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[Ribbon] ExcelTabvisible=Show Excel Tab ExcelTabOpTion=Excel Tab Options ExcelTabAbout=About Excel Tab ExcelTabSet=Excel Tab Setting Tools ExcelTabSup=Excel

Tab Services and Support ExcelTabHelp=Excel Tab Help ExcelTabConnect=Contact Us ExcelTabRegistered=Product Registered ExcelTabUnregistered=Product Unregistered ExcelTabExpired=Product Expired ExcelTabsoftware=This product contains Excel tab,Word Tab and PowerPoint Tab. ExcelTabInfor=This software is not free. You are using the evaluation version of the software. If you want to use this software without any features limitation after the software evaluation expired, you need to buy a license for registering the software. ExcelTabWarning=The free trial is expired. You can still use the software for no n-commercial purposes, but the advanced features are unavailable in unregistered version.You could use the advanced features and get free support and update for 24 months if you register it. ExcelTabNote=The software is regsitered. Now, you can enjoy all the features of the software, and get free support and update for 24 months from the date you pu rchase the license. Tanks for you support. ExcelTabRegsiter=Regsiter Now ExcelTabHome=Detong Technology Ltd. DExcelTabHelp=Get help using Excel Tab. DExcelTabConnect=Let us know if you need help or how we can make Office Tab bett er. DExcelTabvisible=Click to Hide/Display Excel Tab bar. DExcelTabOpTion=Configure Excel Tab setting. DExcelTabAbout=Excel Tab v5.00 is the component of Office Tab v5.00. [Dialog] Setting=Excel Tab Setting AboutTab=About Office Tab AboutOfficeTab=About Office Tab v5.00 OfficeCaption=OfficeTab Setting Center Enable=Enable Excel Tab Apply=&Apply Notes=Office Tab containing Word Tab, Excel Tab, PowerPoint Tab three components (Office Tab v5.00). Pixels=Pixels ExcelTabOptions=Excel Tab Options PopularPostion=General && Postion AppearanceColor=Style && Color AppearancePreviewSelect=SelectedTab AppearancePreviewNormal=NormalTab ColorPreviewSelect=SelectedTab ColorPreviewNormal=NormalTab AboutExcelTab=About Excel Tab Popular=General Taskbar=Display all windows in the Taskbar. One=Hide Tabs bar while there is one Tab. DoubleClick=Double click Left button on the Tab to close Tab. Switch=Using shortcuts to Hide/Display Tab bar. Switchlabel=Using shortcuts to switch Tab. Position=Position SetPosition=Select Tab bar Position: Appearance=Tab style SetAppearance=Select Tab style:

Preview=Preview: Layout=Tab Layout SetLayout=Select Tab Layout: MaxTabWidth=Set MaxTabWidth (0 is default): FixedTabWidth=Set FixedTabWidth (0 is default): Color=Tab Color Custom=Customize Tab colors SetColors=Set Tab Colors: TabSelected=SelectedTab TabNormal=NormalTab FaceLight=LightColor SelectedText=SelectedText NormalText=NormalText FaceDark=DarkColor Above=-Above Workspace Below=-Below Workspace Left=-Left Workspace Right=-Right Workspace AutoSize=AutoSize SizeToFit=SizeToFit Fixed=Fixed OK=&OK Cancel=&Cancel About4.00=About Excel Workbooks Tabs v5.00 Register=&Register Unregistered=(Unregistered) [DialogReg] MsgInvalid=The key is invalid,Please Check it. MsgValid=Thanks for your registeration. Restart=Please restart OCaption=Office Tab Register Caption=Register Note=This software is not free. You are using the evaluation version of the soft ware. If you want to use this software without any features limitation after the software evaluation expired, you need to buy a license for registering the soft ware. NoteEx=The free trial is expired. You can still use the software for non-commerc ial purposes, but the advanced features are unavailable in unregistered version. You could use the advanced features and get free support and update for 24 month s if you register it. Name=Name Key=Key BuyNow=&BuyNow OK=&OK Cancel=&Cancel [DialogVersion] Caption=Office Version Select Note=Please select the version you are using Office Version=Version OK=&OK [Message] Saved=Settings have been saved,Please restart your application! SaveBefore=Please save this Workbook before you can do it. InputFileName=Please Input the filename. Rename=Rename Savechange=Do you want to save the modified workbook? Init=""Officetab_Detong.ocx"" has losted,maybe you can't run this application.

HotKey=Shortcuts conflict, Please change. Number=The number must be between 70-400. Locked=has been locked,Please unlock it first. UnReg=The free trial is expired. You can still use the software for non-commerci al purposes, but the advanced features are unavailable in unregistered version. UnRegII=You could use the advanced features and get free support and update for 24 months if you register it. Would you like to register it? Yes=&Yes No=&No Help=&Help [Menu] ShowTabBar=Show Tabs Bar ExcelTabOptions=Excel Tab O&ptions Close=&Close Save=&Save New=&New SaveAs=Save &As SaveAll=Sa&ve All CloseInactiveWorkbooks=Close Other Tabs CloseAll=Clos&e All Tabs OpenFolder=Open Fol&der OpenNewWindow=&Open in New Window Rename=&Rename LockWorkbook=&Lock Workbook NewWindow=New in New &Window CloseActiveWorkbook=&Close Active Tab Register=&Register Help=Online &Help

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