wore a long white doeskin dress edged with
blue patterns. Her jet-black hair tumbled like a waterfall down her back. She seemed lost in
sad or distant thoughts and was oblivious of her surroundings. The warrior looked upon her
with a deep sense of curiosity. While she fascinated him, as would any object of such
feminine beauty, there was something deeply familiar about her. It was as if he had known
her all his life and yet she really was a stranger. It was this strangeness, which, in a way,
scared him. The fear that began to well up made him turn to go back the way he came had
come. As he turned, the young woman's voice suddenly broke the silence. 'Who are you?'

She asked. She sounded impatient and a little annoyed. He felt to run out but something
within made him turn and confront the lady of the cave. He looked at her squarely and, while
somewhat threatened by her, he felt also a sense of peace and well being especially as their
eyes met. He then heard Mihalinka's voice inside him speak.
'Two Legged, this is the quest of which I spoke. This young princess has been captured and
is held here against her will by Night Shade. You must rescue her or all the land hereabouts
will fall under the spell of darkness and fear; the spell of death from the Lord of the Dark!'
The princess looked at him with an air of quiet amusement.
'So,' she said. 'You are to be my hero.'
Immediately, he felt awkward. He was not sure how things were supposed to proceed when a
gallant came to rescue a princess. She had a natural majesty about her that made her seem
more in control of the circumstances than he was.
A rumble suddenly broke his thoughts and a thumping that rapidly became a roar from the
tunnel opposite. Before anyone could react, a huge menacing shadow began to fill the cave.
What was coming seemed slowed only by the need to cross the lake.
'Quick!' The princess cried. 'It is Night Shade! Run! We must fly like the deer of the forest.'
All of a sudden, he grasped her hand and ran, leading her out the way he had entered.
Miraculously, the giant Night Shade seemed to recede slowly behind them. However, all was
not well. At every tunnel junction, and there were many, the sound of warriors gathering
themselves for the hunt kept the fugitives aware of imminent doom. The maze of tunnels
became a nightmare. However, as they ran, a mist enveloped them, and suddenly, panting
with exhaustion, the two fugitives fell on the grass of the original clearing in the forest. The
warrior lifted his head and there sat Mihalinka. There were no tunnels, no evil giants, and no
longer was there any fear .
Mihalinka gazed at the youngsters together with pleasure and she nodded a deep approval at
them. The two young people looked around dazed and gradually regained their composure
as they sat opposite her. There was a lovely gentleness and mild playfulness about Mihalinka
which allowed both of them to feel secure such that they could let go and allow events to
unfold in their destined manner.
Mihalinka led them to a glen and set out a beautiful meal of fruit, fish, honey mead and bread.
She explained that it was time for the two to get to know one another but she also saw with
amusement that the two seemed more interested in food than each other. They were
The warrior looked up from his finished meal and realised that Mihalinka had gone. He turned
to the princess and, awkwardly at first, they began to talk. There was an instinctive
eagerness to get to know one another and they talked, walked, and talked some more.
Again, in the mind speak that still characterised the language of this place, information
seemed to be exchanged at a much more rapid rate than the normal conversations of the
long house in his village.
The princess was not only beautiful, but emanated a serenity that had the quality of
something formed over a long time and through the tests of many trials. While playful, she
did not mock him and, instead, created space for him to meet her in a place where
preconceptions and suspicions had no meaning. She was like a true sister and she marvelled
at his stories of achievement and fortune with a sense of enjoyment. She had an openness
that almost confused the young man as there were none of the tricks he was sometimes
subject to from his sisters at home. She was trusting, receptive, detached from the material,
and prepared to flow with what she called 'The River of Life.' With her, worry seemed to slip
away and the burden of life seemed to diminish rapidly. She seemed able to nurture a sense
of life and living.
He was not sure of the nature of the love that he felt for her, but he did know, that never would
he allow evil to befall her again. It became clear to him that, in meeting this woman, he was
driven to removing the threat of Night Shade. His duty as a warrior moved from hunting the
bear to seeking out and destroying the Lord of the Dark.

One day, as the princess was gathering berries and fruits, the warrior took up his spear and
went to look for Night Shade. Outside the forest, he found a large grassy hill and there, in all
his baronial splendour, as if preordained, stood the object of his quest. The warrior saw a
darkly clad giant of a figure wearing heavy armour, and carrying a huge sword and shield. His
helmet and shield were emblazoned with the image of a rabbit. The warrior struggled to
compose himself but discovered that he had a newfound courage and that this seemed
somehow aligned with his memories of the princess.
He strode purposefully up the knoll towards Night Shade and his boldness alarmed the Lord
of the Dark. Both fought hard in the severe battle that ensued. The warrior, however, could
not get close enough to thrust his spear into Night Shade's heart but he kept lunging forward.
It was in one such moment that his adversary suddenly turned and lashed out with a huge
mailed fist. The warrior was knocked senseless and thrown down to the foot of the hill and
lay at the base of some trees that edged the forest. Night Shade contemptuously deserted
him as dead but, within himself, he knew that he could not go down to check and kill the
young man if he was still alive. While in victory, he felt no triumph and so he left the place of
combat a little saddened and confused.
The warrior awoke to find Mihalinka tending to him by a river. She had cleaned and dressed
his wounds and was in the process of preparing herbal tea to help relieve his pain when she
heard him stir. After drinking some of Mihalinka's herbal brew, the warrior fell into
unconsciousness once again. During his time of healing Mihalinka made him medicines from
the forest and found food that would strengthen his body. He now had a lot of time to think as
he recovered in the stillness of the forest. While convalescing, he contemplated the recent
events, and also a dream that had alarmed him. Nightshade, according to his dream, was his
father and the princess his twin sister. This disturbing thought startled him and brought him
back to a conscious reality. As he opened his eyes, he focused on Mihalinka sitting next to
him and gradually he shared his dream with her.
'Can there be truth in this dream?' He asked Mihalinka in mind speak.
She just looked at him calmly and nodded. Then she gave him a gentle hug.
'Do not become too confused, Two Legged,’ She said. 'All of this is happening inside you and
we are all parts of you. So it is, that you attacked a part of yourself and, in the process, you
only diminished your being.'
'How can Night Shade be a part of me?' He asked in anguish and confusion.
'Tell me, Two Legged, have you not felt a tendency towards being fearful? Have you noticed
that almost all that you do may be in response to this?'
The warrior thought for a while and remembered his intense loyalty to his tribe and his
cautious and indecisive manner at home and during his quest. The description fitted; too
close for comfort. He wanted to deny the truth but knew that his quest was for truth. Truth
about himself. He caught Mihalinka's gaze and acknowledged it gravely.
'Two Legged, there resides a lion of strength and courage within you!' Mihalinka exclaimed
with delight and hugged him again. 'You see, Night Shade is the dark side of you, your fear,
which seems to father so many of your actions while you remain unenlightened. What this
does is to show up the Day Light. We cannot have light without dark. You will discover your
Day Light through Night Shade and so it is that you must prepare to meet him again.'
The warrior's spirits sank until he looked up and saw the princess approaching with food and
drink. She was delighted at his recovery. Mihalinka explained how the princess had nursed
him when he was unconscious and had helped her gather the foods from the forest that
hastened his recovery. He wondered how he could ever have considered survival and life
without the wisdom, teaching, healing, intuitive advice, nurturing, and loving care of woman.
There was so much here in partnership that made for a balanced sense of man rather than in
separateness where woman was simply an object for dominance, and, perhaps, one sided
gratification. All of this seemed to herald a new understanding of life; an understanding that
seemed life giving. The word harmony came to him.
After a lovely shared meal, Mihalinka offered the warrior a 'cave vigil' before he took his next
step. A vigil, she explained was a word for watch or watchfulness. He might care, she

thought, to watch out for that which was important to him and, therefore, to his approach to
life and the problems presented to him on his journey. He liked the idea but did not know how
to 'vigil' or 'watch' in this context. Mihalinka smiled knowingly.
'Two Legged, often we have eyes but see not, have ears but hear not. Often we are so full of
the noise of our daily lives and our preconceptions to notice the truly important life making
issues. The answers to all our concerns lie within and it is thus that we need the strength of
Bear, which is the power of introspection. This is symbolised in the bear hibernating in winter
in a cave to digest the year's experience and coming out in spring with new life within. It is
the act of going into the womb cave of Mother Earth and connecting to the nutrient of the
Great Void. It is the place where knowing comes in silence and stillness.'
The warrior thought on this and, while he understood what was being offered, and was
attracted to the 'cave vigil,' he felt a sense of urgency and the need to sit down and plan his
strategy with cold logic maximising the strengths and minimising the weakness.
'Conscious thought and the fruit of the logical mind are powerful indeed, my son,' said
Mihalinka understandingly. 'It is this strength/weakness, black/white, good/bad,
powerful/powerlessness thinking which you men are often so good at that it blinds you to the
fact that most of your brain power is not being harnessed. You are like the waggoner with ten
horses who only harnesses one. The mind energy beyond your conscious is non-verbal and
is full of the imagery and feeling which superficial warrior cults discard. The true warrior of
wisdom who defends love and truth, needs to harness all ten horses to his war engine. It is
here that you truly meet Night Shade.'
The warrior sought the counsel of Mihalinka and the princess and then repaired to a mountain
and the Bear Cave. He then remembered the woman wisdom of intuitive thought and began
the process given to him in recent counsel. He stilled his mind, practiced the discipline of
silence, relaxation, and re-creation. He dreamed dreams, he felt feelings, he cried, he
rejoiced, and he worked through despair and fear to find courage and joy. He was alone a
long time and yet not alone at all. He became immersed in that which went beyond the
mental and physical plane; an awareness that gave him a true sense of belonging beyond
family, tribe, humanity, creed, taboos, laws; a belonging to a reality which lay beyond words to
describe but which feelings could touch. It was this that gave him the power to confront his
next step.
One morning, he found his resolve. He stood, picked up his spear and broke it in half over his
knee. He then prepared for a journey and set off for the West where he knew he had to go to
find Night Shade. This time, his approach was not of destruction and death but of a son
approaching a father in trust and in love.
As he neared Night Shade's hillock, he came to a river and there, as if prearranged, awaited a
ferry in the form of a punt and a ferryman who was old, stooped, and dressed in a long black
robe, his face hidden under an oversized hood. The mysterious presence of the ferryman
with his gnarled and twisted hands clasping the punting pole like a weapon, filled the warrior
with suspense and dread. While faceless, the old man emanated a strange power that was
accentuated by the still surroundings and whirling mists on the river. Nevertheless, the
warrior felt driven to step aboard this unusual solution to the problem of the crossing. Silently
the ferryman nodded, chuckled a little and hastily punted to the middle of the broad still
waters. Then he stopped amid an eerie stillness.
'Quite the warrior now, aren't we,' the ferryman sneered. 'Going to visit Nightshade with love,
I believe!' He cackled and nearly choked with cynical mirth. 'You foolish boy! Do you think
the World froze still while you were away? Do you honestly think that Night Shade was going
to stay still after you stole his property? What arrogance! What foolishness! What sheer
irresponsibility to go off and leave the princess with that she bear!' He spat this last out with
'Well, you fool, yesterday I gave Night Shade's warriors crossing on this very spot and I was
handsomely rewarded. What do you make of this?' He emptied the contents of his leather
pouch into his hand.
The young warrior's heart sank as he recognised the jewellery of the princess. The ferryman
shook the pouch again to reveal the signet ring that the warrior knew only death could remove

from the princess. There was also a necklace made from engraved bear claws; Mihalinka's.
The warrior felt horror and disbelief as the tears welled up in his eyes. Had it all been for
nothing. Suddenly he was filled with fury and leapt off the boat as it nudged the grassy
embankment. Quickly, he fashioned a spear and club in a nearby copse of trees and ran in a
mad frenzy. Night Shade was standing on a hilltop waiting for him as the young warrior
charged. Both could hear the mocking laughter of the ferryman in the distance.
Suddenly, Mihalinka's voice came to him.
'Two Legged, you are attacking yourself. Do not destroy what I love.'
The warrior froze in his tracks and looked Night Shade in the eye and there he saw something
that helped him turn from his deadly intent. He dropped his weapons and knelt on one knee.
'Father,' he said, 'I have come in peace and in love even though I know of your intent to kill
He noticed that the ferryman had grown silent and then, as if out of nowhere, the old man,
with the agility of youth, was upon them. Grabbing the downed weapons, he set upon Night
Shade and knocked him senseless.
'Now you fool!' He exclaimed between deep breaths from his exertion. 'Kill the murdering
Lord of Darkness or forever be damned as a coward, a weakling, and a boy never to be a
The images of his beloved princess and Mihalinka murdered by the Warriors of Darkness
incensed him once again and he grabbed the spear that the ferryman held to him. Then he
heard the princess speak.
'My prince,' she said gently. 'For what are you so consumed with duty to violate our father?
You have imagined the worst. Do you really believe that woman can so simply and easily be
destroyed by a war party? If you call down this manifestation it could happen in your
awareness but, if you refuse to call down this fear it will never happen. In some form,
Mihalinka and I will be alive to you always if you allow us to be. Remember your cave vigil
and your dreaming and remain true to your self.'
The ferryman saw the change come over the warrior and a fearsome fury seized every part of
the hidden being in the black robe.
'You opt for banal benevolence!' The ferryman shrieked in desperate fury. 'You deny my
acrimony!' Have you no brains at all? Must you always wither before the mantle of woman?
Well now you get what you deserve! Power of love! Humbug! Your power will be that of
being dust in an unmarked grave. Now you die!'
The ferryman had the club over the warrior's head and all was lost. The young man realised
helplessly that these were his last moments and he felt alone and confused. 'Where have I
gone wrong? Where did I fail in my dream quest to become a true warrior and a man of my
His sense of emptiness and doom were suddenly eclipsed when he heard a mighty thump
and the ferryman was driven like an arrow into the river where he disappeared into the deep.
In disbelief he looked up to see Night Shade, but instead of the dark baron, he saw a knight
wearing a white tunic emblazoned with the head of a water buffalo.
'My son', said the knight. 'Thank you!' They embraced as a great silence fell over the forest.
'My son, you have released me from the form of Night Shade; from fear and my tendency to
call down and manifest disaster in my world and to those around me. You see, behind my
power lay uncertainty and the need to protect everything by constantly working at the 'what if'
question. Now you have set me free to come from the real power, the power of courage that
is from the heart, the life centre, the pump house of life. This is a grounded place where
peace and calm can come naturally. It is here that I find decisive action. I shall walk by your
side and give you strength rather than death for all your days.'
As the knight spoke, their surroundings changed and the warrior realised that they had
returned to the glen. He shook his head to clear his mind and then saw a vision that made
him explode with joy. Walking towards him were Mihalinka and the princess smiling happily

and bearing another of those renowned forest feasts. The princess embraced the knight
while Mihalinka held the warriors hands. She held the young man at arms length, looked
deeply into him and then she embraced him. Shortly she made way and the princess gave
him a hug which was full of relief. He heard her voice repeating 'now we can be.'
He ate heartily and talked and laughed with his companions. He felt relief from his deep inner
burdens and it seemed that if he wished to do so, he could fly; so happy and so free did he
feel. As the feast progressed, and the sharing of recent events deepened his understanding,
he began to surrender to his weariness. He knew not when it happened, but he slid into a
sound slumber almost against his will.
'Leo,' called a kindly voice. 'Leo, wake up'
The warrior awoke and there stood the tribal holy man, Hallomarey looking down at him from
friendly eyes in an aged and wrinkled face. The warrior was stunned and he simply gazed at
this apparition from his childhood past. There stood everything he had respected; this gentle
mystic in his coarse brown woollen robe, bare feet and long white beard. He noted the
shoulder bag that Hallomarey carried was bulging with recent harvesting of forest medicines
and secret ingredients for healing. While the warrior collected himself sufficiently to sit up,
Hallomarey sat on the grass and looked into the forest while one hand found the prayer beads
which hung from his rope belt. The warrior had seen this natural and seeming absent-minded
act many times. He knew that this mystic was able to switch from the human reality to that of
the realm beyond and then back again with ease. He marvelled at the sight as the prayers
from this venerable man left silently on vapours of his breathing that, on this cold morning,
looked like puffs of incense from the sacred burner swinging on the end of a chain.
The warrior sat up and looked around him. His new friends were no where to be seen but
here and there he saw the unmistakable spoor of a bear as if one had actually walked around
him several times.
'Ah! I see that you are now awake,' cried Hallomarey with a glint of sheer joy in his eyes.
'Well, my son, you have been busy. No longer do I gaze upon a small boy but rather upon the
form which contains a true man. And now, Leo, you have found the resource of courage
which naturally abides in you and for which I named you as a babe; after our Sister Lion.
The two men shared in mind speak as a warm silence entered the morning air of a new and
wonderful day.
Hallomarey eventually stood, clasped his staff that had been leaning against a tree and led
the warrior to the river.
'Now we cross back to the world, my son. This time you do not meet Death in a ferry but
unaided you swim across. On the other side you return to us, your people as a boy no more
but as a man. While you swim in the water of life, you will leave your boyhood fears behind
and emerge with your new name.
The warrior stripped and left everything behind as he plunged into what his people called the
'River of Life'. As he swam, Hallomarey's voice came to him and told him always to listen to
his newfound companions. He realised that 'Leo' was the youth within who when joined with
his sister, Lea, made him complete in a manhood of harmony and balance. He realised that
Mihalinka was his truth speaker, Night Shade the father of his actions, and that the ferryman
was the ever-present alternate choice to life and living; Death.
He emerged on the far side and found an earth brown robe waiting for him with sandals and a
staff. Hallomarey had thought of everything. Now, like his mentor, he was to wear the symbol
of the Bear. He dressed and knelt before the mystic who simply laid hands on his head and
they both entered the quiet for a while.
'I welcome thee as son and brother to the tribe whose Bear raiment you now wear. I now
name thee as the whole person and man that thou art. I am commanded to name thee
Michael, which means 'who is like unto God.'
Michael looked up to find his family eagerly welcoming him home. He and Mihalinka
remained as one throughout the Earth Walk and wisdom and joy came naturally.

Masculine and Feminine. The first step in our growth to self-actualisation is to balance and
harmonise the masculine and feminine aspects. This process is often similar to the events in
the Legend. Our inner selves contain the animus (masculine component) and anima
(feminine component). In our story, we have Leo and Lea who are twins. The animus here
(Leo) is the hero, so our story's psyche is a male and thus we meet the balanced Michael. In
the process, Leo had to rescue (literally shake loose) Lea in his first quest. A woman in this
process would need to rescue her inner Leo.
Question 1.
a. List in your notebook what you understand as your masculine traits and, on another page,
what you understand as your feminine traits. Are you in touch with both? or, do you identify
with only one?
b. How can you get in touch with the other side (eg as a feminine with your masculine) to
allow balance in your view of life?
The Teachings of The Bear. Wisdom is not always expressed in words. 'A picture is worth a
thousand words'. Nature is full of symbolic expressions.
Question 2 What are Mihalinka and Hallomarey saying in their lifestyle, demeanours and
colours? Visualise both beings for a while in quiet and relaxed surroundings. Do not think too
much and let whatever comes into your head go on paper in the style of brainstorming.
Feminine Aspects. Our feminine, Anima reflects such aspects as nurturing, mothering,
caring, the intuitive, poetry in nature, beauty, the artistic, meaning, protecting/fostering life,
playful, curious, adventurous, assumes others are friendly, creates, space for others without
preconception or suspicion, enjoys and shares good fortune of others, inclusivity.
Masculine Aspects. Our masculine, Animus, is attracted to strength, power, control,
overcoming challenge, giving life, fathering, winning, survival, logical thought, protecting, tribal
belonging, rank, outward recognition, exclusivity.
ENVIRONMENT. Mihalinka and Hallomarey both live in the 'bush'. Here there are no distracters
of prestige, power play, control, maintenance of comfort zones, telephone, TV, computers.
Here we can get in touch with the spirit of:
a. Detachment. A detachment from our control mechanism in wealth and power and with
the status that goes with it. Note that the opposite is true of the baronial power of Nightshade
or the manipulations of the Ferryman.
b. Quiet Time to One Self. Making oneself available to the inner world by being detached
from outside relationships. This allows a relationship to grow within by making time and
space to look at the deepest sense of self.
c. Listen Deeply. An ability 'to listen deeply' is the Latin meaning of obedience. If we obey
the laws of Nature, we are listening deeply to the lessons to be taken from our natural
surroundings. Here we discern our needs and wants in the light of truth. We then go forth in
conviction and courage to achieve our destiny fully.
COLOURS. The costume of the Holy Man Hallomarey is earth brown with a white rope.
Mihalinka wears the same colour of earth brown and she carries white fur over her heart.
a. EARTH COLOUR. Damp/fertile soil; where we come from because every thing we eat comes
from the earth; Mother Earth; Mother to all humans and all animals and all plants and all rocks
etc. - we are brother and sister to all creation; this means peace, harmony, conflict resolution,
life in the context of others and the environment. Be earthy, earthed and humble (from Latin
humus for earth).
b. WHITE. Light; solar energy; the sun on which we depend for life, gravity, etc. like the life
Force we cannot do without it; we need exposure to it (like the trees lifting up their leaves
towards the sun).

Note 1. The points listed below are given as stimulants for personal interpretation of symbols
that are essentially the non-verbal communication of the sub conscious and unconscious
minds. Please minimise conscious/left brain style critique and enter a world of imagery.
Note 2. To avoid the distraction of dwelling on any one gender, the third person alternates
gender as we explore each animal symbol in turn.
To the Chinese, Boar symbolises courage, prosperity, and nobility. To the Japanese he is the
God of war. To the Celts he was a sacred beast who represented authority. To others, he is
an obscene glutton and a destroyer of agriculture. At the core of Boar, is a sense of authority
and power from an idea that he knows what is needed for the making of perfection on earth.
Boar puts out the image of being perfect and stores up anger and resentment at the
imperfection and injustice around him. He feels duty bound not to show his 'imperfect'
behaviours and so he can become unaware of the undercurrent of fury deep inside. When he
has not confronted this, Boar can be pompous, sarcastic, critical, judgmental, puritanical, and
his natural authority and power can be austere and frightening. The enlightened Boar,
however, can step back and let things be by recognising that everything is in a process of
growth and development in a pattern that is perfect. He can then express anger in a
constructive manner and be a reformer with compassion. When a positive Platypus
stimulates Boar he moves away from the pompous sermonising and settles down to enjoy the
celebration of life with a childlike sense of fun and an outlook that is full of hope. However,
never underestimate Boar as he is essentially an animal of the wild and can be violent and
destructive. On the other hand, Boars like Carl Jung, are stamped with profound tenderness
and love for humanity.
According to La Fontaine, there was once a mangy Wolf made up of nothing but skin and
bone, who met a sleek, healthy, beautiful, and powerful Dog. The Wolf would have gladly
swapped places with the Dog but this would mean being subject to the two legged. The Wolf
asked about the harness about the Dog's neck and was told that it was merely a collar to
keep her attached. Wolf was amazed at this surrender of needs and he turned back to the
wild where he remains free to this day. Dog, meanwhile, remains faithful and a compulsive do
gooder and surrenders her needs to be there for every whim of her two legged owner. Dog
likes to appear independent, self sufficient, and put together, but in fact, she is very
dependent on attention, approval, and appreciation from others. There is, therefore, a hook in
her devotion ...... there is a price to pay. Beware the door mat Dog. However, when she
connects to the power of Horse, she finds the strength in reality and not in the sentimental
vanity based fantasy. With Horse, she can see all as sacred and refined and she can be
generous and can recognise the talents, feelings, and gifts of others. Mother Theresa of
Calcutta is typical of the enlightened Dog who found her real power in being one with the
dying and the poor in a true sense of humility. Beware of Dog, for she remains a dangerous
carnivore who, when touched by snake, can go for power, become over masculine and
abrasive, with a need to win. In this state, she will despise weakness, she will not listen well,
and she will be attracted by revenge.
Scurrying here, hurrying there, disappearing into the underworld, reappearing at night,
surviving even when others do not, and able to be sleek and healthy when surrounded by
death and destruction. To the Japanese, the Rat was the god of wealth, to the Siberians, a
symbol of prosperity, to many Westerners a sign of squalor and disease to be feared. Rat is,
in fact, the image of success and efficiency. He hates failure and he needs achievement for
recognition. In this mode he can become over committed to appearances, deny his inner life
and become superficial, glitzy, aggressive, and deceitful. When Rat takes time and effort to
go deep within, he can find true peace in the ambience of Rabbit, a fellow hole dweller. With
Rabbit, he can, move from his self-centredness and learn to be cooperative, faithful, playful,
constant, and loyal. It is in this new ambience of responsibility and reverence that he
discovers truth. The problem is that many Rats do so well in duplicity and in the world of
superficiality, that they rarely feel motivated to befriend the earthy unglamorous Rabbit.
Instead they can touch the Water Buffalo when he is in the lazy procrastinating mode in the
wet season swamp. Here Rat is seduced to being stubborn, hopeless, non confrontational,
and powerless. However, remember the Buddhist Legend that when Buddha called the
twelve animals to him, the intelligent Rat was the first to respond.

The thoroughbred Horse prancing in the field with her coat gleaming and her mane and tail
streaming behind her in the wind is making her statement. Nothing is ordinary here. As she
shows off, she clearly says 'I am special, I am sensitive, I conform to elite standards.' Years
and generations of breeding ensure that she can show herself as refined ... an aristocrat
among animals. For all the harnessing of power of Horse and the domestication of her,
humankind has never truly dominated her. She has always demanded a relationship based
on profound, exalting, organic, and psychic harmony, (eg. the myth of the Centaur) or often
the alternative was death. By the same token, the face of Horse is melancholic. She can
look upon the world (Latin invidia means this and is the root of our word envy) and she sees
what others have and she can easily feel down. This comes from a poignant feeling that
there is something missing in her ... something others have. Often she has a sense of having
been abandoned in her childhood physically or psychologically. From this she seeks attention
through an air of suffering. She can become preoccupied with the extremes of tragedy and
the converse in exploding joy. Thus her moods can swing between two poles. When
enjoying the positive attributes of Boar, Horse can step out with power and state her
leadership in balance and harmony. Alternatively the dark side of Dog can capture her
melancholic and she becomes outward rather than inward looking, she puts herself down, she
becomes controlling and finds it hard to receive and is guilty about her needs. She then
adopts the Basset Hound look.
Descartes spoke for the Owl when he concluded 'I think, therefore I am.' Owl sat on the
shoulder of the goddess Athena to reveal unseen truths to her so that she could be the deity
of wisdom. Owl can be a loner who reaches out silently at night for his needs when no one
can see or hear him. It is difficult to deceive Owl because he has spent his life observing
everything with large eyes supported in an oversized head. He can know more about
another's inner life than that person knows about him or herself. It is thus easy for Owl to put
out his self image of perceptiveness and wisdom. To him truth is central and feelings are just
more information to get to the truth. He dreads looking foolish and he is always explaining
from a position detached from daily living and thus a place of objectivity. He finds
shallowness in others contemptible and easily labels 'fools' and 'idiots'. Owl can be too
distant from day to day life and with the need to fill the void left by the absence of hurly burly
experiences, he can become 'Scrooge like', live alone in the garret of the mansion, and sit
alone in the barn roof looking down on the world beneath. His nest can be full of bits He
avoids emptiness and has a avarice to fill himself up and a stinginess towards others. He can
feel an absence of meaning in himself and compensates this by seeking the meaning of life.
However, when touched by the positive power of Snake, Owl realises his prowess as a bird of
prey who comes from a position of strength to swoop into the world with a new found love of
challenge. Here he resonates with kinship and hard work with a strong, honest, 'lean on me'
approach to others. The objective thinker becomes popular and involved. If, however, he is
moved by a gluttonous Platypus, he can be impatient, selfish, talkative, an avoider of painful
issues and he can live in the idealised future back on his tree branch high above the issue.
Amerindian Legend has it that Rabbit is the Fear Caller. She calls out her fear and therefore,
attracts the very beings which bring the disasters she fears the most. The lesson is what you
resist will persist. It is said that up to forty percent of people come from their inner Rabbit
more than any other animal. Rabbit handles fear by obsessive loyalty to 'strong' leadership
and 'invincible' groupings. She surrenders her independence and natural deviousness to
orthodoxy and intense loyalty. There is much about the major institutions in the armed
services, religions, and government that reveal Rabbit's style. Even in a nation, her energy
can predominate in issues such as Australia's intense loyalty to the 'Mother country' up to the
1960's and then to USA (all the way with LBJ) during the Vietnam war. All of this was
because a small white settlement felt isolated in the Southern Hemisphere. Rabbit
understands fear like no one else but conversely, she also shows courage like no one else as
many tales of bravery from fearful people confirm. When Rabbit contemplates the power and
majesty of Water Buffalo, she moves naturally towards courage as she touches the essence
of being earthed, unflappable, calm and decisive. On the other hand, if she is bitten by Rat,
she can become stuck on the outer world of image making. Rabbit seems small and cute but
she twitches often with fear of what might happen. But if you want to see courage in a tight
corner, look no further. She will take a challenge to prove herself.

Platypus wears a permanent smile and he savours his life both in water and on land. He is
unconcerned about convention and confuses people who try to categorise him ... as a bird ...
as a marsupial ... as a mammal ... . Platypus just smiles, sniffs the scented air, expresses
freedom in a graceful swim and then becomes one with Mother Earth in his underground
home. Here he is always planning for the utopian future in which pursuit he is very
imaginative and compulsively creative. However, his plans and thoughts can tend to stay in
his head and he can be distracted by a good time. Indeed he is very nostalgic about good
times past and he will go out his way to another place to slurp a celebratory situation. He is a
bit of a glutton. He will avoid pain and suffering almost at all cost. On seeing a catastrophe
he will simply convert it to good as 'a necessary lesson' or the 'loving will of God'. When the
Boars trotter finds him through the mud of the creek bank, he can find his poisoned spur on
his hind-leg and express harsh explosive anger from a stance that is judgmental picky,
argumentative and driven. On the other hand, he finds his peace with a fellow loner near his
home, Owl. When these two connect in brotherhood and sisterhood he can be an excellent
listener instead of telling stories all the time. He can open up to curiosity, open mindedness,
patience and clear wisdom.
When Snake enters a situation every one notices and, often, with some dread. Even the non-
venomous snake, for all her intrinsic beauty, seems to bring out deep and innate fear.
However, despite all the immediate negative reactions, few animals have endured such a rich
array of symbolic significance. There is the Celtic circle made up of a snake biting her tail as
a statement of eternal renewal that is echoed in the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Then there is
the Chinese representation of wisdom and the Biblical story of Adam and Eve tempted by the
serpent. Another ancient symbol is where Hermes, the father of alchemy, used the sign of
two snakes entwining around a sword to represent healing. There, the complete acceptance
of masculine and feminine dynamic in an organism melds two into one creation. And here lies
the clue. It is when Snake over identifies with her masculine side that the vengeful fearsome
warrior dynamic puts fear into all. In this form she turns for power and sarcastically punishes
those in her way as she blindly rushes into a cause for justice and winning only to create
more injustice with the violence of it all. This is the ultimate macho state which both genders
can manifest. However, when Snake meets Dog, she is moved to the symbol and power
ordained by Hermes in healing in all its forms. Here she learns consideration, sensitivity,
compassion, and, indeed the elements of the feminine that balance the overstated masculine.
When she blends these elements of anima and animus, she becomes a being of true
innocence (from the Latin, into non-violence). However, if she finds her focus on a fellow
warrior in Owl, she can become a loner, uninvolved, stringy, tactless, and critical. It is in this
state that she can seize and use situations and people in a manner of transparent aggression
... a far cry from the symbol of Hermes.
The Water Buffalo stands in his wet season swamp in the Northern Territory and looks lazily
about with a haughty but slow air as he munches the dripping grass. In the heat and
humidity, Water Buffalo just takes things easy and lets nothing disturb him. In fact, it is here
that we see his laziness and avoidance of any form of conflict or bother ... he simply raises
his snout slowly and gazes down his nose with an attitude of why stand when you can sit and
why sit if you can lie down. He can have the 'what is the use of trying' attitude of
powerlessness. In this state, Water Buffalo seems to have the essence of power drained out
of him altogether. But do not be fooled. Once the easy going Water Buffalo takes action it is
decisive and powerful as the huge horns, muscle, and sheer mass are focused and brought
into play. In fact, when influenced by a well-adjusted Rat, Water Buffalo resonates with
confidence, action, enthusiasm, generosity, and articulate communication. He then becomes
decisive, grounded, relaxed, and kindly. On the other hand, when Rabbit hops lopsidedly into
his ambience he can be tempted towards inhibition based on fear and a belief in himself as a
walking failure. Soon he can be shy, indecisive and anxious. The sleepy looking Water
Buffalo becomes a magnificent and balanced being of grace and boldness when empowered
with the positive esteem he richly deserves. First however, he needs to stop believing the 'put
downs' he has experienced.

The "Hermitage" or "Vigil" by John Guy
1. Preliminaries:
a. A Leadership seminar or course is useful but not a mandatory
precursor of this Exercise.
b. The "Enneagram Workshop" is an essential precursor.
c. You will need your workbook, Legend of the Bear and a journal.
d. You will need to be prepared to go into the bush on your own in total
silence for an extended period in a spirit of simplicity and relatedness
to Nature.
e. Wear appropriate clothing, hat, sunscreen and take water and insect

2. Topography. Exercise WILDERNESS is usually conducted in quiet mountain

country where seclusion and majesty are guaranteed. For large groups, the exercise
area is divided into sectors. Note from the briefing the current situations with regard
a. water in creeks,
b. temperature/heat,
c. wind direction,
d. phase of moon,
e. sun up and sun down times,
f. location of tracks, and
g. location of sector and hermitage boundaries.

3. Mission. To focus.

4. Execution
a. General Outline. Participants will be placed out into areas that they
have selected and each will have space for solitude in sectors with a central
sector safety post with a Guide and then every one will be silent.

b. Tasks for the Participants:

(1) set up your hermitage space.
(2) be silent from start to finish;
(3) listen to the bush;
(4) star gaze (if a night is involved);
(5) study your work book if applicable,
(6) if so inclined, pray (see attached);
(7) write a journal,
(8) Answer the questions:
(a) What are my pro-active and reactive dynamics?
(b) Where is my centre?
(c) What am I?
(d) What is my "Aim in Life" or "Life Mission Statement"?
(e) What are my Goals?
(9) by process of rest, diet, and contemplation, re-create.

c. Tasks for the Staff:

(1) provide safety net in sectors and at Exercise Base;
(2) provide first aid post, unless each participant has a medical kit;
(3) complete rounds;
(4) be available for counselling and co-ordinate people needing to
see the Director;

(5) ensure that the discipline exists to allow an undisturbed quiet
for those participants who seek to fully complete the exercise; and
d. Coordinating Instructions: Note from the briefing the current
situations with regard to:
(1) coordination of the areas for sectors,
(2) coordination of the access routes to sectors,
(3) time for the start of Hermitage and silence,
(4) time for the end of Hermitage and silence,
(5) Director available for counselling,
(6) action in emergency - move to Guide - if immobile, use Cooee
system, and
(7) hermits to be positioned far/close/intermediate by choice

5. Administration and Logistics. : Note from the briefing the current situations
with regard to:
a. Ration plan and its use.
b. Rubbish to be carried out.
c. Water to be carried in - no re supply during exercise.
d. Leave area better than found with minimum impact.

6. Command and Control. Note from the briefing the current situations with
regard to:
a. Exercise Controller: The Director.
b. Sector Guides: Group Guides
c. Use of Bugle/Bell: For all back to Exercise Base.
e. Cooee System: As per Safety Instructions.
f. Hand Signals: Used to Guides/Director on rounds:
(1) Thumbs up : "OK".
(2) Thumb down: "Not OK".
(3) Patting head: "Come to me".
(4) Wave : "Hello".
g. Discipline: Anyone visiting another will be taken off the exercise.

7. Summary and Conclusion: The symbol of the Bear.

Relaxation Exercise
Use a grassed area with a clear view of the night sky or class of object (eg
trees). Use this time to relax and focus on the positives. Lie down in flat
grassy area, using ground sheets/raincoats if necessary. If accompanied, lie
double arm distance apart. Keep your head uphill, arms by the side, legs
flat/uncrossed and commence a relaxation exercise thus:
tense feet, relax
let weariness out through heels like water out of a jug
tense legs, relax
weariness out of heels
tense torso, relax
weariness out of heels, stress out of shoulder blades
tense arms and hands, relax
weariness out of heels and hands, stress out of shoulder blades
tense head/close eyes/clench teeth, relax, open eyes
weariness out of heels and hands, stress out of shoulder blades
Negative self concept out of back of head (eg. I can't do it, I am useless
Feel floating sensation of weightlessness take over from heavy
Star Gaze
Feel weightless like an astronaut
View the cosmos through the window of earth's atmosphere
You are travelling at 107 000 km/h, spinning on axis, moving around the sun
Sunship Earth is 4.5 billion years old, 5 billion to go
Concept of time and season from movement therefore time not an absolute
Super Nova takes 170,000 years for light to travel from it to us at approx.
300,000 Km/sec
Hugh distances - light years - black bits closest thing to forever than we will
see on this life -furthermost known object 6 billion light years away
Clock like order, stars used for Nav.
Huge energy in suns and planetary movement - beyond measure
Atomic/molecular structure of all matter like the cosmos
You are a cosmos
If the Cosmos is a miracle so are you
If the Cosmos is majestic and wonderful, so are you
If the Cosmos is full of power, then so are you
You are of a blueprint shared with all matter, the whole Cosmos - you belong,
you are not alone
Put downs and negatives are valueless.
For the Theist
God is not an old man in the clouds
Ponder the force, designer, maintainer, creator, and intelligence of the
This Being wants a personal love relationship with you

Listening to the Bush.
This involves a 'sacred site' where you can focus on a class of object, such as
trees, and then go through a relaxation exercise stilling the mind and body
and allowing the non verbal mind some scope with the language of feelings
and symbols. Listen and observe for an hour or more. Use the relaxation
exercise from Star Gazing as a lead in if you want to. If there is a particular
matter you want to resolve, ask your 'inner committee' to consider it before
you start the relaxation exercise and then 'switch off'. You may have to go
through the process several times over several days before getting the
answer in some form or another. This is like 'sleeping on the problem' and
waking up with the solution to something the conscious mind could not
resolve. Be open to analysing symbols in the latter part of this exercise for
the answers you seek. Often it is simply a matter of following your hunches.
Do not be surprised if you feel some intense emotions during this time as
feelings are an integral part of the sub conscious process. So if you feel like
crying or laughing, do it with fullness and freedom. Keep a diary or journal
and record your thoughts and feelings. After a while you may be surprised at
the matrix of the workings of your inner being and mind.

stretch / sit up slowly / stand slowly
consider uses of the technique (dealing with stress, depression, gaining
positive views)
relate the technique to day or night time use
relaxation and star gazing as prayer in listening to the bush

INTRODUCTION. Through Star Gazing and similar activities, we can become aware
of something which is beyond us in power, size, intellect, age....and yet is within and
around us. It is here that we can discover our roots, our meaning and our purpose.
Dialogue with this element of reality is, therefore, a positive and meaningful activity
but one where we can feel awkward as the "other party" seems invisible. Yet in the
bush, facing an awesome sunset, or a piece of majestic scenery, or a star studded
sky, such dialogue can be strangely "natural". The thoughts presented here are a
suggestion only as there is no "correct" or "perfect" format. Whatever one does is
personal and need only to have meaning to the person doing it.
SILENT SPEAKING. In the bush, we often find that we have the space and the
mood to just stop and be. This type of thing is formally introduced in Star Gazing.
Given that 90% of our brainpower is none verbal, our minds and our consequent
awareness can be intensely busy even when the conscious 10% is relatively quiet.
In fact, it is this "outer quiet" which allows us to become more aware of the sub
conscious "thoughts" and processes. This is like seeing someone, recognising the
face and not remembering the name though "it is on the tip of the tongue", and then
doing something quite different where the name comes to you. It is in this quiet that
the bulk of our mind connects problems to solutions and so it is that we can connect
to the nature of our selves at the deepest of levels and to the essence of the "Force
in the Universe".
• Present Who You Are. Look within and present who you are honestly. So if you
are feeling great, express this. If you are feeling lousy, present this. Hypocrisy
has no place here. You can use symbols, posture, words, dress etc to do this.
• Be Still and Silent. Make your self comfortable and practice a relaxation
exercise. However, ensure that your posture reflects alertness not slouching.
Focus on a class of object in Nature in front of you or in your imagination, and let
go of conscious thought.....go into "nothingness" and stay there for a while. After
some time, you may find solutions, inspirational thoughts/concepts or images
coming to you. Do not rush at this. Just be with what is presented. After a while,
you may be moved to think consciously about what you have been presented
with eg analysing a symbol. If nothing comes, enjoy the "sounds of silence" and
just be with you, letting re-creation take place at every level.
• Have a Yarn. If the need to talk arises, do so in any style that suits you. Some
find it nice to chat as if to a mate in the bush sitting opposite. Some want some
words from inspirational literature like the Bible and others use a form taught,
perhaps, in childhood like The Lord's Prayer. Whatever the form, try to use both
the verbal and none verbal aspects by pausing to reflect on words or by such
forms as writing down some concerns or the names of those who are hurting you
and then "offering" these to "a higher power" by burning the writings while asking
for help to find solutions or to forgive etc. The use of affirmations are good here
especially as "an ending with a blessing". An example of a "yarn" using the
Lord's Prayer is on the next page.

Please note that this is offered in the belief that the “Lord’s Prayer” is universal and
so, whatever your religious or non religious views, the concepts offered below can
have meaning. If something does not fit with your truth, simply move onto the next
point. If it as no fit overall, ignore what follows.
Our.....with every star, solar system, universe, and galaxy. Our....with every human
of every race and creed past, present ant to come. Our....with every animal, plant,
rock and grain of soil. Our....with every living and none living thing.
OUR........Aloneness, loneliness and not belonging are just not true., unconditional, forgiving, needed,
from whom every thing worth while comes in security, love, and meaning. A parent to
every thing in the Universe and beyond; Sister Moon, Brother Sun and Sister Mother
Earth......We are related to everything and so love and reverence of ourselves, other
people and all creation is the way to go.
Hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on Earth as it is in
Heaven.......May our Parent be honoured, loved and served always as this is to put
the power of love before all else. Let the power of love succeed in everything and
drive the way we do things in our lives here on Earth. Let us make it Heaven all the
way to Heaven. Here is where we find faith, hope and love............. all from the
essence and power of love.
Give us this day our daily bread.......Give us what we truly need in food, shelter,
water, safety, love, and growth to our full potential and destiny. Give us the key to
this in love of self and then of others. Help us keep in touch with our dignity as
human beings created in your image.
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.....Love of
self and others means not judging, removing our faults before we correct others, and
not carrying a bag of resentments. This is so hard as it seems natural to put others
down and to hit back at those who hurt us. Some things seem impossible to forgive
and yet, when we do not it is us, not our enemies, who pay as we become twisted,
stunted, unhealthy, and unhappy inside. Help us to unburden ourselves of our hate,
our vengeance, and our resentments by forgiving so that we can go forwards happily
and freely. Help us to see that people are not bad, only behaviour can be.
Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil........Lead us away from reactive
behaviour where our ego is in control and we lose our freedom to act from a place of
caring and love....Help us find the purpose, the courage, and the will to be pro-active
from a place of personal love and dignity and deliver us from hating ourselves and
reflecting this in pushing evil in put downs, violence and emotional and spiritual
death. We ask this, for with you is the strength, the power and the glory to be fully
the great human beings we were made by you to be.


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