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Registration Process Step I Send a SMS <MBSR EG> <Mobile Make > <Mobile Mode l> to 567676 (e.g.

MBSR EG Nok ia 6600). If your mobile model is ja va enabled, you will ge t a Use r ID, defa ult MPIN and a link by SMS which ca n be use d to download the applica tion if you ha ve GPR S conne ctivity. The free GPR S conne ction offe red by va rious mobile se rvice provide rs can also be used. If your mobile is not ja va ena ble d, you will not be able to use the pre sent mobile ba nking se rvices. The Bank will be offe ring the se rvice to you shortly ove r USSD. If GPR S conne ctivity is not ava ilable , plea se do the following. Download the applica tion on your PC by going to the we bsite. Afte r downloading tra nsfe r applica tion to your mobile using the da ta cable that was re ce ived a long with the phone . If the phone and the PC ha ve Blue Tooth fa cility you can transfe r the applica tion from the PC to the ha ndse t via the Blue Tooth. If these a re not feasible you ma y use ge t a ssistance from the branch for insta lling the applica tion on your ha ndse t. Afte r installa tion of the applica tion, please login using the Use r ID re ce ived in the SMS. The Use r ID is ca se sensitive a nd ha s to be ente red a s re ce ived ove r SMS. Afte r ope ning the mobile bank ing applica tion, you will be prompte d to cha nge the MPIN. If not prompted, please sele ct Se ttings from Ma in Me nu a nd choose Change MPIN. The de fault MPIN ha s to be e nte red in the old MPIN and a ne w MPIN of your choice in the ne w MPIN which ha s to be confirmed by ente ring the ne w MPIN once aga in in Confirm ne w MPIN. Send the request. You will re ce ive the confirma tion of cha nge in MPIN ove r SMS. Afte r the re ce ipt of the confirmation of change of MPIN, plea se choose a Se cre t Question and ente r the a nswe r. For this purpose , please se le ct Settings from Ma in Menu a nd choose Valida te Account a nd se le ct one se cre t question from the drop down menu provided and ente r the answe r. Please remembe r this se cre t question and the answe r since this will be used to va lida te you in case you forge t your MPIN or wa nt to de registe r from the mobile bank ing se rvices. The two steps mentioned above viz., cha nge of MPIN and choosing the se cre t que stion a re manda tory without which the a ccount will not be a ctiva ted and the othe r fa cilitie s ca nnot be used. Afte r comple ting the above process, a ctiva te your account ove r nea rest SBI ATM. At the ATM, afte r swiping the Debit Ca rd, please choose the option Se rvices and the n se le ct Mobile Ba nking. Unde r Mobile Ba nking, choose the option to Registe r, ente r your mobile numbe r and re-e nte r the numbe r to confirm registra tion.

Step II

Step III

Step IV

Afte r the above proce sses a re comple te d, your a ccount will be a ctiva ted. You will be advised of the fa ct by SMS. You can then use a ll the se rvices offe red unde r the Mobile Ba nking Se rvices.

Download the Mobile Banking A pplication Step I Step II Step III Choose your mobile make from the drop down menu. Choose your mobile mode l numbe r from the list displa yed. You will ge t two options Download applica tion to PC or Download applica tion to mobile. If you a re using da ta cable , choose the se cond option. Else, download the applica tion to your PC a nd transfe r the applica tion to your handse t using Blue tooth.

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