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l8S S1uu?


L!Cu8nAL lC8 8Ank LxAMlnA1lCnS
Sunday 20 november 2011
1 lrom whlch sLaLe was Lhe !ananl 0 Shlshu Suraksha karyakram (!SSk) of Lhe MlnlsLry of PealLh and
lamlly Welfare launched recenLly ?
1) kerala
2) MaharashLra
3) Paryana
4) 8a[asLhan
3) none of Lhese

2 88l has declded Lo release a 8s 3 coln mark 1000 years of whlch Lemple recenLly ?
1) Sabarlmala 1emple
2) kashl vlshwanaLh 1emple varanasl
3) 8rlhadeeswara 1emple 1han[avur
4) valshno uevl 1emple
3) none of Lhese

3 Whlch of Lhe followlng approved $ 1 bllllon loan for Lhe naLlonal Canga 8lver 8asln ro[ecL recenLly
1) unL
2) Au8
3) World 8ank
4) All above [olnLly
3) none of Lhese

4 1he revlsed esLlmaLes of naLlonal lncome for Lhe flnanclal year 201011 were released by Lhe CenLral
SLaLlsLlcal CrganlsaLlon (CSC) on May 31 2011 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls / are correcL ?
l) Cross uomesLlc roducL (Cu) aL facLor cosL aL 200403 prlces ls 8s 4877842 crore
ll) er CaplLa Cu aL facLor cosL aL 200403 prlces ls 8s 38247
lll) er CaplLa neL naLlonal lncoem (nnl) aL facLor cosL aL 200403 prlces ls 8s 33917
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll and lll only
4) l and lll only
3) none of Lhese

3 1he governmenL has seL up vldyuL vyapar nlgam as Lhe CenLral Agency Lo purchase solar
power from Lhe developers and sell lL Lo dlsLrlbuLlon companles such as sLaLe elecLrlclLy boards
1) 8PLL
2) nPC
3) 8LC
4) n1C
3) none of Lhese

6 1he 8eserve 8ank of lndla (88l) announced a change ln lLs overseas dlrecL lnvesLmenL guldellnes Lo
glve lndlan companles more flexlblllLy ln managlng lnLernaLlonal [olnL venLures (!vs) and whollyowned
subsldlarles Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls / are correcL ?
l) LlsLed companles wlll be allowed Lo wrlLe off 23 per cenL caplLal loans and oLher recelvables such as
royalLy and managemenL fee of Lhelr !vs and whollyowned subsldlarles wlLhouL seeklng 88l permlsslon
ll) 1hese guldellnes wlll be appllcable for !vs ln whlch lndlan promoLers own aL leasL 31 per cenL
lll) LxlsLlng regulaLlons allow resLrucLurlng of balance sheeLs only for wlndlng up of !vs and wholly
owned subsldlarles abroad
1) ll only
2) l and ll only
3) lll and l only
4) l ll and lll
3) none of Lhese

7 Whlch publlc secLor bank ls assoclaLed wlLhL he launch of lndlas flrsL Cramln 8ank (8ural 8ank) A1M
Card ln asoclaLlon wlLh vranasl based kashl ComLl SamyuL Cramln 8ank and naLlonal aymenLs
CorporaLlon of lndla (nCl) recenLly ?
1) Allahabad 8ank
2) S8l
3) Canara 8ank
4) u8l
3) none of Lhese

8 1he governmenL announced Lhe seLLlng up of a speclal wlng ulrecLoraLe of lncome 1ax (Crlmlnal
lnvesLlgaLlon) Lo lnvesLlgaLe crlmlnal offences under dlrecL Lax laws recenLly Whlch of Lhe followlng
sLaLemenLs ls / are correcL ?
l) lL wlll work under Lhe purvlew of LnforcemenL ulrecLoraL
ll) lL wlll cover evaslon of lncome Lax and corporaLe Lax
lll) lL wlll cover evaslon of exclse and cusLoms duLles
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll only
4) lll only
3) none of Lhese

9 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls noL among Lhe flvefold sLraLegy adopLed by Lhe governmenL Lo Lackle Lhe
menace of llllclL funds ?
1) !olnlng global crusade agalnsL black money
2) CreaLlng an approprlaLe leglslaLlve framework
3) SeLLlng up lnsLlLuLlons for deallng wlLh llllclL lunds
4) Cfferlng amnesLy schemes Lo brlng back black money
3) none of Lhese

10 1he naLlonal lood SecurlLy Mlsslon (nlSM) does noL cover
1) 8lce
2) Coarse Cereals
3) ulses
4) All Lhe above
3) none of Lhese

11 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs abouL rules governlng Lhe new enslon Scheme (nS) ls / are
correcL ?
l) lund managers under nS can be from publlc secLor as well as prlvaLe secLor
ll) nS funds cannoL be lnvesLed ln equlLy markeLs
lll) 8oLh governmenL and prlvaLe secLor employees can lnvesL ln nS
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll and lll only
4) l and lll only
3) none of Lhese

12 SCC8LS ls a complalnLs redressal sysLem launched by
1) SL8l
2) l8A
3) C8u1
4) CCl
3) none of Lhese

13 ulrecL Lax collecLlons accounL for whaL share of Cu ln lndla ?
1) 926 per cenL
2) 762 per cenL
3) 366 per cenL
4) 472 per cenL
3) none of Lhese

14 1he governmenL has lncreased Lhe duLy free lmporL quoLa for garmenLs from whlch nelghbourlng
counLry by Lwo mllllon pleces Lo 10 mllllon recenLly ?
1) nepal
2) 8angladesh
3) Myanmar
4) 8huLan
3) none of Lhese

13 1he CommlLLee seL up Lo revlew Lhe funcLlonlng of Lhe naLlonal Small Savlngs lund (nSSl)
submlLLed lLs reporL Lo Lhe llnance MlnlsLry recenLly Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls / are correcL
l) lL has recommended an lncrease ln Lhe celllng on annual subscrlpLlons ln ubllc rovldenL lund (l)
ll) lL has recommended an upward revlslon of Lhe raLe of lnLeresL ln osL Cfflce Savlng AccounL from
33 Lo 4
lll) lL has recommended ln lncreae ln Lhe compulsory lnvesLmenL of neL small savlngs collecLlons ln SLaLe
CovernmenL SecurlLles
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll and lll only
4) l and lll only
3) none of Lhese

16 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs regardlng recenL changes ln Lhe lndlra Candhl naLlonal Cld Age
enslon Scheme (lCnCAS) ls / are correcL ?
l) Age llmlL for ldenLlflcaLlon of beneflclarles has been lowered
ll) 60 years ls Lhe new age llmlL for ldenLlflcaLlon of beneflclarles
lll) MonLhly penslon has been lncreased for al beneflclarles
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll only
4) l ll and lll
3) none of Lhese

17 1he drafL naLlonal ManufacLurlng ollcy was glven ln prlnclple approval by a Plgh Level
CommlLLee on ManufacLurlng held under Lhe Chalrmanshlp of Lhe rlme MlnlsLer recenLly Whlch of Lhe
followlng sLaLemenLs ls / are correcL ?
l) 1he ob[ecLlve ls Lo generaL 100 mllllon addlLlonal [obs by 2023
ll) 1he ob[ecLlve ls Lo ralse Lhe share of manufacLurlng ln Cu Lo 30 by 2023
lll) ManufacLurlng lndusLry romoLlon 8oard (Ml8) should be seL up Lo faclllLaLe overseas lnvesLmenLs
by lndlan companles
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll and lll only
4) l ll and lll
3) none of Lhese

18 1he governmenL announced cerLaln changes ln Lhe lndlra Candhl naLlonal Cld Age enslon Scheme
(lCnCAS) recenLly Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls / are correcL ?
l) More Lhan 3 crore persons are covered under Lhe lCnCAS currenLly
ll) 1oLal addlLlonal requlremenL of funds for lmplemenLlng Lhe changes wlll be 8s 2770 crore ln 201112
ll) Age llmlLs for wlndows and dlsabled covered under Lhe scheme has been lowered
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll only
4) ll and lll only
3) none of Lhese

19 1he naLlonal 8roadband lan ls almed aL rolllng ouL broadband lnfrasLrucLure Lo every vlllage wlLh
more Lhan people
1) 300
2) 1000
3) 1300
4) 2000
3) none of Lhese

20 1he new serles of Lhe lndex of lndusLrlal roducLlon (ll) was unvelled recenLly Whlch of Lhe
followlng sLaLemenLs ls / are correcL ?
l) 200403 wlll be Lhe base year
ll) 1he welghL of manufacLurlng ln Lhe new ll has been lncreased
lll) 1he welghL of mlnlng and elecLrlclLy has been reduced ln Lhe new ll
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll and lll only
4) l ll and lll
3) none of Lhese

21 1he governmenL replaced Lhe uuLy LnLlLlemenL ass 8ook uL(2) scheme of exporL promoLlon
replaced wlLh uuLy urawback scheme on SepLember 30 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls / are
l) uL8 was a relmbursemenL of CusLoms duLy pald by an exporLer on an lmporLed lnpuL used ln Lhe
exporL producL
ll) uL8 was a cashless exporL promoLlon scheme
lll) uL8 was admlnlsLered by Lhe revenue deparLmenL of llnance MlnlsLry
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll and lll only
4) lll and l only
3) none of Lhese

22 WhaL ls Lhe lnLeresL raLe ln 201112 on fresh loans for farmers who have repald Lhelr prevlous
shorL Lerm loans on Llme ?
1) 3
2) 4
3) 3
4) 6
3) none of Lhese

23 Whlch of Lhe followlng lndexes was colned by economlsL ArLhur Ckun ?
1) CorrupLlon ercepLlon lndex
2) neLwork 8eadlness lndex
3) 1errorlsm 8lsk lndex
4) Mlsery lndex
3) none of Lhese

24 Whlch of Lhe followlng caLegory of workers were lncluded under Lhe 8ashLrlya SwasLhya 8lma
yo[ana (8S8?) recenLly ?
1) 8allway porLers
2) 8eedl workers
3) CarpenLers
4) Masons
3) none of Lhese

23 Whlch of Lhe followlng have been dlsallowed from openlng branches abroad by Lhe 88l recenLly ?
1) rlvaLe secLor banks
2) enslon lunds
3) CooperaLlve banks
4) n8lCs
3) none of Lhese

26 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe power excahnge belng seL up by n1C ?
1) 8haraL ower Lxchange LLd
2) naLlonal ower Lxchange LLd
3) ower Lxchange lndla LLd
4) none of Lhe above
3) none of Lhese

27 lndla has flled an appllcaLlon for an exLenslon of lLs Lxcluslve Lconomlc Zone (LLZ) from
nauLlcal mlles Lo nauLlcal mlles wlLh Lhe unlLed naLlons Commlsslon on Lhe Law fo Lhe Sea
1) 100 300
2) 200 230
3) 100 230
4) 200 330
3) none of Lhese

28 Whlch was lndlas besL performlng sLaLe durlng 19802004 ln Lerms of producLlvlLy of Lhe organlsed
manufacLurng secLor accordlng Lo a 88l sponsored sLudy unvelled recenLly ?
1) 8lhar
2) 1amll nadu
3) karnaLaka
4) Paryana
3) none of Lhese

29 WhaL was Lhe lnsurance peneLraLlon (percenLage of lnsurance premlum Lo Cross uomesLlc
roducL) ln lndla ln 2009 accordlng Lo flgures released by Lhe llnance MlnlsLry ln AugusL 2011 ?
1) 314
2) 480
3) 470
4) 339
3) none of Lhese

30 lndlan mlnlng companles have bld for a sLake ln Pa[lgak ore mlnes ln AfghanlsLan
1) 8auxlLe
2) Copper
3) lron
4) Coal
3) none of Lhese

31 lndla and lr Lanka slgned a Mou Lo develop Lhe porL ln !uly 2011
1) kankesanLhural
2) PambanLoLa
3) 1rlncomalee
4) Calle
3) none of Lhese

32 1he esLabllshmenL of Serlous lraud lnvesLlgaLlon Cfflce Lo Lackle whlLe collar crlmes ls based on
Lhe recommendaLlons of
1) vepa kamesam commlLLee
2) ! venkaLeswarlu commlLLee
3) !aydeep n Shah commlLLee
4) nllesh S vlkamsey commlLLee

33 Sukhl Crlha arlkalpana ls a houslng welfare scheme for rehablllLaLlon of slum dwellers launched
by whlch cenLral governmenL mlnlsLry?
1) 8allway
2) 8ural uevelopmenL
3) urban uevelopmenL
4) Labour LmploymenL
3) none of Lhese

34 A drafL pollcy on forelgn dlrecL lnvesLmenL (lul) ln mulLlbrand reLall was unvelled by a commlLLee
of secreLarles (CoS) ln !uly 2011 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs regardlng currenL lul pollcy ln reLall
ls / are correcL ?
l) lul upLo 10 ls permlLLed ln mulLlbrand reLall
ll) 100 lul ls permlLLed ln cash carry wholesale Lrade
lll) lul upLo 31 ls permlLLed ln slngle brand reLall
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll and lll only
4) l ll and lll
3) none of Lhese

33 1he governmenL approved Lhe acqulslLlon of Commerclal and lnLernaLlonal 8ank LLd by
was approved by Lhe governmenL ln !uly 2011
1) SLaLe 8ank of lndla
2) 8ank of lndla
3) Axls 8ank
4) lClCl
3) none of Lhese

36 WhaL ls Lhe base year of Lhe new serles of Consumer rlce lndlces (Cl) for rural urban and
comblned lnLroduced by Lhe govenmenL ln !anuary 2011 ?
1) 2003
2) 2007
3) 2008
4) 2010
3) none of Lhese

37 Whlch of Lhe followlng was lmposed a penalLy of 8s 333 crore for abuslng lLs domlnanL poslLlon ln
Lhe currency derlvaLlve (Cu) markeL ln !une 2011 ?
1) naLlonal SLock Lxchange
2) MCxSx
3) 8ombay SLock Lxchange
4) C1CLl
3) none of Lhese

38 use of Lhe whlch of Lhe followlng sofLwares ln reporLlng flnanclal resulLs of companles was made
compulsory by Lhe governmenL recenLly?
1) x88L
2) 1ally
3) P1ML
4) CC8CL
3) none of Lhese

39 WhaL ls Lhe mlnlmum Llme of operaLlon an lnsurance company ls requlred Lo launch an lnlLlal
publlc offer (lC) ?
1) 3 years
2) 3 years
3) 7 years
4) 10 years
3) none of Lhese

40 1he llnance MlnlsLry recenLly unvelled Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe lnfrasLrucLure debL funds (luls)
proposed ln 8udgeL 201112 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls / are correcL ?
l) lul can be seL up as a muLuLal fund (Ml)
ll) lul can be seL up as a non banklng flnance company (n8lC)
lll) lul can be regulaLed by 88l or SL8l
1) l and ll only
2) ll only
3) ll and lll only
4) l ll and lll
3) none of Lhese

41 1he securlLles and Lxchange 8oard of lndla (SL8l) announced key changes lnL he 1akeover Code
governlng mergers and acqulslLlons of companles ln Lhe counLry ln !uly 2011 Accordlng Lo Lhe new rules
an lnvesLor whose shareholdlng ln a company exceeds a cerLaln llmlL wlll have Lo make an open offer Lo
acqulre a furLher of Lhe shareholdlng of Lhe company
1) 18
2) 20
3) 24
4) 26
3) none of Lhese

42 1he comprehenslve economlc parLnershlp agreemenL (CLA) beLween lndla and !apan came lnLo
effecL on AugusL 1 2011 1hls ls lndlas Lhlrd CLA afLer
1) uSA and unlLed klngdom
2) Slngapore and SouLh korea
3) Malaysla and 1halland
4) Chlna and Pong kong
3) none of Lhese

43 1he Luropean unlon has declded Lo llfL resLrlcLlons on lndlas exporL of whlch of Lhe followlng
passlng Lhrough Luropean porLs ?
1) rocessed food
2) Cheap medlclnes
3) Arms and AmmunlLlon
4) 8adloacLlve wasLer
3) none of Lhese

44 Whlch sLaLe has Lhe hlghesL slum populaLlon ln lndla accordlng Lo Pouslng and urban overLy
AllevlaLlon MlnlsLry ?
1) MaharashLra
2) Andhra radesh
3) uLLar radesh
4) WesL 8engal
3) none of Lhese

43 WhaL ls lndlas er CaplLa lncome aL currenL prlces ln 201011 ?
1) 8s 41332
2) 8s 43278
3) 8s 49294
4) 34833
3) none of Lhese

46 WhaL ls Lhe share of Mlcro Small and Medlum LnLerprlses (MSMLs) ln lndlas lndusLrlal producLlon
1) 872
2) 1618
3) 2467
4) 4486
3) none of Lhese

47 1he M uamodaran commlLLee on cusLomer servlces by banks has suggesLed sweeplng changes ln
banklng pracLlces ln lLs reporL submlLLed Lo Lhe 8eserve 8ank of lndla (88l) ln AugusL 2011 Whlch of Lhe
followlng sLaLemenLs regardlng lLs recommendaLlons ls / are correcL ?
l) 1here should be a common cusLomer servlce call cenLre for all banks
ll) lnsurance cover for deposlLs should be ralsed Lo 8s 300 000 from 8s 100000 now
lll) 8anks should offer savlngs accounLs wlLh faclllLles llke cheque faclllLy A1M card eLc wlLhouL
prescrlblng a mlnlmum balance requlremenL
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll and lll only
4) l ll and lll

48 1he SLaLe 8ank of lndla (Subsldlary 8anks Laws) AmendmenL 8lll 2009 was passed by Lhe Lok Sabha
on AugusL 11 2011 Whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLemenLs ls / are correcL ?
l) lL allows subsldlary banks of SLaLe 8ank of lndla (S8l) Lo ralse caplLal Lhrough publlc lssue rouLe or
Lhrough preferenLlal alloLmenL of equlLy shares
ll) lL auLhorlses Lhe CenLre Lo approve lncrease ln or reducLlon of Lhe auLhorlsed caplLal of a subsldlary
lll) lL permlLs Lhe S8l Chalrman Lo nomlnaLe an offlclal of Lhe SLaLe 8ank or Lhe subsldlary bank as Lhe
Chalrman of Lhe 8oard of a subsldlary bank
1) l only
2) l and ll only
3) ll and lll only
4) l ll and lll
3) none of Lhese

49 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls / are sold below markeL prlce Lo consumers ln lndla ?
1) kero sene
2) ulesel
3) LC
4) All Lhe above
3) none of Lhese

30 1he SLandlng CommlLLee on eLroleum and naLural Cas ln lLs reporL submlLLed on AugusL 3 2011
has called for an end Lo sale of subsldlsed domesLlc cooklng gas (LC) for people wlLh lncome of more
Lhan per annum
1) 8s 2 lakh
2) 8s 3 lakh
3) 8s 4 lakh
4) 8s 6 lakh
3) none of Lhese

1) 3 2) 3 3) 3 4) 4 3) 4 6) 4 7) 4 8) 3 9) 4 10) 2
11) 4 12) 1 13) 3 14) 2 13) 2 16) 2 17) 1 18) 4 19) 1 20) 1
21) 2 22) 3 23) 4 24) 2 23) 4 26) 2 27) 4 28) 1 29) 4 30) 3
31) 1 32) 1 33) 1 34) 4 33) 1 36) 4 37) 1 38) 1 39) 4 40) 4
41) 4 42) 2 43) 2 44) 1 43) 4 46) 4 47) 4 48) 4 49) 4 30) 4
osLed by l8S LxAMS aL 132 M 0 commenLs
Lmall 1hls8log1hls!Share Lo 1wlLLerShare Lo lacebook
1 1he lnsLrucLlons LhaL Lell a compuLer how Lo carry ouL Lhe processlng Lasks are referred Lo as
1) programs
2) processors
3) lnpuL devlces
4) memory modules
3) none of Lhese

2 An area of a compuLer LhaL Lemporarlly holds daLa walLlng Lo be processed ls
1) Cu
2) Memory
3) SLorage
4) llle
3) none of Lhese

3 1o selecL or unselecL one word Lo Lhe rlghL
1) C18L + SPll1
2) C18L + SPll1 + u Arrow
3) C18L + SPll1 + uown Arrow
4) C18L + SPll1 + 8lghL Arrow
3) none of Lhese

4 1o maxlmlze or resLore a selecLed wlndow
1) C18L + l7
2) C18L + l10
3) C18L + l8
4) C18L + l9
3) none of Lhese

3 1o Copy a plcLure of Lhe selecLed wlndow Lo Lhe cllpboard
1) AL1 + 1A8
2) CLrl + 1A8
3) AL1 + rlnL Screen
4) 8oLh (1) and (2)
3) none of Lhese

6 ls Lhe key Lo close a selecLed drop down llsL cancel a command and close a dlalog box
1) 1A8
2) SPll1
3) LSC
4) l10
3) none of Lhese

7 ls Lhe key we use Lo run Lhe selecLed command
1) SPll1
2) 1A8
3) Ln1L8
4) C18L
3) none of Lhese

8 ls Lhe funcLlonal key Lo dlsplay saveas box
1) l3
2) l6
3) l9
4) l12
3) none of Lhese

9 ls Lhe comblnaLlon of keys Lo swlLch beLween Lhe lasL four places LhaL you have edlLed
1) AL1 + C18L + Z
2) AL1 + C18L + ?
3) AL1 + 1A8 + Z
4) AL1 + SPll1 + Z
3) none of Lhese

10 ls Lhe keyboard shorLcuL key Lo lnserL auLo sum
1) AL1
2) AL1
3) AL1+
4) AL1
3) AL1+C18L

11 uaLa becomes when lL ls presenLed ln a formaL LhaL people can undersLand and use
1) processed
2) graphs
3) lnformaLlon
4) presenLaLlon
3) none of Lhese

12 1he Lerm deslgnaLes equlpmenL LhaL mlghL be added Lo a compuLer sysLem Lo enhance lLs
1) dlglLal devlce
2) sysLem addon
3) dlsk pack
4) perlpheral devlce
3) none of Lhese

13 A ls a mlcroprocessor based compuLlng devlce
1) personal compuLer
2) malnframe
3) worksLaLlon
4) server
3) none of Lhese

14 8AM can be LhoughL of as Lhe for Lhe compuLers processor
1) facLory
2) operaLlng room
3) walLlng room
4) plannlng room
3) none of Lhese

13 Whlch of Lhe followlng are Lhe funcLlons of a operaLlng sysLem
1) AllocaLes resources
2) MonlLors AcLlvlLles
3) Manages dlsks and flles
4) All of Lhe above
3) Cnly 1 and 2

16 1o move a copy of flle from one compuLer Lo anoLher over a communlcaLlon channel ls called ?
1) llle Lransfer
2) llle encrypLlon
3) llle modlflcaLlon
4) llle copylng
3) none of Lhese

17 1he prlmary funcLlon of Lhe ls Lo seL up Lhe hardware and load and sLarL an operaLlng
1) SysLem rograms
2) 8lCS
3) C
4) Memory
3) none of Lhese

18 WhaL klnd of memory ls boLh sLaLlc and non volaLlle ?
1) 8AM
2) 8CM
3) 8lCS
3) 3) none of Lhese

19 ls compuLer sofLware deslgned Lo operaLe Lhe compuLer hardware and Lo provlde plaLform
for runnlng appllcaLlon sofLware
1) AppllcaLlon sofLware
2) SysLem sofLware
3) SofLware
4) CperaLlng sysLem
3) none of Lhese

20 1he ls Lhe amounL of daLa LhaL a sLorage devlce can move from Lhe sLorage medlum Lo Lhe
CompuLer per second
1) daLa mlgraLlon raLe
2) daLa dlglLlzlng raLe
3) daLa Lransfer raLe
4) daLa access raLe
3) none of Lhese

21 A devlce whlch ls noL connecLed Lo Cu ls called as
1) landllne devlce
2) Cnllne devlce
3) Cffllne devlce
4) uevlce
3) none of Lhe above

22 WhaL ls Lhe oLher name for programmed chlp?
1) 8AM
2) 8CM
3) LSlC
4) 8CM
3) none of Lhese

23 Cnllne real Llme sysLems become popular ln generaLlon
1) llrsL CeneraLlon
2) Second CeneraLlon
3) 1hlrd CeneraLlon
4) lCurLh CeneraLlon
3) none of Lhes

24 ?ou use a(n) such as a keyboard or mouse Lo lnpuL lnformaLlon
1) ouLpuL devlce
2) lnpuL devlce
3) sLorage devlce
4) processlng devlce
3) none of Lhese

23 ls Lhe ablllLy of a devlce Lo [ump dlrecLly Lo Lhe requesLed daLa
1) SequenLlal access
2) 8andom access
3) Culck access
4) All of Lhe above
3) none of Lhese

26 provldes process and memory managemenL servlces LhaL allow Lwo or more Lasks [obs or
programs Lo run slmulLaneously
1) MulLlLasklng
2) MulLlLhreadlng
3) MulLlprocesslng
4) MulLlcopuLlng
3) none of Lhese

27 1he Lask of performlng operaLlons llke arlLhmeLlc and loglcal operaLlons ls called
1) rocesslng
2) SLorlng
3) LdlLlng
4) SorLlng
3) none of Lhese

28 1he ALu and ConLrol unlL [olnly known as
1) 8AM
2) 8CM
3) Cu
4) C
3) none of Lhese

29 8AM ls an example of
1) Secondary memory
2) rlmary memory
3) Maln memory
4) 8oLh (1) and (2)
3) none of Lhese

30 MagneLlc dlsk ls an example of
1) Secondary memory
2) rlmary meory
3) Maln memory
4) 8oLha (1) and (2)
3) none of Lhese

31 Whlch one of Lhe followlng ls nC1 a compuLer language /
1) MSLxcel
2) 8ASlC
3) CC8CL
4) C++
3) none of Lhese

32 Lach memory cell has a unlque number asslgned Lo lL ls called as Lhe of Lhe cell
1) Address
2) 8eglsLer
3) number
4) aLh
3) none of Lhese

33 8Am ls also called as
1) 8ead / WrlLe Memory
2) Long Memory
3) ermanenL Memory
4) rlmary Memory
3) none of Lhese

34 SLore daLa or lnformaLlon Lemporarlly and pass lL on as dlrecLed by Lhe conLrol unlL
1) Address
2) 8eglsLer
3) number
4) Memory
3) none of Lhese

33 SelecL Lhe Cdd one
1) CperaLlng sysLem
2) lnLerpreLer
3) Compller
4) Assembler
3) none of Lhese

36 A ls an addlLlonal seL of commands LhaL Lhe compuLer dlsplays afLer you make a selecLlon
from Lhe maln menu
1) dlalog box
2) submenu
3) menu selecLlon
4) All of Lhe above
3) none of Lhese

37 CC8CL ls an acronym for
1) Common 8uslness CrlenLed Language
2) CompuLer 8uslness CrlenLed Language
3) Common 8uslness CperaLed Language
4) Common 8uslness Crganlzed Language
3) none of Lhese

38 All of Lhe followlng are examples of real securlLy and prlvacy rlsks LxCL1
1) hackers
2) Spam
3) vlruses
4) ldenLlLy LhefL
3) none of Lhese

39 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls nC1 one of Lhe four ma[or daLa processlng funcLlons of a compuLer?
1) gaLherlng daLa
2) processlng daLa lnLo lnformaLlon
3) analyzlng Lhe daLa or lnformaLlon
4) sLorlng Lhe daLa or lnformaLlon
3) none of Lhese

40 All of Lhe followlng are examples of sLorage devlces LxCL1
1) hard dlsk drlves
2) prlnLers
3) floppy dlsk drlves
4) Cu drlves
3) en drlves

41 1he Cu and memory are locaLed on Lhe
1) expanslon board
2) moLherboard
3) sLorage devlce
4) ouLpuL devlce
3) dlsplay board

42 ls Lhe sclence LhaL aLLempLs Lo produce machlnes LhaL dlsplay Lhe same Lype of
lnLelllgence LhaL humans do
1) nanosclence
2) nanoLechnology
3) SlmulaLlon
4) ArlLlflclal lnLelllgence (Al)
3) none of Lhese

43 Servers are compuLers LhaL provlde resources Lo oLher compuLers connecLed Lo a
1) neLworkd
2) malnframe
3) supercompuLer
4) cllenL
3) lnLerneL

44 When creaLlng a compuLer program Lhe deslgns Lhe sLrucLure of Lhe program
1) Lnd user
2) SysLem AnalysL
3) rogrammer
4) All of Lhe above
3) none of Lhese

43 A compuLer program LhaL converLs an enLlre program lnLo machlne language aL one Llme ls called
a/ an
1) lnLerpreLer
2) slmulaLor
3) characLers
4) numbers
3) none of Lhese

46 CompuLers process daLa lnLo lnformaLlon by worklng excluslvely wlLh
1) mulLlmedla
2) words
3) characLers
4) numbers
3) none of Lhese

47 1he dlfference beLween people wlLh access Lo compuLers and Lhe lnLerneL and Lhose wlLhouL Lhls
access ls known as Lhe
1) dlglLal dlvlde
2) lnLerneL dlvlde
3) Web dlvlde
4) broadband dlvlde
3) none of Lhese

48 CompuLers manlpulaLe daLa ln many ways and Lhls manlpulaLlon ls calld
1) upgradlng
2) processlng
3) baLchlng
4) uLlllzlng
3) none of Lhese

49 1he ablllLy Lo recover and read deleLed or damaged flles from a crlmlnals compuLer ls an example
of a law enforcemenL speclallLy called
1) roboLlcs
2) slmulaLlon
3) compuLer forenslcs
4) anlmaLlon
3) none of Lhese

30 Where does mosL daLa go flrsL wlLh ln a compuLer memory hlerarchy ?
1) 8AM
2) 8CM
3) 8lCS
3) none of Lhese

1) 1 2) 2 3) 4 4) 2 3) 3 6) 3 7) 3 8) 4 9) 1 10) 2
11) 3 12) 4 13) 1 14) 3 13) 4 16) 1 17) 2 18) 2 19) 2
20) 3 21) 3 22) 2 23) 3 24) 2 23) 2 26) 1 27) 1 28) 3 29) 2 30) 1
31) 1 32) 1 33) 1 34) 2 33) 1 36) 1 37) 1 38) 2 39) 3 40) 2
41) 2 42) 4 43) 2 44) 2 43) 3 46) 4 47) 1 48) 2 49) 3 30) 1
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SaLurday 19 november 2011
1 Whlch of Lhe followlng bodles LlghLened Lhe norms for forelgn exchange rlsk cover ln lndla menLlonlng
LhaL only companles wlLh a neLworLh of 8s 200 crore can use derlvaLlves Lo hedge agalnsL rlsk of
volaLlllLy ln currency raLes?
a lMl
b 8eserve 8ank of lndla
c SL8l
d unlon MlnlsLry of llnance
Ans b
2 Whlch body ln lndla flnally provlded Lax exempLlon on Lhe 93 per cenL lnLeresL lncome on l deposlLs
for 201011?
a 8eserve 8ank of lndla
b lncome 1ax ueparLmenL
c Lmployees' rovldenL lund CrganlsaLlon
d CorporaLe Affalrs MlnlsLry
Ans b
3 (1) 1he reporL on CusLomer Servlce ln 8anks by a commlLLee chalred by M uamodaran former
Chalrman of Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange 8oard of lndla (SL8l) LhaL was released on 3 !uly 2011
recommended an lncreased deposlL lnsurance cover of 8s3 lakh so as Lo encourage lndlvlduals Lo keep
all Lhelr deposlLs ln banks
(2) 1he panel also suggesLed blocklng of losL A1M cards Lhrough SMS and lmmedlaLe resLoraLlon of
funds ln case of nondlspensaLlon of cash aL an A1M wlLhln 3 worklng days
Whlch of Lhe above ls noL Lrue?
a Cnly 1
b Cnly 2
c 8oLh 1 2
d none of Lhe above
Ans b
4 1he 8eserve 8ank of lndla (88l) ln a bld Lo Lame lnflaLlonary pressure hlked Lhe shorLLerm lndlcaLlve
pollcy raLe (repo raLe) by 30 basls polnLs on 26 !uly 2011 1he repo raLe currenLly sLands aL whaL
a 7
b 73
c 8
d 83
Ans c
3 Whlch bank posLed a 99 per cenL drop ln neL proflL aL 8s 21 crore for Lhe fourLh quarLer ended 31
March 2011 agalnsL 8s 1867 crore durlng Lhe correspondlng perlod ln 2010?
a lndlan Cverseas 8ank
b SLaLe 8ank of lndla
c 8ank of lndla
d unlLed 8ank of lndla
Ans b
6 Who dld global paymenLs processlng company MasLerCard appolnL as Lhe Ceneral Manager SouLh
Asla and CounLry resldenL lndla?
a 1 v Seshadrl
b vlcky 8lndra
c 1unde Lemo
d A[ay 8anga
Ans a
7 CovernmenL of lndla on 19 !uly 2011 appolnLed usha AnanLhasubramanlan former general manager
of 8ank of 8aroda (8o8) as execuLlve dlrecLor of whlch publlc secLor lender?
a CenLral 8ank of lndla
b un[ab naLlonal 8ank
c unlLed 8ank of lndla
d Cramln 8ank
Ans b
8 name Lhe publlc secLor lender LhaL selecLed MeLllfe as lLs parLner for a proposed foray lnLo Lhe llfe
lnsurance segmenL
a SyndlcaLe 8ank
b un[ab naLlonal 8ank
c CorporaLlon 8ank
d unlLed 8ank of lndla
Ans b
9 Whlch bank slgned a memorandum of undersLandlng wlLh uewan Pouslng llnance CorporaLlon
(uPlL) under whlch uPlL wlll dlsLrlbuLe home loans Lo ?es 8anks cusLomers?
a Canara 8ank
b A8n Amro bank
c ?es 8ank
d PS8C
Ans c
10 Whlch llfe lnsurance company ln lndla launched a new nonllnked healLh lnsurance plan !eevan
a PulC SLandard Llfe lnsurance Co LLd
b Llfe lnsurance CorporaLlon of lndla
c lu8l lorLls Llfe lnsurance Company LLd
d S8l Llfe lnsurance Co LLd
Ans b
11 Whlch of Lhe followlng publlc secLor banks ln november 2011 froze lLs lendlng Lo Lhe power secLor?
a SLaLe 8ank of lndla
b Allahabad 8ank
c un[ab naLlonal 8ank
d unlLed 8ank of lndla
Ans b
12 Whlch lndlan bank on 10 May 2011 ralsed benchmark prlme lendlng raLe 73 basls polnLs Lo 14
followlng ralslng of lnLeresL raLes by 88l by basls polnLs on 3 May 2011?
a SLaLe 8ank of lndla
b unlon 8ank
c un[ab naLlonal 8ank
d 8ank of 8aroda
Ans a
13 1he 8eserve 8ank of lndla on 26 Aprll 2011 flned 19 banks lncludlng Lhe counLrys Lop prlvaLe and
forelgn banks for vlolaLlng lLs guldellnes on derlvaLlves Whlch ls Lhe only publlc secLor bank on Lhe llsL of
banks Lo be flned?
a SLaLe bank of lndla
b un[ab naLlonal 8ank
c 8ank of lndla
d lndlan 8ank
Ans a
14 1he 8eserve 8ank of lndla on 23 AugusL 2011 released lLs Annual 8eporL for 201011 Whlch of Lhe
followlng was noL dlscussed ln Lhe Annual 8eporL Lhe CenLral 8oard of Lhe 88l?
a assessmenL of Lhe macroeconomlc performance durlng 201011
b prospecLs for 201112
c worklng and operaLlons of Lhe 8eserve 8ank and lLs flnanclal accounLs
d role of regulaLory bodles ln conLrolllng Lhe flnanclal markeLs
Ans d
13 8eserve 8ank of lndla (88l) panel headed by headed by usha 1horaL ulrecLor CenLre for Advanced
llnanclal 8esearch and Learnlng (CAl8AL) on 29 AugusL 2011 came up wlLh suggesLlon on nonbanklng
flnance company (n8lC) Whlch of Lhe followlng relaLed Lo Lhls sLaLemenL ls noL Lrue?
1 1he panel suggesLed Lhe cenLral bank Lo lnslsL on a mlnlmum asseL slze of more Lhan 8s23 crore for
reglsLerlng any new nonbanklng flnance company (n8lC)
2 1ransfer of shareholdlng dlrecL or lndlrecL of 23 per cenL and above change ln conLrol merger or
acqulslLlon of any reglsLered n8lC wlll requlre prlor approval of Lhe 8eserve 8ank
3 1lerl caplLal for caplLal Lo rlsk welghLed asseLs raLlo (C8A8) purposes would be speclfled aL 12 per
cenL Lo be achleved ln Lhree years for all reglsLered deposlLLaklng and nondeposlLLaklng n8lCs
4 n8lCs would be sub[ecL Lo regulaLlons slmllar Lo banks whlle lendlng Lo sLock brokers and merchanL
banks and slmllar Lo sLock brokers as speclfled by Lhe SecurlLles and Lxchange 8oard of lndla (SL8l)
a 1 4
b 2 4
c Cnly 4
d Cnly 1
Ans d
16 Whlch lndlan Su bank ln Lune wlLh lLs plans Lo expand lLs reLall dlvlslon ln Lhe uk enLered Lhe
morLgage markeL ln Lhe counLry for Lhe flrsL Llme?
a un[ab naLlonal 8ank
b CrlenLal 8ank of Commerce
c SLaLe bank of lndla
d lndlan Cverseas 8ank
Ans c
17 Whlch of Lhe followlng banks seL up Lwo loan processlng cenLres for Lhe small and medlum
enLerprlse (SML) segmenL on a plloL basls ln 8angalore ln new uelhl ln SepLember 2011?
a Corp 8ank
b unlLed 8ank of lndla
c SyndlcaLe 8ank
d 8ank of 8aroda
Ans c
18 1he governmenL suspended M 8amadoss for alleged vlolaLlons ln lssulng lnsurance cover Lo an
alrllne durlng hls sLlnL as head of anoLher sLaLerun lnsurer 1o whlch lnsurance group dld he belong Lo?
a new lndla Assurance
b LlC
c ClC
d lClCl lnsurance
Ans a
19 Whlch of Lhe followlng banks ln early May 2011 enLered lnLo a Lleup wlLh nonbanklng flnance
companles such as luLure CaplLal 8a[a[ llnance and 8ellance CaplLal Lo grow lLs reLall porLfollo?
a CenLral 8ank of lndla
b SLaLe 8ank of lndla
c 8ank of lndla
d PulC 8ank
Ans a
20 Whlch are Lhe Lwo Cu[araLbased cooperaLlve secLor lenders on whlch 8eserve bank of lndla
lmposed a flnanclal penalLy of 8s 1 lakh each for vlolaLlon of varlous rules lncludlng anLlmoney
launderlng guldellnes?
1 Shree MahalaxmlMercanLlle CooperaLlve 8ank
2 8ander eoples CooperaLlve 8ank
3 Abad ulsLrlcL Co Cp 8ank
4 Ahd MercanLlle CoCp 8ank LLd
a 1 2
b 2 3
c 1 4
d 3 4
Ans (a)
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lrlday 18 november 2011
new Schedule for l8S CWL Clerlcal Cadre WrlLLen LxamlnaLlon 2011
l8S has scheduled Lhree new daLes for Common WrlLLen LxamlnaLlon (CWL) for Clerlcal Cadre 1he
exam wlll now be held on Lhree daLes namely 27 november 2011 4 uecember 2011 and 11 uecember
2011 rlor Lo Lhls Lhe CWL exam for clerlcal cadre was scheduled on 27 november 2011 only

CLlCk PL8L Lo know more

Moreover l8S has alloLLed cenLre oLher Lhan Lhe one opLed by some candldaLes due Lo nonavallablllLy
of adequaLe number of venues 1he lnformaLlon abouL Lhe exam daLe and alloLLed cenLre has been senL
Lo Lhe ellglble candldaLes along wlLh Lhelr call leLLer by emall (whlch Lhey had used for reglsLraLlon)
osLed by l8S LxAMS aL 138 M 0 commenLs
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Wednesday 16 november 2011
S8l AssoclaLe 8anks robaLlonary Cfflcers Lxam 2011

Ceneral Awareness MarkeLlng and CompuLers
(Lxam Peld on 782011)

1 A ma[or ubllc SecLor 8ank ralsed lnLeresL raLes on loans by 23 basls polnLswas news ln some ma[or
flnanclal newspapers recenLly 1hls means bank has ralsed lnLeresL by 23 basls polnLs of
(A) Savlngs 8ank lnLeresL 8aLe
(8) 8ase Lendlng 8aLe
(C) 8epo 8aLes
(u) resenL 8aLes on ueposlLs
(L) ulscounLed 8aLes of lnLeresL
Ans (8)

2 1he llnance MlnlsLer of lndla ln one of hls press conferences sald LhaL lnflaLlonary pressure ls llkely Lo
conLlnue followlng recenL lncrease ln raLes of some commodlLles ln lnLernaLlonal markeLs Whlch of Lhe
followlng commodlLles was he referrlng Lo as lL geLs frequenL lncrease aL lnLernaLlonal levels and
dlsLurbs our Pome Lconomy subsLanLlally ?
(A) Cold and Sllver
(8) eLroleum producLs
(C) 1ea and Coffee
(u) Sugar
(L) !uLe and !uLe producLs
Ans (8)

3 lmmedlaLely prlor Lo change ln Lhe measure of lood lnflaLlon whlch of Lhe followlng lndexes was
belng used for measurlng lL?
(A) Wholesale rlce lndex
(8) Consumer rlce lndex
(C) lnLeresL 8aLes offered by banks on deposlLs
(u) Sensex and nlfLy
(L) none of Lhese
Ans (8)

4 WhaL ls Lhe full form of llnC a Lerm we see frequenLly ln flnanclal newspapers ?
(A) llnanclal lnvesLmenL neLwork and CperaLlons
(8) larmers lnvesLmenL ln naLlonal CrganlsaLlon
(C) larmers lncluslon news and CperaLlons
(u) llnanclal lncluslon neLwork and CperaLlons
(L) none of Lhese
Ans (L)

3 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls / are commodlLy/les on whlch subsldy ls glven Lo farmers / poor ln lndla ?
1 lerLlllzer
2 kerosene
3 LC
(A) Cnly1
(8) Cnly 2
(C) Cnly 3
(u) Cnly 1 and 3
(L) All 1 2 and 3
Ans (L)

6 8hagyam Cllflelds whlch were recenLly ln news are locaLed ln whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLes ln lndla ?
(A) 8a[asLhan
(8) Cu[araL
(C) Assam
(u) MaharashLra
(L) karnaLaka
Ans (A)

7 1he llnance MlnlsLer of lndla recenLly declded Lo revlew Lhe poslLlon of 8ad uebLs ln prlorlLy secLor
Whlch of Lhe followlng ls/are Lhe reason(s) owlng Lo whlch M Look Lhls declslon ?
1 8ad uebL ln agrlculLure ls sLlll rlslng subsLanLlally every year desplLe speclal LreaLmenL Lo lL
2 8ad uebL ln oLher areas of prlorlLy secLor ls almosL nll now
3 CovL ls plannlng Lo dlsburse anoLher lnsLallmenL of 8s 160000 crore whlch wlll brlng 8ad uebLs
almosL aL nll level and no speclal LreaLmenL wlll be needed ln nexL flscal year
(A) Cnly 1
(8) Cnly 2
(C) Cnly 3
(u) 8oLh 1 and 2
(L) All 1 2 and 3
Ans (L)

8 Whlch amongsL Lhe followlng counLrles ls noL a member of Lhe 1Al plpe llne pro[ecL whlch was ln
news recenLly ?
(A) lndla
(8) AfghanlsLan
(C) orLugal
(u) aklsLan
(L) 1urkmenlsLan
Ans (C)

9 An agreemenL on Arms 8educLlon popularly known as S1A81 ls one of Lhe ma[or lssues ln Lhe way of
smooLh relaLlons beLween whlch of Lhe followlng Lwo counLrles ?
(A) lndlaaklsLan
(8) lndlaChlna
(C) Chlna!apan
(u) uSA8ussla
(L) 8usslalran
Ans (u)

10 1he lnLernaLlonal WWW Conference2011 was organlzed ln whlch of Lhe followlng places ln March
2011 ?
(A) London
(8) arls
(C) vlenna
(u) Manlla
(L) Pyderabad
Ans (L)

11 Whlch of Lhe followlng lnLernaLlonal agencles/ organlzaLlons had lnlLlaLed an lnLernaLlonal
ConvenLlon for Lhe roLecLlon of All ersons from Lnforced ulsappearance whlch came lnLo effecL
recenLly ?
(A) World PealLh CrganlsaLlon (WPC)
(8) lnLernaLlonal CourL of !usLlce
(C) lnLernaLlonal MarlLlme CrganlsaLlon
(u) lnLernaLlonal ALomlc Lnergy Agency
(L) unlLed naLlons organlzaLlon
Ans (L)

12 88lC whlch was Lhe CrganlsaLlon of 4 naLlons namely 8razll 8ussla lndla and Chlna has now
become 88lCS Whlch ls Lhe flfLh naLlon lncluded ln lL ?
(A) SouLh korea
(8) Sp Lanka
(C) Slngapore
(u) Spaln
(L) SouLh Afrlca
Ans (L)

13 1he process of acqulslLlon of agrlculLural land and lLs compensaLlon Lo farmers recenLly came up as a
ma[or lssue ln whlch of Lhe followlng sLaLes ? (lL also creaLed law and order problem ln Lhe SLaLe)
(A) Paryana
(8) Cu[araL
(C) uLLar radesh
(u) 8a[asLhan
(L) un[ab
Ans (C)

14 WhaL does Lhe leLLer L denoLe ln Lerm LAl as referred every now and Lhen ln relaLlon Lo moneLary
pollcy of Lhe 88l ?
(A) LlquldlLy
(8) LlablllLy
(C) Leveraged
(u) LonglLudlnal
(L) Llnear
Ans (A)

13 8 lc whlch was ln news recenLly ls a ma[or lnLernaLlonal company ln fleld of
(A) Peavy Machlnery
(8) Cll exploraLlon and processlng
(C) ALomlc Lnergy
(u) lnformaLlon 1echnology
(L) none of Lhese
Ans (8)

16 Who amongsL Lhe followlng has been appolnLed as Lhe new coach of Lhe lndlan CrlckeL Leam for a
perlod of Lwo years ?
(A) SLuarL Law
(8) Allan 8order
(C) Cary klrsLen
(u) uuncan lleLcher
(L) Allan uonald
Ans (u)

17 Why was kanlshLha uhankhars name ln news recenLly ?
(A) She was crowned lemlna Mlss lndla2011
(8) She was ad[udged 8esL AcLress2010 by lllm lare
(C) She ls Lhe new CaplLal of lndlas woman crlckeL Leam
(u) She ls Lhe new uy MlnlsLer 1exLlle ln place of uayanldhl Maran
(L) none of Lhese
Ans (A)

18 k 8alachander who was awarded presLlglous uada Saheb halke Award2010 ls baslcally a/an
(A) AcLor
(8) ulrecLor
(C) hoLographer
(u) Muslc ulrecLor
(L) Choreographer
Ans (u)

19 8anks and oLher flnanclal lnsLlLuLlons ln lndla are requlred Lo malnLaln a cerLaln amounL of llquld
asseLs llke cash preclous meLals and oLher shorL Lerm securlLles as a reserve all Lhe Llme ln 8anklng
World Lhls ls known as
(A) C88
(8) llxed AsseL
(C) SL8
(u) L8
(L) none of Lhese
Ans (A)

20 Whlch of Lhe followlng Space agencles recenLly launched Lhree saLelllLes and placed Lhem lnLo olar
Sun Synchronous CrblL successfully?
(A) nASA
(C) cnsa
(u) lS8C
(L) !AxA
Ans (u)

21 As per Lhe declslon Laken by Lhe CovL of lndla recenLly 8amboo ls a llberaLed lLem now WhaL
does lL really mean ?
1 8amboo henceforLh wlll be LreaLed as a mlnor foresL produce only
2 now vlllagers are free Lo sell bamboo ln Lhelr communlLy foresL areas
3 Cramsabha ls glven rlghL Lo lssue LransporL passes Lo legally LransporL Lhe produce
(A) Cnly 1
(8) Cnly 2
(C) Cnly 3
(u) All 1 2 and 3
(L) none of Lhese
Ans (u)

22 unlon CablneL recenLly passed a 8s 7000 crore pro[ecL Lo cleanup whlch of Lhe followlng rlvers ln
(A) narmada
(8) 8avl
(C) Canga
(u) Chambal
(L) krlshna
Ans (C)

23 As per esLlmaLes of Lhe lannlng Commlsslon of lndla Lhe LargeL growLh raLe of 12Lh llve ?ear lan ls
seL Lo
(A) 7 Lo 8
(8) 80 Lo 83
(C) 9 Lo 93
(u) 10 Lo 103
(L) 11
Ans (L)

24 Coodluck !onaLhan was recenLly reelecLed Lhe resldenL of
(A) SouLh Afrlca
(8) nlgerla
(C) kosovo
(u) PalLl
(L) none of Lhese
Ans (8)

23 Whlch of Lhe followlng schemes ls noL launched by Lhe MlnlsLry of 8ural uevelopmenL CovL of lndla
(A) naLlonal Cld Age enslon Scheme
(8) naLlonal MaLernlLy 8eneflL Scheme
(C) naLlonal lamlly 8eneflL Scheme
(u) Mlduay Meal Scheme
(L) All are launched by MlnlsLry of 8ural uevelopmenL
Ans (u)

26 Where you are llkely Lo flnd an embedded operaLlng sysLem ?
(A) on a deskLop operaLlng sysLem
(8) on a neLworked C
(C) on a neLwork server
(u) on a uA
(L) on a malnframe
Ans (u)

27 An onllne dlscusslon group LhaL allows dlrecL llve communlcaLlon ls known as
(A) Webcrawler
(8) chaL group
(C) reglonal servlce provlder
(u) hyperllnk
(L) emall
Ans (8)

28 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a program LhaL uses a varleLy of dlfferenL approaches Lo ldenLlfy and
ellmlnaLe spam ?
(A) ulrecLory search
(8) AnLlspam program
(C) Web server
(u) Web sLorefronL creaLlon package
(L) vlrus
Ans (8)

29 ConnecLlon or llnk Lo oLher documenLs or Web ages LhaL conLaln relaLed lnformaLlon ls called
(A) dlalup
(8) elecLronlc commerce
(C) hyperllnk
(u) ecash
(L) domaln name
Ans (C)

30 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls a programmlng language for creaLlng speclal programs llke
appleLs ?
(A) !ava
(8) cable
(C) domaln name
(u) neL
Ans (A)

31 1he sysLem unlL
(A) coordlnaLes lnpuL and ouLpuL devlces
(8) ls Lhe conLalner LhaL houses elecLronlc componenLs
(C) ls a comblnaLlon of hardware and sofLware
(u) conLrols and manlpulaLes daLa
(L) does Lhe arlLhmeLlc operaLlons
Ans (C)

32 SysLem sofLware
(A) allows Lhe user Lo dlagnose and LroubleshooL Lhe devlce
(8) ls a programmlng language
(C) ls parL of a producLlvlLy sulL
(u) ls an opLlonal form of sofLware
(L) helps Lhe compuLer manage lnLernal resources
Ans (L)

33 CompuLer and communlcaLlon Lechnologles such as communlcaLlon llnks Lo Lhe lnLerneL LhaL
provlde help and undersLandlng Lo Lhe end user ls known as
(A) presenLaLlon flle
(8) lnformaLlon Lechnology
(C) program
(u) worksheeL flle
(L) l1
Ans (8)

34 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls conLalned on chlps connecLed Lo Lhe sysLem board and ls a holdlng area for
daLa lnsLrucLlons and lnformaLlon ? (processed daLa walLlng Lo be ouLpuL Lo secondary sLorage)
(A) program
(8) mouse
(C) lnLerneL
(u) memory
(L) modem
Ans (u)

33 MlcrosofLs Messenger allows users Lo
(A) Lo bypass a browser Lo surf Lhe Web
(8) creaLe a blog
(C) communlcaLe vla dlrecL llve communlcaLlon
(u) ldenLlfy and ellmlnaLe spam
(L) make graphlc presenLaLlons
Ans (C)

36 orLable compuLer also known as lapLop compuLer welghlng beLween 4 and 10 pounds ls called
(A) generalpurpose appllcaLlon
(8) lnLerneL
(C) scanner
(u) prlnLer
(L) noLebook compuLer
Ans (L)

37 1he maln clrculLboard of Lhe sysLem unlL ls Lhe
(A) compuLer program
(8) conLrol unlL
(C) moLherboard
(u) 8AM
(L) none of Lhese
Ans (C)

38 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls bllllonLh of a second ?
(A) ClgabyLe
(8) 1erabyLe
(C) nanosecond
(u) Mlcrosecond
(L) 1erasecond
Ans (C)

39 Cnllne MarkeLlng ls Lhe funcLlon of whlch of Lhe followlng ?
(A) urchase SecLlon
(8) roducLlon ueparLmenL
(C) l1 ueparLmenL
(u) ueslgns SecLlon
(L) A collecLlve funcLlon of all sLaff
Ans (L)

40 CusLomlsaLlon ls useful for
(A) ueslgnlng cusLomer speclflc producLs
(8) Call cenLers
(C) ubllclLy
(u) MoLlvaLlng Lhe sLaff
(L) Cold calls
Ans (A)

41 1he key challenge Lo markeL drlven sLraLegy ls
(A) Selllng maxlmum producLs
(8) Lmploylng maxlmum uSAs
(C) uellverlng superlor value Lo cusLomers
(u) 8elng rlgld Lo changes
(L) AdopLlng shorL Lerm vlslon
Ans (C)

42 LffecLlve Selllng skllls depends on
(A) Slze of Lhe sales Leams
(8) Age of Lhe sales Leams
(C) eersLrengLh
(u) knowledge level of Lhe sales Leam
(L) LducaLlonal level of Lhe sales Leam
Ans (C)

43 CeneraLlon of sales leads can be lmproved by
(A) 8elng very LalkaLlve
(8) lncreaslng personal and professlonal conLacLs
(C) 8elng passlve
(u) Lngaglng 8ecovery AgenLs
(L) roducL deslgns
Ans (8)

44 A MarkeL lan ls
(A) erformance Appralsal of markeLlng sLaff
(8) Company rospecLus
(C) uocumenLed markeLlng sLraLegles
(u) 8uslness LargeLs
(L) Call cenLre
Ans (C)

43 MarkeLlng channels mean
(A) uellvery ob[ecLs
(8) Sales LargeLs
(C) uellvery ouLleLs
(u) uellvery boys
(L) Sales Leams
Ans (C)

46 Soclal MarkeLlng means
(A) Share markeL prlces
(8) MarkeLlng by Lhe enLlre socleLy
(C) lnLerneL MarkeLlng
(u) MarkeLlng for a soclal cause
(L) SocleLy byelaws
Ans (u)

47 Servlce MarkeLlng ls Lhe same as
(A) lnLerneL MarkeLlng
(8) 1elemarkeLlng
(C) lnLernal MarkeLlng
(u) 8elaLlonshlp MarkeLlng
(L) 1ransacLlon MarkeLlng
Ans (u)

48 MarkeL drlven sLraLegles lnclude
(A) ldenLlfylng problems
(8) lannlng markeLlng LacLlcs of peers
(C) oslLlonlng Lhe CrganlsaLlon and lLs brands ln Lhe markeL place
(u) lnLernal markeLlng
(L) Selllng old producLs
Ans (C)

49 lnnovaLlon ln markeLlng ls same as
(A) MoLlvaLlon
(8) ersplraLlon
(C) AsplraLlon
(u) CreaLlvlLy
(L) 1eamwork
Ans (u)

30 ersonal Loans can be canvassed among
(A) Salarled persons
(8) ensloners
(C) lorelgn naLlonals
(u) n8l cusLomers
(L) noncusLomers
Ans (A)
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Labels 8LvlCuS AL8S
1 1 Accordlng Lo Lhe new drafL of guldellnes released by 88l for llcenslng of new bank ln Lhe prlvaLe
secLor whaL wlll be Lhe mlnlmum caplLal requlremenL for a wholly owned nonoperaLlve holdlng
company be allowed Lo open a bank ln lndla?
a) 8s 300 crore
b) 8s 300 crore
c) 8s 700 crore
d) 8s 400 crore
e) none of Lhe above
2 21he MldCuarLer revlew of MoneLary ollcy of 88l Look place on SepLember 16 2011 Whlch of Lhe
followlng ls Lrue abouL Lhe same?
A) 8enchmark 8epo 8aLe hlked by 23 basls polnLs (bps) Lo 823
8) 1he modal base raLe of banks rose Lo 1073 ln AugusL from 1023 ln !uly
C) LlquldlLy has remalned ln deflclL conslsLenL wlLh Lhe sLance of moneLary pollcy
a) Cnly (A) b) Cnly (8) c) Cnly(C) d) 8oLh (A) (8) e) All (A) (8) (C)
3 38ecenLly lndla Look over Lhe resldency of whlch of Lhe followlng lnLergovernmenLal Croup of
counLrles afLer a gap of 28 years?
a) C8
b) C20
c) C24
d) u8
e) none of Lhese
4 4 WhaL ls Lhe name of Chlna's malden unmanned space lab whlch successfully puLr lnLo orblL by Lhe
Chlnese space agency CnSA ln SepLember 2011?
a) Shenzhou
b) Chengdu
c) uong leng
d) 1langong
e) none of Lhe above
3 3ln Lhe wake of Lhe 37 rall accldenLs wlLnessed Lhls year Lhe 8allway MlnlsLry has seL up a hlghlevel
safeLy revlew commlLLee Lo look lnLo Lhe slgnalllng sysLems rolllng sLock flxed sLrucLures and oLher
safeLy measures ln Lhe rall research esLabllshmenLs Who ls appolnLed as head of Lhls commlLLee?
a) San[ay uhande
b) Anll kakodkar
c) L Sreedharan
d) n vedachalam
e) C SrlvasLava
6 6 Whlch of Lhe followlng counLrles has granLed lLs women clLlzens Lhe rlghL Lo voLe and conLesL ln
elecLlons for Lhe flrsL Llme ln hlsLory?
a) lran
b) 1a[lklsLan
c) AfghanlsLan
d) uzbeklsLan
e) Saudl Arabla
7 7 Whlch of Lhe followlng lndlan SLaLes recenLly announced Lhe launch of pro[ecL named 'ro[ecL
anLher' whlch envlsaged on Lhe llnes of 'ro[ecL 1lger' ln lLs proLecLed wlldllfe sancLuarles?
a) 8a[asLhan
b) uLLar radesh
c) Andhra radesh
d) Madhya radesh
e) MaharashLra
8 8 ur Anll kakodkar CommlLLee consLlLuLed by Lhe governmenL ln CcLober 2009 Lo suggesL measures
for maklng all Lhe lndlan lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology (ll1) world class lnsLlLuLlons had submlLLed lLs reporL Lo
unlon P8u MlnlsLer kapll Slbal ln May 2011Whlch of Lhe followlng recommendaLlons ls nC1 Lrue ln Lhls
A) 1he LulLlon fees of ll1s should be beLween 8s 333 lakh per year per sLudenL
8) ll1s should ralse Lhe money Lo run undergraduaLe courses enLlrely Lhrough LulLlon fees
and noL depend on granLs
C) Scale up hu sLudenLs from less Lhan 1000 hu graduaLes per year Loday Lo 10000
hu graduaLes by 202023 from abouL 20 ll1s
a) Cnly (A) b) only (8) c) Cnly (C) d) 8oLh (8) (C) e) 8oLh (A) (8)
9 9 Chandrasekhar kambar has recenLly been chosen for 46Lh !nanplLh Award for Lhe year 2010 Pe ls
a) Plndl auLhor
b) Malayalam poeL
c) kannada auLhor
d) 8engall wrlLer
e) none of Lhe above
10 10 8huwan Chandra khandurl became Lhe new Chlef MlnlsLer of whlch of followlng lndlan SLaLes?
a) uLLranchal
b) !harkhand
c) karanaLka
d) uLLarakhand
e) MaharashLra
1111 Supreme CourL Lhe apex courL ln lndla aL presenL has a sancLloned sLrengLh of _______ [udges
lncludlng Lhe Chlef !usLlce of lndla
a) 26
b) 27
c) 29
d) 30
e) 31
12 12 1he flnals of Lhe flrsL Aslan Men's Pockey Champlons 1rophy played ln SepLember 2011 ln Crdos
Chlna was won by
a) Chlna
b) lndla
c) aklsLan
d) Malaysla
d) SouLh korea
1313 Why was !usLlce lakklr Mohamed lbrahlm kallfulla recenLly ln news?
a) Pe has Laken over as Lhe Chlef !usLlce of Lhe !k Plgh CourL
b) Pe has Laken over as Lhe Chlef !usLlce of Lhe !harkhand Plgh CourL
c) Pe has become a [udge ln Lhe Supreme CourL of lndla
d) Pe ls Lhe new chalrperson of Cu[araL SLaLe Puman 8lghLs Commlsslon
e) none of Lhe above
14 14 'Coogle+' a new soclal neLworklng servlce launched by Coogle lnc on !une 28 2011 ls a
comblnaLlon of
a) Coogle news and Coogle CrkuL
b) Coogle CrkuL and Coogle CMall
c) Coogle roflles and Coogle 8uzz
d) Coogle WalleL and Coogle 8uzz
d) none of Lhe above
13 13 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls nC1 of Lhe same caLegory?
a) luLA
b) Al81LL
c) 1A1A
d) 8SnL
e) Al8CLL

16 16 WhaL ls Lhe full form of lMLl a unlque serlal number whlch ldenLlfles Lhe moblle1 handseL?
a) lnLerneL Moblle LqulpmenL ldenLlLy
b) lnLernaLlonal ManufacLurlng LnLlLy ldenLlLy
c) lnLernaLlonal Moblle LqulpmenL ldenLlLy
d) lnLernaLlonal Moblle LncrypLed ldenLlLy
e) none of Lhe above
17 17 1he 2004 nobel eace rlze wlnner Wangarl MaaLhal who dled on SepL 23 2011 belonged Lo
a) !apan
b) kenya
c) SouLh korea
d) norLh korea
e) Malaysla
18 18 Loan for flsh rearlng ls covered under rlorlLy SecLor as _________ advances
a) ulrecL AgrlculLure
b) lndlrecL AgrlculLure
c) Self LmploymenL Scheme
d) Allled Lo lndlrecL AgrlculLure
e) none of Lhese
19 19 Whlch one of Lhe followlng ls nC1 an example of lndlrecL Lax?
a) Sale Lax
b) Lxclse duLy
c) CusLom duLy
d) Servlce Lax
e) LxpendlLure Lax
2020 Small servlce provlders whose Lurnover ls less Lhan ________per annum are exempL from servlce
Lax ln lndla
a) 8s 4 lakhs
b) 8s 6 lakhs
c) 8s 8 lakhs
d) 8s 10 lakhs
e) none of Lhese
osLed by l8S LxAMS aL 800 M 0 commenLs
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Monday 14 november 2011
S8l C LxAM 8LvlCuS 8LASCnlnC SCLvLu AL8
ulrecLlons(C 13) ln maklng declslons abouL lmporLanL quesLlons lL ls deslrable Lo be able Lo
dlsLlngulsh beLween 'SLrong" argumenLs and 'weak' argumenLs lnsofar as Lhey relaLe Lo Lhe quesLlon
'sLrong' argumenLs are Lhose whlch are boLh lmporLanL and dlrecLly relaLed Lo Lhe quesLlon 'Weak'
argumenLs are Lhose whlch are of mlnor lmporLance and also may noL be dlrecLly relaLed Lo Lhe quesLlon
or may be relaLed Lo a Lrlvlal aspecL of Lhe quesLlon
lnsLrucLlons Lach quesLlon below ls followed by Lwo argumenLs numbered l and ll ?ou have Lo declde
whlch of Lhe argumenLs ls a 'sLrong' argumenL and whlch ls a 'weak' argumenL Clve answer 1 lf only
argumenL l ls 'sLrong' glve answer 2 lf only argumenL ll ls 'sLrong' glve answer 3 lf elLher l or ll ls
'sLrong' glve answer 4 lf nelLher l or ll ls 'sLrong' and glve answer 3 lf boLh l and ll are 'sLrong'
1 SLaLemenL Should posLpoll alllances be allowed?
ArgumenLs l ?es lL ls Lhe only way ouL of a hung parllamenL
ll no lL ls a fraud upon voLers who have voLed Lhem as opposed groups
2 SLaLemenL Should Lhe governmenL lnvesL ln lnfrasLrucLure?
ArgumenLs l ?es lL ls Lhe backbone of Lhe economy
ll no lL would be assumlng Loo blg a role
3 SLaLemenL Should bomb dlsposal squads be glven cooperaLlon by Lhe publlc?
ArgumenLs l ?es Lhey are necessary Lo rescue peoples llves
ll no Lhey are a nulsance Lo dayLoday llfe
4 SLaLemenL Should Lhere be repolllng aL sLaLlons where Lhere has been booLhcapLurlng?
ArgumenLs l ?es whaL else do you Lhlnk?
ll no lL ls a wasLe of resources
3 SLaLemenL Should Lhe knowledge of compuLers be made essenLlal for employmenL ln offlces?
ArgumenLs l ?es compuLers are sLaLeofLhe arL devlces
ll no works ln offlce are yeL Lo geL fully compuLerlzed
ulrecLlons (C 610) an arrangemenL machlne when glven an lnpuL llne of words rearranges Lhem
followlng a parLlcular rule ln each sLep 1he followlng ls Lhe lllusLraLlon of Lhe lnpuL and Lhe sLeps of
lnpuL uelhl pollce moved Lhe hlgh courL ln SepLember
SLep l courL uelhl ollce moved Lhe hlgh ln SepLember
SLep ll courL uelhl hlgh ollce moved Lhe ln SepLember
SLep lll courL uelhl hlgh ln ollce moved Lhe SepLember
SLep lv courL uelhl hlgh ln moved ollce Lhe SepLember
SLep v courL uelhl hlgh ln moved ollce SepLember Lhe
6 lnpuL 1he supreme CourL ordered bannlng of professlonal donors
WhaL wlll be Lhe 3rd sLep?
1 bannlng Lhe Supreme CourL ordered or professlonal donors
2 bannlng CourL donors Lhe Supreme ordered of professlonal
3 bannlng donors Lhe Supreme CourL ordered of professlonal
4 bannlng CourL Lhe Supreme ordered of professlonal donors
3 none of Lhese
7 Whlch wlll be Lhe lasL sLep for Lhe followlng lnpuL?
lnpuL1lll now Lhe counLry does noL have pollcy
1 SLep lll 2 SLep lv 3 SLep v 4 SLep vl 3 none of Lhese
8lnpuL he wlll help Lo brlng Lhe forces LogeLher
lor Lhe above lnpuL whlch sLep wlll be Lhe followlng?
8rlng forces he help wlll Lo Lhe LogeLher
1SLep ll 2 SLep lll 3 SLep lv 4 SLep v 3 none of Lhese
98elow are glven four lnpuLs 1 2 3 and 4 Whlch of Lhem wlll b arranged Lhe fasLesL? lf more Lhan one
lnpuL can be arranged ln Lhe same number of sLeps your answer wlll be 3
1 lracLlonlsaLlon ls Lhe besL meLhod Lo sLop wasLage
2 1he assembly polls have been swepL Lhls year
3 volunLary blood donaLlon wlll have Lo be encouraged
4 8y Lhe Llme operaLlon ls performed
10 WhaL wlll be Lhe fourLh sLep of Lhe followlng lnpuL?
1 a he ls no more communlsL now
2 a communlsL he ls no more now
3 a communlsL he ls more no now
4 1here wlll be no fourLh sLep
3 none of Lhese

Cs 1117 1hese quesLlons are based on Lhe followlng leLLer/number/symbol arrangemenL
SLudy lL carefully and answer Lhe quesLlons
P 1 6 # L 7 $ k l L 3 [ 2 A ! 8 u 4 v u
11 Pow many such symbols are Lhere ln Lhe above arrangemenL each of whlch ls lmmedlaLely
preceded by a number and also lmmedlaLely followed by a vowel?
(1) none
(2) Cne
(3) 1wo
(4) 1hree
(3) More Lhan Lhree
12 Whlch elemenL ls flfLh Lo Lhe rlghL of
LhlrLeenLh from Lhe rlghL end?
(1) l (2) (3) 1 (4) k (3) none of Lhese
13 WhaL wlll come ln place of Lhe quesLlon mark (?) ln Lhe followlng serles based on Lhe above
1#6 7k$ L3 ?
(1) [2A (2) A[2 (3) 2[ (4) 2[ (3) none of Lhese
14 Whlch elemenL ls Lhlrd Lo Lhe lefL of LenLh from Lhe lefL end?
(1) k (2) 3 (3) (4) $ (3) none of Lhese
13 Pow many such leLLers are Lhere ln Lhe glven arrangemenL each of whlch ls lmmedlaLely preceded by
a symbol buL noL lmmedlaLely followed by a number?
(1) none (2) Cne (3) 1wo (4) 1hree (3) More Lhan Lhree
16 lour of Lhe followlng flve are allke ln a cerLaln way based on Lhelr poslLlons ln Lhe glven arrangemenL
and so form a group Whlch ls Lhe one LhaL does noL belong Lo Lhe group?
(1) kL$ (2) 23 (3) 2![ (4) L3l (3) 4u
17 lf all Lhe numbers are removed from Lhe glven arrangemenL whlch elemenL wlll be nlnLh from Lhe
lefL end?
(1) (2) L (3) (4) l (3) none of Lhese

Cs 1823 ln each quesLlon below are four sLaLemenLs followed by Lwo concluslons numbered l and ll
?ou have Lo Lake Lhe four glven sLaLemenLs Lo be Lrue even lf Lhey seem Lo be aL varlance from
commonly known facLs and Lhen declde whlch of Lhe glven concluslons loglcally follows from Lhe four
sLaLemenLs dlsregardlng commonly known facLs Clve
(1) lf only concluslon l follows
(2) lf only concluslon ll follows
(3) lf elLher l or ll follows
(4) lf nelLher l nor ll follows
(3) lf boLh l and ll follow
18 Some schools are Colleges
Some Colleges are unlverslLles
All unlverslLles are lnsLlLuLes
All lnsLlLuLes are Classes
l Some Colleges are Classes
ll All unlverslLles are Classes
19 Some umbrellas are ralncoaLs
All ralncoaLs are shlrLs
no shlrL ls a blazer
Some blazers are sulLs
l Some shlrLs are umbrellas
ll Some sulLs are ralncoaLs
20 Some compuLers are boards
Some boards are chalks
All chalks are bulbs
no bulb ls LubellghL
l Some bulbs are compuLers
ll no chalk ls a LubellghL
21 All doors are floors
Some floors are Llles
All Lles are palnLs
Some palnLs are sLones
l Some floors are palnLs
ll Some doors are Llles
22 Some leaves are peLals
Some peLals are flowers
All flowers are frulLs
Some frulLs are nuLs
l Some nuLs are flowers
ll no nuL ls flower
23 All plcLures are palnLlngs
All palnLlngs are phoLographs
Some phoLographs are deslgns
Some deslgns are movles
l Some palnLlngs are deslgns
ll Some phoLographs are movles
24 Some LableLs are capsules
All capsules are syrups
Some syrups are medlclnes
All medlclnes are powders
l Some syrups are powders
ll Some syrups are LableLs
23 Some rooms are flaLs
All flaLs are bulldlngs
Some bulldlngs are bungalows
All bungalows are aparLmenLs
l Some flaLs are bungalows
ll Some aparLmenLs are bulldlngs

Cs 2630 SLudy Lhe followlng lnformaLlon carefully Lo answer Lhese quesLlons
Ashwlnl rlya Sudha 8anl MeeLa CeeLa and MukLa are slLLlng around a clrcle faclng Lhe cenLre
Ashwlnl ls Lhlrd Lo Lhe lefL of MukLa and Lo Lhe lmmedlaLe rlghL of 8anl rlya ls second Lo Lhe lefL of
CeeLa who ls noL an lmmedlaLe nelghbour of MeeLa
26 Who ls Lhe lmmedlaLe rlghL of rlya?
(1) MeeLa (2) Sudha (3) MukLa (4) CannoL be deLermlned (3) none of Lhese
27 Who ls second Lo Lhe lefL of 8anl?
(1) Ashwlnl (2) MeeLa (3) rlya (4) Sudha (3) none of Lhese
28 Whlch of Lhe followlng palrs of persons has Lhe flrsL person slLLlng Lo Lhe lmmedlaLe lefL of second
(1) 8anlMeeLa (2) AshwlnlCeeLa (3) Sudharlya (4) CeeLaSudha (3) none of Lhese
29 Whlch of Lhe followlng groups has Lhe flrsL person slLLlng beLween Lhe oLher Lwo?
(1) MeeLaAshwlnlCeeLa
(2) Sudha8anlCeeLa
(3) MukLarlya8anl
(4) MukLarlyaSudha
(3) none of Lhese
30 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lhe correcL poslLlon of 8anl wlLh respecL of MukLa?
(l) 1hlrd Lo Lhe rlghL
(ll) 1hlrd Lo Lhe lefL
(lll) lourLh Lo Lhe lefL
(lv) lourLh Lo Lhe rlghL
(1) (l) only (2) (ll) only (3) 8oLh (l) and (ll) (4) 8oLh (ll) and (lv)
(3) 8oLh (l) and (lll)

Cs 3137 ln each of Lhese quesLlons a group of leLLers ls glven followed by four comblnaLlons of dlglLs
and symbols numbered (1) (2) (3) and (4) 1he leLLers are Lo be coded by Lhe dlglLs/symbols as per Lhe
scheme and condlLlons glven below Serlal number of Lhe comblnaLlon LhaL correcLly represenLs Lhe
leLLer group ls your answer lf none of Lhe comblnaLlons ls correcL your answer ls (3) le 'none of Lhese'
LL11L8S 1 L l A 8 n l C P k L M u u
ulglL/Symbol Code 3 9 $ 2 4 D 6 1 3 # [ 7 8
(l) lf Lhe flrsL leLLer ls a vowel and Lhe lasL leLLer ls a consonanL boLh are Lo be coded as Lhe code for
(ll) lf Lhe flrsL as well as Lhe lasL leLLer ls a consonanL boLh are Lo be coded as
(lll) lf Lhe flrsL leLLer ls a consonanL and Lhe lasL leLLer ls a vowel Lhelr codes are Lo be swapped
31 C1Alku
(1) 63$38 (2) 63$36 (3) 83$38 (4) 83$36
(3) none of Lhese
32 LPMu8A
(1) #1[72$ (2) SL[72# (3) #1[72# (4) $1[72$
(3) none of Lhese
33 l1uLLM
(1) D37#9[ (2) [37#9[ (3) D37#9D (4) [37#9D
(3) none of Lhese
34 lPkL8u
(1) 13#27 (2) 13#2 (3) 13#2 (4) 713#2
(3) none of Lhese
33 APL8lu
(1)$1#2$ (2)81#28 (3) 81#2$ (4) $12#8
(3) none of Lhese
36 nM1A8l
(1) 4[3$2D (2) D[3$24 (3) D[3$2D (4) [3$2
(3) none of Lhese
37 P1klLl
(1) 133D9 (2) 33D9 (3) 33D9 (4) 133D91
(3) none of Lhese

Cs 3842 1he symbols [ # $ and are used wlLh dlfferenL meanlngs as follows
'A [ 8' means 'A ls smaller Lhan 8'
'A # 8' means 'A ls noL smaller Lhan 8'
'A $ 8' means 'A ls nelLher smaller Lhan nor greaLer
Lhan 8'
'A 8' means 'A ls greaLer Lhan 8'
'A 8' means 'A ls noL greaLer Lhan 8'

ln each of Lhe followlng quesLlons assumlng Lhe glven sLaLemenLs Lo be Lrue flnd ouL whlch of Lhe Lwo
concluslons l and ll glven below Lhem ls/are deflnlLely Lrue Clve Answer
(1) lf only Concluslon l ls Lrue
(2) lf only Concluslon ll ls Lrue
(3) lf elLher Concluslon l or Concluslon ll ls Lrue
(4) lf nelLher concluslon l nor concluslon ll ls Lrue
(3) lf boLh Concluslons l and ll are Lrue
38 l # P P k k $ 8 8 M
l l 8
ll l # M
39 L [ u u # v v C
l L
ll C [
40 L W W C C $ 1 1 [ P
l P # W
ll P # L
41 ! 1 1 [ P P l l $ L
l L P
ll ! l
42 8 [ C C v v # M
l 8 [
ll 8 #

Cs 4343 SLudy Lhe followlng lnformaLlon carefully and answer Lhese quesLlons
' C' means ' ls wlfe of C'
' C' means ' ls faLher of C'
' + C' means ' ls son of C'
' C' means ' ls slsLer of C'
43 ln P + l L how ls L relaLed Lo P?
(1) 8roLher (2) SlsLer (3) Cousln (4) 8roLher or SlsLer
(3) none of Lhese
44 Whlch of Lhe followlng represenLs 'S ls moLher of 1'?
(1) S M P 1 (2) S M + P 1 (3) M S P 1
(4) M S P + 1 (3) none of Lhese
43 ln ! l + 8 8 how ls 8 relaLed Lo !?
(1) laLher (2) MoLher (3) aLernal AunL (4) CannoL be deLermlned
(3) none of Lhese

Cs 4630 SLudy Lhe followlng lnformaLlon carefully Lo answer Lhese quesLlons
A 8 C u L l C are members of a sporLs club and have llklng for dlfferenL games vlz Carrom 1able
1ennls 8admlnLon 8rldge Pockey looLball and Lawn 1ennls buL noL necessary ln Lhe same order Lach
one of Lhem has a llklng for dlfferenL muslcal lnsLrumenL vlzSlLar CulLar Parmonlum lluLe 1abla
8an[o and SanLoor noL necessarlly ln Lhe same order

8 llkes Carrom and 8an[o L llkes Lo play 8rldge buL noL Parmonlum or 1abla 1he one whlch plays
Pockey plays SlLar l plays CulLar buL noL 1able 1ennls or Lawn 1ennls A plays 8admlnLon and lluLe 1he
one who plays Lawn 1ennls does noL play 1abla C plays Parmonlum and C plays Pockey

46 Who plays SanLoor?
(1) u (2) A (3) L (4) u or L (3) none of Lhese
47 u plays whlch game?
(1) 1able 1ennls (2) Lawn 1ennls (3) looL 8all (4) CannoL be deLermlned (3) none of Lhese
48 Whlch of Lhe followlng comblnaLlons of gamepersonmuslcal lnsLrumenL ls deflnlLely correcL?
(1) 8admlnLon8lluLe
(2) 1able 1ennlsLSanLoor
(3) Lawn 1ennlsu1abla
(4) 1able 1ennlsC1abla
(3) none of Lhese
49 Who plays looLball?
(1) C (2) u (3) C (4) l (3) none of Lhese
30 Who plays 1able 1ennls?
(1) C (2) l (3) u (4) CannoL be deLermlned (3) none of Lhese

Cs 3160 lollowlng are Lhe crlLerla for selecLlon of offlcers ln an organlsaLlon
1he candldaLe musL
(l) have passed PSC examlnaLlon ln flrsL class wlLh aL leasL 60 marks
(ll) have passed graduaLlon degree ln any dlsclpllne wlLh aL leasL 33 marks
(lll) have compleLed a cerLlflcaLe/dlploma/degree course ln CompuLer Sclence
(lv) be noL less Lhan 21 years and noL more Lhan 30 years of age as on 172008

lf a candldaLe saLlsfles all Lhe abovemenLloned crlLerla excepL
(a) aL (ll) above buL ls a posLgraduaLe case may be referred Lo Lhe LxecuLlve ulrecLor (Lu)
(b) aL (lll) above buL has sLudled CompuLer Sclence as one of sub[ecLs of currlculum case may be
referred Lo Lhe vlce resldenL (v)
ln each of Lhe quesLlons below lnformaLlon of one candldaLe ls glven ?ou have Lo Lake one of Lhe
followlng flve declslons based on Lhe lnformaLlon provlded and Lhe crlLerla and condlLlons glven above
?ou are noL Lo assume anyLhlng oLher Lhan Lhe lnformaLlon provlded ln each quesLlon All Lhese cases
are glven Lo you as on
172008 ?ou have Lo lndlcaLe your declslon by marklng answers Lo each quesLlon as follows
Mark answer
(1) lf Lhe case ls Lo be referred Lo LxecuLlve Pead
(2) lf Lhe case ls Lo be referred Lo vlce resldenL
(3) lf Lhe candldaLe ls Lo be selecLed
(4) lf Lhe lnformaLlon ls lnadequaLe Lo Lake a declslon
(3) lf Lhe candldaLe ls noL Lo be selecLed
31 AshuLosh ls a Commerce graduaLe passed ln flrsL class wlLh 67 marks Pe had secured 73 marks
ln PSC Pe has sLudled CompuLer Sclence as one of Lhe sub[ecLs aL PSC Pls daLe of blrLh ls 2291982
32 8a[nl has passed 8MS degree examlnaLlon ln second class wlLh 38 marks and PSC ln flrsL class wlLh
63 marks She has compleLed a dlploma ln CompuLer Sclence She has compleLed 23 years of age ln
november 2007
33 8a[ Crover has passed PSC exam ln flrsL class wlLh 89 marks 1hereafLer he dld a 6 monLhs
cerLlflcaLe course ln CompuLer Sclence and presenLly ls pursulng flnal year of englneerlng degree
examlnaLlon Pls daLe of blrLh ls 28121980
34 Shamlka CupLa ls a Sclence graduaLe passed ln 2006 wlLh 47 aL Lhe age of 22 years She had scored
64 marks ln PSC She has also passed MSc wlLh 38 marks She has done a cerLlflcaLe course ln
33 !asmlne ls a posLgraduaLe ln CompuLer Sclence passed ln flrsL class wlLh 62 marks She had scored
81 marks ln PSC Per daLe of blrLh ls 1761979
36 Shyamala ls a 8A passed ln flrsL class wlLh 63 marks She had passed PSC examlnaLlon ln flrsL class
wlLh 69 marks She has also compleLed a cerLlflcaLe course ln CompuLer Sclence wlLh a 'A' grade Per
daLe of blrLh ls 2391984
37 Anubhav Cokhale ls a 8Sc wlLh CompuLer Sclence passed ln second class wlLh 38 marks Pe had
passed PSC ln flrsL class wlLh 76 marks Pe has compleLed 23 years of age ln uecember 2007
38 Manlsh Chaudhary passed PSC examlnaLlon ln flrsL class wlLh 83 marks and 8Com ln second class
wlLh 37 marks Pe has compleLed a compuLer cerLlflcaLe course very recenLly Pls daLe of blrLh ls
39 Parlsh vora passed PSC examlnaLlon ln 2003 wlLh 83 marks and 8Sc uegree examlnaLlon ln 2006
wlLh 69 marks Pe has sLudled CompuLer Sclence as one of Lhe sub[ecLs aL 8Sc Pls daLe of blrLh ls
60 vandana 8have ls 8Com graduaLe passed ln second class wlLh 36 marks She had passed PSC ln
second class wlLh 39 marks She has also compleLed a CompuLer dlploma wlLh 36 marks Per daLe of
blrLh ls 1131982

1 (3) 2 (1) 3 (1) 4 (4) 3 (2) 6 (2) 7 (3) 8 (2) 9 (3) 10 (4) 11 (2) 12 (3) 13 (3) 14 (4) 13 (4) 16 (3) 17
(1) 18 (3) 19(1) 20 (2) 21(1) 22 (3) 23(4) 24 (3) 23 (2) 26 (3) 27 (3) 28 (4) 29 (2) 30 (3) 31 (4) 32
(1) 33 (3) 34 (2) 33 (3) 36 (2) 37 (3) 38 (1) 39 (3) 40 (4) 41 (4) 42 (3) 43 (4) 44 (1) 43 (2) 46 (3) 47
(1) 48 (3) 49 (4) 30 (3) 31 (2) 32 (3) 33 (1) 34 (4) 33 (4) 36 (3) 37 (2) 38 (3) 39 (2) 60 (3)


1 3 l ls sLrong because a hung parllamenL musL be goL rld of for Lhe beneflL of Lhe naLlon ll ls also
sLrong because elecLlons carry Lhe mandaLe of voLers lf Lhey are cheaLed Lhe very purpose of elecLlons
ls losL
2 1 l ls sLrong because economy can flourlsh only when lLs backbone ls sLrong ll ls weak because lL
does noL clLe any subsLanLlal reason WhaL does Loo blg a role mean"?
3 1 l ls sLrong because Lhe securlLy of people's llves should be glven uLmosL prlorlLy ll ls noL sLrong
because someLhlng ls belng dlsmlssed summarlly as nulsance" wlLhouL golng lnLo lLs reasons
4 4 l ls noL sLrong because lL ls a sLupld argumenL ln facL no reason ls belng glven aL all ll ls noL sLrong
because wasLage of resources" cannoL be arrlved aL absoluLely lL musL be seen ln a conLexL
3 2 l ls noL sLrong Lhe reason for Lhe deslrablllLy of someLhlng ls noL lLs 'newness" buL lLs use ll ls
sLrong because lL Lells us LhaL such a compulslon ls noL golng Lo beneflL us ln any blg way
610 Lhe loglc of Lhe machlne ls very slmple Words are arranged ln Lhe alphabeLlcal order one aL a
6 2
73 See how Lhe words wlll geL arranged SLep l counLry SLep ll does SLep lll have SLep lv noL
SLep v now SLep vl pollcy SLep vll Lhe 1hls would leave Llll auLomaLlcally arranged So SLep vll
would be Lhe lasL sLep
82 lnpuL he wlll help Lo brlng Lhe forces LogeLher
SLep l brlng he wlll help Lo Lhe forces LogeLher
SLep ll brlng forces he wlll help Lo Lhe LogeLher
SLep lll brlng forces he help wlll Lo Lhe LogeLher
9 3 lor (1) sLep l besL ll meLhod lll sLop 1hree sLeps
lor (2) SLep l assembly ll been lll have lv polls More Lhan Lhree sLeps So leave lL
lor (3)SLep l be ll blood lll donaLlon lv have Agaln more Lhan Lhree So no use golng furLher
lor (4) SLep l ls ll operaLlon lll performed And Lhe senLence geLs arranged
Slnce boLh l and 4 are arranged ln only Lhree sLeps we can'L deLermlne Lhe lnpuL exacLly
43 (4) P ls son of l and l ls faLher of L
44 (1) S ls wlfe of M M ls faLher of P and P ls slsLer of C
43 (2) ! ls wlfe of l l ls son of 8 and 8 ls wlfe of 8
C 4630
Members A 8 C u L l C
Came 8adm Carrom Lawn 1 11 8rldge looL 8 Pockey
lnsLrumenL lluLe 8an[o Parmo 1abla SanLoor CulLar SlLar
46 (3) 47 (1) 48 (3) 49 (4) 30 (3)

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