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Teacher Candidate: Michael Van Etten Date: 11/29/2011

Unit Title: Genetics and Heredity Subject: Structure oI DNA and RNA Grade Level: 10

Essential Question(s): When you work with a computer where do you store your inIormation?
What is the Iormatting that it is saved as (MP3, WMA, etc)?

Lesson Number 3

State Standards and

S1AADARD 4: Students will understand and apply scientiIic concepts,
principles, and theories pertaining to the physical setting and living
environment and recognize the historical development oI ideas in

Performance Indicator 2.1: Explain how the structure and replication oI
genetic material result in oIIspring that resemble their parents.

Major Understanding:
f In all organisms, the coded instructions Ior speciIying the
characteristics oI the organism are carried in DNA, a large molecule
Iormed Irom subunits arranged in a sequence with bases oI Iour kinds
(represented by A, G, C, and T). The chemical and structural properties
oI DNA are the basis Ior how the genetic inIormation that underlines
heredity is both encoded in genes (as a string oI molecular 'bases) and
replicated by means oI a template.

Lesson Objectives
(Bloom`s Taxonomy)

Could be collected Ior
1. SLudenLs wlll be able Lo deflne nucleoLldes purlne pyrlmldlne unA
8nA and base palrlng rules

2. @e sLudenLs wlll be able dlsLlnguls purlnes and from pyrlmldlnes

3. SLudenLs wlll be able Lo consLrucL Lelr own unA double ellx model

Ask cerLaln sLudenLs for deflnlLlon of Lerms @en cross ceck wlL
oLer sLudenLs uslng Lumbs up/Lumbs down or coral response

SLudenLs wlll be glven an acLlvlLy seeL wlL mulLlple slngle sLrands of
unA @e sLudenLs wlll use Lelr knowledge of base palrlng rules Lo
flgure ouL Le compllmenL sLrand or nucleoLlde (lormaLlve)

3 SLudenLs wlll be assessed on Le componenLs LaL are lncluded ln Lelr
model of a unA double ellx (lormaLlve)

4 SLudenLs wlll ave aL an end of Le unlL LesL were Le lnformaLlon
presenLed ln Lls lesson wlll resurface (SummaLlve)

Bell Ringer and
Prior Knowledge

This can be together or
separate. Also may be
called: set induction,
anticipatory set,



Teacher input,
method(s), modeling,
guided practice,
independent practice,
and/or activities

for learning
modalities are

auditory, and

Introduce the new unit along with the new essential question.

O Jen you work wlL a compuLer were do you sLore your
lnformaLlon? JaL ls Le formaLLlng LaL lL ls saved as (M3 JMA

The teacher will introduce DNA and RNA structure and put up
the objectives Ior today`s class (RBIS). Students will be given the bell
ringer, which the students will take 2-3 minutes to complete. AIter the
students have completed the bell ringer, the teacher and students will
discuss the bell ringer. Also, the teacher will answer questions about the
previous day`s homework. Then, the teacher will provide a PowerPoint
containing important terms on DNA and RNA structure (Visual and
Auditory). During this time, the students will be using guided notes to
copy down the terms. The teacher will check Ior understanding
throughout PowerPoint. AIter the PowerPoint, the students will
receive an activity sheet possessing questions on the structure oI DNA
and RNA. The students will work in groups to identiIy the important
structures. In addition, the teacher will pass around models oI the
nitrogen containing bases Ior students to get a Ieeling oI the structure
(Kinesthetic). When the students Iinish, students will be supplied with an
index card that has a particular part oI a DNA double helix. The students
will get into groups oI three. One group should contain a deoxyribose, a
phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base. II there is a smaller
class, the students will just be given the nitrogen-containing base
segment oI a nucleotide (A, G, T, and C). Once students have gotten into
groups, the teacher and students will move the tables to have an open
room. The Iirst group will place themselves in orientation oI 5` to 3`.
Another group will be asked to join the Iirst nucleotide. That group has

to assess whether they can bond Iorming a larger phosphate backbone or
bond their nitrogenous base with the Iirst group. Some groups will have
either choice, but some will only have the option to do one. Once the
students have completed our structure oI our DNA double helix, the
teacher will ask several questions to the group that may change the
conIormation oI their DNA bonded strands. The students will answer by
responding and change what the DNA will look like. AIter, the students
and teacher will put the room back together. Once the students are back
in their seats, the students will Iinish their activity sheet by listing what
part oI a nucleotide they were and their importance. In addition, the
students will list the bonds they possessed to other parts oI the nucleotide
and who they were connected to. II the students do not Iinish, the sheet is
to be completed Ior homework.

For students that are blind in the class, I would have brail sheets. For
students have slight visual impairments, I will make the material on the
worksheets larger Ior them to see. For students with hearing impairments
a power point will be given to them, with all the inIormation that I
discuss on it.

Checks for

Label: directions,
procedures, routines,
and/or content

The teacher will call on particular students to explain a term in the
PowerPoint. The other students will agree or disagree using thumbs
up/thumbs down. This will continue Ior all terms asking diIIerent
students to explain (Content).

Students will be given worksheets containing parts oI DNA and RNA.
The students will demonstrate what they have learned in the class by
completing the questions. When the students receive their sheets, the
teacher will go over the directions. AIter, the teacher will ask a student
or two what the directions were. (Content and Directions).

Students will be given index cards, which will help them determine what
partners they can work with. The student will then be asked to read the
directions located within their activity sheet. (Content and Directions).


Type and purpose

In class worksheet and activity. (Formative)

At the end oI the unit, there will be a test given to check Ior
understanding oI the material and the connections made between each
(sometimes called

lesson (Summative)


Co over ob[ecLlves Lo see progress nexL class Le class wlll focus on
unA's dlfferenL roles ln creaLlng a proLeln

and/or Interactions
with Support Staff



White Board, Projector, Index Cards, Worksheets.

Time Required

1 Period

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