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I i

{Signed by



fiI i5}


Miniiter *f. Puhliq. $afefv

Dir*etcr *f C$i$ {sigr:ed 20#S #t !5

F'R#MI s-Usd&fl-


i*liv*red Zfififi i}i


*pp*slfi*n Aememdm*rit te fr-J {S*curity Certl$**f**i

Friot'to the current Farliarnenta-ry rsces.$, Tlie l{*erse $taNding C'rmmittee orr Fublic Safety and Fistiona-l Se*uriqv {SSilLIi ad*pted sn amendrnent to E;it C"3 ipr*posed by Liber*l MF" L$al Dosanjir; staii:lg that the definition *f "informatisn" in iire Biil o'dos not inelude infonnati.*a tha* is believed c* raso,,ry&&Le-gr{luulg t,* have bee:r *btaincd as a resu!*:CIf tlie $ss $f fmrhlfle wlthin tlee ni**ni-ile *f S*rtton ?69. ! of'Lhe {..'riinii:at {cdr, iir witirin tiae rneaning aithe crue1, ishunra*e *r Cl*gr*d!-r'lg h'eeffiterlt,*r =**isiunent ton'rcr$i*n Ag*ins't T*$*re."
The ar*er:$gnent i* +f *ignifica*t esrrcdrst t* tq $rr-vt{,e, as ie ea* e*siXy b* interprete.d to rrran that "d.erivatir'* irrf*nnation" {i"r. il:for:i-reti*s} ci?ilecte.l slinrf'lci' o"jiy*hcraied ?aw*iiy and indepexderertry by th* Se.rvic* fr:llcwittg f,i*m a i*nd pro-v;i+d by a t.i:reiga state or agsncy lherei"f wticge ilurnan rtghts ree*r'd is ulussti*nable) is icarlnissiirle r,fi gr*trnds ti:ai since rh* r:cgiri is ufirel!sbie, *r'e+,lhiftg trlsE {ailows is Lirersfr:r+.-ciso tai"nted. As a resuit, :ae {.1*s,effirft*ng"s abiiity to aci in the intr:iest oipubiic *nf*ty tn I I thr*ar*related infrrri.arigrr {or adu;ier ;":r*vided b3..','9iS * sigrrific*ntly ernd ne gaf i "-r* y +f1""* *te d b ;;,' thi s a:rlen dfl it e $ l.

I | I [-

r-This s"::eddnrt$f- if inierplet+d t*

mesn tlar "deriv*tiv* inf*rrgaii'*n" iE iru*,:i:riisEisle, *+uld r;rder unsusfainabie rlte cuffeq! sgc::riry cexific*;e pr*seedi*ss. El'en ii' interrr+ted more rrsrr', exclude cnly inibrri'iati;:;t ob'rrin*.d fr,:m s+urc*s anC foreign eg*neie$ who, on the low tfurasirold of ""r*aso:r*bie gl*u:rdr." iilav have nbt*ineC

in*brnr*ti*n by way of tsrtnrq, rhE ar,*endmenl would rtill sign:fi*antly-f,iniier thr $,*rvic*'s eolleetir;n r"nd anelysis firn,:hoxs. The lcgxl inren:rqiarii:n rf "r*as*r;eble ,::X:pose# r: iht ii$'*r.rnd$" requir*r r-:r:iy d se&*us pr:ssibilir,t lt*:-red ** tfr:ciitil;'evi'{*nce" m irigher cl';ii sta$darri *f "'',ralance,:ipr*i'ab:iides,"'vshieir rr+lsircs rhht il is ffi,;r* !ik*iy,


-7, than not that informaticil was deriv*d frorn tornrre.


Imptct on CSIS 0perntion*

a csurtry ar agency's overall hurnffi rights rscord, it is very diflicultif,flct impassible, for the service tJ confirm whether infon-n?tion is derived from mistreatrneng or t'lrtu-re' lf in the course of oursuing a lead. erlneer?is effierge rega:ding t'sffiu-re, the Service w*uld fwher investigafe the infirmaficn in order t,; *alsbo?*r* o, ftegare it, snd advise its par-$ner depariments *nd agencies accordrngly.

Beyond considering

fnquiry supporrs this posirion, st*tin[ rhar.,i!.:e covernment of Can*da must maintain relationships wiitr 'non-raaitional, a6ies" some of whorn have poor hurnaR rights recsrds, in order to assisr in trt- Armi;;;; -f i;?omesric ar:d intemational obligntions to ccrnbat terrorism... It musr also equip finvestigative] agencies... with the abiliryi to engegq and share infoffiratisn, with ail ccunrries...

The service mtrst maintain fhis ability tc receive informqfion &om a wide raage eif*o,unriEs and *geneies if it is to propedy ca,"y orrt its firnciions. A coveffirflent submission rnade recently to the tacobucci

Iawfully collected wou!d be compromised clue to uliegrltio** tr,*t it derived l-.*om informntionthat may initially havs been obtair:ed uyiiirtr*uttnenr. It is believed thar rhis would significantly and negatively undermine the $trviee ', inteiligence gurh*ri"g **o analysis funcfions, as the th-reshotd to be rnet tbr.*reasonirUt.-g.ourr,t, to bqlieve,, coulri resulf in the inadmissibility nf any and al! informatioi pr""ia.c by agemci+s in eounh.ies whose humar rights records are in question of which trtere a'e rnanv.
For erampte, Amnes$r lxtemational's 200? State of Hurnan Righrs Report lists spe*ifi*

these facts in rnind' the recent annendmcnf ts Senvice, as it could be interpreted ts mean that the


Bili C-3 is of significa*r conccnr fo the Service"s use of informaticn that was

::=::"r:",-jl.-,l!iTi_** $sffie cascs includgre tornrre. This list includes such corintries as


b.eins complicit in the

viiiation oir,",rui, fighr*,


fif particular concern, a Special Advosate could obrained frorn

extrelne, such a

so far as to

that informarion shouid be be buttressed

colsequence of th.e "reasonable grounds" amend.ment being ratified, flnd,rt-rr a broad -iudioial interpretation_ th*t would prerent the use sf *'derivafive inforrnation.'i it ii3 noi lncon+eivabll tn"* 1; ^ ##iffi :""1,:,:1.j::*i:T:tT'"i-;1f regime falhng into disuse *r ,onr*quence :Jn'?.'--ffi J:li.iiil:T,:-;ffi resuit i* :t-t security-Certificates clf irs


;;; ffi;,:qd- iitr"iJl*-l6T:ffi

protecting Canadinns rud nat.ion*l sraurirv.

,tiffi i,I = l**'i#il;'n-;



Curr$nt C*rtificste flns*s

ir is Bo$sib


most of the Cerrificates will hiuph@ vice" rnuch of that information ich under this

to render inadmissible only inforrnation that may, cn reasonable grourrds, have ireen obt*ined directly *cm roffure, the irnplications *ould be less ,*u*r*iu, nonetheless srgnificant, as assessed below.

{f on the other ha*d, the amendmenr is interpreted



Sttrtus of SiEl C-3 end Pot*ntiil Compromise

Bill c-3 is currenlly at Report stage in the House *f commons, whre we i.,elie ve ir scuid be amended in a mad$rer conEistent with the spirit of the Dosanjh amendm*n{ but in suc}r a yly that it would.not unduly hinder the fiovernnrent's abilig rs act on inl-i:runati*n or advice provided by,the Servire,
F*r exarnpls. 8rl affien{lmenr proposed by the Bloc Quehecais during olause-by-clause ccrrsieleration could strike a proper balaace by zuneuding Sectian S3i i *f rire bill to



uflder tprture - that in the judge's opinion is r+liable and apprcpriate... .'. This amendnnent is csnsistent with current.jurisprudenee and pracrice, and givrn the coulposifion af the House of {lommons, would likely be adnuterl if propased,


The ffavernment's ability to act in the inferest of public safety on threat-rglated informatisn or advice provided by cSIs could be significantly and negafively affe*ted as a result of this arnendment.
There remains oppcrhrnity for the Governrnent io move arnendments to the which couid sarisfu both the opposirion pafiies and Goverrunrnf $on{:etrn$,


Margar*t Blopdwonh, Asso+iate Secretary to the cabirret and National security Advisor t* the prime Minister

Suz*nne Hurtubise, Depufy Minister, Fublic Snfcty Richard Fadden, Deputy Minister. citizenship and Immigration canada fil


D('lclIME.+frc0NsrlrTtrEs A RE{.{J{{D WHICI{ ltAy tsE SLnJECT'lO ntA-:\'DAT{-}Ry E.\Eusrro}i r}iDgR,iltt,{c'a'r-"ic lxJ'{}tt\tATloN A(t7 ()R TIIE.b.oJr,'i{tvii('r, TIIE rNtl}FMAfiOt Oft r.\...rF,r,LIfiE}JCE \!.{y ,rL50 FE PR{}IT.CTED rt}- TtiS




,Lc FVIDF;ti{:t:



pFlr)ll c{)rSI.i-T,1Tl{i},t W1.t'ti THH C,\}4,lfit.ui si:CrRIT1. ll{Tir.!,t,i{;};ft*Ci ._.


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