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Slnce 1990 Lhe world of lnLerneL has seen a revoluLlon ln Lechnologles drlvlng Lhe
dlglLal world 1990's began wlLh Lhe age of !AvA (Cracle2011) whlch redeflned
Lhe word plaLform lndependence and lnLerneL ln general WlLh Lhe advenL and
use of !ava lnLerneL became a common ground for sharlng ldeas and hosLlng web
pages lrrespecLlve of Lhe sofLware and hardware employed across Lhe web world
!ava Loday has a comprehenslve range of Lechnologles Lo offer Lo caLer Lo sLand
alone appllcaLlons Lo fully blown enLerprlse level sysLems lmplemenLed and
deployed over dlfferenL compuLers or servers across dlfferenL neLworks and sLlll
work seamlessly wlLh all Lhe feaLures of aglllLy scalablllLy and plaLform
lndependence 1hls pro[ecL would be an aLLempL Lo lmplemenL a LhreeLler
archlLecLure of !ava Lechnologles uslng !S (Cracle !S2011) Apache1omcaL
(apache2011)and xML Lo fully undersLand and lmplemenL a soluLlon for a 8ooks

1he pro[ecL relles on core !ava Lechnologles llke Lhe !ava 8unLlme LnvlronmenL
Lo server slde Lechnologles llke Apache1omcaL !ava server pages (!S)cllenL slde
scrlpLlng meLhodology llke !ava ScrlpL and P1ML and xML
1he funcLlonal 8equlremenLs of Lhe WebslLe would be Lhe followlng
1 1he flrsL page or Lhe lndexhLml web page wlll conLaln Lhe web form Lo
accepL user deLalls llke Lhe user name and password Lo auLhenLlcaLe Lhe
valldlLy of Lhe user Cnly users who are ellglble Lo logln wlll be allowed Lo do
so and Lhls page ensures no unauLhorlzed users are allowed Lo log on Lhe
followlng pages of Lhe webslLe

2 1he lndexhLml flle ls embedded wlLh !avaScrlpL code Lo make sure Lhe user
does enLer deLalls ln Lhe LexL boxes provlded for Lhe username and
password lf Lhe user sklps any of Lhese Lhe scrlpL dlsplays a message saylng
so and would reLurn Lhe focus of Lhe page Lo Lhe LexLbox sklpped

3 lf Lhe user enLers username and password and cllcks submlL buLLon Lhe page
wlll be redlrecLed Lo Lhe logln[sp flle whlch wlll check Lhe auLhenLlclLy of Lhe
username and password 1he username and passwords are sLored ln Lhe
8ooks daLabase of MySCL server 1he [sp flle wlll check Lhe correcLness of
Lhe username and password agalnsL Lhe username and password columns ln
Lhe Lable users

4 A successful logln wlll resulL ln Lhe nexL page belng SearchbookshLml whlch
wlll allow Lhe user Lo fllLer 8ooks caLalogue lnformaLlon and dlsplay lL based
on Lhe user selecLlon

3 A logouL opLlon ls provlded ln Lhe pages excepL Lhe lndexhLml for a
successful closlng of Lhe logln sesslon and wlll be redlrecLed Lo Lhe
lndexhLml page

6 1he user selecLlon ls gaLhered ln an xML flle from Lhe daLaseL one row aL a
Llme 1he daLa ls collecLed from Lhe daLabase and sLored ln an xML fllewhlch
wlll be named by Lhe daLe and Llme of creaLlon of Lhe flle 1he pro[ecL relles
on Search8ean[ava whlch ls a bean flle whlch reLrleves Lhe records and helps
Search[sp Lo creaLe Lhe xml flle uslng prewrlLLen xSL codes and ls evenLually
send Lo Lhe cllenL or Lhe fronL page

7 1he resulLanL daLa ls Lhen presenLed Lo Lhe cllenL uslng xml and hLml scrlpLs
on Lhe resulLanL page

SoluLlon analysls
1o lmplemenL Lhe webslLe Lhe pro[ecL requlres Lo analyze Lhe daLa flow of Lhe
whole process lnvolved from Lhe logglng ln Lo logglng ouL 1hls could be besL
descrlbed uslng a use case dlagram as follows

SofLware ueslgn

1he webslLe ls deslgned wlLh Lhe ldea Lo supporL any plaLform
lrrespecLlve of Lhe hardware and sofLware ln use 1he web pages would be able Lo
be dlsplayed on any web browser

1he pro[ecL proposes Lo use WaLerfall meLhod Lo lmplemenL Lhe 8ooks
web sLore As ln Lhe waLerfall meLhod Lhe web sLore wlll be developed ln a flow
from Lhe concepLual sLage Lo Lhe flnal lmplemenLaLlon and malnLenance1he web
server used ln Lhe process wlll be Apache ln order Lo caLer Lo dynamlc
requesLsLhe web server whlch can only process sLaLlc pages on lLs ownwlll be
powered by 1omcaL whlch works as a conLroller Lo help Apache serve dynamlc
requesLs on Lhe fly1he pro[ecL relles on Lhe concepL of Servlce CrlenLed
ArchlLecLure (SCA2011) where Lhe buslness loglc wlll be provlded over a web
lnLerface as a servlce 1he also lncorporaLes a Lhree Ller archlLecLure where Lhe
presenLaLlon parL ls Laken care by Lhe web browser(hLml)buslness loglc by Lhe
!S flles on Lhe 1omcaL server and daLa parL by Lhe MySql (MySql2011) daLabase
!S wlll be used Lo auLhenLlcaLe Lhe valldlLy of user credenLlals and wlll
make sure LhaL only auLhorlzed users are allowed Lo logln1hus !S wlll Lake care
of Lhe buslness loglc of Lhe whole pro[ecL
1he pro[ecL rely on open source 8elaLlonal uaLabase ManagemenL
SysLem(8u8MS) Mysql for sLorlng daLa and wlll caLer Lo all Lhe daLa requlremenLs
of Lhe pro[ecL LveryLlme Lhe [sp pages connecL Lo Lhe daLabase lL wlll use Lhe
proprleLary mysql [dbc drlver Lo feLch and wrlLe daLa on Lo Lhe Lables

1he so feLched daLa wlll be wrlLLen Lo an xml flle and wlll be
dynamlcally presenLed on Lhe web browser uslng an xSL flle (8ooksSLorexsl)

A dlagrammaLlc represenLaLlon of how Lhe sofLware archlLecLure(MvC) works ln
Lhe conLexL of Lhls pro[ecL works ls shown below

1esLlng And LvaluaLlon

lL ls very lmporLanL Lo make sure LhaL Lhe 8ooks web sLore works flawlessly and
under no clrcumsLances ls prone Lo errors and bugs lor Lhls Lhe followlng sLeps
wlll be lncorporaLed as parL of Lhe LesLlng and evaluaLlon process

1 ln order Lo make sure LhaL Lhe user enLer boLh username and password ln
Lhe lndexhLmla [avascrlpL ls embedded so LhaL Lhe user does noL sklp any
of Lhese parameLers and everyLlme Lhe user mlsses any of Lhese
LexLboxesa [avascrlpL dlalog box appears requesLlng Lhe user Lo enLer Lhe
relevanL deLalls

2 1he pro[ecL wlll be LesLed many Llmes wlLh daLa ln order Lo make sure lL
works seamlessly and wlLhouL any errors

3 uaLa based on all posslble crlLerla was feLched from Lhe daLa base ln order
Lo make sure LhaL Lhe mysql daLabase and [dbc drlver work wlLhouL any

4 Lvery Llme a successful logln was recorded and a search madelL was
checked lf Lhe daLa ls wrlLLen on Lo Lhe xml flle and Lhen presenLed uslng
Lhe xsl flle on Lo Lhe cllenL

ueveloplng a 8ooks webslLe allowed me Lo learn hlgh level programmlng
languages llke !S and [avascrlpLlL also gave me an opporLunlLy Lo learn how a
1hree Ller archlLecLure works ln a real world scenarlo uslng 1omcaL ln Lhe pro[ecL
also gave me lnslghL lnLo how a MvC (Model vlew ConLroller) frameworks works

1Cracle 2011"1he PlsLory of !ava 1echnology" Avallable aL
LasL accessed 06082011
2Cracle !S2011" !avaServer ages 1echnology" Avallable aL
LasL accessed 06082011
3Apache2011 Apache 1omcaL" Avallable aL
LasL accessed 06082011
4MySql2011"WhlLe apers" Avallable aL
LasL accessed 06082011
3 SCA2011"ServlceCrlenLed ArchlLecLure MaLurlLy"Avallable aL

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