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The Tata Nano is a rear-engine, 3 meters long, Iour-passenger city car built by Tata Motors, aimed
primarily at the Indian market. The car is very Iuel eIIicient, achieving around 26 kilometers per liter on the
highway and around 22 kilometers per liter in the city. The car has a price tag oI just Rs 1 lakh the same
price as the DVD player in a Lexus. Hence making it easily aIIordable Ior a middle class Iamily. Tata Nano
is a dream come true Ior an average Indian. Now the medium class people can also have and enjoy the ride
oI Iour wheeler. The car has achieved its low price by minimizing cost on unnecessary luxuries`, the basic
Nano comes without Iront and rear Iog lights, without a heater or air conditioning, without anti-lock brakes,
only one single windscreen wiper, manually operated windows, manual steering with no air bags, tiny 12
wheels, plastic body parts joined with adhesive instead oI more conventional metal and welding. In addition,
Tata has come up with practical ways to reduce car weight and thereby trim down the overall cost. It uses
comparatively small and light engine, a 623cc two-cylinder petrol engine made oI aluminum, unlike
conventional engines which are made out oI cast iron. The engine oI Tata Nano is strategically placed at the
back oI the car leaving the Iront section Ior luggage, that too with the capacity oI a brieIcase. This is the
most signiIicant element in bringing down the weight and the overall cost oI the car. Other Iactors that
contribute towards the weight reduction are the usage oI hollow steering wheel shaIts, plastic body panels
and smaller tubeless tires. As a result oI these measures, Tata Nano weighs only about 590kg. Lesser weight
and Iewer parts mean less raw material and lower cost Ior Tata Nano. The manuIacturers oI the TATA Nano
Car are aiming to provide an aIIordable mode oI transport to their initial target market oI lower income
Iamilies in India.

Situation analysis
Tata had started to market Nano in India and as a sales manager, the responsibility oI determining the
sales Iorecast and developing a proper manpower plan is required. The territory where I`m assigned to is in
Himachal Pradesh. So a brieI study oI the area was done.

Himachal Pradesh:
Himachal is situated in the western Himalayas. Covering an area oI 55,673 kilometres (34,594 mi),|4|
Himachal Pradesh is a mountainous state with elevation ranging Irom about 350 metres (1,148 It) to 7,000
metres (22,966 It) above the sea level.
Roads are the major mode oI transport in the hilly terrains oI Himachal Pradesh. The state has road
network oI 28,208 km (17,528 mi), including eight national highways (NH) that constitute 1,234 km
(767 mi) and 19 state highways with total length oI 1,625 km. Some roads get closed during winter and
monsoon seasons due to snowIall and landslides. Regular bus services connect Shimla with Chandigarh,
Kullu, Manali, Delhi, Mandi, Pathankot, Ambala, Chail and Dehradun. Local taxis are the major local
transport here. District Hamirpur has got the highest road density in the country.

Himachal Pradesh has a total population oI 6,856,509 including 3,473,892 males and 3,382,617 Iemales
as per the provisional results oI the Census oI India 2011, which is only 0.57 per cent oI India's total
population, placing the state at 21st position and recording a growth oI 12.81 per cent.

Area Analysis
From the inIormation, the economy and demography oI the state is suitable Ior the car due to its USP
oI being the cheapest car. Our main concern is whether the car will be suitable Ior the geography oI the state.
To clear this doubt, a test drive was undergone and the results provided good Ieedback. The car seems to be
perIect Ior the sharp curves and small roads. Also its engine and light body proved to be quite impressive
and can withstand the rugged terrains. Thought it cannot be compared with the oII-road 4*4 vehicles, its
perIormance was good enough to be used in this state.

orecasting of Sales
This task was done by using the Iollowing technique-

Survey of customer buying plan
Consumers are Irequently interviewed with the help oI questionnaires concerning their buying habits,
motives and intentions. The consumer Ieedback is used to estimate the expected consumption or purchases
oI the product.
1his method has following advantages:
1) Forecast estimates straight Irom buyers.
2) InIormation about projected product can be very detailed.
3) Insights give assistance in planning the market strategy.
4) Practical Ior Iorecasting new-products.

Disadvantages of this sales forecasting method are:
1) Company has to choose potential customers careIully and the number oI customers has to be small.
2) Works well with business to business goods, but not with consumer goods.
3) Depends on how precisely the users make their evaluations.
4) Takes a lot oI money, time and labour.

Pre booking
AIter the survey was completed, we started the pre booking campaign by advertising the car. The
results oI the test drive were very useIul in promotion oI the car. The customers were given the Iull details oI
the car perIormance in the region.
From the data, the rate oI demand was recorded and along with the Ieedback Irom the questionnaire we
were able to attain a progressive sales Iorecast Ior 5 years.

anpower Planning
The base oI operation will be in the state capital oI Shimla and the two cities oI Dharamsala and
Chamba. As per the sales Iorecast expansion will be done on the other cities oI the state. The company will
be practicing the JIT(Just in time) Iorm oI marketing and the Iollowing data shows the required workIorce at
the initial stage, Iollowing the expansion oI work Iorce. The car will be sold directly in the company`s
outlet located in his cities, i.e., there will be 2 distribution channel, ManuIacturing Outlet.

StaIIing will be done based on the level oI need. The required development in staIIing will be achieved
through the use oI the Iollowing Activity Mapping tool

The Manager in each outlet will be responsible in determining the required needs through occasional
preparation oI a checklist as Iollows:-

an Power Training
The company Iollows OJT (on the job training) where the employee is trained at the place oI work
while he or she is doing the actual job. A proIessional trainer (or sometimes an experienced employee) will
serve as the course instructor using hands-on training which will be supported by Iormal training in theory.
This program will be carried out by identiIying the employees who are having superior technical
knowledge and can eIIectively use one-to-one interaction technique.

1he procedure of formal on the job training program is -
1) The participant observes a more experienced, knowledgeable, and skilled trainer (employee)
2) The method, process, and techniques are well discussed beIore, during and aIter trainer has explained
about perIorming the tasks
3) When the trainee is prepared, the trainee starts perIorming on the work place
4) The trainer provides continuing direction oI work and Ieedback
5) The trainee is given more and more work so that he accomplishes the job Ilawlessly

1he benefits of this type of raining is that -
1) It is generally the most cost-eIIective Iorm oI training
2) The employees are actually productive
3) The employees have the opportunity to learn while working, thus saving time and money.
4) Training is done alongside real colleagues which develop teamwork.

part from the benefits the managers have to look after the following negative aspect of the method -
1) Quality depends on ability oI trainer and time available, so the level oI trainer and management oI
time should be maintained properly.
2) Care should be taken as potential disruption on production can occur as the employees are trainees.
There is a high change oI errors in jobs.

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