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Learning Implementation Plan

Name of School Subject Class / Semester Units Meeting to Time Allocation

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High School English X/1 2 4 2 x 45 minutes

Competency Standards 1. Understanding the meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversation in the context of everyday life. 2. Expressing meaning in transactional and interpersonal conversation in the context of everyday life. Basic Competence 1. Responding to the meaning contained in the conversation transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) official and unofficial use a variety of simple spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of everyday life and involves a speech act: met and parted. 2. Express the meaning in conversations transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) official and unofficial accurately, smoothly and thanked using simple spoken language diversity in the context of everyday life and involves a speech act: meet, meeting and parting. Indicator 1. Develop a friendly attitude and love socializing. 2. Understanding the expressions for the introduction. 3. Introduce themselves in official situations. 4. Introducing other people in formal situations. 5. Demonstrating a short dialogue about



1. Learning Objectives a. Students are able to demonstrate a friendly and happy to socialize. b. Students are able to understand the expressions for the introduction. c. Students are able to introduce themselves in official situations. d. Students are able to introduce other people in formal situations. e. Students are able to demonstrate a short dialogue about the introduction. 2. Basic materials Common phrases and dialogues about the introduction (Things. 8-9) 3. Learning Method / Technique: presentation, pair work, group work 4. Steps Activities

a. Initial activities (10 ') i. Teachers conduct apperception, for example by asking students if anyone had ever met a stranger directly in English. Then the students concerned are asked to tell, while other students listen and respond. ii. Teachers deliver learning objectives introductory topics. b. Core Activities (70 ') i. Students listen to the teacher about the exposure of the sayings that are commonly used in introducing a person, both in official and unofficial situations. ii. Students pay attention to pronunciation and intonation. iii. Students learn introductory remarks in the book. iv. Students menyanyakan things are less clear. v. Students work in groups of three people each to utter expressions of introduction that explained the teacher, with the correct pronunciation and intonation. vi. Students practiced in groups to play-dialong dialogue in the book. vii. Students exchange roles to play such dialogues. viii. Students change partners to train the dialogue again. ix. teacher asks one or two groups to demonstrate how to introduce others to the class. x. During the activity, the teacher acts as facilitator. c. End Activity (10 ') Students review the words to introduce others, both in formal and informal situations. 5. Sources / Material / Equipment a. Book English for Class X SMA / MA (Otong Setiawan Dj. Things. 8-9) b. Other relevant sources (internet, etc.) 6. appraisal a. Techniques: observation b. Forms: a response to the activities and the smooth dialogue

Knowing Principal

(Place, date) Teacher Subject



Learning Implementation Plan

Name of School Subject Class / Semester Units Meeting to Time Allocation

: High School : English : X/2 : 13 : 20 : 2 x 45 minutes

Competency Standards 1. Understanding the meaning in transactional conversation in the context of everyday life.



2. Reveal the functional meaning in the text short and simple form of narrative monologue, descriptive and news items in the context of everyday life. Basic Competence 1. Responding to the meaning contained in the conversation transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) official and unofficial use a variety of simple spoken language accurately, fluently and acceptable in the context of everyday life and involves a speech act: ask and express a choice ( preference). 2. Express the meaning in conversations transactional (to get Things Done) and interpersonal (social) official and unofficial accurately, smoothly and thanked using simple spoken language diversity in the context of everyday life and involves a speech act: ask and express a choice (preference) . Indicator 1. Understand the expressions that mum used to ask and express preferences. 2. Recognize common forms of expression to inquire and express preferences. 3. Demonstrating a short dialogue about asking and stated preference as a manifestation of the attitude of happy sociable, friendly and confident. 1. Learning Objectives a. Students are able to understand the expressions commonly used to inquire and express preferences. b. Students are able to recognize common forms of expression to ask and stated preference c. Students are able to demonstrate a short dialogue about asking and stated preference as a manifestation of the attitude of happy sociable, friendly and confident.

2. Basic Materials Common phrases and dialogues about asking and stated preference (hal.163165). Example: A: Would you rather live downtown or in the suburbs?. B: I'd rather live in the suburbs. A: Why do you prefer to live in the suburbs? B: Because it is not so busy and the water is cleaner. 3. Learning Method / Technique: presentation, pair work, group work 4. Steps Activities a. Initial activities (10 ') i. Teachers conduct apperception, for example by asking students if they should choose, whether they will live in cities or in villages? ii. Teachers and students discuss the questions and answers from students. iii. Teachers deliver learning objectives Stating topic preferences. b. Core Activities (70 ') i. Students and teachers alike to recall public utterances to ask and express preferences. ii. Students menyanyakan things are less clear. iii. Students practice in pairs to act out the dialogue-dialong at page 163. iv. Students exchange roles to play such dialogues. v. Students change partners to train the dialogue again. vi. Students returning to work in pairs to practice "role play" based on the ideas presented on pages 164-165. vii. Students change partners to practice dialogue and role play again. viii. The teacher asks one or two groups to demonstrate the role these play in front of the class. ix. During the activity, the teacher acts as facilitator. c. End Activity (10 ') Students review the words to ask and express preferences. 5. Sources / Material / Equipment a. Book English for Class X SMA / MA (Otong Setiawan Dj. Hal163-165) b. Other relevant sources (internet, etc.) 6. Appraisal a. Techniques: observation b. Forms: a response to the activities and the smooth dialogue Knowing Principal (Place, date) Teacher Subject



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