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Growing DemandNature Tourism

The human population around Balcones NWR (NW of Austin) increased by


In 10 years, 1995-2005

Texas grew 22%! US grew 11%

World has more than doubled since 1950!

Conservation through Tourism: Prairie Ecotourism

Miles Phillips: 979-845-1023

College Station, TX

Prairie Ecotourism Success Canadian, Texas

Texas Parks & Wildlife Magazine - April 2011

Successful Prairie Landowner Ecotourism - Nebraska

National Media for Prairie Conservation & Tourism

Taking advantage of the animal repopulation, Upper Midwest outfitters are designing extended wildlife safaris.
In the future, predicts Sean Garrity, the foundations president, Off the Beaten Path will run these safaris, and many local aviation outfits will begin prairie flights. Back to Nature and Ready for Guests in the
Great Plains, NT Times June 8, 2008


Source 3rd Quarter, 2011 Tourism Newsletter Texas Office of the Governor

Source 3rd Quarter, 2011 Tourism Newsletter Texas Office of the Governor

Just the Wildlife Part

USFW Survey on Hunting, Fishing and Wildlife-Associated Recreation-2006
Persons 16 and older

National =$106.8 Billion

$42.2 Billion - Fishing $22.9 Billion - Hunting $45.7 Wildlife Viewing

Does not include the NATURE part$

What is the economic impact of the WILDLIFE part of nature tourism in Texas? $15.8 Billion
Source: Southwick Assoc & 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation

Hays County, TX: Economics & open space For every dollar agricultural and open lands generated in revenue they required only $0.33 in services
ie undeveloped land generates money for local government, while housing developments lose money

1997-98 data, American Farmland Trust

In urban areas how much more valuable are homes located close to parks?
Approximately 20%
Source: The impact of parks on property values: empirical evidence from the past two decades in the United States, by Dr. J.L. Crompton, Texas A&M University 2005

Study of 80 TX State Parks showed they generated $793 million in sales for local community businesses
Source: The Economic Contribution of Texas State Parks, 2005

Santa Anna National Wildlife Refuge

257,500 visits in 2006

Non Residents = 88% of visits
Economic Impact for Hidalgo & Cameron Counties

Total Visitor Expenditure =


Non Residents = $5,000,000 or 96% of total 2011 Study of LRGV NT: $300,000,000 Economic Impact!


How many hours of TV does the average kid/adult watch a day?


year olds: 3.04 hours

hours if Videos and DVDs are included
Source: Generation M: Media in the Lives of 8-18 Year-Olds, Kaiser Family Foundation 2005



over 18 years old: 4.32 hours

Source: Nielsen Media Research, September 2005

Guest Operations:
To be successful, you need to know & manage people & wildlife!
What people want? What wildlife wants?

Why dont Polar Bears Eat Penguins?

What is obvious and common locally is often the very thing that is special about a place and can attract paying visitors

The 3 Is for Product Development


Natural Features, Tourism Services, Evaluate capacity, value & potential of wildlife restoration. Reveal the story that is your sites natural history which includes the people



Make it easy and enjoyable to blend natural site experiences with unnatural experiences

Handbook: B-6147 Nature Tourism: A Guidebook for Evaluating Enterprise Opportunities


Conservation through Tourism: Prairie Ecotourism

Miles Phillips: 979-845-1023

College Station, TX

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