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JANUARY 26 1904



iIjT FORTUNE Minister Minhui Cho Emperor Franz Josef To Visit Edward VII Puzzle to Diplomats WEST TO STRANGER



at any time

D C POSTOFF1CE NOTICE Should be read dally c changes may occur

Irrigation Service Reportto Be Issued


Kefrean Minister Has Lived Life of Hermit in Warm Welcome Assured in England for the Nun or Novice Made a Mys Washington and No One Has Been Venerable Doyen of European Monarchs terious Will v Able to Understand His Silence King May Postpone Usual Cruise

FOREIGN MAILS are dispatched to the ports of sailing dally and the chc<lale of arranged on the presumption of the ruptcd overland transit Fbr the week ending January 30 UXM the last connecting closes will be made from the MA1K OFFICE tollowa




Surveys in Idaho and Plans Mapped Out to Preserve Forests on the Headwaters

Actual construction has boon begun In Arizona and Nevada on two projects which will reclaim several hundred thous and acres of fertile land and transform Itlntoagricultural communities Detailed surveys have been made and aro In progress of numerous other projects and several of these will be taken up In the course of the coming year The second annual roport the gation Reclamation Service ofunder Irrithe charge of Frederick H Newell which ADMEN SYLVA PROUD will soon be issued will give a descrip GOOD LUCK BRINGS tion of the work undertaken by the Govtrnment in the Western States and Territories under the national irrigation law OF LITERARY REGORD PECK OF TROUBLES The general Idea Is as expressed in the reports thtt the Irrigation law Is a safe and caefuI1y frameii ace be worked out to advantage Noand din chango or amendment to the law is recom- Man Who Won Valuable Lottery Prize One Book Every Two Years Is Not mended o Congress If after an actual So Bad Says Roumanias Besieged in Hotel by Army trial upon two or three projects some Queen weak point develops then the Govern- Of Beggars ment will bo in n position Intelligently to advise Congress what change In needed BUCHAREST Jan 2G Ono book LISBON Jan 2Q The winner of the Forests at Headwaters first prize In the Christmas lottery here every two years not a bad record for a Tlu report calls attention to the neces- which amounted to 165000 Is Senhor queen who is much harassed by official sity for the protection of the head rtufllno do Carvalho who has been in business said Carmen Sylva at a re- waters of streams sayst Africa for twentythroe years and re- ception held In honor of the anniversary One of the important matters in turned only on the morning when it of the local Evangelical Church connection with the permanent develop was announced that he had won the I was sixty the other day continued ment of the water resources of the prize Carmen Sylvu I have written novels country Is the protection of the catch He Immediately found himself the dramas legends and poems also trans ment basins The headwaters of many most famous man in Lisbon and since lations notably of Roumanian folk lore streams are already Included within ho set foot on his native soil he has You may recollect rs > translation of the forest reserves and some of the been deluged with petitions followed by Pierre Lotls famous Iceland Fisher reservoir sites are thus guarded from In the streets assaulted by beg- man When I read that book I sat Injury The forest reserve boundaries crowds gars and hooligans demanding money Immediately to translate It even Should be extended to include the coun and besieged In his hotel by 30ft beggars down asking before Pierres permission hut try from which comes lost experience was the worst of then we part of the rainfall This the principal This for the crowd of mendicants fell not matterare such good friends it did lnd has no value for cultivation is usually all landing nearly tore said One book ever r rugged upon him and suitable only for the production of is clothes on thehis back and obliged twoYour years remarked tire beautiful from trees the frantic hotelkeeper to summon the crown princess who was Little Mary of policoEdinburgh a few years and who is Belief Is gaining ground in ot three beautiful chil- Senhor Carvalho already dis- now the ton that not only should the Washing tributed over 2500 had poor forest re to the has dren surely you dont mean to say that serves be extended but now refuge in the provinces you commenced writing In your crodlo tlre remaining public forestthat the en where taken hide himself he No not as bad as that but I have lands should Is forgotten When remem be permanently reserved and he left his hotel been a writer ever since I canappeared that apy book However my cut therefrom should be under h e was obliged to disguise himself to ber at the beginningfirst tho eighties only avoid attracting attention of
J f

LONDON Jan 28 Several months foro King Edward goes to call upon both e Kaiser probably imleqd In the spring just before or just after his Irish visit King Edward will receive the venerable Emperor Francis Joseph of Austria upon these shores For this the King will probably nut oft his usual cruise In the Mediter- ranean and will do the aged Emperor upon whose life the solidarity of Eu- rope so largely depends all those hon- ors which aro so eminently duo to tho doyen of European monarchs In spite of his hardihood and amazing faculty for work nnd even for port did he not spend his last holiday deer shooting the Austrian Emperor can at Ills age

lllvant about like the young King of Italy or his majesty or Portugal Everything no cordlngly will be done to sparo him fatigue but It is probable that at least a luncheon at ho Guildhall and a mili- tary review will be Included In the celebrations It is hardly necessary to add that not only a warm but an intensely respect ful welcome is assured on the part of the English public to the old Emperor The loneliest of European sovereigns pri and weighed down as he vate sorrows the Emperor Francis Jo still fulfills his enormous and in- responsibilities with i finitely troublesome patience 7i tlroress that positively compel admiration

hardly be expected to






Invested in Mines to Stockbroker



Jan 26 The Chilean consul general in Paris is Investigating an ex- traordinary and mysterious will case in which the Convent of the Assumptionat Pussy and a wellknown and wealthy stockbroker ure concorned Three months ago a young Chilean woman named Mile Maria de la Iuz Conslno who was a member of the well known Consino family and extremely wealthy died in the convent in ques-
Consul Investigates the Chilean consul gen- eral received a telegram from her rela- tives in Chile stating that they had re- ceived intelligence of her death and asking that he make the necessary in- quiries and attend to ho furieral arOn October 17


much of a riddle to ttates Cho the minister from country who is about to make way that fOr another representative has been oven less communicative than his prede- cessors He Is a real Sphynx a book closed to the entire diplomatic colony and a puzzle to everyone who has had an opportunity to see him Diplomatists are at a loss to know whether Minhui Cho Is a hermit by na ture or has been living to himself under Instructions from his government The gray legation in Iowa Circle over which the blue and white flag of Korea flips has been the home of a rcclufcc since the present minister has lived there Its doors seem to be close to everybody have been un- Even newspaper able to get beyond the portals ways men

Korea and Korean diplomacy

hivve al-


French Unintelligible
Nobody who has talked with Minhui Cho and the Interpreters in his employ lips been able to tell what they said When the men from th little peninsula


water iupply for ir rlsatlon and power as well asboth munic for ipnJ or any other need Scores ot de nuded and bare mountain in Western States once thickly with spruce and fir attest to covered the ful oprUon of our present ban e timber laws Big Tonto Dam The oUlclal figures of the Geological Survey show an Interesting comparison ot the or the Snit R1er ot the big Tonto dam with ot11ergr t artrttclalre1iervorr stroc turreAMhe pountcy The to rice 250 feet above the channel of the stream ItS thickness at the base will be 88 feet gradually tapering to a width or 16 feet at the curb the width of the dam across the canyon wilt be 800 feet The Croton dam which Is to New York with water is 220 feet supply above the river channel and 1800 feet across I t was necessary in this case to dig down SO feet to Insure a foundation The Wacnus tt dam near Boston Is 13 feet above the river channel 185 feet thick at the base and 850 feet wide Work Inldal1o The Government has made a recon nolssarce of the irrigation possibilities of Idaho under the national law and haG selected three localities for more complete study One of the three projects selected for special elti l r TntC Mud Lake undertak ing This Includes a large extent 6i desert land and It Is believed 200000 acres can be reclaimed through a canal biding on th North Fork oCthe Snake Rl ar near St Anthon Various trIal lfncsthavebeen rtinotitjy theGovethi across the desert showing that Went canals can be carried out at different elevations and at different costs The Mlmldoka project contemplates the reclamation of about SOOOO acres on both sides of the Snake River south of the Oregon Short Line Railroad The river Is to bu dammed but the water cannot be raised sufficiently high to get it out on to the beat lands so that sup- plemental pumping on a large scale Is proposed to reach the lands Above the gravity system Power for pumping can be derived by suitable water wheels installed near the

Govornmit stzpervIlon thus absolutely insuring the



Royal Blue Book S r Bojpk Jjt j Se The January number Royal Blue has started the year with a new feature Each number for the en suing year will contain two yages of the characteristic work of two ot the most prominent American press humor ists and consequently Its readers ma look to a variety of entertain ing literature of character In the future It is also the endeavor of the publish ers to present some beautiful picture on of the Baltimore the Ohio Rail road each month as a frontispiece with 1 I a descriptive poem of some well known author The articles on the Worlds Fair at pecIaFto The Washingtajx TLm St Louis neo tho best detailed descrip assaulting and boating Sale iJeckham left was tions published The February numaer ALEXANDRIA Va Jan 26 George by Policemen especially will be ricer and to the beau The next case was a ties of the exposition from an archi H Norris son of Mark Ndrrls died very suddenly at his home 1123 Prince Street charged with assaulting another boy tectural standpoint mayor of this case by last night Mr Norris was seized with tho J5 Grading Begun a fit t coughing and was unable to Denial by Engineer Samuel aslant by Pollcviaen stoP and soon expired Mr Itforrls was Smith and Grading Chief Engineer Brown who was In Dominion begun on the line of the Old Just twentyone years of age The ar ing and Allen on suspicion of assault at Aqueduct Bridge yseter Kenney WAS Washington yesterday making an In day Contract r Oliver put rangements for his to not yet next trIed No evidence the first of spection of the work done on the Union he was dismissed men to work There been made no Station site denied that the Pennsyl- sation of the work now will be the cesuntil lino CHARGED WITH MURDER vania Railroad intended to bogln new reaches Great Falls MRS DOHERTyS FUNERAL jxnproements In 1004 vhlhwO cost c In the county court Judge J M Loc The funeral of the lat Mrs Martha year 67 50000000 He said BLESS YOU CHILDREN presiding yesterday the grand 3uryreDoherty took place from 000000 worth of Improvements had been an Indictment against J hn AND NEILSONS HAPPY undertaking rooms at 10 oclock this authorized but that in a number of mura negro for the alleged negro morning and was attended by many der cases this work had not even been com- Johnson also a Fully onehalf of those Im- Young menced friends of the dead woman The 11ev The trial of Williams was set for toBrides Father Sends His For Father H provements he said would no be In J Cutler of St Marys day the end of this It was Church conducted the funeral sorvces giveness and Her Clothes these improvements he said that the and the interment was made In St PUPILS WHO EXCEL rumor mongers had in mind when the Marys Cemetery spoke of the 50000000 Chief Engineer NEW YORK Jan 26 Mr and Mrs At the Eplscrjml High School the fol said the company have all lowlpg studwis have distinguished complete the Jules Blanc Neileon have been forgiven MEMORIAL WINDOW It could now In Hand for work un Frank T Wall father of the brIde has The stained glass windOW memorial themselves in their studios in the pat dertaking any more dispatched his blessing and a trunk montlr Walter W Alexander late of clothes for Mrs Nellaon to the Hotel of thebeing Francis J Murphy MD Is Blackford William H Games jr S now placed In position Seeking Settlers Walton Philadelphia The Nollsona south side of St Marys Churchon the Miller Gollaher J Gwynn Gough Kent The B Hall Edwin H W Harlan Howard The Nashville Chattanooga and St have been waiting for both at the hotel dcm Louis the Louisville and Nashville and since Saturday night when the bride window which was executed In Europe M Hicks H Augustine Latane William It represents the Re- J Mann jr John Y McDonald John Sled from her fathers home with the I cost about WOO The third Government project in Idaho the Frisco system have announced had Ip the PayettCtBolse near the city of through the Memphis Passenger Bureau man 6he Mr secretly married on Jan- deemer blessing little children and Is M Minton Jr Joseph F Moore W James S Rust Boise The Payettc River oh the north homeseekors and settlers rates from uary tho young Wall opposed the match appropriately inscribed to the memory of Armlstead taking advantage and Henry Seamon furnishes a supply of water much of Memphis to all on their lines In of his absence for An hour Sleet with Dr Murphy who gave his entire fortune Rive Seamon William Jr C Gllllams Laurie Smith to the Society of St Vincent de Paul to waste The wprk Involved which The rates are a dupli- only a handbag Smoot Whittle Richard P will be for tho benefit of the poor of Alexandria Williams Robert i>Warner Wood cate of those named by the In this reclamation everything is set- vlt is Jr E tunneling A care- lines for securing emigration from the I tled andall over now wlllbe very hap Dr Murphy was a prominent physician nd hope they necessary here over forty WASHINGTON ful study of this project Southeast and they ata Intended to act py said I Wall The marriage was years his native Ho was a writer of great talent when reclaimed will be of as a check to the stead outflow of peobut reasons for MEDAL high value and the benefit to the State ple from the Southeast to the West and unfortunate wouldsome discuss the report and his contributions to the Knicker Alexander J Mr Wall not secretary 9111 be farreaching Southwest The tickets will be placed that he himself was about to be mar- bockor Blackwoods Magazine and the Washington Monument Associationof on sale on the 1st and 15th of each ried were col The story was that ho was to other periodicals of hIgh meritInto month until April 1 a me has received tho flrst lot of the bronze make a Miss Uncles of Plttsfield his lected at the close of his life GUFFEY AS CHAIRMANare to bride on Wednesday next Mr Wall Is morial volume medal which bulldjng be sold to raise of a monument fifty years of age and Miss Uncles Is the IF GORMAN IS CANDIDATE Rock Island Meeting MAYORS COURT CASES twenty clght to the Father of His Country in this The pnnual meeting of the Rook Isl- city The medals wero ordered to bo Mayor PIttsburg Millionaire May Preside at and Railroad was hold yest day in Jer- HUGGING A Geol L Simpson was busy made by Congress and are very hand- CORPSE this lng assault and bat some On sey City All the directors wore retho face of the medal is the Democratic National Convention elected and tho extension plans at the FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR tory cases cane Tho first was that of Rozier Prot bust of Washington and there are four officers were of Tho meeting representing p tyman arrested by Policeman Bottle Washington as a re an sur- PITTS BURG Pa Jan 26 The chair- was without incident Tho matter o Young Woman Had Arm Around Escort charged with assaulting Lee Gonz veyor and farmer the lines of the company into manship of the Democratic National the Southeastern States was not disberger Genzberger who Is a private Convention which meets In St Louis I in the Sleigh next July will probably be given to cussed watchman swore that Prottyman as VISITING HER MOTHER M Guffey the multimil- Pass Agreement Col James Mrs J V Davis has as her her 2C Among the saulted him last night tearing his coaBroken ANOKA Mfnn Jan d severely hurting him Prettyman f daughter Mrs Wlncholl lionaire oil man of Pittsburg Leading Advices from Chicago say that tho members of a sleighing party here Sun ti Commander W P Wlnahell Democrats of this city who are well Wilton Skelton a neg was tried for U S N posted on rational thut last vestige of tho Eastern pass agree day night was Lewis Ficker a young opinion is running strongly in mont was wiped out yesterday when farmer and by his side with her arm favor ot passes arrived for local officers from the around him sat a young woman he chairman Colonel Guffey the dual dis- New York Central and the Pennsylvania had broughtjolting and singing tho wo I being favorably re und Lake Shore railroads tinction of not It Amid the noticed that her com- corded b tho leaders who stuck wit I t more certain that the last link lund been man was unusually silent She during his twb disastrous cam- broken some of the Lake Shore i panion paigns also highly regarded by are good on the Twentieth Century Jim thought he was hanging his head on men who have come Into the Ited a unthought his breast to avoid the cold Even when ofhands she remarked How cold councils in the East she thought His friends say that his acceptance of Free transportation Is now on prac are and received no reply did not an E M upon tically the same basis as It was three little of the fact that he national chairmanship the the bobsled sped The other roads have found swer In this whether P Gorman 1 the Democratic candidate for the Presi- It impossible to withstand the force for miles to the accompaniment of toot Ing horns yells and dency entering wedge put in by sent exchange passes laughterColonel Guffey refused to discuss the the Eric continued silence atooc over the entire system At last mutter the tracted FIckersattention An investi- Eastern roads have now followed suit gation followed and a young doctor In Mr ASBESTOS FACTORY BURNED Edward Ollffprd of 134 Sandusky proved and after the third bottle I was party declared l had Inspecting Lines been Street Buffalo f Y writes For tho entirely rid of the cough and soon bor for an hour CHICAGO Ill Jan 28The Intense benefit of others I most Cheerful rec- gail to gain in strength and flesh You President Loree of the Ropk Island cold that prevails hero could not laep FELIX DE NEMEGYEI DEAD ommend Father JohtV s a are entirely welcome to use my name has begun his Inspection of the linos the asbestos factory of tbj Salt Mountain Company from burning last night of tie Rock Island system Yesterday Roport was received here today of th body builder arid sure ourq to any par I will be ready at any moment to rec- esplte he fact accompanied by a number of subordi- and it was a hot CoL son troubled with colds or cough I wets ommend your medicine to any person in Charlestown W that asbestos is supposed to be fireproof nate officers he made a trip over the death de Nemogyol a native VaC of Hungary troubled with a b d cold and was Signed Felix Edward M Clifford Cures Severhlflraaien werebadly hurt by fall Eastern Illinois line and h be whoso wife wars formerly a of threatened witrlijneumonla After the cfcldjr qr money bitck No alcohol or ing from 1c < gain a trip fever the new Chicago and Washington first bottle I found myself much 1m weakening stimulants

Important Conference General Passenger Agents Hardwick of the Southern oml IjHj Chesapeake and Ohio will go to St hlch Louis today to attend is to b held on January 2 ot all the passenger agents of railroads whlcn em to participate In the passenger business of the exposition It Is expected that every railroad of any Importance in the country will have Its passenger agent present The purpose of the meet- ing is to fix rates from various of the country to the fair It is ex- pected that rates similar to those In effect at the time of the Chicago Worlds Fair will be adopted The rate from Washington was one and onethird fare for the round trip The railroads expect a great rush to from all parts of world and they Intend to Increase the traffic If they can do so by lowering rates It expected the meeting at b Louis will In session for several days

St Louis branch Every foot of the big Rock Island system Is to be in spected

have talked French Frenchmen have saying tq Americans referred rangements unintelligible When their He at once visited the convent and Minhui Cho had his conversation trans- found that the funeral had already lated Into English by his interpreters taken place Ho asked the superior of Interviewers have declare that Chinese the convent if Mile Consino had loft must be knew any papers and was informed that she best antithe the member of the Chinese destroyed them all before her death had To Utter Stranger Further inquiries revealed the extraor- dinary fact that she had left her whole fortune to an utter stranger M Eugene HolandGocsslin an official stockbroker on the Paris bourse The will had been I FOR ITES8 FEES drawn up by M Megrot a Paris notary It Mile Consino describes herself and In as a woman of Independent means re- I siding at the Potoka Ice In the certificate sf death however Bill Proposed by MedicoLegal Societyconsul general found that tho do the ceased had described as a nun to Allow This Amount to Physicians had died at her domicile 25 Rue le Testifying in Insane Cases Assumption the address of the cOn- vent Must Clear Point It Is this point which has to be cleared All physicians In the District will up for the Chilean law provides that upon any porson taking religious vows hereafter reCeive a per diem her or his property Is to be divided fee of 5 when testifying In Insan provided the amendment to Senate bill among tho next of kin Medico rhe superior of the convent then said 2SSO whlfih was proposed by the adopted Legal Society that the bung woman had come to live by Congress last evening Is with them for the sake of solitude and quietness but she had never taken re The regular meeting of the society vows nor was It ever contem was held last night with Its preJepnt da so Reyburn In the late that she shouldproperty In ques- Dr Robert on the regulation chair aThXi of the ol jpojsons tion Is Invested in the great Lota mines committee in Chile Mile de Oa Luz was was instructed to communicate wlththe a daughter inof Mme a Isadora Corjslno District Commissioners and obtain a few years ago public hearing concernln the two who died Paris leaving her Immense fortune to di bills which among her sIx children vIde left to each being IZQ00G the poisonCongress at have been introduced into the request of the society but which have been pigeon- I holed in the ofilco of the Commissioners I I NEWS FROM ROCKVILLE Senate 4 + detentionbill 23SO which provides for the of Insane persons and their Special to The Washington lime committment to the Government asymakes no provision for fees to 26 An- lum Md ROCKVILLE Jan ians I t ex nouncement h3Ken magc here of the A Committee was appointed tea elyn Jjalbbtt yungest marriage of daughter of exStates Attorney Henry civil service bill with Instructions tp Maurice Talbott of nee and submit a report at the February meet Glascott youngesit son of Mrs IngSecretary Josephine Emmons reported twenty also of Rockvllle In Md On January 16 last applications for membership awaiting This announcement a surprise to the report by the committee relatives and friends of couple Two new members wore admitted


legation havo never been able to toll wh the ten from Seoul were talking Tune fro abopt I Until Minhui Cho called at the State Department yesterday Mr Loomis the Assistant of State had never Don seen the Korean minister His calls at the department have been so few they be counted on the fingers and cole he has said when ho did call Is somewhat in doubt Silence the Watchword Some members of the Diplomatic Corps believe silence Is tho watchword of Korea and excuse Minhui Cite on the theory that he Is carrying out his In- struction to the letter But newspapermen whp have been striving for weeks to got some news of the incipient war In less charitable and at- Mails for South and Central America tribute the absolute sne eQ to unfamll West Indies Etc with conditions and to discuss the situation intelligently for ABCEr TIne announcement new min WEDNESOAYc At U41 a GUY par sj ister Is coming to represent Korea has TIE URUGUAY and from Hew York been persons with d all who have to do with the r I At 1145 iin for yixico per se ig questions which are caualnr the stir i lanri from New York via 0amIn the Far Rust Russia Japan and pecite had Vera Cruz Mail must IK directed Ch na have authorized statements con- Per SK Vlrflanclacerning their attitude and It Is believed r At II Mo pm for BEtetfUM pw kt vwill do the same when It sends La mlr later here who can make himself Pretoria frum Nfl York MEXICO c At per a for understood Yi Kun Sang is the name of the min Seneca from New York Tia Ta pJ M ii Seneca must be directed ister who Is to succeed 3 itthul Sho Jt e At 1145 m for BRAZIL per is Nerd Is not known how soon he will roach from York ant but the present representa HWianspolis SewMall musttie Rib Jarvrir be directed lc now packing his tive and Is 1f Ikrn expected to depart in a few days THURSDAY for BARBADTH e At 605 and BRAZIL per ss Capri from New Xerk na

L2 Cedric from New via Ousenstotvn SIVJTZEELANb for FRANCE ITALY PORTUGAL TURKEY SPAIN EGYPT GREECE and BRITISH must be directed Per s Cedric WEDNESDAY c At for FRANCE EnnrZERLAND ITALY SPAIN PORTUGAL TURKEY EGYPT GREECE and BRITISH per La La INDIA New York ria Hurl Mall m Per A la Touraine- P c At 1145 nei tot ASiORES THURSDAY Canoplc frtrt ISLANDS per a Vr FRIDAY a At 715 via Plymouth 61 Philadelphia from New Mall for IRELAND must be and Cherbourg Philadelphia tHrccted Per c At 115 pm for BELGIUM direct per Irons New Yorfc Mall must be 5 g Zetland Per s Zcdand dlrrcted for ITALY direct per f4At 1145 c NeoVar from New York Mail must be Per B Neckar c At 11 4 for SCOTLAND direct per from ts Ethiopia as New York Mail rant be directed Icr Sax Cc At Ii 45 pm for ELROPE os iia from Xc York via Quoenstawu

Mails At 1145 pm far EUROPE






Rio Janeiro and Santos




BRAZIL ARGENTINE URUGUAY GUAY roust be directed c At 41 15 for per 4A Flandrifl from New Yoric



At 1145

CTfeni CUBA per Mall rrfast be directed


Jet OptlLII

and PARA-


for the

OP faint A

Captain Starkey Fires Disabled Craft That Hulk May Not Be a Menace v to Navigation


The tug George E at herdock here early this morning having on hoard the cap lain and crow of the threemasted schooner Francis Shubert of Boston and a portion of the crew of the schooner Ella Presaey of Thomas ton

BOSTON Jan Winslow arrived


damaged that Captain Starkey decidedPrince from New York to abandon her and that she might not leant MAILS closehere at 3 pm daily ex- Port be a menace to navigation he set fire cept Sundays end on W Tamp 1a to her altar the tug Winslow had Ci me erA the connecting near enough to rescue him and his crew MEXICO overland imloa specially sddressed by steamers sailing from New York This was early In the forenoon yestet for close here daily at 1005 am f anti 10 day prt < h- KEWFOUXDLAND Tw of the men of the by rail teX JJlsit for EHoaf White and Mate Fred E Peterson rh Sydney and thence via steamer ol both of Rockland Me were lost 12 The Shubert was bound from Next daily except Sundays k at the m C n and on S 1130 6es York to Portland and had a of Sunders atMondaysam and 1300 barrels of kerosene valued at bin onfor Wed ralHo Bt t ya or 7000 Tins Pressey was loaded J6000 I with hencevis at atone and was on the from Rock 12 jn d steanior rail to EWladara uWallsalso by lund Me to New London Conn closing every Sunday at 11 45 nan xk t Malls for m 3lr LOl by rail tode y fen and cose here pt thence Yja flteiflO UNCLE SAMS DIET SQUAD Sundays 12 m and ouSunCzyK

99 ss he Shubert and the Pressey were In rootedAt Per 45 pm for BARBADOS and NORTH11 c collision OttTNauset Cape Cod about ERN BRAZIL per as > rw Marcnharn 5 9 cio Sunday evening The Pres york via ZS At 6 M sey was sunk and the Shub rt was so 6UfltGtAY and PAAGifl per L


e > At 1145 pm for TURKS 1SLAKD awl DOMINICAN REPUBLIC per New fork from ew York FRIDAY At 03 pm or TfEWFOUND LAND per sa Carthaginian from Philadelphia c At 1145 pm for teE2 E7UHLA per s5 Moracaifco from New York Mail for SAV AXILLA fcnd CAKTACENArmatbe directed Per Maracalbo c At 1143 pm for PORTO IUC pV Ji Pence from New Yoric vie San Juan c At 1115 pm for FORTUNE SAND SAV AXILLA and CARTAGENA JAMAICA pox eg Valencia from New York Mail let Costa Rica must be directed Vawfa c ST At 1145 pm for ST THOilAS




an MIr










Three Soldiers Disgusted Sugar and Cereals


Maple ria steamer and 10


MaFla for BELIZE PUERTO by rail to J e r GUATEMALA






NEW HAVEN Cone Jan 26 Dr leD am 0 antf 10 pm h the connectJlussell H Chlttenden of Yale Is hav Ing closes being on Tuesdays with the diet squad TransPacific hai1s InS the UnltedStates Army sent hero to test his PHILIPPINE theory that the great American public clo here dally ISLANDS pnxr1aup tn q1nciico 1 spends too much money for food and inclusive for at C30per rrnsmt oieats too much CUlNk JAPAN HAWtll and IRjLIRPINE Three of Uncle Sams bluecoats who close here daily San have been living on maple sugar and ISLANDS via up toFrancisco 2S January for it 830 cereals In carefully measured quantities dispatch pm as Korea 0 per and then going through severe physical AUSTRALIA except mails for West culture stunts at the Yale gymnasium Ira via Vancouver and Victoria B C Amt have deserted Sam 7 In- a negro in up was detailed to prepare the sumptuous here daily at 630 p per es to January o clusive for menu and he ditch mailsMoana W t Aus- one of far soldier tralia FIJI ISLANDS and NEW CALBDOyTA got Into a rumpus It Is rumored that the private was via Vancouver and Victoria B Q cli ere < aught helping at C30 pm himself to extra raton dallydispatch per BS up to Januarj 30 Ifa <5ilve from for panlry At any soldier was sentenced to bread and wa CHINA and JAPAN via Tao6m cIiecT ere to January 31f Te ter diet and solitary confinement in one dally at 630 pm e of the rooms of squad headquarters for dispatch SA Victoria and JAPAN ria Seattle eloiwJier Now he and two others of the squad CIA 620 pm up to Inclusive have disappeared Prof Is dispatch per SJL said to be in despair for there are only levCHINA JAPAN RAW AH and PHILIPPINE In the squad thirteen left ISLANDS via San Francisco close here daily umor had it last night that up demanded more rations Several of hat at 6 50 pper g8 to February 5 Inclusive for the o squad were detected In a local cafe par ctspafch AND MARQUESAS Sol taking rf ale and free lunch to out TAI close here dally the diet FebrUvT 6 inclusive for tlwpatch per svi Marl
F 1

Mondays Malls for COSTA RICA


here daily at 1005 am f the oJanectlng closes being on

CRT end

by rail to New Or and thence via steamer cleee here daily




A except A W la A NEW ZEALAND FJJI SAdO and llAVAlI via Rob ip t FebrUiry e m here dally at 030 elusive for dispatch per SA Ventura K Chew Tings Father Bought Her for CHINA and JAPAN via Vancouver and daily at 6 JO up toria B C 85 in China to F bru rr 1G induslw for dispatch per st Empress of China Merchandise for the U 8PooUl cency at Shanghai China cannot ba oCHICAGO Jan 26 Chew Ting a fonvarjwl cia Canada CHINA are d Malb welltodo Chinaman who came to Chi 1KCfB to New forV for connection cago twenty years ago was arrested European steamers r last week charged with being In the othenvlsc addressed WEST ACSXBALIA wHl he dispatched via UROVEv MAIl United States unlawfully having and gled his way those for NEW ZEALAND and the EHIE1PPINK was ordered deported but Canada He ISLANDS via Snn Francisco Cal he quickest was told h a ron PIU1IPPINE could deportation by maivylnz specialty 3ietla for the Via Europe nSLtDc addrereed or an American girl Via must be at foreIgn rats Before leaving the in custody Ul of Malls for HAWAII are the Ting that Francisco Cal exclusively he was married years ago via RKOISTHRED NAILS but had neVer seen his wife She was OFFICE SM follows a At at the MATh 630 pm sama bought for him by his father and th b 145 latter was saving her for Chow daY sjme tday pun at same day to at sis 4 530 am sitie day as by doing so she could surprise e lay 545 fl Tho > he Is now to nviet In China samesyday hpmat saute pm same at 935 am day 115 at cost him S and Ting 845 pm previous day o at 2SOiuni 00 sama well Invested JOHN A MERRITT dan











by Father


Clifford of Buffalo Tells of His Cure


the most critical period of her life Becoming mother should be a source of joy to all but the suffering and danger incident to the ordeal makes its anticipation Qne of miser Mothers Friend is the only which relieves women pain and danger of maternity this hour which is dreaded of woman1 us severest trial is not only made painless but all the danger is avoided by its use Those use this remedy are no despons3nt or gloomy nervousness nausea and other distressing conditions arc overcome the is made ready for coming event and the critical serous accidents so common to obviated bythe use of Mothers Friend It is worth its weight in gold n HSlfiSiBa N says many who have used it zoo per < JP stores Book containing valuable information of interest to women will be sent to ay address free upon application to BHAOFiELOKEOULATOR OO Atlanta Qm



Every mother

great dread of feet and danger attendant upon



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