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PProduct roduct
PPresentation resentation
at's in Te at's in Te
D DXXN Products? N Products?
anoderma Lucidum is a poIypore
musroom wit medicinaI
properties wic promote naturaI
eaIt It is known as Lingzi in
Cina and as Reisi in Japan
anoderma is a kind of musroom
wic as ig ranking in te worId
of fungi
or centuries, te Cinese regard it as "King of Herbs" for its
exceIIent effect in assisting in te maintenance or improvement of
generaI weII-being anoderma contains more tan 200 active
eIements tat can be categorized as water soIubIe, organic
soIubIe, or as voIatiIe compounds Te major eIements incIude
PoIysaccarides, Adenosine and Triterpenoids, eac aving teir
own outstanding medicinaI effects
According to Li Si-Zen, te famous pysician and
parmacoIogist in Cinese istory, Iong term
consumption of Reisi wiII promote a strong and
eaIty body and assure Iongevity It as been
proven by modern medicaI researc tat Reisi as
a wide range of beneficiaI effects Its main function
is to promote bIood circuIation and increase te
metaboIic activities of ceIIs (detoxification) and aIso
eIps wit te proper functioning of aII internaI
organs ( baIance te body functions)
Tere are approximateIy 38000 species of musrooms, out of
wic approximateIy 2000 species are edibIe Many species
are deveIoped from Red anoderma wic is common term
for a famiIy of gano species Tere are more tan 200 species
from te Red amiIy Six species as te igest terapeutic
effect ano product is a combination of tese six species
Tese six varieties of Red Musroom tat as te igest
terapeutic effect is being used by DXN
DXN brings you a series of eaIt products
made of 100 % naturaI raw materiaIs witout
any artificiaI preservatives, coIorings or
Te quaIity of DXN products is aIways given
priority in every singIe step of production Te
recognition of ISO 14001, ISO 9001, and TA
indicates tat our products ave attained
internationaI standards
Our body comprises of many systems suc as digestive
system, respiratory and circuIatory system, immune system,
nervous system and etc Eac system consists of different
types of organs Eac organ comprising tissues, wideIy
different in structures and functions A tissue is a coIIection
of ceIIs tat is simiIar in structure and function tat group
Tus, a ceII is te basic unit of Iife Human body comprises
of approximateIy 100 triIIion ceIIs It is te fundamentaI
structuring and functioning unit of aII Iiving organisms In
order for our internaI systems and body functions to perform
at teir peak efficiency, we need to ave eaIty and
vigorous ceIIs
y do we get sick? y do we get sick?
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Our body is te best doctor Everybody as te
abiIity to cure diseases wit teir naturaI immune
AII cronic diseases is caused by te imbaIance of
body function
R works on te body directIy but not on te
diseases tis making it possibIe to eIp te body to
treat a wide range of diseases
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Step 1 : CIeanse Step 1 : CIeanse
InitiaI step to revitaIize your ceIIs is to torougIy
eIiminate toxins from your body
Besides te stubborn stooIs in our coIon, toxins tat
accumuIate in our body aIso incIude free radicaIs
produced by metaboIism in our body, by-products of
body metaboIism, eavy metaIs, food additives,
pesticides, airborne and waterborne poIIutants, drug,
dioxin and etc
Tese toxins exert pressure on our internaI body
functions and eventuaIIy squeeze energy out of our
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (CIeanse) Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (CIeanse)
Reisi ano (R)
anoceIium (L)
Support te body to cIeanse te
water soIubIe and non water
soIubIe toxins out of its system
Support te body to reguIate,
buiId and regenerate ceIIs and
1Start wit a
pair of Reisi
ano and
anoceIium per
2 Add anoter
pair for te
foIIowing weeks
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Step 2 : Improve BIood CircuIation Step 2 : Improve BIood CircuIation
After a proper detoxification, you need a network of
igway wit cIear traffic to deIiver nutrients to your
ceIIs Iocated at aII parts of your body, from ead to
A good bIood circuIation wiII repIenis your ceIIs
efficientIy wit essentiaI nutrients and sufficient
oxygen for an optimum body-organ function
MeanwiIe, te by-products of metaboIism suc as
carbon dioxide and urea wiII be cIeared off your ceIIs
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Cordyceps as been Iong-treasured as
essentiaI tonic to enance bIood
circuIation, and maintain eaIty
kidney function and respiratory
Recommended DXN ood SuppIement ( Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (Improve BIood CircuIation Improve BIood CircuIation) )
Cordyceps sinensis, one of te most
vaIued Cinese medicinaI erbs, is
found naturaIIy in te igIands of
Cina, Tibet and NepaI Cordyceps
contains various nutrients and active
ingredients, wic incIude cordycepic
acid, cordycepin, amino acids, gIutamic
acid, poIysaccarides, vitamin B12
among oters
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
DXN Potenzi is a powerfuI maIe tonic
suppIement to revive your passion and vitaIity It
contains power-packed, igest potency and
quaIity of Eurycoma IongifoIia Jack (Tongkat AIi)
and Butea superba extracts, wic are weII
known to boost up maIe pysicaI strengt
Recommended DXN ood SuppIement ( Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (Improve BIood CircuIation Improve BIood CircuIation) )
DaiIy consumption of DXN Potenzi eIps to:
Wimprove bIood circuIation
Wboost up energy IeveI and endurance
Wovercome mentaI fatigue and exaustion
Wstrengten pysicaI performance
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Step 3 : Nourisment Step 3 : Nourisment
it a good bIood circuIation, it eIps to maximize te
absorption of nutrients from food into your ceIIs
ood can be used or abused Te food you eat as
tremendous effect on your body, energy IeveI, emotion
and quaIity of your Iife
You ave to feed yourseIf wit te rigt food in order to
repIenis your ceIIs wit aII te essentiaI nutrients so
tat tey can carry out proper metaboIism and function
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
SpiruIina is te oIdest food on Eart, being te
first pIant Iife, uncanged for eons It is
arguabIy te most nutritious pIant Iife on Eart
as weII
SpiruIina is a type of bIue-green aIgae wic is
fuII of Iife-giving nutrients suc as protein, beta
carotene, cIoropyII, vitamin B compIex,
mineraIs, essentiaI fatty acids and oter
important nutrients tat our body needs
It is different from oter aIgae because it is
easiIy digested and absorbed by te body It is
aIso known as one of te best aIkaIine food,
wic eIps to cange weak acidic body
condition to a eaIty aIkaIine one
Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (Nourisment) Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (Nourisment)
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
00 PoII03
Bee PoIIen as been a igIy regarded
eaIt food troug te years It is an
exceIIent source of Vitamin B compIex,
beta carotene, mineraIs, amino acids,
Iecitin and enzymes
It is an effective suppIement for tose
wo are on diet or fasting It contains
Iecitin tat eIps to break fats in body
Vitamin B compIex in Bee PoIIen aIso
eIps to increase ceIIuIar caIories
burning capacity It is an instant energy
booster tat enances aIertness,
reIieves brain fatigue and improves
pysicaI performance
Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (Nourisment) Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (Nourisment)
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
RoseIIe TabIet
RoseIIe or its scientific name Hibiscus
sabdariffa is a fIowering pIant used to grow in
bot tropicaI and subtropicaI regions Te
swoIIen red caIyces of te pIant contain ric
amount of vitamin C and mineraIs suc as zinc,
caIcium and magnesium
Now, wit DXN RoseIIe tabIet, you can grab te
naturaI goodness of RoseIIe in a convenient
way Te excIusive DXN RoseIIe tabIet provides
sufficient vitamins C, D, B1 and B2 You wiII
benefit from a wide range of nutrients wiIe
enjoying its fabuIous taste
Vitamin C is necessary to keep your immune
system strong, promotes eaIty gum and
beautify your skin compIexion
Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (Nourisment) Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (Nourisment)
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Step 4 : ReguIation Step 4 : ReguIation
Te reguIation step in te CeII RevitaIizing Regimen
wiII eIp you to revive weaken and disrupted
internaI systems and functions of your body and
keep tem to function at teir rigt tracks
As wat Hippocrates upoId "Your food can be your
medicine", you can recover te seIf-eaIing abiIity
of your body wit a good suppIy of essentiaI
nutrients to nurture your ceIIs
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Lion's Mane
Lions Mane musroom as been a very
nutritious and essentiaI food in Cina and
Japan for undreds of years Contains
bioactive substances suc as
poIysaccarides, adenosine, ericenones
and erinacines, Lions Mane is aIso known
as te "bears ead" and "monkey ead"
musroom tat is ric in essentiaI amino
acids needed by te body Lions Mane
musroom eIps to support a eaIty
digestive system It improves indigestion,
reIieves stomac and duodenaI uIcer and
cronic gastritis In addition, Lion's Mane
musroom eIps to maintain a eaIty
nervous system DXN Lions Mane tabIet
offers you a convenient way to strengten
your body system anytime, anywere
Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (ReguIation) Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (ReguIation)
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Andrograpis panicuIata is a
traditionaI erb recognized by
erbaIists for centuries as a naturaI
remedy for upper respiratory
infections, fever, sore troat and fIu
It contains andrograpoIide a bitter
compound tat contributes
terapeutic effects of tis erb
Andro - is made from 100% pure
Andrograpis panicuIata It eIps to
reduce excessive body eat due to
its cooIing and sooting effect
Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (ReguIation) Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (ReguIation)
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Cordyceps as been Iong-treasured as
essentiaI tonic to enance bIood
circuIation, and maintain eaIty kidney
function and respiratory system
Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (ReguIation) Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (ReguIation)
Cordyceps sinensis, one of te most
vaIued Cinese medicinaI erbs, is
found naturaIIy in te igIands of
Cina, Tibet and NepaI Cordyceps
contains various nutrients and active
ingredients, wic incIude cordycepic
acid, cordycepin, amino acids, gIutamic
acid, poIysaccarides, vitamin B12
among oters
How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs? How to manage te eaIt of our ceIIs?
Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (ReguIation) Recommended DXN ood SuppIement (ReguIation)
Reisi ano (R)
anoceIium (L)
Support te body to cIeanse te
water soIubIe and non water
soIubIe toxins out of its system
Support te body to reguIate,
buiId and regenerate ceIIs and
DXN ood and Beverages Series DXN ood and Beverages Series
DXN Lingzi Coffee 3 in 1
DXN Lingzi Coffee is speciaIIy
bIended wit finest quaIity coffee
beans, sugar, non-dairy creamer
and 100% anoderma extract It as
no artificiaI coIoring, fIavoring, or
preservative tus te aroma and
taste of te finest coffee beans is
retained wiIe te efficacy of te
anoderma in reguIating body
system is maintained
or stress reduction
ood and Beverages Series ood and Beverages Series
DXN Lingzi Coffee 2 in 1
DXN Lingzi Coffee 2 in 1 contains
anoderma extract Te
ingredients are easiIy dissoIved
and produce fine aromatic
beverage One cup of Lingzi
Coffee 2 in 1 eIps restore your
ood and Beverages Series ood and Beverages Series
DXN Lingzi BIack Coffee
it a unique formuIa of Lingzi
BIack Coffee finest quaIity
instant coffee and anoderma
extract, DXN Lingzi BIack
Coffee does not contain any
sugar additives tus consider a
perfect beverage for te eaIt-
conscious consumers
Lingzi BIack Coffee aIso brings
you te satisfying taste of reaI
ood and Beverages Series ood and Beverages Series
DXN Spica Tea
During uncertain weater, peopIe
wouId feeI teir body eat
increase, Iack of appetite and feeI
sIeepy from time to time To care
for your eaIt, DXN as
deveIoped Spica Tea wic is ric
in naturaI ingredients containing
anoderma Iucidum, Radix
gIycyrrizae and oter naturaI
eIements Spica Tea is aIso miId
and ideaI for aII ages and gender
ood and Beverages Series ood and Beverages Series
Cocozi is formuIated from te
finest cocoa wit anoderma
extract It is in a ready to drink
powdered form, wic gives
you a cocoIate taste Aside
from te fine cocoa aroma, you
can aIso enjoy te benefits of
anoderma Just pour te
contents in a ot cup of water
and stir to enjoy an
invigorating drink suitabIe for
te woIe famiIy
PersonaI Care Series PersonaI Care Series
anozi Soap
anozi Soap is speciaIIy formuIated
and enriced wit anoderma extract
and paIm oiI It gentIy cIeanses te
skin wiIe preserving its naturaI oiIs
witout damaging skin structure Te
use of paIm oiI enriced wit vitamin E
and anti-oxidant agents eIps to
revitaIize your skin and deIays te
aging process
anozi soap Ieaves your skin feeIing
smooter and softer
PersonaI Care Series PersonaI Care Series
anozi Tootpaste
DXN anozi Tootpaste
contains no saccarin and
coIoring but wit ig quaIity
of anoderma extract, food
geI, mentoI and food
fIavoring It can effectiveIy
cIeanse your teet for fres
breat and taste in your
mout It aIso makes your
teet eaItier and brigter
PersonaI Care Series PersonaI Care Series
anozi Body oam
Enriced wit anoderma
extracts, DXN anozi Body oam
gentIy cIeanses your skin witout
removing te skin's naturaI oiIs
tus, Ieaving your skin soft and
PersonaI Care Series PersonaI Care Series
anozi Sampoo
DXN anozi Sampoo wit pH
baIance is suitabIe for aII air types
Enriced wit anoderma extract
and vitamin B5, DXN anozi
Sampoo is miId tat can make your
air eaItier, softer and sinier
PersonaI Care Series PersonaI Care Series
anozi Massage OiI
or a surefire way to a satisfying
massage encounter, use anozi
Massage OiI Tis formuIation contains
te finest paIm oiI and anoderma
extract suited for every massage need It
is aII-naturaI and ric in antioxidants
anozi Massage OiI is suitabIe for aII
ages and skin types
Skin Care and Cosmetics Series Skin Care and Cosmetics Series
anozi CompIete Skin Care Series
DXN proudIy introduces anozi
CompIete Skin Care Series, a botanicaI
skin care formuIation, to fuIfiII your daiIy
basic skin care needs It is suitabIe for
aII skin types
anozi Liquid CIeanser
anozi Toner
anozi Moisturizing Micro EmuIsion
Skin Care and Cosmetics Series Skin Care and Cosmetics Series
anozi Lipstick
New DXN anozi Lipstick
Hydrating texture and Iuminous coIor
AvaiIabIe in 4 gIossy sades
PearIy Red
PearIy Pink
PearIy rape
Coco Red
An easy way to add a touc of gIisten and gIamour
witout Iooking eavy and overIy made-up
Tis ydrating formuIa is enriced wit AIoe Vera
Extract, Sea Butter and Vitamin E to wrap your Iips
in cusioned comfort CoIor smootIy gIides aIong
your Iips, giving you more tan wat you expect
from a Iipstick: sparkIing, Iuminous coIor wit a
naturaI, subtIe sine
Take HoId of Your uture! Take HoId of Your uture!
Contact Contact
Maryam Tawfek Maryam Tawfek (DXN Code No 065089818) (DXN Code No 065089818)
EmaiI: EmaiI: directomebiz@gmaiIcom directomebiz@gmaiIcom
TeIepone: TeIepone: 09174782482 09174782482
Team site: ttp://naturaI Team site: ttp://naturaI- -remedy remedy- -infobIogspotcom infobIogspotcom
D DXXN N Priority is your HeaIt Priority is your HeaIt

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