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First, network connections, local area network connection settings by entering the IP address and gateway addresses on the

subnet; Replace as. On our open and switch off the antivirus and firewall. RBS the cable needs to be connect; Standard CAT5 scintil One side of the specially tuned RS232 format, the other side of the gravel cable RC45. 3g 6601 series rack format, OAM, and disposal site; Network address and security settings after closing, the standard cat5 cable LMT RBS B we see written on the port, LMT A written format cable will be attached port. RBS Element Manager at the address after writing program. (If it connects to the first chapter of the 6000 series cabinets sit on the ADD button to give a name to the address commonly used IP addresses Registered) process occurs when the link we press the connect button. If you are not connecting; cable may be corrupted. Cabinets full sitting. If necessary, both for our computers to restart and the RBS. We can see the inner parts of the screen in connection with RBS. The last upgrade option by hovering equipment at the Software section to see the UP button is clicked. UPGRADE installed the latest upgrade to the format and do not need to take. Currently, it is the most recent upgrading R3af01. If it is not installed. Export and Delete option to the TOOLS option is clicked. Export cabinet and Cabinet and the site is drawn downloads. RBS connection is closed. Hyper terminal is opened. Any connection is called. Download the pre-defined default by saying the connection is performed by selecting Ericsson Com1 connection. When pressed on the screen once, then hit the empty parts of the case with the username and password "RBS" he filled. RBS To our connection after the "reload -" command is given with the RBS'e renovation. Format command; formathd / d enter saying "y" command to check whether the format will be discarded. Then reload - refreshed with the command. Again, "formathd / c2" and "y" command ends the check given. After seeing the article "Ifconfig le0 netmask" enter command is defined with the rope. Also checked with ifconfig command. Commander opens the Windows 32 program. By pressing the Ctrl + f "to define who the" connect to connect to the selected name. 0: / I have seen RBS'dir folder. Are you part upgrade seen the other side is installed and c2 must be disposed of part of RBS at the same time keeping with the d file. After waiting for about 30 minutes to enter the installation. After the file transfer; "Reload" command runs renovation. When we see the login server, enter the text press ready.

Log in with username and password are again. (Username and password with small case letters rbsdir ") Setclock year-month-day hour: minute: 00 Enter hours made. (Here is an important detail. Even if we give a further two minutes would be more appropriate) Is out of business and closed all other programs. RBS Element Manager Program opens. IP to connect to the standard he registered. Export and Delete the delete part of the cabinet and the site selected, cabinet, and the site will be deleted. Cabinet configuration options by selecting Tools, part of the cabinet from a browse there, enter the enter cabinet is installed and finished by saying. After you install the software again part of the CV section by entering connect Cab. Crate CV is entered. He called the name given to Cabinet apply. Set Startable quits saying. (Startable set the logic: cabinet with no error encountered and the cabinet itself in a situation when applying the most recent set of resets startable point we will begin to work. In other words, a recycling point.) TOOLS again part of the OAM OAM configuration option file is sent to us by selecting Ericsson kanatndan next next next and finish by saying the latest run OAM. OAM koulduktan startable called again taken cv. Before running on the Site. Upgrade UP at the file properties (properties) part is clicked. Seen on the screen The top row, which is the most recent UPGRADE "CXP9016868 1_R3AF%% 1" file extension is called. RBS RBS and replenished, and the login password. FTP server, the PC was equipped with the above path is the path to the file section. (Right click on the path to the file to make the XML file with the Open XML editor denier; address bar, there would be a) These procedures apply after the page is closed and re-entered and checked by saying. Cesar FTP program installed on our machine and the previously defined traffic by opening the link to refresh parts like lamp. FTP program under operation; Site Equipment Configuration from the site by selecting the next next next part of the Ericsson kanatndan configuration Antenna Feeder (10/12) is continued until the option. By this option the first 2 lines of the whole sector, "5" in the last two lines, "8" is set. Uygulanlp next and finish the same in sub-section is loaded with the command. Cesar FTP eye should be seen by checking the file was taken. Site 'and then I ran is cv. Up again be entered by passing part of the characteristics of UP; PiuType option to Install Sliding Sun "KRC11842" and called after the filter lendikten "installed" should be seen as. Install the clicks made on them in the form of Not_instaled. OAM & koulmas this is the site.

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