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/usr/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME Alien::Package::Deb - an object that represents a deb package =cut package Alien::Package::Deb; use strict; use base qw(Alien::Package); =head1 DESCRIPTION This is an object class that represents a deb package. It is derived from Alien::Package. =head1 FIELDS =over 4 =item have_dpkg_deb Set to a true value if dpkg-deb is available. =item dirtrans After the build stage, set to a hash reference of the directories we moved files from and to, so these moves can be reverted in the cleantree stage. =item fixperms If this is set to true, the generated debian/rules will run dh_fixperms. =back =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item init Sets have_dpkg_deb if dpkg-deb is in the path. I prefer to use dpkg-deb, if it is available since it is a lot more future-proof. =cut sub _inpath { my $this=shift; my $program=shift; foreach (split(/:/,$ENV{PATH})) { if (-x "$_/$program") { return 1; } } return ''; } sub init {

my $this=shift; $this->SUPER::init(@_); $this->have_dpkg_deb($this->_inpath('dpkg-deb')); } =item checkfile Detect deb files by their extention. =cut sub checkfile { my $this=shift; my $file=shift; return $file =~ m/.*\.u?deb$/; } =item install Install a deb with dpkg. Pass in the filename of the deb to install. =cut sub install { my $this=shift; my $deb=shift; my $v=$Alien::Package::verbose; $Alien::Package::verbose=2; $this->do("dpkg", "--no-force-overwrite", "-i", $deb) or die "Unable to install"; $Alien::Package::verbose=$v; } =item test Test a deb with lintian. Pass in the filename of the deb to test. =cut sub test { my $this=shift; my $deb=shift; if ($this->_inpath("lintian")) { # Ignore some lintian warnings that don't matter for # aliened packages. return map { s/\n//; $_ } grep { ! /unknown-section alien/ } $this->runpipe(1, "lintian '$deb'"); } else { return "lintian not available, so not testing"; } } =item getcontrolfile

Helper method. Pass it the name of a control file, and it will pull it out of the deb and return it. =cut sub getcontrolfile { my $this=shift; my $controlfile=shift; my $file=$this->filename; if ($this->have_dpkg_deb) { return $this->runpipe(1, "dpkg-deb --info '$file' $controlfile 2 >/dev/null"); } else { # Solaris tar doesn't support O sub tar_out { my $file = shift; return "(mkdir /tmp/tar_out.$$ &&". " cd /tmp/tar_out.$$ &&". " tar xf - './$file' &&". " cat '$file'; cd /; rm -rf /tmp/tar_out.$$)"; } my $getcontrol = "ar -p '$file' control.tar.gz r_out($controlfile)." 2>/dev/null"; return $this->runpipe(1, $getcontrol); } } =item scan Implement the scan method to read a deb file. =cut sub scan { my $this=shift; $this->SUPER::scan(@_); my $file=$this->filename; my @control=$this->getcontrolfile('control'); die "Control file couldn't be read!" if @control == 0; # Parse control file and extract fields. Use a translation table # to map between the debian names and the internal field names, # which more closely resemble those used by rpm (for historical # reasons; TODO: change to deb style names). my $description=''; my $field; my %fieldtrans=( Package => 'name', Version => 'version', Architecture => 'arch', Maintainer => 'maintainer', Section => 'group', Description => 'summary', ); for (my $i=0; $i <= $#control; $i++) { gzip -dc ".ta

$_ = $control[$i]; chomp; if (/^(\w.*?):\s+(.*)/) { # Really old debs might have oddly capitalized # field names. $field=ucfirst(lc($1)); if (exists $fieldtrans{$field}) { $field=$fieldtrans{$field}; $this->$field($2); } } elsif (/^ / && $field eq 'summary') { # Handle extended description. s/^ //g; $_="" if $_ eq "."; $description.="$_\n"; } } $this->description($description); $this->copyright("see /usr/share/doc/".$this->name."/copyright"); $this->group("unknown") if ! $this->group; $this->distribution("Debian"); $this->origformat("deb"); $this->binary_info(scalar $this->getcontrolfile('control')); # Read in the list of conffiles, if any. my @conffiles; @conffiles=map { chomp; $_ } $this->getcontrolfile('conffiles'); $this->conffiles(\@conffiles); # Read in the list of all files. # Note that tar doesn't supply a leading '/', so we have to add that. my @filelist; if ($this->have_dpkg_deb) { @filelist=map { chomp; s:\./::; "/$_" } $this->runpipe(0, "dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile '$file' t ar tf -"); } else { @filelist=map { chomp; s:\./::; "/$_" } $this->runpipe(0, "ar -p '$file' data.tar.gz gzip -d c tar tf -"); } $this->filelist(\@filelist); # Read in the scripts, if any. foreach my $field (qw{postinst postrm preinst prerm}) { $this->$field(scalar $this->getcontrolfile($field)); } return 1; } =item unpack Implement the unpack method to unpack a deb file. =cut

sub unpack { my $this=shift; $this->SUPER::unpack(@_); my $file=$this->filename; if ($this->have_dpkg_deb) { $this->do("dpkg-deb", "-x", $file, $this->unpacked_tree) or die "Unpacking of '$file' failed: $!"; } else { $this->do("ar -p $file data.tar.gz gzip -dc (cd ".$this->unp acked_tree."; tar xpf -)") or die "Unpacking of '$file' failed: $!"; } return 1; } =item getpatch This method tries to find a patch file to use in the prep stage. If it finds one, it returns it. Pass in a list of directories to search for patches in. =cut sub getpatch { my $this=shift; my $anypatch=shift; my @patches; foreach my $dir (@_) { push @patches, glob("$dir/".$this->name."_".$this->version."-".$ this->release."*.diff.gz"); } if (! @patches) { # Try not matching the release, see if that helps. foreach my $dir (@_) { push @patches,glob("$dir/".$this->name."_".$this->versio n."*.diff.gz"); } if (@patches && $anypatch) { # Fallback to anything that matches the name. foreach my $dir (@_) { push @patches,glob("$dir/".$this->name."_*.diff. gz"); } } } # If we ended up with multiple matches, return the first. return $patches[0]; } =item prep Adds a populated debian directory the unpacked package tree, making it ready for building. This can either be done automatically, or via a patch file.

=cut sub prep { my $this=shift; my $dir=$this->unpacked_tree ";

die "The package must be unpacked first!

$this->do("mkdir $dir/debian") die "mkdir $dir/debian failed: $!"; # Use a patch file to debianize? if (defined $this->patchfile) { # The -f passed to zcat makes it pass uncompressed files # through without error. $this->do("zcat -f ".$this->patchfile." (cd $dir; patch -p1)") or die "patch error: $!"; # Look for .rej files. die "patch failed with .rej files; giving up" if $this->runpipe(1, "find '$dir' -name \"*.rej\""); $this->do('find', '.', '-name', '*.orig', '-exec', 'rm', '{}', ' ;'); $this->do("chmod", 755, "$dir/debian/rules"); # It's possible that the patch file changes the debian # release or version. Parse changelog to detect that. open (my $changelog, "<$dir/debian/changelog") return; my $line=<$changelog>; if ($line=~/^[^ ]+\s+\(([^)]+)\)\s/) { my $version=$1; $version=~s/\s+//; # ensure no whitespace if ($version=~/(.*)-(.*)/) { $version=$1; $this->release($2); } $this->version($1); } close $changelog; return; } # Automatic debianization. # Changelog file. open (OUT, ">$dir/debian/changelog") die "$dir/debian/changelog: $!"; print OUT $this->name." (".$this->version."-".$this->release.") experime ntal; urgency=low\n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT " * Converted from .".$this->origformat." format to .deb by a lien version $Alien::Version\n"; print OUT " \n"; if (defined $this->changelogtext) { my $ct=$this->changelogtext; $ct=~s/^/ /gm; print OUT $ct."\n"; } print OUT "\n"; print OUT " -- ".$this->username." <".$this->email."> ".$this->date."\n "; close OUT;

# Control file. open (OUT, ">$dir/debian/control") die "$dir/debian/control: $!"; print OUT "Source: ".$this->name."\n"; print OUT "Section: alien\n"; print OUT "Priority: extra\n"; print OUT "Maintainer: ".$this->username." <".$this->email.">\n"; print OUT "\n"; print OUT "Package: ".$this->name."\n"; print OUT "Architecture: ".$this->arch."\n"; if (defined $this->depends) { print OUT "Depends: ".join(", ", "\${shlibs:Depends}", $this->de pends)."\n"; } else { print OUT "Depends: \${shlibs:Depends}\n"; } print OUT "Description: ".$this->summary."\n"; print OUT $this->description."\n"; close OUT; # Copyright file. open (OUT, ">$dir/debian/copyright") die "$dir/debian/copyright: $!"; print OUT "This package was debianized by the alien program by convertin g\n"; print OUT "a binary .".$this->origformat." package on ".$this->date."\n" ; print print print print print close OUT "\n"; OUT "Copyright: ".$this->copyright."\n"; OUT "\n"; OUT "Information from the binary package:\n"; OUT $this->binary_info."\n"; OUT;

# Conffiles, if any. Note that debhelper takes care of files in /etc. my @conffiles=grep { $_ !~ /^\/etc/ } @{$this->conffiles}; if (@conffiles) { open (OUT, ">$dir/debian/conffiles") die "$dir/debian/conffil es: $!"; print OUT join("\n", @conffiles)."\n"; close OUT; } # Use debhelper v7 open (OUT, ">$dir/debian/compat") print OUT "7\n"; close OUT; die "$dir/debian/compat: $!";

# A minimal rules file. open (OUT, ">$dir/debian/rules") die "$dir/debian/rules: $!"; my $fixpermscomment = $this->fixperms ? "" : "#"; print OUT << "EOF"; #!/usr/bin/make -f # debian/rules for alien PACKAGE=\$(shell dh_listpackages) build: dh_testdir clean:

dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_clean -d binary-indep: build binary-arch: build dh_testdir dh_testroot dh_prep dh_installdirs dh_installdocs dh_installchangelogs # Copy the packages's files. find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -name debian -print0 xargs -0 -r -i cp -a {} debian/\$(PACKAGE) \\

# # If you need to move files around in debian/\$(PACKAGE) or do some # binary patching, do it here # # This has been known to break on some wacky binaries. # dh_strip dh_compress $fixpermscomment dh_fixperms dh_makeshlibs dh_installdeb -dh_shlibdeps dh_gencontrol dh_md5sums dh_builddeb binary: binary-indep binary-arch .PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary EOF close OUT; $this->do("chmod", 755, "$dir/debian/rules"); # Save any scripts. if ($this->usescripts) { foreach my $script (qw{postinst postrm preinst prerm}) { my $data=$this->$script(); next unless defined $data; next if $data =~ m/^\s*$/; open (OUT,">$dir/debian/$script") die "$dir/debian/$script: $!"; print OUT $data; close OUT; } } my %dirtrans=( # Note: no trailing slashes on these directory names! # Move files to FHS-compliant locations, if possible. '/usr/man' => '/usr/share/man', '/usr/info' => '/usr/share/info', '/usr/doc' => '/usr/share/doc',

); foreach my $olddir (keys %dirtrans) { if (-d "$dir/$olddir" && ! -e "$dir/$dirtrans{$olddir}") { # Ignore failure.. my ($dirbase)=$dirtrans{$olddir}=~/(.*)\//; $this->do("install", "-d", "$dir/$dirbase"); $this->do("mv", "$dir/$olddir", "$dir/$dirtrans{$olddir} "); if (-d "$dir/$olddir") { $this->do("rmdir", "-p", "$dir/$olddir"); } } else { delete $dirtrans{$olddir}; } } $this->dirtrans(\%dirtrans); # store for cleantree } =item build Build a deb. =cut sub build { my $this=shift; # Detect architecture mismatch and abort with a comprehensible # error message. my $arch=$this->arch; if ($arch ne 'all') { my $ret=system("dpkg-architecture", "-i".$arch); if ($ret != 0) { die $this->filename." is for architecture ".$this->arch. " ; the package cannot be built on this system"."\n"; } } chdir $this->unpacked_tree; my $log=$this->runpipe(1, "debian/rules binary 2>&1"); chdir ".."; my $err=$?; if ($err) { if (! defined $log) { die "Package build failed; could not run generated debia n/rules file.\n"; } die "Package build failed. Here's the log:\n", $log; } return $this->name."_".$this->version."-".$this->release."_".$this->arch .".deb"; } =item cleantree Delete the entire debian/ directory. =cut

sub cleantree { my $this=shift; my $dir=$this->unpacked_tree ";

die "The package must be unpacked first!

my %dirtrans=%{$this->dirtrans}; foreach my $olddir (keys %dirtrans) { if (! -e "$dir/$olddir" && -d "$dir/$dirtrans{$olddir}") { # Ignore failure.. (should I?) my ($dirbase)=$dir=~/(.*)\//; $this->do("install", "-d", "$dir/$dirbase"); $this->do("mv", "$dir/$dirtrans{$olddir}", "$dir/$olddir "); if (-d "$dir/$dirtrans{$olddir}") { $this->do("rmdir", "-p", "$dir/$dirtrans{$olddir }"); } } } $this->do("rm", "-rf", "$dir/debian"); } =item package Set/get package name. Always returns the packge name in lowercase with all invalid characters rmoved. The name is however, stored unchanged. =cut sub name { my $this=shift; # set $this->{name} = shift if @_; return unless defined wantarray; # optimization # get $_=lc($this->{name}); tr/_/-/; s/[^a-z0-9-\.\+]//g; return $_; } =item version Set/get package version. When the version is set, it will be stripped of any epoch. If there is a release, the release will be stripped away and used to set the release field as a side effect. Otherwise, the release will be set to 1. More sanitization of the version is done when the field is retrieved, to make sure it is a valid debian version field. =cut

sub version { my $this=shift; # set if (@_) { my $version=shift; if ($version =~ /(.+)-(.+)/) { $version=$1; $this->release($2); } else { $this->release(1); } # Kill epochs. $version=~s/^\d+://; $this->{version}=$version; } # get return unless defined wantarray; # optimization $_=$this->{version}; # Make sure the version contains digets. unless (/[0-9]/) { # Drat. Well, add some. dpkg-deb won't work # on a version w/o numbers! return $_."0"; } return $_; } =item release Set/get package release. Always returns a sanitized release version. The release is however, stored unchanged. =cut sub release { my $this=shift; # set $this->{release} = shift if @_; # get return unless defined wantarray; # optimization $_=$this->{release}; # Make sure the release contains digets. return $_."-1" unless /[0-9]/; return $_; } =item description Set/get description Although the description is stored internally unchanged, this will always return a sanitized form of it that is compliant with Debian standards.

=cut sub description { my $this=shift; # set $this->{description} = shift if @_; # get return unless defined wantarray; # optimization my $ret=''; foreach (split /\n/,$this->{description}) { s/\t/ /g; # change tabs to spaces s/\s+$//g; # remove trailing whitespace $_="." if $_ eq ''; # empty lines become dots $ret.=" $_\n"; } $ret=~s/^\n+//g; # kill leading blank lines $ret.=" .\n" if length $ret; $ret.=" (Converted from a ".$this->origformat." package by alien version $Alien::Version.)"; return $ret; } =item date Returns the date, in rfc822 format. =cut sub date { my $this=shift; my $date=$this->runpipe(1, "date -R"); chomp $date; if (!$date) { die "date -R did not return a valid result."; } return $date; } =item email Returns an email address for the current user. =cut sub email { my $this=shift; return $ENV{EMAIL} if exists $ENV{EMAIL}; my $login = getlogin (getpwuid($<))[0] my $mailname=''; if (open (MAILNAME,"</etc/mailname")) { $mailname=<MAILNAME>; if (defined $mailname) { chomp $mailname; $ENV{USER};

} close MAILNAME; } if (!$mailname) { $mailname=$this->runpipe(1, "hostname"); chomp $mailname; } return "$login\@$mailname"; } =item username Returns the user name of the real uid. =cut sub username { my $this=shift; my $username; my $login = getlogin (getpwuid($<))[0] $ENV{USER}; (undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, $username) = getpwnam($login) ; # Remove GECOS fields from username. $username=~s/,.*//g; # The ultimate fallback. if ($username eq '') { $username=$login; } return $username; } =item postinst Returns the postinst. This may include generated shell code to set owners and groups from the owninfo field, and update modes from the modeinfo field. =cut sub postinst { my $this=shift; if (@_) { $this->{postinst}=shift; } my $owninfo = $this->owninfo; my $modeinfo = $this->modeinfo; my $postinst = $this->{postinst}; return $postinst unless ref $owninfo; # If there is no postinst, let's make one up.. $postinst="#!/bin/sh\n" unless defined $postinst && length $postinst; return $postinst unless %$owninfo; my ($firstline, $rest)=split(/\n/, $postinst, 2);

if ($firstline !~ m/^#!\s*\/bin\/(ba)?sh/) { print STDERR "warning: unable to add ownership fixup code to pos tinst as the postinst is not a shell script!\n"; return $postinst; } my $permscript="# alien added permissions fixup code\n"; foreach my $file (sort keys %$owninfo) { my $quotedfile=$file; $quotedfile=~s/'/'"'"'/g; # no single quotes in single quotes.. $permscript.="chown '".$owninfo->{$file}."' '$quotedfile'\n"; $permscript.="chmod '".$modeinfo->{$file}."' '$quotedfile'\n" if (defined $modeinfo->{$file}); } return "$firstline\n$permscript\n$rest"; } =back =head1 AUTHOR Joey Hess <> =cut 1

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