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How F.S. Launched ABM

(Sudden, Curious Jump In Soviet Missile Deployment-Page BIO)
""fi$ liberty alone which gives the flower of fleeting life its sweetness and perfume, and we are weeds without it. All restraint, except what wisdom lays on evil men, is evil." Cowper

10 Miles

The Moon
'Rosalinda' Symphony Special April 24-27
(Page C1)

(No Closer For Apollo 10, Despite Landing Ability-Page Dl)


Serving Northwest Ohio For Over 34 Years
SUNDAY, APRIL 13, 1969, LIMA, OHIO Ever rtriving for Limaland to bo oven m better place to five.

PHONE J2J-1010 Ut E. HIGH ST. 45802



VOL. 85, NO. 102

(25 CENTS)


FTC Probes Rash Of Mergers

How much blood can a person lose and still live? -S.K., Delphos. The amount of blood in the body depends on the size and weight of the individual. For example, a 160-pound adult will have approximately five quarts of blood. An 80poundtchild on the other hand has only about two and a half quarts. If a few ounces of blood is lost, it is usually not serious, but the sudden loss of a quart could easily make an adult faint. If he loses more, his life will be in danger. In case you're looking for a maximum loss without resultant death, ACTION could find none. We did learn, though, that the world record blood infusion is 933 pints. Received by Fred Wallace, 17, in 28 weeks, at Wadley Blood Center, Dallas, Tex., the blood was transfused because the lad was a hemophiliac. On the King Family TV show there Is a girl who looks like the same girl who plays the part of Kate on My Three Sons. Can ACTION find out if it is the same girt? D.G.D., Lima. The -My -Three Sons role of Katie is played by Tina Cole, and she is a member of the King Family, being the daughter of Yvonne King and the late Buddy Cole.She grew up singing with the family and now is married to Colney Howard III, a studio production executive. They have a son and live in Studio City, Hollywood. Where Is Ft. Knox? L. J., Delphos. Ft. Knox, which houses the U. S. Army Armor Center, lies 35 miles south of Louisville, Ky. The repository of the government's gold reserve, it also contains the George S. Patton Jr. Military Museum of World War II equipment Out bowling league is having a banquet the first week of May. For entertainment, we wouid like to get a magician's act, biit have not found one. Could ACTION supply us with names? E.L.K.,Lima. Ever hear of the Northwestern Ohio M a g i c i a n s Association? President Richard Resor, vice president Richard Haas and secretary-treasurer Doug Ferguson live right here in Lima. Anyone wishing to contact the association may write NOMA. care of 552 S. Woodlawn, Recently I have seen a soft drink commercial with a man playing a strange instrument. The man is dressed in white; the instrument is small, with about eight strips of metal of different sizes. Does ACTION know what the instrument is, how much it costs and where I can buy one? G. J., Columbus Grove. Of Indian origin, that strange instrument is called a thumb piano, according to J. Walter Thompson advertising agency, which produced the TV commercial. You may order one through the Voice of the Flower, 7328 N. Honore St., Chicago^ Saw ACTION'S item about Gene Autry's sidekick, but didn't see If Antry himself is still alive. Haven't heard of him lately. P.V., Lima. "I'm back in the saddle again." Gene, who was born in Tloga, Tex., in 1907, is still alive and kicking but not kicking a horse with his stirrups. Kept busy by his controlling interests in eight corporations, including a motion picture company, hotel chain and a baseball club, he also has interests in 17 other enterprises. Autry appeared in 92 feature flicks from 1934 to 1957, and also was the first Western star to join the elite group of the top 10 film moneymakers (1932-42). Although he no longer brands cattle rustlers, one source suggests he still totes a branding iron: it bears the $ mark. When you have fhc flag up on your mailbox indtcatiing yon have letters tn be mailed, is the postman supposed to stop even though he doesn't have any mail for you? .j Lima. Postmen on rural routes, or where the mailbox is mounted at the curb, are required to pick up mail if the flag is up. However, where mail is delivered to a porch mailbox, the postman is not required to pick up letters even if they are in plain sight. Are fresh water eels really male catfish? Y.M., Lima. No, they are not even in the same classification. Fresh water eels belong to the farailv "Anguillidae:" catfish to the "Ameiuridae." When and how was Hie first walch made? Who invented ft? T. S., Lima. Th first watch Is supposed to have been invented about 1500 by Peter Henlein, a locksmith living in Nuremberg, Germany. His watch was so heavy It had to b* hung from a belt around the waist In fact, you might say It was more on the order of a portable clock. Before his invention, people told time fey clocks using heavy weights. However, Henlein's invention was a mainspring as the source of power to jtarn the wheels; first a straight mainspring was used, later giving way to the coiled spring. * * * * *' * * * Have a problem, complaint r qnestim? The* write ACTION, Lima News, Drawer N, Lima, Ohfo 45912. IvcMe name, address and telephone. Send nothing to be tctanei. Answers wfO fee given wriy hi this column and fly to general Merest imprirics. N W8PA PEK.fl fi C H i V E - . .

68 Per Cent Rise Noted During Year

S* / Billion Savings

WASHINGTON (AP) - The Federal Trade Commission moved Saturday to check the pace of corporate mergers by requiring large firms t o WASHINGTON (UPI) - for the fiscal year starting "is determined to bring a halt also expected to be sent to report planned acquisitions President N i x o n an- July 1 as proposed by the last to the inflationary s p i r a l Congress at the same time, before actual transactions are nounced Saturday that his Johnson budget to $192.9 which has -seriously affected they added. made. revised spending budget for!billion and produce t h e our economy these last four The n e w administration The action was taken, the fiscal 1970 will cut $4 billion largest surplus since 1951 years." budget is actually only $2.4 FTC said, "in response to the from domestic and defense when Harry S Truman was in White H o u s e spokesmen billion less than the $195.3 sharp acceleration in merger programs and produce $5.8 the White House. said detailed figures on the billion in outlays planned by activity" which reached a billion surplus. Nixon said the surplus "will new budget would be an- his predecessor, Lyndon B. peak last year with 4,003 ROBERT P. MAYO The President said the cuts speak louder than any words" nounced in the coming week. consolidations-r68 per cent .. .Budget Director will lower federal spending to demonstrate that the nation Revised budget requests are (See BUDGET, Page A-2) . more than in 1967. It coincided with release of the FTC's statistical report on 1968 merger trends, showing that more and more big firms are becoming swallowed up b y- expansion-minded corporations. Although final figures were not tabulated, it appeared likely the 1968 totals would show that the nation's 200 l a r g e s t corporations conMOSCOW ( U P I ) I n a trolled well over 60 per cent SAIGON (UPI) A dozen U.S. 7th Fleet slammed Into Viet Cong and North Vietdirect challenge to NATO, th of the country's manufac- American warships knocked enemy hideouts up and down namese soldiers pushed their Soviet Union proposed Saturturing assets. out 106 Communist hideouts the coast in the drive to offensive toward its eighth day - that East and West Assailing the trend, the FTC Saturday with salvoes from European states hold a said it is requiring prior their stations off South Viet- destroy bivouacs supplyini week, hitting 30 towns and the guerrillas" nationwide oi camps S a t u r d a y with meeting soon to organize a notification from all firms im's coast in the South fensive. overnight' barrages t h a t conference on E u r o p e a n planning mergers that would Headquarters security. create combines with $250 C h i n a S e a , m i l i t a r y the shelling alsoIn Saigon sail military spokesmen s a i spokesmen said. destroyed 9 caused light damage and The NATO council issued a million or more in assets. Hundreds of shells from the bunkers, 10 gun positions, am casualties. communique F r i d a y in Special reports will be re- destroyers and cruisers of the two tunnel storage complexes Washington in which it Among the p o p u l a t i o n avoided direct reference to centers hit was Vinh Long, 5S (See MERGERS, Page A-4) Soviet calls for such ,a miles southwest of Saigon, security conference and said where 100 rounds Fri* * * * * * only that it would "study how day had killed 21 persons and a useful process of negotiation wounded 100. This time, 34 with the Soviet bloc) could shells killed one and wounded QUEEN Carol Burton,,a >e initiated, in due course." five. Terrorists in a n o t h e r native-of Ogden, Utah, was The Soviet news agency decision in Mekong Delta village, Phu named Queen of l the s 1969 Tass attacked this signed by, commentary National Cherry B o s o m Huu, detona'ted a mine in the was Vasily marketplace, wounding four Festival. She C o l crowned commentatorreflected Kharkov "a cerby District of u m b i a and said it hildren seriously. Mayor Walter Washington. ;ain camouflage, the striving TOKYO (AP) - The Viet The Viet Cong previously unconditionally withdraw all Far to the north, Corn- Queen Carol, 19, daughter of to avoid in actual fact th long announced three basic had laid down five demands, its troops from Vietnam. munist ground g u n n e r s Laurence R'rincipals in Vietnam Satur- but the wording of the latest 3. The South Vietnamese mocked down a U.S. Marine Rep. was chosenBurton, spin answer to this call.that soma Utah. by the 'It is apparent must end day, among them the proposal seemed . b r o a d government of a wheel. forever its role of "betray- (See WARSHIP, Page A-4) amiliar demand for un- enough to cover them all(See HUDDLE, Page A-2) (TJPI Telephoto.) conditional withdrawal of U.S Available officials in Wash- ing" the nation. roops, one issue that has ington said they found noth- The five points previously blocked progress at the Paris ing significantly new in the insisted upon were: An end to proposals. negotiations. all U.S. military action in R a d i o H a n o i In a Vietnam, withdrawl of all Japanese language broadcast foreign troops, destruction of said the three Viet Cong all foreign bases, no inprinciples were: terference from the outsidt in 9 1. The United States must settling South V i e t n a m ' s end its "aggression" in Viet- p o l i t i c a l future, and nam. (See VIET, Page A-4) 2. The United States must By The ASSOCIATED PRESS The r a i d e r apparently regulars joined in with a A r a b - I s r a e l i f i g h t i nslipped through the s a l t mortar barrage lasting 2% g WASHINGTON (UPI) erupted again on th Jorda- marshes p r o b a b l y by hours and the I s r a e l i s The N i x o n administration nian front Saturday a n d boatfrom the e x t r e m e returned the without announced Saturday that it >azooka shells were lobbed northwestern tip of the Sinai suffering casualties. was moving to patch up relainto an Israeli army camp in Desert below Port Said on the A Jordanian spokesman ions with Cambodia and was occupied Sinai. Suez Canal. countered with the charge eady to open discussions on An army communique This area was not invaded that Israelis began shelling esuming diplomatic ties. :ssued in Tel Aviv said Arab by the advancing I s r a e l i South Menshia village early. Cambodian Chief of State commandos infiltrating from armies in 1967 chiefly because Saturday and Jordanian gunNorodom Sihanouk severed ROME (AP) Italy's four- It was feared she would not Jgypt shelled the camp from of the treacherous terrain. ners replied hitting f i v a iplomatic relations with the month-old government was recover. an improvised launcher with It was the first time an Israeli soldiers. Jnited States in May, 1965, rocked by- internal squabbles h i n e se-made activating Arab raid had been reported The Israelis said on of ver an incident which in- Saturday as a new wave of BANGUI, Central African devices. No casualties were in this region. There have their civilians was wounded olved a U.S. military in bombings and of springtime Republic (UPI) President reported. been several forays across by Arab sniper fire near Port rusion from South Vietnam student and labor unrest rip- Jean Bedel B o k a s s a anthe canal itself to lay mines Tawfiq at the southern end of nounced S a t u r d a y Ms pled through the country. nto Cambodian territory. and ambush Israeli patrols, the waterway. A major difficulty between The Cabinet of Premier government had foiled a coup usually in the Bitter Lakes; In Tel Aviv, Prime Minister! ambodia and the United Mariano Rumor was under by army officers and sensection at the south of the; Golda Meir reitereated her, tales has been Cambodia's the pressure of opposing fac- tenced their leader to death. waterway. ; government's stand that tht 1-defined e a s t e r n frontier tions within the ranks of the VATICAN CITY An Israeli army spokesman; Big Four "had no right" to' (UPI) center-left coalition partieswith South Vietnam. said earlier the Arab guer-! determine the fate of Israel. I Some were asking that police Pope Paul VI will make his Prince Sihanouk announced rillas opened fire on an Israeli! "We want peace by direct scheduled trip to Uganda a be d i s a r m e d ; others -arlier Saturday he expected patrol with bazookas south of negotiations and only those two-day journey starting July communication from the demanded stiffer measures to 31, during the coolest period the Sea of Galilee early 'ixon administration o n stop violence. WASHINGTON (AP) (See ARAB, Page A-4) in that part of Africa the r a i l r o a d s and The Saturday. He said Jordanian Wednesday which w o u l d union Vatican announced Saturday. signalmen were reported less ecognize "Cambodian boun- SAN FERNANDO, C a l i f . daries. (UPI) The arrest of one The Pontiff, 71, will land at than a nickel an hour apart In a speech to the national j-outh early Saturday trig- Kampala, Uganda's capital, Saturday a s negotiations assembly, which was heard ;cred a violent disturbance in where he will meet with continued in an effort to head by U.S. radio ministers here, which some 200 others at- African bishops, consecrate a off a nationwide strike MonLast year's Oscar awards Trucking freight f r o m acked seven police officers cathedral and pray for peace day. (See RELATION, Page A-4) and tried to storm the police in the Nigerian' civil war, the One source said the two program has been called Cleveland to Anchorage announcement said, station. sides were about 4Vi cents numbing in its dultaess. And particularly the last 2,500 One police officer suffered WASHINGTON (UPI) - apart on extra pay for skilled the Academy of Motion Pic- miles northward a c r o s s minor head injuries and 12 Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, workers, the major unresolv- ture Arts and Sciences itseli Canada demands drivers youths were booked on lired from an all-night flight, ed issue between t h e is wallowing in middle age. worth $20,000 or more a charges of disturbing the returned to W a s h i n g t o n Brotherhood of R a i l r o a d But president Gregory Peck year. That Alcan Highway peace, interfering with a Saturday from a Senate sub- Signalmen and r a i l r o a d promises reviializalon, at stretch is silently beautiful in its lonelniess, but savage ia police officer and failure o committee tour of Alaska but management least in Monday n i g h t ' s nature-borne dangers. PAGE disperse. refused to discuss charges by B u t h e s a i d s o m e ceremonies. See PAGE CW. Dl. SUNNY Republicans that his trip was negotiators migbt dispute that Sunny and warmer to- L AUSANNE, Switzerland A4 Plajbffll Cll publicity stunt. ; igure. He said it is the dif- Birtfcs day, highs in- the low 0s. (UPI) Former Queen Vic- "I think the trip was ex- erence between i n v o l v e d BS-9 Real Estate Bll Fair and wanner toremely worthwhile a n d iroposals difficult to explain Deaths A4 Sports Bl7 night, lows In the 40s. In- toria - Eugenie of Spain, last useful," K e n n e d y told ,n simple terms of t h e Editorial BIS Theaters C1WS creasing cloudiness w i t h surviving granddaughter of newsmen who met his plane railroads' offer and t h e Home Bll TVSchedwle Cli little temperature change England's Queen Victoria, 82, at D u l l e s International Hospitals A4 Want Ads D3-1I Mondaylapsed into a coma Saturday. Airport. (See UXIOX, Page A-S) JeawDixmi Bll Women's ClU|

70 Budget Cuts Seen


Still Rages

Warships' Salvoes Slam Red Hideouts

Europeari Security Huddle?

'Repeat Viet Peace Principles




Arab Commandos Shell Israeli Camp

News Briefs

Hail Union Nationwide Strike Near



Alasha Trip



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