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Speed Sensorless control of AC machines using

Direct Flux Control Scheme

Anshuman Tripathi, Student member IEEE, Ashwin M Khambadkone*, Member IEEE, Sanjib K
Panda, Member IEEE

Abstract-Due to incorrect estimation of stator flux vector estimate is used. The focus of this paper is to develop a
around zero speeds, the performance of methods for speed technique that helps to improve the estimation of the stator
sensorless control of induction motors, is very poor. We
propose a simple method to accurately estimate the stator flux vector and rotor angular velocity, for values down to
flux vector and demonstrate it's functioning for operation zero. We will also show the speed and torque dynamic near
at very small angular velocities. Estimation of average syn- and at zero speed. The method proposed here is different
chronous angular velocity in every sampling period is done
by using the stator flux error vector. Using the Direct Flux
from the approaches taken in [5],[GI and uses conventional
Control (DFC) method we show how to get the rotor an- technique of speed estimation whereby the stator flux esti-
gular velocity at and around zero value. Test results are mate is used to determine the synchronous angular velocity
presented for dynamic torque operation at and around zero and slip velocity is used to get the rotor angular velocity.
speed. The advantage of this method is that, it uses the
available information of the DFC method for achieving sen- The sensorless scheme presented here, is not intended for
sorless operation without complicating the original control servo applications. Hence operation at zero speed with full
scheme. Given the fact that most sensorless induction mo- torque is not the main thrust. Direct Flux Control (DFC)
tor drive applications do not require a servo performance at
zero speeds, the proposed scheme is shown to give a reason-
171 scheme is used for analysis and experimental verifica-
able accuracy. tion. In the next section, we will highlight the problem
during stator flux estimation and give a simple method of
correcting it.
Sensorless speed control makes a drive system economi- 11. ESTIMATION FLUXUSING
cal. But how close is the speed and torque control perfor- VOLTAGE MODEL
mance to the one that uses a speed sensor? The important High performance torque control requires accurate esti-
factor that influences the performance of a sensorless drive mation of stator flux vector for all operating rotor angular
operation using conventional methods is, estimation of the velocities. Different methods are proposed to eliminate the
stator flw vector. Common methods of stator flux vec- effect of dc offset that is always present in the sensed cur-
tor estimation are those using voltage model or the current rents, resulting into saturation of the integrator. A method
model. For robust torque and flux vector control schemes, of limiting the magnitudes of cy and 0 components, 111 can
voltage model is used because it involves only the stator solve the problem of saturation but results into a variable
resistance. In this method the induced voltage vector is in- phase angle error specially at speeds around zero. This
tegrated to obtain the stator AUK linkage vector. However, makes the system unstable at operating frequencies be-
a pure integrator has drift and initial value problems [I], low 3 Hz. Most of the other methods like (21 are based
[2]. These problems are solved by using a low pass filter in- upon the modified flux estimation model of Fig. 1. This
stead of a pure integrator but this results into a magnitude method attempts to compensates for the magnitude and
and phase angle error in the estimated flux vector. Further, phase angle error brought about by using a low pass filter.
the problem of dc-bias necessitates high pass filtering. A Compensation in the magnitude and angle of flux is done
high pass filter cascaded with an integrator, is equivalent to
a low pass filter that once again results into a magnitude
as well as phase angle error in the estimated flux vector
[3]. Faithful estimation is guaranteed for operating fre-
quencies higher than a few Hz, but around zero speed, this
method fails to properly estimate the IIUK vector because LOw Pass Filter compensation compensation
the magnitude of dc offset and other disturbances become
more pronounced than the induced emf. This deteriorates Fig. 1. Modified voltage model for flux estimation
the zero speed, steady state and dynamic performance of
schemes like Direct Torque Control (DTC) [4], as it leads after low pass filtering. This method is good at discarding
to incorrect voltage vector selection. Moreover, closed loop high frequency noise but the dc-offset still appears at the
speed sensorless control is not possible, if wrong stator flux output of the filter, specially at very low operating veloc-
ities. Moreover, the closed loop steady state and dynamic
Authors are with the department of Electrical Engineering, N a performance of a speed sensorless drive system at speeds
tional University of Singapore, Engineering drive-3, Singapore,
117S76. *Corresponding author (phone no.(0065)6874515i email: around zero will depend upon the parameter k which needs to be tuned by trial and error [2]. Reference [3] improves

PEDS'03 2

upon the estimation of this compensation by having a cas- between any two points with respect to the "displaced cen-
caded assembly of a complex compensating gain, a high ter" of the stator Hux vector locus is same. Once these
pass filter and an integrator. This cascade combination ef- points are located on the locus of the flux vector, lines
fectively is a compensated low pass filter. Following equa- joining the points YO), ( ~ 2 ~ and ~ 2 ()~ I , Y I ) ,( ~ 3 ~ ~ 3 )
tion (using normalized quantities) is used for stator Hux can be dramn. Points pl and p2 divide these lines into two
estimation, equal parts and the co-ordinates of these points are given
as,( z 2 + ~ 0 ) / 2 , ( y 2 + ~ 1 0 ) / 2 and (z1+z3)/2, (Y1+2/3)/2. The
!s = /{(I
T+J -jXS&l(ld,))(U, - T s & ) - XU,$,,}dT (1) lines joining p l and ( z ~ , y t )and pa and ( 2 2 , ~ intersect ~ )
each other at a point (zc,yc). This point is the "displaced
center" due to biasing. The average value of this bias is
here, W. is the synchronous angular velocity and X is a tun-
taken for one cycle and this is used to obtain the value of
ing parameter. The poles of the resulting low pass filter
X of eqn. (1) to get a correct estimate of the Hux vector.
will be self adjusted corresponding to the operating angu-
Therefore, this method of correction of the dc-bias is self
lar velocity. This model will work well only if the following
regulating. After a few cycles of bias correction the value
two conditions are satisfied. (a) amount of dc-offset is same
of X stabilizes and can be used directly to estimate the Hux
for the sensed currents and (b) analog gains provided by
vector. A flow chart showing the steps of bias estiniation
the anti noiselaliasing filters are exactly equal. Implemen-
tation of the modified voltage model helps to deal with
the problems of noise and drift. However, the calculated
flux still exhibits a dc offset bias at operating frequencies for flux linkage
around the zero value. Besides this, there is no standard
way to fix the factor A. In order to help with the devel-
opment of an adaptive algorithm or to cancel off the offset
directly, an offset detection/correction algorithm needs to
be developed. Ideally, it should be able to detect the value
of the dc bias at a faster rate than the frequency of the sta-
tor flux, and it should not be computationally intensive, so
as to maximize the sampling frequency as the execution
of the control algorithm is limited by the processor speed. Update samples
Fig. 2 provides a view of the algorithm used to detect the (x, Yo b.. I

bias. In this figure, the problem due to dc-bias is shown

calculate bias
(X. I Y.)

Increment bias
update counter
reset bias update

to bias control

Fig. 3. Flow Chart far bias correction

and correction is shown in the Fig. 3. The effect of hias

Fig. 2. Algorithm for flux estimation compensation can be seen from the plots of Figs. 4 and 6 .
A small step change of 0.1 Hz, in the synchronous angular
and an approach
.. to tackle the same is illustrated. (zn,
, - SO).
--, velocity U, of the stator Hux vector is given at standstill.
( z ~ , y ~(z2,yz)
), and (z3,y3) are the Hux vector estimates
for consecutive sampling instants. The angular difference
For an arbitrarilv fixed value of X in eon. (1) the center of
\ ,

the stator fluvector locus is shown to exhibit a constant


~ . ... .
... .
offset. Under similar conditions, the bias compensation al- . . .:
. . .: .
. . . . . . . . . . . . .?:..... :. ...........
. .~
i .
: :
gorithm results into the corrected locus of Fig. 5. Fig. 6 . . .. ..

: . : . . I .
i . .
shows the locus of the stator flux vector at a rotor angular
velocity of 0.05 H z . As the operating frequency increases
: I
. . . .. .. p” + ++.
.. . . . . . .. . . . . 2.7’
. .: ..... .3> .... ..; ;
beyond 10% of the rated value the modified voltage model
as given in eqn. 1 gives faithful estimate of the stator flux .+.I_ : ..-,. _--, .
. .
....-.-,-. ... -...
iIf..C/ -2

.. ..
vector. Thus the bias detection and correction algorithm .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I .....................
may no longer be used. The next section gives a new .. ..
. .
. . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘, . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . :
St.OP<d 3 ,or,dir,
.. .. *
*. :. :.
. . .
. .
cnI.2” : eHnn : aq.W : Myzy : : . i : . . i : . :
...E. ......... Dc.1,... ...... ...... IE.,i l . ................ . . . . ... . . . . . ... . . . . . .A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Fig. 6 . Stator flux vector locus at 0.05 H i , without (left) and with
(right) bias correction algorithm


Fig. 4. Problem : Stator flux vector locus for an wI step of 0.1 Hz

from zero value, with a deliberately added bias

StOPPcd 4 (Ior/m”l
CHlW : e=: aDnzv W I Y :
.... ...oo.r,. . .:. ...... Dc
1-1.....;... ...

..... ..w.1:, ..........................

Fig. 7. Principle of torque control
. . . . . .
. . . .. . . ... . ... . . .. . . ... . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .

During steady state conditions, the synchronous angular

velocities of the stator Hux vector at two consecutive sam-
pling instants are same. Thus the angular displacement vss
between any two samples will be equal. This condition is
I I shown in the vector diagram. Depending upon the operat-
ing angular velocity, the Hux error vector Allt, decides the
Fig. 5. Compensation : Stator flux vector locus with bias com-
pensation algorithm for an w8 step of 0.1 Hz from zero, with a duty cycles of the switching states.
deliberately added bias
A step command in torque, generates a slip angular ve-
method of estiniation of the synchronous angular velocity locity that defines a new position of the reference flux vec-
that works unto zero operating angular velocity. Proposed tor. This results into an angular displacement pdyn that
method exploits the closed loop flux vector control [8] that will be much larger than the steady state value.
is the core of DFC scheme.
Fig. 8 gives the block diagram of the control structure.
Output of the torque controller is slip angular velocity that
is added with the rotor angular velocity to give the syn-
A. Principle of torque control in DFC chronous angular velocity of the reference stator flux vec-
DFC scheme was elaborated in detail in [7]. The princi- tor. During a step change in torque command, there is
ple of torque control using a DFC scheme can be explained a step change in the position of the reference flux vector.
using Fig. 7. This figure gives the vector relationship be- Dynamic of the estimated stator Hux vector is decided by
tween machine flux vectors and the current vector at a the predictive dead-beat flu)( controller, which forms the
sampling instant k. inner loop of the block diagram of Fig. 8.


Fig. 8. Block diagram for sensorle~sdynamic torque control using the DFC scheme

B. Predictive stator flu control and estimation of sym the actual flux vector and the predicted reference will be
chronous angular velocity 2wsTs. Hence, if the predicted reference vector and the
Stator flux vector control is done in stator coordinates. estimated flusvector are available, the error vector A + , ( k )
will directly define the switching states that will make this
To mitigate phase error, predictive control becomes neces-
error zero after every sampling period. This is done in
sary. In reference [8] it hils been explained how predictive
flux vector control compensates for the phase error. Be- the following manner, (a) A Q S ( k )is mapped in the same
space diagram as the voltage vectors of the inverter and (b)
fore deriving the synchronous angular velocity let us define
switching of the adjacent voltage vectors is done such that
the reference flux vector and the predicted flux vector in
stator co-ordinates. In discrete time system we will choose the total volt-seconds obtained is equal to the volt-seconds
the sampling period as 2T, where T, will be calleds.a the of A~,b~(k). This method of obtaining the inverter duty
sub-cycle. Therefore the predicted stator flux reference is cycle is called stator flux vector based PWM. Magnitude of
^^ the fluserror vector, l A ~..- ( k )decides
I the rate at which the
glvc'l aa
flux vector can be moved. Hence it should give the average
+;s ( k ) = I+; 1 eAd!4+4dk+112~s) (2) angular velocity of stator flux vector in a sampling period.
Thus, besides defining the switching state vectors, A+,(k)
+* ( k ) = +:(k)eh(k+f')2Ts ( 3 ) can be used to extract the synchronous annular
PS - velocity of
the stator flux vector. .4t a sampling instant k as shown
In steady state, the predicted reference flux +&
moves at in Fig.9, +,(k) makes an angle E with the reference a-axis.
a stator frequency of U s rad/s, as shown in Fig. 9. In A+,,(k) is the flux error vector. The angular displacement
of the error vector is p. From the figure, we can say that

- This gives,

P Conventionally, the synchronous angular velocity is ob-
tained by differentiating the stator flux vector angle. This
method has problems during the machine start up. Using
the proposed method we can find out the average angular
velocity in a sample for all operating frequencies includ-
ing zero. The advantages of the DFC method over conven-
tiorial methods are that it is more robust, achieves constant
switching frequency operation and can operate in overmod-
a- ulation ensuring ~.dvnaniic at all operating
- the best torque
Fig. 9. Predictive dead beat control of stator flux velocities. In the next section we show how to obtain the
rotor angular velocity and thereafter present experimental
one sampling period 2T,, the angular displacement between results for the speed sensorless operation.

PEDS03 5

C. Estimation of rotor angular velocity

Using eqn. ( G ) , angular velocity of the stator flux vector
can be estimated. To estimate rotor angular velocity, the
slip velocity a s defined by the output of torque controller
Fig. 8; is made use of. Thus the difference of these veloci-
ties gives the rotor angular velocity under both steady state
and dynamic conditions. The slip as given by the torque
controller does not depend upon the rotor time constant
and as such is more robust to temperature variations. Es-
timated rotor angular velocity is filtered using a a low pass
. . .
filter. Results of dynamic control using estimated rotor an-
gular velocity are shown in Figs. 10 and 11. Both figures Y

' :
show a reversal in the rotor angular velocity. Fig. 10 is i
plotted by putting an un-tuned value of X in eqn. (1). The
estimated speed is controlled but the an error in the phase Fig. 12. A step of 500 R P M from standstill, rising estimated rotor
angle of the flux components is evident. This will give angular velocity for closed loop drive operation
torque oscillations. Fig. 11 is plotted with a tuned value of
X using the bias estimation algorithm. The estimated flux
is shown to be having no phase angle error.

....... .:........ ........ . . .

Fig. 10. Speed control using the DFC scheme: step change from -50
R P M to +50 RPhI with phase angle error and without bias

Fig. 13. Rated Torque step with zero reference speed

WI.W w=5v CKpOan" -=":
........oc q ,... . . . . . .oc.a:, ......... De,:,. . . . . . . ..oc.r,.......................

torque step at a rotor angular velocity of 0.2 pu. Dur-

ing torque transients, the slip angular velocity changes, re-
sulting into a transient in the estimated angular velocity.
-4 However, the steady state estimate is same as the encoder
value. This can be seen in Fig. 14. The drive system uses
an inverter of 2 kW and a 0.75 k W induction motor. The
..................... switching frequency selected is 5 kHz.
A simple method of estimation of rotor angular veloc-
ity has been explained. Conventional method of speed es-
I I timation is used, that necessitates accurate estimation of
the stator flux vector at all operating frequencies specially
Fig. 11. Speed control using the DFC scheme: step change from -20
RPM to +20 RPIW with bias correction, and +s,B are also those near zero. Modified voltage model is effectively em-
shown. ployed along with a bias detection algorithm, to accurately
estimate the stator flux vector at frequencies approaching
Fig. 12 shows the dynamic torque control for a rotor zero. Test results show a reasonable dynamic performance
angular velocity step of 0.7 pu. The estimated rotor ve- using the DFC scheme.
locity is eqnal to the angular velocity obtained froni the
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PEDS03 6

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