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LEARNING What type of learner are you?

Mostly As : VISUAL LEARNER Mostly Bs : AUDITORY LEARNER Mostly C : KINESTHETIC LEARNER What is Learning? Learning is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs through experience. Types of Learning: o Classical Conditioning o Operant Conditioning o Observational Learning CLASSICAL CONDITIONING o A neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response. o

OBSERVATIONAL LEARNING o Observational learning (imitation or modeling) occurs when a person observes and imitates someones behavior. FOUR MAIN PROCESSES OL: o Attention: a person must attend to what the model is doing or saying. o Retention: the observer must code and retain the models behavior in memory. o Motor reproduction: the observer must be capable of reproducing the behavior. o Reinforcement: reproducing the behavior requires the appropriate incentive.

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CONCEPTS: UNCONDITIONED STIMULUS (UCS) produces a response with no prior learning. UNCONDITIONED RESPONSE (UCR) is an unlearned response automatically elicited by the UCS. NEUTRAL STIMULUS does not elicit any response. CONDITIONED STIMULUS (CS) is a previously neutral stimulus that eventually elicits the CR after being associated with the UCS. CONDITIONED RESPONSE (CR) is a learned response to the CS that occurs after CS-UCS pairing.

GENERALIZATION is the tendency of a new stimulus (similar to the original) to elicit a response similar to the CR. DISCRIMINATION is the process of learning to respond to certain stimuli and not to others. EXTINCTION is the weakening of the CR in the absence of the UCS over time. example: Little Albert and the white rat OPERANT CONDITIONING o A form of learning in which the consequences of behavior produce changes in the probability of the behaviors occurrence. o Shaping is the process of rewarding approximations of the desired behavior. o

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CONCEPTS: Positive reinforcement: The frequency of the response increases because the behavior is followed by a rewarding stimulus. Negative reinforcement: The frequency of the response increases because the behavior is followed by the removal of an unpleasant stimulus. PUNISHMENT is a consequence that decreases the likelihood that a behavior will occur. CONTINUOUS REINFORCEMENT: The response is rewarded every time it occurs PARTIAL REINFORCEMENT: The response is reinforced only a portion of the time. Ratio (fixed or variable) number of responses Interval (fixed or variable) length of time



KEYWORD METHOD most helpful in learning a new

The retention of information over time that involves 3 processes: 1. Encoding 2. Storage 3. Retrieval How Do I Remember? 1. VISUAL CODING attending to the physical properties of the information 2. ACOUSTIC CODING - attending to sound properties of the information 3. REHEARSAL repetitive coding of information until it is retained in memory 4. CONTEXT - reliving the experience or the moment when you learned the concept Tell me about the time when you learned about the Twin Towers tragedy. a. FLASHBULB MEMORY memories with emotional content are generally more vivid and accurate; like taking a picture of that moment ORGANIZATION the more we organize the material we encode, the easier it is to retrieve. How? Chunking grouping information to higher order units that can be remembered as a single unit; magic number 7 Hierarchy from general to specific and vice versa Semantic Networks we tend to remember information that are typical Why is it that despite using the same ways of coding and remembering data or information, we still tend to forget?

- find a part of the foreign word that sounds like another familiar English word example: Korean Anyong means hello yong sounds like young imagine an image of a young girl waving hello Try BLOKE. Some TRICKS in REMEMBERING:

ACRONYMS taking the first letters as cues and forming a significant word out of it. Count the number of things that must be remembered. Sleep on it. Relate it to an emotional experience.


Meaning-making Failure in encoding Decay with time and failure in retrieval Displaced by new learned items

Interference associating different items with the same cue Emotional factors


METHOD OF LOCI loci is the Latin word for place. This is how its done: Step 1: Take a mental walk to a place that is organized 2: Take a mental picture of it. 3: Form an image that relates the first word that you are going to memorize to the first location, and so on and so forth. 4: Recall by taking your mental walk again.

INTELLIGENCE What is intelligence?

What is intelligence?

The ability to learn, to solve problems and to adapt to everyday life experiences What contributes to the development of intelligence? Genes Parenting Schooling/Training


HOWARD GARDNERS MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES The theory of multiple intelligences was developed in 1983 by Dr. Howard Gardner, professor of education at Harvard University. It suggests that the traditional notion of intelligence, based on I.Q. testing, is far too limited. Instead, Dr. Gardner proposes eight different intelligences to account for a broader range of human potential in children and adults. These intelligences are: Linguistic Intelligence This involves sensitivity to spoken and written language, the ability to learn languages, and the capacity to use language to accomplish certain goals. This intelligence includes the ability to effectively use language to express oneself rhetorically or poetically; and language as a means to remember information. Writers, poets, lawyers and speakers are among those having high linguistic intelligence. Famous LI: SHAKESPEARE AGATHA CHRISTIE MARK TWAIN STEINBECK J.K. ROWLING Logical-mathematical intelligence This consists of the capacity to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, to detect patterns, reason deductively and think logically and investigate issues scientifically. This intelligence is most often associated with scientific and mathematical thinking. Famous LMI: ARCHIMEDIES SIR ISAAC NEWTON GALILEO EINSTEIN Musical intelligence This involves skill in the performance, composition, and appreciation of musical patterns. It encompasses the capacity to recognize and compose musical pitches, tones, and rhythms. Famous MI: MOZART BEETHOVEN STEVIE WONDER JOHN LENNON Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence This entails the potential of using one's whole body or parts of the body to solve problems. It is the ability to use mental abilities to coordinate bodily movements. These are true for athletes and people involved in the performing arts. Famous BDI: MICHAEL JORDAN TIGER WOODS HARRY HOUDINI DAVID COPPERFIELD Spatial intelligence This involves the potential to recognize and use the patterns of wide space and more confined areas. The ability to represent the spatial world internally in your mind the way a sailor or airplane pilot navigates the large spatial world, or the way a chess player or sculptor represents a more circumscribed spatial world. Famous SI: MICHAELANGELO DA VINCI Interpersonal intelligence It is concerned with the capacity to understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people. It allows people to work effectively with others. Educators, salespeople, religious and political leaders and counselors all need a well-developed interpersonal intelligence. Famous InterI: GHANDI OPRAH WINFREY MARTIN LUTHER KING


Intelligence can be explained by two factors: SPECIFIC and GENERAL FACTORS (g) SPECIFIC : particular to an individual mental task GENERAL (g) : factor that governs performance on all cognitive tasks What is intelligence?


Intelligence arises from 7 independent factors he called Primary Abilities: Verbal Comprehension

Numerical Ability Spatial Relations Perceptual Speed Word Fluency Memory Reasoning

What is intelligence?


ANALYTICAL : academic problem solving; the componential aspect of intelligence CREATIVE : involves insights, synthesis, the ability to react to novel situations and stimuli; the experiential aspect of intelligence PRACTICAL : ability to grasp, understand and deal with everyday tasks; the contextual aspect of intelligence What is intelligence?


EQ is the ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate thought, to understand emotions, and to promote personal growth. 4 TYPES of ABILITIES: Perceiving emotions Using emotions Understanding emotions Managing emotions

Intrapersonal intelligence This entails the capacity to understand oneself, to appreciate one's feelings, fears and motivations. In Howard Gardner's view it involves having an effective working model of ourselves, and to be able to use such information to regulate our lives. They tend to know what they cant do. And they tend to know where to go if they need help. Famous IntraI: HELEN KELLER COLUMBUS Naturalist Intelligence Naturalist intelligence deals with sensing patterns in and making connections to elements in nature. Using this same intelligence, people possessing enhanced levels of this intelligence may also be very interested in other species, or in the environment and the earth. Children possessing this type of intelligence may have a strong affinity to the outside world or to animals, and this interest often begins at an early age. They may enjoy subjects, shows and stories that deal with animals or natural phenomena. Or they may show unusual interest in subjects like biology, zoology, botany, geology, meteorology, paleontology, or astronomy. People possessing nature smarts are keenly aware of their surroundings and changes in their environment, even if these changes are at minute or subtle levels. Often this is due to their highly-developed levels of sensory perception. Their heightened senses may help them notice similarities, differences and changes in their surroundings more rapidly than others. People with naturalistic intelligence may be able to categorize or catalogue things easily too. Frequently, they may notice things others might not be aware of. As children these people often like to collect, classify, or read about things from nature -- rocks, fossils, butterflies, feathers, shells, and the like. Famous NI: GALILEO STEVE IRWIN Existential Intelligence Individuals who exhibit the proclivity to pose (and ponder) questions about life, death, and ultimate realities. Famous ExI: ARISTOTLE CONFUCIUS PLATO

PERSONALITY t.trina What is How do we acquire our PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud)

the satisfaction of the sexual urges at a specific developmental stage drives the acquisition of psychological characteristics ORAL STAGE (1st 18 months) : the MOUTH is the source of pleasure : satisfaction of oral activities (eating, sucking) and other activities of an infant : biting, chewing and swallowing become prototype of later character traits PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) Oral stage example : swallowing taking-in; submissive biting sarcasm 2. ANAL STAGE : discharge eases discomfort and provides relief : this stage focuses on toilet training and their 1st decisive experience of external regulation example : strict toilet training RETENTIVE strict toilet training EXPULSIVE praising toilet training CREATIVITY PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) 3. PHALLIC STAGE : sexual and aggressive feelings are associated to the functioning of the genital organs : Genitals are the source of pleasure : OEDIPUS COMPLEX among boys; natural love for the mother becomes sexual - boy experiences CASTRATION ANXIETY or the fear of having his penis cut by the father PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) Phallic stage : ELEKTRA COMPLEX among girls; natural love for the father becomes sexual - girl experiences PENIS ENVY or questioning and blaming the mother for having her penis cut : IDENTIFICATION imitating the parent of same sex to vicariously possess the parent of the opposite sex PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) 4. LATENCY STAGE : the sexual drive lies dormant : repression of sexual desires and diversion of the sexual energy to other activities (e.g., school, sports, arts) PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) 5. GENITAL STAGE : energy is once again focused on the genitals : heterosexual relationships : the less energy the child has left for unresolved sexual conflicts, the greater capacity he has to develop relationships with the opposite sex. ANALYTIC THEORY (Carl Jung) STRUCTURES OF PERSONALITY 1. EGO : the conscious mind : made up of conscious perceptions such as memory, thoughts, & feelings 2. PERSONAL UNCONSCIOUS : experiences that were once conscious but have been repressed, suppressed, forgotten or ignored; too weak to make a conscious impression - Complexes

Unconscious Structures of Personality Defense Mechanisms Psychosexual Stages

UNCONSCIOUS is the key to understanding our personality Personality is represented in symbols example: dream interpretation PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) STRUCTURES of PERSONALITY

ID : unconscious : DRIVES and INSTINCTS : operates on pleasure principle 2. SUPEREGO : operates on moral principle : strives for perfection and not pleasure : decides what is right or wrong PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) STRUCTURES of PERSONALITY 3. EGO : mediator : operates on reality principle : the executive branch of the psyche example: hunger & suicidal thoughts * When the ego cannot resolve the conflict between the id and superego DEFENSE MECHANISMS PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) DEFENSE MECHANISMS

Unconscious process

Healthy or unhealthy? 1. REPRESSION : unconscious forgetting 2. RATIONALIZATION : ego replaces less acceptable motive or impulse with a more acceptable one : sour-graping and sweet-lemonizing 3. REACTION FORMATION : expressing the opposite reaction PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) 4. PROJECTION : attributing negative thoughts or feelings about the self to the outside world 5. DENIAL : ego refuses to acknowledge anxiety-provoking situations 6. DISPLACEMENT: negative feelings or thoughts are displaced or directed to a safer target PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) 7. REGRESSION : seeking the security of an earlier developmental stage 8. INTELLECTUALIZATION : using reasoning to block emotional distress 9. SUBLIMATION : diverting an unacceptable impulse to a socially desirable one PSYCHOANALYTIC THEORY (Sigmund Freud) PSYCHOSEXUAL STAGES of DEVELOPMENT

- Organized group or constellations of feelings, thoughts and perceptions - Exist in the Personal Unconscious 3. COLLECTIVE UNCONSCIOUS : storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from ones ancestral past : accumulated due to repeated experiences of many generations : we inherit the possibility of reviving the experiences of our ancestors - Archetypes Structural components of the Collective Unconscious Examples: PERSONA : our mask ANIMUS & ANIMA : humans are bisexual animals SHADOW : our weaknesses, shortcomings and instincts INDIVIDUAL PSYCHOLOGY (Alfred Adler) Focuses on the uniqueness of ones personality STRIVING FOR SUPERIORITY shapes ones personality Adler : Organ inferiority? Compensation Feelings of Inferiority arise from a sense of incompleteness or imperfection STYLE OF LIFE - system by which individual personality functions - unique, unconscious, repetitive way of responding or avoiding main tasks of living 1. Ruling type 2. Getting type 3. Avoiding type 4. Socially useful type BIRTH ORDER personalities of children in the family differ because of their distinctive experiences 1. FIRST BORN center of attention then dethroned

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The organism (individual) has one basic tendency and striving SELF-ACTUALIZATION to become developed and complete What would make an individual strive to actualize? Positive Regard Self-Regard

SELF me; composed of the characteristics of the I 1. REAL SELF 2. IDEAL SELF CONGRUENCE vs. INCONGRUENCE CONGRUENCE - When I mirrors the experience of what is expected of him INCONGRUENCE - Experience is not in accordance to ones self-concept or I PERSONALITY: Depends on ones subjective reality (how one perceives self with the environment) and upon stimulating conditions

SOCIAL-COGNITIVE THEORY (Albert Bandura) Radical behaviorism is inadequate. PERSONALITY: Determined by both INTERNAL and EXTERNAL FORCES RECIPROCAL DETERMINISM external determinants (rewards, punishments) and ones internal system (thoughts, beliefs) affect behavior People are ACTIVE recipients of environmental influences

2. 3.

MIDDLE CHILD trying to surpass the older and the younger siblings YOUNGEST the most nurtured

BEHAVIORISM (Burrhus Frederic Skinner) MODIFIABLE BEHAVIOR the environment can be varied to bring about different patterns of behavior Enduring traits? NAH! MOTIVATION influences ones behavior Personality is demonstrated in a SOCIAL CONTEXT SOCIAL BEHAVIOR is a very important aspect of human behavior SOCIAL BEHAVIOR involves an interaction between 2 or more persons How do you behave when you are in the company of your friends? How do you behave when you are in the company of acquaintances? PERSONALITY: Consistency in behavior comes ONLY from consistency in environmental experiences PERSON-CENTERED THEORY (Carl Rogers)

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