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Soil Water: Characteristics and Behaviour

Water is Cool
Its the molecular structure of water that allows it to influence so many soil processes. o It consists of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms. But it is how they bond that is so interesting these elements are bonded covalently, with each hydrogen sharing its single electron with the oxygen. o But these are not arranged linearly (H-O-H). Instead, they hydrogen atoms are aligned in a V-shape with the oxygen atom, at a 105 angle. o That is, they are asymmetrical.

Waters Polarity
It means that the water molecule exhibits polarity. o The charges are not evenly distributed around the molecule. o The side on which the hydrogen atoms are located tends to be electropositive. o The side without the hydrogen atoms tends to be electronegative. This explains how water molecules interact with each other. o Each water molecule does not act independently but rather is coupled with other neighbouring molecules.

o The hydroge3n (positive side) of the molecule attracts the oxygen (negative side) of another molecule resulting in a chain-like (polymer) grouping. Polarity also explains why water molecules are attracted to electrostatically charged ions and to colloidal surfaces. o Cations such as H+, Na+, Ca2+ all become hydrated through their attraction to the oxygen (negative) side of water molecules. o Negatively charged clay surfaces attract water, attracting the hydrogen (positive) side to them. o Polarity of water also encourages the dissolution of salts as the ionic components of salts have a greater attraction for water molecules than for each other.

Waters Hydrogen Bonding

A hydrogen atom may be shared between two electronegative atoms such as O and N, forming a relatively low-energy link. o This is called hydrogen bonding. o This is the process through which neighbouring water molecules are attracted. o It also accounts for the high boiling point, specific heat and viscosity of water. o It is responsible for the structural rigidity of some clay crystals and for the structure of some organic compounds, such as proteins. Hydrogen bonding accounts for two basic forces responsible for water retention and movement in the soil: cohesion and adhesion. o Cohesion describes the attraction of water molecules for each other. o Adhesion describes the attraction of water molecules to solid surfaces.

o Together the forces of cohesion and adhesion make it possible for soil solids to retain water and control its movement in the soil and use. o It also explains the plasticity of clays.



Waters Surface Tension

Water has a higher surface tension compared to most other liquids. o Consider watching a water strider on the surface of water. o This is important when examining how waster moves and is retained in soil through the process of capillarity. Two forces cause capillarity: o The attraction of water to a solid (adhesion or absorption) o The surface tension of water, which is largely due to the attraction of water molecules to each other (cohesion)

Capillarity in Soils
Capillarity can be illustrated by putting one end of a fine, clean glass tube in water. o The water will rise in the tube. o The smaller the diameter of the tube, the higher it will rise above the water level. o This is due to the water molecules being attracted (through adhesion) to the sides of the tube. o The calculation is: h = 0.15/r where r = radius of the tube h = height of capillary rise

The same is true with water in soils. o The water will rise in the soil and is based on the pore size. o However, the rise in height is less than that expected based on the soil pore size alone. o This is because soil pores are not aligned in a straight line or are of uniform diameter and this slows down the movement of water through the pore spaces. o Also, some pore spaces become filled with trapped air, blocking the movement of the water. Capillarity differs from one soil type to another. o In general, the eventual height of water rise in a soil through capillarity above the water level is higher in finely-textured soils than in sandier soils. o The rate of capillarity action is generally slower in finely textured soils than in coarser soils because of the friction in the tinier pores. o For example, if water rises by capillarity to a height of 37 cm above a free-water surface in a soil, then it can be calculated by rearranging the capillarity equation (to r = 0.15/h) that the smallest pores must have a radius of about 0.004 cm. This provides you with an approximation of the minimum effective pore radius in a soil. o Keep in mind that capillary action is not always up/down or vertical, but also explains water movement horizontally too.

Soil Water Energy

The movement and retention of water in soils, and its uptake by plants, is all about energy. o Specifically, it is about potential energy of water. o The stored energy of position in an object is referred to as potential energy. For example, a drawn bow is able to store a lot of energy as the result of its position. When assuming its usual position (i.e. when not drawn), there is no energy stored in the bow. Yet when its position is altered from its

usual equilibrium position, the bow is able to store energy by virtue of its position. This stored energy of position is referred to as potential energy. Potential energy is the stored energy of position possessed by an object. o All substances tend to move or change from a higher to lower state of energy. o Water potential integrates a variety of different potential drivers of water movement, which may operate in the same or different directions. Water potential quantifies the tendency of water to move from one area to another due to osmosis, gravity, mechanical pressure, and matrix effects such as surface tension. o Water potential has proved especially useful in understanding water movement within plants, animals, and soil. o Water potential is typically expressed in potential energy per unit volume and very often is represented by the Greek letter . o The three most important forces that impact on potential pressure are: Matric force, responsible for absorption/adhesion and capillarity, that tend to reduce energy state of water near particle surfaces Osmosis, that tends to reduce the energy state of water in the soil solution Gravity, which always pulls the water downward. Many different factors may affect the total water potential, and the sum of these potentials determines the overall water potential and the direction of water flow: = 0 + n + p + s + v + m Where: 0 is the reference correction n is the solute potential p is the pressure component s is the gravimetric component v is the potential due to humidity

m is the potential due to matrix effects (e.g. fluid cohesion and surface tension) When water is in contact with solid particles in soil, adhesive intermolecular forces binding the water and the solid can be large and important. This attraction of water to solid surfaces gives rise to the matric potential. o The forces between the water molecules and the solid particles in combination with attraction among water molecules promote surface tension and the formation of menisci (a surface tension) within the solid matrix. o Force is then required to break these menisci. The magnitude of matric potential depends on the distances between solid particles the width of the menisci and the chemical composition of the solid matrix. In many cases, matrix potential can be quite large and comparable to the other components of water potential discussed above. o It is always a negative value since it reduces the energy potential of water. The osmotic potential is the product of solutes in the soil solution. o These can be organic compounds or inorganic salts. o The greater the concentration of solutes, the lower the osmotic potential of water. Gravity acts on water the same way it acts on any body pulling it downwards. o The gravitation potential of soil water is: s = gh Where: g = acceleration due to gravity h = the height of the soil water above a reference elevation

Water Flows Through Soil

Water moves through soil in various ways.

o Three types of generally recognized: saturated flow; unsaturated flow; and vapor movement. o Saturated flow takes place when the soil pores are completely filled (or saturated) with water. o Unsaturated flow occurs when the larger pores in the soil are filled with air, leaving only the smaller pores to hold and transmit water. o Vapor flow occurs as vapor pressure differences develop in relatively dry soils. Vapor migrates from an area of high vapor pressure to an area of low vapor pressure. Hydraulic conductivity is a soil property that describes the ease with which the soil pores permit water (not vapor) movement. o It depends on the type of soil, porosity, and the configuration of the soil pores. In saturated soils, the hydraulic conductivity is represented as Ksat and in unsaturated soils, the hydraulic conductivity is represented as K. o The hydraulic conductivity depends on the soil grain size, the structure of the soil matrix, the type of soil fluid, and the relative amount of soil fluid (saturation) present in the soil matrix. o The important properties relevant to the solid matrix of the soil include pore size distribution, pore shape, specific surface, and porosity. In relation to the soil fluid, the important properties include fluid density, and fluid viscosity. o Generally sandy soils have higher saturated conductivities than fine-textured soils because they have more macropore spaces. Flow through an unsaturated soil is more complicated than flow through continuously saturated pore spaces. o Macropores are filled with air, leaving only finer pores to accommodate water movement. o The movement of water in unsaturated soils is dictated by differences in matric potential, not gravity. o The matric potential gradient is the difference in the matric potential of the moist soil areas (high matric potential) and

nearby drier areas (low matric potential) and nearby drier areas (low matric potential) into which the water is moving.

Infiltration & Percolation

Onto every field or pasture a little rain falls and gets absorbed into the soil. o The absorption of water from the atmosphere into the soil consists of two processes: infiltration and percolation. o Infiltration refers to the process by which water enters the soil pore spaces and becomes soil water. o Percolation describes the processes through which infiltrated water moves downwards into the profile of a soil. The rate at which water can enter the soil is called the infiltration capacity (I): I = Q / (A * t) Where: Q = the volume quantity of water (m3) infiltrating A = the area of soil surface exposed to infiltration t = time o Generally expressed in cm/h The infiltration rate is not constant over time. o It generally decreases during an irrigation or rainfall episode. o This is because, when a soil is dry, the macropores open to the surface rapidly accept the water and conduct the water into the soil. So the infiltration rate at the start is very high. o But then these macropores fill up, reducing the infiltration rate, quickly at first, but then it levels. Infiltration rates are also influenced by soil types, specifically its texture and structure. o It is also influenced by the presence of any horizons that may block the downward movement of water. Both saturated and unsaturated flow are involved in percolation of water into a soils profile. o Rate of percolation is related to a soils hydraulic conductivity.

o Percolation can be observed as wet soil is dark in colour. And there is a distinctive front to this area called the wetting front between the dry soil and wet soil. o During an intense rain or heavy irrigation, water movement near the soil surface is affected primarily by gravity. o At the wetting front, however, water is moving in response to matric potential gradients as well as gravity. So it is not just imply moving downwards, but outwards as well. o In a light rain, both infiltration and percolation may occur mainly by unsaturated flow as water is drawn by matric forces into the fine entrapped pores without accumulating at the soil surface or in macropores. The movement of water by percolation can also be affected by the structure of differing horizons. o In fields, many soil profiles contain subsurface horizons with pore sizes that contrast markedly with adjacent layers in the profile. o You can also come across relatively impervious horizons fragipans, claypans, coarse layers that impact on the movement of water in a soil. o The presence of such conditions results in the downward movement of the water being impeded. This is true even when the subsurface layer consists of coarse or sandier texture and structure which seems to go against what one might think. o One might expect the sand layer to speed up, rather than impede, percolation due to the larger, more numerous macropores. o The sands macropores offer less attraction (adhesion) to water so the water doesnt get pulled into the sand layer easily. The impact of a layer of coarse materials is important in the construction industry. o It can also inhibit the rise of water from moist subsoil layers to the surface soil. o Have you ever poured a concrete slab? What do you do first?

o The larger pores in the coarse layer are not able to support capillary movement up from the smaller pores in the finer layer. Consequently, water rise by capillary action up to the coarse-textured layer, but it can go no further. o This principle allows a layer of gravel to act as a barrier to capillary action under a concrete slab foundation to prevent water from soaking up from the soil and through the concrete.

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