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Oligohydramnios Is a condition in pregnancy characterized by a deficiency of amniotic fluid. It is the opposite of polyhydramnious. The presence of less amniotic c fluid than is usual for a given gestational age. And also a deficiency in the amount of amniotic fluid in the gestational sac during pregnancy. Oligohydramnios is characterized by the following features: Diminished amniotic fluid volume (AFV) Amniotic fluid volume of less than 500 mL at 32-36 weeks' gestation - Amniotic fluid volume depends on the gestational age; therefore, the best definition may be AFI less than the fifth percentile. Single deepest pocket (SDP) of less than 2 cm Amniotic fluid index (AFI) of less than 5 cm or less than the fifth percentile.. When a woman has oligohydramnios, the level of amniotic fluid surrounding the baby is too low. To understand how this can affect your health and the health of your baby, it's helpful to first understand the role amniotic fluid plays in a healthy pregnancy.

Symptoms of Oligohydramnios
- Decreased amount of fluid seen on ultrasound -A small for dates womb -uterine contractions

-Placenta abnormality -Fetal urinary abnormality

Any condition that prevents the fetus from making urine or that blocks urine from going into the amniotic sac. Contributing factors: uteroplacental insufficiency, premature rupture of membranes prior to labor onset, maternal hypertension, maternal diabetes, intrauterine growth restriction, post term pregnancy, fetal renal genesis, polycystic kidneys, and urinary tract obstructions. It is typically caused by fetal urinary tract abnormalities such as bilateral renal agenesis ( Potter's syndrome ), fetal polycystic kidneys, or genitourinary obstruction. Uteroplacental insufficiency is another common cause. Most of these abnormalities can also be detected by obstetric ultrasound. It may also occur simply due to dehydration of the mother, maternal use ofangiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, or without a determinable cause (idiopathic).


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Monitor maternal and fetal status closely, including vital signs and fetal heart rate patterns. Monitor maternal weight gain pattern, notifying the health care provider if weight loss occurs. Provide emotional support before, during, and after ultrasonography. Inform the patient about coping measures if fetal anomalies are suspected. Instruct her about signs and symptoms of labor, including those shell need to report immediately. 6. Reinforce the need for close supervision and follow up.. 7. Encourage the patient to lie on her left side. 8. Maintain strict sterile technique during amnioinfusion.

Latest Treatments for Oligohydramnios

Maternal bed rest Hydration therapy


-Test for systemic lupus erythematosus, which causes immune-mediated infarcts in the placenta and placental insufficiency. -Evaluate for PIH and hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome. Test for elevated blood pressure, proteinuria, elevated uric acid, increased liver function test results, and low platelet count. Prenatal ultrasonography and oligohydramnios

Prenatal ultrasonography and oligohydramnios

- Perform serial measurements of the AFI during the pregnancy. If the mother is in the third trimester and if the volume is less than 8 cm, suspect oligohydramnios. Levels less than 5 cm indicate significant oligohydramnios. -Visualize the fetal kidneys, collecting system, and bladder. If these are normal, suspect the chronic leakage of amniotic fluid or PIH. -Assess fetal growth. If PROM or urinary tract anomalies are absent, consider placental insufficiency and IUGR. -Uterine artery Doppler study findings may aid in the diagnosis of placental insufficiency. -Postnatal, evaluate organ systems likely to be involved on the basis of the pregnancy history and results of other prenatal evaluations. For more information, see Oligohydramnios.

The meaning of a certain word that are usually used in my topic!

Amniotic fluid .

Substance that protects the developing fetus; derived mostly from fetal urine.

Uteroplacental- [uter-o-plah-sental pertaining to the placenta and uterus Proteinuria- is defined as urinary protein excretion of greater than 150 mg per
Hemolysis-The destruction of red blood cells which leads to the release of hemoglobin from within the red blood cells into the blood plasma.

Amniotic fluid index (AFI)- is a rough estimate of the amount of amniotic fluid and is an index for the fetal well-being. Erythematous -are relating to or characterized by erythema, which is the redness of skin as caused by dilation or congestion of capillary


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