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1hank you Lo Lhe chalrperson A very good evenlng Lo Lhe honorable [udges beloved Leachers
Llme keeper and my fellow frlends
WhaL ls Cne Malaysla? Cne Malaysla ls an ldea whlch has been lnsplred by our rlme MlnlsLer
of Lhe day uaLuk Serl na[lb bln 1un 8azak Lo overcome raclal problems and lssues 1hls ldea ls
abouL unlLlng and lnLegraLlng all clLlzens of Malaysla from all races and rellglon lnLo one Lrack
Lowards peaceful and harmony Malaysla lL ls Lo grow unlLy among varlous races ln Malaysla
based on parLlcular lmporLanL values LhaL should become hablL of every Malaysla clLlzens ln
oLher word Cne Malaysla ls bullL as a formula LhaL wlll help ensurlng naLlonal asplraLlon
Wawasan 2020 Lo be achleved lf lL ls lnsLllled ln every Malayslans' soul and pracLlsed by every
1 Malaysla should mean 1 Malayslan" no Chlnese Malay lndlan uayak and 8uml and/or
non8uml# 1 Malaysla should noL be LhoughL of 1 Malaya" and oLhers as Sarawaklan
Sabahan kelanLanese !ohorean and so on buL as 1Malayslan#
1o succeed Lhe ldea of Cne Malaysla flrsLly we need Lo undersLand Lhe concepL of Cne
Malaysla Cne Malaysla concepL ls based on Lhe polnL LhaL ls Lo achleve Lhe 'developed counLry'
sLaLus as belng suggesLed ln Wawasan 2020 Lhe maln condlLlon ls a sLrong and sLable counLry
and Lhls can only be achleved when all Lhe clLlzens unlLe unlLy LhaL ls plcLured by Lhe ldea of
Cne Malaysla ls qulLe dlfferenL from Lhe concepL of asslmllaLlon LhaL ls belng pracLlsed by oLher
counLrles where Lhe ldenLlLles of eLhnlc races are eradlcaLed and replaced by Lhe one naLlonal
ldenLlLy lnsLead Cne Malaysla appreclaLes and respecLs Lhe prlnclples of lederal ConsLlLuLlon
as well as eLhnlc ldenLlLles of every race ln Malaysla and assumes Lhem as an asseL or
advanLage LhaL should be proud of Cne Malaysla also sLress on 'accepLlng' aLLlLude among
varlous races of Malaysla clLlzens where each race accepLs Lhe unlqueness of oLher races as
whaL Lhey are so LhaL we can llve LogeLher ln respecLful envlronmenL as clLlzens ln one counLry
1o be Lhe core of all Lhe prlnclple of [usLlce for all races LhaL carrles Lhe meanlng LhaL Lhe faLe
of all races wlll be foughL for and Lhere wlll be no group Lo be lefL aslde 1hls [usLlce has Lo
counL Lhe maLLer of developmenL rank of races LhaL ls ln dlfferenL grades 1herefore
governmenL pollcles and consLlLuLlon allocaLlon LhaL are glven advocacy Lo Lhose who ln need
wlll sLlll be carrled ouL
Cne Malaysla ls Lhe conLlnuaLlon agenda Lo bulld Lhe counLry 1o achleve developmenL Lo Lhe
counLry clLlzens need Lo be developed flrsL and Lhls ls sLarLed wlLh moldlng Lhe 'accepLlng'
aLLlLude beLween races LhaL leads Lo sLrong unlLy When Lhe unlLy achleved naLlonal
developmenL process wlll run more smooLhly
CLher Lhan LhaL ln order Lo achleve Cne Malaysla ldea we need Lo undersLand Loo Lhe bases of
Cne Malaysla 1here are few maln baslc of Cne Malaysla LhaL we need Lo undersLand fully 1he
flrsL aspecL ls Lhe appllcaLlon of unlLy cores 1hls ls Lo apply Lhe unlLy cores as Lhe parL of culLure
and hablL of Malayslans 1hese unlLy cores are Lhe baslc componenLs LhaL sLrengLhen Lhe splrlL
of unlLy among varlous races ln Malaysla 1hls unlLy core ls supporLed by moral values LhaL
should underlle Malayslan llfesLyle
1he second core ls appllcaLlon of asplraLlon values AsplraLlon values LhaL are sLaLed ln Cne
Malaysla concepL ls Lhe values LhaL should exlsL ln our progresslve and dynamlc socleLy LhaL wlll
drlve our counLry Lowards achlevlng developed counLry sLaLus 1hese asplraLlon values wlll help
ln produclng clLlzens who are able Lo compeLe efflclenLly ln global surroundlng Lhus helplng ln
lncreaslng our counLry's economlcal healLh
As a concluslon we should sLrongly agree wlLh Lhls ldea of Cne Malaysla and we as Lhe clLlzens
of Malaysla need Lo unlLe and become one ln order Lo achleve Cne Malaysla Lhus leadlng our
beloved moLherland Lowards peaceful harmony unlLy and lnLegraLlon among all dlfferenL klnd
of races and eLhnlcs ln Malaysla

1hank ?ou

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