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Software Requirement Specification Of



Submitted in partial IulIilment oI the requirement oI
Uttarakhand Technical University, Dehradun
For the degree oI
B. Tech
Computer Science and Engineering

Under the guidance of
Miss. Ena 1ain
Computer Science Department

Submitted By Submitted To:
Bhashkara Nand Joshi(99070101142) Mr.SuneetChaudhary
Gaurav Pande(99070101144) Asst. ProIessor
Kamal Singh Jalal(99070101144) Computer Science Department
Prakash Thapa(99070101147)

Department Of Computer Science and Engineering
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.............................................................................................
1.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................................
1.2Document Conventions................................................................................................
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions.............................................................
1.4 Project Scope...............................................................................................................
2. Overall Description..................................................................................
2.1 Product Perspective.....................................................................................................
2.2 Product Feature.............................................................................................................
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics.................................................................................
2.4Operating Environment................................................................................................
2.5 Design and Implementation Constrain........................................................................
2.6User Document..............................................................................................................
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies......................................................................
3. External Interface Requirements...........................................................
3.1 User InterIaces.............................................................................................................
3.2 Hardware InterIaces.....................................................................................................
3.3SoItware InterIaces........................................................................................
4. Other Non-functional Requirements......................................................
4.1 PerIormance Requirements..........................................................................................
4.2SaIety Requirements.....................................................................................................
4.3 Security Requirements..................................................................................
5. Other Requirements................................................................................
6. References........................

1. Introduction

One oI the reasons that intruders can be successIul is the most oI the inIormation they acquire
Irom a system is in a Iorm that they can read and comprehend. Intruders may reveal the
inIormation to others, modiIy it to misrepresent an individual or organization, or use it to
launch an attack. One solution to this problem is, through the use oI steganography.
Steganography is a technique oI hiding inIormation in digital media. In contrast to
cryptography, it is not to keep others Irom knowing the hidden inIormation but it is to keep
others Irom thinking that the inIormation even exists.
Steganography become more important as more people join the cyberspace revolution.
Steganography is the art oI concealing inIormation in ways that prevents the detection oI
hidden messages. Steganography include an array oI secret communication methods that hide
the message Irom being seen or discovered.
Due to advances in ICT, most oI inIormation is kept electronically. Consequently, the
security oI inIormation has become a Iundamental issue. Besides cryptography,
streganography can be employed to secure inIormation. In cryptography, the message or
encrypted message is embedded in a digital host beIore passing it through the network, thus
the existence oI the message is unknown. Besides hiding data Ior conIidentiality, this
approach oI inIormation hiding can be extended to copyright protection Ior digital media:
audio, video and images.
The growing possibilities oI modern communications need the special means oI security
especially on computer network. The network security is becoming more important as the
number oI data being exchanged on the internet increases. ThereIore, the conIidentiality and
data integrity are requires to protect against unauthorized access and use. This has resulted in
an explosive growth oI the Iield oI inIormation hiding. Steganography hide the secrete
message within the host data set and presence imperceptible and is to be reliably
communicated to a receiver. The host data set is purposely corrupted, but in a covert way,
designed to be invisible to an inIormation analysis.

Document Purpose.
The purpose oI the document is to highlight the various aspects oI the project which is to be
developed under the speciIied standards. The document is Iormatted as per the standard to
make and highlight the Ieatures in an eIIicient manner
Product Scope
This project is developed Ior hiding inIormation in any image Iile. The scope oI the project is
implementation oI steganography tools Ior hiding inIormation includes any type oI
inIormation Iile and image Iiles and the path where the user wants to save Image and
extruded Iile.

Intended Audience and Document Overview
The document listed here is intended Ior the developer oI the security system , the
administrator oI the govt .. the testing team ,the college administrator (the
proIIersors,guide,and the mentor)

The SRS is also useIul the developer who wish to develop their own Implantations oI
Steganography.They can use SRS as directly to enhance the implement SoItware ormay
develop a new SoItware right Irom scratch.

Because the soItware is bulky and large in size,all the testers testing the Stegomagic soItware
should read SRS careIully to go through all the paths oI the soItware during testing.

The SRS is also knowledgeable Ior the students to get the inIormation about Steganography.
They can reIer our SRS, SDD and Project Report to get an overview oI Stegnography.
The SRS here is deIined in the Iormat prescribed by IEEE and the document is organised in a
manner as to make sure that the reader gets the complete insight oI what is to be delivered.
The initial portions oI the document presents the general introduction, deIinitions,
abbreviations, the middle portions highlighting the Iunctionality and the overall description,
and the speciIic requirements clearly mentioning the dependencies and other requirements,
usage oI diagrams is also done where it is required. The sections covered are equally
important to all the readers and intended users oI the application.
Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations
Steganography is the art oI hiding the Iact that communication is taking place, by hiding
inIormation in other inIormation. Many diIIerent carrier Iile
Encryption is the conversion oI data into a Iorm, called a cipher text that cannot be easily
understood by unauthorized people.
Decryption is the conversion oI cipher text into plaintext that can be easily understood by
Document Conventions
In general this document Iollows the IEEE Iormatting requirements. We have used 'Times
New Roman size 12 throughout the document Ior text ,used italics Ior comments.
Document text should be single spaced and maintain the 1 margins Iound in this document.
The headings are also in Arial Iont but are bold and have size 14. The major headings are
highlighted to make them visible apart Irom the normal text

2. Overall Description

2.1 Product Perspective

The project originated as the Iinal year project to be submitted Ior the IulIillment oI B Tech
degree course, Steganography is the art oI hiding the Iact that communication is taking place,
by hiding inIormation in other inIormation. Many diIIerent carrier Iile Iormats can be used,
but digital images are the most popular because oI their Irequency on the internet. For hiding
secret inIormation in images, there exists a large variety oI steganography techniques some
are more complex than others and all oI them have respective strong and weak points.
DiIIerent applications may require absolute invisibility oI the secret inIormation, while others
require a large secret message to be hidden. This project give an overview oI image
steganography, its uses and techniques. It also attempts to identiIy the requirements oI a good
steganography algorithm and brieIly reIlects on which steganographic techniques are more
suitable Ior which applications.

The graphical representation oI this system is as Iollows:

5tart App!IcatInn

Inago fiIo
MI inago fiIo
Inago Mossago fiIo


Message flle

Product Features
O Carrier File image Iile
O File Iormat are supported
O Hidden Object can be a text Iile
O Hidden Iiles can be oI any Iormat
O Encryption in supported
O Compression is supported
O Multiple hidden Iiles can be stored in a single carrier Iile iI the size permit
O Past steganographic task can be viewed by the help oI log Iile
O Schedular is also available
O Look oI the soItware can be changed at runtime
O Context Sensitive is Present
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics
User: They can perIorm the Steganographic task and have control over the user
management and log Iile.

2.4 Operating Environment
Operating System: Win Xp,2000,98,vista,windoes7
Software Requirement`s : C#,.net Framework 3.5
Hardware Requirement: 256mb ram RAM or higher,10mb disk space screen

Steganography System requires any type oI Iile in a deIinte place oI image. We could save
Iile name beIore Iile inIormation in LSB layer and save Steganography system requires any
type oI image Iile and the inIormation or message that is to be hidden. It has two modules
encrypt and decrypt.

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints
MicrosoIt .Net Iramework prepares a huge amount oI tool and options Ior programmers that
they simples programming. One oI .Net tools Ior pictures and images is auto-converting most
types oI pictures to BMP Iormat. I used this tool in this soItware called 'Steganography that
is written in C#.Net language and you can use this soItware to hide your inIormation in any
type oI pictures without any converting its Iormat to BMP (soItware converts inside it).
The algorithm used Ior Encryption and Decryption in this application provides using several
layers lieu oI using only LSB layer oI image. Writing data starts Irom last layer (8st or LSB
layer); because signiIicant oI this layer is least and every upper layer has doubled signiIicant
Irom its down layer. So every step we go to upper layer image quality decreases and image
retouching transpires.
The encrypt module is used to hide inIormation into the image; no one can see that
inIormation or Iile. This module requires any type oI image and message and gives the only
one image Iile in destination.
The decrypt module is used to get the hidden inIormation in an image Iile. It take the image
Iile as an output, and give two Iile at destination Iolder, one is the same image Iile and
another is the message Iile that is hidden it that.
BeIore encrypting Iile inside image we must save name and size Iile size and Iile name size
in most right-down pixels oI image. Writing this inIormation is needed to retrieve Iile Irom
encrypted image in decryption state.
2.6 User Documentation
Installation Guide, User Manual and Help File are provided separately with the product.
Context sensitive help in integrated implicitly with the Product.

2.7Assumption and Dependencies:
O 2 GB or higher storage required.
O II project runs in diIIerent location the project may not run correctly.

O Operating System is only one oI NT Iamily.

3.External Interface Requirements
3.1 User Interfaces:
It provides various Ieatures to user about the mode oI use oI soItware. User can choose text,
image option and can do work on it. It also provides various other Ieatures like user
management, compression , encryption,decryption, Iile.
3.2 Hardware Interfaces:
Apart Irom the recommended conIiguration no other speciIic hardware is required to run the
3.3 Software Interfaces:
O C#
O .Net Framework 3.5

4. Other Nonfunctional Requirements
4.1 Performance Requirements
O The RAM should be 128 mb at least. But 256 Mb RAM is Recommended.
O The disk space required to strore the soItware is 20 Mb and to store the output Iiles.
4.2 Safety Requirements
O The size constraints have to be evaluated by the end user only.
O The soItware does not check Ior the size constraint. This is done to enhance the
perIormance oI the soItware in terms oI speed.
O In case size oI hidden object exceeds the max. Allowable size that can be
hidden, the extra inIormation is truncated. The part oI hidden object oI size
equal to maximum possible size is stored in carrier Iile.
O The size oI hidden object that can be stored in a carrier Iile depends on the
carrier Iile size and type oI Steganographic task.
O The screen resolution should be set to 1027x768 or higher to get the complete
view oI the soItware. In case oI lower screen resolution, the soItware not only
looks awkward but also not completely visible.
4.3 Security Requirements
O Application should not be open Ior public.
O In Encryption and decryption should be used same application.

5. Other Requirements:
There are no Iurther requirements other than the speciIied in this SRS under
diIIerent headings.

6. References
Following websites are reIerring to create this project reports.
Following books and eBooks are used to complete this project reports:
O Mastering C# (Paperback)
O SQL Server Bible (Paperback)
O .NET Black Book (Paperback)
O ProIessional C#, 2nd Edition (Paperback)
O ProIessional ASP.NET (Paperback)
O MCAD/MCSD SelI-Paced Training Kit: Developing Web Applications with MicrosoIt
Visual Basic .NET and MicrosoIt Visual C# .NET, Second Edition
O MCAD/MCSE/MCDBA SelI-Paced Training Kit: MicrosoIt SQL Server 2000 Database
Design and Implementation, Exam 70-229, Second Edition

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