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AP BIOLOGY Mr. MAPPLEBECK AP Biology Exam Tips Exam Organization 3 parts 1. 100 multiple-choice: 80 minutes 2.

. Reading period for free response and outlines: 10 minutes 3. 4 free response questions: 90 minutes There will be one break (the length of which will be determined by the exam coordinator); you will not be able to return to the multiple choice portion after the break The free response section consists of 4 mandatory questions that cover a broad range of topics. There will be one question from molecules and cells, one question from heredity and evolution, and 2 questions from organisms and populations. At least one of the essays will ask you to analyze experimental data and perhaps analyze an experiment of your own. How is the multiple-choice section scored? The scan sheets are scored and wrong answers are deducted out of 100 and then converted into a point value out of 60. How are the free response answers scored? Each essay is graded by an AP reader, who has become trained in the answer that they are grading. It is scored on a scale from 1 to 10. How is my composite score calculated? The composite score for the AP Biology exam is 150 points. The free response makes up 40 percent of this score, which equals 60 points. The multiple-choice section makes up 60 percent, which equals 90 points. Your multiple choice results are then put into the following formula: Ncorrect X 0.7563 = your score for the multiple-choice section Take your free response results and plug them into the following formula: (Points earned for question 1)(1.50) = score for question 1 (Points earned for question 2)(1.50) = score for question 2 (Points earned for question 3)(1.50) = score for question 3 (Points earned for question 4)(1.50) = score for question 4 Your total composite score is determined by adding the score from the multiple-choice section to the score from the essay section and rounding that to the nearest whole number. How is my composite score turned into the grade that is submitted to my college? This value changes every year, but there has been an observable trend: Mid 80s-150 points = 5 Mid 60s to mid 80s points = 4 High 40s to mid 60s points = 3 High 20s/low 30s to high 40s = 2 0-high 20s points = 1 What should I bring to the exam? Several pencils and a white eraser Several black pens (its easier on the eyes) A watch

AP BIOLOGY Mr. MAPPLEBECK Something to drink (water is best) Tissues Comfortable clothing (the dress code still applies) Confidence In addition, eat a good breakfast Tips for the exam Multiple-Choice: 1. Dont outthink the test. It may be a simple question, dont assume they are trying to trick you. Give yourself credit for knowing a fact. 2. Educated guesses are okay if you can eliminate answers that you know are wrong. 3. Be on the lookout for trick wording! Always pay attention to words or phrases such as least, most, not, and incorrectly. READ CAREFULLY! 4. Use your time carefully. You have 45 seconds per question. Try not to waste too much time on any one question. Mark the question in your booklet and come back to it if you have time. 5. Be careful about changing answers. Only change an answer if you have a real reason to change it. Free Response: 1. The makeup of the question. These questions tend to be multipart questions. The test preparers are not unrealistic; they recognize that nobody knows everything about every topic. 2. Budget your time wisely. You have 22.5 minutes per essay. 3. Spread the wealth. Make sure that you provide answers to each part of the question. You get maximum points in each category and no more. 4. Make an outline. Once you have read the question plan out your response. An outline is a great way to organize your thoughts and be sure that you dont leave out any information. 5. Two wrongs still make a right! Wrong information in the free response section is ignored. If you think something may be right, put it into your answer.

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