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Today: Preliminaries The Pope Warren

An abortion is an action in which a pregnancy is intentionally interrupted and involves (as part of the process or aim of interruption) the intentional killing of the fetus. Two factors are especially important the moral standing of the fetus.

the reason for getting/wanting the abortion. Does a fetus have moral standing? Why Might Someone Seek an Abortion? The Pope/Vatican on Abortion Abortion is always wrong and should never be performed

The Pope's conclusion is that abortion is wrong. How does he get there? Innocent We can never justify the killing of an innocent human being. Argument 1. It is wrong to kill an innocent human being. 2. A fetus is an innocent human being. C.So it is wrong to kill a fetus.

From the time that the ovum is fertilized, a life has begun which is neither that of the father nor the mother; it is rather the life of a new human being with his own growth. It would never be made human if it were not already...

-This is dubious. Warren Good Argument? 1. John keeps his money in the bank.

2. The bank is on 4th street. C. John keeps his money on 4th street. Good Argument? 1. John keeps his money in the bank. 2. The bank prevents flooding.

C. The place where John keeps his money prevents flooding. Good Argument? 1. It is wrong to ___kill___an innocent __human___ being. 2. A fetus is an innocent __human____ being. C.So it is wrong to __kill____a fetus. We need to be sure we are using __human__ consistently. Biological Use vs. Moral Use Choose your own adventure Choose __human_ = genetic code, then you get in trouble.

Choose __human___ = thing with moral standing, then you get in trouble too.

Mix and match and the argument isn't valid anymore, it's like the bad argument involving 'bank'. Mix and Match 1. It is wrong to _kill__an innocent thing with a _human__ biological profile.

2. A fetus is an innocent being with moral standing. C. So it is wrong to __kill__a fetus

Valid? Try Biological Sense 1. It is wrong to __kill___an innocent thing with a __human__ biological profile.

2. A fetus is an innocent thing with a _human___ biological profile. C.So it is wrong to _kill___a fetus. Valid? Sound? Try Moral Sense 1. It is wrong to __kill__an innocent being with moral standing. 2. A fetus is an innocent being with moral standing. C.So it is wrong to __kill__a fetus. Valid? Sound? Warrens Claim The following is false: A fetus is an innocent being with moral standing. How does she argue for this? Marks of a thing with moral standing 1. Consciousness, can feel __pain__. 2. A developed ability to solve complex problems. 3. Self-motivated activity. 4. The __capacity__ to communicate (at a pretty high level). 5. Self-concepts. Does the argument prove too much?

Suppose we adopt her marks of having moral standing. Does that view

make good predictions about easy cases?

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