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Adam Behnke Communication and Diversity Dr. Emily Langan 02 March 2010 What I Will Do to Stop Gendered Violence Though some are capable of large-scale, specific initiatives because of his or her position of authority or extensive circle-of-influence, I reside on a floor of 24 college men of whom I am relatively equal in stature and status to. Consequently, my plan to reduce sexual harassment is conducive to my environment. I do live on a floor at Wheaton College in a severely Christian environment, but the men at Wheaton College are by no means innocent in their views on women and in their interactions with women. In the following essay I will explain how affirmation of womens human nature stems the tide of sexual harassment. More specifically, I want to focus this approach towards stopping mens viewing of pornography and ending any use of the word rape in a casual way. In academia the term pornography implies some sort of violent sexual encounter, but for this essay I will use pornography in its larger meaning of the viewing of nude individuals engaging in sexual acts. Sexual harassment is unwelcome verbal or nonverbal behavior of a sexual nature. Though sexual harassment is not common at Wheaton College, the habits many men form while living here surely can doom their interactions with women in the future. It is difficult in our current state of media to completely avoid sexualized images or women, but many men do not even make an attempt. However it is imperative to try. Pornography alters mens perception of women by stripping women of their human nature. The women becomes a spectacle, and

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viewing them involves as much interaction as does a video of animals. This includes pornography in all of its forms, soft or hard. Pornography is almost guaranteed in R-rated films, common in PG-13, and even present in some PG movies. In my experience thus far at Wheaton, men do view pornography. Because of the internet filter, men do very little in monitoring their brothers media consumption. Even though explicit websites are blocked by the colleges internet filter, men still find sexual material on the internet, as well as in movies and pictures. Many think that only the extreme forms pornography are detrimental, so lesser ones are mindlessly but excitedly consumed. Unfortunately, whenever one enjoys media where a woman is reduced to simply her attractive body, the results are far-reaching. Judging a woman solely by her outward appearance eliminates all other attributes of her being, and in essence takes away her human nature. Such behaviors must stop or an attitude of disrespect towards women will be present and set the stage for sexual harassment. I propose two strategies to restore womens human nature in mens minds and therefore prevent any future sexual harassment. I will be an RA next year, and I want to try this tactic to hit pornography hard: a video of women from Wheaton who attack pornography and passionately/directly urge the men of Wheaton to reject pornography. A personal appeal to the men of Wheaton from women they interact with everyday gives character and depth to women in general. Just as pornography affects how men perceive all women, so also an impassioned video from the women of Wheaton has the potential to realign mens minds towards valuing anew all women. For sexual harassment stems from a devaluing of women, and until this ends, sexual harassment will not end.

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My second plan also seeks to change a pattern that lays the groundwork for future sexual harassment. It is common to hear a male student leaving a test say, I raped that test! or I just got raped. This language extends to the arena of competition as well. I hate this! For my English 103 Writing research paper I chose the Congo, a place referred to as the Rape Capitol of the World. The stories I read are terrible and horrifying, because rape is terrible and horrifying. My fear is that when men use the word rape outside of describing this horrific experience, they downplay this violent and aggressive action and further ignore how it shatters thousands of womens lives each week. If rape is not a respected topic, but rather a descriptor for a humorous phrase, than the violence and aggressive action of the real rape is raised closer and closer to acceptable. I realize this is a controversial statement, but I believe such desensitization and association gives violence and aggressive sexual action a stronghold in our lives. This is implicit in the casual or humorous uttering of rape, and the effects are negative and serious regardless of their future manifestation, whether it be in sexual harassment, overt gendered violence, or Godforbid, rape itself. Thank you for allowing this exploration of ways to stop Gendered Violence! I realize you believe I am brown-nosing, but this forced contemplation convicted me on many levels concerning how certain habits will hurt women in the future. On these two issues, the large one of pornography, the smaller one of rape, I will act. And I am excited! I get a great opportunity as an RA next year, and hopefully some sort of video will be made. Lauren Harlow will be an RA on the floor below me and I am excited to discuss it with her. Please tell me if you think such a video would be effective.

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