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Think yoo know whut's heulthy und whut's not? Yoo muy be sorprised.

While we ull
know the busics oI heulthy euting und exercise, there ure muny onexpectedly heulthy
things yoo muy not be uwure ure good Ior yoo. Here ure oor top 1o sorprising things
thut cun muke yoo heulthier.

Tuking photogruphs
I you IInd yourseII geLLIng snup Iuppy on u IoIIduy or nIgIL ouL, LIIs muy be no bud LIIng. ReseurcI
suggesLs LIuL recuIIIng good memorIes und IuvIng u posILIve vIew oI LIe pusL cun IeIp boosL
IuppIness IeveIs und IeuILI, yeL uccordIng Lo sepuruLe reseurcI we IInd IL more dIIIIcuIL Lo recuII good
memorIes LIun bud ones. I you Iuve LroubIe IocusIng on Iuppy memorIes, Lry compIIIng some pIoLo
uIbums oI your IuvourILe momenLs Ior un InsLunL IeuILI und IuppIness boosL.

WIIIe we uII know ubouL LIe IeuILI dungers oI Iong-Lerm sLress, sLress In sIorL bursLs cun ucLuuIIy
sLrengLIen your Immune sysLem. n cuses oI ucuLe sLress, LIe body prepures ILseII Ior dunger or
LIreuL (LIe IIgIL-or-IIIgIL response) LIrougI LIe reIeuse oI Iormones IncIudIng corLIsoI, wIIcI cuuses
u sIorL Lerm boosL Lo LIe Immune sysLem. So nexL LIme you IInd yourseII geLLIng Lense beIore u job
InLervIew, presenLuLIon or bIg sporLs muLcI, Luke consoIuLIon In LIe IucL LIuL you ure doIng your
Immune sysLem u Iuvour.
Reud more on Y! LiIestyle:
O cured puIn LIe nuLuruI wuy
O now LIe rIsks ussocIuLed wILI obesILy
O WIy beIng ndIun Is good Ior your IeuILI
O %op 1o IeuILIy breukIusL opLIons

SorIing the internet

%IInk LIuL browsIng ucebook und seurcIIng Ior ceIebrILy gossIp Is u wusLe oI LIme? %IInk uguIn.
ReseurcIers uL LIe UnIversILy oI CuIIIornIu os AngeIes Iound LIuL seurcIIng LIe web IeIps boosL
bruIn IeuILI In LIose mIddIe-uged und oIder, und couId even prevenL some oI LIe eIIecLs LIuL ugeIng
Ius on LIe bruIn. %Ie sLudy Iound LIuL browsIng LIe InLerneL sLImuIuLed LIe ureus oI LIe bruIn LIuL
conLroI Iunguuge und memory us weII us IeIpIng Lo Improve decIsIon-mukIng und compIex reusonIng.

We uII know LIuL IuugILer Is good Ior us, buL LIe surprIsIng news Is LIuL sIeddIng some Leurs couId
uIso do wonders Ior your IeuILI. ReseurcIers uL LIe UnIversILy oI SouLI IorIdu Iound LIuL 88.8 per
cenL oI peopIe IeeI beLLer uILer cryIng, wIIIe IL Ius been suggesLed LIuL cryIng IeIps reIeuse LIe
cIemIcuIs LIuL buIId up In our bodIes durIng LImes oI sLress. So, nexL LIme you IeeI yourseII weIIIng
up uILer u weepy movIe or emoLIonuI duy, gIve your IeuILI und mood u boosL by IeLLIng LIe Leurs IIow.

Getting murried
MuILIpIe reseurcI sLudIes und sLuLIsLIcs suggesL LIuL LIose wIo ure murrIed IIve Ionger LIun
sIngIeLons due Lo LIe IucL LIey experIence Iess socIuI IsoIuLIon. urLIermore, wIIIe IL`s never u
sLunduIone reuson Ior ruIsIng kIds, reseurcI suggesLs LIuL II you decIde Lo sLurL u IumIIy you couId
boosL your IeuILI even more. A sLudy oI over 1. mIIIIon men und women Iound LIuL IuvIng one Lo
Lwo cIIIdren reduces your rIsk oI numerous condILIons IncIudIng cuncer, uIcoIoIIsm und IeurL

L muy noL be your IuvourILe ucLIvILy, yeL keepIng your Iome cIeun und LIdy couId IeIp you sLuy IIL und
IeuILIy und keep oII LIose exLru pounds. AccordIng Lo u poII on IouseIoId cIores, LIe uveruge person
wuIks more LIun zz mIIes und burns oII o,ooo cuIorIes u yeur wIIIe cIeunIng LIeIr Iome, mukIng IL u
greuL uILernuLIve Lo LIe gym. urLIermore, reseurcI Iunded by Cuncer ReseurcI U Iound LIuL doIng
IouseIoId cIores cun reduce women`s rIsk oI breusL cuncer by o% In pre-menopuusuI women und
zo% In LIose posL-menopuuse.

Huving u big bom
I you reguIurIy spend Iours In LIe gym LryIng Lo LrIm IncIes oII your LIIgIs or bum, IL muy be LIme
you sLopped und sIowed your curves u IILLIe upprecIuLIon InsLeud. WIIIe you muy despuIr oI your
curvy reur end, reseurcI sIows LIuL IuL sLored In LIIs ureu mops up IurmIuI IuLLy ucIds, conLuIns un
unLI-InIIummuLory LIuL prevenLs urLerIes Irom cIoggIng, und cuLs your rIsk oI IeurL dIseuse, dIubeLes
und sLroke.

WILI LIe sourIng popuIurILy oI unLI-bucLerIuI Iund geIs, cIoLIIng und wusIIng producLs, IL Is eusy Lo
beIIeve LIuL dIrL Is LIe uILImuLe enemy. However, wIIIe IL Is generuIIy good Lo puy uLLenLIon Lo
IygIene, u IILLIe bIL oI dIrL couId be beLLer Ior you LIun you LIInk. ConLrury Lo popuIur beIIeI, beIng
sLerIIe doesn`L keep you IeuILIy und In IucL reseurcI suggesLs LIuL exposure Lo IrIendIy bucLerIu Iound
In soII cun ucLuuIIy IeIp boosL LIe Immune sysLem und uIIevIuLe depressIon.

WIIIe muny oI us ussocIuLe beer wILI beer beIIIes, drInkIng LIIs popuIur LIppIe In moderuLIon couId
ucLuuIIy Iuve more IeuILI beneIILs LIun red wIne. ReseurcI sLudIes Iuve sIown LIuL moderuLe
consumpLIon oI beer cun IeIp reduce rIsk oI IeurL dIseuse, sLroke, dIubeLes und demenLIu. On Lop oI
LIIs, beer Is rIcI In muny nuLrIenLs, IncIudIng mugnesIum, seIenIum und B vILumIns, und conLuIns u
cuncer-IIgILIng compound Iound In Iops.

Yoor Iriends
L seems Lo be reIuLIveIy rure LIuL LIe LIIngs we Iove ure good Ior us, yeL In LIe cuse oI our IrIends LIIs
Is deIInILeIy LIe cuse. ReseurcI suggesLs LIuL your IrIends cun IeIp you IIve Ionger by reducIng
IeeIIngs oI depressIon, sLress und rIsky beIuvIour, und encourugIng you Lo Iook uILer your IeuILI. n
IucL, u sLudy by BrIgIum Young UnIversILy Iound LIuL IuvIng u good socIuI neLwork boosLs your
survIvuI cIunces by o per cenL, wIIIe IuvIng Iew IrIends uIIecLs you IongevILy us mucI us smokIng 1
cIgureLLes u duy.

12 ways to feel healthier

Health boosting lifestyle changes
Check out the following top 12 ways to make you feel more healthier. f you follow these tips
you'll surely get back to feeling good or even start feeling better than you ever have
Get cIoser to nature
growing band of scientists known as 'ecopsychologists' believe that we have an innate need to be cIose to the
naturaI worId on a daiIy basis in order to safeguard our physicaI and mentaI weII-being. For example, in a
classic study, hospital patients who looked out onto 'green' spaces healed faster, and needed fewer painkillers than
those who looked out onto a brick wall. lso, outdoor environments particularly those near running water or high
up also have more negative ions in the air, which help to energise us. nd you don't need to live in the country to
inject some greenery and fresh air into your day: simply gardening, taking a walk in the park, watching the birds at the
birdfeeder or sitting by a river will also help you get your daily dose from Mother Nature.
Eat more fruit 'n' veg
Eating more fruit and vegetables is one of the simplest things you can do to enhance your health. Despite the well-
publicised 'five a day' campaign, a recent Nutrition and Diet Survey found that although fruit and veg consumption
has increased, the average is still less than three portions per day. This is worrying, given that 'five a day' isn't an
ideal but a recommended 232:2 intake. So,make an effort to have at Ieast one portion of fruit and veg with
every meaI, and then throw in two other fruit or veg snacks throughout the day. lso try not to have the same
old things all the time. good rule of thumb is to go for different coloured fruit and veg when you can, rather than
having all fruit and veg of one colour. For example, you could try having red grapes instead of green, Romaine lettuce
instead of iceberg, or pink grapefruit instead of white. nd bear in mind that all your portions don't have to be fresh
so you can eat dried, canned or frozen fruit or vegetabIes as part of your reguIar 'five a day' as weII.
Stretch more
f you find yourself grunting or sighing heavily as you get out of the car or armchair, and strain yourself when trying to
get your arms into a jacket or do up your bra, then it's time to get flexible! Your flexibility begins to deteriorate from
your 20s onwards as connective tissues stiffen, muscles shorten and joints become drier but becoming as stiff as
a board isn't inevitable. Some gentIe daiIy stretching and mobiIising such as doing some circIing, bending
and extending movements wiII heIp keep you mobiIe. Or, if you still neglect daily stretching, you should make it
an absolute rule to stretch after every workout. fter a period of prolonged contraction, muscles can take up to two
hours to be restored to their resting length but just a few minutes of stretching will enable this to happen much
more quickly.
SIow your pace of Iife down
f your life is just one big rush, stop a minute or at least slow down! You are missing out on many of the best things
life has to offer by always 'doing' and never 'being'. Stopping and smeIIing the roses is not about Iiving at a
snaiI's pace, and it's not about turning Luddite or heading for the hiIIs to Iive in a Iog cabin; it's about
baIance. So, instead of tearing out of the door to get to the station on time, get up a little earlier to give yourself time
to savour a cup of tea, or meander home through the park instead of rushing home to shove in another load of
Get more sIeep
ccording to the Sleep Council, roughly a third of the whole population don't get enough sleep. Not only does that
mean we spend the daytime feeling tired and lacking in energy, it also means we function below par both
physically and mentally. While there's no fixed amount that works for everyone, experts beIieve we need
somewhere between seven and nine hours sIeep per night so make sure you get an amount simiIar to this.
lso, the most important thing as far as regular sleep patterns are concerned is getting up at the same time every day
even if you haven't gone to bed at the same hour.
Stop eating junk food
The evidence that 'we are what we eat' is now incontrovertible. That doesn't mean you need to start examining your
stools, but it does mean that you need to think twice before you open your mouth and pop in yet more highly-refined,
processed foods full of artificial flavourings, colourings and preservatives! Nutrition scientists have demonstrated that
eating oily fish can help to maintain mental function; that high-fibre foods improve energy levels; and that fruit and
vegetables help to support the immune system. No such findings have been discovered about fries, Danish pastries,
carbonated drinks and pies! So, get in the habit of reading food IabeIs and try to restrict your intake of
processed foods to a minimum. lso, beware of trans fatty acids a particularly harmful type of fat that is often
present in junk food and refined packaged products.
Respect the sun
The sun on your skin feels good, but it's essential to protect yourself from its harmful ultraviolet rays. Think UV for
aging and UVB for burning you need a sunscreen that protects against both. Men in particular are guilty of
neglecting sunscreen, thereby putting themselves at risk not just of developing skin cancer but also of burning and
premature aging of the skin. Avoid sitting in the sun between 11am and 3pm, when the sun's ultraviolet rays are
at their strongest, and get into the habit of regularly applying sunscreen with a protection factor of at Ieast 15. You
don't have to be lying on a beach to do damage, either; even just walking around the city is enough to have a
detrimental affect. nd if you notice any changes to moles or any new moles appearing on your skin, then don't
hesitate to see your doctor, as they may indicate you have skin cancer which is far more treatable when caught
Have more sex
Sex relieves stress and tension, makes you feel good, enhances circulation, helps you sleep and boosts your
immune system. Plus, according to Dr. David Weeks, a clinical neuropsychologist at Scotland's Royal Edinburgh
Hospital, it also keeps you young. Weeks conducted a study of 3,500 people ranging in age from 18 to 102, and
concluded that sex actuaIIy sIows the aging process. lso, other UK research on a thousand men found that those
who had at least two orgasms a week had half the death rate of those who indulged less than once a month. So what
are you waiting for? But remember to protect yourself sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise, particularly
among young people.
Be more active
The US National nstitute of Health says that exercise is the most effective anti-aging pill ever discovered and yet
56 per cent of men and 70 per cent of women aged 16 to 54 fail to reach the recommended levels of physical activity
in order to gain health benefits. lso, while 10,000 steps per day is the golden rule sufficient to reduce your risk of
heart disease, aid weight loss and improve musculoskeletal health a report in the journal Sports Med.3e found
that less than 5,000 is more typical for the average Westerner. So, start Iooking for opportunities to be more
active on a daiIy basis for exampIe, think twice before you get in the car or wait at the bus stop! You could
also consider investing in a pedometer to keep track of your steps.
Watch your aIcohoI units
Excess drinking has become so much part of our culture that many of us barely notice we are doing it. Yet research
shows that many adults drink over the recommended number of units per week, with some consuming a staggering
(quite literally!) three times the weekly limit. Drinking too much can increase your risk of heart problems, stroke,
obesity and some cancers, and also makes you vulnerable to accidents and danger. However, if you stick to the
recommended amount per week and don't drink it aII at the same time! you can enjoy aIcohoI without
harming your heaIth.
Work your brain
The brain isn't a muscle, but the old 'use it or lose it' adage still applies. By the time you reach 45, your brain will be
losing 50,000 cells a day from the cerebral cortex but keeping your mind stimulated can help to preserve your
cognitive function. So, whether it's doing a crossword, a Sudoku puzzle, a memory game or a quiz, or doing
something more challenging such as learning a new language, aIways continue to pitch your brain against fresh
chaIIenges. You could even follow Winston Churchill's example by learning one new word every day!
rink enough water
recent survey found that men were more likely to be dehydrated when entering the gym than women but in fact
most of us, active or not, could do with drinking a little more water on a daily basis. llowing yourself to become even
slightly dehydrated (known as 'hypohydration') will mean that you'll become sluggish, will have impaired mental
function and will have an increased risk of constipation. So keep a bottIe of water handy on your desk, in your
bag or in the car and you'II be surprised how often you take a sip from it. Contrary to popular belief, thirst is a
very good indicator of needing to take fluids on board! The daily recommended fluid intake is two litres per day, but
some of this can come from other liquids such as soft drinks, fruit juice, tea and coffee.

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