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MSE/AOE3094 Homework #4 Solutions 1) Use equation 6.

3 in the textbook: J = - D dC/dx J = - D * (CA CB)/(xA - xB)


Manipulate to solve for CB (concentration on the low side): (J/D)*(xA xB) + CA = CB (1.0*10^-7 kg/m2s)/(1.2 *10^-10 m2/s) * (0 - 0.0025m) + 2.2 kg/m3 = 0.117 kg/m3 Now solve when CB is 0.5 kg/m3 for xB: xB = xA - (CA CB)/(-J/D)

xB = 0 m - (2.2 kg/m3 0.5 kg/m3)/(- 1.0*10^-7 kg/m2s)/(1.2 *10^-10 m2/s) xB = 2.04 mm 2) (a) Vacancy diffusion rates have greater variation with T because more and more vacancies appear at high T, whereas the number of interstitials remains constant. (b) Interstitial diffusion rates, when they occur, are more rapid than vacancy rates because, despite increasing vacancy concentration with T increases, interstitials are much more close together (orders of magnitude more of them). (c) Interstitial diffusion rates vary for the two different iron structures because the sizes (and shapes, and positions) of the interstitials are different. 3) For this problem you form two equations with two unknowns using equation 5.8 Equation 6.8: D = Do * exp(-QD/RT)

For T = 650 degrees Celsius: 5.5* 10 ^-16 m2/s = Do * exp (-QD/(8.31 J/mol-K * (650 degrees C + 273)) For T = 900 degrees Celsius: 1.3* 10 ^-13 m2/s = Do * exp (-QD/(8.31 J/mol-K * (900 degrees C + 273)) Now simultaneously solve for Do = 0.000075 m2/s and QD = 196689 J/mol 4) To solve this problem you must first calculate D using equation 6.8. From Table 6.2 QD is 143,000 J/mol and Do is 2.3*10^-5 m2/s. Equation 6.8: D = Do * exp(-QD/RT)

D = (2.3*10^-5 m2/s) * exp((-143000 J/mol)/(8.31 J/mol-K * (1000 deg C + 273)) D = 1.9 * 10^-11 m2/s Now use equation 6.5: (Cx Co) / (Cs Co) = 1 erf(x/(2*(Dt)^(-1/2))

For this problem: Cx = 0.5 % C Co = 0.2 % C Cs = 1.3 % C x = 0.0015 m D = 1.94 * 10 ^ -11 m2/s (0.5 0.2)/(1.3 0.2) = .2727 = 1 erf (0.0015 m/ (2 *(1.1 * 10 ^ -16 m2/s * t)^(-1/2)) .7272 = erf(0.00075/(1.1 * 10 ^ -16 m2/s * t)^(-1/2)) erf(z) = .7272 Use interpolation on the following data from table 6.1:
z 0.75 z 0.8 erf(z) 0.7112 0.7272 0.7421

(z 0.75) / (0.8-0.75) = (0.7272 0.7112) / (0.7421 0.7112) z =0.77589 z = 0.77589 = .0015 m/ (2 *(1.94 * 10 ^ -11 m2/s * t)^(-1/2) Solve for t t = (x / 2z)^2 / D t = (0.0015 m / 2*(0.77589))^2 / (1.94*10^-11 m2/s) t = 13.5 hrs or 48,500 sec 5) Use equation 6.5: (Cx Co) / (Cs Co) = 1 erf(x/(2*(Dt)^(-1/2)) You are given C0 = 0.4% carbon. If we simply set Cs to a value < 0.4, we make the left hand side of the equation equal to (Cx 0.4) divided by a negative number. Since the right hand side [1-erf(z)] will always be positive and will decrease as time increases, Cx must always be smaller than 0.4 and will also get smaller as time goes on. 6) Total case depth measures thickness of carbon surface layers in steel by setting the ratio (Cx Co) / (Cs Co) equal to a constant (=0.05). It thus indicates the position where the concentration has been raised above the minimum by 5% of the surface level. Effective case depth uses a set carbon concentration of 0.4% instead, measuring the position where a specific threshold concentration has been achieved. Which one is more useful depends on whether we are more interested in the fractional change in concentration or the absolute concentration level, both of which can be important in application. Also, since maximum carbon concentrations vary in different steels, the fractional amount of change is a more flexible definition for a wider range of products.

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