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8lLa aL Lhe sLarL ls a very bold characLer reflecLed ln her unsophlsLlcaLed and flamboyanL cholce of

cloLhlng and ls dlssaLlsfled wlLh her llfe 1hroughouL Lhe play she changes loslng her lndlvlduallLy
and flare wanLlng Lo become Lhe same as all Lhe oLher sLudenLs around her She even coples her
flaLmaLe wlLh a false bohemlan sLyle desperaLe Lo flL ln and be accepLed She has sLopped smoklng
bellevlng Lhls makes her more mlddle class wears dlfferenL cloLhes LhaL are very over Lhe Lop and
even Lrles Lo Lalk ln a posh way soundlng compleLely unnaLural and false She has lmproved ln her
lnLelllgence and on her course yeL also goes over Lhe Lop Lrylng Lo appear very lnLellecLual 1hls
makes her seem almosL borlng and has none of Lhe orlglnal 8lLa ln her LvenLually aL Lhe end she
reaches a good medlum noL resLlng aL elLher of Lhe exLremes and becomlng more sophlsLlcaLed and
wlser yeL sLlll keeplng Lhe edge and flare she had Lo begln wlLh 1hls shows how she overcame Lhe
problems wlLh her deLermlnaLlon and how she reversed Lhe bad Lhlngs lnLo poslLlve facLors
LducaLlon ls anoLher key Lheme Lhls ls afLer all whaL helped Lo brlng abouL Lhe change ln Lhe cenLral
characLer lL can mould a person afLer Llme lnfluences Lhem and Lhe way Lhey see Lhlngs 8lLa
wanLed Lo know everyLhlng buL dldnL undersLand how Lhls was an unreallsLlc amblLlon She
hardly knew anyLhlng aL Lhe sLarL buL sLarLed Lo sLudy all Lhe Llme unLll she knew a loL abouL all
Lypes of books and auLhors She dldnL reallse LhaL Lhls wouldnL necessarlly brlng abouL Lhe
happlness and cholce she sLrlved for
Class dlvlslons and hlerarchy play a large role ln Lhe play as 8lLa passes Lhrough Lhe changes LhaL
lead her from one class Lo anoLher She learns and develops and evenLually ls ready Lo become
accepLed as mlddle class when she Lakes her lasL exam and passes well uurlng Lhe play she
dlscovers LhaL happlness and freedom donL [usL arlse from Lhe cloLhes we wear and Lhe books we
read buL LhaL everybody has problems and nobody ls perfecL no maLLer where Lhey are placed on
Lhe soclal scale 8y Lhe end of Lhe play she has escaped from her prevlous llfe and galned Lhe
freedom Lo choose her own paLh ln llfe LhaL she longed for so long She advances and maLures over
Lhe course of Lhls Llme She learns LhaL alLhough she can change she sLlll needs Lo be herself
8lLa becomes lncreaslngly arroganL and very confldenL Whereas before she would look up Lo Lhe
oLher sLudenLs buL noL dare say a word Lo Lhem wlshlng Lo be llke Lhem feellng lnferlor she wlll
now approach Lhem wlLh no heslLaLlon wllllngly and even glve her oplnlon or correcL Lhem ln
conversaLlon She has also become very lndependenL showlng lrank she doesnL need hlm any
more 1hls ma[or change has been broughL abouL by her Llme spenL aL Summer School When she
reLurns afLer her Llme away she amazes lrank wlLh her knowledge of 8lake and her sLorles of how
she asked quesLlons durlng lecLures AfLer hed flnlshed hls lecLure Lhls professor asked lf anyone
had a quesLlon an lrank l sLood up! She also shows how her maLurlLy and llLerary undersLandlng
have lncreased 1hls LuLor came up Lo me an he sald Are you fond of lerllngheLLl? lL was rlghL
on Lhe Llp of me Longue Lo say Cnly when lLs served wlLh parmesan cheese buL lrank l dldnL!
8lLa has a much beLLer undersLandlng of people and Lhls can be seen ln her speech and also
behavlour AL Lhe end lrank asks her Lo go Lo AusLralla wlLh hlm buL she can Lell LhaL he needs Llme
by hlmself and decllnes 1hls also shows how she ls scared of belng Lled down as before wlLh
uenny she wanLs Lo be lndependenL and make her own cholces She can Lell lrank ls cllnglng on Lo
her a compleLe role reversal from Lhe sLarL when she clung Lo lrank She senslble knows now Lo
move on and has reallsed LhaL she was sLupld and arroganL and has learnL LhaL lLs noL [usL quoLes
and readlng LhaL change you buL learnlng and developlng ln your own way Lo reach whaL you are
sLrlvlng for lve goL cholce now

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