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Nature Publishing Group Academic Journals & Palgrave Publishers Ltd

DTD & Documentation


20 July 2004 Updates: Heather Rankin and Jennifer McLay FINAL DRAFT
2004 Nature Publishing Group

NOTE 1: Version 7 upgrade: In July 2004 the AJ XML DTD was upgraded from V6 to V7. This document was originally written for the V6 SGML DTD and has been updated with V7 changes. As a result, some legacy V6 examples as well as references to SGML still appear here. Significant structural changes made to V7 include: . Addition of a Back Matter section (BM) to ARTICLE and SHORTART . Relocation of PRF, FOOTNOTE, ENDNOTE, PRF, CLOSENOTE, OBJECTS (new), ACK, APP, CITS and BIOGGRP from various element locations to single location: BM . Relocation of %objects; from ARTTEXT, P, SEC#, SEC#TTL, PRF, ACK, APPB, BIOG, SHORTBODY, LEGEND to single location: OBJECTS. . Reinstated the ABSHEAD element (was deprecated in V6) . Added new elements GENESEQ and PROTEINSEQ for gene/protein sequences to %text; Defined content with PCDATA, NEWLINE and EMPHASIS for both . Added new elements ILLREF and PULLQUOTEREF to %refs; Defined content as EMPTY with required RID attribute on both. These elements are placeholders for Illustrations and Pullquotes which exist in the Back Matter/Objects section. . FOOTNOTE changed to zero or more. . CLOSENOTE changed to zero or once. . Added new element SUBJECT with attribute CODE to represent Subjects. Value of CODE attribute is new parameter entity %code; defined with preset values in a new external entity file called NPGSUBJECTS.ENT . Allowed SEC1 within ABS for abstracts containing sections. . Version number in Public Identifier changed from 6 to 7: "-//NPGSJ//DTD full length article DTD version 7.0 XML//EN" . DTDVER element updatated to include the latest version (7.0 as default). . ID attribute added to PULLQUOTE

NOTE 2: Deprecated elements: For clarity the content models shown in the body of the documentation exclude deprecated elements. These are elements that have been retained in the DTD itself for back compatibility only. Fuller information on these elements can be found in the full DTD in Appendix D

NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation


1. The opening declaration and front matter..............................................................................................10 1.1. The opening declaration..................................................................................................................10 1.2. File and entity naming in exceptional cases....................................................................................11 1.3. Front matter elements......................................................................................................................11 1.E.0 Article: <article>..........................................................................................................................11 1.E.1 Front matter: <fm>...................................................................................................................12 1.E.1.1 Publishers front matter: <pubfm>.......................................................................................13 1.E.1.1.1 DTD version: <dtdver>.................................................................................................14 1.E.1.1.2 Publisher identifier: <pubid>.........................................................................................14 1.E.1.1.3 Publisher name: <pubnm>.............................................................................................15 1.E.1.1.4 Copyright group: <crg>.................................................................................................15 1.E. Copyright text: <crt>...............................................................................................16 1.E. Copyright year: <cry>.............................................................................................16 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm>................................................................................................16 1.E.1.2.1 Journal title: <jti>..........................................................................................................17 1.E.1.2.2 Journal short title: <sjti>................................................................................................18 1.E.1.2.3 ISSN: <issn>.................................................................................................................18 1.E.1.2.4 Digital Object Identifier: <doi>......................................................................................19 1.E.1.2.5 Volume: <vol>...............................................................................................................20 1.E.1.2.6 Issue: <iss>.....................................................................................................................20 1.E.1.2.7 Issue information: <issinfo>..........................................................................................20 1.E. Cover image: <covimg>..........................................................................................21 1.E.1.2.8 ISBN: <isbn>................................................................................................................22 1.E.1.2.9 AOP sequence number: <aopseq>.................................................................................22 1.E.1.2.10 Sequence number: <seq>..............................................................................................23 1.E.1.2.11 Page numbers: <pp>.....................................................................................................23 1.E. Start page number: <spn>......................................................................................24 1.E. End page number: <epn>......................................................................................24 1.E.1.2.12 Publication dates: <pubdates>......................................................................................25 1.E. AOP dates group: <aopdates>...............................................................................25 1.E. Advance online publication date: <aopd>.......................................................27 1.E. Published date: <pbd>...........................................................................................28 1.E. Electronic date: <eld>...........................................................................................28 1.E. Cover date: <cvd>.................................................................................................29 1.E.1.2.13 Peer review dates: <prdates>........................................................................................29 1.E. Received date: <rcd> DEPRECATED..................................................................30 1.E. Revised date: <rvd> DEPRECATED....................................................................30 1.E. Accepted date: <acd> DEPRECATED.................................................................31 1.E. Miscellaneous peer review data: <misc> DEPRECATED....................................31 1.E. Received date: <rcdt>............................................................................................31 1.E. Revised date: <rvdt>.............................................................................................31 1.E. Accepted date: <acdt>...........................................................................................31 1.E. Miscellaneous peer review data: <misct>..............................................................32 1.E.1.2.13 Special issue/Supplement data: <si>.............................................................................32 1.E. Supplement title: <suptitle>..................................................................................33 1.E. Supplement place: <supplace>..............................................................................33 1.E. Supplement date: <supdate>.................................................................................33 NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 3

1.E. Supplement editor: <suped>..................................................................................33 1.E. Supplement sponsor: <supspon>...........................................................................34 1.E. Supplement text: <suptext>...................................................................................34 1.E.1.2.14 See Also <seealso>.......................................................................................................34 1.E.1.2.15 No PDF: <no_pdf>.......................................................................................................35 1.E.1.2.16 Author Paid: <author_paid>.........................................................................................35 1.E.1.3 Placeholder completion group: <placeholder>.....................................................................36 1.E.1.3.1 Article heading: <arthead>.............................................................................................36 1.E.1.3.2 Article sub-heading: <artsubhead>.................................................................................37 1.E.1.3.3 Series heading: <serieshead>..........................................................................................38 1.E.1.3.3b Table of Contents heading: <tochead>.........................................................................38 1.E.1.3.4 Article type: <arttype>...................................................................................................39 1.E.1.3.4 a Subject: <subject>........................................................................................................39 1.E.1.3.5 Original language: <origlang>........................................................................................39 1.E.1.3.6 Introductory text: <intro>...............................................................................................40 1.E.1.3.7 In brief: <inbrief>...........................................................................................................40 1.E. In brief title: <inbrieftl>...........................................................................................41 1.E.1.3.7a Abstract Sequence Number: <absseq>..........................................................................41 1.E.1.3.8 Article title group: <atlgrp>............................................................................................42 1.E. Article title: <atl>....................................................................................................43 1.E. Article title reference: <tlref> DEPRECATED.................................................44 1.E. Article sub-title: <stl>.............................................................................................44 1.E. Article running title: <runtl>...................................................................................44 1.E. Article title note: <tlnote>.......................................................................................45 1.E.1.3.9 Review information: <review>.......................................................................................45 1.E. Review Title: <reviewtl>.........................................................................................46 1.E. Header biblio: <hbiblio>..........................................................................................46 1.E. Editor Group for Reviewed Book: <pubedg>........................................................47 1.E. Editor for Reviewed Book: <pubed>..................................................................47 1.E. Author Group for Reviewed Book: <pubaug>......................................................48 1.E. Author for Reviewed Book: <pubau>................................................................48 1.E. Publisher information Group for Reviewed Book: <pubg>...................................48 1.E. Publisher Name for Reviewed Book: <publshr>................................................49 1.E. Publisher Address for Reviewed Book: <pubaddr>...........................................49 1.E. Book Review Publication date: <brpubdate>........................................................49 1.E. Cost per binding type: <bindcost>.........................................................................50 1.E. Price: <price>.....................................................................................................50 1.E. Binding format: <binding>.................................................................................50 1.E. Page count: <pages>............................................................................................50 1.E. Page count: <isbn>...............................................................................................51 1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug>....................................................................................................51 1.E. Section Author: <sectau>.....................................................................................53 1.E. Author: <au>..........................................................................................................53 1.E. Organisation reference: <orf> DEPRECATED...............................................54 1.E. Organisation reference: <oref>........................................................................54 1.E. Author note reference: <auref> DEPRECATED.............................................55 1.E. Author note reference: <autref>.......................................................................55 1.E. Author inverted form: <aui>............................................................................55 1.E. Corporate author: <corpau>...................................................................................56 1.E. Collaboration: <collab>..........................................................................................56 1.E. Et al: <etal>............................................................................................................57 1.E. Corresponding author: <cau>................................................................................57 1.E. Correspondence organisation reference: <corf> DEPRECATED....................58 1.E. Correspondence organisation reference: <coref>.............................................58 NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 4

1.E. Author affiliation: <aff>........................................................................................58 1.E. .1 Organisation identifier: <oid>.........................................................................59 1.E. Corresponding author address: <caff>...................................................................59 1.E. .1 Correspondence organisation identifier: <coid>.............................................60 1.E. Author note: <aunote>..........................................................................................60 1.E.1.3.11 TOC annotation: <tocnote>..........................................................................................61 1.E.1.3.12 Series note: <seriesnote>..............................................................................................61 1.E.1.3.13 Article note: <artnote>.................................................................................................63 1.E.1.4 Header completion group: <header>....................................................................................63 1.E.1.4.1 AOP biblio: <aopbiblio>................................................................................................64 1.E.1.4.2 Article biblio: <artbiblio>...............................................................................................65 1.E.1.4.3 Abstract: <abstract>.......................................................................................................66 1.E. Abstract heading: <abshead>...................................................................................67 1.E. Paragraph: <p>.........................................................................................................68 1.E.1.4.4 Keyword group: <kwg>.................................................................................................68 1.E. Keyword: <kw>.......................................................................................................69 1.E.1.4.5 Abbreviation group: <abbg>..........................................................................................70 1.E. Abbreviation: <abb>................................................................................................70 1.E.1.4.6 Extra materials summary: <xsum>.................................................................................71 1.E. Extra materials summary heading: <xsumhead>......................................................71 2. Body text...............................................................................................................................................72 2.1. Body text elements..........................................................................................................................72 2.E.2 Article body: <body>................................................................................................................72 2.E.2.1 Article text: <arttext>..........................................................................................................72 2.E.2.1.1 Section level 1: <sec1>.................................................................................................74 2.E. Level 1 heading: <sec1ttl>.....................................................................................75 2.E. Section level 2: <sec2>..........................................................................................76 2.E. Level 2 heading: <sec2ttl>...............................................................................76 2.E. Section level 3: <sec3>....................................................................................77 2.E. Level 3 heading: <sec3ttl>........................................................................77 2.E. Section level 4: <sec4>.............................................................................77 2.E. Level 4 heading: <sec4ttl>..................................................................78 2.E. Section level 5: <sec5>.......................................................................78 2.E. Level 5 heading: <sec5ttl>...........................................................78 2.E. Section level 6: <sec6>................................................................79 2.E. Level 6 heading: <sec6ttl>........................................................79 3. Back Matter...........................................................................................................................................80 3.1. Back Matter elements......................................................................................................................80 3.E.1 Back matter: <bm>...................................................................................................................80 3.E.1.1 Footnote: <footnote>.............................................................................................................80 3.E.1.1.1 Footnote link: <fnlink>................................................................................................81 3.E.1.1.2 Footnote text: <fntext>.................................................................................................81 3.E.1.2 End note: <endnote>..........................................................................................................82 3.E.1.3 Note added in proof: <prf>..................................................................................................82 3.E.1.4 Closing note: <closenote>...................................................................................................82 3.E.1.4 Objects: <objects>.................................................................................................................83 3.E.1.5 Acknowledgements: <ack>.................................................................................................83 3.E.1.6 Appendix: <app>.................................................................................................................84 3.E.1.6.1 Appendix title: <apptl>.................................................................................................85 3.E.1.6.2 Appendix body: <appb>...............................................................................................85 3.E.1.7 Citations: <cits>..................................................................................................................86 3.E.1.7.1 Citation heading: <cithead>..........................................................................................87 3.E.1.7.2 Citation note: <citnote>................................................................................................88 3.E.1.7.3 Citation reference: <citref>..........................................................................................88 NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 5

3.E. Citation number: <citno>.......................................................................................94 3.E.1.8 Biography group: <bioggrp>...............................................................................................95 3.E.1.8.1 Biography heading: <bioghead>...................................................................................96 3.E.1.8.2 Biography: <biog>.......................................................................................................97 4. Closing elements...................................................................................................................................98 4.E.2.1.7 Respond: <respond>.....................................................................................................98 4.E.2.1.8 Product list: <prodlist>.................................................................................................98 5. Tagging collections of short articles, and extra materials....................................................................100 5.E.2.2 Short article collection: <shortcol>...................................................................................100 5.E.2.2.1 Short article list: <shortlist>.......................................................................................101 5.E. Short article list heading: <shorthead>.................................................................101 5.E.2.2.2 Short article: <shortart>..............................................................................................101 5.E. Short article front matter: <shortfm> DEPRECATED.........................................102 5.E. Reference to parent article: <refer> DEPRECATED.....................................102 5.E. Short article heading: <shortarthead> DEPRECATED..................................102 5.E. Short article sub-heading: <shortartsubhead> DEPRECATED.....................102 5.E. Short article type: <shortarttype> DEPRECATED........................................102 5.E. Bibliographic data: <biblio> DEPRECATED...............................................102 5.E. Short article body: <shortbody> DEPRECATED................................................102 5.E. Short article front matter: <shortartfm>...............................................................103 5.E.2.3 Extra materials: <xmat>......................................................................................................103 5.E.2.3.1 Extra materials heading: <xhead>................................................................................104 6. Internal parameter entities and their elements...................................................................................106 6.P.1 Emphasis elements: %emphasis;.................................................................................................106 6.P.1.1 Bold text: <b>.......................................................................................................................106 6.P.1.2 Italic text: <it>......................................................................................................................106 6.P.2 Electronic elements: %electronic;................................................................................................107 6.P.2.1 URL: <url>...........................................................................................................................107 6.P.2.2 E-mail: <email>....................................................................................................................107 6.P.3 Font families: %fontfamily;.........................................................................................................108 6.P.3.1 Sans serif font: <ssf>.............................................................................................................108 6.P.3.2 Script font: <sc>....................................................................................................................108 6.P.3.3 Typewriter font: <ty>............................................................................................................109 6.P.4 Font attributes: %fontattr;............................................................................................................109 6.P.4.1 Superscript: <sup>................................................................................................................109 6.P.4.2 Subscript: <inf>....................................................................................................................109 6.P.4.3 Supersubscript: <supinf>......................................................................................................110 6.P.4.4 Subsuperscript: <infsup>......................................................................................................110 6.P.4.5 Small capitals: <scp>............................................................................................................111 6.P.5 Zero width attributes: %zwidth;...................................................................................................111 6.P.5.1 Underscore: <und>................................................................................................................111 6.P.5.2 Double underscore: <dund>..................................................................................................112 6.P.5.3 Strike through: <sth>............................................................................................................112 6.P.5.4 Overline: <ovr>.....................................................................................................................112 6.P.5.5 Double overline: <dovr>.......................................................................................................113 6.P.5.6 Vector over: <vect>..............................................................................................................113 6.P.6 Relative character sizes: %relsize;...............................................................................................113 6.P.6.1 Magnify up one step: <mag1>..............................................................................................114 6.P.6.2 Magnify up two steps: <mag2>.............................................................................................114 6.P.6.3 Magnify down one step: <magm>.........................................................................................114 6.P.7 Exclusions: %exclusions;............................................................................................................115 6.P.7.1 Web only text: <wot>...........................................................................................................115 6.P.7.2 Print only text: <pot>............................................................................................................115 6.P.7.3 Hidden text: <hid>................................................................................................................116 NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 6

6.P.8 Math types: %mathtypes;............................................................................................................116 6.P.8.1 Formula: <formula>..............................................................................................................116 6.P.8.2 Alternate math: <altmath>....................................................................................................119 6.P.8.3 Fraction: <frac> DEPRECATED..........................................................................................120 6.P.8.4 Stack: <stk> DEPRECATED................................................................................................120 6.P.8.4.1 Layer: <lyr> DEPRECATED......................................................................................120 6.P.8.5 Limit: <lim> DEPRRECATED.............................................................................................120 6.P.8.6 Product: <prod> DEPRECATED..........................................................................................120 6.P.8.7 Sum: <sum> DEPRECATED...............................................................................................120 6.P.8.8 Integral: <int> DEPRECATED.............................................................................................120 6.P.8.9 Fence: <fen> DEPRECATED...............................................................................................120 6.P.8.10 Radical: <rad> DEPRECATED..........................................................................................120 6.P.9 Lists: %list;..................................................................................................................................120 6.P.9.1 List: <lst> [<list> (SGML)]..................................................................................................120 6.P.9.1.1 List element: <li>.........................................................................................................121 6.P.9.2 Definition list: <defl>............................................................................................................122 6.P.9.2.1 Definition instance: <definein>...................................................................................122 6.P.9.2.2 Definition: <def>.........................................................................................................123 6.P.10 Floating objects: %objects;........................................................................................................123 6.P.10.1 Figure: <fig>.......................................................................................................................124 6.P.10.1.1 Number: <no>...........................................................................................................127 6.P.10.1.2 Thumbnail: <thumbnail>...........................................................................................127 6.P.10.1.3 Graphic: <graphic>....................................................................................................128 6.P.10.1.4 Legend: <legend>......................................................................................................129 6.P.10.2 Illustration: <ill>.................................................................................................................130 6.P.10.3 Table CALS: <table>..........................................................................................................130 6.P.10.4 External object: <xobj>.......................................................................................................135 6.P.10.4.1 External file: <xfile>..................................................................................................136 6.P.10.5 Pull quote: <pullquote>.......................................................................................................137 6.P.10.6 Side note: <sidenote>..........................................................................................................138 6.P.10.7 Box: <box>.........................................................................................................................139 6.P.10.7.1 Box Title: <boxttl>...........................................................................................................139 6.P.10.8 Link Group: <linkgrp>........................................................................................................140 6.P.10.8.1 Link Set: <linkset>...........................................................................................................140 6.P.10.8.1 .1 Link Sub Set: <linksubset>...........................................................................................140 6.P.11 Alignment: %align;....................................................................................................................141 6.P.12 Posts: %posts;............................................................................................................................141 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text;.........................................................................................................141 6.P.13.1 Newline: <newline>............................................................................................................142 6.P.13.2 Quotation: <quote>.............................................................................................................142 6.P.13.3 Author query: <auq>...........................................................................................................143 6.P.13.4 Gene Sequence: <geneseq>.................................................................................................143 6.P.13.5 Protein Sequence: <proteinseq>..........................................................................................144 6.P.13.6 Accession code: <accession>..............................................................................................144 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs;.......................................................................................................144 6.P.14.1 External link: <extlink>......................................................................................................145 6.P.14.2 Date reference: <dateref>....................................................................................................146 6.P.14.3 Title note reference: <tlnref>..............................................................................................146 6.P.14.4 Figure reference: <figref>...................................................................................................146 6.P.14.5 Equation reference: <equref>..............................................................................................149 6.P.14.6 Table reference: <tblref>.....................................................................................................150 6.P.14.7 Text reference to citation: <textref>....................................................................................151 6.P.14.7b External citation: <extcite>...............................................................................................152 6.P.14.8 Footnote reference: <footref>.............................................................................................153 NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 7

6.P.14.10 Appendix reference: <appref>...........................................................................................154 6.P.14.11 Extra materials heading reference: <xheadref>.................................................................154 6.P.14.12 External object reference: <xobref>..................................................................................154 6.P.14.13 Illustration reference: <illref>...........................................................................................155 6.P.14.14 Pullquote reference: <pullquoteref>..................................................................................155 6.P.14.15 Sidenote reference: <sidenoteref>.....................................................................................155 6.P.15 General text: %reftext;...............................................................................................................156 6.P.16 Author text: %authors;...............................................................................................................156 6.P.16.1a Miscelaneous author text: <misctxt>.................................................................................156 6.P.16.1 Author prefix: <prefix>.......................................................................................................157 6.P.16.2 Forenames: <fnames>.........................................................................................................157 6.P.16.3 Surname: <sname>..............................................................................................................157 6.P.16.4 Author suffix: <suffix>.......................................................................................................158 6.P.16.5 Author degrees: <degs>......................................................................................................158 6.P.17 Short title entity CALS: %shortitle;...........................................................................................159 6.P.17.1 Short title CALS: <shorttl>.................................................................................................159 6.P.18 Titles entity CALS: %titles;.......................................................................................................159 6.P.18.1 Title CALS: <title>.............................................................................................................160 6.P.19 Table entity CALS: %tabl;........................................................................................................160 6.P.19.1 Table group CALS: <tgroup>.............................................................................................160 6.P.19.1.1 Column spec CALS: <colspec>.....................................................................................160 6.P.19.1.2 Span spec CALS: <spanspec>.......................................................................................161 6.P.19.1.3 Table head CALS: <thead>...........................................................................................161 6.P.19.1.4 Table foot CALS: <tfoot>.............................................................................................161 6.P.19.1.5 Table body CALS: <tbody>..........................................................................................161 6.P. Row CALS: <row>.................................................................................................162 6.P. Entry CALS: <entry>.......................................................................................162 6.P. Entry table CALS: <entrytbl>..........................................................................162 6.P.19.1.6 Table footnote CALS: <tabfn>......................................................................................163 6.P.19.2 Table image: <tblimg>........................................................................................................163 6.P.20 Position: %psn;..........................................................................................................................163 6.P.21 Hiding: %hiding;.......................................................................................................................164 6.P.22 TOC show: %tocshow;..............................................................................................................165 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo;..................................................................................................166 6.P.23.2 Citation author group: <citaug>...............................................................................167 6.P.23.2.1 Cited author: <citau>.........................................................................................168 6.P. Cited author surname: <citsname>..............................................................169 6.P. Cited author forenames: <citfnames>..........................................................169 6.P. Cited author suffix: <citsuff>......................................................................169 6.P.23.2.2 Cited corporate author: <citcorp>......................................................................169 6.P.23.2.3 Cited collaboration: <citcollab>.........................................................................170 6.P.23.3 Citation year: <cityr>...............................................................................................170 6.P.23.4 Cited article: <citart>................................................................................................170 6.P.23.5 Cited source: <citso>................................................................................................171 6.P.23.6 Cited volume: <citvol>.............................................................................................171 6.P.23.7 Cited supplement or issue: <citsup>.........................................................................172 6.P.23.8 Cited start page number: <citspn>............................................................................172 6.P.23.9 Cited end page number: <citepn>.............................................................................173 6.P.23.10 Cited work publisher: <citpub>..............................................................................173 6.P.23.11 Cited work DOI: <citdoi>......................................................................................173 6.P.23.12 Citation text: <cittext>............................................................................................173 6.P.23.13 Delimiters: <delim>...............................................................................................174 6.P.24 Section Content: %seccont;.......................................................................................................175 6.P.24.1 Enunciations: <enunc>.......................................................................................................176 NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 8

Definition...............................................................................................................................................176 6.P.24.1.1 Enunciation titles: <enuncttl>.........................................................................................176 Definition...............................................................................................................................................176 6.P.25 Address info: %address;............................................................................................................177 6.P.25.1 Organization: <org>...........................................................................................................177 Definition...............................................................................................................................................177 6.P.25.2 Street name: <street>..........................................................................................................177 Definition...............................................................................................................................................177 6.P.25.3 City: <city>........................................................................................................................177 Definition...............................................................................................................................................178 6.P.25.4 Country: <co>....................................................................................................................178 6.P.25.5 Postal Code: <postal>........................................................................................................178 Definition...............................................................................................................................................178 6.P.25.6 Fax: <fax>..........................................................................................................................178 Definition...............................................................................................................................................178 6.P.25.7 Email address: <email>......................................................................................................179 7. File presentation issues........................................................................................................................179 7.1. Internal identifiers and cross-reference tags..................................................................................179 7.2. All tag-names and attribute names to be lower case......................................................................180 8. Directory structure for file supply and management............................................................................181 9. Attribute names and character entity names held in external files.......................................................182 9.1. Language attributes in npglang.ent................................................................................................182 9.2. Article type attributes in npgartty.ent............................................................................................183 9.3. Character entities in ISO files and NPGsjent.ent...........................................................................184 9.4. Subject code attributes in npgsubjects.ent.....................................................................................185 Appendix A1: Year 2005 journal list: correct forms for abbrev, jti, sjti, issn (pr & ol) and art id...........187 Appendix A2: Year 2005 journal list: correct forms for pubid, pubnm and crt.......................................189 Appendix B: External file npglang.ent....................................................................................................191 Appendix C: External file npgartty.ent...................................................................................................191 Appendix D: External file npgsubjects.ent.............................................................................................192

NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation

Section 1

Front Matter

1. The opening declaration and front matter 1.1.The opening declaration

<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NPGSJ//DTD full length article DTD version 7.0 SGML//EN"[ <!ENTITY <!ENTITY <!ENTITY <!ENTITY <!ENTITY <!ENTITY <!ENTITY <!ENTITY <!ENTITY <!ENTITY ]> figf1 SYSTEM "3301035f1.gif" NDATA gif> figf1th SYSTEM "3301035f1th.gif" NDATA gif> figf2 SYSTEM "3301035f2.gif" NDATA gif> figf2th SYSTEM "3301035f2th.gif" NDATA gif> figf3 SYSTEM "3301035f3.gif" NDATA gif> figf3th SYSTEM "3301035f3th.gif" NDATA gif> illi3 SYSTEM "3301035i1.gif" NDATA gif> tblt1 SYSTEM "3301035t1.gif" NDATA gif> eque1 SYSTEM "3301035e1.gif" NDATA gif> xobx1 SYSTEM "3301035x1.pdf" NDATA mp3>


Example: an opening declaration, including entity declarations for graphics and other external files. The correct form of entity name for each of the five types of local file ENTITY recognised by the DTD is shown. Every SGML/XML file must begin with an opening declaration. The declaration begins with the words <!DOCTYPE article. This establishes that the document conforms to a DTD for a document of type article. The entire file, after the opening declaration, is enclosed in article tags, and consists of a single article element. Following the document type statement is a public path statement that locates the NPG Academic Journals version 7.0 SGML/XML DTD. Within the DTD itself, similar path statements are given for external entity files that must be accessible along with it. In this documentation, the required external files are described in Section 9 Attribute names and character entity names held in external files. The latest versions of the DTD itself and these external files are available from the publishers. The DTD also appears as Appendix D at the end of this document. All files submitted by typesetters must be parsed against the version 7.0 DTD before delivery and any parsing errors corrected. Also within the opening declaration, a declaration of specific external entity files referred to in the file appears in square brackets. These are the graphic files for figures, illustrations, tables, equations and supplementary materials that are required to complete the document. Each entity declaration begins with an entity name such as figf1, illi1, tblt1, eque1 or xobx1. Thumbnail graphics are indicated by adding th to the end of the entity name and the corresponding filename. For a full explanation of how to tag the five entity types, see the definitions given for fig (element number 6.P.10.1), ill (element number 6.P.10.2), table (element number 6.P.10.3), xobj (element number 6.P.10.4) and formula (element number 6.P.8.1). Following the entity name, the SYSTEM declaration is the name of the external graphic file provided. All alphabetical characters in filenames and extensions must be in lower case. The seven-digit number that begins the filename is the same as the article ID, as can be seen from its appearance in the article tag that

NPG Specialist Journals DTD DRAFT Ver 7.0 Documentation


follows the opening declaration. The final component of the entity declaration is the data type of the external file, in this case gif for six graphic files and pdf for one PDF file.

1.2.File and entity naming in exceptional cases

The above example opening declaration shows all the types of graphic that may need to be included as entity declarations. It does not include examples of file naming conventions for three exceptional cases that can arise: a) where more than one graphic is required to complete a single figure or table (e.g. because a gif and a jpeg file need to be brought in to complete a figure, or a table is too large to be presented in a single file) b) where a figure or table appears as two or more parts, - a, b, etc., - which require separate treatement in the SGML/XML. c) where a figure or table (usually a table) occurs in an appendix. Examples showing correct file names for these cases are given in notes on element 6.P.10.1 Figure (fig), and element 6.P.10.3 Table (table).

1.3.Front matter elements

1.E.0 Article: <article> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Content Attributes 1.E.0 article Required Required (fm, body?, bm?) id CDATA #REQUIRED type (print | hasxmat | isxmat | header) "print" language %language; "en"

Definition The article tag is the root tag, both for articles and short articles. An instance of DOCTYPE article is contained in a single SGML/XML file and contains one, and only one article element. Article SGML/XML files always end with closure of this element. The id attribute must always be present and show the correct article ID. The type attribute is explained as follows: type="print" means that the article as published online has no additions and is effectively identical to the article as it appeared in print. This is the default case. type="hasxmat" means that the article published online contains or has links to extra materials that have not appeared in print. These will usually be accessed by way of xmat (5.E.2.3). The normal method does not use xsum (1.E.1.4.6) type="isxmat" means that the article will not appear in print and is an online only addition to the journal issue. type="header" means that the article contains header information only. Since the default is print, the attribute may be omitted in the normal case of an identical-to-print article, although it is preferable to include it in all cases. The language attribute may be omitted in the normal case of the language being English. Include this attribute if the language of the body of the article is other than English. For more information on %language; see Section 9.1 Language attributes in npglang.ent. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 11

The following examples show in outline the two forms that a full text article can take, either a standard article, or a short article type. Short article tagging can be used in some cases for journal sections in which short items such as book reviews or correspondence are collected into a single on-line file. Use of short article tagging is currently rare, the Trade News section in the British Dental Journal providing the only routine example. Example 1: outline of a standard article <article id="1203291" type="print"> <fm>..</fm> <body> <arttext>..</arttext> </body> <bm>..</bm> </article> Example 2: outline of an article using shortcol <article id="1203291" type="print"> <fm>..</fm> <body> <shortcol>..</shortcol> </body> <bm>..</bm> </article> Note: use of article ID in the file name and in the DOI The attribute id appearing in the article tag is a 7-digit identifier that is unique to the article within the NPG AJ system. It appears again as the beginning of the SGML/XML filename, and as a unique identifier in the DOI. For file naming, if the unique identifier of the article is 3301035: The article tag has: <article id="3301035" type="print"> The SGML filename is: 3301035a.sgm The 7-digit identifier is followed by a lower case a and the lower case extension .sgm. The XML filename is: 3301035a.xml The 7-digit identifier is followed by a lower case a and the lower case extension .xml. For use of the 7-digit identifier in the DOI, see element number 1.E.1.2.4. 1.E.1 Front matter: <fm> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1 fm Required Required E.0 Article: <article> (pubfm, artfm, placeholder, header?) None

Definition The front matter tag holds the article preliminary information and metadata for an article or a short article collection. Example: front matter for a typical Nature Publishing Group Academic Journals article For the correct form of <pubfm> elements in the case of a Palgrave journal, please see element 1.E.1.1 Publishers front matter <pubfm>, Example 2.

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<fm> <pubfm> <dtdver version="7.0"> <pubid pubid="Nature Publishing Group"> <pubnm name="Nature Publishing Group"> <crg> <crt crt="Nature Publishing Group"> <cry yr="2003"> </crg> </pubfm> <artfm> <jti>Gene Therapy</jti> <sjti>Gene Ther</sjti> <issn type="print">0969-7128</issn> <vol>6</vol> <iss>11</iss> <seq>5</seq> <pp> <spn>1819</spn><epn>1825</epn> </pp> <pubdates> <aopdates pubol="no"> no AOP publication required </aopdates> <pbd year="0000" month="00" day="00"> nul date at typesetting stage <eld year="0000" month="00" day="00"> nul date at typesetting stage <cvd year="2003" month="11" day="00">November 2003</cvd> </pubdates> <prdates> <rcdt year="2003" month="02" day="01"></rcdt> <acdt year="1999" month="07" day="15"></acdt> </prdates> </artfm> <placeholder> <arthead>Paper</arthead> <arttype arttype="oa"/> <absseq>1</absseq> <atlgrp> <atl>Capture of a recombination activating sequence from mammalian cells</atl> </atlgrp> <aug>... </aug> </placeholder> <header> <abstract><p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </abstract> <kwg><kw>recombination</kw><kw>retroviral vector</kw><kw>vector stability</kw><kw>gene conversion</kw><kw>gene therapy</kw></kwg> </header> </fm>

1.E.1.1 Publishers front matter: <pubfm> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 13

Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes

1.E.1.1 pubfm Required Required 1.E.1 Front matter: <fm> (dtdver, pubid, pubnm, crg) None

Definition The publishers front matter contains metadata relating to the publisher. The following examples show the correct usage for NPGAJ and for Palgrave journals respectively. The copyright statement may be different in the case of a society journal if the society holds the copyright. To confirm which publisher a journal belongs to, and the correct content for pubfm tags such as crt see Appendix A2. Example 1: a Nature Publishing Group Specialist Journals article
<pubfm> <dtdver version="7.0"> <pubid pubid="Nature Publishing Group"> <pubnm name="Nature Publishing Group"> <crg> <crt crt="Nature Publishing Group"> <cry yr="2003"> </crg> </pubfm>

Example 2: a Palgrave article

<pubfm> <dtdver version="7.0"> <pubid pubid="Palgrave Macmillan"> <pubnm name="Palgrave Macmillan"> <crg> <crt crt="Palgrave Macmillan Ltd"> <cry yr="2003"> </crg> </pubfm>

1.E.1.1.1 DTD version: <dtdver> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.1.1 dtdver Required o Empty Element 1.E.1.1 Publishers front matter: <pubfm> None version (5.1 | 6.0 | 7.0) "7.0"

Definition The DTD version used is stated in the attribute version of the tag dtdver. Example <dtdver version="7.0"> 1.E.1.1.2 Publisher identifier: <pubid> Element Number 1.E.1.1.2

NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation


Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes

pubid Required o Empty Element 1.E.1.1 Publishers front matter: <pubfm> None pubid CDATA #REQUIRED

Definition The publishers identifier is held in the attribute pubid in the tag pubid. Current practice is that this is the same as the pubnm. Example 1: for Nature Publishing Group Academic Journals <pubid pubid="Nature Publishing Group"> Example 2: for Palgrave <pubid pubid="Palgrave Macmillan"> 1.E.1.1.3 Publisher name: <pubnm> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.1.3 pubnm Required o Empty Element 1.E.1.1 Publishers front matter: <pubfm> None name CDATA #REQUIRED

Definition The publishers name is held in the attribute name in tag pubnm. Example 1: for Nature Publishing Group Academic Journals <pubnm name="Nature Publishing Group"> Example 2: for Palgrave <pubnm name="Palgrave Macmillan"> 1.E.1.1.4 Copyright group: <crg> Element Number 1.E.1.1.4 Element Name crg Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.1 Publishers front matter: <pubfm> Other Parent 5.E. Short article front matter: <shortartfm> Content (crt, cry) Attributes None Definition The copyright data is all held within the Copyright Group tag. Example 1: for Nature Publishing Group Specialist Journals as copyright holder <crg> <crt crt="Nature Publishing Group"> <cry yr="2003"> </crg>

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Example 2: for Palgrave as copyright holder <crg> <crt crt="Palgrave Macmillan Ltd"> <cry yr="2003"> </crg> Example 3: for copyright held by a society (Royal College of Ophthalmologists) <crg> <crt crt="Royal College of Ophthalmologists"> <cry yr="2003"> </crg> 1.E. Copyright text: <crt> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. crt Required o Empty Element 1.E.1.1.4 Copyright group: <crg> None crt CDATA #REQUIRED

Definition The copyright text is the name of the copyright holder as instructed by the publisher. The copyright text is held in the attribute crt in the tag crt Example 1: for Nature Publishing Group Specialist Journals as copyright holder <crt crt="Nature Publishing Group"> Example 2: for Palgrave as copyright holder <crt crt="Palgrave Macmillan Ltd"> Example 3: for copyright held by a society (Royal College of Ophthalmologists) <crt crt="Royal College of Ophthalmologists"> 1.E. Copyright year: <cry> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. cry Required o Empty Element 1.E.1.1.4 Copyright group: <crg> None yr NMTOKEN #REQUIRED

Definition The copyright year is to be as instructed by the publisher, and is normally the cover date year. It appears in the attribute yr in the tag cry. In the case of an AOP publication this is the year of first publication, which may be earlier than the cover date year, if the article is not published in print until the following year. Example <cry yr="2003"> 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 16

Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes

1.E.1.2 artfm Required Required 1.E.1 Front matter: <fm> (jti, sjti?, issn+ , doi, vol?,iss?, issinfo?, isbn*,aopseq?, seq, pp, pubdates, prdates?, si?, seealso*, no_pdf?, author_paid?) None

Definition The article front matter contains data and metadata relating to the article. Note that some technically optional elements, such as vol and sjti, should always be provided. Example <artfm> <jti>Gene Therapy</jti> <sjti>Gene Ther</sjti> <issn type="print">0969-7128</issn> <doi>10.1038/</doi> <vol>10</vol> <iss>13</iss> <seq>7</seq> <pp><spn>1024</spn><epn>1032</epn></pp> <pubdates> <aopdates pubol="no"> </aopdates> <pbd year="0000" month="00" day="00"> <eld year="0000" month="00" day="00"> <cvd year="2003" month="07" day="00">July 2003</cvd> </pubdates> <prdates> <rcdt year="2000" month="10" day="10"></rcdt> <acdt year="2001" month="04" day="04"></acdt> </prdates> </artfm> 1.E.1.2.1 Journal title: <jti> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.2.1 jti Required Required 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> (%text; | %mathtypes;)* language %language; #IMPLIED

Definition The journal title is held in the tag jti. Example <jti>Oncogene</jti>

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1.E.1.2.2 Journal short title: <sjti> Element Number 1.E.1.2.2 Element Name sjti Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> Content (%text; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes language %language; #IMPLIED Definition The journal short title is held within the tag sjti. A full list of correct journal short titles is provided in Appendix A1: Year 2003 journal list. Example <sjti>Eur J Clin Nutr</sjti> 1.E.1.2.3 ISSN: <issn> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Alternative Parent Content Attributes 1.E.1.2.3 issn Required Required 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> 1.E. Header Biblio : <hbiblio> (#PCDATA) type (print | online | prsup | olsup) "print"

Definition An issn is held in the tag issn. A full list of correct ISSNs is provided in Appendix A1: Year 2003 journal list. If the attribute type does not appear, this implies that the stated ISSN is the print ISSN. But it is better to state the attribute in every case, as in example 1 below. Where both print and online ISSNs exist, they should both be stated, with the print ISSN declared first, as in example 2. Cases prsup and olsup have been provided for journals that define a separate ISSN for a print or online supplement respectively. These values of the attribute have been added for future-proofing only. There are no instances of a separate supplement ISSN in current use in NPGAJ or Palgrave journals. ISSNs are also captured within HBIBLIO for a book being reviewed. An example is provided below: Example 1: ISSN statement for a journal which has a print ISSN only <jti>Cell Death and Differentiation</jti> <sjti>Cell Death Differ</sjti> <issn type="print">1350-9047</issn> Example 2: ISSN statements for a journal with both print and online ISSN. Note that the print ISSN must appear first. <jti>The Pharmacogenomics Journal</jti> <issn type="print">1470-269X</issn> <issn type="online">1473-1150</issn>

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Example 3: ISSN for a book being reviewed. <hbiblio> <pubaug>Written and directed by <pubau><fnames>Deborah Koons</fnames> <sname>Garcia</sname></pubau></pubaug> <newline/><pubg><publshr>Lily Films</publshr></pubg>, <brpubdate>2004</brpubdate> <newline/><pages>89</pages> minutes <newline/><bindcost><binding>DVD and VHS</binding>, <price>&dollar;20</price></bindcost> <issn type=print>1744-4292</issn> </hbiblio> 1.E.1.2.4 Digital Object Identifier: <doi> Element Number 1.E.1.2.4 Element Name doi Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> Other Parent 5.E. Short article front matter: <shortartfm> Content (#PCDATA) Attributes status (reg | unreg | noreg) "unreg" Definition The Digital Object Identifier is held within the tag doi. Status of DOI is reg if DOI is registered with CrossRef, unreg if to be registered but not yet registered, noreg if not to be registered. Note that in the interests of simplicity, values have not been provided to distinguish between AOP registration and later registration of final metadata. It is, even so, expected that a file may need to be updated from status="unreg" to status="reg" at the point where the DOI is first registered. The attribute status is designed to allow a suitable DOI to be declared for every article or short article, even though in some cases registration may be barred by delaring status="noreg". The circumstances in which an article or short article may be excluded from DOI registration are complex, and are not discussed here. The typesetter must include a complete DOI in every case, using the formats shown below. The attribute status will normally be included and at the typsetting stage will normally be status="unreg" as in the examples. Where status is to be status="noreg" the typesetter will be informed. Alternatively, a change in status from unreg to noreg can be made later if an item is subsequently excluded from registration. Structure of the NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave DOIs Format for the DOI is: [Official DOI prefix]/[Internal division identifier].[Journal abbreviation].[Unique article number]. NPG Specialist Journals uses the same prefix as Nature America Inc., which is 10.1038 Palgrave Macmillan has its own prefix, registered to Macmillan Publishers Ltd. UK, which is 10.1057. The following examples show correctly constructed DOIs. The unique article number is usually a seven digit number as shown in the examples. Example 1: typical NPG Academic Journals DOI <doi status="unreg">10.1038/</doi> Example 2: typical Palgrave DOI <doi status="unreg">10.1057/palgrave.jors.2600973</doi> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 19

1.E.1.2.5 Volume: <vol> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.2.5 vol Required Required 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> #PCDATA None

Definition The volume number is held in the tag vol. Prior to assignment of the article to a volume, or for an AOP publication with volume number not declared, the vol element is allowed to be empty. Examples <vol>19</vol> volume 19 <vol></vol> Prior to assignment to a volume, or in AOP file with volume number not declared. 1.E.1.2.6 Issue: <iss> Element Number 1.E.1.2.6 Element Name iss Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> Content #PCDATA Attributes None Definition The issue number is held in the tag iss. Do not pad with a leading zero - issue 1 should be 1 not 01 even if there are twelve issues in a year. Prior to assignment of the article to an issue, or in an AOP publication, the iss element is allowed to be empty. Examples <iss>12</iss> - a regular issue <iss>3/4</iss> - a double issue <iss>S1</iss> - a supplement <iss></iss> - Empty iss element in an AOP file. 1.E.1.2.7 Issue information: <issinfo> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes Definition 1.E.1.2.7 issinfo Required Required 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> (covimg?) None

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A new element issinfo is provided to hold extra information on the issue that typically needs showing or linking to from the issue TOC. This was motivated by the need to create a place to hold a note on a cover graphic, which is required each issue in Neuropsychopharmacology. The structure as provided in version 7.0 of the DTD currently allows only one, optional, element as content for issinfo. This element, covimg, contains the text of a note on a cover image that appears in a new HTML page together with the cover image. A full example appears under covimg, 1.E. If other special needs arise relating to the complete issue, apart from information on special issues that belongs in si, further new elements could be added as content to issinfo. 1.E. Cover image: <covimg> Element Number 1.E. Element Name covimg Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2.7 Issue information: <issinfo> Content (%reftext; | %mathtypes;) Attributes psn (%psn;) "external" entname ENTITY #REQUIRED Definition The element, covimg, contains the text of a note on a cover image that appears in a new HTML page together with the cover image. The example below show a typical method, taken from Element covimg takes an optional attribute psn, with default value "external". Attribute psn is usually omitted, implying that the normal method of showing the cover image in a separate HTML page is used. Stating psn="external" has the same effect. Required attribute entname is used to store the entity name of the cover image file. entname must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. The text of the link from the Web TOC and all other aspects of the procedure are standardized. Only the text of the note is presented in the SGML/XML file. A typical example of the use of issinfo and covimg showing the position of issinfo in the file is given below. Example: Use of issinfo and covimg for a cover image in Neuropsychopharmacology including entity declaration example.
<!DOCTYPE issinfo PUBLIC "-//NPGSJ//DTD full length article DTD version 7.0 XML//EN" [ <!ENTITY cover SYSTEM "4809975c1.jpg" NDATA JPEG> ]> <vol>17</vol> <iss>1</iss> <issinfo><covimg entname=cover>The 3D images show T2 lesions (yellow), ventricles (blue), caudate (pink) and putamen (green) with brain surface (gray, transparent). The 2D axial slice additionallly includes white matter (red) and csf (cyan). MRI scans were acquired through the Conte Center for depression in the elderly (Krishnan, Duke and James Macfall at Duke). The images were processed by Dr Guido Gerig at UNC. The lesions are commonly seen in elderly subjects and is related to depression in late life and to dementia.</covimg> </issinfo> <seq>6</seq>

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1.E.1.2.8 ISBN: <isbn> Element Number 1.E.1.2.8 Element Name isbn Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> Alternative Parent 1.E. Header Biblio : <hbiblio> Content #PCDATA Attributes type (print | online | prsup | olsup) "print" Definition An isbn is held in the tag isbn. This element has been included to allow an ISBN to be stated in rare cases where a journal issue carries an ISBN. This may be given additionally to the ISSN as in the following example. ISBNs are also captured within HBIBLIO for a book being reviewed. An example is provided below: Example 1: ISBN stated for a specific journal issue which has an ISBN in addition to a print ISSN <jti>Historical Materialism</jti> <sjti>Hist Mater</sjti> <issn type="print">1399-902X</issn> <doi>...</doi> <vol>5</vol> <isbn type="print">0-9532171-4-0</isbn> Example 2: ISBN for a book being reviewed <hbiblio> <pubaug>by <pubau> <fnames>Russell</fnames> <sname>Foster</sname> </pubau> and <pubau> <fnm>Leon</fnm> <snm>Kreitzman</snm> </pubau> </pubaug> <newline/> <pubg> <publshr>Yale University Press</publshr> </pubg>, <brpubdate>2004</brpubdate> <newline/> <pages>276</pages> pp <bindcost> <binding>hardcover</binding>, <price>|[dollar]|30</price> </bindcost> <newline/> <isbn>ISBN 0300105746</isbn> </hbiblio>

1.E.1.2.9 AOP sequence number: <aopseq> Element Number 1.E.1.2.9 Element Name aopseq Start Tag Required NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 22

End Tag Parent Element Other Parent Content Attributes

Required 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> 5.E. Short article front matter: <shortartfm> #PCDATA None

Definition The aopseq holds a sequence number for an AOP file. This is included only if the AOP publication requires a sequence number to show the order of appearance of AOP articles on an AOP table of contents. Example: aopseq holding a sequence number for an AOP TOC <aopseq>5</aopseq> 1.E.1.2.10 Sequence number: <seq> Element Number 1.E.1.2.10 Element Name seq Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> Other Parent 5.E. Short article front matter: <shortartfm> Content #PCDATA Attributes None Definition The sequence number of the article is held in the tag seq,which shows the order of appearance of the arrticle in the final published issue. If a sequnce number for an AOP publication is required, this is provided using aopseq, 1.E.2.9. At the AOP stage, seq is empty, as in Example 2. All SGML/XML files published in the final issue, including additional content such as editorials, must be included in the numbering. Numbering should follow the order in which items appear in the print publication, and should be without gaps in the sequence. Do not pad the seqence number with leading zeros. Example 1: seq for the second item to appear in the issue <seq>2</seq> Example 2: seq empty, in an AOP file <seq></seq> 1.E.1.2.11 Page numbers: <pp> Element Number 1.E.1.2.11 Name pp Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> Other Parent 5.E. Short article front matter: <shortartfm> Content (spn, epn) Attributes None Definition The page numbers are held within the tag pp. Page numbers spn and epn are used only for the final page numbers that appear in print. The DTD does not provide tags to hold the page numbers temporarily

NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation


assigned to an AOP file, if these are different. In an AOP file spn and epn are generally empty, as in Example 3. If the article begins and ends on the same page, epn should still be included, and should be the same as spn as in Example 2. A supplement often has page numbers preceded by S in print, and this is followed in the SGML/XML file, as in Example 4. If the tocshow attribute does not appear in spn and epn, as in these examples, this implies that the spn appears on the issue TOC but the epn does not, which is the default method. Example 1: Page numbers with epn greater than spn <pp><spn>110</spn><epn>117</epn></pp> Example 2: Page numbers with epn equal to spn <pp><spn>119</spn><epn>119</epn></pp> Example 3: An AOP file with page numbers empty <pp><spn></spn><epn></epn></pp> Example 4: Page numbers in a supplement preceded by S as in print <pp><spn>S102</spn><epn>S119</epn></pp> 1.E. Start page number: <spn> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. spn Required Required 1.E.1.2.11 Page numbers: <pp> #PCDATA tocshow (%tocshow;) "tocshow"

Definition The start page number is held in the tag spn. This tag is used only for the final start page number, as found in print. In an AOP file the element usually appears empty, as in Example 2. The start page number normally appears on the issue TOC, but if it is not to appear, use the attribute tocshow with value tocshow="notoc" as in Example 3. Example 1: A start page number, based on start page number in print <spn>85</spn> Example 2: In an AOP file, spn is empty <spn></spn> Example 3: A start page number, with attribute tocshow used to show that it is not to appear on the TOC <spn tochow="notoc">85</spn> 1.E. End page number: <epn> Element Number 1.E. Name epn Start Tag Required End Tag Required

NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation


Parent Element Content Attributes

1.E.1.2.11 Page numbers: <pp> #PCDATA tocshow (%tocshow;) "notoc"

Definition The end page number is held in the tag epn. This tag is used only for the final end page number, as found in print. In an AOP file the element usually appears empty, as in Example 2. The end page number normally does not appear on the TOC, and omitting the attribute tocshow as in Example 1 will not affect this. Example 1: An end page number, based on end page number in print <epn>117</epn> Example 2: In an AOP file, epn is empty <epn></epn> 1.E.1.2.12 Publication dates: <pubdates> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.2.12 pubdates Required Required 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> (aopdates, pbd, eld, cvd) None

Definition The publication dates are held in a group called pubdates. The four elements that appear in pubdates are used for, respectively, advance online publication dates (aopdates), print publication date (pbd), electronic date (eld) and cover date (cvd). Example with null pbd and eld, supplied by typesetter, and no AOP publication intended <pubdates> <aopdates pubol="no"> </aopdates> <pbd year="0000" month="00" day="00"> <eld year="0000" month="00" day="00"> <cvd year="2003" month="03" day="00">March 2003</cvd> </pubdates> This example represents an early stage in the publication process. The dates that are null here are replaced by actual dates later on. For examples of the various content for aopdates that can arise see the following section, 1.E., AOP dates group. 1.E. AOP dates group: <aopdates> Element Number 1.E. Element Name aopdates Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2.12 Publication dates: <pubdates> Other Parent 5.E. Short article front matter: <shortartfm> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 25

Content Attributes

(aopd*) pubol (yes | no) "yes"

Definition The advance online publication dates are held in a group called aopdates. In any article, the group aopdates with its attribute pubol is always present. The date element aopd with its attribute type appears only in cases of actual advance publication. The following examples show the correct use of these elements and their attributes in the various cases that can arise in practice. Note that the element aopd appears only if there an AOP publication is intended, or has happened. Otherwise the group aopdates appears empty, with an attribute pubol="no" as in Example 4 below. The typesetter will be told whether every article is for AOP or not, or will be given a rule for the journal that determines this, and will tag accordingly. Although aopd can take an optional attribute ID, this is absent unless a link to the date, using the new element dateref, is required. Example 5 shows this included in order to anchor a link from a reference to the date attached to the article title. This feature was included for compatibility with back data not published by NPG, and would not normally occur in NPG AJ output. Example 1: AOP publication by NPG only The most common type of AOP publication is by NPG only, and in this case the SGML/XML has:
<pubdates> <aopdates pubol="yes"> <aopd type="pubol" year="2003" month="06" day="02"></aopd> </aopdates> <pbd year=... (continue with other dates)

Note that if the typesetter knows that AOP is scheduled but has not yet been informed of the AOP date, the file can be supplied with the AOP date element presented as zeros, as is done for other dates not yet known. Example 2: AOP publication by both a society and NPG An example where there has AOP publication by both a society NPG follows:
<pubdates> <aopdates pubol="yes"> <aopd type="socms" year="2003" month="04" day="25">042501110</aopd> <aopd type="pubol" year="2003" month="06" day="02"></aopd> </aopdates> <pbd year=... (continue with other dates)

The element aopd is able to contain text. However, this feature is not normally used to hold the standard text of a note on AOP that is identical in every case. It is more likely to be used to hold some element in the Web information on AOP that varies with the article. In the first of the two AOP dates in this example, taken from Neuropsychopharmacology, the 9 digit number that appears as content of aopd is a manuscript number that is included in the standard Web note, to refer to the society publication. Please note that the element aopd is included only for AOP dates that exist or are projected. The element aopdates, however, will always be present. Example 3: AOP publication by a society only If the only AOP publication is by a society and not by NPG, an example is:
<pubdates> <aopdates pubol="no">

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<aopd type="socms" year="2003" month="04" day="25">042501110</aopd> </aopdates>

Example 4: No AOP publication exists and none intended If there is to be no AOP publication at all, the SGML/XML shows:
<pubdates> <aopdates pubol="no"> </aopdates>

Example 5: Use of an attribute ID to provide an anchor for a link from dateref A link to a date will rarely occur. If there is one, the date element is given an ID attribute and a dateref element, new in version 6, appears to hold the linking character or text. In the following example, taken from NPP back data, the article title has both a linked title note and a link to an AOP date.
<pubdates> <aopdates pubol="no"> <aopd id="aop1" type="socms" year="2001" month="04" day="25"> <sup>2</sup>Online publication: 4/25/01 at <extlink link="" type="URL"></extlink>.</aopd> </aopdates>

The associated link from the article title appears as:

<atlgrp> <atl>Repeated Administration of Amphetamine or Cocaine Does Not Alter AMPA Receptor Subunit Expression in the Rat Midbrain<sup><tlnref id="tlnote1">1<tlnref>,<dateref id="aop1">2</dateref></sup></atl> <tlnote id="tlnote1"><p><sup>1</sup>Administration of amphetamine ... </p></tlnote> </atlgrp>

This example shows the use of the new content-bearing title note reference tag tlnref to link to a title note as well as the dateref tag to link to a date. The dateref tag can be used to link to any publishing date. The ID in a publishing date should not be included unless there is a link to the date using dateref. 1.E. Advance online publication date: <aopd> Element Number 1.E. Element Name aopd Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E. Advance online publication dates: <aopdates> Content (%reftext;) Attributes id ID #IMPLIED type (socms | pubol) "pubol" year NMTOKEN #REQUIRED month NMTOKEN #REQUIRED day NMTOKEN #REQUIRED Definition

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Actual AOP dates are held in the element aopd, which has an attribute type to indicate the type of AOP publication. type="pubol" means AOP publication through Nature Web Services. type="socms" means AOP publication of the manuscript on a society Web site. The element aopd also has an attribute id, which can be used for creating links to it, for example if a link in HTML is required to the note from the article title, as Elsevier have done in the NPP article that is used for the example given below. The link to an aopd note is created using the new element dateref. This element can also be used to link to any other of the date elements in pubdates, which have now all been given optional id attributes. 1.E. Published date: <pbd> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. pbd Required o Empty Element 1.E.1.2.12 Publication dates: <pubdates> None year NMTOKEN #REQUIRED month NMTOKEN #REQUIRED day NMTOKEN #REQUIRED

Definition The published date (actual date of print publication) is held in the attributes year, month and day in the tag pbd. The year should have four digits. Month and day should always consist of two digits - pad with a leading zero where necessary. The final date may not be known at the typesetting stage, so it will be normal for the typesetter to enter a null date as in the following example. The point of entry of this date may, however, vary according to the journal workflow. Example - null pbd as entered by typesetter <pbd year="0000" month="00" day="00">

1.E. Electronic date: <eld> Element Number 1.E. Element Name eld Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty Element Parent Element 1.E.1.2.12 Publication dates: <pubdates> Content None Attributes year NMTOKEN #REQUIRED month NMTOKEN #REQUIRED day NMTOKEN #REQUIRED Definition The element eld, electronic date, is retained in version 6, but is strictly reserved for the date of publication of the full and final online issue containing the article. Earlier publication, referred to as AOP, is recorded in a new structure, consisting of a group element aopdates (Section 1.E. and a date element aopd (Section 1.E. The electronic date (date of full issue electronic publication) is held in attributes year, month and day in the tag eld. The year should have four digits. Month and day should always consist of two digits - pad with a leading zero where necessary. The final date may not be known at the typesetting stage, so it will NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 28

be normal for the typesetter to enter a null date as in the following example. The point of entry of this date may, however, vary according to the journal workflow. Example - null pbd as entered by typesetter <eld year="0000" month="00" day="00"> 1.E. Cover date: <cvd> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. cvd Required Required 1.E.1.2.12 Publication dates: <pubdates> #PCDATA year NMTOKEN #IMPLIED month NMTOKEN #IMPLIED day NMTOKEN #IMPLIED

Definition The cover date, cvd, contains the text date as printed on the cover of the Journal as the element content, and also a version of the date as attribute values in the attributes year, month and day. Note that cover date as attributes is new in version 7.0. Although required everytime in new work, it has been made optional to preserve back compatibility. The following six examples show the range of date styles normally found in NPGAJ or Palgrave data. Where a double month is required, either a hyphen separator or a forward slash is allowed, as in examples 4 and 5. In these cases always use the keyboard character - or /, and not the entity names ndash or sol. Do not introduce space characters into double months. Example 6 shows a special case, found only in Bone Marrow Transplantation, in which a number in brackets is used to indicate whether the issue is the first or the second to appear in that month. Example 1: typical cover date (month and year) <cvd year="2003" month="03" day="00">March 2003</cvd> <cvd year="2004" month="03" day="00">Spring 2004</cvd> <cvd year="2004" month="06" day="00">Summer 2004</cvd> <cvd year="2004" month="09" day="00">Autumn 2004</cvd> Example 2: cover date is season and year <cvd"2003" month="00" day="00">Spring 2003</cvd> Example 3: cover date is full calendar date <cvd"2003" month="01" day="01">1 January 2003</cvd> Example 4: cover date has double month with hyphen separator <cvd"2003" month="03" day="00">March-April 2003</cvd> Example 5: cover date has double month with solidus separator <cvd"2003" month="03" day="00">March/April 2003</cvd> Example 6: special case of part-within-month found in Bone Marrow Transplantation. The number "(2)" is a part number, not a day-of-month <cvd"2003" month="04" day="00">April (2) 2003</cvd> 1.E.1.2.13 Peer review dates: <prdates>

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Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other Parent Content Attributes

1.E.1.2.13 prdates Required Required 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> 5.E. Short article front matter: <shortartfm> ((rcd?, rvd*, acd?, misc?) | (rcdt?, rvdt*, acdt?, misct*)) None

Definition The peer review dates are held in the group prdates. The peer review date structure with four elements, rcdt, rvdt, acdt and misct, new in DTD ver 6.0, can take content, and replaces the former structure with elements rcd, rvd, acd, and misc. The former structure is deprecated and retained for back compatibility only. The new miscellaneous element misct can hold a date and is repeatable. Examples 1 and 2 show typical examples of peer review dates. Example 3 is an example with extra text in acd. It is not necessary to use the content-bearing function of these elements to hold text that appears every time, such as Revised: etcetera. Text is only added if some text additional to this, such as the accepting editors name is required. Note that day is a required element. Normally a day of month will appear, but if the journal peer review dates do not state a day of the month, the day should be entered as day="00". If re-revised appears, this is dealt with by a second use of rvd. Example 1: prdates with a revised date <prdates> <rcdt year="2003" month="08" day="12"></rcdt> <rvdt year="2003" month="12" day="01"></rvdt> <acdt year="2004" month="02" day="01"></acdt> </prdates> Example 2: prdates with a revised and a re-revised date <prdates> <rcdt year="2003" month="08" day="12"></rcdt> <rvdt year="2003" month="12" day="01"></rvdt> <rvdt year="2004" month="03" day="04"></rvdt> <acdt year="2004" month="05" day="01"></acdt> </prdates> Example 3: prdates with no revised date, and with text added related to the accepted date <prdates> <rcdt year="2003" month="08" day="12"></rcdt> <acdt year="2003" month="10" day="01">John Roberts</acdt> </prdates> 1.E. Received date: <rcd> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 1.E. Revised date: <rvd> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1.

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1.E. Accepted date: <acd> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 1.E. Miscellaneous peer review data: <misc> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 1.E. Received date: <rcdt> Element Number 1.E. Element Name rcdt Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2.13 Peer review dates: <prdates> Content (%text;) Attributes year NMTOKEN #REQUIRED month NMTOKEN #REQUIRED day NMTOKEN #REQUIRED Definition The received date is held in attributes year, month and day in the tag rcdt. Example <rcdt year="2003" month="12" day="12"></rcdt> 1.E. Revised date: <rvdt> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. rvdt Required Required 1.E.1.2.13 Peer review dates: <prdates> (%text;) year NMTOKEN #REQUIRED month NMTOKEN #REQUIRED day NMTOKEN #REQUIRED

Definition The revised date is held in attributes year, month and day in the tag rvdt. Note that the element is repeatable. If an article is re-revised, rvdt can appear once for each revision. Example <rvdt year="2003" month="12" day="14"></rvdt> 1.E. Accepted date: <acdt> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. acdt Required Required 1.E.1.2.13 Peer review dates: <prdates> (%text;) year NMTOKEN #REQUIRED 31

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month NMTOKEN #REQUIRED day NMTOKEN #REQUIRED Definition The accepted date is held in attributes year, month and day in the tag acdt. Example <acdt year="2003" month="12" day="22"></acdt> 1.E. Miscellaneous peer review data: <misct> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. misct Required Required 1.E.1.2.13 Peer review dates: <prdates> %text; year NMTOKEN #IMPLIED month NMTOKEN #IMPLIED day NMTOKEN #IMPLIED

Definition Miscellaneous text referring to peer review dates can be held as content of the element misct. The element can also hold a date as attribute values. Use for a note referring to the peer review process, which can if needed by associated with a date. Example <misc>The paper is a revised version of work previously published in...</misc> 1.E.1.2.13 Special issue/Supplement data: <si> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.2.13 si Required Required 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> (suptitle, supplace?, supdate?, suped?, supspon?, suptext?)
type (full | abs) "full"

Definition The special issue/supplement data is held in the group si. The type attribute defines whether the si is full text (full) or abstract (abs), full being the default unless otherwise specified. Example
<si> <suptitle>2nd International Symposium on Transplantation and Gene Therapy</suptitle> <supplace>Idar-Oberstein, Germany</supplace> <supdate>October 21&ndash;23, 1999</supdate> <suped>Supplement editors: AA Fauser, IW Blay, HG Eckert, N Basara and M Kiehl</suped> <supspon>Supplement sponsored by...</supspon> <suptext>The first volume of a series ...</suptext>

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1.E. Supplement title: <suptitle> Element Number 1.E. Element Name suptitle Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2.13 Special issue data: <si> Content %text; Attributes None Definition The supplement title is held in the tag suptitle. Example
<suptitle>2nd International Symposium on Transplantation and Gene Therapy</suptitle>

1.E. Supplement place: <supplace> Element Number 1.E. Element Name supplace Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2.13 Special issue data: <si> Content %text; Attributes None Definition The special issue place is used for a place associated with a special issue, e.g. the location of the conference at which the articles were presented. It is held in the tag supplace. Example

1.E. Supplement date: <supdate> Element Number 1.E. Element Name supdate Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2.13 Special issue data: <si> Content %text; Attributes None Definition The supplement date is used for a date associated with the issue, e.g. the date of the conference at which the articles were presented. It is held in the tag supdate. Example
<supdate>October 21&ndash;23, 1999</supdate>

1.E. Supplement editor: <suped> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 33

Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes

1.E. suped Required Required 1.E.1.2.13 Special issue data: <si> %text; None

Definition The supplement editor details are held in the tag suped. Example
<suped>Guest editor: JR Harris</suped>

1.E. Supplement sponsor: <supspon> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. supspon Required Required 1.E.1.2.13 Special issue data: <si> %text; None

Definition The special issue sponsor is held within the tag supspon. Example
<supspon>Special thanks to Amgen and Biotech for their generous support of the EMBT International Conference on High-Dose Chemotherapy in Breast and Ovarian Cancer</supspon>

1.E. Supplement text: <suptext> Element Number 1.E. Element Name suptext Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.2.13 Special issue data: <si> Content (p+) Attributes None Definition The supplement text element is used for additional cover text. It is held as paragraphed text in the tag suptext. Example
<suptext><p>Dedicated to Nevin S Scrimshaw, who has been a pioneer in the exploration of causes and consequences of malnutrition as well as in their prevention and correction.</p></suptext>

1.E.1.2.14 See Also <seealso> Element Number 1.E.1.2.14 Element Name seealso Start Tag Required NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 34

End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes

N/a 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> EMPTY


Definition The seealso element is used to contain see also article links within the same issue. These links are typically made to news, reviews, editorials, commentaries and press releases. The extrefid should hold the UID of the target article. Example <artfm> <jti>British Journal of Pharmacology</jti> <sjti>Br J Pharmacol</sjti> <issn type="print">0007-1188</issn> <issn type="online">1476-5381</issn> <doi status="unreg">10.1038/sj.bjp.0704657</doi> <vol>136</vol> <iss>1</iss> <seq>1</seq> <pp><spn>1</spn><epn>8</epn></pp> <pubdates> <aopdates pubol="no"></aopdates> <pbd year="2002" month="05" day="00"/> <eld year="0000" month="00" day="00"/> <cvd year="2002" month="05" day="00">May 2002</cvd> </pubdates> <prdates> <rcdt year="2001" month="10" day="30"/> <rvdt year="2002" month="01" day="30"/> <acdt year="2002" month="02" day="07"/> </prdates> <seealso extrefid="nn0804-796"/> </artfm> 1.E.1.2.15 No PDF: <no_pdf> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.2.15 no_pdf Required N/a 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> EMPTY

Definition The no_pdf element simply indicates that there is no PDF file associate with the article. It is an exception case as most articles do have associated PDFs. This tag tells the builder not to go looking for a PDF (for parts check) and not to display a PDF link on the article page. Most of the time, this element will not appear. 1.E.1.2.16 Author Paid: <author_paid> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 35

Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes

1.E.1.2.16 author_paid Optional N/a 1.E.1.2 Article front matter: <artfm> EMPTY

Definition This element indicates that an author has paid for the article and it is freely accessible everywhere online. This flag will override external rights management processes and act as a permanent record of its paid status in both the original XML and third party data send XML.

1.E.1.3 Placeholder completion group: <placeholder> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other Parent Content Attributes 1.E.1.3 placeholder Required Required 1.E.1 Front matter: <fm> 5.E.2.2.2 Short article: <shortart> (arthead*, artsubhead*, serieshead?, tochead?, arttype, subject?, origlang?, intro?, inbrief?, absseq?, atlgrp, review*, aug?, tocnote?, seriesnote?, artnote*) None

Definition The placeholder element is referred to in this documentation as the placeholder completion group because together with the preceding elements pubfm and artfm, it contains all the information needed to create a Web link to an external PDF file, but not to create either an abstract or full text in HTML. Example
<placeholder> <arthead>Education and Debate</arthead> <artsubhead>Australia</artsubhead> <arttype arttype="oa"/> <absseq>1</absseq> <atlgrp><atl>The toxicology of <it>Myrmecia nigrocincta</it>, an Australian ant</atl></atlgrp> <aug>... </aug> </placeholder>

1.E.1.3.1 Article heading: <arthead> Element Number 1.E.1.3.1 Element Name arthead Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> Content (%text; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes tocshow (%tocshow;) "tocshow" NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 36

Definition A heading appearing above the article title on the first page of the article, or appearing above the article title on the TOC, is held in arthead. The content of arthead usually follows the appropriate heading as given on the TOC. It should be singular even when the TOC heading is plural. E.g. TOC heading Letters to the Editor, but arthead Letter to the Editor. The normal style is initial caps. Where several articles appear under one section heading on the TOC, each article should have the appropriate arthead. If the journal style is completely without headings, i.e. with no headings at all appearing either on the TOC or above the article titles, then the arthead should be present but empty, as in Example 2 below. The attribute tocshow can be used for custom setting of a journal in which differences from the standard approach arise. This will in general be needed only for a journal such as the British Dental Journal that has a complex TOC. Example 3 shows the use of tocshow with value tocshow="notoc" to indicate that a heading appears above the article but not on the TOC. Example 1: TOC has Original Article or Original Articles <arthead>Original Article</arthead> Example 2: TOC has no section headings and no heading appears above the article <arthead></arthead> Example 3: A heading appears above the article that does not appear on the TOC
<arthead tocshow="notoc">TRADE FOCUS<arthead>

1.E.1.3.2 Article sub-heading: <artsubhead> Element Number 1.E.1.3.2 Element Name artsubhead Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> Content (%text; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes tocshow (%tocshow;) "tocshow" Definition A sub-heading appearing above the article title on the first page of the article, or appearing above the article title on the TOC, is held in artsubhead. Article sub-headings are usually given only when these appear on the TOC. The normal style is initial caps as in the following example. More complex cases can be tagged using tocshow to show variations between the subheadings appearing above the article and on the TOC. In Example 2, taken from BDJ, the subheading appears above the article but not on the TOC. Example 1: A subheading that appears both on the TOC and above the article <artsubhead>Society News and Notes</artsubhead> Example 2: A subheading that appears above the article but not on the TOC <artsubhead tocshow="notoc">IMPLANT DENTISTRY: ORTHODONTICS</artsubhead>

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1.E.1.3.3 Series heading: <serieshead> Element Number 1.E.1.3.3 Element Name serieshead Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> Content (p*) Attributes None Definition Two new elements, serieshead and seriesnote, have been introduced to cater for special features in the British Dental Journal used for dealing with articles that appear as part of a series that will later appear in book form. As a case in point, see BDJ vol 193 iss 1, July 13 2002, p. 17, Crowns and other extra-coronal restorations: Provisional Try-in and cementation of crowns, which is Chapter 11 of a series. The special features appearing with the article in this case are a large chapter number at the top of the page in print and a side panel with a complete chapter list. In HTML the chapter list has hyperlinks to the other articles in the series. In the example, taken directly from the BDJ article just cited, the element serieshead holds only the chapter number. Note that serieshead currently has no attributes, although it might usefully be adapted in future to take attributes hiding and tocshow. The assumption at present is that it appears above the article, but does not appear directly on the TOC, which would be equivalent to a value of tocshow="notoc" if serieshead were to be allowed to take this attribute. On the TOC, in this case, the chapter number is incorporated in the article title, and the method for handling this TOC variation is shown in the full example at seriesnote, 1.E.1.3.12. Note that the content of serieshead requires paragraph tags, so even when the element holds only a number, the p tags must be present as in the example below. Example: The serieshead element needed for the BDJ example cited <serieshead><p>11</p></serieshead> For a full explanation of how to tag the special features in the cited article, see the example under seriesnote, 1.E.1.3.12. This also shows the positioning of serieshead in the file, and refers to additional problems that arise on the TOC. 1.E.1.3.3b Table of Contents heading: <tochead> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes Definition <tochead> is used when the the article title on the table of contents differs from the actual article head or the series head. 1.E.1.3.3b tochead Required Required 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> %text; | %mathtypes; None

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<tocheading>Original Papers</tocheading> <arthead>Paper</arthead>

1.E.1.3.4 Article type: <arttype> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.3.4 artttype Required o Empty Element 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> None arttype %arttype; "oa"

Definition An article type defined as a two-letter code is held as the value of an attribute arttype in the tag arttype. For more information see Section 9.2. Article type attributes in npgartty.ent Example <arttype arttype="oa"> 1.E.1.3.4 a Subject: <subject> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.3.4a subject Required Empty Element 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> None code %code; #REQUIRED

Definition A subject is defined as a predefined code held as the value of attribute code in the tag subject. For more information see Section 9.4. Subject attributes in npgsubjects.ent. Example <subject code="xxx"> 1.E.1.3.5 Original language: <origlang> Element Number 1.E.1.3.5 Element Name origlang Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty Element Parent Element 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> Content None Attributes origlang %language; "en" Definition

NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation


The language of the original publication can be held as a two-letter code in the attribute origlang in tag origlang. For more information on language codes see Section 9.1 Language attributes in npglang.ent Example <origlang origlang="en">

1.E.1.3.6 Introductory text: <intro> Element Number 1.E.1.3.6 Element Name intro Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> Content (p+) Attributes hiding (%hiding;) "shown" Definition The text appearing at the head of an article or section such as Please send trade news information and illustrations to Terry Mordecai at the BDJ ... appearing above Trade News in the British Dental Journal will now be placed in a new element intro, which has been added to placeholder. Note that this tag must appear in its correct sequential position in the file, following arttype and origlang, but before inbrief and atlgrp.. A typical example showing this positioning in BDJ Trade News is given below. This journal section requires short article tagging, and a longer example from BDJ Trade News can be seen under shortart, Section 5.E.2.2. Example: Correctly placed intro element in a BDJ trade news section
<arttype arttype="ne"> <intro><p>Please send trade news information and illustrations to Terry Mordecai ... </p></intro> <atlgrp><atl>Trade News</atl>

The attribute hiding can be used to show if intro is to be suppressed either in print or in HTML. For example, hiding="webonly" means that this content appears only on the Web. 1.E.1.3.7 In brief: <inbrief> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.3.7 inbrief Required Required 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> (inbrieftl?, p+) hiding (%hiding;) "shown"

Definition An element inbrief has been provided to hold an additional brief article summary, where this is provided in addition to a normal abstract. This feature is sometimes found in the British Journal Dental under the heading IN BRIEF. The example below shows a typical example from BDJ and also shows the position of inbrief in the file, in placeholder and preceding atlgrp. The BDJ article which is the source of this example also includes a need for the new elements serieshead, 1.E.1.3.3 and seriesnote, 1.E.1.3.12 and may also use tocnote, 1.E.1.3.11. Notice that serieshead precedes arttype, while inbrief appears immediately before atlgrp. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 40

The heading IN BRIEF is included explicitly in the custom tag inbrieftl, not assumed. This allows inbrief to be used for similar summary text with different headings. Notice that inbrief allows list as content, since list can be included in p. It would not have been valid to open the list without the p tag, e.g. </inbrieftl><lst> would be invalid mark-up. The attribute hiding is available, but need not appear if inbrief is to appear both in print and in HTML. Example: A typical example of inbrief from BDJ showing its position in the file
<placeholder> <arthead>PRACTICE</arthead> <serieshead><p>11</p></serieshead> <arttype arttype="tr"> <inbrief><inbrieftl>IN BRIEF</inbrieftl> <p>The stages of fitting and cementation of crowns are considered including:</p> <p><lst type="bullet"> <li>The clinical stages of try-in and adjustment of restorations prior to cementation</li> <li>Conventional and adhesive cements</li> ...</lst></p></inbrief> <atlgrp> ... </atlgrp> <aug> ... </aug> <tocnote> ... </tocnote> <seriesnote> ... </seriesnote> </placeholder>

1.E. In brief title: <inbrieftl> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. inbrieftl Required Required 1.E.1.3.7 In brief: <inbrief> (%reftext;) None

Definition An element inbrieftl has been provided to hold the title of an inbrief element. For use for the In Brief section in BDJ, this will normally be <inbrieftl>IN BRIEF</inbrieftl>, as in the example under inbrief above. 1.E.1.3.7a Abstract Sequence Number: <absseq> Element Number 1.E.1.3.7a Element Name absseq Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3 placeholder <placeholder> Content (#PCDATA) Attributes None Definition

NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation


The element absseq is only required for individual abstract articles. At the stage that Abstracts are coded the typesetter needs to know the final sequence in which the Abstracts will appear in the final product. The Abstracts must be organised in sequence order. Sequence numbers <absseq> are assigned to each Abstract, as for issue articles. These numbers must be contiguous, as they are required for ordering content in the HTML builder for the Table of Contents.

1.E.1.3.8 Article title group: <atlgrp> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.3.8 origlang Required Required 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> (atl | stl | runtl | tlnote)* language %language; #IMPLIED tocshow (%tocshow;) "tocshow"

Definition The article title, and if needed a subtitle or a running title, are held in the group artgrp. Do not use stl unless the subtitle appears on a new line. Text following a colon, as in the following example, is part of the article title. The elements in atlgrp are made repeatable is to allow for a case where more than one title must be given. This can arise where the article title is given in two different languages as in Example 2 below. It may also occur if the title to appear on the issue TOC differs from the title above the article, as in Example 3. Provision for differences of this kind is discussed more fully under tocshow (6.P.2.2). Example 4 shows a case of use of runtl to hold an abbreviated title used as a running heading. Note that in Example 1 the language attribute of atl need not appear, as English is assumed, but in Example 2 the language attribute appears in both cases to make clear which language is in use in each title. In the DTD version 7.0 the sequential order of elements in atlgrp is flexible, and not forced by the DTD. The examples given can be taken as a guide to ordering the elements. Any reasonably logical order is acceptable. Example 1: a title with a title note <atlgrp> <atl>Shear wave splitting around the Northern Atlantic: Frozen Pangean lithospheric anisotropy?<tlnref rid="tlnote1"><sup>1</sup></tlnref></atl> <tlnote id="tlnote1"><p><sup>1</sup> Lithospheric anisotrophy is a theme that will be further developed in ...</p></tlnote> </atlgrp> Example 2: a title appearing in both English and French versions <atlgrp> <atl language ="en">Screening at birth for cystic fibrosis</atl> <atl language ="fr">Le d&eacute;pistage de la mucoviscidose &agrave; la naissance</atl> </atlgrp> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 42

Example 3: Using attribute tocshow in a case where a different version of the article title appears on the TOC
<atlgrp> <atl tocshow="notoc">Crowns and other extra-coronal restorations: Try-in and cementation of crowns</atl> <atl tocshow="toconly">Crowns and other extra-coronal restorations &mdash; Part 11. Try-in and cementation of crowns</atl> </atlgrp>

In Example 3, taken from the British Dental Journal, the article title with attribute tocshow="notoc" is the title as it appears above the article and the article title with attribute tocshow="toconly" is the title as it appears on the issue TOC. See under seriesnote 1.E.1.3.12 for other special features found in the same BDJ article. The use of tocshow is also discussed under tocshow (6.P.2.2). A case where a single article title appears with value tocshow="notoc" might arise, for example in the case of a short article title that was excluded on the TOC. But this would be very rare, so no example is given. Note that in the usual case the title is required on the TOC to identify the link to the article, so Example 3 shows how to resolve a type of problem that is more likely to arise than a complete absence of a TOC title. Example 4: runtl used for an article running title
<atlgrp> <atl>Rapid development of ganciclovir-resistant cytomegalovirus infection in children after allogenic stem cell transplantation in the early phase of immune cell recovery</atl> <runtl>GCV resistance and immune cell recovery</runtl> </atlgrp>

1.E. Article title: <atl> Element Number 1.E. Element Name atl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3.8 Article title group: <atlgrp> Content (%reftext; | %mathtypes; | tlref)* Deprecated Content tlref is deprecated. For usage see previous versions of this documentation. Attributes language %language; #IMPLIED tocshow (%tocshow;) "tocshow" Definition The article title is held in the tag atl. The empty element tlref for a title note reference is retained for backward compatibility, but now deprecated. A new element tlnref, now in %refs, replaces it and is allowed to have content, such as a superscript number. The attribute language can be used to show the language of the article title. The attribute tocshow is used to show any difference between the appearance of the title as required above the article, and as required on the issue TOC. For an abbreviated version of the article title that appears as a running heading see the element runtl, 1.E.3.8.3,which is new in version 6.0. Example

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<atl>Shear wave splitting around the Northern Atlantic: Frozen Pangean lithospheric anisotropy?<tlnref rid="tlnote1"></atl> For further examples of using atl and its attributes see under atlgrp, 1.E.3.8. 1.E. Article title reference: <tlref> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 1.E. Article sub-title: <stl> Element Number 1.E. Element Name stl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3.8 Article title group: <atlgrp> Content (%reftext; | %mathtypes; | tlref)* Attributes language %language; #IMPLIED tocshow (%tocshow;) "tocshow" Definition The article sub title is held in the tag stl This tag is rarely used and appears only if there is sub-title displayed on a new line. Otherwise the title and sub-title may be joined with a colon as in the example for atl above. If there is a subtitle that appears above the article but not on the TOC this can be indicated using the attribute tocshow with value notoc as in the second example below. Example 1: An article title with a sub-title <atl>Shear wave splitting around the Northern Atlantic</atl> <stl>Frozen Pangean lithospheric anisotropy?</stl> Example 2: An article title with a sub-title, for which the sub-title does not appear on the TOC <atl>Shear wave splitting around the Northern Atlantic</atl> <stl tocshow="notoc">Frozen Pangean lithospheric anisotropy?</stl>

1.E. Article running title: <runtl> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. runtl Required Required atlgrp 1.E.1.3.8 Article title group: <atlgrp> (%reftext; | %mathtypes;)* language %language; #IMPLIED

Definition A new element runtl, article running title, has been added in DTD version 6.0 to hold the short form of the article title used in running heads in print, and also required for building highlights on the Web homepage. The following example is taken from Bone Marrow Transplantation. Example: runtl used for an article running title
<atlgrp> <atl>Rapid development of ganciclovir-resistant cytomegalovirus infection in children after allogenic stem cell transplantation in the early phase of immune cell recovery</atl>

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<runtl>GCV resistance and immune cell recovery</runtl> </atlgrp>

1.E. Article title note: <tlnote> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. tlnote Required Required atlgrp 1.E.1.3.8 Article title group: <atlgrp> (p+) id ID #REQUIRED

Definition An article title note is held as paragraphed text in the tag tlnote. The tlnote tag contains the required attribute id of type ID. Use only for notes that are attached with a link to the title in the print version. For unattached notes use artnote, 1.E.1.3.13. The linking character is given explicitly in both tlnote and the reference link tlnref,as in the following example. The former link element tlref is now deprecated. Example <tlnote id="tlnote1"><p><sup>1</sup> Lithospheric anisotrophy is a theme that will be further developed in ...</p></tlnote> 1.E.1.3.9 Review information: <review> Element Number 1.E.1.3.9 Element Name review Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> Content (reviewtl?, hbiblio) Attributes None Definition Review information (e.g. Book Reviews) is held within <REVIEW>. <HBIBLIO> has been removed from its old spot in <PLACEHOLDER> and has been moved inside of <REVIEW>. <REVIEW> is made up of an optional <REVIEWTL> (review title) and <HBIBLIO>. Currently, there are 3 ways book reviews appear in the AJs: 1- One article reviewing 2 or more books with no separate article title 2- One article reviewing 1 book where the book title is the article title 3- One article reviewing 2 or more books with a separate article title In scenario 1, when there is no separate article title, the author will be asked to provide an article title. If the author cannot provide an article title, the first book title being reviewed becomes the article title. In scenario 2, when the book title is also the article title, the book title gets entered once as the ATL and its pub info gets entered within HBIBLIO (within REVIEW) as normal. REVIEWTL is omitted.

NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation


In scenario 3, when the article is reviewing two or more books with a separate article title, the article title goes into ATL as normal and each book being reviewed goes into a separate REVIEW with its title tagged as REVIEWTL and its pub info tagged as HBIBLIO. 1.E. Review Title: <reviewtl> Element Number 1.E. Element Name reviewtl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3.9 Review Info: <review> Content %text; Attributes tocshow (%tocshow;)


Definition The title of the book (or product) being reviewed is held within reviewtl. If the title of the book also appears as the article title, reviewtl is not supplied. Reviewtl also carries the tocshow attribute whose possible values are: "tocshow | toconly | notoc". "tocshow" is the default if not otherwise specified. Example: Use of REVIEWTL where title does not appear in TOC
<atlgrp> <atl>Agroecology, Diversity and Sustainable Livelihoods</atl><atlgrp> <review> <reviewtl tocshow=notoc>Soil Fertility and Farming Livlihoods in Africa </reviewtl> <hbiblio</hbiblio>


1.E. Header biblio: <hbiblio> Element Number 1.E. Element Name hbiblio Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3.9 Review Info: <review> Content (%text; | pubedg | pubaug | pubg | brpubdate | bindcost | pages | isbn | issn)*> Attributes None Definition The header biblio is held as paragraphed text in the tag hbiblio. This element is used to hold details of a book reviewed. Please note that this method keeps the authors of the work reviewed separate from the authors of the review, which then appear in the following author group aug. Examples of each child element are explained in sections below (except ISSN and ISBN which are previously described in sections 1.E.1.2.3./1.E.1.2.8 respectively. Example: Use of hbiblio for details of a book reviewed
<atlgrp> <atl>Solving Problem Solving: A Potent Force for Effective Management</atl><atlgrp> <review> <reviewtl>Wealth of the Poor</reviewtl>

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<hbiblio> <pubaug>Edited by <pubau> <fnames>Helmut</fnames> <sname>Kettenmann</sname> </pubau> and <pubau> <fnames>Bruce R</fnames> <sname>Ransom</sname> </pubau> </pubaug> <pubg> <publshr>Oxford University Press</publshr> </pubg>, <brpubdate>2004</brpubdate> <newline/> <pages>624</pages> pp., <bindcost> <binding>hardcover</binding>, <price>&dollar;149.50</price> </bindcost> <newline/> <isbn>ISBN 0195152220</isbn> </hbiblio> </review> <aug> <au><fnames>P</fnames><sname>Checkland</sname> <oref rid="aff1">1</oref><aui>Checkland, P</aui></au> <aff><oid id="aff1"><no><sup>1</sup></no>Lancaster University, UK</aff> </aug>

1.E. Editor Group for Reviewed Book: <pubedg> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. pubedg Required Required 1.E. Hbiblio: <hbiblio> (%text; | pubed)*> None

Definition The pubedg element is used to contain a group of one or more Editors of the book being reviewed. %text; is included for free text like lead text or punctuation. Example: <pubedg>Edited by <pubed>..</pubed>, <pubed>..</pubed> and <pubed>..</pubed></pubedg> 1.E. Editor for Reviewed Book: <pubed> Element Number 1.E. Element Name pubed Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E. pubedg: <pubedg> Content (%authors;)*> Attributes None Definition

NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation


The pubed element is used to contain a single Editor of the book being reviewed. %authors; contains common author markup described in section 6.P.16 below . Example: <pubedg>Edited by <pubed><fnames>Helmut</fnames><sname>Kettenmann</sname> </pubau></pubed></pubedg>

1.E. Author Group for Reviewed Book: <pubaug> Element Number 1.E. Element Name pubed Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E. Hbiblio: <hbiblio> Content (%text; | pubau)* Attributes None Definition The pubaug element is used to contain a group of one or more Authors of the book being reviewed. %text; is included for free text like lead text or punctuation. Example: <pubaug>By <pubau>..</pubau>, <pubau>..</pubau> and <pubau>..</pubau></pubaug> 1.E. Author for Reviewed Book: <pubau> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. pubau Required Required 1.E. Pubaug: <pubaug> (%authors;)* None

Definition The pubau element is used to contain a single Author of the book being reviewed. %authors; contains common author markup described in section 6.P.16 below . Example: <pubau><fnames>Bruce R</fnames> <sname>Ransom</sname></pubau> 1.E. Publisher information Group for Reviewed Book: <pubg> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes Definition NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 48 1.E. pubg Required Required 1.E. Hbiblio: <hbiblio> (%text; | publshr | pubaddr)* None

The pubg element is used to contain information about the Publisher of the the book being reviewed like Pusbisher name (publshr) and Address (pubaddr). %text; is included for free text like lead text or punctuation. Example: <pubg> <publshr>Oxford University Press</publshr>, <pubaddr><city>Westport</city>, <state>CT</state></pubaddr> </pubg> 1.E. Publisher Name for Reviewed Book: <publshr> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. pubg Required Required 1.E. Pubg: <pubg> (%text;)* None

Definition The publshr element is used to contain the Publisher Name of the the book being reviewed. See tagging example in pubg section above. 1.E. Publisher Address for Reviewed Book: <pubaddr> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. pubg Required Required 1.E. Pubg: <pubg> (%address;)* None

Definition The pubaddr element is used to contain the address of the Publisher of the book being reviewed. See tagging example in pubg section above. 1.E. Book Review Publication date: <brpubdate> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. brpubdate Required Required 1.E. Hbiblio: <hbiblio> (%text;)* None

Definition The brpubdate element is used to contain the publication date of the the book being reviewed. Example: <brpubdate>2004</brpubdate> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 49

1.E. Cost per binding type: <bindcost> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. bindcost Required Required 1.E. Hbiblio: <hbiblio> (%text; | price | binding)* None

Definition The bindcost element is used to contain the price and binding information for the book being reviewed. Example: <bindcost> <binding>hardcover</binding>, <price>&dollar;149.50</price> </bindcost> 1.E. Price: <price> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. price Required Required 1.E. Bindcost: <bindcost> (%text;)* None

Definition The price element is used to contain the price information for the book being reviewed. See tagging example in bindcost section above. 1.E. Binding format: <binding> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. binding Required Required 1.E. Bindcost: <bindcost> (%text;)* None

Definition The binding element is used to contain the binding type/format (e.g. paperback) of the book being reviewed. See tagging example in bindcost section above. 1.E. Page count: <pages> Element Number 1.E. Element Name pages Start Tag Required NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 50

End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes

Required 1.E. Hbiblio: <hbiblio> (%text;)* None

Definition The pages element is used to contain the page count of the book being reviewed. Example: <pages>624</pages> pp., 1.E. Page count: <isbn> Element Number 1.E. Element Name isbn Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E. Hbiblio: <hbiblio> Content (%text;)* Attributes None Definition The isbn element is used to contain the isbn of the book being reviewed. Example: <isbn>ISBN 0195152220</isbn>

1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug> Element Number 1.E.1.3.10 Element Name aug Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3 Placeholder: <placeholder> Other Parent 5.E. Short front matter: <shortfm> Content (sectau?,(au | corpau)*,collab*,etal?, cau?, aff*,caff*, aunote*) Attributes tocshow (%tocshow;) "tocshow" Definition The author group, aug, holds the names of the article authors and other information relating to the authors. In DTD version 6.0 changes have been made to allow explicit links in affiliation and author note references, and to allow an explicit link to a corresponding authors address. See the main example below with its explanatory notes for the present standard for implementing this. The aug features new in version 6.0 are: A new element autref which can hold an explicit link is added to au, corpau, collab, and cau. This has replaced auref, which is retained but deprecated. A new element oref which can hold an explicit link is added to au, corpau, and collab. This has replaced orf, which is retained but deprecated.

NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation


An element no is added to aff and aunote to hold a reference link number or character. This uses the element no already defined in the DTD and used for a similar purpose in fig and table. An similar element no is added to caff. In present practice no is used in aff and aunote but not in caff, as the method for caff in the output does not use an explicit linking character. The standard usage is shown in the main aug example below. A new element coref which can hold an explicit link to caff is added to au, corpau, collab and cau. This replaces corf in cau, which is retained but deprecated. The addition to au, corpau and collab is to allow a style in which a corresponding author note is linked to a superscript in the author list to be tagged. But note that current practice for the cau is not to show an explicit link, as shown in the example.

Apart from the above changes, use of the author group in version 6.0 is the same as in version 5.1. Note that even if the print style closes up author initials, e.g GHR Hardy, initials within the fnames element are separated by character spaces for easier electronic handling, e.g. <fnames>G H R</fnames>. Note also that the author tags <prefix> and <degs> are rarely used, as the house style recommends omission of titles, qualifications and degrees. For more information on tags within au see %authors; (entity number 6.P.16). Titles and degrees may occur in the corresponding author tag, <cau> (element number 1.E. ), but this does not have analytic tagging. <etal> must not be present unless there are further authors unnamed in the list. Note that all id elements must be unique within the entire document. Hence if more than one aug appears due to use of Short articles (element number 5.E.2.2.2), the values chosen for the id in elements such as oid must continue sequentially through the document and not begin again from, say, "aff1" for each short article. Note also that there are two tags for corporate bodies as authors. Tag corpau (1.E. is used if the corporate author is to stand alone as author or to appear as one among other authors (see corpau, 1.E., for examples). Tag collab (1.E. is used at the end of a string of personal authors preceded by text such as for the ... or and the ... etc. See 1.E., au, for a full example of an author string using collab. Example:
<aug> <au> <fnames>C J</fnames><sname>Harmer</sname> <autref rid="note1"><sup>&ast;</sup></autref> <oref rid="aff1"><sup>1</sup></oref> <coref rid="caf1"></coref> <aui>Harmer, C J</aui> </au> <au><fnames>T Y</fnames><sname>Ishikawa</sname> <oref rid="aff1"><sup>1</sup></oref> <aui>Ishikawa, T Y</aui></au> <au><fnames>R K Y</fnames><sname>FitzGerald</sname><suffix>Jr</suffix><oref rid="aff2"><sup>2</sup></oref> <aui>Fitzgerald, R K Y, Jr</aui></au> <au><fnames>&Eacute; M-H</fnames><sname>M&uuml;ller</sname><oref rid="aff2"><sup>2</sup></oref> <aui>Muller, E M-H</aui></au> <etal> <cau><coref rid="caf1"></coref>Dr CJ Harmer</cau>

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<aff><oid id="aff1"><no><sup>1</sup></no>University Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Oxford, UK</aff> <aff><oid id="aff2"><no><sup>2</sup></no>Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, USA</aff> <caff><coid id="caf1">University Department of Psychiatry, Warneford Hospital, Oxford OX3 7JX, UK. Fax: +44 1865 251706, E-mail: <extlink link="" type="email"></extlink></caff> <aunote id="note1"><no><sup>&ast;</sup></no><p>President of the Association in 1999</p></aunote> </aug>

Note that standard practice is to place the coref element in au as well as in cau, but to leave it empty in both places. But the content-bearing ability of autref and oref is fully used with linking characters repeated in no in both cases. The element coref appears in both au (to show the author in the author list who is the corresponding author) and in cau, but is empty. 1.E. Section Author: <sectau> Element Number 1.E. Element Name sectau Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug> Content ((%authors;| orf | oref | auref | autref | coref)*, aui) Attributes None Definition An author/editor for an entire group of articles belonging to the same section (e.g. "Book Selection") is held within <sectau>.

Example where David G is the section author, and Martine Muleris is the article author:
<aug> <sectau> <fnames>David G</fnames><sname>M&apos;Call</sname> </sectau> <au><fnames>Martine</fnames><sname>Muleris</sname></au>

</aug> 1.E. Author: <au> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content aui) Attributes 1.E. au Required Required 1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug> ((%authors;| orf | oref | auref | autref | coref)*, tocshow (%tocshow;) "tocshow" 53

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Definition The author name is held in the tag au. Each au element should contain only a single author. Although the order of elements offered is rather flexible apart from demanding aui as the last element. it is recomended that elements appear in the order stated in the DTD - first %authors;, in the order stated in entity number 6.P.16 Author text (prefix, fnames, sname, suffix, degs), then oref, then autref, then aui. oref should always be present unless the author's affiliation is not stated. autref will occur if there is an author note, and may be repeated if this author has more than one note. aui must always be present. Elements orf and auref are deprecated and replaced with oref and autref. For more information on author setting see the notes and examples for Author group (aug), element 1.E.1.3.10. For the components of %authors; see Author text, entity number 6.P.16. Note on collab and corpau: The collab (element number 1.E. is reserved for the case where text referring to a corporate body appears at the end of the author list following text such as for the ... etc. The following example shows a string of authors followed by collab, and the usual result in output. For a corporate body standing alone as author, do not use collab (1.E., but use corpau (1.E. Example of authors with collab showing usual result in output
<au><fnames>David G</fnames><sname>M&apos;Call</sname> <oref rid="aff1"><sup>1</sup></oref><aui>M'Call, David G</aui></au> <au><fnames>Martine</fnames><sname>Muleris</sname> <oref rid="aff2"><sup>2</sup></oref><aui>Muleris, Martine</aui></au> <au><fnames>Carlos</fnames><sname>C&aacute;ldas</sname> <oref rid="aff1"><sup>1</sup></oref><aui>Caldas, Carlos</aui></au> <collab>for the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group</collab>

- result showing usual result in output for the above authors, with superscripts referring to their affiliations and treatment of collab: David G. M'Call1, Martine Muleris2 and Carlos Cldas1 for the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group 1.E. Organisation reference: <orf> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 1.E. Organisation reference: <oref> Element Number 1.E. Element Name oref Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E. Author: <au> Other Parents 1.E. Collaborators: <collab>; 1.E. Corporate author: <corpau> Content (%text;) Attributes orf rid IDREF #REQUIRED Definition New element oref for organisation (affiliation) reference can hold an explicit link. The empty element orf is now deprecated. The element rid should take its value from the corresponding value for oid in

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aff, element number 1.E. . A full example of the use of oref appears under aug in Section 1.E.1.3.10 above. 1.E. Author note reference: <auref> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 1.E. Author note reference: <autref> Element Number 1.E. Element Name autref Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E. Author: <au> Other Parents 1.E. Collaborators: <collab>; 1.E. Corporate author: <corpau>; 1.E. Corresponding author: <cau> Content (%text;) Attributes rid IDREF #REQUIRED Definition New element autref for author note reference can hold an explicit link. The empty element auref is now deprecated. The element rid should take its value from the corresponding value for id in aunote, element number 1.E. . A full example of the use of autref appears under aug in Section 1.E.1.3.10 above. 1.E. Author inverted form: <aui> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. aui Required Required 1.E. Author: <au> %text; None

Definition The inverted author is held within the tag aui. Character entities such as &aacute; should be replaced with an appropriate standard alphabetic character. A comma and space character follows the surname, which should include any suffixes such as Jr or II. Degrees are excluded. Initials are separated with space characters as in fnames. An apostrophe given in the surname as &rsquo; or &apos; should be replaced with a straight single quotation mark in all cases. Example 1: author appearing in print as CJ Cldas:
<au><fnames>C J</fnames><sname>C&aacute;ldas</sname><oref rid="aff1"><sup>1</sup></oref><aui>Caldas, C J</aui></au>

Example 2: author whose name has apostrophe, suffix and degrees:

<au><fnames>Robert J</fnames> <sname>M&apos;Turk</sname><suffix>Jr</suffix> <degs>BS, PhD</degs><oref rid="aff1"><sup>1</sup></oref> <aui>M'Turk Jr, Robert J</aui></au>

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1.E. Corporate author: <corpau> Element Number 1.E. Element Name corpau Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug> Content (%reftext;| orf | oref | auref | autref | coref)* Attributes None Definition A corporate author is held in the tag corpau. Two different types of corporate authorship are found in the data. The collab tag (see 1.E. is now reserved for the type that appears following the entire string of personal authors, preceded by the words for the or similar. Use corpau for corporate bodies acting as standalone authors as in the following examples. Note that the norm is to give corporate authors without the definite article, e.g. British Library not The British Library. The word the may be introduced on the page when converting to HTML, but standards for this were not yet established at the time of issue of this document in February 2003. Example 1: author group with a corporate author as sole author
<aug> <corpau> Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group</corpau> </aug>

Example 2: author group with two corporate authors, one of which has an attached author note
<aug> <corpau>British Library</corpau> <corpau>Government of Tanzania<auref rid="note1"></corpau> <aunote id="note1">This study was paid for by the government of Tanzania<aunote> </aug>

1.E. Collaboration: <collab> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. collab Required Required 1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug> (%reftext;| orf | oref | auref | autref | coref)* None

Definition A collaborating body is held within the tag collab. Two different types of corporate authorship are found in the data. The <collab> tag is now reserved for the type that appears following the entire string of personal authors, preceded by the words for the or similar. For corporate authors standing alone in the same way as individual authors see examples under corpau, 1.E. Example <collab>for the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group</collab>

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Note that this will appear at the end of the author list, e.g. Arthur Clark, Joe Brown and Jack Smith for the Cooperative Osteosarcoma Study Group. Note also that collab is allowed to take a reference to an affiliation, aff, or to an author note, aunote. A link to a separate aff is improbable, but a link to an aunote using auref may sometimes occur. 1.E. Et al: <etal> Element Number 1.E. Element Name etal Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty Element Parent Element 1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug> Content None Attributes None Definition If et al is used within the author group, it should be replaced with the tag etal. This indicates that the expression "et al", (in italics, no stop after the "l") is to appear at the appropriate point in the output. Example
<au><fnames>David G</fnames><sname>Huntsman</sname> <oref rid="aff1"><sup>1</sup></oref> <aui>Huntsman, David G</aui></au> <etal>

- result (one possible output): David G Huntsman1, et al 1.E. Corresponding author: <cau> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. cau Required Required 1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug> (%reftext;| corf | coref | auref | autref)* None

Definition The corresponding author details are held in the tag cau. The corresponding author's name should be stated as a text string in the same form as is required in the journal at the beginning of the correspondence address. This may include titles such as Prof or degrees, if these appear in print. The address should appear as in print, and punctuation or spacing between initials is therefore permitted. Although the DTD in most cases contains only one instance of cau, the link to caff via coref and coid should always be present. It is also normal in version 6.0 to place a coref tag in the au element relating to the corresponding author, although the option of providing an explicit linking character is not used. A full example of the use of cau with coref coid and caff appears under aug in Section 1.E.1.3.10 above. Note on multiple corresponding authors and the examples There is an occasional need to be able to tag more than one corresponding author, with both authors sharing an address or having two different addresses. This is catered for by allowing multiple appearances of cau and caff. The number of appearances of cau and caff should be determined by the appearance in print. For example, if two corresponding authors appear but only one correspondence address for both, NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 57

then two instances of cau should appear, both linked by coref to a single address in caff, as in example 3 below. In the case where the corresponding author note does not state an address, because the address is already available elsewhere, cau can appear without a coref tag, as in example 2. Example 1: normal case of one corresponding author with link to one address in caff
<cau><coref rid="caf1"></coref>Professor Carlos C&aacute;ldas</cau>

Example 2: corresponding author with no link where data has no caff

<cau>Dr John H Higgins</cau>

Example 3: two corresponding authors both linked to a single caff

<cau><coref rid="caf1"></coref>AJ Robinson BMed</cau> <cau><coref rid="caf1"></coref>JCR Carey MD</cau>

Example 4: two corresponding authors linked to two separate caffs

<cau><coref rid="caf1"></coref>AJ Robinson BMed</cau> <cau><coref rid=caf2></coref>JCR Carey MD</cau>

In examples 1, 3 and 4 the coref tag also appears in the au element belonging to this author, in the position shown in the full example under aug in Section 1.E.1.3.10 above. 1.E. Correspondence organisation reference: <corf> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 1.E. Correspondence organisation reference: <coref> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other Parents 1.E. .1 coref Required Required 1.E. Corresponding author: <cau> 1.E. Author: <au> 1.E. Corporate author: <corpau> 1.E. Collaboration: <collab> (%text;)


Definition New element coref for corresponding author reference can hold an explicit link. The empty element corf is now deprecated. Note that coref has wider application than corf, and can appear in au, corpau or collab if these require a link to the address for correspondence. The element rid should take its value from the corresponding value for coid in caff, element number 1.E. . A full example of the use of oref appears under aug in Section 1.E.1.3.10 above. 1.E. Author affiliation: <aff> Element Number 1.E. Element Name aff Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug> Content (no | %reftext;|oid)* Attributes None Definition NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 58

The affiliation is held in the tag aff. The DTD does not define the position of oid (Organisation identifier), within aff, but always place it immediately after the opening tag as in the following example. Include the correct number for the link in no and sup tags as shown. Each organisation that an author is affiliated to should be tagged separately, so that each aff refers only to one organisation. In rare cases the aff can be used to hold an "affiliation" which is not, strictly speaking, an organisation name. The style of affiliation used depends entirely on what is to appear on the page, and can vary according to the style of the journal. A very full address, as in the second example, is used only if the journal style demands it. Example: place of work but not full postal address (house style)
<aff><oid id="aff2"><no><sup>2</sup></no>Department of Health Sciences and Clinical Evaluation, University of York, UK</aff>

Example: full address in an affiliation (not house style, do not use unless set as the standard for the journal)
<aff><oid id="aff2"><no><sup>2</sup></no>Department of Health Sciences and Clinical Evaluation, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, UK</aff>

1.E. .1 Organisation identifier: <oid> Element Number 1.E. .1 Element Name oid Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty Element Parent Element 1.E. Author affiliation: <aff> Content None Attributes oid id ID #REQUIRED Definition The organisation identifier is held within the tag oid. Each aff must have an oid with an id that is unique within the document, and this implies that numbering of ids must continue sequentially between short articles within the same file. Note that an author connected to two organisations can have two oref tags that refer to different oids, and that two authors who are connected to the same organisation will have orefs that refer to the same oid. The procedure to achieve this reliably is to first give each aff a unique oid and then number the authors' orfs accordingly. A full example of the use of oid appears under aug in Section 1.E.1.3.10 above.

1.E. Corresponding author address: <caff> Element Number 1.E. Element Name caff Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug> Content (no | %reftext;|coid)* Attributes None Definition The caff is usually the corresponding author's full postal address. If the corresponding author address includes an email address, this should be tagged using extlink (element number 6.P.14.1), and the syntax should be exactly as given in Example 1 below. Note that E-mail preceding the tag has a capital NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 59

E and a hyphen, and is followed by a colon and space, while the type attribute must be email with no hyphen. Occasionally the caff may hold an e-mail address only. In other cases, the correspondence address may be absent from the corresponding author note, in which case caff need not appear. The second example shows the method to use if there are two corresponding authors with two different correspondence addresses. A full example of the use of caff appears under aug in Section 1.E.1.3.10 above. Example 1: single correspondence address with e-mail address
<caff><coid id="caf1">CRC Department of Oncology and Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, University of Cambridge, Wellcome Trust-MRC Building, Addenbrooke's Hospital, Cambridge CB2 2XY, UK. E-mail: <extlink link="" type="email"></extlink></caff>

Example 2: two caff elements for two corresponding authors with separate addresses
<caff><coid id="caf1">University of Jena Department of Pediatrics, Kochstr. 2, 07740, Germany</caff> <caff><coid id="caf2">Department of Hematology, Christian Medical College and Hospital, Vellore, 632004, Tamil Nadu, India</caff>

1.E. .1 Correspondence organisation identifier: <coid> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. .1 coid Required o Empty Element 1.E. Correspondence address: <caff> None coid id ID #REQUIRED

Definition The corresponding organisation identifier is held as the value for attribute id in the tag coid. Although in most cases the document will have only one caff, this must always contain coid, with an id that is unique within the document. If the document has more than one caff, due to use of short articles, the corresponding coids must have identifiers numbered sequentially, caf1, caf2, etc. A full example of the use of oref appears under aug in Section 1.E.1.3.10 above.

1.E. Author note: <aunote> Element Number 1.E. Element Name aunote Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3.10 Author group: <aug> Content (no, (p+)) Attributes id ID #REQUIRED Definition An author note appears as pargraphed text in element aunote. It is used for footnotes relating to the authors, collaborators or corresponding author, and is connected to the authors by its id, which is referred to by autref. The id must be unique in the document, so should be numbered sequentially NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 60

through the document, note1, note2 etc., avoiding duplication of ids in the case of short articles. The general notes on the author group aug (element number 1.E.1.3.10) contain an example of the use of aunote. Note that the preferred method for dealing with a general note on the authors which is not linked to any specific author is to use artnote, 1.E.1.3.13, and not to use an unattached author note. Include the explicit linking character in no and sup, as in the example. Example
<aunote id="note1"><no><sup>&ast;</sup></no><p>President of the Association in 1999</p></aunote>

1.E.1.3.11 TOC annotation: <tocnote> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.3.11 tocnote Required Required 1.E.1.3 Placeholder completion group: <placeholder> (p+) None

Definition A TOC annotation is used in cases where the TOC entry for the article requires a brief annotation that does not appear in print above the article itself. It is held in paragraphed text in the tag tocnote. In HTML output, this text will appear only on the TOC, and not on the HTML abstract or fulltext pages. This type of annotation is routinely used in specific journals such as the Journal of Perinatology, from which the following example is taken. Example: a TOC annotation
<atlgrp> <atl>Prenatal Consultation With a Neonatologist Prior to Preterm Delivery</atl></atlgrp> <aug> ... </aug> <tocnote><p>After prenatal consultation with a neurologist, 84&percnt; of mothers described the consult as useful and 71&percnt; felt comforted by the consult.</p></tocnote> </placeholder>

1.E.1.3.12 Series note: <seriesnote> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.3.13 seriesnote Required Required 1.E.1.3 Placeholder completion group: <placeholder> (p*) None

Definition Two new elements, serieshead and seriesnote, have been introduced to cater for special features in the British Dental Journal used for dealing with articles that appear as part of a series that will later appear in book form. As a case in point, see BDJ vol 193 iss 1, July 13 2002, p. 17, Crowns and other NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 61

extra-coronal restorations: Provisional Try-in and cementation of crowns, which is Chapter 11 of a series. The special features appearing with the article in this case are a large chapter number at the top of the page in print and a side panel with a complete chapter list. In HTML the chapter list has hyperlinks to the other articles in the series. In the example below it has been assumed that the hyperlinks have type="url", but links of type="doi" might be an alternative option here. The content of seriesnote is paragraphed text, and it is used to present the text in the side panel chapter list. No dedicated element is provided for the heading of the list, which simply appears as a paragraph with any formatting tags such as <it> or <b> that may be required. In the suggested setting outlined below, the chapter numbers have been given explicitly, and the list elements have been presented as a series of separate paragraphs, rather than by using list, or using newline. The case illustrated also illustrates some problems in relating the article information to the TOC. The tagging shown for atl and tocnote is designed to produce the same effect on the HTML TOC as appears in print. The principal difficulty is that the article title on the TOC differs from the title above the article. On the TOC the title incorporates the chapter number, which is shown separately above the article. This can be accommodated by giving two versions of the article title with appropriate values for the attribute tocshow. The tag tocnote contains the version of the abstract that appears on the TOC, which is a shorter version of the abstract that appears above the article. The tag inbrief contains the IN BRIEF section that also appears as an example under inbrief, 1.E.1.3.7. Example: An example from BDJ of publication of a chapter from a series, showing the use of serieshead and seriesnote, and methods for handling variations that appear on the TOC This example is based on BDJ vol 193 iss 1, July 13 2002, p. 17, Crowns and other extra-coronal restorations: Provisional Try-in and cementation of crowns, which is Chapter 11 of a series.
<placeholder> <arthead>PRACTICE</arthead> <serieshead><p>11</p></serieshead> <arttype arttype="tr"> <inbrief><inbrieftl>IN BRIEF</inbrieftl> <p>The stages of fitting and cementation of crowns are considered including:</p> <p><lst type="bullet"> <li>The clinical stages of try-in and adjustment of restorations prior to cementation</li> <li>Conventional and adhesive cements</li> ...</lst></p></inbrief> <atlgrp> <atl tocshow="notoc">Crowns and other extra-coronal restorations: Try-in and cementation of crowns</atl> <atl tocshow="toconly">Crowns and other extra-coronal restorations &mdash; Part 11. Try-in and cementation of crowns</atl> </atlgrp> <aug> ... </aug> <tocnote>Having successfully negotiated the planning, preparation, impression and prescription of your crown, the cementation stage represents the culmination of all your efforts. This stage is not difficult,but a successful outcome needs as much care as the preceding stages.</tocnote> <seriesnote>

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<p>CROWNS AND EXTRA-CORONAL RESTORATIONS</p> <p>1. <extlink type="url" link="[appropriate URL here]">Changing patterns and the need for quality</extlink></p> <p>2. <extlink type="url" link="[appropriate URL here]">Materials considerations</extlink></p> ... <p>11. <extlink type="url" link="[appropriate URL here]">Try-in and cementation of crowns</extlink></p> ... </seriesnote> </placeholder>

In the above example the article title with attribute tocshow="notoc" is the title as it appears above the article and the article title with attribute tocshow="toconly" is the title as it appears on the issue TOC. The element tocnote appears only on the TOC, and differs from the abstract abs, which appears above the article. The content of serieshead, inbrief and seriesnote has been explained above. The author group aug is entirely standard. 1.E.1.3.13 Article note: <artnote> Element Number 1.E.1.3.13 Element Name artnote Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.3 Placeholder completion group: <placeholder> Content (p+) Attributes None Definition The article note is used to hold a general note referring to the article It is held in paragraphed text in the tag artnote. Note that artnote has no reference ID attribute. It is used for a footnote to appear with the front matter generally, but not linked to any specific element. Use artnote for any general note, in preference to an unattached author or title note. artnote also replaces the separate note elements pres and ded, which are now dropped. It is repeatable, and can be used for any note referring to presentation, dedications, grants, or for general notes referring to all the authors collectively or to editors for the article. In the following example three separate artnotes have been used for different purposes. Example: three artnotes attached to one article
<artnote><p>This paper is the second in an occasional series on developmental pathways of the malnourished child. ...</p></artnote> <artnote><p>Published with the assistance of a grant from ...</p></artnote> <artnote><p>Edited by George Jones and Jack Frost of the Institute of Perinatal Studies at the University of ...</p></artnote>

1.E.1.4 Header completion group: <header> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other Parent 1.E.1.4 header Required Required 1.E.1 Front matter: <fm> 5.E.2.2.2 Short article: <shortart>

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Content Attributes

(aopbiblio?, artbiblio?, (abs?, kwg*)*, abbg?, abbg?, xsum?) None

Definition The header completion group is is so called because it contains all the elements needed to complete an article header. The subset of the DTD consisting of all the elements up to and including header constitute a "header DTD" as usually understood. This allows the DTD to function either as a full article DTD or as a header DTD , depending on whether content in elements appearing after header is included or not. Note that the abstract and keyword group pairing is repeatable. This is to accommodate the case where more than one abstract appears, for example in two different languages as in Example 2 below. Note also that it is possible to include a keyword group in an article that has no abstract, which may occasionally occur. In these examples the option of specifying the attribute class for a keyword group is not shown. see under kwg, 1.E.1.4.4, for examples of use of class to show the type of keyword group. Example 1: normal example with one single-paragraph abstract and one keyword group
<header> <abstract> <p>The paper considers a monopolistic firm that plans its production...</p> </abstract> <kwg><kw>monopoly</kw><kw>pricing policy</kw>...</kwg> </header>

Example 2: bilingual example with two abstracts and two keyword groups
<header> <abstract language="en"> <p>Current techniques permit the detection of 95&percnt; of newborn carriers of the genetic mutation that causes cystic fibrosis. ...</p> </abstract> <kwg language="en"><kw>cystic fibrosis</kw><kw>screening</kw>...</kwg> <abstract language="fr"> <p>Les techniques actuelles permettent de d&eacute;pister 95&percnt; des nouveau-n&eacute;s porteurs de la mutation G&eacute;n&eacute;tique responsable de la mucoviscidose. ...</p> </abstract> <kwg language="fr"><kw>mucoviscidose</kw><kw>d&eacute;pistage</kw>...</kwg> </header>

1.E.1.4.1 AOP biblio: <aopbiblio> Element Number 1.E.1.4.1 Element Name aopbiblio Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.4 Header completion group: <header> Other Parent 1.E.1.4.3 Abstract: <abstract> Content (%reftext;) Attributes id ID #IMPLIED Definition aopbiblio is a new tag in DTD version 6.0 It holds an AOP biblio referring to the article itself. This tag is a variant on artbiblio, whose use is fully explained below, in section 1.E.1.4.2 Article biblio. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 64

aopbiblio will appear only if there is a need for a variant AOP biblio to be embedded in the file. It is currently expected that any SGML/XML file will contain only one of aopbiblio and artbiblio, but not both. At the point in the life of the file that the biblio information is updated from the AOP stage to the final publication stage, the tag name would also be changed, from aopbiblio to artbiblio. Positioning of aopbiblio within the file can follow any of the three variations shown as examples for artbiblio, 1.E.1.4.2. The main difference seen between aopbiblio and artbiblio is that the aopbiblio does not include information that cannot be known at the stage of AOP publication, such as the final page numbers, which are contained in spn and epn. As noted elsewhere in this documentation, it is important to reserve certain tags such as spn and epn for the final published version, and not to use these tags for temporary AOP information that will change later. A typical aopbiblio appears in the article abstract as in the following example: Example: aopbiblio in an abstract
<abstract> <p> ... </p> <aopbiblio><it>Journal of International Business Studies</it> (2002) doi:<extlink type="doi">10.1057/palgrave.jibs.8400000</extlink></aopbiblio> </abstract> In this example, note the absence of volume and page number information. Note also that the date year "(2002)" relates to the date of publication of the AOP article. This will be the same as the year that appears in the AOP date element aopd. It may be the same as the year that will appear in the final artbiblio, but it may differ, if, for example, the AOP article appears in December, but the final issue is published in the following year.

1.E.1.4.2 Article biblio: <artbiblio> Element Number 1.E.1.4.2 Element Name artbiblio Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.4 Header completion group: <header> Other Parent 1.E.1.4.3 Abstract: <abstract> Content (%reftext;) Attributes id ID #IMPLIED Definition artbiblio is a new tag in DTD version 6.0 It holds a biblio referring to the article itself. In version 5.1, this was usually placed within the abstract, in extlink. See Section 1.E.1.4.1 AOP biblio, above for information on a new tag aopbiblio that has been added to enable this model to be extended for a differing biblio applying only at the AOP publication stage. As explained there, it is currently expected that at any stage, a file will contain one or other of these tags, but not both. The appearance of both aopbiblio and artbiblio in the same file is, however, technically possible. The artbiblio tag allows for some necessary flexiblity in placing this information. It is to be used alone in the case where there is no abstract, and before the abstract in the special case of a corrigendum, but otherwise as the last item within the abstract, after all paragraphs. The following three examples show the expected types of normal usage: Example 1: artbiblio standing alone, for an article with no abstract
<artbiblio><it>Eye</it> (2002) <b>16,</b> 185&ndash;189. doi:<extlink type="doi">10.1038/sj.eye.6700094</extlink></artbiblio>

Example 2: artbiblio in an abstract NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 65

<abstract> <p> ... </p> <artbiblio><it>Eye</it> (2002) <b>16,</b> 140&ndash;145. doi:<extlink type="doi">10.1038/sj.eye.6700081</extlink></artbiblio> </abstract>

Example 3: artbiblio outside the abstract, for a corrigendum

<artbiblio>doi:<extlink type="doi">10.1038/sj.onc.1205607</extlink> </artbiblio> <abstract> <p><b>Correction to:</b> <it>Oncogene</it> (2002) <b>21,</b> 2309&ndash;2319. doi:<extlink type="doi">10.1038/sj.onc.1205297</extlink></p> </abstract> Note that in this case the artbiblio content is a reference to the DOI only.

1.E.1.4.3 Abstract: <abstract> Element Number 1.E.1.4.3 Element Name abs Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.4 Header completion group: <header> Content ((abshead?, (p | sec1)*), aopbiblio?, artbiblio?) Attributes language %language; #IMPLIED Definition The abstract is held in paragraphed text in the tag abs. An element abshead is provided for abstract headings. For abstracts containing sections, the sec1 tag is provided. Include the attribute language only if the abstract is in a language other than English. Emphasis such as italics should be used only to distinguish technical terms or phrases such as in vivo that require specific italic text. If the entire abstract appears in italics or in bold type in print, do not use it or b tags to indicate this, and use it tags where these would normally be required, e.g. "<it>in vivo</it>", even if the journal reverses the italicisation and has "in vivo" in roman type. Bibliographic self-reference appearing in abstract: Current house style is for all abstracts to conclude with a reference to the entire article. In the DTD version 6.0 this appears in an artbiblio (1.E.1.4.2) or aopbiblio (1.E.1.4.1) tag. See under artbiblio (1.E.1.4.2) for examples of how to deal with the self-reference to the article in cases where there is no abstract, and the special case of a corrigendum, where the artbiblio is to appear outside of the abstract. Example 1: A titled abstract without sub-sections (paragraphs only)
<abstract> <abshead>Abstract</abshead> <p>A survey was administered to perinatal nursing directors of nine community hospitals in a rural region of Virginia. Items included personnel, training, equipment, vehicle, communication, and protocols. Following the survey, regional guidelines were developed using a collaborative process. Their use was promoted in the region. A post-intervention survey documented changes in transport practices.</p> <p>Regionwide practice changes can be successfully implemented. Guidelines may be helpful for other regions using primarily one-way maternal transports.</p>

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<artbiblio><it>Journal of Perinatology</it> (2002) <b>22,</b> 300&ndash;306. doi:<extlink type="doi">10.1038/</extlink></artbiblio> </abstract>

Example 2: A titled abstract with sub-sections

<abstract> <abshead>Abstract</abshead> <sec1><sec1ttl>Objective:</sec1ttl><p>A survey was administered to perinatal nursing directors of nine community hospitals in a rural region of Virginia. Items included personnel, training, equipment, vehicle, communication, and protocols. Following the survey, regional guidelines were developed using a collaborative process. Their use was promoted in the region. A postintervention survey documented changes in transport practices.</p></sec1> <sec1><sec1ttl>Study Design:</sec1ttl><p>Regionwide practice changes can be successfully implemented. Guidelines may be helpful for other regions using primarily one-way maternal transports.</p></sec1> <artbiblio><it>Journal of Perinatology</it> (2002) <b>22,</b> 300&ndash;306. doi:<extlink type="doi">10.1038/</extlink></artbiblio> </abstract>

Example 3: An abstract with numbered sections (no title)

<abstract> <p><list type="num"> <li>The mechanisms underlying AVP-induced increase in &lsqb;Ca<sup>2&plus;</sup>&rsqb;<inf>i</inf> and glucagon release in clonal &alpha;-cells In-R1-G9 were investigated.</li> <li>AVP increased lsqb;Ca<sup>2&plus;</sup>&rsqb;<inf>i</inf> and glucagon release in a concentration-dependent manner. ... influx may contribute to AVP-induced glucagon release.</li></list></p> <artbiblio><it>British Journal of Pharmacology</it> (2002) <b>133,</b> 357&ndash;264. doi:<extlink type="doi">10.1038/sj.bjp.0701345</extlink></artbiblio>

</abstract> Example 4: An untitled abstract without sections

<abstract> <p>A survey was administered to perinatal nursing directors of nine community hospitals in a rural region of Virginia. Items included personnel, training, equipment, vehicle, communication, and protocols. Following the survey, regional guidelines were developed using a collaborative process. Their use was promoted in the region. A post-intervention survey documented changes in transport practices.</p> ... <artbiblio><it>British Journal of Pharmacology</it> (2002) <b>133,</b> 357&ndash;264. doi:<extlink type="doi">10.1038/sj.bjp.0701345</extlink></artbiblio>


1.E. Abstract heading: <abshead> Element Number Element Name Start Tag 1.E. abshead Required 67

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End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes

Required 1.E.1.4.3 abstract: <abstract> (%reftext; | %mathtypes;)* None

Definition The abshead tag has been reinstated in ver 7.0 to hold the abstract title (e.g. Abstract, Summary etc.). Example 1: A titled abstract
<abstract> <abshead>Summary</abshead> <p> The transmission modes of SARS-coronavirus appear to be through droplet spread, close contact and fomites although air borne transmission has not been ruled out.</p> </abstract>

1.E. Paragraph: <p> Element Number 1.E. Element Name p Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.4.3 abstract: <abstract> Other Parents Also appears in many other elements throughout the DTD. Content (%reftext; | %list; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes hiding (%hiding;) "shown" Definition Pargraphed text is held in the element p. The many useful features of p cannot all be displayed in a brief example. For full information on these, refer to the full definitions of the contents of the four entities it contains, which appear in Section 6 of this documentation, Internal parameter entities and their elements. Further information on the use of the hiding attribute can be found under %hiding, 6.P.21. Example
<p>In order to determine the suitability of first generation adenoviral vectors for gene delivery into spinal cord white matter, four different titres of &beta;-galactosidase-expressing adenovirus were injected into spinal cord white matter of adult rats. At titres &ges;10<sup>6</sup> p.f.u., transgene expression was extensive but severe tissue damage was observed in the form of axon degeneration, demyelination and astrocyte loss. ...</p>

1.E.1.4.4 Keyword group: <kwg> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E.1.4.4 kwg Required Required 1.E.1.4 Header completion group: <header> kw+ class (keyword | jel | docsubj) language %language; #IMPLIED


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Definition A keyword group is held within the tag kwg. Use attribute class to show type of keywords, e.g. "keyword" if ordinary keywords, "jel" if JEL classification, etc. For information, the list of values recognised for this by the Elsevier DTD ver 4.3.1 is: kwd, abr, jel, msc, pacs, mat, src. idt, psycinfo, neuorsci, inspec-cc, inspec-ct, inspec-chi, stma, astronomy, geo, cras-terre. In our DTD the list is limited to keyword and jel as in Example 3. In a normal keyword group use italics only for phrases that should be in italics, not to represent text formatting applying to the entire group. Absence of the language attribute implies that the language is English, as in Example 1. If the same keyword group is repeated in two different languages, use the language attribute in both, as in Example 2. The class attribute can be omitted in the case where class="kwd", normal keywords. If more than one kwg appears with different values for class, include the correct class attribute in each as in Example 3. The class attribute should also be given if any named subject classification has been used, even if there is only one keyword group. The class docsubj was added for Laboratory Investigation journal keywords which map to a variety of subjects. Example 1: kwg without language or class

<kwg><kw>cytolytic T cells</kw><kw><it>MLL</it></kw><kw>amplification</kw></kwg>

Example 2: A keyword group repeated in a second language, with language attributes

<kwg language ="en"><kw>mortality rate</kw><kw>toxic shock syndrome</kw><kw>motherhood</kw></kwg> <kwg language ="de"><kw>Sterblichkeitsrate</kw><kw>toxisches Schocksyndrom</kw><kw>Mutterschaft</kw></kwg> Note that if the abstract is also repeated in two languages, each keyword group appears in the file after the appropriate abstract. See under header, 1.E.4.1, for an example with two abstracts.

Example 3: keyword group with class

<kwg class="keyword"> <kw>Pancreas</kw> <kw>nerve stimulation</kw> <kw>acetylcholine</kw> <kw>neurotransmission</kw> <kw>sodium nitroprusside</kw> <kw>calcium</kw> <kw>nitric oxide</kw> <kw>amylase secretion</kw> </kwg>

1.E. Keyword: <kw> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. kw Required Required 1.E.1.4.4 Keyword group: <kwg> (%text; | %mathtypes;)* None

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Definition A keyword is held within the tag kw. Emphasis such as italics should be used only to distinguish technical terms or phrases such as in vivo that require specific italic text. If all the keywords appear in italics in print, do not use it tags to indicate this, and use it tags where these would normally be required, e.g. "<it>in vivo</it>", even if the print journal reverses the italicisation and has "in vivo" in roman type. Example <kw>adenocarcinomas</kw> 1.E.1.4.5 Abbreviation group: <abbg> Element Number 1.E.1.4.5 Element Name abbg Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.4 Header completion group: <header> Content (abb+) Attributes None Definition The abbreviations group held in the tag abbg. Example
<abbg> <abb><definein>F<inf>1</inf></definein> <def>First filial generation. The offspring resulting from a cross.</def></abb> <abb><definein>IAA</definein> <def>Indoleacetic acid</def></abb> </abbg>

- result: F1 IAA

First filial generation. The offspring resulting from a cross. Indoleacetic acid

1.E. Abbreviation: <abb> Element Number 1.E. Element Name abb Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.4.5 Abbreviation group: <abg> Content (definein, def) Attributes None Definition An abbreviation is held within the tag abb which contains definein (definition instance) and def (definition).Only one such pair can occur within one abb, which is repeatable in abbg. definein and def also appear as child elements of defl, where they are defined as 6.P.9.2.1 and 6.P.9.2.2 respectively. Example
<abb><definein>F<inf>1</inf></definein><def>First filial generation. The offspring resulting from a cross.</def></abb>

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1.E.1.4.6 Extra materials summary: <xsum> Element Number 1.E.1.4.6 Element Name xsum Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 1.E.1.4 Header completion group: <header> Content (xsumhead, p*) Attributes None Definition The extra materials summary, xsum, is designed to hold a summary statement of extra materials (supplementary information) published on-line but not in print and associated with the article, if such a statement is required in the header (i.e. to appear below the abstract). If a link to an external file is required, this is contained in xobj if the file is supplied with the article, or using extlink for links for files on remote Web sites. For full explanation of xobj see 6.P.10.4, external objects. Current practice does not require an extra materials summary in this position, so standard handling of supplementary materials should be done using the example to be found under xmat, 5.E.2.3. An example for xsum can be provided if a need arises for a summary of supplementary information or a link to supplementary information in this position. 1.E. Extra materials summary heading: <xsumhead> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 1.E. xsumhead Required Required 1.E.1.4.6 Extra materials summary: <xsum> (%reftext;) None

Definition The element xsumhead is provided to hold a heading for xsum. The parent element xsum must contain an xsumhead, but if the summary is required to appear without a heading, xsumhead may be included but empty, as <xsumhead></xsumhead>. Note that the content type of xsumhead allows extlink or xobref to appear, but the normal place for these references will be within p and not in the heading. No example is provided in this issue of the documentation, as the normal method of handling supplementary information is to use xmat, 5.E.2.3, and not xsum. A full example of the current method for supplementary materials appears under xmat.

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Section 2


2. Body text 2.1.Body text elements

2.E.2 Article body: <body> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 2.E.2 body Required Required E.0 Article: <article> ((arttext | shortcol), xmat?) None

Definition The article body appears in the tag body. Note that body is optional in article. If it does not appear, ,the file is an article header or placeholder only. If body is present, it contains a single instance of either arttext or shortcol but not both. It is important to choose the right format between arttext and shortcol. In most cases this will be arttext (Article text, element number E.2.1), which provides all the facilities usually found in the body and backmatter sections of a conventional article DTD. shortcol (Short article collection, element number E.2.2) is used for collections of short pieces such as book reviews, letters to the editor, or news items where these are presented as a collection within a single file. As discussed under shortcol, 5.E.2.2, the Trade News section in the British Dental Journal is the only journal section that is regularly set using shortcol at the time of issue of this documentation. Example: using arttext:
<body> <arttext> <sec1> <p>..</p> ... </sec1> </arttext> </body>

Example: using shortcol:

<body> <shortcol> <shortart> ... </shortart> <shortart> ... </shortart> </shortcol> </body>

2.E.2.1 Article text: <arttext> Element Number E.2.1 Element Name arttext Start Tag Required End Tag Required NPG Specialist Journals DTD DRAFT Ver 7.0 Documentation 72

Section 3 Parent Element Other Parent Content Attributes 2.E.2 Article body: <body> 5.E.2.2.2 Short article: <shortart> ((p)*, (sec1+)?, respond?, prodlist?) hiding (%hiding;) "shown"

Back Matter

Definition The article text is held within the tag arttext. Note that the order of elements is strictly prescribed, so that all repeats of sec1 must conclude before the appearance of respond, prodlst etc. The appearance of the repeatable group (p) before (sec1+) can be used either to introduce text or objects before the first section heading, or to cope with the case of an article that only needs paragraphs without any section headings at all. An article such as an editorial, with no internal headings or addenda, might consist only of a series of paragraphs, as in the first example below. The second example gives a typical outline for a structured article. In the version 6.0 DTD, arttext can also be used in shortart to hold the text of a short article. The use there is essentially the same as for an ordinary article, giving a short article that can easily be converted into a full article if required. Any of the following examples could therefore appear in shortart, in the version 6.0 DTD, and no special instructions for tagging the body text of a shortart are needed. Example1 : short unstructured article with no sections (e.g. short notice or editorial):
<arttext> <p>..</p> <p>..</p> <p>..</p> </arttext>

Example 2: full structured article with citations etc.:

<arttext> <sec1><sec1ttl>Introduction</sec1ttl> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </sec1> <sec1><sec1ttl>Results</sec1ttl> <sec2><sec2ttl>Recombinant viruses</sec2ttl> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </sec2> <sec2><sec2ttl>Vector cytotoxicity</sec2ttl> <p>...</p> <sec3><sec3ttl>Therapeutic value of virus cytotoxicity</sec3ttl> <p>...</p>...<p>...</p></sec3> <sec3><sec3ttl>Therapeutic value of a less toxic virus</sec3ttl> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </sec3></sec2> <sec2><sec2ttl></sec2ttl> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </sec2> <sec2><sec2ttl>Efficacy of GCV treatment</sec2ttl> <p>...</p>...<p>...</p></sec2></sec1>

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Section 3

Back Matter

<sec1><sec1ttl>Discussion</sec1ttl> <sec2><sec2ttl><it>In vitro</it> cytotoxicity assays</sec2ttl> <p>...</p>...<p>...</p></sec2> <sec2><sec2ttl><it>In vivo</it> tumor implantation and treatment</sec2ttl> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </sec2></sec1> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </sec1> <sec1><sec1ttl>Conclusions</sec1ttl> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </sec1> <respond></respond> </arttext>

2.E.2.1.1 Section level 1: <sec1> Element Number 2.E.2.1.1 Element Name sec1 Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 2.E.2.1 Article text: <arttext> Other Parents 4.E. Appendix body: <appb> 5.E. Short article body: <shortbody> 1.E.1.4.3 Abstract: <abstract> Content (sec1ttl, (%seccont;)*, (sec2+)?) Attributes hiding (%hiding;) "shown" Definition A section level 1 heading, and associated text and objects appears in element sec1. Creating a document using sec1, sec2, etc. Sections are nested, with six levels available. The level of a section determines the typeface and layout of its heading and can also affect the paragraph formatting. The highest level is level 1, which can contain the next highest level, level 2, and so on. Levels should be chosen to achieve the heading style wanted in the finished document. See the example given for arttext, element number 2.E.2.1 for a typical article outline using three levels. The NPGAJ House Style Manual recommends only three levels of heading for a standard article. A fourth level may exceptionally occur. It is unlikely that the fifth and sixth levels will be needed in normal use of the DTD. Note that at all levels the Section heading is required. If a need arises to start a section without a heading, e.g. for consistency in paragraph formatting, or to allow a heading level to be skipped, then include the necessary tags to satisfy this parsing requirement but leave the element empty. The first example below shows a typical normal use of nested sections. The second example shows a section heading left empty for consistency. This example also appears in the full article example given for element 2.E.2.1 arttext. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 74

Section 3

Back Matter

The third example shows skipping of level 2, allowing level 3 to be nested directly in level 1, again requiring an empty level 2 heading. Example 1: Level 2 nested in level 1, with no text at level 1:
<sec1> <sec1ttl>Results</sec1ttl> <sec2> <sec2ttl>Cloning of <it>MLL2</it></sec2ttl> <p>A search of EST databases using...</p> <sec2ttl>Clinical chemistry</sec2ttl> <p>Total globulin was significantly lower...</p> <p>Administration of grepafloxacin was associated...</p> </sec2> </sec1>

Example 2: Paragraph text at level 2 following level 3 without a new level 2 heading:
<sec3><sec3ttl>Therapeutic value of a less toxic virus</sec3ttl> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </sec3> </sec2> <sec2><sec2ttl></sec2ttl> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </sec2> <sec2> <sec2ttl>Efficacy of GCV treatment</sec2ttl>

Example 3: Level 2 skipped, level 3 nested in level 1:

<sec1> <sec1ttl>Results</sec1ttl> <sec2><sec2ttl></sec2ttl> <sec3> <sec3ttl>Cloning of <it>MLL2</it></sec3ttl> <p>A search of EST databases using...</p> <sec3ttl>Clinical chemistry</sec3ttl> <p>Total globulin was significantly lower...</p> <p>Administration of grepafloxacin was associated...</p> </sec3></sec2> </sec1>

2.E. Level 1 heading: <sec1ttl> Element Number 2.E. Element Name sec1ttl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 2.E.2.1.1 Section level 1: <sec1> Content (%reftext;|%mathtypes;)* Attributes None Definition A Section level one heading is held in the tag sec1ttl.

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Section 3

Back Matter

If a heading appears in print entirely in bold or italic type, no formatting tags for this should appear in the SGML/XML. Where the print version has italics reversed into roman, formatting tags in the SGML/XML should appear as normal, not showing the reversal. For example, we expect <it>in vivo</it>, and never </it>in vivo<it> If this needs reversal to roman on processing, this will be handled by the output program, and must not be represented by reversing the tags in the SGML/XML file. Note on graphic objects in headings The need for %objects; in headings might not be obvious at first sight. This is included to enable placement of fig immediately following an appropriate figref, where the figref occurs within the heading. A similar case can occur if a table is referred to in the heading. This conventional placement does not mean that in the output the figure legend or the table title will appear within the heading in the HTML output. See Floating objects, entity number 6.P.10 for further explanation. Where an inline graphic must appear within the heading, for example to represent special text that cannot be rendered as a character entity, the tag to use is formula, element number 6.P.8.1, with position inline. For this purpose, prefer using a named character entity if possible, creating a new custom entity using the procedures referred to in section 9.3 if required. Example

2.E. Section level 2: <sec2> Element Number 2.E. Element Name sec2 Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 2.E.2.1.1 Section level 1: <sec1> Content (sec2ttl, (p)*, (sec3+)?) Attributes hiding (%hiding;) "shown" Definition A section level 2 heading, and associated text and objects appears in element sec2. Example: Level 3 nested in level 2:
<sec2> <sec2ttl>Cloning of <it>MLL2</it></sec2ttl> <p>A search of EST databases using...</p> <sec2ttl>Clinical chemistry</sec2ttl> <p>Total globulin was significantly lower...</p> <sec3> <sec3ttl>Adenylyl cyclase assay</sec3ttl> <p>Administration of grepafloxacin was associated...</p> <p>The enzyme activity was assayed...</p> </sec3> </sec2>

2.E. Level 2 heading: <sec2ttl> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content 2.E. sec2ttl Required Required 2.E. Section level 2: <sec2> (%reftext;|%mathtypes;)* 76

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Section 3 Attributes None

Back Matter

Definition A Section level 2 heading is held in the tag sec2ttl. Example:

<sec2ttl>Clinical chemistry</sec2ttl>

2.E. Section level 3: <sec3> Element Number 2.E. Element Name sec3 Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 2.E. Section level 2: <sec2> Content (sec3ttl, (p)*, (sec4+)?) Attributes hiding (%hiding;) "shown" Definition A section level 3 heading, and associated text and objects appears in element sec3. Example: Level 4 nested in level 3:
<sec3> <sec3ttl>Adenylyl cyclase assay</sec3ttl> <p>Administration of grepafloxacin was associated...</p> <p>The enzyme activity was assayed...</p> <sec4> <sec4ttl>Intracerebral injection of pertussis toxin</sec4ttl> <p>Pertussis toxin was dissolved in a solution...</p> <sec4ttl>Transport studies</sec4ttl> <p>Uptake of &lsqb;<sup>3</sup>H&rsqb;-APDA...</p> </sec4> </sec3>

2.E. Level 3 heading: <sec3ttl> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 2.E. sec3ttl Required Required 2.E. Section level 3: <sec3> (%reftext;|%mathtypes;)* None

Definition A Section level 3 heading is held in the tag sec3ttl. Example:

<sec3ttl>Adenylyl cyclase assay</sec3ttl>

2.E. Section level 4: <sec4> Element Number 2.E. Element Name sec4 Start Tag Required End Tag Required NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 77

Section 3 Parent Element Content Attributes 2.E. Section level 3: <sec3> (sec4ttl, (p)*, (sec5+)?) hiding (%hiding;) "shown"

Back Matter

Definition A section level 4 heading, and associated text and objects appears in element sec4. Example: See sec3, element number 2.E., for an example of a level 4 section nested in level 3 2.E. Level 4 heading: <sec4ttl> Element Number 2.E. Element Name sec4ttl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 2.E. Section level 4: <sec4> Content (%reftext;|%mathtypes;)* Attributes None Definition A Section level 4 heading is held in the tag sec4ttl. Example:
<sec4ttl>Intracerebral injection of pertussis toxin</sec4ttl>

2.E. Section level 5: <sec5> Element Number 2.E. Element Name sec5 Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 2.E. Section level 4: <sec4> Content (sec5ttl, (p)*, (sec6+)?) Attributes hiding (%hiding;) "shown" Definition A section level 5 heading, and associated text and objects appears in element sec5. This level is not found in normal use. Construct by analogy with levels 1 to 4 if required. 2.E. Level 5 heading: <sec5ttl> Element Number 2.E. Element Name sec5ttl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 2.E. Section level 5: <sec5> Content (%reftext;|%mathtypes;)* Attributes None Definition A Section level 5 heading is held in the tag sec5ttl. This level is not found in normal use.

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Section 3 2.E. Section level 6: <sec6> Element Number 2.E. Element Name sec6 Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 2.E. Section level 5: <sec5> Content (sec6ttl, (p)*) Attributes hiding (%hiding;) "shown" Definition A section level 6 heading, and associated text and objects appears in element sec6. This level is not found in normal use. Construct by analogy with levels 1 to 4 if required. 2.E. Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes Level 6 heading: <sec6ttl> 2.E. sec6ttl Required Required 2.E. Section level 6: <sec6> (%reftext;|%mathtypes;)* None

Back Matter

Definition A Section level 6 heading is held in the tag sec6ttl. This level is not found in normal use.

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Section 3

Back Matter

3. Back Matter 3.1.Back Matter elements

3.E.1 Back matter: <bm> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other Parent Content Attributes 3.E.1 bm Required Required 1.E.0 Article: <article> 5.E.2.2.2 Short article: <shortart> (footnote*, ack?, prf?, endnote*, bioggrp?, closenote?, app*, objects?, linkgrp?, cits?) none

Definition The article Back Matter section is held in the tag bm. The Back Matter follows the main body of the articles and contains structures that either appear at the foot of the article page (e.g. footnotes, endnotes, closenotes, acknowledgements, appendixes, citations, biographical information) or are referenced from various locations in the article (e.g. floating objects such as figures, tables, illustrations). Example: <bm> <endnote><p><b>Refereed paper</b></p></endnote> <cits style="numero"> <citref id="bib1"><citno>1</citno></citref> <citref id="bib2"><citno>2</citno></citref> . . . </cits> <objects> <fig id="fig1" psn="external"><no>Figure 1</no><graphic format="jpeg" entname="figf1"/><legend><p>Checklist for choosing the appropriate statistical test</p></legend></fig> </objects> </bm> </article>

3.E.1.1 Footnote: <footnote> Element Number 3.E.1.1 Element Name footnote Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 3.E.1 bm

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Section 3 Content Attributes (fnlink, fntext) id ID #REQUIRED

Back Matter

Definition Footnotes are held in the tag footnote which is used as follows. The tag <footref...>, 6.P.14.8,.appears at the point of insertion in the text, and the corresponding footnote appears in the <bm> (Back Matter) section as in the example. The linking symbol, e.g. an asterisk or dagger, that appears as the content of footref is repeated in the tag fnlink as in the following example. Note that fntext must use a paragraph to contain the actual note. Observe also that the attribute id begins ftnote not note. This distinguishes these from author note IDs which begin note. Note that placement of footnote within bm is for convenience in the SGML/XML file. In output HTML, footnotes appear immediately before the citation group. Example: footref and corresponding footnote
<p>...due to prolonged exposure<footref rid="ftnote1">&ast;</footref> . In further tests ...</p> </body> <bm> <footnote id="ftnote1"><fnlink>&ast;</fnlink> <fntext><p>Significant depletions in the AChE activity have also been observed in farmworkers from long-term exposure to pesticides.</p></fntext></footnote> </bm> </article>


Footnote link: <fnlink> 3.E.1.1.1 fnlink Required Required 3.E.1.1 Footnote: footnote; Appears only in element footnote which is allowed in bm. %text; None

Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes

Definition The footnote linking character is held in the tag fnlink. The tag <footref...>, 6.P.14.8,.appears at the point of insertion in the text, and the corresponding footnote appears in the <bm> (Back Matter) section as in the example given under footnote (3.E.1.1). The linking symbol, e.g. an asterisk or dagger that appears as the content of footref is repeated in the tag fnlink in as in the example. 3.E.1.1.2 Footnote text: <fntext> Element Number 3.E.1.1.2 Element Name fntext Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 3.E.1.1 Footnote: footnote; Available in Entities Appears only in element footnote which is allowed in bm. Content (p+) Attributes None NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 81

Section 3

Back Matter

Definition Footnote text is held in the tag fntext. The tag <footref...>, 6.P.14.8,.appears at the point of insertion in the text, and the corresponding footnote appears in the <bm> (Back Matter) section as in the example given in 3.E.1.1. The footnote text appears in p tags in the element fntext as in that example. See footnote 3.E.1.1 for a full example of footnote containing fntext 3.E.1.2 End note: Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes <endnote> 3.E.1.2 endnote Required Required 3.E.1 bm (p)+ None

Definition Unattached footnotes are placed in the tag endnote within bm. Use this for footnotes which are not linked to the text. For linked footnotes, use footnote, 3.E.1.1. If more than one unattached note appears, endnote can be repeated as in the following example. Example: Two endnote elements in one article
</sec1> </body> <bm> <ack><p>This work was supported by ...</ack> <endnote><p>For further information on the statistical background to these results, readers may find it useful to consult ...</p></endnote> <endnote><p>An expanded version of this paper will be presented by Dr KR Jones at the forthcoming meeting of ...</p></endnote> <cits style ="alpha">...</cits> </bm>

3.E.1.3 Note added in proof: <prf> Element Number 3.E.1.3 Element Name prf Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 3.E.1 Back Matter: <bm> Content (%reftext; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes None Definition A note added in proof is held within the tag prf. Example
<prf>Shortly before publication of this article, an additional report...</prf>

3.E.1.4 Closing note: <closenote> Element Number 3.E.1.4 NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 82

Section 3 Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes closenote Required Required 3.E.1 Back Matter: <bm> (p+) id ID #IMPLIED

Back Matter

Definition A close note is held in the tag closenote within bm. This element provides for exceptional cases in which a note must be placed after all other content in the article. An example might be a statutory notice on copyright. It should not be used for items such as footnotes or acknowledgements, which have correct places elsewhere in the article. In the fulltext HTML file the closenote normally appears immediately after the citations, with a horizontal rule above. The attribute id is optional and can be omitted in the usual case where there is no link to the closing note, as in the example. Example: a closing note <closenote><p>The copyright in this article is subject to...</p></closenote> 3.E.1.4 Objects: <objects> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes Definition Objects is a "wrapper" element, containing elements that may or may not appear inline with text, depending on the rendering application. Each element within %ojects; are linked to "anchors" in text by the reference elements discussed in %refs;. For a description of each element within %objects; see section 6.P.10 Floating objects. Example: objects <objects> <pullquote id=pq1> . . . </pullquote> </objects> 3.E.1.5 Acknowledgements: <ack> Element Number 3.E.1.5 3.E.1.4 objects Required Required 3.E.1 bm %objects; (fig | ill | table | xobj | pullquote | sidenote | box) none

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Section 3 Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes ack Required Required 3.E.1 Back Matter: <bm> (p)+ None

Back Matter

Definition Acknowledgements are held in the tag ack. ack is contained within <bm> (Back Matter). Example
<bm> <ack> <p>We wish to thank...</p> <p>DG Huntsman is the recipient of a McLaughlin...</p> <p>Additional sponsorship was obtained from...</p> </ack> </bm>

3.E.1.6 Appendix: Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes

<app> 3.E.1.6 app Required Required 3.E.1 Back Matter: <bm> (apptl, appb)* id ID #REQUIRED

Definition An appendix is held in the tag app. Although the coupling of appendix title and appendix body is repeatable within app, it is better to repeat app if the article has more than one appendix. The attribute id is #REQUIRED so must always appear. If there is a link from the body text to the appendix, this is provided using appref, 6.P.14.10. If tables appear in an appendix, the methods for embedding and naming the table have been changed since the DTD version 5.1. See under table, 6.P.10.3, for a full discussion and some further examples. The table appearing in Appendix 2 in the following example shows the new rules correctly applied for a single table appearing as the body of an appendix. Example: article with two appendices, containing a table as the body of Appendix 2
<app id="app1"> <apptl>Appendix 1</apptl> <appb><sec1><sec1ttl>Statistical analysis of data...</sec1ttl> <p>...</p> <p>...</p> </sec1> </appb> </app> <app id="app2"> <apptl>Appendix 2</apptl>

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<appb> <p><tblref rid="tbla1"></tblref></p> </appb></app>

Back Matter

<objects> <table id="tbla1" frame="topbot" colsep="0" rowsep="0" id="t4" tabcols="9"> <title>Questionnaire items</title> <no>Table A1</no> <tgroup cols="2" frame="topbot"> ... </tgroup> <tblimg format="gif" entname="tblta1" show="yes"> </table> </objects>

Associated entity declaration for the above example: The entities named in entname must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. For this case, if the article ID is 3301035 the corresponding entity declaration will be:
<ENTITY tblta1 SYSTEM "1230045ta1.gif>

See under table, 6.P.10.3, for more discussion of tables in appendices and further examples. 3.E.1.6.1 Appendix title: <apptl> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 3.E.1.6.1 apptl Required Required 3.E.1.6 Appendix: <app> (%mathtypes; | %reftext;)* None

Definition The appendix title is held in the tag apptl. Example <apptl>Appendix 1: Statistical analysis of data...</apptl> 3.E.1.6.2 Appendix body: <appb> Element Number 3.E.1.6.2 Element Name apptl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 3.E.1.6 Appendix: <app> Content ((p | enunc)*, (sec1+)?) Attributes None Definition The appendix body is held in the tag appb. The content model is the same as the main text-bearing part of arttext, element E.2.1. Use the method with plain paragraphs as in Example 1, or enunciations as in Example 2, unless headings within the appendix are needed. If sub-headings are needed, use the method already discussed to skip straight to at least a section level 2, as the appendix title apptl will be set as a level 1 heading or smaller. Example 2 demonstrates the method. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 85

Section 3 Example 1: appendix body with no internal headings required

<appb> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> </appb>

Back Matter

Example 2: appendix body with enunciations:


<enunc> <enuncttl>Proof of Lemma 1</enuncttl> <p>Equation (3) are obtained by setting </p> </enunc>

Example 3: appendix body with subheadings at level 2, level 1 skipped:

<appb> <sec1><sec1ttl></sec1ttl> <sec2> <sec2><sec2ttl>Studies using recombinant viruses</sec2ttl> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> <sec2ttl>Vector cytotoxicity</sec2ttl> <p>...</p> </sec2></sec1> </appb>

3.E.1.7 Citations: <cits> Element Number 3.E.1.7 Element Name cits Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 3.E.1 Back Matter: <bm> Content (cithead | citnote | citref)* Attributes style (alpha | numero) "numero" Definition The citations are held in the tag cits. cithead holds a heading for a section within cits. citnote holds paragraphed text within cits where text additional to the actual references is needed. citref holds an individual reference. Use the style attribute to define whether the style of references in the journal is alphabetical or numeric. Always include the correct value for style for the particular journal, rather than relying on the default, as a correct value here is essential for correct conversion to HTML. If style="numero" use citno to show the numbers that are to appear on the page. Example: outline only. An expanded example, showing a full range of reference types, appears in the following section, 4.E., citref <cits style="numero"> <citref id="bib1"><citno>1</citno>..</citref> <citref id="bib2"><citno>2</citno>..</citref> ... </cits>

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Section 3 3.E.1.7.1 Citation heading: <cithead> Element Number 3.E.1.7.1 Element Name cithead Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 3.E.1.7 Citations: <cits> Content (%reftext; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes id ID #IMPLIED

Back Matter

Definition If a heading is required within the references section, or as a subheading following the general heading References, this is held in cithead. Note that cithead cannot be used to override the main heading References. The typesetter should seek advice from the publisher if a need to change the main heading from References seems to arise. The attribute id is optional, and should be included only if there is a need to create a link to the heading, a need that will not normally arise. Do not supply formatting tags such as <b> for the entire cithead. Appropriate formatting is supplied on conversion as in the example. cithead may sometimes be used in combination with additional text in citnote, as in the following example, but this pairing is not obligatory. Either cithead or citnote can be used anywhere in the citations list, although not, of course, within citref. If additional text is required within citref, use cittext. Example: References section with intermediate headings and notes using cithead and citnote
</sec1> <cits style="alpha"> <cithead>Sources cited in the article</cithead> <citnote><p>Sources referred to directly in the article are listed below. See the section <it>Further Reading</it> for additional information.</p> </citnote> <citref id="bib1"> <citaug> <citau><citsname>Akutsa</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>T</citfnames></citau> </citaug><delim (</delim><cityr>1974</cityr><delim>). </delim> <citso>Total heart replacement device</citso> ... <citref id="bib10"> ... <citref> <cithead>Further reading</cithead> <citnote><p>Some additional resources that readers may wish to consult are listed here.</p> </citnote> <citref> <citaug> <citau><citsname>Diener</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>BJ</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Wilkinson</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>P</citfnames></citau><delim> </delim> <cittext>(eds)</cittext></citaug> <delim> (</delim><cityr>1989</cityr><delim>). </delim> <citso>Transplantation Techniques</citso> ... <citref> ... </citref>

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Back Matter


Sources cited in the article
Sources referred to directly in the article are listed below. See the section Further Reading for additional information. Akutsa T (1974). Total heart replacement device. ... ...

Further reading
Some additional resources that readers may wish to consult are listed here. Diener BJ, Wilkinson P (eds) (1989). Transplantation Techniques. ... ... 3.E.1.7.2 Citation note: <citnote> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content 3.E.1.7.2 citnote Required Required 3.E.1.7 Citations: <cits> (p+)

Definition A citation note, held in citnote, is used to hold paragraphed text occurring within the cits section, if text additional to the actual citations is required. An example of using citnote is given under cithead, above. 3.E.1.7.3 Citation reference: <citref> Element Number 3.E.1.7.3 Element Name citref Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 3.E.1.7 Citations: <cits> Content (citno?,(%citinfo;)+) Attributes id ID #IMPLIED Definition A Citation reference (more usually known simply as a reference) is held in the tag citref. Note that reference lists come in two distinct styles, numeric and alphabetical, and the style is stated in the attribute style in cits. The element citno appears in citref only in the case where style="numero". The attribute id provides the target for a text reference to a citation (textref, element number 6.P.14.7), but in version 6.0 is no longer required to determine the on-the-page numbering of the references, which is now stated in the element citno. It is, even so, important that if text references exist in textref elements, these correctly match the corresponding citref id. See Section 4.E. Citation number: <citno> for an example of correct tagging where the numbering of the citref id is different from the citno numbering, but is still consistent, to give correct links to the references.

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Back Matter

A check for validation of citno consistency with textref using our QC tool is under consideration but not yet implemented. In version 6.0 the citref id has been changed from REQUIRED to IMPLIED, which allows it to be omitted if no links from textref elements are required, which might be the case, for example, in a list for further reading, or a select bibliography. External link, extlink, is defined as element number 6.P.14.1, reflecting its main appearance in %reftext;. Other elements appearing in citref are defined as elements 4.E. to E2. Note that apart from citno, the DTD does not dictate the order of appearance of these elements in the file. The order of appearance of the elements in the SGML/XML file must be set correctly by the typesetter, to correspond to the order required in the output. A new element delim has been provided to hold punctuation of citations. In the final issue of DTD version 6.0, this can be used anywhere within the citaug (cited author) group, as well as between any two tags in citref. The rule for using DTD version 6.0 is that all punctuation required in the HTML output for citref must be provided explicitly using delim. The two long examples presented in the following Guide to setting different citation reference types show how this is done for different reference types to produce the output shown. Some minor variations may, however, be required to meet the house styles of specific journals, so the style of punctuation shown in this guide is an example only and not a universal standard.

Guide to setting different citation reference types using the NPGAJ DTD version 6.0
The settings of citref shown in the following examples give results that conform to the NPGAJ house style, although variations in reference style to meet the needs of specific journals may be required. The types of reference shown in the numerical style example are: Paper in journal, standard form: see <citref id="bib1"> Paper in journal, including supplement information: see <citref id="bib2"> Book: see <citref id="bib3"> Book, with editors: see <citref id="bib4"> Chapter in book: see <citref id="bib5"> Conference proceedings: see <citref id="bib6"> Conference paper: see <citref id="bib7"> Thesis: see <citref id="bib8"> Scientific and technical report: see <citref id="bib9"> The examples shown do not include extlink or citdoi. If these elements need to be added by the typesetter, the publisher will advise on content and placement. The contents of citref is %citinfo; A description of all elements contained within %citinfo; can be found in section 6.P.23. Example 1: Citation group based on the NPGAJ house style, numerical style:
<citref id="bib1"><citno>1</citno><delim> </delim><citaug> <citau><citsname>Gredmark</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>T</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Hallberg</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>L</citfnames></citau><delim>. </delim> </citaug> <citart>Population study of women in Goteburg</citart><delim>. </delim> <citso>Scan J Soc Med</citso><delim> </delim><cityr>1978</cityr> <delim>; </delim><citvol>6</citvol><delim>: </delim> <citspn>49</citspn><delim>&ndash;</delim></citepn>54</citepn>

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<delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib2"><citno>2</citno><delim> </delim><citaug> <citau><citsname>Price</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>RA</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Curry</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>N</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>McCann</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>KE</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Villal&oacute;n</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>CM</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Luckett</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>M</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Abercrombie</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>E</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <cittext><it>et al</it></cittext></citaug><delim>. </delim> <citart>Analysis of obesity in twins</citart><delim>. </delim> <citso>Hum Hered</citso><delim> </delim><cityr>1989</cityr> <delim>; </delim><citvol>39</citvol><delim> (</delim> <citsup>Suppl 1</citsup><delim>): </delim> <citspn>S121</citspn><delim>&ndash;</delim></citepn>S135</citepn> <delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib3"><citno>3</citno><delim> </delim><citaug> <citau><citsname>Meyer</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>HA</citfnames></citau><delim>. </delim> </citaug><citso>The Role of Abdominal Fat</citso><delim>, </delim> <cittext>2nd edn.</cittext><delim> </delim> <citpub>Academic Publishers: Dordrecht</citpub><delim>; </delim> <cityr>1970</cityr><delim>. </delim> <cittext>179 pp</cittext><delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib4"><citno>4</citno><delim> </delim><citaug> <citau><citsname>Diener</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>BJ</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Wilkinson</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>P</citfnames></citau><delim> </delim> <cittext>(eds)</cittext></citaug><delim>. </delim> <citso>Transplantation Techniques</citso><delim>. </delim> <citpub>Harvard University Press: Harvard</citpub><delim>; </delim> <cityr>1989</cityr><delim>. </delim><cittext>80 pp</cittext> <delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib5"><citno>5</citno><delim> </delim><citaug> <citau><citsname>Harley</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>NH</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Vivian</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>L</citfnames></citau><delim>. </delim> </citaug><citart>Invading microorganisms</citart><delim>. </delim> <cittext>In: Sodeman WA, Smith A (eds)</cittext><delim>. </delim> <citso>Mechanisms of Disease</citso><delim>. </delim> <citpub>Saunders: Philadelphia</citpub><delim>; </delim>

Back Matter

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Section 3
<cityr>1974</cityr><delim>. </delim> <cittext>pp</cittext><citspn>457</citspn> <delim>&ndash;</delim><citepn>472</citepn> <delim>.</delim></citref>

Back Matter

<citref id="bib6"><citno>6</citno><delim> </delim><citaug> <citau><citsname>Sapin</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>A</citfnames></citau><delim> </delim> <cittext>(ed)</cittext></citaug><delim>. </delim> <citso>Health and the Environment</citso><delim>. </delim> <cittext>Proceedings of the Conference on Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals; 30&ndash;31 March 1984; Chicago, USA</cittext><delim>. </delim> <citpub>American Toxicological Association: Chicago</citpub><delim>; </delim> <cityr>1985</cityr><delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib7"><citno>7</citno><delim> </delim><citaug> <citau><citsname>Harley</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>NH</citfnames></citau><delim>. </delim> </citaug> <citart>Radon risk models</citart><delim>. </delim> <cittext>In: Knight AR, Harrad B (eds)</cittext><delim>. </delim> <citso>Indoor Air and Human Health</citso><delim>. </delim> <cittext>Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium; 29-31 October 1981; Knoxville, USA</cittext><delim>. </delim> <citpub>Elsevier: Amsterdam</citpub><delim>; </delim><cityr>1982</cityr> <delim> </delim><cittext>pp</cittext><delim> </delim> <citspn>69</citspn><delim>&ndash;</delim><citepn>78</citepn> <delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib8"><citno>8</citno><delim> </delim><citaug> <citau><citsname>Young</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>WR</citfnames></citau><delim>. </delim> </citaug> <citart>Effects of different tree species on soil properties in central New York</citart> <delim>. </delim><cittext>MSc thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY</cittext> <delim>; </delim><cityr>1981</cityr><delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib9"><citno>9</citno><delim> </delim><citaug> <citau><citsname>Akutsa</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>T</citfnames></citau><delim>. </delim> </citaug> <citso>Total heart replacement device</citso><delim>. </delim> <citpub>National Institute of Health: Bethesda</citpub><delim>; </delim> <cityr>1974</cityr><delim>. </delim> <cittext>Report no NIH-NHLI-69 2185-4</cittext><delim>.</delim></citref>

- result (numerical style): 1 Gredmark T, Hallberg L. Population study of women in Goteburg. Scan J Soc Med 1978; 6: 49-54. 2 Price RA, Curry N, McCann KE, Villaln CM, Luckett M, Abercrombie E, et al. Analysis of obesity in twins. Hum Hered 1989; 39 (Suppl 1): S121-S135. 3 Meyer HA. The Role of Abdominal Fat, 2nd edn. Academic Publishers: Dordrecht; 1970. 179 pp. 4 Diener BJ, Wilkinson P (eds). Transplantation Techniques. Harvard University Press: Harvard; 1989. 80 pp. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 91

Section 3 5 6 7 8 9

Back Matter

Harley NH, Vivian L. Invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA, Smith A (eds). Mechanisms of Disease. Saunders: Philadelphia; 1974. pp 457-472. Sapin A (ed). Health and the Environment. Proceedings of the Conference on Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals; 30-31 March 1984; Chicago, USA. American Toxicological Association: Chicago; 1985. Harley NH. Radon risk models. In: Knight AR, Harrad B (eds). Indoor Air and Human Health. Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium; 29-31 October 1981; Knoxville, USA. Elsevier: Amsterdam; 1982. pp 69-78. Young WR. Effects of different tree species on soil properties in central New York. MSc thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY; 1981. Akutsa T. Total heart replacement device. National Institute of Health: Bethesda; 1974. Report no NIH-NHLI-69 2185-4.

Example 2: Citation group based on the NPGAJ house style, alphabetical style:
<citref id="bib1"><citaug> <citau><citsname>Akutsa</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>T</citfnames></citau><delim> </delim> </citaug><delim>(</delim><cityr>1974</cityr><delim>). </delim> <citso>Total heart replacement device</citso><delim>. </delim> <citpub>National Institute of Health: Bethesda</citpub><delim>. </delim> <cittext>Report no NIH-NHLI-69 2185-4</cittext><delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib2"><citaug> <citau><citsname>Diener</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>BJ</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Wilkinson</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>P</citfnames><delim> </delim></citau> <cittext>(eds)</cittext></citaug><delim> (</delim><cityr>1989</cityr> <delim>). </delim><citso>Transplantation Techniques</citso> <delim>. </delim><citpub>Harvard University Press: Harvard</citpub> <delim>. </delim><cittext>80 pp</cittext><delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib3"><citaug> <citau><citsname>Gredmark</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>T</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Hallberg</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>L</citfnames></citau><delim> </delim> </citaug><delim>(</delim><cityr>1978</cityr><delim>).</delim> <citart>Population study of women in Goteburg</citart><delim>. </delim> <citso>Scan J Soc Med</citso><delim> </delim> <citvol>6</citvol><delim>: </delim> <citspn>49</citspn><delim>&ndash;</delim><citepn>54</citepn> <delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib4"><citaug> <citau><citsname>Harley</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>NH</citfnames></citau><delim> </delim> </citaug><delim>(</delim> <cityr>1982</cityr><delim>). </delim> <citart>Radon risk models</citart><delim>. </delim> <cittext>In: Knight AR, Harrad B (eds)</cittext><delim>. </delim> <citso>Indoor Air and Human Health</citso><delim>. </delim>

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<cittext>Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium; 29-31 October 1981; Knoxville, USA</cittext><delim>. </delim> <citpub>Elsevier: Amsterdam</citpub><delim>. </delim> <cittext>pp</cittext><delim> </delim><citspn>69</citspn> <delim>&ndash;</delim><citepn>78</citepn><delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib5"><citaug> <citau><citsname>Harley</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>NH</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Vivian</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>L</citfnames></citau><delim> </delim> </citaug><delim>(</delim> <cityr>1974</cityr><delim>). </delim> <citart>Invading microorganisms</citart><delim>. </delim> <cittext>In: Sodeman WA, Smith A (eds)</cittext><delim>. </delim> <citso>Mechanisms of Disease</citso><delim>. </delim> <citpub>Saunders: Philadelphia</citpub><delim>. </delim> <cittext>pp</cittext><delim> </delim> <citspn>457</citspn><delim>&ndash;</delim> <citepn>472</citepn><delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib6"><citaug> <citau><citsname>Meyer</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>HA</citfnames></citau><delim> </delim> </citaug><delim>(</delim><cityr>1970</cityr><delim>). </delim> <citso>The Role of Abdominal Fat</citso><delim>, </delim> <cittext>2nd edn</cittext><delim>. </delim> <citpub>Academic Publishers: Dordrecht</citpub><delim>. </delim> <cittext>179 pp</cittext><delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib7"><citaug> <citau><citsname>Price</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>RA</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Curry</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>N</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>McCann</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>KE</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Villal&oacute;n</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>CM</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Luckett</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>M</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Abercrombie</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>E</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <cittext><it>et al</it></cittext><delim> </delim> </citaug><delim>(</delim><cityr>1989</cityr><delim>). </delim> <citart>Analysis of obesity in twins</citart><delim>. </delim> <citso>Hum Hered</citso><delim> </delim> <citvol>39</citvol><delim> (</delim> <citsup>Suppl 1</citsup><delim>): </delim> <citspn>S121</citspn><delim>&ndash;</delim> <citepn>S135</citepn><delim>.</delim></citref>

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<citref id="bib8"><citaug> <citau><citsname>Sapin</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>A</citfnames></citau><delim> </delim> <cittext>(ed)</cittext></citaug><delim> (</delim> <cityr>1985</cityr><delim>). </delim> <citso>Health and the Environment</citso><delim>. </delim> <cittext>Proceedings of the Conference on Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals; 30&ndash;31 March 1984; Chicago, USA</cittext><delim>. </delim> <citpub>American Toxicological Association: Chicago</citpub> <delim>.</delim></citref> <citref id="bib9"><citaug> <citau><citsname>Young</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>WR</citfnames></citau><delim> </delim> </citaug><delim>(</delim><cityr>1981</cityr><delim> </delim> <citart>Effects of different tree species on soil properties in central New York</citart> <delim>. </delim><cittext>MSc thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY</cittext> <delim>.</delim></citref>

- result (alphabetical style): Akutsa T (1974). Total heart replacement device. National Institute of Health: Bethesda. Report no NIHNHLI-69 2185-4. Diener BJ, Wilkinson P (eds) (1989). Transplantation Techniques. Harvard University Press: Harvard. 80 pp. Gredmark T, Hallberg L (1978). Population study of women in Goteburg. Scan J Soc Med 6: 49-54. Harley NH (1982). Radon risk models. In: Knight AR, Harrad B (eds). Indoor Air and Human Health. Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium; 29-31 October 1981; Knoxville, USA. Elsevier: Amsterdam. pp 69-78. Harley NH, Vivian L (1974). Invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA, Smith A (eds). Mechanisms of Disease. Saunders: Philadelphia. pp 457-472. Meyer HA (1970). The Role of Abdominal Fat, 2nd edn. Academic Publishers: Dordrecht. 179 pp. Price RA, Curry N, McCann KE, Villaln CM, Luckett M, Abercrombie E, et al (1989). Analysis of obesity in twins. Hum Hered 39 (Suppl 1): S121-S135. Sapin A (ed) (1985). Health and the Environment. Proceedings of the Conference on Biological Monitoring Methods for Industrial Chemicals; 30-31 March 1984; Chicago, USA. American Toxicological Association: Chicago. Young WR (1981) Effects of different tree species on soil properties in central New York. MSc thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 3.E. Citation number: <citno> Element Number 3.E. Element Name citno Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 3.E.1.7.3 Citation reference: <citref> Content (%text;) Definition The tag citno has been added in version 6.0 to allow the numbering of numbered references to be independent of the numbering of the citref IDs. Whenever the style of references is numeric, indicated by style="numero" in cits, numbers for each of the references should be given explicitly in NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 94

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citno. Cases where the number sequence in citno will differ from the numbers in the citref id will be rare, but this situation can sometimes occur, for example in short article tagging, where more than one cits section can occur in the same file. The following example (in SGML/XML) shows the first two citation references appearing in the article text, and the start of the citation section showing the use of citno. In order to illustrate that these are independent of the citref id attribute, the citref id is shown as starting at "bib4" for the first citation which has the number <citno>1</citno>. Example of citno in a case where the citno numbering differs from the citref id. References in the text
... shown in two recent studies of satiated rats<sup><textref rid="bib4">1<textref>,<textref rid="bib5">2</textref>

Citation section with citno

<cits style="numero"> <citref id="bib4"><citno>1</citno> <citaug><citau><citsname>Meyer</citsname><delim>, </delim> <citfnames>HA</citfnames></citau></citaug> ...</citref> <citref id="bib5"><citno>2</citno> <citaug><citau><citsname>Diener</citsname><delim>, </delim> <citfnames>BJ</citfnames></citau></citaug> ... </citref>

3.E.1.8 Biography group: <bioggrp> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 3.E.1.8 bioggrp Required Required 3.E.1 Back Matter: <bm> (bioghead | biog)* prntpos (prntin | prntsep) "prntin" webpos (webin | websep) "webin"

Definition The bioggrp, author biographies group, has been added to the DTD version 6.0 to hold short biographies of the article authors. This section is expected to appear normally after the end of the article itself, but may sometimes be extracted and placed in a section at the end of the complete issue. Example 1 below shows a case from the European Journal of Information Science in which the biographies appear at the end of the article. The heading for the section is held in an element bioghead. In the example the attributes prntpos and webpos for bioggrp and hidden for bioghead are not stated. In this case the default attributes are implied, meaning that the biography section appears with the article and the heading is shown both in print and on the Web. Note that no special tag has been provided for the authors name, and the formatting of this is indicated directly with <b> tags. The heading bioghead is repeatable and can appear anywhere in bioggrp, but in the usual case would be used for the heading to appear above the biographies at the end of an article. The tagging and attributes provided are sufficiently flexible to allow for cases where the author biographies are collected at the end of the issue. Example 2 shows a simple method for tagging the NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 95

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Back Matter

section if the biographies are to appear at the end of the issue, both in print and on the Web. The two attributes prntpos and webpos have values prntpos="prntsep" and webpos="websep" respectively, to show this positioning. In Example 2 a bioghead does not appear. It has been assumed that on processing for the separate section approach, the headings for the separate section on the issue TOC and above the collected biographies would be provided automatically on processing. The individual SGML/XML file would need only to provide the appropriate biographies held in biog elements in this case. The bioggrp appears in the SGML/XML file within <bm>, as shown in the examples. Example of a bioggrp element to appear at the end of the article, taken from EJIS 11:2, June 2002
<bm> <bioggrp> <bioghead>About the authors</bioghead> <biog> <p><b>Ron Chi-Wai Kwok</b> (<extlink type="email" link=""></extlink>) is assistant professor ... </p> </biog> <biog> <p><b>Jae-Nam Lee</b> (<extlink type="email" link=""></extlink is assistant professor in ... </p> </biog> </bioggrp> </bm>

Example of a bioggrp element to hold biographies to be collected at the end of the issue

<bm> <bioggrp prntpos="prntsep" webpos="websep"> <biog> <p><b>Ron Chi-Wai Kwok</b> (<extlink type="email" link=""></extlink>) is assistant professor ... </p> </biog> <biog> <p><b>Jae-Nam Lee</b> (<extlink type="email" link=""></extlink is assistant professor in ... </p> </biog> </bioggrp> </bm>

3.E.1.8.1 Biography heading: <bioghead> Element Number 3.E.1.8.1 Element Name bioggrp Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 3.E.1.8 Biography group: <bioggrp> Content (%mathtypes; | %reftext;)* Attributes hiding (%hiding;) "shown" Definition NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 96

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The element bioghead holds a heading for an authors biography group, in bioggrp. In the usual case this is the heading of a section to appear at the end of the article. It is an optional element in bioggrp, and in the case where the biographies are to be collected at the end of the journal issue, it may be omitted. Examples of biography groups, with and without bioghead, are shown under bioggrp 4.E.2.1.10. 3.E.1.8.2 Biography: <biog> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 3.E.1.8.2 biog Required Required 3.E.1.8 Biography group: <bioggrp> (p)* None

Definition The element biog holds a single author biography in bioggrp. Examples of its use appear above in bioggrp 4.E.2.1.10.

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4. Closing elements
4.E.2.1.7 Respond: Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes <respond> 4.E.2.1.7 respond Required Required 2.E.2.1 Article text: <arttext> (%reftext;) respond resno CDATA #IMPLIED

Definition The Trade News Section of the British Dental Journal has a Reader response number at the end of each short article. A specific tag respond has been included in arttext to make this easy to identify, and to link to a Web form in the online version. The link within this can be made using extlink, as shown in the example. The attribute resno can hold any CDATA, but in the example has the response number. Position in the SGML/XML file is at the end of the article, preceding prodlist and closenote. The position is the same within shortart, where this is expected to be used in the BDJ. Example: Use of respond for a reader response number in BDJ
<respond resno="87"><b><extlink type="URL" link="[some link here]">Reader response number 87</b></respond>

4.E.2.1.8 Product list: <prodlist> Element Number 4.E.2.1.8 Element Name prodlist Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 2.E.2.1 Article text: <arttext> Content (p*) Attributes None Definition A custom element prodlist with content p has been added to artttext to hold the list of products mentioned in the article, which often appears at the end of an article in the British Dental Journal. This will allow a special layout to be used for this feature if required. The tagging will depend on the content, but may be a lst, a definition list defl, or a table table. Position in the SGML/XML file is at the end of the article, preceding closenote. In the following example, an unnumbered list has been used. Example: prodlist tagged as an unnumbered list:
<prodlist> <p><b>List of materials mentioned in the text</b></p> <p> <lst type="none"> <li>All Bond 2 dentine bonding agent and luting cement: Bisco Inc, Itasca, IL60143, USA</li> <li>Fuji Plus: GC, Tokyo, Japan</li> ...

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</lst> </prodlist>


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Short Articles and Extra Materials

5. Tagging collections of short articles, and extra materials

5.E.2.2 Short article collection: <shortcol> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes E.2.2 shortcol Required Required E.2 Article body: <body> (shortlist?, shortart* , closenote?) total NMTOKEN #IMPLIED

Definition The short article collection feature of the DTD has been completely revised in version 6.0, and the former structure for this part of the DTD has been retained for back compatiblity but is otherwise deprecated. The new style tagging allows the use of an internal DTD for each short article that is more or less identical to the main DTD. This nesting of the DTD makes it very easy to convert a short article into a full article stand-alone file, or vice versa. The structure also makes possible a number of different structures, such as a structure with some or all of the short article collection being held externally as separate files, if this is required. However, it has been found in practice that the leading method for dealing with short pieces using the DTD is to treat every short piece (book review, stand-alone abstract, news item etc.) as a full article and not to use the short article collection approach. Currently the only journal section that uses the short article approach is the Trade News section in the British Dental Journal (BDJ). This section has been made the subject for the examples presented in this documentation, and the other possible uses of short article tagging, such as externallyheld files and internal content lists, are desc\ribed briefly but not illustrated with examples The short article collection is held in the tag shortcol. If short articles are internal, use shortlist only if an internal TOC/list is required. If articles are external, use shortlist for a local TOC linking to the external articles if required. The value of total is a count of the number of shortart elements in the file. In the long example that follows, taken from BDJ, the short article collection is internal, and there is no internal TOC. shortcol is used for collections of short pieces such as book reviews, letters to the editor, or news items where these are presented as a collection within a single file. shortcol may also be used for a single instance of a book review or a letter, where the general norm for the journal concerned is to use this element for this type of article. However, only the Trade News section in BDJ is currently tagged using this approach, so it is safer to assume that separate article tagging for each short piece is the approach to use in other cases unless a regular decision to use short article tagging for this section of the journal concerned has been made. The case of Trade News shown in the example consists of very short and simple items. It therfore shows that the short article approach can be used for these, and that the majority of available tags can be omitted without harm to the structure, and with a meaningful result. Example: Trade News section from the British Dental Journal tagged using a short article collection The BDJ is already using the XML version of the DTD at the time of issue of this documentation, but the example is given in SGML/XML for consistency.

Example for shortart tagging not yet done. I intend to consult with Helen King to put together an authentic example from BDJ. TF note in draft on 4 March 2003.
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5.E.2.2.1 Short article list: <shortlist> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 5.E.2.2.1 shortlist Required Required 5.E.2.2 Short article collection: <shortcol> (shorthead, p*)* None

Definition shortlist is used to hold an internal TOC for the short article collection, if required. The items in the list will contain links either to the short articles elsewhere on the same page or to external files containing the short articles. This feature is not used in the BDJ and is not currently shown as an example. Within shortlist the links to short articles are typically held in instances of shorthead. Additional paragraphs are allowed to enable extra text to be included following the links if required. 5.E. Short article list heading: <shorthead> Element Number 5.E. Element Name shorthead Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 5.E.2.2.1 Short article list: <shortlist> Other parent 5.E.2.2.2 Short article: <shortart> Content (p*) Attributes None Definition shorthead holds a reference to one short article with an appropriate link. This can occur either as a single item in shortlist, or as the entire content of shortart. If it is used as the content of shortart, then the specific shortart referred to does not appear in the file,but is present in an external file tagged as a full article. Neither of these uses is required for tagging the BDJ Trade News section, and the shorthead element is not shown in the examples in this documentation. 5.E.2.2.2 Short article: <shortart> Element Number 5.E.2.2.2 Element Name shortart Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 5.E.2.2 Short article collection: <shortcol> Content (shortfm, shortbody, bm?) | ((shortartfm, placeholder, header?, arttext?, xmat?) | shorthead) Attributes id CDATA #REQUIRED hiding (%hiding;) "shown" shortaid CDATA #IMPLIED type (print, hasxmat, isxmat) "print" inclusion (islink | included) "included" wrapperid CDATA #IMPLIED NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 101

Section 5 language %language;

Short Articles and Extra Materials "en">

Definition A short article is held in the tag shortart. Please note that the definition of short article for this purpose is a special case of a short piece of content, such as a news item, that demands multiple handling in a single SGML/XML file, and not simply a short article in the usual sense (such as a brief communication), as its name suggests. Most shorter articles are tagged individually using arttext as the content of body, and do not need shortcol or shortart. The example below and the longer article in shortcol, 5.E.2.2, are taken from the British Dental Journal, which is the only journal section currently using short article tagging. The BDJ is already using the XML version of the DTD, but the example is given here in SGML/XML for consistency with the rest of this documentation. The option of using shorthead as content for shortart can be used in a case where the shortart is held as a separate file, enabling a shorart tag to be included as a placeholder for an external file. The elements shortfm and shortbody are deprecated and are for backward compatibility only. ((shortartfm, placeholder, header?, xmat?) | shorthead) is the recommended content model for shortart in version 6.0. The attributes inclusion and wrapperid are deprecated and should not be used. These were excluded from the final design to simplify the model, and I had meant to comment these out in thefinal version of the DTD (TF note on 4 March 2003). Example: A shortart taken from BDJ Trade News section See under shortcol, 5.E.2.2, for a longer version of this example.

Example still to come, see my note under shortcol. (TF note, 4/3/03)
5.E. Short article front matter: <shortfm> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 5.E. Reference to parent article: <refer> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 5.E. Short article heading: <shortarthead> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 5.E. Short article sub-heading: <shortartsubhead> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 5.E. Short article type: <shortarttype> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 5.E. Bibliographic data: <biblio> DEPRECATED Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 5.E. Short article body: <shortbody> DEPRECATED NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 102

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Deprecated element. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 5.E. Short article front matter: <shortartfm> Element Number 5.E. Element Name shortartfm Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 5.E.2.2.2 Short article: <shortart> Content (crg?, doi?, aopseq?, seq, pp, aopdates, prdates?) Attributes None Definition Element shortartfm is new in version 6.0. It contains all elements from pubfm and artfm that cannot be inferred from the parent article details. This enables a full article file to be created from a shortart if required, but avoids duplication of data within the combined file. The example below is taken from the Trade News section from BDJ and a fuller version of this example can be found under shortcol, 5.E.2.2. Example: shortartfm from a short article in BDJ Trade News section

Example still to come. See my note under shortcol. TF 4/3/03

5.E.2.3 Extra materials: <xmat> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other Parent Content Attributes 1.E.2.3 xmat Required Required 1.E.2 Article body: <body> 5.E.2.2.2 Short article: <shortart> (xhead, p*) id id #IMPLIED

Definition The element xmat is provided for handling supplementary information, usually provided by the author and published online but not in print. This information is generally provided in the form of finished webready files, requiring little processing beyond renaming to satisfy the NPG AJ naming convention. The print version contains a minimal note referring the reader to the Web site for the information. The Web version carries a more extensive citation of the information and links to the additional files. The DTD offers a number of features for flexible handling of this type of content. The actual method adopted, and shown in the following example, sticks closely to the Nature model, and uses a subset of the facilities available. In particular, the front matter element xsum, 1.E.1.4.6 is not needed for this method. The references to the external files are held in xobj (6.P.10.4), but links using xobref (6.P.14.12) are not needed. To allow full use of the Nature method in version 6.0 an optional id element has been added to the supplementary information heading xhead. A new reference tag xheadref has been added to %refs to provide a link to this. This allows a supplementary information reference to link to the general supplementary information heading xhead rather than to a specific supplementary information file, which would have been the only link possible in version 5.1. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 103

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The following example shows all the tagging required to include supplementary material for an article. The position of the xmat element is always directly after the closing arttext tag, as shown here. Example: Standard tagging for supplementary information consisting of two PDF files
</arttext> <xmat> <xhead id="sup1">Supplementary Information</xhead> <p><xobj id="xob1"><no>Supplementary File 1</no><xfile format="pdf" entname="xobx1"><legend><p>References to epidemiological studies ... </p></legend></xobj></p> <p><xobj id="xob2"><no>Supplementary File 2</no><xfile format="gif" entname="xobx2"><legend><p>Results on the relation between ...</p></legend></xobj></p> </xmat> </body></article>

In entity declaration:
<!doctype article public "-//NPGSJ//DTD full length article DTD version 6.0//EN"[ <!ENTITY figf1 SYSTEM "6600596f1.gif" NDATA gif> ... <!ENTITY tblt1 SYSTEM "6600596t1.gif" NDATA gif> ... <!ENTITY xobx1 SYSTEM "6600596x1.pdf" NDATA pdf> <!ENTITY xobx2 SYSTEM "6600596x2.gif" NDATA gif> ]>

Attribute type in article (1.E.0) has value "hasxmat":

<article id="6600596" type="hasxmat">

Reference in the article text using xheadref (6.P.14.11):

...for current smokers (see <xheadref rid="sup1">Supplementary Information</xheadref>)...

Note that the supplementary information model shown here is designed specifically for extra materials provided by an author that are offered in addition to the print article. It is not intended to be used for the situation, sometimes seen in BDJ, where standard content that is a regular part of the journal is published on-line but not in print. This other type of partial publication can be dealt with using the various facilities for hiding of information provided in version 6.0, and described mainly under %hiding (6.P.21) and %exclusions (6.P.7). 5.E.2.3.1 Extra materials heading: <xhead> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 5.E. xhead Required Required 5.E.2.3 Extra materials: <xmat> (%reftext;) id id #IMPLIED

Definition An extra materials heading is held within the tag xhead. The parent element xmat must contain an xhead, but if the summary is required to appear without a heading, xhead may be included but empty, as <xhead></xhead>. For the current method of attaching supplementary information, the optional

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attribute id is included, and is linked to from the body text, if a link is required, using xheadref. A full example appears under xmat, 5.E.2.3.

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Section 7

File Presentation


Internal parameter entities and their elements

Use of a parameter entity such as %text; makes the content of the entity readily available wherever it is needed in the DTD. For consistency, parameter entities are presented in this document in a single section. This approach sometimes separates features that are logically connected, and Some of the links between connected parts of the DTD could be made easier to follow in an on-line help system, in which the many crossreferences required in this essentially paper-based version could be automated.

6.P.1 Emphasis elements: %emphasis; Entity Number 6.P.1 Entity Name %emphasis; Content (b | it) Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Definition %emphasis; is used to hold tags for bold or italic text. 6.P.1.1 Bold text: <b> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.1.1 b Required Required 6.P.1 Emphasis elements: %emphasis; 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; (%reftext;) None

Definition Bold text is held in the tag b which contains required %reftext;. Example
<b>MLL2</b> - result: MLL2

6.P.1.2 Italic text: <it> Element Number 6.P.1.2 Element Name it Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.1 Emphasis elements: %emphasis; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None Definition NPG Specialist Journals DTD DRAFT Ver 7.0 Documentation 106

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Italic text is held in the tag it which contains required %reftext;. Example
Mitelman <it>et al</it>., 1995 result: Mitelman et al., 1995

6.P.2 Electronic elements: %electronic; Entity Number 6.P.2 Entity Name %electronic; Content (url | email) Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Definition %electronic; is used only to hold url, and email both of which are now deprecated. Prefer extlink. 6.P.2.1 URL: <url> Element Number 6.P.2.1 Element Name url Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.2 Electronic elements: %electronic; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (#PCDATA) Attributes None Definition A url can be held in the tag url. Correct usage is shown in the following example, but prefer extlink (see 6.P.14.1 External link). Example

6.P.2.2 E-mail: <email> Element Number 6.P.2.2 Element Name email Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.2 Electronic elements: %electronic; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (#PCDATA) Attributes None Definition An e-mail address can be held in the tag email. Correct usage is shown in the following example but prefer extlink (see 6.P.14.1 External link). Example

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6.P.3 Font families: %fontfamily; Entity Number Entity Name Content Available in Entities 6.P.3 %fontfamily; (ssf | sc | ty) 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext;

Definition %fontfamily; holds three general font types, ssf, sc, and ty. (sans serif, script=cursive, and typewriter=monospaced). No tag is provided for a serif font (such as Times), which is assumed as a default. 6.P.3.1 Sans serif font: <ssf> Element Number 6.P.3.1 Element Name ssf Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.2 Electronic elements: %electronic; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None Definition Sans serif text is held in the tag ssf. ssf corresponds to the HTML generic description "sansserif" Example
<ssf>This is sans serif text</ssf> result: This is sans serif text

6.P.3.2 Script font: <sc> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.3.2 sc Required Required 6.P.3 Font families: %fontfamily; 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; (%reftext;) None

Definition Script text is held in the tag sc. sc corresponds to the HTML generic description "cursive". Do not confuse with scp, small capitals, found in %fontattr. Example
<sc>This is script text</sc> result:

This is script text

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Section 5 6.P.3.3 Typewriter font: <ty> Element Number 6.P.3.3 Element Name ty Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.3 Font families: %fontfamily; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None

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Definition Typewriter text is held in the tag ty. ty corresponds to the HTML generic description "monospaced". Example
<ty>This is typewriter text</ty> result: This is typewriter text

6.P.4 Font attributes: %fontattr; Entity Number Entity Name Content Available in Entities 6.P.4 %fontattr; (sup | inf | supinf | infsup | scp) 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext;

Definition %fontattr; contains four tags controlling positioning or appearance of characters, sup, inf, supinf, infsup and scp. 6.P.4.1 Superscript: <sup> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.4.1 sup Required Required 6.P.4 Font attributes: %fontattr; 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; (%reftext;) loc (pre | post) "post"

Definition Superscript text is held in the tag sup. The attribute loc indicates whether the superscript abuts closely with a succeeding or preceding character. In the following example, the default, "post" is assumed. Example
2<sup>3</sup> is two cubed

result: 23 is two cubed

6.P.4.2 Subscript: <inf> Element Number 6.P.4.2 NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 109

Section 5 Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes inf Required Required 6.P.4 Font attributes: %fontattr; 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; (%reftext;) loc (pre | post) "post"

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Definition Subscript text is held in the tag inf. The attribute loc indicates whether the superscript abuts closely with a succeeding or preceding character. In the following example, the default, "post" is assumed. Example
H<inf>2</inf>O is water result: H2O is water

6.P.4.3 Supersubscript: <supinf> Element Number 6.P.4.3 Element Name supinf Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.4 Font attributes: %fontattr; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None Definition Supersubscript text is held in the tag supinf. An alternative approach to get the same result is to nest the tags, e.g. <inf><sup>...</sup></inf>. Either method can be used. Example

this is equivalent to:


6.P.4.4 Subsuperscript: <infsup> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.4.4 supinf Required Required 6.P.4 Font attributes: %fontattr; 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; (%reftext;) None

Definition Subsuperscript text is held in the tag infsup. An alternative approach to get the same result is to nest the tags, e.g. <sup><inf>...</inf></sup>. Either method can be used. Example NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 110

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this is equivalent to:


6.P.4.5 Small capitals: <scp> Element Number 6.P.4.5 Element Name scp Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.4 Font attributes: %fontattr; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None Definition Small caps text is held in the tag scp. Note that the text held between scp tags should itself be in capital letters. Example
B<scp>OXER</scp> - result: BOXER

Note on small caps: Take care not to confuse 6.P.4.5, <scp>, small caps, with 6.P.3.2, <sc>, script font. Also note that the characters in a small caps tag must be caps, not lower case. For example a small caps "M" is <scp>M</scp>, not <scp>m</scp>. Any departure from this will produce a processing error. 6.P.5 Zero width attributes: %zwidth; Entity Number Entity Name Content Available in Entities 6.P.5 %zwidth; (und | dund | sth | ovr | dovr | vect) 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext;

Definition %zwidth; allows a single appearance of und, dund, sth, ovr, dovr or vect. 6.P.5.1 Underscore: <und> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.5.1 und Required Required 6.P.5 Zero width attributes: %zwidth; 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; (%reftext;) None

Definition Underlined text is held in the tag und. Example NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 111

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<und>distinct signals</und> - result: distinct signals

6.P.5.2 Double underscore: <dund> Element Number 6.P.5.2 Element Name dund Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.5 Zero width attributes: %zwidth; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None Definition Double underscore text is held in the tag dund. Example
<dund>distinct signals</dund> - result: distinct signals

6.P.5.3 Strike through: <sth> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.5.3 sth Required Required 6.P.5 Zero width attributes: %zwidth; 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; (%reftext;) None

Definition Strike through text is held in the tag sth. Example

<sth>distinct signals</sth> - result: distinct signals

6.P.5.4 Overline: <ovr> Element Number 6.P.5.4 Element Name ovr Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.5 Zero width attributes: %zwidth; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None Definition Overline text is held in the tag ovr. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 112

Section 5 Example

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<ovr>distinct signals</ovr> - result is not available in Word

6.P.5.5 Double overline: <dovr> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.5.5 dovr Required Required 6.P.5 Zero width attributes: %zwidth; 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; (%reftext;) None

Definition Double overline text is held in the tag dovr. Example

<dovr>distinct signals</dovr> - result is not available in Word

6.P.5.6 Vector over: <vect> Element Number 6.P.5.6 Element Name vect Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.5 Zero width attributes: %zwidth; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None Definition Vector over text (text with a right-pointing arrow above) is held in the tag vect. Example
<vect>distinct signals</vect> - result is not available in Word

6.P.6 Relative character sizes: %relsize; Entity Number Entity Name Content Available in Entities 6.P.6 %relsize; (mag1 | mag2 | magm) 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext;

Definition %relsize; allows a single appearance of mag1, mag2, or magm. (magnify up one step, up two steps, or down one step.

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6.P.6.1 Magnify up one step: <mag1> Element Number 6.P.6.1 Element Name mag1 Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.6 Relative character sizes: %relsize; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None Definition Magnify up one step text is held in the tag mag1. Example
<mag1>a small step for man</mag1> - result: a small step for man

6.P.6.2 Magnify up two steps: <mag2> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.6.2 mag2 Required Required 6.P.6 Relative character sizes: %relsize; 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; (%reftext;) None

Definition Magnify up two steps text is held in the tag mag2. Example
<mag2>but a giant leap</mag2> - result:

but a giant leap

6.P.6.3 Magnify down one step: <magm> Element Number 6.P.6.3 Element Name magm Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.6 Relative character sizes: %relsize; Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None Definition Magnify down one step text is held in the tag magm. Example
<magm>for mankind</magm> - result:
for mankind

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Section 5 6.P.7 Exclusions: %exclusions; Entity Number 6.P.6 Entity Name %exclusions; Content (wot | pot | hid) Available in Entities 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; 6.P.15 Reference text: %reftext;

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Definition The parameter entity %exclusions has been added to the DTD in version 6.0. This allows the inclusion in general text areas of three tags, wot (Web only text), pot (print only text) and hid (hidden text). These tags can be used like formatting tags, to contain any general text. Use this method only for hiding text that appears within a paragraph, or within an element that allows content %text or %reftext. Note that this method cannot be used for hiding elements not allowed in general text (%reftext). Therefore it cannot be used to contain paragraphs or to hide objects such as fig, or elements not allowed in %reftext such as lst. For these a more powerful method using an attribute hiding is provided, described in %hiding, 6.P.21. For selective hiding of elements that normally appear on an issue TOC, see also %tocshow, 6.P.22. 6.P.7.1 Web only text: <wot> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Content Attributes 6.P.7.1 wot Required Required 6.P.7 Exclusions: %exclusions; (%reftext;) None

Definition The tag wot can be used in a similar way to a formatting tag, such as it or b, to contain short strings of text. It indicates that the enclosed text is to appear on the Web only and not in print. Example
Within a string of text <wot>these words will appear only on the web and not in print</wot>

6.P.7.2 Print only text: <pot> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Content Attributes 6.P.7.2 pot Required Required 6.P.7 Exclusions: %exclusions; (%reftext;) None

Definition The tag pot can be used in a similar way to a formatting tag, such as it or b, to contain short strings of text. It indicates that the enclosed text is to appear in print only and not on the Web. Example
Within a string of text <pot>these words will appear in print only and not on the web</pot>

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Section 5 6.P.7.3 Hidden text: <hid> Element Number 6.P.7.3 Element Name hid Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.7 Exclusions: %exclusions; Content (%reftext;) Attributes None

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Definition The tag hid can be used in a similar way to a formatting tag, such as it or b, to contain short strings of text. It indicates that the enclosed text is to be hidden both in print and on the Web. Example
Within a string of text <hid>these words will be hidden both in print and on the web</hid>

6.P.8 Math types: %mathtypes; Entity Number 6.P.8 Entity Name %mathtypes; Content (formula | altmath | frac | stk | lim | prod | sum | integ | fen | rad) Available in Entities Does not appear directly in other % entities. %mathtypes; is allowed repeatably in formula which can appear within %mathtypes;. Definition %mathtypes; is the general container for maths text in the version 6.0 DTD. The version 5.1 entity %math is removed in ver 6.0 to prevent a name conflict with MathML. Backward compatibility has been preserved by extending the scope of %mathtypes to fill the same role as formerly filled by %math. Elements in %mathtypes are now all deprecated except for altmath and formula. Use altmath element to include MathML rather than using elements frac, stk, lim, prod, sum, integ, fen or rad, which are kept for backward compatibility only. When including tagged maths, a graphic version is always provided, and is located in the file by the tag formula, which acts as a placeholder for the graphic as well as as a container for the alternative tagging in altmath. The method for handling maths is fully explained in Section 6.P.8.1 Formula, below. 6.P.8.1 Formula: <formula> Element Number 6.P.8.1 Element Name formula Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.8 Math types: %mathtypes; Content (%text; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes id ID #IMPLIED hiding (%hiding;) "shown" psn (%psn;) "display" format (mlonly | texonly | htmlonly | sgml | xml | bmp | gif | tiff | eps | wmf | pict | doc | pdf | jpeg | ole ) "gif" entname ENTITY #IMPLIED NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 116

Section 5 mathref IDREFS #IMPLIED

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Definition formula is most frequently used as a placeholder for an equation that is supplied as an external graphic file, and may optionally also contain a tagged text alternative version of the same equation. In version 6.0 the tagged version is contained in an element altmath, which is contained within formula. Example 1 below shows the use of formula when a graphic equation is presented on the page with no tagged math alternative. Examples 2 and 3 show two less common uses that also already existed in the DTD version 5.1. Example 2 shows a rarer use of formula is as a container for a maths equation in simple SGML/XML text, with no graphic alternative. This use is illustrated as Example 2 below. In this case only, the value of the attribute format in formula is format="sgml" or format="xml". The attribute psn in formula shows the way that the maths appears in the HTML page. The default psn="display" means that the math will appear on the page surrounded by white space. A value of psn="inline", as in Example 3 below, means that the equation appears within a string of text. Examples 4, 5 and 6 show how a graphic is presented with a tagged maths alternative, a new method introduced in the DTD version 6.0. Alternative maths tagging is held in the tag altmath. Note that the format for the tagged maths is stated in the altmath tag in the attribute type, such as type="mathml", and not in the attribute format in formula. The attribute format in the host tag formula is reserved for the format of the graphic alternative, such as format="gif". Methods 1, 2, and 3 existed in DTD version 5.1. Methods 4, 5 and 6 are added by version 6.0 Example 1. Use of formula to tag a display graphic equation with no tagged text alternative <p><formula id="equ1" psn="display" format="gif" entname="eque1"></formula></p> Note that this example also requires an entity declaration within the DOCTYPE such as: <!ENTITY eque1 SYSTEM "1206269e1.gif" NDATA gif> Note also the similarity of the structure of formula tagging to the tagging for a figure, number 6.P.10.1. The main technical difference is that for a formula the id (used for cross-referencing) and the entname (used as a link to the entity declaration in the DOCTYPE) are both attributes of <formula>, while in fig, they are attributes of fig and graphic respectively. Example 2. Use of formula to tag an inline equation as a text string (where a numbered equation has to be referred to, but no graphic or special math tagging is required) <formula id="equ2" psn="inline" format="sgml"> e = mc<sup>2</sup> (Equation 2) </formula> If this option is used, an SGML/XML text string appears as the content of the tag. The entname attribute is absent, and the value of format is format="sgml". Example 3. Use of formula to tag an inline graphic (where a graphic is required to appear as part of a string of text), but with no tagged text alternative <p>... as in the unusual case: <formula id="equ1" psn="inline" format="gif" entname="eque1"></formula>. However,...</p> Note that this example also requires an entity declaration within the DOCTYPE such as: <!ENTITY eque1 SYSTEM "1206269e1.gif" NDATA gif> Example 4. Use of formula as a placeholder for a graphic equation, with a MathML alternative provided in altmath

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<formula id="equ1" psn="display" format="gif" entname="eque1" mathref="ml1"> <altmath type="mathml" id="ml1"><![CDATA[<math>... [some MathML here] ...</math>]]></altmath </formula> In the SGML version of the DTD, the content of the altmath tag is a CDATA section containing the entire MathML tagging, which will be ignored by SGML parsers. The MathML section is treated simply as unparsed text, and is available if required for further processing. A similar approach can be used for other types of maths tagging as shown in Example 6. Example 5. XML ONLY Use of formula as a placeholder for a graphic equation, with a parsable MathML alternative provided in altmath <formula id="equ1" psn="display" format="gif" entname="eque1" mathref="ml1"> <altmath type="mathml" id="ml1"><math>... [some MathML here] ...</math></altmath> </formula> This example shows how Example 4 would be handled using the XML version of the DTD, which allows MathML text to appear directly in the file. The top-level MathML tag math can therefore appear as content of altmath without having to be placed in a CDATA section. Example 6. Example of LaTeX and HTML alternatives presented for the same formula graphic <formula id="equ2" psn="display" format="gif" entname="eque1" mathref="la2 htm2"> <altmath type="latex" id="la2"> <![CDATA[/documentclas[11pt]{article}/begin{document} ... [some LaTeX here] .../end{document}]]></altmath> <altmath type="html" id="htm2"><![CDATA[<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3O//DTD W3 HTML 2.0//EN">... [some HTML here] .../BODY]]></altmath> </formula> This example would be the same in either SGML or XML. The tagged maths is held in CDATA sections, and both LaTeX and HTML versions of the formula are presented. General note on ID attributes in formula Note that formula is a multi-purpose tag, with various different uses, as shown in the foregoing examples. Whatever the purpose of formula, its ID attribute must always begin equ... and occurrences of formula should be numbered in strict sequence through the file. The ID number is allowed to differ from the actual number of the equation when using equref, 6.P.14.5 where this is necessary to preserve the sequence of IDs.

Note in draft: the above advice on IDs needs clarifying, and we need to resolve what to do about equref and formula IDs in hard cases where there are more formula elements in the file than there are numbered equations that really need linking to. This was discussed in e-mail with VL on Friday 28 February, but not yet resolve. I will write final notes on this, when we have decided what to do. A note under table explaining what to do if formula appears in a table is also needed, but depends partly on the fix decided on for formula ID. TF note on 4/3/03.

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6.P.8.2 Alternate math: <altmath> Element Number 6.P.8.2 Element Name altmath Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.8 Math types: %mathtypes; Content (%text; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes id ID #IMPLIED type (mathml | tex | latex | html | aap) mathml Definition Use of new altmath element to embed maths tagging in MathML, TeX, LaTeX, HTML or AAP. The XML version of the DTD accepts valid MathML tagging. The content definition for altmath shown here relates to SGML. The XML content definition is: (%text; | %mathtypes; | math)* This definition allows the top element math of MathML to appear directly as content of altmath, as in Example in Section 6.P.8.1 Formula, above. In the SGML version MathML must be embedded as a CDATA section. Maths tagging in TeX, LaTeX or in HTML is embedded as a CDATA section in either version of the DTD. In all cases the tagged maths is held within an element altmath, which must be included in an element formula. The formula element also has attributes which refer to a graphic alternative which must always be present. The method for handling tagged maths in both SGML and in XML is shown in Examples 4, 5 and 6 in Section 6.P.8.1 Formula, above. Note that it is possible to include alternative tagged maths in more than one format. For example, both LaTeX and an HTML translation can be embedded for the same formula as in Example 6. Version of MathML to be used: In the XML version of the DTD, the DTD for MathML version 2.0, issued by the World Wide Web Consortium on 21 February 2001, is attached. Full details of this DTD can be seen at . It is expected that actual coding will be in the form of Presentation MathML rather than Content MathML. This distinction may be enforced by our QC tools. Resolution of name conflicts due to using MathML in the XML version of the DTD Two element names used in the SGML version of the DTD cannot be used in the XML version of DTD version 6.0, because of conflict with identical names used for different purposes in the MathML DTD which is attached to it. In the XML version, this has been resolved by renaming element abs as abstract, and element list as lst, in the original DTD. The two renamed elements are abs (abstract) which becomes abstract, and lst (list) which becomes lst. These two name changes are made in the XML version only. Possible future development using XHTML for HTML tagged maths The MathML DTD for XHTML is readily available, and is present with the MathML DTD currently included in the NPGAJ Zip file with path: dtd\xhtml-math11-f.dtd but is not referenced from the main DTD. To use this directly, the main DTD could be modified to accept it. XHTML maths could then be validated directly, instead of being placed in a CDATA section. Parsable XHTML could then be included in altmath. Note on TeX and LaTeX More information on LaTeX can be found at: . This states:

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LaTeX is based on Donald E. Knuths TeX typesetting language. LaTeX was first developed in 1985 by Leslie Lamport, and is now being maintained and developed by the LaTeX is available for free by anonymous ftp from .

This note added to clarify the distinction between TeX and LaTeX. 6.P.8.3 Fraction: <frac> DEPRECATED Deprecated element, removed in XML version. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 6.P.8.4 Stack: <stk> DEPRECATED Deprecated element, removed in XML version. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 6.P.8.4.1 Layer: <lyr> DEPRECATED Deprecated element, removed in XML version. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 6.P.8.5 Limit: <lim> DEPRRECATED Deprecated element, removed in XML version. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 6.P.8.6 Product: <prod> DEPRECATED Deprecated element, removed in XML version. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 6.P.8.7 Sum: <sum> DEPRECATED Deprecated element, removed in XML version. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 6.P.8.8 Integral: <int> DEPRECATED Deprecated element, removed in XML version. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 6.P.8.9 Fence: <fen> DEPRECATED Deprecated element, removed in XML version. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 6.P.8.10 Radical: <rad> DEPRECATED Deprecated element, removed in XML version. For details see documentation to version 5.1. 6.P.9 Lists: %list; Entity Number 6.P.9 Entity Name %list; Content (lst | defl) Available in Entities Not in other entities directly. Available in elements p and li Definition %list; allows a single instance of lst, or defl. Its availablity in li allows lists to be nested within list elements. 6.P.9.1 List: <lst> [<list> (SGML)] NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 120

Section 5 Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes

Short Articles and Extra Materials 6.P.9.1 lst (XML) [list (SGML)] Required Required 6.P.9 Lists: %list; Not in other entities directly. Available in elements p and li (lst | li)+ id ID #IMPLIED hiding (%hiding;) "shown" type (num | numparen | lett | lettparen | roman | romanparen | bullet | none) #REQUIRED

Definition A list is held within the tag lst (Previously list in the SGML DTD, but for the purposes of this document we will mostly refer to the XML tag). The value of the attribute type defines the type of list, defined as follows: num: 1. 2. 3. numparen: (1) (2) (3) lett: a. b. c. lettparen: (a) (b) (c) roman: i. ii. iii. romanparen: (i) (ii) (iii) bullet: bulleted none: Unnumbered list Example: bulleted list
<lst type="bullet"> <li>list item 1</li> <li>list item 2</li> </lst>

- result: list item 1 list item 2 6.P.9.1.1 List element: <li> Element Number 6.P.9.1.1 Element Name li Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 6.P.9.1 List: <lst> Content (%reftext; | %list; |%mathtypes; | p)*> Attributes None Definition A list item is held within the tag li. The broad content definition, including p, allows maximum flexibility of content. Do not use p unless paragraph formatting is required within the list. Allowing %list; within li allows a list to appear nested within a list, as in the following example Example: roman list appearing within a list item in a bulleted list:
<lst type="bullet"> <li>list item 1</li> <li>list item 2, which contains a roman list:

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<lst type="roman"> <li>roman list item 1</li> <li>roman list item 2</li> </list></li> <li>last item in bulleted list</li> </lst>

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- result: list item 1 list item 2, which contains a roman list: i. roman list item 1 ii. roman list item 2 last item in bulleted list 6.P.9.2 Definition list: <defl> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.9.2 defl Required Required 6.P.9 Lists: %list; Not in other entities directly. Available in elements p and li (definein,def)+ sepch CDATA " " colwd NMTOKENS "1 5" hiding (%hiding;) "shown"

Definition A definition list is held within the tag defl. The value of attribute colwd is a number pair indicating the proportion of the total column width to be devoted to the definition instance. The default case is "1 5", which gives one sixth of the width to the instance. Example
<defl sepch="-" colwd="1 3"> <definein>adenine</definein> <def>A purine base present in DNA, RNA, and nucleotide derivativse, such as ADP and ATP</def> <definein>adhesion</definein> <def>The sticking together of unlikely objects or materials</def> </defl>

- result: adenine adhesion

- A purine base present in DNA, RNA, and nucleotide derivatives, such as ADP and ATP - The sticking together of unlikely objects or materials

6.P.9.2.1 Definition instance: <definein> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other parent 6.P.9.2.1 definein Required Required 6.P.9.2 Definition list: <defl> 1.E.1.4.5 Abbreviation group <abbg>

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Section 5 Content Attributes (%reftext; | %mathtypes;)* None

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Definition A definition instance is held within the tag definein. It is used to contain the definition instance (the text that is to be defined). Example: see example given for 6.P.9.2 Definition list. 6.P.9.2.2 Definition: <def> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other parent Content Attributes 6.P.9.2.2 def Required Required 6.P.9.2 Definition list: <defl> 1.E.1.4.5 Abbreviation group <abbg> (%reftext; | %mathtypes;)* None

Definition A definition is held within the tag def. It is used to contain the definition (the text that defines the preceding definition instance). Example: see example given for 6.P.9.2 Definition list. 6.P.10 Floating objects: %objects; Entity Number Entity Name Content 6.P.10 %objects; fig | ill | table | xobj | pullquote | sidenote | box |

Available in Entities Not in other entities directly. Available in elements such as p where tagging for objects may be required. Definition %objects; is a container for objects that may need placing in many elements throughout the document. Each element within %objects; appears within the <objects> element within <bm> (back matter). These elements are not placed at the location in which they appear on the page. Instead, a corresponding placeholder element in %refs; (discussed above) which marks the location. The placeholder element contains an RID attribute which matches the ID attribute on the target object (ID/IDREF). The rendering application then displays the object in the correct location on the page during page composition (print and/or web). These tags provide flexibility for placing tagging for numbered or unnumbered figures, illustrations, and tables in the file, using fig, ill and table. A similar structure is shared with xobj, used to refer to files containing supplementary information not published in print. Two more minor elements, pullquote and sidenote have been placed here mainly to make them available at almost anypoint in the file. The basic %objects;, fig and ill have a psn attribute which defines whether the object is to appear in the same HTML page as the text, with various presentation options, or in a separate page via a link, with or without a thumbnail graphic appearing in the main page. More information on using psn values can be found under %psn, 6.P.20 and under tbl, 6.P.10.3.

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It should be noted that in addition to fig, ill, and table, the DTD has another method for incorporating custom graphic objects in the file. This uses formula (number 6.P.8.1), which can be used with attribute psn="inline", to hold a small inline graphic, although its main purpose is to hold maths graphics and maths tagging. The element box is for boxed content in the article. This information is typically separate from the main body content and appears enclosed in a box. It differs from a table in that it contains no distinct rows or columns. Placement of tagging for numbered figures and tables in the file The normal method for placing tagging for numbered figures or tables in the SGML/XML file is declared here for figures. For tables the same approach is to be used simply read table for figure in the following instructions. But notice that the rules for numbering and placing tables in appendices are different. See under table, 6.P.10.3, Example 4 for an example of placing a table in an appendix. Placement of figures is based on the principle that where possible these appear immediately following the first reference to the figure in the text, but with the reservation that natural order should be preserved, e.g. figure 1 must appear before figure 2, etc. A further important restriction is that figures must not be placed within a legend (to a figure or illustration), or within a title (the title of a table). See note below Bar on nesting of figures and tables for clarification of the no nesting rule. The following algorithm is a strict definition of current practice: Step1: If figure 1 is referred to in the file, place the figure immediately after the first reference to figure 1 (excluding references in legend or title), else place at the end of the file. Step 2: Starting from placement of figure 1, search forward for the first reference to figure 2, and place following this (excluding references in legend or title), or if no reference found before the end of the file, place immediately following figure 1. Step 3 Repeat step 2 successively for remaining figures, i.e. for figure n, starting from placement of figure (n-1), search forward for the first reference to figure n, and place following this (excluding references in legend or title), or if no reference found before the end of the file, place immediately following figure (n-1). Bar on nesting of figures and tables Figures or tables must not be placed within the legend of a figure or illustration or within the title of a table (title). Therefore when applying the approach above to placement of figures and tables, any references to figures and tables appearing within other figures, tables, or illustrations should be ignored. If the only reference to a figure or a table appears in one of these excluded postions, the reference is treated as absent, and this should be treated as a case of no reference found, when applying the above rules. 6.P.10.1 Figure: <fig> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.10.1 fig Required Required 6.P.10 Floating objects: %objects; Appears only in %objects; which is available in elements where fig, ill, table, xobj, pullquote, sidenote, box are needed. (no?, thumbnail*, graphic+, figttl?, legend+) id ID #REQUIRED hiding (%hiding;) "shown" psn (%psn;) "external"

Definition Tagging for a figure is held in the tag fig. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 124

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Although graphic is repeatable within fig, it should not be repeated unless it is essential to present the complete figure using more than one external file. This may arise if two parts of the figure are in different formats as in the second example one figure needing more than one graphic. In the rare case where more than one graphic is required because the parts of the figure are treated separately with parts a. b etc. appearing with separate legends, follow the third example, a figure apppearing in multiple parts. For placement of figures in the file see the rules stated under the headings Placement of tagging for numbered figures and tables in the file and Bar on nesting of figures and tables under 6.P.10, %objects. In most cases where a figure is used, a thumbnail graphic will also be used to provide a link from the main HTML page. In this case, the value of psn is always psn="thumbnail". Example 1 below shows the other main possibility, of a figure with no thumbnail and psn="external". The method without a thumbnail is retained for processing back data for which no thumbnail graphics are available, but the methods with thumbnails, illustrated in Examples 2 to 4, are now the norm. Example 1: a typical figure with no thumbnail (method retained for processing back data). <fig id="fig3" psn="external"> <no>Figure 3</no> <graphic format="gif" entname="figf3"> <legend> <p>Comparison of MLL2 and MLL proteins.</p> <p>(<b>A</b>) Schematic alignment output from MACAW. ...</p> </legend> </fig> Associated entity declaration for the above example: As explained in Section 1.2, the entity named in entname must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. For this case, if the article ID is 3301035 the corresponding entity declaration will be: <ENTITY figf3 SYSTEM "3301035f3.gif" NDATA gif> Example 2: a typical figure with a thumbnail. <fig id="fig3" psn="thumbnail"> <no>Figure 3</no> <thumbnail format="gif" entname="figf3th"> <graphic format="gif" entname="figf3"> <legend> <p>Comparison of MLL2 and MLL proteins.</p> <p>(<b>A</b>) Schematic alignment output from MACAW. ...</p> </legend> </fig> Associated entity declaration for the above example: As explained in Section 1.2, the entity named in entname must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. For this case, if the article ID is 3301035 the corresponding entity declaration will be: <ENTITY figf3 SYSTEM "3301035f3.gif" NDATA gif> <ENTITY figf3th SYSTEM "3301035f3th.gif" NDATA gif> Example 3: one figure needing more than one graphic, with one thumbnail This may arise if two graphics are needed for one figure. This might be because they are in different graphic formats and cannot be readily combined, or because the parts of the figure are unusually large. In

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the following example parts a and b of Figure 3 are provided as a single gif file, but part c is a jpeg file: <fig id="fig3" psn="thumbnail"> <no>Figure 3</no> <thumbnail format="gif" entname="figf3ath"> <graphic format="gif" entname="figf3a"> <graphic format="jpeg" entname="figf3c"> <legend> <p>(a) Comparison of MLL2 and MLL proteins... . (b) A view of electron microscopy ... . (c) Local expression of IL-12 and IFN-&gamma; ...</p> </legend> </fig> Associated entity declaration for the above example: As explained in Section 1.2, the entities named in entname must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. For this case, if the article ID is 3301035 the corresponding entity declaration will be: <ENTITY figf3a SYSTEM "3301035f3a.gif" NDATA gif> <ENTITY figf3ath SYSTEM "3301035f3ath.gif" NDATA gif> <ENTITY figf3c SYSTEM "3301035f3c.jpg" NDATA jpeg> Example 4: a figure appearing in multiple parts, with multiple thumbnails This may arise if two or more parts to a figure are presented in the article as if they were separate figures, with completely separate legends. This case is rare, but if it necessary to accommodate it the correct tagging is as follows: <fig id="fig3a" psn="thumbnail"> <no>Figure 3a</no> <thumbnail format="gif" entname="figf3ath"> <graphic format="gif" entname="figf3a"> <legend> <p>Comparison of MLL2 and MLL proteins... </p> </legend> </fig> <fig id="fig3b" psn="thumbnail"> <no>Figure 3b</no> <thumbnail format="gif" entname="figf3bth"> <graphic format="gif" entname="figf3b"> <legend> <p>A view of electron microscopy ... </p> </legend> </fig> Associated entity declaration for the above example: As explained in Section 1.2, the entities named in entname must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. For this case, if the article ID is 3301035 the corresponding entity declaration will be: <ENTITY figf3ath SYSTEM "3301035f3ath.gif" NDATA gif> <ENTITY figf3a SYSTEM "3301035f3a.gif" NDATA gif> <ENTITY figf3bth SYSTEM "3301035f3bth.gif" NDATA gif> <ENTITY figf3b SYSTEM "3301035f3b.gif" NDATA gif> Example 5: a figure appearing with a figure title (there wont always be a figure title) NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 126

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This arises when a distinct figure title is provided separately from the legend: <fig id="1" psn="thumbnail"> <no>Figure 1</no> <thumbnail format="gif" entname="figf1"> <graphic format="gif" entname="figf1"> <figttl>Symmetry Mismatch</figttl> <legend> <p>The phenotype involves vacuole enlargement </p> </legend> </fig> 6.P.10.1.1 Number: <no> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other Parents Content Attributes 6.P.10.1.1 no Required Required 6.P.10.1 Figure: <fig> 6.P.10.2 Illustration: <ill>; 6.P.10.3 Table: <table>; 6.P.10.4 External object: <xobj>; %text; None

Definition A figure, illustration, table or supplementary file number is held within the tag no. The appropriate wording Figure or Table or Supplementary File preceding the number is included in the tag. In the case of an external object, the inclusion of a number in the tag content is not essential the tag might just say Supplementary File, Audio File or whatever is required. Example <no>Figure 3</no> 6.P.10.1.2 Thumbnail: <thumbnail> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other Parents Content Attributes 6.P.10.1.2 thumbnail Required o Empty Element 6.P.10.1 Figure: <fig> 6.P.10.2 Illustration: <ill> None format (sgml | bmp | gif | tiff | eps | wmf | pict | doc | pdf | jpeg | ole ) "gif" dpi NMTOKEN #IMPLIED entname ENTITY #REQUIRED

Definition A new element, thumbnail, has been introduced to refer to a thumbnail graphic. The content allowed by the DTD in thumbnail is the same as for the element graphic. The different name has been introduced to make clear that this refers to a thumbnail graphic, to stand as a link to the full size figure graphic or graphics which then appear on a separate Web page. Standard production with NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 127

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version 6.0 uses thumbnails, so methods without thumbnails may be limited to special cases such as illustrations appearing directly in the Web page for the British Dental Journal, or conversion of back data. A figure, illustration or table dealt with in this way might have only one thumbnail graphic, even if (exceptionally) the figure itself is built of more than one graphic. Additionally, the element fig or ill has an attribute psn, which takes the value "thumbnail" if this method of presentation is to be used. If psn="thumbnail", then the graphic specified in the element thumbnail appears in the file at the position indicated by the parent fig or ill tag. Examples for tagging of thumbnails can be found under fig (6.P.10.1) and ill (6.P.10.2). Example 1 below, for fig, shows a typical use with graphic. The fourth member of the %objects group, xobj (6.P.10.4) does not use either thumbnail or graphic, as it has its own tag for external files, xfile, which works rather differently. An explanation and example for the use of xfile can be found under xmat (5.E.2.3) Example 1: A typical use of thumbnail in fig
<figref rid="fig1">Figure 1</figref> <bm> <objects> <fig id="fig1" psn="thumbnail"> <no>Figure 1</no><thumbnail format="jpeg" entname="figf1th"> <graphic format="jpeg" entname="figf1"> <legend><p>Diurnal profile of circulating ...</p></legend></fig> </objects> </bm>

Note that the naming convention for thumbnails simply adds "th" to the end of the entity name for the corresponding full size graphic. The same convention applies in the naming of the actual file holding the graphic. For example, the relevant entity declaration for the above case is:
(SGML) <!DOCTYPE article public "-//NPGSJ//DTD full length article DTD version 7.0 SGML//EN"[ (XML) <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NPGSJ//DTD full length article DTD version 7.0 XML//EN" "ajarticle_v7_x.dtd" [ ... ... <!ENTITY figf1 SYSTEM "1300016f1.jpg" NDATA jpeg> <!ENTITY figf1th SYSTEM "1300016f1th.jpg" NDATA jpeg>

for an article with identifier article id="1300016". 6.P.10.1.3 Graphic: <graphic> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element 6.P.10.1.3 graphic Required o Empty Element 6.P.10.1 Figure: <fig> 128

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Short Articles and Extra Materials 6.P.10.2 Illustration: <ill> None format (bmp | gif | tiff | eps | wmf | pict | doc | pdf | jpeg | ole ) "bmp" dpi NMTOKEN #IMPLIED entname ENTITY #REQUIRED

Definition The details of a graphic are held in the tag graphic. Note that entname must be an SGML/XML Name, and is not the name of the external file. It refers to an entity declared in the DOCTYPE declaration, as in the following example. Full examples of correct use of graphic can be seen under thumbnail (6.P.10.1.2), and under fig (6.P.10.1), ill (6.P.10.2), and table (6.P.10.3). Example: A graphic tag for a figure <graphic format="gif" entname="figf3">
(SGML) <!DOCTYPE article public "-//NPGSJ//DTD full length article DTD version 7.0 SGML//EN"[ (XML) <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NPGSJ//DTD full length article DTD version 7.0 XML//EN" "ajarticle_v7_x.dtd" [

... <!ENTITY figf3 SYSTEM "1200453f3.gif" NDATA GIF> ...] 6.P.10.1.4 Legend: <legend> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Other Parents Content Attributes 6.P.10.1.4 legend Required Required 6.P.10.1 Figure: <fig> 6.P.10.2 Illustration: <ill>; 6.P.10.3 Table: <table>; 6.P.10.4 External object: <obj>; (p)* None

Definition The legend for a figure, illustration or external file is held in the tag legend. This is usually a simple title, as in the first example, but the second example shows a special case with more than one paragraph, which is allowed if necessary. Example 1: A simple legend
<legend> <p>Erosion of zinc phosphate cement seen in a patient with acid reflux</p> </legend>

Example 2: A legend with two paragraphs and some internal numbering in the second paragraph
<legend> <p>Comparison of MLL2 and MLL proteins.</p>

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<p>(<b>A</b>) Schematic alignment output from MACAW. ... .(<b>B</b>) Reverse alignment ...</p> </legend>

The figure or table number does not appear in the legend as it is held in the separate tag no, as shown under fig and table. 6.P.10.2 Illustration: <ill> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.10.2 ill Required Required 6.P.10 Floating objects: %objects; Appears only in %objects; which is available in elements where fig, ill, table, xobj, pullquote, sidenote, box are needed. (no?, thumbnail*, graphic+, legend*) id ID #REQUIRED hiding (%hiding;) "shown" psn (%psn;) "external"

Definition Tagging for an illustration is held in the tag ill. Illustrations will often be unnumbered as in the following Examples 1 and 2. An illustration may also have no caption and appear with no legend, as in Example 3. Illustrations may use a variety of different options, with a standard approach developing for the specific journal in which they appear. Example 1: An illustration aligned to the left of the text, appearing on the page, with a legend
<ill id="ill1" psn="floatleft"> <graphic format="gif" entname="illi1"> <legend> <p>Dr K. Arbuthnot 1924&ndash;2000</p> </legend> </ill>

Example 2: An illustration with a legend, using a thumbnail

<ill id="ill1" psn="floatleft"> <thumbnail format="gif" entname="illi1th"> <graphic format="gif" entname="illi1"> <legend> <p>BDTA President Stephen Lawry presenting DITI Honorary Fellowship to Brian Whitby</p> </legend> </ill>

Example 3: An illustration with no legend, appearing centred on the page

<ill id="ill1" psn="display"> <graphic format="gif" entname="illi1"> </ill>

6.P.10.3 Table CALS: <table> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element 6.P.10.3 table Required Required Objects 3.E.1.4 130

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Short Articles and Extra Materials (%tabl;) tabstyle NMTOKEN #IMPLIED tocentry %yesorno; "1" verified %yesorno; "0" shortentry %yesorno; #IMPLIED frame (top | bottom | topbot | all | sides | none) #IMPLIED colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED orient (port | land) #IMPLIED pgwide %yesorno; #IMPLIED %bodyatt; tabcols NUTOKEN #REQUIRED %secur; >

Definition For documentation on all CALS table elements see existing public documents such as: or Despite some small changes to achieve XML compatibility, the use of CALS elements in this DTD is the same as their use as described in the public documentation cited above. For CALS changes to achieve XML compatibility see Appendices 2, 3 and 4 in the Technical Notes on DTD Version 6.0 issued by Basingstoke Web Department (final version TN7 issued on 3 January 2003 by Tony Fowler). Following this issue some further minor changes for XML compatibility have been made by Heather Rankin, but these are not reflected in the SGML version of the DTD. Note that the value NUTOKEN in the content model in the SGML version of the DTD (shown here) has been changed to CDATA in the XML version for XML validity. The table element should be used for all tables those treated as images and those which are true CALS. The tbl model in V6 and very early versions of V7 have been removed. Tagging for a table is held within the tag table. The norm for tables is to provide both a graphic file and alternative CALS tagging in every case. Examples 1 to 5 below show how to embed CALS tagging in the document. Use the element tgroup to hold the CALS version of the table, and use CALS element tblimg instead of graphic to hold the image file. Notice that this differs from the method for fig and ill where graphic is still used to hold the main image. This method is shown in Examples 6 and 7 below. Note that a reference link within the table to a footnote also within the table is the only link element allowed in a table. No links in a table should refer to any element outside the table. Also no link from text outside the table to an element inside the table is permitted. If a citation reference, such as would normally be placed in textref, cannot be avoided in a table, replace it with a bare superscript, e.g. <sup>1</sup>, with no textref tag. For correct use of the attribute show in tblimg, see the explanatory table given in the note Summary of meaning of the attribute show following the examples. In this DTD tblimg is repeatable to allow for tables consisting of multiple images. It should not be repeated unless it is essential to present the complete table using more than one external file. This may occur if the table is spread over two pages in print, although even in this case the method of combining NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 131

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the two files into a single gif file for the Web is to be preferred. However, if two graphics cannot be avoided, the method to use is as in Example 2 below, A table needing more than one graphic. In the rare case where more than one graphic is required because the parts of the table are treated separately with parts a. b etc. appearing with separate captions, follow Example 3, A table appearing in multiple parts. For placement of tables in the body text see the rules stated under the headings Placement of tagging for numbered figures and tables in the file and Bar on nesting of figures and tables under 6.P.10, %objects. Example 4 shows how to place tables in Appendices. Example 5 illustrates the method in appendices if the table is referred to from appendix text. Examples 6 and 7 show a method to use in converting back data, to be used only when no tagged version of the table exists. Example 1: a typical table in version 7.0 Note that this example shows how to handle a table footnote if the footnote reference appears in the table title. The footnote reference footref appears in title.
<tblref rid="tbl1">Table 1</tblref> </body> <bm> <objects> <table id="tbl1" tablcols=2> <title>Diagnostic categories used in the GAC<footref rid="tbfnote1"> <sup>a</sup></footref></title> <!-- <no> only to be used when overriding default table numbering/labelling <no>Table 1A</no> <tgroup cols="2"> <colspec colnum="1" colname="1" align="left" colwidth="1*"> <colspec colnum="2" colname="2" align="left" colwidth="1*"> <tbody> <row><entry>Glaucoma</entry><entry>IOP 22 mmHg or over, field defect, cupped disc</entry></row> <row><entry>Glaucoma suspect</entry><entry>Any IOP, equivocal visual field defect or disc cupping especially if family history</entry></row> <row><entry>Normal tension</entry><entry>IOP 21 mmHg or less, visual field defect,</entry></row> <row><entry>glaucoma</entry><entry>cupped disc</entry></row> <row><entry>Ocular</entry><entry>IOP 22 mmHg or more, normal visual field</entry></row> <row><entry>hypertension</entry><entry>and normal disc</entry></row> <row><entry>Normal</entry><entry>IOP 21 mmHg or less, normal field and normal disc</entry></row> </tbody>

<tabfn id="tbfnote1"> <fnlink><sup>a</sup></fnlink> <fntext><p>These categories are based on a standard model developed by the Mtebsk Glaucoma Institute.</p> </fntext> </tabfn>
</tgroup> <tblimg format="gif" entname="tblt1" show="yes">

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</table> </objects> </bm>

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Associated entity declaration for the above example: As explained in Section 1.2, the entities named in entname in the tag tblimg must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. For this case, if the article ID is 3301035 the corresponding entity declaration will be: <ENTITY tblt1 SYSTEM "3301035t1.gif" NDATA gif> Note that in this example the value of show in tblimg is "yes". This means that the graphic is used for the table and the tagged version is ignored for online presentation. The tagging is preserved as it may be required for alternative table outputs (e.g. PDF) or for when HTML table handling is improved. Example 2: A table needing more than one graphic, requiring multiple occurrences of tblimg
<tblref rid="tbl1">Table 1</tblref> <table tabcols="2" frame="topbot"> ... [table tagging as in Example 1] </tgroup> <tblimg format="gif" entname="tblt1a" show="yes"> <tblimg format="gif" entname="tblt1b" show="yes"> </table>

Associated entity declaration for the above example: The entities named in entname must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. For this case, if the article ID is 3301035 the corresponding entity declaration will be: <ENTITY tblt1a SYSTEM "3301035t1a.gif" NDATA gif> <ENTITY tblt1b SYSTEM "3301035t1b.gif" NDATA gif> Example 3: A table appearing with multiple parts Note that for a table appearing as separate parts, for example labelled as Table 1A, Table 1B etc., the element table is repeated, and the tables are tagged as separate entities. The only points to watch are the effects that this has on naming of entname in thumbnail and tblimg, and the SYSTEM filenames in the ENTITY declaration.
.. as shown in <tblref rid="tbl3a">Table 3A</tblref> <table id="tbl3a" tabcols="2" frame="topbot"> <title>Diagnostic categories used in the GAC first procedure</title> <no>Table 3A</no> <tgroup> ... </tgroup> <tblimg format="gif" entname="tblt3a" show="yes"> </table> <table id="tbl3b" tabcols="2" frame="topbot"> <title>Diagnostic categories used in the GAC second procedure</title> <no>Table 3B</no> <tgroup> ... </tgroup> <tblimg format="gif" entname="tblt3b" show="yes">

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Associated entity declaration for the above example: The entities named in entname must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. For this case, if the article ID is 3301035 the corresponding entity declaration will be: <ENTITY tblt3a SYSTEM "3301035t3a.gif" NDATA gif> <ENTITY tblt3b SYSTEM "3301035t3b.gif" NDATA gif> Example 4: A table appearing as content of an appendix The naming convention for tables in appendices is similar to that used for tables or figures in the body text except that all three names have an additional letter "a" for appendix in the name and then number up from 1 for the appendix tables rather than running on from the sequence of tables used in the text. Within an appendix, the tblref element appears at the approximate place where the table is expected to appear in print.
<app id="app1"> <apptl>Appendix</apptl> <appb> <p><tblref ridd="tbla1"/></p> </appb> </app> <objects> <table id=tbla1 frame="topbot" colsep="0" rowsep="0" id="t4" tabcols="9"> <title>Questionnaire items</title> <no>Table A1</no> <tgroup cols="2" frame="topbot"> ... </tgroup> <tblimg format="gif" entname="tblta1a" show="yes"> <tblimg format="gif" entname="tblta1b" show="yes"> <tblimg format="gif" entname="tblta1c" show="yes"> </table> </objects>

Associated entity declaration for the above example: The entities named in entname must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. For this case, if the article ID is 3301035 the corresponding entity declaration will be:
<ENTITY tblta1a SYSTEM "1230045ta1a.gif> <ENTITY tblta1b SYSTEM "1230045ta1b.gif> <ENTITY tblta1c SYSTEM "1230045ta1c.gif>

Example 5: A table referred to from within appendix text If an appendix table is referred to within the appendix text, then tblref is used in the usual way, with a structure as in the following example. The table tagging for this example is the same as for Example 4.
<app id="app1"> <apptl>Appendix</apptl> <appb> <p>A questionnaire was tested on 108 subjects (See <tblref rid="tbla1">Table A1</tblref> with good results in that ... as expected.</p> </appb></app> [table tagging as in Ex 4 above]

Methods for tables without tagged versions, used only for conversion of back data NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 134

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Example 6 shows the method to use when converting back data, if no tagged version of the table exists. Example 6: A table with no alternative tagging
<tblref rid="tbl1">Table 1</tblref> <table id="tbl1" tablcols=1> <title>Diagnostic categories used in the GAC</title>

<tblimg format="gif" entname="tblt1"/>


Summary of meaning of the attribute show The following tables summarise the meaning for the HTML processor of the most common values of the attribute how (in tblimg). Attribute show in tblimg:

Meaning for HTML processor

The image in tblimg is used for the main table image. If more than one tblimg appears with show="yes", all are used creating a compound image. The tagged version is used for the main table image. The tagged version is used for the main table image. This happens only if there is no graphic image at all, which normally would not occur. The image or images in graphic are used for the main table image. This method is incorrect in version 6.0 (although technically valid), but may be found in legacy content where there is no tagged version of the table.

show="no" If there is no element tblimg and no element graphic If there is no element tblimg but there are one or more elements graphic

6.P.10.4 External object: <xobj> Element Number 6.P.10.4 Element Name xobj Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.10 Floating objects: %objects; Available in Entities Appears only in %objects; which is available in elements where fig, ill, table, xobj, pullquote, sidenote, box are needed. Content (no?, xfile+, legend+) Attributes id ID #REQUIRED type CDATA #IMPLIED Definition Tagging for an external object which is published as supplementary information is held in the tag xobj. Note that xobj is used specifically for links from the article to entities not published in print. It always contains at least one xfile element, which is used to declare the external file format and an entity name. The xfile element may be repeated if the external object consists of more than one file, all of which must be linked too. The optional attribute type is used to provide a category declaration for obj if this is needed as a processing instruction. No types for obj have yet been defined and this attribute is not used in a typical

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example. the attribute id is required, so an ID must be supplied even when, as in a typical case, no link to xobj is needed. Example: a typical external object
<p><xobj id="xob1"><no>Supplementary File 1</no><xfile format="pdf" entname="xobx1"><legend><p>References to epidemiological studies ... </p></legend></xobj></p> <p><xobj id="xob2"><no>Supplementary File 2</no><xfile format="pdf" entname="xobx2"><legend><p>Results on the relation between ...</p></legend></xobj></p>

Associated entity declaration for the above example: As explained in Section 1.2, the entity named in entname must be defined and linked to the required external file in the opening declaration of the document. For this case, if the article ID is 3301035 the corresponding entity declaration will be: <ENTITY xobx1 SYSTEM "3301035x1.pdf" NDATA pdf> <ENTITY xobx2 SYSTEM "3301035x2.pdf" NDATA pdf> Further explanation of this example can be seen under xmat, 5.E.2.3 6.P.10.4.1 External file: <xfile> Element Number 6.P.10.4.1 Element Name xfile Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty Element Parent Element 6.P.10.4 xobj: <xobj> Other Parents None Content None Attributes format (aiff | applet | asf | asp | au | avi | bmp | class | doc | eps | gif | html | java | jpeg | js | midi | mov | mp2 | mp3 | mpa | mpeg | ole | pdf | pict | png | ra | ram | sgml | svg | swf | tiff | wav | wmf | xls | xml) "gif" type CDATA #IMPLIED entname ENTITY #REQUIRED Definition The details of an external file published as supplementary information are held in the tag xfile. See the DTD NOTATION Declaration in Appendix D for a brief explanation of file types allowed as values for format.The attribute type is provided in case a need arises to declare a type needed as a processing instruction, but can be omitted unless a type has been defined. Note that entname must be an SGML/XML Name, and is not the name of the external file. It refers to an entity declared in the DOCTYPE declaration. The syntax in the following example must be followed carefully note that the entname has the same number as the corresponding xobj id, and that this is preceded by xobx, corresponding to an xobj id preceded by xob. If a single xobj, say xob2, has more than one attached entity the attached entities will be named xobx2a, xobx2b, etc. For a full example of use of xhead, see under xobj (6.P.10.4) and xmat (5.E.2.3) Example
<xfile format="mp3" entname="xobx2">

Example of corresponding entity declaration in DOCTYPE (at front of document)

(SGML) <!DOCTYPE article public "-//NPGSJ//DTD full length article DTD version 7.0 SGML//EN"[

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(XML) <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//NPGSJ//DTD full length article DTD version 7.0 XML//EN" "ajarticle_v7_x.dtd" [ ... <!ENTITY xobx2 SYSTEM "1200453x2.mp3" NDATA mp3> ...]

6.P.10.5 Pull quote: <pullquote> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.10.5 pullquote Required Required 6.P.10 Floating objects: %objects; Appears only in %objects; which is available in elements where fig, ill, tbl, xobj, pullquote, sidenote, box are needed. (%reftext;) id ID #REQUIRED hiding (%hiding;) "shown"

Definition A new element pullquote has been added to the DTD, as content of %objects to hold a pull quote, a feature that is sometimes found in the British Dental Journal. This element can appear anywhere in the article, either inside or outside paragraphs. The location of the element is guide to where the pull quote should appear in print or on the Web. The appearance of the pull quote is left to the processor. Paragraph tags are not allowed, so if line breaks are required, use newline as in Example 1. Notice that a pull quote is an illustrative quotation drawn from the article text, and not a part of the text of the article. On the page, the layout suggests this. For a quotation that is a part of the text do not use pullquote, but use quote, Section 6.P.13.2. The ID attribute must match the value of the RID attribute on the corresponding PULLQUOTEREF element. The value of the ID attribute should follow the pattern: PQ# where # is a sequential number corresponding to the number of pullquotes in the document. Example 1: A pull quote inserted at an appropriate point in the file
The poet Edmund Blunden described his wartime dental experiences <pullquoteref rid=pq1/> . . <bm> <objects> <pullquote id=pq1>&ldquo;Toothache?&rdquo; said father.<newline>&ldquo;What is that? Now .... you know what I&rsquo;ve been telling you. There is no such thing as toothache. You only think you&rsquo;ve got it.&rdquo;</pullquote> </objects> </bm>

Notice that the words in the pull quote are extracted from elsewhere in the article text,so are not essential to understanding the article. In HTML it becomes a processing decision whether pull quotes are to be used or ignored. The pullquote tag allows the attribute hiding with default hiding="shown", so if the pull quote is to appear in print and not in HTML, this can be stated by using an appropriate value for hiding as in Example 2: NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 137

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Example 2: A pull quote to be used in print but not in HTML

The poet Edmund Blunden described his wartime dental experiences <pullquoteref rid=pq2/> . . . <bm> <objects> <pullquote id=pq2 hiding="prntonly">&ldquo;Toothache? ... </pullquote> </objects> </bm>

Note that hiding="prntonly" means to appear in print only.

6.P.10.6 Side note: <sidenote> Element Number 6.P.10.6 Element Name sidenote Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.10 Floating objects: %objects; Available in Entities Appears only in %objects; which is available in elements where fig, ill, tbl, xobj, pullquote, sidenote, box are needed. Content (%reftext;) Attributes hiding (%hiding;) "shown" id ID #REQUIRED Definition A new element sidenote has been added to the DTD, to hold side notes (marginal notes). These are sometimes found in the British Dental Journal. This element can appear anywhere in the article, either inside or outside paragraphs. The location of the empty element sidenoteref marks where the side note should appear in print or on the Web. The RID of the sidenoteref must match the ID of the target sidenote. The appearance of the side note is left to the processor. Paragraph tags are not allowed, so if line breaks are required, use newline as in the examples below. If the side note is to appear in print but not in HTML that can be indicated using the attribute hiding, with value hiding="prntonly", as in Example 2. Example 1: A sidenoteref/sidenote inserted at an appropriate point in the file
<p>The side note should appear here <sidenoteref rid=sn1/></p> </body> <bm> <objects> <sidenote id=sn1>TECHNIQUE<newline/>Force must be adequate to ensure complete seating, but sudden excessive force may result in elastic rebound.</sidenote> </objects> </bm>

Note the use of newline for line breaks as p tags are not allowed in sidenote. Example 2: A side note to be used in print but not in HTML
<p>The crown should be seated quickly ...<sidenoteref rid=sn1/></p>

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</body> <bm> <objects> <sidenote hiding="prntonly">TECHNIQUE<newline>Force must be adequate to ensure complete seating, but sudden excessive force may result in elastic rebound.</sidenote> </objects> </bm>

Note that hiding="prntonly" means to appear in print only. 6.P.10.7 Box: <box> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities 6.P.10.7 box Required Required 6.P.10 Floating objects: %objects; Appears only in %objects; which is available in elements where fig, ill, table, xobj, pullquote, sidenote, box are needed. (boxttl?, p+) id ID #REQUIRED

Content Attributes Definition The element box is for boxed content in the article. This information is typically separate from the main body content and appears enclosed in a box. It differs from a table in that it contains no distinct rows or columns. The ID on the box element corresponds with the RID attribute on the boxref element which contains the textual link to the box. The boxttl element is used to hold the optional title of the box. Example 1: A box and corresponding reference <body> <p>For more information see <boxref rid=box1>Box 1</boxref></p> </body> <bm> <objects> <box id=box1> <boxttl>This is the box title</boxttl> <p>This is the first para in the box</p> <p>This is the second para of the box</p> </box> </objects> </bm> 6.P.10.7.1 Box Title: <boxttl> Element Number 6.P.10.7.1 Element Name boxttl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent element 6.P.5 Box <box> Content (%text;) Attributes none Definition NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 139

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The boxttl element is used to hold the optional title of the box. For an example see above. 6.P.10.8 Link Group: <linkgrp> Element Number 6.P.10.8 Element Name linkgrp Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 3.E.1 Back Matter: <bm> Content (linkset) Attributes none Definition The element linkgrp is for a group of links found in the Web Links section of an article. The linkset element groups related extlink elements together. Example 1: A named link set <bm> <linkgrp> <linkset name=Related Links> <extlink link= section=8&language=0&genericpage=1879>European Young Investigator Awards</extlink> <extlink link= >EuropaBio</extlink></linkset> </linkgrp> 6.P.10.8.1 Link Set: <linkset> Element Number 6.P.10.8.1 Element Name linkset Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent element 6.P.10.8 link group: <linkgrp> Content (extlink+ | linksubset+) Attributes name CDATA #IMPLIED Definition The element linkset is used to group together related web links (extlinks). The name attribute holds the name of the link set (e.g. Related Links). For an example, see above. 6.P.10.8.1 .1 Link Sub Set: <linksubset> Element Number 6.P. Element Name linksubset Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent element 6.P. linkset: <linkset> Content (extlink+) Attributes name CDATA #IMPLIED Definition The element linksubset is used to group together a subset of related linkset. The name attribute holds the name of the link sub set. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 140

Section 5 Example 1: A named link set and named link sub set <bm> <linkgrp>

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<linkset name=Related Links> <extlink link= section=8&language=0&genericpage=1879>European Young Investigator Awards</extlink> <extlink link= >EuropaBio</extlink> <linksubset name=NPG links> <extlink link=>Bioentrepreneur</extlink> <extlink link= >British Journal of Pharmacology</extlink> </linksubset> </linkset> </linkgrp> 6.P.11 Alignment: %align; Entity Number Entity Name Content Available in: 6.P.11 %align; (left | center | right | justify | char | hang) Defines attribute align in AAP maths tagging in frac (6.P.8.3) and lyr (6.P.8.4.1), and also in CALS table tagging in tgroup, colspec, spanspec and entrytbl.

Definition The content of %align; is a list of values for the attribute align, which currently is found in two elements in %mathtypes;, frac, and lyr. both now deprecated, and also in CALS table tagging. Values 'justify' and 'char' are added to %align for compatibility with CALS fragment DTD. 6.P.12 Posts: %posts; Entity Number Entity Name Content Available in: 6.P.12 %posts; (paren | angle | verbar | sol | sqbrk | cub) Defines attribute post in fen (6.P.8.9) and its subelements cp and rp

Definition The content of %posts; is a list of values for the attribute post, which currently is found only in fen (6.P.8.9), and its subelements cp and rp. fen is now deprecated so %posts; will not be needed. 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; Entity Number 6.P.13 Entity Name %text; Content (#PCDATA | %emphasis; | %electronic; | %fontfamily; | %fontattr; | %zwidth; | %relsize; | %exclusions; | newline | quote | auq | geneseq | proteinseq | accession)* NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 141

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Available in Entities Available in general text %reftext; and elsewhere in its own right. and also appears in its own right in elements where base text without references is required. Definition %text; is used to provide general text where text without references is required, and as a component of %reftext; for text containing references. The seven entities included, %emphasis;, %electronic;, %fontfamily;, %fontattr;, %zwidth;, %relsize; and %exclusions;, have been defined above as entities number 6.P.1 to 6.P.7. The three elements newline, quote, and auq are defined below as elements number 6.P.13.1, 6.P.13.2 and 6.P.13.3. 6.P.13.1 Newline: <newline> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.13.1 newline Required o Empty Element 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; Appears only in %text; None None

Definition newline appears within a text string to indicate a line break. The text following newline begins on a new line. Note that in interpreting SGML/XML, any actual line breaks that may be present in the SGML/XML file are ignored. If a line break is essential within a paragraph, or essential within an element that does not allow p, the typesetter should use newline. Example
24 Cedar Drive<newline>Toot Baldon <newline>Oxfordshire

- result: 24 Cedar Drive Toot Baldon Oxfordshire 6.P.13.2 Quotation: <quote> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.13.2 quote Required Required 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; Appears only in %text; %reftext; type (indent | ruled) "indent"

Definition Quotations are held in the tag quote . Attribute type offers two display options, with default indent. Use for quotations that are integral to the article. Use pullquote, 6.P.10.5, for quotations lifted from the text and intended to be used as floating headings (pull quotes). Example
<quote type="indent">

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How small, of all that human hearts endure, <newline>That part which laws and kings can cause or cure!</p> <newline> <newline><it>Lines added by Samuel Johnson to Goldsmith&rsquo;s &lsquo;Traveller&rsquo;</it> </quote>

- result: How small, of all that human hearts endure, That part which laws and kings can cause or cure! Lines added by Samuel Johnson to Goldsmiths Traveller 6.P.13.3 Author query: <auq> Element Number 6.P.13.3 Element Name auq Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; Available in Entities Appears only in %text; Content (%reftext; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes id ID #REQUIRED status (fixed | unfixed | defer | abandon) "unfixed" Definition A new element auq has been provided for tracking author queries. The tag auq can occur anywhere in %text, the base text element. It can therefore be placed at the point in the file that the query relates to, in any element that allows %text; or %reftext; as content. It is intended for tracking of queries referred back to the author, and will not appear in print or online. It takes an attribute id, which is #REQUIRED, and an attribute status that has values unfixed, fixed, defer or abandon with default unfixed. The following example shows a typical author query with no status attribute given. Omission of the status attribute implies that the status is unfixed,and some action or decision on the query is still required. After resolving a query, it can either be deleted from the file, or its status must be changed, e.g. to status="fixed", or status="abandon". Example: an author query, not yet fixed, with status not used.
<citsname>Fleming<auq id="aq1">Fleming, 1997, not cited in text, please check</auq></citsname>

6.P.13.4 Gene Sequence: <geneseq> Element Number 6.P.13.4 Element Name geneseq Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; Available in Entities Appears only in %text; Content (#PCDATA | newline | %emphasis; | %zwidth;)* Attributes None NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 143

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Definition A new element geneseq has been introduced in ver 7.0 to capture gene sequences in an article. A newline should be inserted after every 40 characters in the sequence. %emphasis; is available for any italic, bold or underline required. Example <geneseq>AAAACCTGACCCCTTAGGGGGGTTACGAATGGCCATGCTA<newline>AAGGTTC</gen eseq> 6.P.13.5 Protein Sequence: <proteinseq> Element Number 6.P.13.5 Element Name proteinseq Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; Available in Entities Appears only in %text; Content (#PCDATA | newline | %emphasis; | %zwidth;)* Attributes None Definition A new element proteinseq has been introduced in ver 7.0 to capture protein sequences in an article. A newline should be inserted after every 40 characters in the sequence. %emphasis; is available for any italic, bold or underline required. Example <proteinseq>ala-gly-leu-leu-tau-tyr-ala-ala-thy-cys-<newline>val-arg-asp-tyr</proteinseq> 6.P.13.6 Accession code: <accession> Element Number 6.P.13.6 Element Name accession Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.13 Base text elements: %text; Available in Entities Appears only in %text; Content (#PCDATA) Attributes type (genbank | pdb | bind | geo) genbank Definition A new element accession has been introduced in ver 7.0 to capture accession codes in an article (e.g. genbank, bind etc. links). The TYPE attribute is required and specifies the type of accession code being tagged: genbank, pdb, bind or geo. If non are specified, genbank is assumed. Example <accession type=pdb>I am a pdb accession code</accession> 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Entity Number 6.P.14 Entity Name %refs; Content (extlink |dateref | tlnref | figref | equref | tblref | textref | footref| appref | NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 144

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xheadref | xobref | illref | pullquoteref | sidenoteref | extcite)* Available in Entities Available only in general text %reftext;. Definition %refs; includes all the general link elements required in the document, and one type of note. External references are tagged using extlink. Internal references are tagged using one of the ten reference types terminating in "...ref". Footnotes (text notes) are tagged using footnote. Notice that textref is a reference in the text to a citation appearing at the end of the article (citref), while footref is a reference to a footnote (footnote). The following table shows the target elements for each kind of reference: Reference element extlink dateref tlnref figref equref tblref textref footref appref xheadref xobref illref pullquoteref sidenoteref extcite Target An object external to the document An element holding a date tlnote (1.E. Article title note) fig (6.P.10.1 Figure) formula (6.P.8.1 Formula) table (6.P.10.3 Table) citref (4.E. Cited reference) footnote (3.E.1.1 Footnote) app (6.P.10.1 Figure) xhead (5.E.2.3.1 Extra materials heading) xobj (6.P.10.4 External object) ill (6.P.10.2 Illustration) pullquote (6.P.10.5 Pull quote) sidenote (6.P.10.6 Sidenote) external citation (6.P.14.7b)

6.P.14.1 External link: <extlink> Element Number 6.P.14.1 Element Name extlink Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Available in Entities Appears in %refs;, and also in citref in its own right. Content %text; Attributes link CDATA #IMPLIED type (url | doi | email) "doi" Definition The external link is held in the tag extlink. The attribute link determines the link and is of type CDATA, which allows long strings not limited to SGML Names. The attribute type determines the type of link and is limited to values of either url or doi or email (default is doi). Example 1: using extlink for a Web address within a text-bearing element
URL: <extlink link="" type="URL"></extlink>

Example 2: using extlink for an e-mail address within a text-bearing element

E-mail: <extlink link="" type="email"></extlink>

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Section 5 6.P.14.2 Date reference: <dateref> Element Number 6.P.14.2 Element Name dateref Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Available in Entities Appears only in %refs;. Content %text; Attributes rid IDREF #REQUIRED Definition

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dateref carries a reference to an element holding a date as attributes, such as a date in pubdates

(1.E.1.2.12) or in prdates (1.E.1.2.13). 6.P.14.3 Title note reference: <tlnref> Element Number 6.P.14.4 Element Name tlnref Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Available in Entities Appears only in %refs;. Content %text; Attributes rid IDREF #REQUIRED Definition A new element tlnref to hold a title note reference is provided in version 6.0. This is used instead of tlref, which was an empty element. tlref is now deprecated. tlnref has been added to %refs instead of to atl, which was the location for tlref. Examples of the correct use of tlnref can be seen in aopdates (1.E. and atlgrp (1.E.1.3.8). 6.P.14.4 Figure reference: <figref> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.14.4 figref Required Required 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Appears only in %refs;. %text; rid IDREFS #REQUIRED

Definition Figure references in text are held within the tag figref. This element also doubles as a placeholder or marker for where the Figure should appear on the page. The value of the RID attribute must resolve to the value of the ID attribute on the target <figure> within <objects> in <bm>. Note that in the standard approach the option of including multiple IDREFS, such as rid="1 2 3" is not used. If the original source declares a range of figures, such as "See Figures 1-3", amend this to "see Figures 1, 2 and 3", and tag as in the second example below. Note that where the reference is to a part of a figure, the text content of figref may refer to the part, while the link identified is to the figure as a whole, as in the third example. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 146

Section 5 Example 1: single reference

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See <figref rid="fig1">Figure 1</figref>. The method ...

<bm> <objects> <fig id=figf1> . . . </fig> </objects> </bm> - result seen in HTML: See Figure 1. The method ...

Example2: multiple references

See <figref rid="fig7">Figures 7</figref> and <figref rid="fig8">8</figref>. The method ...

<bm> <objects> <fig id=figf7> . . . </fig> <fig id=figf8> . . . </fig> </objects> </bm> - result seen in HTML: See Figures 7, and 8. The method ...

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Example 3: single reference to a part within a figure

See <figref rid="fig7">Figure 7a</figref>. The method ...

<bm> <objects> <fig id=figf7> . NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 148

Section 5 . . </fig> </objects> </bm> - result seen in HTML: See Figure 7a. The method ...

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Placement of figures Placement of figures is determined by the rendering application. Usually, the target figure object is inserted after the paragraph containing the <figref>. 6.P.14.5 Equation reference: <equref> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.14.5 equref Required Required 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Appears only in %refs;. %text; rid IDREFS #REQUIRED

Definition Equation references in text are held within the tag <equref>. Note that in the standard approach the option of including multiple IDREFS, such as rid="1 2 3" is not used. If the original source declares a range of equations, such as "See Equations 1-3", amend this to "see Equations 1, 2 and 3", and tag as in the second example below. Example, single reference NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 149

Section 5 - result seen in HTML: See Equation 1. The method ... Example, multiple references

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See <equref rid="equ1">Equation 1</equref>. The method ...

See <equref rid="equ1">Equations 1</equref>, <equref rid="equ2">2</equref> and <equref rid="equ3">3</equref>. The method ...

- result seen in HTML: See Equations 1, 2 and 3. The method ... 6.P.14.6 Table reference: <tblref> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.14.6 tblref Required Required 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Appears only in %refs;. %text; rid IDREFS #REQUIRED

Definition Table references in text are held within the tag tblref. This element also doubles as a placeholder or marker for where the Table should appear on the page. The value of the RID attribute must resolve to the value of the ID attribute on the target <table> held within <objects> in <bm>. Note that in the standard approach the option of including multiple IDREFS, such as rid="1 2 3" is not used. If the original source declares a range, such as "See Tables 1-3", amend this to "see Tables 1, 2 and 3", and tag as in the second example below. Note that where the reference is to a part of a table, the text content of tblref may refer to the part, while the link identified is to the table as a whole, as in the third example. Example 1: single reference
See <tblref rid="tbl1">Table 1</tblref>. The method ...

<bm> <objects> <table id=tblt1> . . . </table> </objects> </bm> - result seen in HTML: See Table 1. The method ... Example 2: multiple references
See <tblref rid="tbl1">Tables 1</tblref>, <tblref rid="tbl2">2</tblref> and <tblref rid="tbl3">3</tblref>. The method ...

<bm> <objects> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 150

Section 5 <table id=tblt1> . . . </table> <table id=tblt2> . . . </table> <table id=tblt3> . . . </table> </objects> </bm> - result seen in HTML: See Tables 1, 2 and 3. The method ... Example 3: single reference to a part within a table

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See <tblref rid="tbl1">Table 1A</tblref>. The method ...

<bm> <objects> <table id=tblt1> . . . </table> </objects> </bm> - result seen in HTML: See Table 1A. The method ... 6.P.14.7 Text reference to citation: <textref> Element Number 6.P.14.7 Element Name textref Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Available in Entities Appears only in %refs;. Content (%text;) Attributes rid IDREFS #REQUIRED Definition Text references to citations are held within the tag textref. Note that in the case of references to citations the option of including multiple IDREFS, such as rid="1 2 3" is not used. In print the style of referencing may use superscripts indicating a continuous range, such as "1-6". In HTML this appears as NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 151

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six links, "1,2,3,4,5,6", and this must be shown in the SGML/XML, as in the second example below. External <sup> tags are provided for numerical textrefs in every case, as these ensure that the separating commas as well as the links are superscripted on conversion. The third example shows reference tagging for an alphabetically ordered citation list. Note that the citation (citref) id must be unique in the entire document, and the rid attribute of textref must be the same as the corresponding citref id. This has the result, if a number of short articles are combined into one SGML/XML file, that the citref id must not be duplicated between short articles. Current practice is to number citref ids sequentially through the document. For example if the first short article has three citrefs with ids "bib1", "bib2" and "bib3", the next short article to have a citref must begin with id "bib4". Explicit numbering using the version 6.0 DTD does not need to follow suit, so the short article that begins with id="bib4" could have an explicit reference character of "1", held in the citno element as <citref id="bib4"><citno>1</citno>. The numbering in textref tag will reflect this, and so must be <textref rid="bib4">1</textref>, because this is the first numbered reference in the specific short article, even though it is the fourth citation in the complete document. See under citno (4.E. for an example of this. Example 1: single numbered text reference
...behaviour in satiated rats,<sup><textref rid="bib6">6</textref></sup>

- result in HTML: ...behaviour in satiated rats,6 considerable data... Example 2: continuous and discontinous text reference ranges for a numbered citation list Note: the following example may appear in print as: ...but not for men.1, 6-10... But this is NOT our standard in HTML. For our electronic product we need a discontinous series of links as shown below. Note the use of <sup> tags to enclose the entire list, and the separating commas which are outside of the textref tags.
...well established for women, but not for men.<sup><textref rid="bib1">1</textref>,<textref rid="bib6">6</textref>,<textref rid="bib7">7</textref>,<textref rid="bib8">8</textref>,<textref rid="bib9">9</textref>,<textref rid="bib10">10</textref></sup>...

- result in HTML: ...well established for women, but not for men.1,6,7,8,9,10 Example 3: text references to an alphabetical citation list
(<textref rid=bib"13">Brown, 1969</textref>; <textref rid="bib14">Brown and Smith, 1970a</textref>, <textref rid="bib15">1970b</textref>, <textref rid="bib16">1971</textref>; <textref rid="bib18">Brown et al, 1968</textref>, <textref rid="bib20">1971</textref>, <textref rid="bib21">1978</textref>; <textref rid="bib23">Campbell and Brown, 1970</textref>)

- result (appearance of text in HTML): (Brown, 1969; Brown and Smith, 1970a, 1970b, 1971; Brown et al, 1968, 1971, 1978; Campbell and Brown, 1970) 6.P.14.7b External citation: <extcite> Element Number 6.P.14.7b Element Name extcite Start Tag Required NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 152

Section 5 End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes Required 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Appears only in %refs;. (%citinfo;) + id ID #REQUIRED

Short Articles and Extra Materials

Definition External citations are held in the tag extcite. External citations are full textual citations which appear in the body of the article and are independent from the citations listed in the traditional reference section (citref). They are also used in errata/correction articles to reference the original corresponding article. During HTML build the Cite Processor detects the external citation markup, performs a query on a reference database and returns the results necessary to build the citation link. Each extcite requires an id that must be unique in the entire document. Current practice is to number extcite ids sequentially through the document prefixed with the letter c. For example, "c1", "c2" and "c3". The contents of extcite is %citinfo; which is nearly identical to that of citref with (citno is omitted in extcite). Example 1: External citation
<p>The <i>Science</i> article (<extcite id="c3"><citaug><citsname>Enserink</citsname><citfnames>M</citfnames></ citaug ><citaug><citsname>Malakoff</citsname><citfnames>D</citfnames></ citaug ><cityr>2003</cityr><citvol>302</citvol> <citspn>2054</citspn><citepn>2063</citepn></extcite>) gave the impression </p>

Example 2: External citation in an errata/correction article

<body> <p> <extcite id="c1"> <citart>Erratum: Response to Stem cell differentiation</citart><civol>22</citvol><citspn>805</citspn><citepn>806</ci tepn><cityr>2004</cityr></extcite> </p> . .

6.P.14.8 Footnote reference: <footref> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.14.8 footref Required Required 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Appears only in %refs;. (%text;) rid IDREFS #REQUIRED

Definition Footnote references in text are held within the tag footref. Footnotes should not be used in abstracts. Where footnotes appear in the text, use asterisks or daggers rather than numbered superscripts. The linking symbol (such as &ast;) appears as both the content of footref and as the content of the NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 153

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corresponding ftlink. The footnote referred to appears in a footnote tag, and is placed in <objects> within <bm>. See footnote, 3.E.1.1 for a full example. See following section footnote 3.E.1.1 for a full example of footref and footnote

6.P.14.10 Appendix reference: <appref> Element Number 6.P.14.10 Element Name appref Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Available in Entities Appears only in %refs;. Content (%text;) Attributes rid IDREFS #REQUIRED Definition In version 6.0 a new reference tag appref has been added to %refs to hold a link from the body text to an appendix, as shown in the following example. Example: link from body text to an appendix using appref
... but some deny this (see <appref rid="app1">Appendix 1</appref>).

This link refers to an appendix with id="app1", such as:

<app id="app1"><apptl>Appendix 1: Contrary opinions</apptl>...

6.P.14.11 Extra materials heading reference: <xheadref> Element Number 6.P.14.11 Element Name xheadref Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Available in Entities Appears only in %refs;. Content (%text;) Attributes rid IDREFS #REQUIRED Definition In version 6.0 a new reference tag xheadref has been added to %refs to hold a link from the body text to the extra materials heading xhead, as shown in the following example. Example: link from body text to an extra materials heading using xheadref This link refers to an extra materials heading with id="sup1", such as:
<xhead id="sup1">Supplementary Information</xhead> ...for current smokers (see <xheadref rid="sup1">Supplementary Information</xheadref>)...

Full information on how to use this example is provided under xmat (5.E.2.3). 6.P.14.12 External object reference: <xobref> Element Number 6.P.14.12 Element Name xobref Start Tag Required NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 154

Section 5 End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes Required 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Appears only in %refs;. (%text;) rid IDREFS #REQUIRED

Short Articles and Extra Materials

Definition The reference tag xobref holds a link from the body text to the extra materials heading xobj. The current method for handling supplementary information, shown in full under xmat (5.E.2.3), uses links to xhead using xheadref, and does not need xobref. 6.P.14.13 Illustration reference: <illref> Element Number 6.P.14.13 Element Name illref Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty element Host Entity 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Available in Entities Appears only in %refs;. Content empty Attributes rid IDREFS #REQUIRED Definition A new empty reference tag illref has been introduced in ver 7.0. It should be used to capture the position of the illustration object within the article. The illustration itself is captured in the backmatter, including its postion in the page. 6.P.14.14 Pullquote reference: <pullquoteref> Element Number 6.P.14.14 Element Name pullquoteref Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty element Host Entity 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Available in Entities Appears only in %refs;. Content empty Attributes rid IDREFS #REQUIRED Definition A new empty reference tag pullquoteref has been introduced in ver 7.0. It should be used to capture the position of the pullquote object within an article. The pullquote itself is captured in the backmatter section. 6.P.14.15 Sidenote reference: <sidenoteref> Element Number 6.P.14.15 Element Name sidenoteref Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty element Host Entity 6.P.14 Reference elements: %refs; Available in Entities Appears only in %refs;. Content empty NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 155

Section 5 Attributes Definition rid IDREFS #REQUIRED

Short Articles and Extra Materials

A new empty reference tag sidenoteref has been introduced in ver 7.0. It should be used to capture the position of the sidenote object within an article. The sidenote itself is captured in the backmatter section. 6.P.15 General text: %reftext; Entity Number 6.P.15 Entity Name %reftext; Content (%text; | %refs;)* Available in Entities Does not appear in other entities. Appears in p, and other elements where it is needed. Definition %reftext; provides a comprehensive range of general text elements required for body text and general use where full text tagging capabilities are needed. 6.P.16 Author text: %authors; Entity Number 6.P.16 Entity Name %authors; Content (misctxt | prefix | fnames | sname | suffix | degs)* Available in Entities Does not appear in other entities. Appears only in element au (element number 1.E. Definition %authors; contains the elements misctxt, prefix, fnames, sname, suffix or degs, which are are exclusive to %authors; which is itself found exclusively in au. Although the order of appearance of these elements within au is not fixed, the order stated here is recommended. Full examples of author tagging using these elements are given in the documentation for element 1.E.1.3.10, aug and 1.E., au. 6.P.16.1a Miscelaneous author text: <misctxt> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes Definition Miscelaneous author text is held in the tag misctxt. Example <misctxt>Reviewed by</misctxt> 6.P.16.1a misctxt Required Required 6.P.16 Authors: %authors; Appears only in %authors;. %text; None

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Section 5 6.P.16.1 Author prefix: <prefix> Element Number 6.P.16.1 Element Name prefix Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.16 Authors: %authors; Available in Entities Appears only in %authors;. Content %text; Attributes None

Short Articles and Extra Materials

Definition An author prefix, if stated, is held in the tag prefix. The NPGAJ House Style Manual says of authors names no titles, qualifications or degrees should be included, so this element should only rarely occur. If it is necessary to include these, no stops should appear following titles such as Dr or Mr, and no leading or trailing spaces or other punctuation should be included. Note that while titles, qualifications and degrees are more likely to appear in a correspondence address, the corresponding author tag, cau (element 1.E. ) does not include %authors;. Example <prefix>Dr</prefix> 6.P.16.2 Forenames: <fnames> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.16.2 fnames Required Required 6.P.16 Authors: %authors; Appears only in %authors;. %text; None

Definition The author's forenames are held in the tag fnames. The NPGAJ House Style Manual recommends initials only for first names, and initials closed up, e.g "WG Grace". But for ease in data handling, in fnames all names and initials are separated by character spaces, as in the examples given below. No stops or leading or trailing spaces or punctuation should be given. Hyphens, apostrophes or other marks may be included if they are part of the name. Character entities such as &Eacute; are to be used where appropriate for both upper and lower case. Examples
<fnames>David G</fnames> <fnames>G &Oslash; X</fnames> <fnames>J-C</fnames> <fnames>&Eacute; H K</fnames> <fnames>&Aacute;gnes V&eacutegh</fnames>

6.P.16.3 Surname: <sname> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 157

Section 5 Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.16.3 sname Required Required 6.P.16 Authors: %authors; Appears only in %authors;. %text; None

Short Articles and Extra Materials

Definition The author's surname is held in the tag sname. No stops or leading or trailing spaces or punctuation should be given. Hyphens, apostrophes or other marks may be included if they are part of the name. a character space may appear within a surname if it part of the name, e.g. "van Hefflen". Character entities such as &Eacute; are to be used where appropriate for both upper and lower case. Use &apos; (a straight single quote) for the apostrophe in names such as O'Shaughnessy. Examples
<sname>O&apos;Shaughnessy</sname> <sname>van der R&uuml;egg</sname> <sname>Pitt-Rivers</sname> <sname>Jones</sname>

6.P.16.4 Author suffix: <suffix> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.16.4 suffix Required Required 6.P.16 Authors: %authors; Appears only in %authors;. %text; None

Definition The author suffix is held within the tag suffix which allows %text;. Use for a suffix that is required as part of the name and is not a degree, such as "II" or "Snr". No stops, leading or trailing spaces or other puctuation. The house style recommends that titles are not given. Examples <suffix>Jr</suffix> <suffix>III</suffix> 6.P.16.5 Author degrees: <degs> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity 6.P.16.5 degs Required Required 6.P.16 Authors: %authors; 158

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Section 5 Available in Entities Appears only in %authors;. Content %text; Attributes None

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Definition The author's degrees, if stated, are held in the tag degs. The house style recommends that degrees are not given, so this should be rarely used. No stops, leading or trailing spaces or other puctuation. Example <degs>BSc</degs>

General note on entities used in CALS table tagging (numbered 6.P.17 to 6.P.19 below, with their contents)
As noted under element 6.P., Table CALS: <table>, documentation of entities used in CALS type table tagging is not given in this document, as it is available in public sources such as: or to which the reader is referred. Changes made to the CALS tagging for various reasons discussed elsewhere in this documentation do not affect the structure or the use of these elements, for which the public documentation remains a reliable guide. See also notes under table, Section 6.P., for some special factors affecting CALS table tagging in the version 6.0 DTD. 6.P.17 Short title entity CALS: %shortitle; Entity Number Entity Name Content Available in Entities 6.P.17 %shortitle; "shorttl" %titles;

For comment on CALS elements referred to in Section 6.P.17 to 6.P.19 see Section 6.P.10.3 Table: <tbl> and 6.P. Table CALS: <table>. 6.P.17.1 Short title CALS: <shorttl> Entity Number 6.P.17.1 Entity Name shorttl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.17 Short title entity CALS: %shorttl; Available in Entities Appears only in %shorttl;. Content (%reftext; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes %secur; 6.P.18 Titles entity CALS: %titles; Entity Number 6.P.18 Entity Name %titles; Content "title | %shortitle;" Available in Entities %tabl; NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 159

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6.P.18.1 Title CALS: <title> Entity Number Entity Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.18.1 title Required Required 6.P.18 Titles entity CALS: %titles; Appears only in %titles;. (%reftext; | %mathtypes;)* %secur;

Note that in DTD version 6.0 the table title appears both in title and in tblttl. See Section 6.P.10.3, Table: <table> for examples. If a footnote reference appears in a table title it is shown in title. 6.P.19 Table entity CALS: %tabl; Entity Number Entity Name Content Available in Entities 6.P.19 %tabl; "((%titles;)?, no?, (tgroup | tblimg)+)" table

6.P.19.1 Table group CALS: <tgroup> Entity Number Entity Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Available in Entities Content Attributes 6.P.19.1 tgroup Required Required 6.P.19 Table entity CALS: %tabl; Appears only in %tabl;. (colspec*, spanspec*, thead?, tfoot?, tbody, tabfn*) cols NUTOKEN #REQUIRED tgroupstyle NMTOKEN #IMPLIED colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED align (%align;) "left" charoff NUTOKEN "50" char CDATA "" show (yes | no) "yes" %secur;

6.P.19.1.1 Column spec CALS: <colspec> Entity Number 6.P.19.1.1 Entity Name colspec Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty Element Parent element 6.P.19.1 Table group CALS: <tgroup> Content None Attributes colnum NUTOKEN #IMPLIED NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 160

Section 5 colname NMTOKEN #IMPLIED align (%align;) #IMPLIED charoff NUTOKEN #IMPLIED char CDATA #IMPLIED colwidth CDATA #IMPLIED colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED

Short Articles and Extra Materials

6.P.19.1.2 Span spec CALS: <spanspec> Entity Number 6.P.19.1.2 Entity Name spanspec Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty Element Parent element 6.P.19.1 Table group CALS: <tgroup> Content None Attributes namest NMTOKEN #REQUIRED nameend NMTOKEN #REQUIRED spanname NMTOKEN #IMPLIED align (%align;) "center" charoff NUTOKEN #IMPLIED char CDATA #IMPLIED colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED 6.P.19.1.3 Table head CALS: <thead> Entity Number 6.P.19.1.3 Entity Name thead Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent element 6.P.19.1 Table group CALS: <tgroup> Content (colspec*, row+) Attributes valign (top | middle | bottom) "bottom" %secur; 6.P.19.1.4 Table foot CALS: <tfoot> Entity Number 6.P.19.1.4 Entity Name tfoot Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent element 6.P.19.1 Table group CALS: <tgroup> Content (colspec*, row+) Attributes valign (top | middle | bottom) "top" %secur;

6.P.19.1.5 Table body CALS: <tbody> Entity Number 6.P.19.1.5 161

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Section 5 Entity Name Start Tag End Tag Parent element Content Attributes

Short Articles and Extra Materials tbody Required Required 6.P.19.1 Table group CALS: <tgroup> (row+) valign (top | middle | bottom) "top" %secur;

6.P. Row CALS: <row> Entity Number 6.P. Entity Name row Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent element 6.P.19.1.5 Table body CALS: <tbody> Content ((entry | entrytbl)+) Attributes rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED %secur; 6.P. Entry CALS: <entry> Entity Number 6.P. Entity Name entry Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent element 6.P. Row CALS: <row> Content (%reftext; | %mathtypes;)* Attributes %entryatt; %secur; 6.P. Entry table CALS: <entrytbl> Entity Number 6.P. Entity Name entrytbl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent element 6.P. Row CALS: <row> Content (colspec*, spanspec*, thead?, tbody)+ Attributes cols NUTOKEN #REQUIRED tgroupstyle NMTOKEN #IMPLIED colname NMTOKEN #IMPLIED spanname NMTOKEN #IMPLIED colsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED rowsep %yesorno; #IMPLIED align (%align;) #IMPLIED charoff NUTOKEN #IMPLIED char CDATA #IMPLIED %secur;

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6.P.19.1.6 Table footnote CALS: <tabfn> Entity Number 6.P.19.1.6 Entity Name tabfn Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent element 6.P.19.1 Table group CALS: <tgroup> Content (fnlink, fntext) Attributes id ID #REQUIRED The standard CALS name for this element is fn, but it is changed to tabfn in this DTD to avoid a name conflict with the main footnote element in the DTD. 6.P.19.2 Table image: <tblimg> Entity Number 6.P.19.2 Entity Name tblimg Start Tag Required End Tag o Empty Element Host Entity 6.P.19 Table entity CALS: %tabl; Available in Entities Appears only in %tabl;. Content None Attributes format (sgml | bmp | gif | tiff pict | doc | pdf | jpeg | ole ) "gif" dpi NMTOKEN #IMPLIED entname ENTITY #REQUIRED show (yes | no) "yes"

| eps | wmf

In standard CALS tagging tblimg can appear only once, but in this version of the DTD it has been made repeatable to allow for tables requiring multiple graphics. Note on CALS parameter entities used to define attribute values, omitted from this documentation
Five paramater entities present in the DTD, and used to hold attribute values used in CALS tagging, are omitted from this documentation. These are %yesorno;, %content;, %itemid;, %bodyatt; and %entryatt;. See the DTD itself for the content of these entities.

CALS entity %text; replaced by NPG equivalent

The CALS entity %text; has been commented out in this DTD to prevent conflict with the version 6.0 entity with the same name, which has a wider content definition. 6.P.20 Position: %psn; Entity Number 6.P.20 Entity Name %psn; Content normal | floatleft | floatrt | display | inline | external | thumbnail Available in: Defines attribute psn in fig, ill, table or formula Definition The psn attribute occurs in fig, ill and formula. Since it is in all cases allowed to take the same values, its values have in DTD version 6.0 been bound into a parameter entity, %psn. The values

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available have been extended to give processing instructions, where these are required. The values available for psn in %psn are: Value Action normal Image appears on Web page, all style decisions are left to the processor. floatleft Image is aligned left and text is wrapped. floatrt Image is aligned right and text is wrapped. display Image is centred, text is not wrapped. inline Image appears in the current line of text , in position indicated by the tag holding the psn attribute (fig, ill or formula. This choice would most likely occur for small maths graphics in formula). external Image appears on a separate Web page, called up by a link. A standard method for creation and presentation of the links is implied. thumbnail Full size image appears on a separate Web page, called up by a link. A thumbnail graphic appears in the HTML file at the location point indicated for the object and provides a link to the external page. To accord with our most widespread current practice the default value is declared as external for fig and ill, and as display for formula. But note that this may vary with the journal. There is a strong likelihood that BDJ may need internal graphics (say psn="normal") for ill. Note that the value of psn indicates only the positioning of the image. It does not resolve whether the image is created by showing a graphic, or MathML tagging in formula. See the explanations given under table (6.P.10.3) and the table Summary of meaning of the attributes psn and showpresented there for the method used to show whether the tagged version or the graphic version of the full size table should appear. For formula, when more than one option for sourcing the text is present, the DTD does not have a method for specifying which to use. 6.P.21 Hiding: %hiding; Entity Number Entity Name Content Available in: 6.P.21 %hiding; shown | hidden | webonly | prntonly Values for attribute hiding, which is available in p, intro, inbrief, lst, defl, pullquote, sidenote, fig, ill, table, formula, sec1 ... sec6, arttext and shortart

Definition If the entire content of an element is to be hidden, the appropriate value can be chosen for hiding generally (hidden), for appearance on the web only (webonly), or for appearance in print only (prntonly). Otherwise the value of hiding is "shown". In all cases where this attribute is used at present (on first issue of the version 6.0 DTD) the default value is hiding="shown". This implies that if the attribute does not appear, the element appears as normal, both on the Web and in print. Detailed examples of the use of hiding have not been provided for every element that can use it, to save space in this documentation. In future issues of the documentation, cases that are found to commonly need it may be noted. The type of purpose to which this can be put are, for example, to suppress in print paragraphs referring to supplementary materials not published in print, or to suppress in an AOP file sections that are held back for later appearance in the final version.

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An alternative method for hiding small strings of text is provided by the formatting-like tags wot, pot and hid that appear in %exclusions, 6.P.21. For selective hiding of elements that normally appear on the issue TOC, see also %tocshow, 6.P.22. The elements that can be hidden using the hiding attribute are:
p intro inbrief lst defl pullquote sidenote fig ill table formula sec1 ...sec6 arttext shortart cithead citnote bioghead paragraph note on article appearing at head of page summary of article in addition to abstract list definition list pull quote side note figure illustration table formula sections (all levels) article text short article citation heading citation note biography group heading

6.P.22 TOC show: %tocshow; Entity Number Entity Name Content Available in: 6.P.22 %tocshow; tocshow | toconly | notoc Values for attribute tocshow, which is available in spn, epn, arthead, artsubhead, atl and aug.

Definition An attribute tocshow has been added to elements that might or might not appear on the TOC, so that the required effect in a table of contents can be indicated in the SGML/XML. This attribute can take values defined in %tocshow, as follows: Value Action tocshow Appears in article and on TOC. toconly Appears on TOC but not with article (this might arise with arthead or artsubhead). notoc Appears with article but not on TOC. This feature is provided to enable complex tables of content, such as the TOC in the British Dental Journal, to be generated automatically from the SGML or XML files.

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It is important to note that a standard TOC based on our usual Web style is produced without any need for special tagging, the rules being left to the processor. Most of our journals run on a default conversion mapping to the TOC as follows: Journal title, cover date, volume, issue number are as in the SGML/XML from jti, cvd, vol and iss

Main subject headings on TOC are taken from arthead. If same arthead is repeated in several articles, TOC has only one instance, in plural form if appropriate, e.g. "Original Article" becomes "Original Articles" on the TOC. Secondary subject headings on TOC are taken from artsubhead. Same rules as for main subject headings apply as regards repetition and plural forms. Title appears, taken from atl. Subtitle taken from stl does not appear. Where an article summary meant for the TOC has been provided in tocnote, this appears. Authors appear, taken from au, including corporate authors taken from corpau and collaborators taken from collab. Corresponding author (cau) and affiliations (aff) do not appear. Links to Abstract, Full Article, and PDF appear. Start page number, taken from spn appears. No details at all appear for embedded short articles. Therefore when using the version 6.0 short article model, the details within shortart, such as arthead, atl, etc. will not show up on the TOC. Neither will links to the location of the embedded file from the TOC using named anchors be provided.

The attribute tocshow need only be used in custom setting for a journal that requires a TOC that differs from this standard approach. The default values chosen for tocshow reflect the standard approach, as set out in this bullet list. It appears with default value tocshow in spn, arthead, artsubhead, atl and aug. It appears with default value notoc in epn and stl. Note that it is added to aug, rather than to the specific aug elements au, corpau and collab, to save repetition, as it is assumed that if authors are to appear on the TOC the way of doing this will be standard. In version 6.0 occurrence of arthead and artsubhead in placeholder has been changed to allow these to be multiple. This enables a case to occur where the heading above an article differs from the heading on the TOC, as the version for the article page and for the TOC can be placed in separate occurrences of the tags. The same approach can be used if the article title appearing above the article differs from the title on the TOC. 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; Entity Number 6.P.23 Entity Name %citinfo; Content citaug | cityr | citart | citso | citvol | citsup | citspn | citepn | citpub | extlink | citdoi | cittext | delim Available in: citref, extcite Definition The %citinfo; parameter entity contains common citation information elements used in both external citations within the body of an article (extcite) or within the reference section (citref). NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 166

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As already noted, the order of appearance of the elements in the SGML/XML file must be set to represent the output setting required, and the full punctuation required must be supplied in delim tags. This includes a space following the opening citno element, and a closing stop at the end of the citation. The punctuation between cited page numbers is &ndash;. The formatting tags <it> and <b> relating to the whole of citso and citvol, are omitted, but any other formatting required, such as use <it> to hold et al, in vivo, etc., is included. In an alphabetical reference list, cityr appears immediately after citaug, and the references must be ordered in strict alpha-numeric sequence by author and then by date. The element cittext is used to hold additional text within the citation that does not fit naturally into the standard elements citart, citso etc., but is not used to hold punctuation, except for punctuation integral to the extra text being included. All other punctuation between elements is held in delim. For additional paragraphed text occurring between citations, use citnote. Note the difference in format between article and book page numbers. For an article simply state the start and end pages in the form <citspn>3</citspn><citepn>27</citepn> unless no end page number appears, in which case just use citspn. For a book, if the extent of the book is shown, e.g. 80 pp, use cittext, e.g. <cittext>80 pp</citttext>, as start and end page number tags do not apply. If a book extract (chapter, article or other citation within the book) has a page range preceded by pp, e.g. pp 34-67, use citspn and citepn preceded by pp in cittext, e.g.<cittext>pp</cittext><citspn>34</citspn><citepn>67</citepn>. cityr must be used for the year of publication, but not for the year of the conference at which the paper was presented (see references number 6 and 7). 6.P.23.2 Citation author group: <citaug> Element Number 6.P.23.2 Element Name citaug Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Entity 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; Content (cittext | citau | citcorp | citcollab | delim)* Attributes None Definition The citation authors are held in the tag citaug. All authors are to be analysed using citsname, citfnames etc.. House style is to give six authors followed by et al if there are more than six, but the typesetter should follow the style set for the specific journal. Include additional text such as et al or (eds) using cittext within citaug where this is necessary to complete this part of the reference. All punctuation should be included in delim tags, which are allowed in citaug and also in its subelements citau etc.. Character entity references are to be used where needed as in the third example. If author intitials are unspaced in print, then present unspaced in citfnames do not separate with spaces as you would in fnames in front matter. If extra text in cittext such as "et al" is in italics, provide italic tags. Note in example 5 that if citcollab is needed the extra words introducing the collaboration such as "and the ..." or "for the ..." are included in the tag. Example 1: single author
<citaug><citau><citsname>Allen</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>RJ</citfnames></citau></citaug>

Example 2: two editors, tagged as authors followed by (eds) in cittext NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 167

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<citaug><citau><citsname>Diener</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>BJ</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Wilkinson</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>P</citfnames><delim> </delim> </citau><cittext>(eds)</cittext></citaug>

Example 3: six authors, followed by et al in cittext <citaug><citau><citsname>Price</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>RA</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Curry</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>N</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>McCann</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>KE</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Villal&oacute;n</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>CM</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Luckett</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>M</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Abercrombie</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>E</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <cittext><it>et al</it></cittext></citaug> Example 4: single corporate author using citcorp
<citaug><citcorp>National Library of Medecine</citcorp></citaug>

Example 5: personal authors followed by a collaboration using citcollab

<citaug><citau><citsname>Niemeyer</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>N</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citau><citsname>Biondi</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>A</citfnames></citau><delim>, </delim> <citcollab>and members of the European Working Group on Myeloplastic Syndromes in Childhood (EWOGMDS)</citcollab></citaug>

6.P.23.2.1 Cited author: <citau> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 6.P.23.2.1 citau Required Required 6.P.23.2 Citation author group: <citaug> (cittext | citsname | citfnames | citsuff | delim)* None

Definition Each cited author is held in a tag citau. Use this group for each personal author. Order of elements, e.g. surname first, should be as in print. Layout is as in print. Closing punctuation and spacing between elements is provided using delim. citsuff is used for suffixes that are part of the name, such as "Jr". If degrees or titles are given, place these in cittext, in a position corresponding to the appearance in print. Example:
<citau><citsname>Allen</citsname><delim> </delim> <citfnames>RJ</citfnames></citau>

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Section 5 6.P. Cited author surname: <citsname> Element Number 6.P. Element Name citsname Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 6.P.23.2.1 Cited author: <citau> Content (%text; | delim)* Attributes None

Short Articles and Extra Materials

Definition A cited author's surname is held in a tag citsname. Character entities for special characters can be used. Example:

6.P. Cited author forenames: <citfnames> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 6.P. citfnames Required Required 6.P.23.2.1 Cited author: <citau> (%text; | delim)* None

Definition A cited author's forenames are held in a tag citfnames which contains %text;. Character entities for special characters can be used. Spacing between initials is as in print. Example 1: Two initials, one with acute accent

Example 2: forename and initial

<citfnames>John K</citfnames>

6.P. Cited author suffix: <citsuff> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes 6.P. citsuff Required Required 6.P.23.2.1 Cited author: <citau> (%text; | delim)* None

Definition A suffix to a cited author's name is held in a tag citsuff. Use only for suffixes considered to be part of the name, such as "Jr". For titles or degrees use cittext. Example:

6.P.23.2.2 Cited corporate author: <citcorp> Element Number 6.P.23.2.2 169

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Section 5 Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Element Content Attributes

Short Articles and Extra Materials citcorp Required Required 6.P.23.2 Citation author group: <citaug> %text; None

Definition A cited corporate author that is treated in the same way as an individual author is held in a tag citcorp. Character entity names can be used for special characters. Example:
<citcorp>National Library of Medecine</citcorp>

6.P.23.2.3 Cited collaboration: <citcollab> Element Number 6.P.23.2.3 Element Name citcollab Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 6.P.23.2 Citation author group: <citaug> Content %text; Attributes None Definition A cited corporate body (collaboration) appended at the end of an author string and introduced by text such as text such as for the ... etc. is held in a tag citcorp. Character entity names can be used for special characters. The words used to introduce the collaboration such as and the ... or for the ... are included in the tag. Example:
<citcollab>and members of the European Working Group on Myeloplastic Syndromes in Childhood (EWOGMDS)</citcollab>

6.P.23.3 Citation year: <cityr> Element Number 6.P.23.3 Element Name cityr Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Entity 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; Content (%text;) Definition The citation year is held in the tag cityr. This should be the year of publication of the cited article. For conference proceedings it should be the date of publication of the proceedings. If the year of publication differs from the conference date, tag the year of publication as cityr. The cityr element should appear in its natural place in the reference, which is different in an alphabetical reference list than in a numerical list. Put opening and closing brackets in delim, not in cityr tag. See citref element number 4.E. for examples. Example <cityr>1998</cityr> 6.P.23.4 Cited article: <citart> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 170

Section 5 Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Entity Content Attributes

Short Articles and Extra Materials 6.P.23.4 citart Required Required 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; (%text;) None

Definition The cited article title is held in the tag citart. Use citart also for a thesis or chapter title, where this is the cited item, and for a conference paper, but not for a book title, report title or conference title. See citref element number 4.E. for more examples. Use internal tags and character entity references where these are required, as in the following example. Example <citart><it>In vivo</it> properties of S&beta;3024A, a 5-HT<inf>2C&sol;2B</inf> receptor antagonist</citart> - result: In vivo properties of S 3024A, a 5-HT2C/2B receptor antagonist 6.P.23.5 Cited source: <citso> Element Number 6.P.23.5 Element Name citso Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Entity 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; Content (%text;) Attributes None Definition The cited source is held in the tag citso. Use citso for the title of the journal in which the cited article appears, correctly abbreviated. Also use citso for the title of a book, report, or conference, where this is the item cited. When the item cited is an article or chapter from a book etc. a different approach is used. See citref element number 4.E. for examples. The text appearing in citso appears in italics in the output, but must not be enclosed in it tags as this emphasis is added on conversion. If the text in citso includes phrases normally italicized, such as in vivo, these should be included in it tags in the normal way, e.g. <it>in vivo</it>. Example <citso>Scan J Soc Med</citso> 6.P.23.6 Cited volume: <citvol> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Entity Content Attributes 6.P.23.6 citvol Required Required 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; (%text;) None

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Section 5 Definition The cited journal volume number is held in the tag citvol.

Short Articles and Extra Materials

The text appearing in citvol appears as bold text in the output, but must not be enclosed in b tags as this emphasis is added on conversion. Example <citvol>12</citvol> 6.P.23.7 Cited supplement or issue: <citsup> Element Number 6.P.23.7 Element Name citsup Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Entity 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; Content (%text;) Attributes None Definition The cited supplement or issue details are held in the tag citsup. Where the volume details are followed by supplement details the details are held in citsup as in the following example. Opening and closing brackets around the supplement details are held in delim, not in citsup. Example: Volume number followed by supplement details <citvol>12</citvol> <delim> (</delim><citsup>Suppl. 5</citsup><delim>) </delim> 6.P.23.8 Cited start page number: <citspn> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Entity Content 6.P.23.8 citspn Required Required 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; %text;

Definition The cited start page number is held in the tag citspn. The four examples below show how to use citspn and citepn in various cases. Example 1 is a standard journal article. In example 2 no end page number is stated (the rule is to omit citepn if no end page number appears). Example 3 shows a page range in a book preceded by pp in cittext. Example 4 is a case where the extent of a book is shown and cittext should be used without citspn or citepn.. When both citspn and citepn appear the character entity &ndash; is used as a separator, in delim, as in Examples 1 and 3. Example 1: journal article with start and end page numbers given <citspn>1119<citspn><delim>&ndash;</delim></citepn>1127</citepn> Example 2: journal article with start page number but no end page number <citspn>1119<citspn> Example 3: page range in a book preceded by pp in cittext <cittext>pp</cittext><delim> </delim><citspn>63</citspn>

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Section 5

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Example 4: extent of a book, using cittext but not citspn or citepn <cittext>80 pp</cittext> 6.P.23.9 Cited end page number: <citepn> Element Number 6.P.23.9 Element Name citepn Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Entity 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; Content %text; Definition The cited end page number is held in the tag citspn. For use of citepn, see the examples given above under citspn. 6.P.23.10 Cited work publisher: <citpub> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Entity Content 6.P.23.10 citpub Required Required 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; (%text;)

Definition The publisher of the cited work is held in the tag citpub. Where a publisher location is given, include this after a colon plus space separator. Any closing punctuation is held separately in delim, not within the citpub tag. Example <citpub>Saunders: Philadelphia</citpub> 6.P.23.11 Cited work DOI: <citdoi> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Entity Content 6.P.23.11 citdoi Required Required 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; (%text;)

Definition The DOI (digital object identifier) of the cited work, if required, is held in the tag citdoi. Example <citdoi>10.1038/</citdoi> 6.P.23.12 Citation text: <cittext> Element Number 6.P.23.12 173

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Section 5 Element Name Start Tag End Tag Parent Entity Content

Short Articles and Extra Materials cittext Required Required 6.P.23 Citation Information: %citinfo; (%text;)

Definition Additional text, other than pounctuation, that appears in citref is held in the tag cittext. This tag is used for any textual content required within citref that cannot be accommodated in other standard tags, but not for basic punctuation, which is put in delim, see below. The examples given for citref, element number 4.E., show some typical cases. Where an article appears in a cited book, as in the example below, the book editors appear in cittext but the book title appears in citso. Closing stops and spacing are added in a delim element. Example: cittext used for editors of a book in which a cited article appears <cittext>In: Sodeman WA, Smith A (eds)</cittext> <delim>. </delim><citso>Mechanisms of Disease</citso> 6.P.23.13 Delimiters: <delim> Element Number 6.P.23.13 Element Name delim Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 6.P.23 Citation reference: <citref> Other Parents 6.P.23.2 Citation author group: <citaug> 6.P.23.2.1 Cited author: <citau> 6.P. Cited author surname: <citsname> 6.P. Cited author forenames: <citfnames> 6.P. Cited author suffix: <citsuff> 6.P.23.2.2 Cited corporate author: <citcorp> 6.P.23.2.3 Cited collaboration: <citcollab> Content (%text;) Definition A new element delim has been provided to hold punctuation of citations. This can be used anywhere within the citaug (cited author) group, as well as between any two tags in citref. All version 6.0 SGML/XML will be created with all punctuation and spacing of citations present in delim tags, in the appropriate journal style. For adjacent punctuation, we prefer to see one pair of delim tags rather than unnecessary repetition of the tag. For example, if the output required is: Jones, (1990 Please tag this as:
Jones</citsname><delim>, (</delim><cityr>1990

not as:
Jones</citsname><delim>, </delim></delim>(</delim><cityr>1990

For completeness in the resulting punctuation, delim is allowed within citau, and within the citfnames tag, where the journal style includes punctuation and spacing of authors forenames or NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 174

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initials. Any placement of delim that gives the correct output string when all tags are removed is technically allowed. Decisions may sometimes have to be made as to where to place delim, e.g. whether within or outside citau, as more than one approach will work. If in doubt, place the punctuation where it logically belongs, e.g. within citau, if it belongs with the authors name, etc. The example from HEP is typical of good practice for a rich punctuation style. Note that if an and or & is used before the last author name, this is also included in the delim tag. The ampersand &, if used, appears as &amp; in SGML/XML, as can be seen in the HEP example below. If et al appears, this is put in cittext tags, not in delim. Also if et al is in italics (as is usual), the italics are tagged explicitly , giving:
<cittext><it>et al</it></cittext>

Do not use <it> tags for citso or <b> tags for citvol. These are added automatically on conversion. These are exceptions to a general rule that all formatting and punctuation is shown. Example for delim from HEP 15:1 article 8390190 The following example shows typical good practice for journal that has a punctuation-rich house style: Output in PDF file and on Web: Samuelsen, P. A., & Nordhaus, W. D. (1989). Economics. New York, St. Louis: McGraw-Hill Book Company. SGML/XML source: <citref id="bib22"> <citaug> <citau><citsname>Samuelsen</citsname> <delim>, </delim> <citfnames>P<delim>. </delim>A</citfnames><delim>.</delim> </citau><delim>, &amp; </delim> <citau> <citsname>Nordhaus</citsname> <delim>, </delim> <citfnames>W<delim>. </delim>D</citfnames><delim>.</delim> </citau> </citaug> <delim> (</delim><cityr>1989</cityr><delim>). </delim> <citso>Economics</citso><delim>. </delim> <citpub>New York, St. Louis: McGraw-Hill Book Company</citpub><delim>.</delim> </citref> 6.P.24 Section Content: %seccont; Entity Number 6.P.24 Entity Name %seccont; Content p | enunc Available in: sec# Definition The %seccont; parameter entity contains common section paragraph elements used in all sec# elements (sec1, sec2 etc.). Section paragraph content can be made up of paragraphs (p), enunciations (enunc) or both. Paragraphs are defined in detail in section 1.E. above. NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 175

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6.P.24.1 Enunciations: <enunc> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Content 6.P.24.1 enunc Required Required 6.P.24 Section Content: %seccont ; (enuncttl?, p+)

Definition A new element enunc has been provided to hold enunciations within sections. Enunctiations are small, section-like structures that typically hold examples or notes pertaining to that section. They are identifiable by a run-in header followed by inline paragraph text. E.g. Example 1 Suppose we have eight lifetimes:1,2,5,7,8,9, 12,20.Each preventive replacement costs<Enunc> can contain an optional title (enuncttl) and one or more paragraphs (p). Tagging example: <sec1> <sec1ttl></sec1ttl> <sec2> <sec2> <sec2ttl>Studies using recombinant viruses</sec2ttl> <p>...</p> ... <p>...</p> <sec2ttl>Vector cytotoxicity</sec2ttl> <p>...</p> <enunc> <enuncttl>Example 1</enuncttl> <p> Suppose we have eight lifetimes:1,2,5,7,8,9, 12,20.Each preventive replacement costs</p> <p>In the next section,we study this effect</p> </enunc> </sec2></sec1> 6.P.24.1.1 Enunciation titles: <enuncttl> Element Number 6.P.24.1.1 Element Name enuncttl Start Tag Required End Tag Required Parent Element 6.P.24.1 Enunciation: <enunc> Content (#PCDATA) Definition A sub element of enunc called enuncttl has been provided to hold enunciation titles. Enunctiation titles can contain text only and are optional. See tagging example above.

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Section 5 6.P.25 Address info: %address; Entity Number 6.P.25 Entity Name %address; Content org | street | city | co | postal | fax | email Available in: aff, caff

Short Articles and Extra Materials

Definition The %address; parameter entity contains common address elements used in author affiliations (aff/caff): org, street, city, co, postal, fax, email. Example: <aff><oid id="a1"/><org>EMBL Outstation-Hinxton</org>, <street>European Bioinformatics Institute</street>, <city>Cambridge</city>, <co>UK</co>. </aff> <caff><coid id="c1"/><org>The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute</org>, <street>Hinxton</street>, <city>Cambridge</city>, <postal>CB10 1SA</postal> <co>UK</co>. <newline/><email></email></caff> 6.P.25.1 Organization: <org> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Content 6.P.25.1 org Required Required 6.P.25 Address info: %address; (#PCDATA)

Definition The org element has been provided to hold the organization name within an author affiliation. Content is text only. See tagging example within section 6.P.25. above. 6.P.25.2 Street name: <street> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Content 6.P.25.2 street Required Required 6.P.25 Address info: %address; (#PCDATA)

Definition The street element has been provided to hold the street name within an author affiliation. Content is text only. See tagging example within section 6.P.25. above. 6.P.25.3 City: <city> NPG Academic Journals and Palgrave Publishers DTD Ver 7.0 Documentation 177

Section 5 Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Content 6.P.25.3 city Required Required 6.P.25 Address info: %address; (#PCDATA)

Short Articles and Extra Materials

Definition The city element has been provided to hold the city name within an author affiliation. Content is text only. See tagging example within section 6.P.25. above. 6.P.25.4 Country: <co> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Content 6.P.25.4 co Required Required 6.P.25 Address info: %address; (#PCDATA)

Definition The co element has been provided to hold the country name within an author affiliation. Content is text only. See tagging example within section 6.P.25. above. 6.P.25.5 Postal Code: <postal> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Content 6.P.25.5 postal Required Required 6.P.25 Address info: %address; (#PCDATA)

Definition The postal element has been provided to hold the postal code within an author affiliation. Content is text only. See tagging example within section 6.P.25. above. 6.P.25.6 Fax: <fax> Element Number Element Name Start Tag End Tag Host Entity Content 6.P.25.6 fax Required Required 6.P.25 Address info: %address; (#PCDATA)

Definition The fax element has been provided to hold the fax number within an author affiliation. Content is text only. See tagging example within section 6.P.25. above.

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Section 5 6.P.25.7 Email address: <email> Element Number 6.P.25.7 Element Name email Start Tag Required End Tag Required Host Entity 6.P.25 Address info: %address; Content (#PCDATA)

Short Articles and Extra Materials

Definition The email element has been provided to hold the email address within an author affiliation. Content is text only. See tagging example within section 6.P.25. above.

7. File presentation issues 7.1.Internal identifiers and cross-reference tags

The following model is recommended for internal identifiers and their cross-references: Author's affiliation: "aff" <oid id="aff1"> <oref rid="aff1"> Corresponding auth. affiliation: "caf" <coid id="caf1"> <coref rid="caf1"> Article title note: "tlnote" <tlnote id="tlnote1"> <tlnref rid="tlnote1"> Author note: "note" <aunote id="note1"> <autref rid="note1"> Footnote (footnote): "ftnote" <footnote id="ftnote1"> <footref rid="ftnote1"> Table Footnote (tabfn): "tbfnote" <tabfn id="tbfnote1"> <footref rid="tbfnote1"> Closenote: "cnote" <closenote id="cnote1"> Closenote has no cross-ref tag Table: "table" <table id="tbl1"> <tblref rid="tbl1"> Figure: "fig" <fig id="fig1"> <figref rid="fig1"> Box: box <box id=box1> <boxref rid=box1> External Citation: extcite <extcite id=c1> external citation has no cross-ref tag Illustration: "ill" <ill id="ill1"> <illref rid=ill1> Pullquote: "pq" <pullquote id=pq1> <pullquoteref rid=pq1> Sidenote: "sn" <sidenote id=sn1> <sidenoteref rid=sn1> Equation: "equ" <formula id="equ1"> <equref rid="equ1"> External object: "xobj" <xobj id="xob1"> <xobref rid="xob1"> Extra materials heading: "xhead" <xhead id="sup1"> <xheadref rid="sup1"> Appendix: "app" <app id="app1"> <appref rid="app1"> Date: "date" Any date element id="date1" <dateref rid="date1"> List: "li" <lst id="list1" type="bullet"> List has no cross-ref This ID may be omitted 179

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Section 5 Citation reference: "bib" <citref id="bib1">

Short Articles and Extra Materials <textref rid="bib1">

7.2.All tag-names and attribute names to be lower case

The SGML standard allows tag-names (also sometimes known as element names or generic identifiers) and attribute names to be in either upper case, lower case, or a mixture. However, in XML, all tag-names and attribute names should be presented entirely in lower case, without any initial or other caps. For example, use <article id=...> but never <ARTICLE ID=...> or <Article ID=...> etc. Note that while attribute names are to be lower case, attribute values, enclosed in double quotes following the equals sign, may be in lower or upper case, as required. E.g. <pubid pubid="Nature Publishing Group">. When case correcting to meet this requirement, two dangers to watch out for are: Any universal case change to lower case within tags should not include the attribute values, which may be upper or lower, as stated above. If a tag is recognised by its opening and closing angle bracket,.there is a real danger of case corruption in the article content, if the characters < or > are used in the file other than for opening and closing tags, for example to mean less than or greater than respectively. To prevent this type of error occurring at any stage in the production process it is essential that these characters, if occurring in the abstract or article text, must be replaced with their ISO entity representations, &lt; and &gt;.

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Section 8

Directory Structure

8. Directory structure for file supply and management

I have deleted this section because a more up-to-date version exists as an appendix to my specification for work on JIBS back data. This has filename JIBS_ConversionSpec2.doc and exists on the I: drive in one of the directories holding work on back data. I think this is now in the New Journals area on the I:drive. The appendix is called Appendix 2, and was worded so as to be ready to add directly to this documentation. TF note on 4/3/03.

Section 9

External Files

9. Attribute names and character entity names held in external files 9.1.Language attributes in npglang.ent
The language attribute is defined in a parameter entity %language, held in an external file npglang.ent, which appears as Appendix B. It is a lower-case two-letter code based on ISO 639. One Web source for further information on the standard is: The explanation of the two-letter codes in use is as follows: ISO 639 CODES SORTED BY LANGUAGE CODE
Language Name afar abkhazian afrikaans amharic arabic assamese aymara azerbaijani bashkir byelorussian bulgarian bihari bislama bengali;bangla tibetan breton catalan corsican czech welsh danish german bhutani greek english esperanto spanish estonian basque persian (farsi) finnish fiji faroese french frisian irish scots gaelic galician guarani gujarati hausa hebrew hindi croatian hungarian armenian Code aa ab af am ar as ay az ba be bg bh bi bn bo br ca co cs cy da de dz el en eo es et eu fa fi fj fo fr fy ga gd gl gn gu ha he hi hr hu hy interlingua indonesian interlingue inupiak icelandic italian inuktitut japanese javanese georgian kazakh greenlandic cambodian kannada korean kashmiri kurdish kirghiz latin lingala laothian lithuanian latvian;lettish malagasy maori macedonian malayalam mongolian moldavian marathi malay maltese burmese nauru nepali dutch norwegian occitan afan (oromo) oriya punjabi polish pashto;pushto portuguese quechua rhaeto-romance kurundi ia id ie ik is it iu ja jv ka kk kl km kn ko ks ku ky la ln lo lt lv mg mi mk ml mn mo mr ms mt my na ne nl no oc om or pa pl ps pt qu rm rn romanian russian kinyarwanda sanskrit sindhi sangho serbo-croatian singhalese slovak slovenian samoan shona somali albanian serbian siswati sesotho sundanese swedish swahili tamil telugu tajik thai tigrinya turkmen tagalog setswana tonga turkish tsonga tatar twi uigur ukrainian urdu uzbek vietnamese volapuk wolof xhosa yiddish yoruba zhuang chinese ro ru rw sa sd sg sh si sk sl sm sn so sq sr ss st su sv sw ta te tg th ti tk tl tn to tr ts tt tw ug uk ur uz vi vo wo xh yi yo za zh

Section 9

External Files

9.2.Article type attributes in npgartty.ent

The article type attribute is defined in a parameter entity %arttype, held in an external file npgarttype.ent, which appears as Appendix C. It is a lower-case two-letter code based on the following list. The abstract type AT is reserved for special purposes. All others are available to typesetters for use in SGML/XML files. Advice can be given on coding specific cases arising in particular journals.
Arttype code ab ad ac ak al an ap ar at bc bd be bg bi bm bp br bt ca cc cd ce cg ci cl cm cn co cp cr cs ct cu cv cw cx cy cz da db dc dp dr ed Article Type Abstract Addendum Consensus Article Acknowledgement Allele Report Announcement Proceedings Abstract Article publisher's abstract (html) Brief Communication Biology of Disease Brief Method Buyer's Guide Bibliography Bio-Technical Methods Brief Report Book Review Biographical Tribute Calendar Clinical Correspondence Complicated Case Studies Corrigendum Clinical Implication Clinical Report Communication Conference News Commentary Conference Report Case Report Case Series Clinical Snippets Arttype code li lr ls mc md me mp mr mt mu mv nc ne ni no oa ob oc oi om on op or os ot pa pb pc pe pf pg pk Article Type Inside Lab Invest Lecture Laboratory Study Molecular and Cellular Pathology Methods in Pathology In Memoriam Meeting Paper Meeting Report Molecular Targets for Therapy Mutation Report Mini Review News and Commentaries News Nephrology Images Notes on Contributors Original Article Obituary Original Communication Opinions and Ideas Original Manuscript Oncogenomics Opinion Original Paper Original Research Article Original Contribution Paper Pathobiology in Focus Pediatric Highlight Perspective Preface Practical Genetics Philosophers and Knowledge Management Practical Note Case-oriented Paper Poster Presentation Point of Technique Prelimary Report Pathology Elsewhere questions and answers Research Article country report Rapid Communication Response List of Referees

Current Concepts pn Concise Review po Commentary and Mini Review pp Reply pq Clinical Study pr Clinical Commentary pt Decade Award Article qa Debate ra Discussion rc Debates and Perspectives rd Debate Round Table re Editorial rf

Section 9
ee ek ep er et fa fe fp fr fw ga gc gd ge gg gp gr gs hi hl hn hr ht ic ig ii in ix iv jc ka kt la lc le EELS (Ethical, Economic, Legal &amp; Social) Article Editor's Picks Epidemiology Erratum Experimental Therapeutics Forum Article Feature Article Full Paper Feature Review Foreword General Paper Guest Commentary Guide Entry Guest Editorial Genetics and Genomics Policy Guest Reviewers General Summary Hypertension Illustrated Highlight Hot News Historical Review Hot Topic Immediate Communication Image In this Issue Introduction Index Interview Journal Club Keynote Address Key to Tables Leading Article long course (The 1999 Long Course on Pathology of the Uterine Corpus and Cervix) Letter to the Editor rg rh rl rn ro rp rr rs rt ru rv rw sc sd se sf sg sh si sl sm sn so sp sr st sv ta tc tn tp tr tv vp ws regular article Research Snippets research letter Research News Retrospective regular paper research report Resident Review Series Retraction Renal Consult Review Research Review Short Communication Spotlight Correspondence Seminar Scientific Correspondence Spotlight Review Short Course Special Edition Special Report Summary Society News State of the Art Special Article/Feature Short Report Spotlight Short Review Theoretical Paper Teaching Case Technical Note Tutorial Paper Technical Report Thanks to Reviewers Viewpoint Workshop

External Files

lf lh

Letter from the Editors Research Letter



9.3.Character entities in ISO files and NPGsjent.ent

The following character entity files are available in the DTD. Note that in the case of some ISO files both a 1986 and a 1991 version of the file, with the same filename, exist. This list shows which we are using. It is important to parse data against the correct version of the ISO file, so the date of issue of the files held by the typesetter with the DTD, which can be found in the header at the top of each file, should correspond to the dates in the following list.

Section 9

External Files

The file NPGsjent.ent, referred to as entity % NPGsjent is a house file of character entities available in the NPG SJ graphic library that have no accepted representation in the ISO lists. Note also that versions of the ISO files and of our own entity file for use with XML have important differences from the versions used for routine parsing with this DTD. In particular, all the versions used with SGML contain the SDATA keyword, which XML does not recognise. The details of the parsing set-up for both SGML and XML is outside the scope of this document,but it is important to be aware that a number of small but important differences exist between the set-up for parsing with the SGML DTD, and the set-up for parsing with the equivalent XML version.
<!ENTITY % ISOlat1 PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 1//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOlat2 PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Added Latin 2//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISObox PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Box and Line Drawing//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOdia PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Diacritical Marks//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOnum PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOpub PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Publishing//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOtech PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES General Technical//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOgrk1 PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Greek Letters//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOgrk2 PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Monotoniko Greek//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOgrk3 PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Greek Symbols//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOgrk4 PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Alternative Greek Symbols//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOcyr1 PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Russian Cyrillic//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOcyr2 PUBLIC "ISO 8879-1986//ENTITIES Non-Russian Cyrillic//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOamsa PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Arrow Relations//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOamsb PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Binary Operators//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOamsc PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Delimiters//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOamsn PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Negated Relations//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOamso PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Additional Math Symbols Ordinary//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOamsr PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Added Math Symbols: Relations//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOmfrk PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Math Alphabets: Fraktur//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOmopf PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Math Alphabets: Open Face//EN"> <!ENTITY % ISOmscr PUBLIC "ISO 9573-13:1991//ENTITIES Math Alphabets: Script//EN"> <!ENTITY % NPGsjent PUBLIC "NPG//ENTITIES NPGSJ Added Symbols//EN">

9.4.Subject code attributes in npgsubjects.ent

The subject code attribute is defined in a parameter entity %code, held in an external file npgsubjects.ent. It is an alpha code based on the following list: BJP British Journal of Pharmacology Subject Category Commentary Review Article Molecular and cellular mechanisms Neuropharmacology Cardiovascular and pulmonary pharmacology Gastrointestinal pharmacology Genitourinary, renal and endocrine pharmacology Immunopharmacology and inflammation Code Bjpcode-1 Bjpcode-2 Bjpcode-3 Bjpcode-4 Bjpcode-5 Bjpcode-6 Bjpcode-7 Bjpcode-8

Section 9 Pharmacokinetics, drug metabolism, toxicology Cancer Pharmacology Correspondence 7TM Receptors Transmitter-gated Channels Ion Channels Catalytic Receptors Nuclear Receptors Cell-Surface Transmitter Transporters Second Messenger Metabolising Enzymes Drug Discovery Biopharmacology Methods and Techniques Appendages Cell Biology Clinical Research Genetics Immunology/Infection Keratinocytes/Epidermis Melanocytes/Melanoma Neurobiology Photobiology Tumor Biology Wound Healing Connective Tissue Vascular Biology Bjpcode-9 Bjpcode-10 Bjpcode-11 Bjpcode-12 Bjpcode-13 Bjpcode-14 Bjpcode-15 Bjpcode-16 Bjpcode-17 Bjpcode-18 Bjpcode-19 Bjpcode-20 Bjpcode-21 JID_01 JID_02 JID_03 JID_04 JID_05 JID_06 JID_07 JID_08 JID_09 JID_10 JID_11 JID_12 JID_13

External Files

Appendix A

Journal Lists

Appendix A1: Year 2005 journal list: correct forms for abbrev, jti, sjti, issn (pr & ol) and art id
The following list shows journals published in 2005 by either Nature Publishing Group Academic Journals or Palgrave. The list shows the correct form of journal abbreviation (used in directory names and <doi>), correct journal title (in <jti>), correct short journal title (in <sjti>, correct ISSN (in <issn>), and correct first three digits for the article id (in article id). Blank spaces indicate missing .information.


Journal title (jti)

Short title (sjti)

Bone Marrow Transplant Br J Cancer Br J Pharmacol Cancer Gene Ther Cell Death Differ

ISSN print
0268-3369 0007-0610 0007-0920 0007-1188 0929-1903 1350-9047 0261-4189 1469-221x 0954-3007 1018-4813 1462-0049 0950-222X 1466-4879 0969-7128 0018-067X 0955-9930 0307-0565 0271-678X 1053-4245 0950-9240 0743-8346 0887-6924 0023-6837 1359-4184 0893-3952 0893-133X 0950-9232 1365-7852 1362-4393 1466-4860 1470-269X 1472-4782 0001-6810 0888-7233 1472-4790 1470-8914 1011-6370 0960-085X 1740-4754 1680-4333 0141-7789 1476-3419 1018-5895 0952-8733 1473-8716 0020-580X 1384-5748

ISSN online
1476-5365 1476-5373 1532-1827 1476-5381 1476-5500 1476-5403 1460-2075 1469-3178 1476-5640 1476-5438 1476-5446 1476-5454 1476-5470 1476-5462 1365-2540 1476-5489 1476-5497

article id
170 + 4 digits 480 ..& 481, 489 660 ... 070 770 ... 440 ... 760 740 160 ... 520 ... 640 ... 670 ... 636 ... 330 ... 680 ... 390 ... 080 ... 960

Nature Publishing Group Academic Journals Bone Marrow Transplantation Bmt British Dental Journal Bdj British Journal of Cancer Bjc British Journal of Pharmacology Bjp Cancer Gene Therapy Cgt Cell Death and Differentiation cdd The EMBO Journal emboj EMBO Reports embor European Journal of Clinical Nutrition ejcn European Journal of Human Genetics ejhg Evidence-Based Dentistry ebd Eye eye Genes and Immunity gene Gene Therapy gt Heredity hdy International Journal of Impotence ijir ijo jcbfm jea jhh jp leu li mp modpat hol npp onc pcan sc thj tpj Palgrave abm ap ces cep cpt develop ment ejis emr eps fr fp gpp hep ivs iaor ip
Research International Journal of Obesity

Eur J Clin Nutr Eur J Hum Genet Evid -based Dent Eye Genes Immun Gene Ther Heredity Int J Impot Res Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord J Cereb Blood Flow Metab J Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol J Hum Hypertens J Perinatol Leukemia Lab Invest Mol Psychiatry Mod Pathol Neuropsychopharmacolo gy Oncogene Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis Spinal Cord Hematol J Pharmacogenomics Jl Asian Bus Manage Acta Politica Comp Econ Stud Comp Eur Polit Cont Pol Theory Development Eur J Inf Syst Eur Manage Rev Eur Polit Sci Fem Rev Fr Polit Geneva Pap R I-Iss P High Educ Policy Inf Visualization Int Polit

Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology Journal of Human Hypertension Journal of Perinatology Leukemia Laboratory Investigation Molecular Psychiatry Modern Pathology Neuropsychopharmacology Oncogene Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases Spinal Cord The Hematology Journal The Pharmacogenomics Journal Asian Busines &amp; Management Acta Politica Comparitive Economic Studies Comparitive European Politics Contemporary Political Theory Development European Journal of Information Systems Eurpean Management Review European Political Science Feminist Review French Politics The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Issues and Practice Higher Education Policy Information Visualization International Abstracts in Operations Research International Politics

1476-5519 1476-5527 1300-5251 1476-5551 1530-0307 1476-5578 1530-0285 N/a 1476-5594 1476-5608 1476-5624 1476-5632 1473-1150 1476-9328 1478-3320 pending 1476-9336 1476-9344 1740-4762 1682-0983 1466-4380 1476-3427 1468-0440

750 ... 100 ... 721 ...and 720 (pre 2001) 240 ... 370 400 ... 380 130 ..& 138, 139 120 ... 450 ... 310 ... 620 ... 650 920 ... 550 810 ... 800 ... 930 ... 110 & 111 (back data) 300 ... 150 221 940 ... 820 ... 251 & 250(bd) 830 ... and 838 and 839 (back) 950 ... 455 ... 880 .. & 889 (bd)

1473-8724 1476-9352

Appendix A
jibs jird jit jors jphp kmrp lst mel pcs polity sth udi
Journal of International Business Studies Journal of International Relations and Development Journal of Information Technology Journal of the Operational Research Society Journal of Public Health Policy Knowledge Management Research &amp; Practice Latino Studies Maritime Economics &amp; Logistics Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society Polity Social Theory &amp; Health Urban Design International

Journal Lists
J Int Bus Stud J Int Relat Dev J Inf Technol J Oper Res Soc J Public Health Pol Knowl Manage Res Prac Latino Stud Maritime Econ Logistics Psychoanal Cult Soc Polity Soc Theory Health Urban Des Int 0047-2506 1408-6980 0268-3962 0160-5682 0197-5897 1477-8238 1476-3435 1388-1973 1088-0763 0032-3497 1477-8211 1357-5317 1478-6990 1581-1980 1466-4437 1476-9360 1745-655X 1477-8246 1476-3443 1476-0592 1543-3390 1744-1684 1477-822X 1468-5419 840 ... and 849 (back data) 180 200 & 199 (bd) 260 ... 320 850 ... 860 ... 910 ... 210 230 870 900 ...

Appendix A Appendix A2: Year 2005 journal list: correct forms for pubid, pubnm and crt

Journal Lists

The following list shows the correct forms for pubid (publisher identifier), pubnm (publisher name), and crt (copyright text) for journals published in 2005 by either Nature Publishing Group Specialist Journals or Palgrave. pubid abbr jti Nature Publishing Group Academic Journals Bone Marrow Transplantation Nature Publishing Group bmt British Dental Journal Nature Publishing Group bdj British Journal of Cancer Nature Publishing Group bjc British Journal of Pharmacology bjp Cancer Gene Therapy Nature Publishing Group cgt Cell Death and Differentiation Nature Publishing Group cdd European Journal of Clinical Nature Publishing Group ejcn ejhg ebd embo j embo r eye gene gt hdy ijir ijo jcbfm jea jhh jp labin vest leu modp athol mp npp onc pcan
Nutrition European Journal of Human Genetics Evidence-Based Dentistry The EMBO Journal EMBO Reports Eye Genes and Immunity Gene Therapy Heredity International Journal of Impotence Research International Journal of Obesity Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism Journal of Exposure Analysis and Environmental Epidemiology Journal of Human Hypertension Journal of Perinatology Laboratory Investigation

Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group

Nature Publishing Group Cancer Research UK Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group European Molecular Biology Organization European Molecular Biology Organization Royal College of Ophthalmologists Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group The Genetics Society Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc. Nature Publishing Group United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, Inc. Nature Publishing Group American College of Neuropsychopharmacolo gy Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Association for Comparative Economic Studies (ACES) Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Society for International Development

Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group

Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan

Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Nature Publishing Group Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan

Leukemia Modern Pathology

Molecular Psychiatry Neuropsychopharmacology

Oncogene Prostate Cancer and Prostatic Diseases Spinal Cord

sc The Hematology Journal thj The Pharmacogenomics Journal tpj Palgrave Asian Business &amp; abm ap ces cep cpt devel opme nt
Management Acta Politica Comparitive Economic Studies

Comparitive European Politics Contemporary Political Theory Development

Appendix A
ejis emr fr fp hep ivs iaor ip jibs jird jit jors kmrp lst mel pcs sth udi
European Journal of Information Systems European Management Review Feminist Review French Politics Higher Education Policy Information Visualization International Abstracts in Operations Research International Politics Journal of Internation Business Studies Journal of International Relations and Development Journal of Information Technology

Journal Lists
Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Feminist Review Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Academy of International Business Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Association for Information Technology Trust Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd Palgrave Macmillan Ltd

Journal of the Operational Research Society Knowledge Management Research &amp; Practice Latino Studies Maritime Economics &amp; Logistics Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society Social Theory &amp; Health Urban Design International

Appendix B& C

External Files

Appendix B: External file npglang.ent The following is a plain text copy of the entire content of npglang.ent: <!--Language Types for the Nature Publishing Group Specialist Journals DTD v5.1 --> <!ENTITY % language "(aa | ab | af | am | ar | as | ay | az | ba | be | bg | bh | bi | bn | bo | br | ca | co | cs | cy | da | de | dz | el | en | eo | es | et | eu | fa | fi | fj | fo | fr | fy | ga | gd | gl | gn | gu | ha | he | hi | hr | hu | hy | ia | id | ie | ik | is | it | iu | ja | jw | ka | kk | kl | km | kn | ko | ks | ku | ky | la | ln | lo | lt | lv | mg | mi | mk | ml | mn | mo | mr | ms | mt | my | na | ne | nl | no | oc | om | or | pa | pl | ps | pt | qu | rm | rn | ro | ru | rw | sa | sd | sg | sh | si | sk | sl | sm | sn | so | sq | sr | ss | st | su | sv | sw | ta | te | tg | th | ti | tk | tl | tn | to | tr | ts | tt | tw | ug | uk | ur | uz | vi | vo | wo | xh | yi | yo | za | zh | zu)" > See Section 9.1 for a key to the meaning of these codes.

Appendix C: External file npgartty.ent

The following is a plain text copy of the entire content of npgartty.ent:
<!--Article Types for the Nature Publishing Group Specialist Journals DTD v6.0 --> <!ENTITY % arttype "(ab | ad | ac | ak | al |an | ap | ar | at | bc | bd | be | bg | bi | bk | bm | bp | br | bt | ca | cc | cd | ce | cf | cg | ci | cl | cm | cn | co | cp | cr | cs | ct | cu | cv | cw | cx | cy | cz | da | db | dc | dp | dr | ed | ee | ek | ep | er | et | fa | fe | fp | fr | fw | ga | gc | gd | ge | gg | gp | gr | gs | hi | hl | hn | hr | ht | ic | ig | ii | in | iv | ix | ja | jc | ka | kt | la | lc | le | lf | lh | li | lm | lr | ls | ma | mc | md | me | mp | mr | mt | mu | mv | nc | ne | ni | no | oa | ob | oc | og | oi | om | on | op | or | os | ot | pa | pb | pc | pd | pe | pf | pg | ph | pk | pn | po | pp | pq | pr | ps | pt | pu | py | qa | ra | rc | rd | re | rf | rg | rh | rl | rn | ro | rp | rr | rs | rt | ru | rv | rw | sa | sc | sd | se | sf | sg | sh | si | sl | sm | sn | so | sp | sr | ss | st | sv | ta | tb | tc | tn | tp | tr | tv | vp | ws | xx)"> <!ENTITY % subarttype "(br | cr)">

See Section 9.2 for a key to the meaning of these codes.

Appendix D

The NPGSJ DTD Version 7.0

Appendix D: External file npgsubjects.ent

The following is a plain text copy of the entire content of npgsubjects.ent:
<!--Subject codes for Nature Publishing Group Academc Journals DTD v7.0--> <!ENTITY % code "(Bjpcode-1 | Bjpcode-2 | Bjpcode-3 | Bjpcode-4 | Bjpcode-5 | Bjpcode-6 | Bjpcode-7 | Bjpcode-8 | Bjpcode-9 | Bjpcode-10 | Bjpcode-11 | Bjpcode-12 | Bjpcode-13 | Bjpcode-14 | Bjpcode-15 | Bjpcode-16 | Bjpcode-17 | Bjpcode-18 | Bjpcode-19 | Bjpcode-20 | Bjpcode-21 | ki_01 | ki_02 | ki_03 | ki_04 | ki_05 | ki_06 | ki_07 | ki_08 | ki_09 | JID_01 | JID_02 | JID_03 | JID_04 | JID_05 | JID_06 | JID_07 | JID_08 | JID_09 | JID_10 | JID_11 | JID_12 | JID_13)">

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