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Pead and Shoulders Shampoo

Pead and Shoulders ls a World's no 1 anLldandruff shampoo A power brand from C Lhls
brand made lLs debuL ln hlllpplnes ln 1997
Pead and Shoulders ls a ma[or player ln Lhe anLldandruff nlche
1he enLlre shampoo markeL was domlnaLed by PLL wlLh a whopplng markeL share of around
46 When Lhe brand was launched ln hlllpplnes Lhe anLldandruff markeL was ln lLs nascenL
sLage and domlnaLed by oLher brands released here ln our counLry
1he hlgh proflle launch of Pead and Shoulders fueled Lhe growLh of Lhls speclalLy markeL now
anLldandruff segmenL consLlLuLes around 13 of Lhe LoLal shampoo markeL
roducL ueflnlLlon
1 Cleanllness and remove dandruff
2 lLs new besL ever anLldandruff formula provldes beLLer scale coverage Lo geL rld of even Lhe
LlnlesL dandruff flakes
3 lL glves you sofL beauLlful halr LhaL's closer Lo Lhe look you wanL
4 1he brand used Lhe Z1 (Zlnc yrlLhlne) formula whlch has anLlfungal properLles as lLs
1he avallable segmenLs Lo Pead and Shoulders are
1he avallable segmenLs could have been found based on demography geography psychography
or llfesLyle 8uL belng an lMCC producL llke shampoo Lhe demographlc or geographlc segmenLaLlon ls
noL as lmporLanL as lL ls based upon Lhe llfesLyle as well as cusLomers preferences desplLe of Lhelr
demography or geography 1he core segmenLs were
a Shlnlng halr
b 8lack halr
c AnLldandruff
d Low prlce
Pead and shoulders sLarLed operaLlng ln Lhe anLldandruff segmenL As an added beneflL lL also
emphaslzed on smooLh halr
1argeL MarkeL
1he LargeL markeL for Pead and Shoulders are Lhe hlgher mlddle class people who are brand
consclous early adapLors and who care abouL Lhe overall healLh of Lhelr halr

1he 8rand
Pead and Shoulders was successful ln esLabllshlng lLself as a sLrong brand lL ls under Lhe
umbrella of C lL's brandlng sLraLegy lncludes
llrsLly lL was able Lo dlfferenLlaLe lLself from oLher anLldandruff shampoos by Lhe means of
lnLroducLlon of new elemenL Z1
Secondly PS was able Lo creaLe a sLrong appeal as a mlld carlng anLldandruff shampoo wlLh
loLs of varlanLs based upon consumer needs
1hlrdly belonglng Lo C glves head and shoulders an esLeem ln consumers mlnd and Lhe
quallLy malnLenance wlLh approprlaLe prlclng gave PS sLrong respecL
lourLhly lLs lnnovaLlve campalgns and pervaslve ways of promoLlon made Lhe consumers well
aware abouL PS
SWC1 Analysls of Pead and Shoulders
a lnLernaLlonal company
b SLrong flnanclal poslLlon of C
c 8rand loyalLy
d PlghquallLy producLs
e Wellknown brand
f AvallablllLy of producLs ln dlfferenL slzes
g Large neLwork for dlsLrlbuLlon
h Consumer's LrusL
a CompeLlLlon among oLher brands released or known here ln hlllpplnes
b Lagglng behlnd oLher brands ln Lerms of creaLlve campalgn
c Less popularlLy ln rural areas compare Lo urban areas ln hlllpplnes
a Pave a greaL opporLunlLy ln new developlng areas of hlllpplnes
b Consumer behavlor Lowards brand loyalLy
c Plgh raLes of lmporLed shampoos
d lncrease ln Lhe shampoo consumpLlon due Lo awareness
e Peavy lnvesLmenL ln Lhe research of shampoo
a Plgh compeLlLlon ln hlllpplne MarkeL
b uncerLaln economlc condlLlon of counLry
c 8apldly change ln prlce of raw maLerlal
d 1hreaLs from new enLranLs
e 1hreaLs from plenLy oLher opLlons avallable Lo consumers
roducL ackaglng
1he producL has ll varleLles wlLh 3 Skus each ( 2 ml and 3 ml sacheL 100 ml 200 ml and 400 ml
1he producL uses aLLracLlve whlLe and royal blue comblnaLlon as lLs base packlng
1he producL uses a freshness essence ln lLs packaglng whlch ln consumer's mlnd creaLes a
poslLlve lmpresslon
C's anLldandruff shampoo brand PS has roped ln acLor !ohn Lloyd Cruz and acLress Angel
Locsln as lLs new brand ambassador
ln lLs adverLlsemenLs PS lnLroduces lLself as a premlum brand and uses Lhe charm and beauLy
of beauLlful models
ALLracLlve banners and 8lllboards are used exLenslvely
rlnLmedla (news papers leafleLs and pamphleLs eLc) ls used wlLh excluslve hlgh resoluLlon
aLLracLlve models
1he emphaslzed ls on healLhy long and beauLlful halr
rlclng SLraLegy
AL Lhe Llme of launchlng lL used prlcequallLy lnference sLraLegy
CurrenLly lL ls uslng reference prlclng as well as value prlclng
llrsLly aL Lhe Llme of lnLroducLlon lL emerged as a lnLernaLlonal premlum brand and lL Look lLs
full advanLage
AfLer a few years when several oLher compeLlLors came lnLo Lhe markeL lL conLlnued Lo dellver
same quallLy buL wlLh value prlclng Lechnlque Lo grab Lhe emerglng markeL of hlllpplnes
1he dlsLrlbuLlon channel of PS follows Lhe convenLlonal rouLe of lMCC goods markeLlng
lacLory dlsLrlbuLor Lo whole seller Lo reLaller Lo consumer

IerLlcal MarkeLs
1he verLlcal markeL for shampoos ls qulLe promlslng 1he lnLroducLlon of compaLlble halroll or
condlLloner or halrgel ls belng followed by many brands PS has Lhese klnd of producLs
lnLroduced ouL of hlllpplnes buL lL sLlll has lLs opporLunlLy ln hlllpplnes
Success MeLrlcs
AL Lhe Llme of launchlng Lhe LargeL was Lo capLure from PLL
AfLer galnlng adequaLe markeL share lL Lrled Lo expand lLs usuablllLy scope
AfLer launch PS was a success 8uL by Lhe end of 2000 lL sLarLed Lo loose lLs markeL Lo oLher
brands due Lo Lhelr aggresslve campalgns
8equlremenLs of Success
MalnLaln lLs quallLy wlLh consLanL lmprovemenLs
1o come up wlLh new varleLles accordlng Lo markeL needs
1o malnLaln a compeLlLlve prlclng
romoLlon ln rural and semlurban areas
Speclal offers dlscounLs Lo consumer as well as dlsLrlbuLors
lnnovaLlve means of promoLlons llke formlng a speclal assoclaLlon or some dlsLlncL group whlch
wlll help malnLaln lLs brand equlLy and loyalLy

1uazon Cellna uenlse
8S8A L 2A

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