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\\ \begin{tabularx}{7.5 in}{X X} %{>{\columncolor{gray}}X>{\columncolor{gray}}X} \hline \multicolumn{1} {c } {\bf \underline{Present Address}} & \multicolumn{1} { c} {\bf \underline{Permanent Address}} \\ \multicolumn{1} {l } {Box C209, 39 University Drive} & 7167 E. Rancho Vis ta Dr. \\ \multicolumn{1} {l } {Bethlehem, PA 18015} & Scottsdale, AZ 85251 \\ \hline \textbf{Phone:} (480)-227-1249 & \textbf{Email:} \\ \hline \end{tabularx} } \pgfdeclarelayer{background} \pgfsetlayers{background,main} \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0} \newcommand\boxedsection[1]{{% \usekomafont{sectioning}\usekomafont{section}% \begin{tikzpicture}[inner xsep=-3pt, inner ysep=2pt] \node[anchor=base west] at (0,0) (counter) {}; \path let \p1 = (counter.base east) in node[anchor=base west, text width ={7.35 in}] (content) at ($(counter.base east)+(1em,0)$) {#1}; \begin{pgfonlayer}{background} \shade[left color=lightgray,right color=lightgray] let \p1=(counter.n orth), \p2=(content.north) in (0,{max(\y1,\y2)}) rectangle (content.south east); \end{pgfonlayer} \end{tikzpicture}% }} \titleformat{\section}% {\titlerule \vspace{0.6ex}% \large} %\itshape}% {}% {1pt}% {\boxedsection}[\vspace{-4pt}\titlerule] %\topmargin = 1in %\addtolength{\topskip}{-12cm} \begin{document} \section{Education} \begin{tabularx}{7.5 in}{X X} \bf \large Lehigh University & \hfill Bethlehem, PA \\ \it P.t. Rossin College of Engineering \& Applied Science & \it \hfill College o f Business and Economics \\ %\hline Bachelor of Science in Computer Science \& Business & \hfill \textbf{Graduation: } May 2012 \\ \multicolumn{2}{l}{Cumulative GPA: 3.05/4.00} \\ \hline \end{tabularx}

%\hspace{2pt} \\ %\begin{tabularx}{7.5in}{p{3.8cm}X X X} %\multicolumn{4}{c}{\bf Notable Classes} \\ %\hline %\multicolumn{1}{c }{\bf Computer Science} & C \& Unix Programming & Software En gineering & Data Base Systems \\% %\multicolumn{1}{c }{\hspace{1pt \hfill}} & Algorithm Design & Automata \& Gramm ars \hfill & Systems Programming \\ %\hline %\multicolumn{1}{c }{\bf Business} & Acct. Info. Systems & Strategic Management & Supply Chain Mgt. \\ %\multicolumn{1}{c }{\hspace{1pt \hfill}} & Transmedia Storytelling & Principles of Marketing & Managing Financial Crisis \\ %\hline %\multicolumn{1}{c}{\bf Elected} & Greek Tragedy & Hip Hop \& Social Change & Ne w Millennia Spain \\ %\\ %\end{tabularx} %\hspace{1pt}\\

\section{Employment} \begin{tabularx}{7.5 in}{X} \textbf{\large Historic Bethlehem Partnership} \hfill Spring 2010 - Fall 2 011 \\ Customer Relationship Management Systems \hfill \textit{Bethlehem} ,PA \\ \\ \bf Company Description: \\ Nonprofit dedicated to educating the public about Bethlehem's rich heritage , by preserving historic site and exhibiting artistic objects. \\ \\ \end{tabularx} %Continued... \hspace{2pt}\\ \begin{tabularx}{7.5 in}{X X} \multicolumn{1} {c} {\bf Scope of Work} & \multicolumn{1} {c}{\textbf{Dutie s Performed}} \\ \multicolumn{1} {X}{- Lost focus of vital membership activity} &\multicol umn{1} {X} {- Improved processes and store procedures}\\ \multicolumn{1} {X}{- Unable to extract critical information} &\multicolumn {1} {X} {- Developed reporting module with \it Crystal Reports} \\ \multicolumn{1} {X}{- No existing P.O.S./inventory management system} &\mul ticolumn{1} {X} {- Integrated C.R.M. and P.O.S. systems} \\ \hline & \\ % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Next Section % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \textbf{\large Charles Schwab} \hfill June-Aug 2011 & \textbf{\large Freddi e Mac} \hfill May-August 2010 \\ Workplace Technology Delivery \hfill \textit{Pheonix}, AZ & IT Delivery Sys tems \hfill \textit{Mclean}, VA \\ Summer Intern & Summer Intern \\ & \\ \textbf{National Service Desk}: & \textbf{Multi-Family Division}: \\

Internal Schwab support and service group required to maintain an SLA of 80 \% in restoring service at the first point of contact. & Supports the acquisition, refinance, rehabilitation and construction of a partment communities across America. \\ %\hline & \\ \multicolumn{1} {c } {\bf Duties Performed} & \multicolumn{1} {c}{\textbf{ Duties Performed}} \\ - Developed options for improved K.B. assistance & - Corrected mortgage tra nsformational logic \\ - Studied and consulted on call center optimization & - Competed in company case study \\ - Assisted with the implementation of N.S.D. chat & - Revised architecture documentation \\ \hline & \\ % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Next Section % % % % % % % % % % % % % % \textbf{\large Identity Theft 911} \hfill June-Aug 2011 & \textbf{\large RG Capital LLC} \hfill May-August 2010 \\ Information Technology \hfill \textit{Scottsdale}, AZ & \textbf{\large Velo city Financial} \hfill May-August \\%& Equity Lending \hfill \textit{Scottsdale} , AZ \\ Summer Intern & Summer Intern \hfill \textit{Scottsdale}, AZ \\ & \\ \multicolumn{1} {c } {\bf Duties Performed} & \multicolumn{1} {c}{\textbf{ Duties Performed}} \\ - Reasearched web content management & - Greeted clients at front desk \\ - Consulted on website layout \& execution & - Provided general administrat ive/technical support \\ \hline \end{tabularx} %End Section \section{Computer Experience} \begin{tabularx}{7.5 in}{p{4.7cm}XXXX} \bf Programming Languages: & C/C++ & VBA/VB & Java & SQL \\ \bf Markup Languges: & XML & HTML & \LaTeX \\ \bf Visualization \& Reporting: & Crystal Reports & Qlikview & Tableaux & Micros oft Office \\ %\bf Database: & JDBC & ODBC & Microsoft SQL Server \\ \bf Software Packages: & The Raisers Edge & Counter Point & Remedy & Talisma \\ \hline \end{tabularx} \section{Leadership} \begin{tabularx}{7.5 in}{p{4.3cm}X} \textbf{Academic Achievements}: & Martin Luther King Oratory Contest finalist, Accenture Business Plan Competition finalist \\ & The National Society of Leadership and Success, TRAC Fellow Nominee\\ \\ \textbf{Team Building}: & National Student Leadership Conference: \textit{Fordha m University} \hfill July 2009 \\ & Orientation Leader: \textit{Lehigh University} \hfill August 2009 \\ & Gillette Economic Leaders Conference: \textit{Babson College} \hfill Summer 20 06 \\ & Scottsdale Mayor s Youth Council \hfill September 2005 - May 2006\\ \hline &\\

\multicolumn{2}{c} {\url{}} \\ \end{tabularx} \end{document}

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