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CollecLlve 8argalnlng

CollecLlve bargalnlng procedures

S|ng|eparty barga|n|ng

lngleparLy bargalnlng may generally be lnlLlaLed by
O a unlon wlLhln 60 days before Lhe explry of an exlsLlng collecLlve agreemenL
O an employer wlLhln 40 days before Lhe explry of an exlsLlng collecLlve agreemenL
1o calculaLe Lhe 60 or 40 days Lhe unlon or employer lnlLlaLlng bargalnlng needs Lo look aL Lhe
employees whose work ls covered by Lhe proposed collecLlve agreemenL and ask
O re any of Lhose employees covered by an exlsLlng collecLlve agreemenL?
O f so on whaL fuLure daLe does LhaL exlsLlng collecLlve agreemenL explre and how many
days wlll pass before LhaL daLe?
O f Lhere ls no exlsLlng collecLlve agreemenL a unlon can lnlLlaLe bargalnlng aL any Llme n
employer may only lnlLlaLe bargalnlng lf Lhere ls or has prevlously been a collecLlve
agreemenL coverlng aL leasL some of Lhe employees whose work ls covered by Lhe
proposed collecLlve agreemenL
,|t|party barga|n|ng

MulLlparLy bargalnlng may generally be lnlLlaLed by
O a unlon or unlons provlded LhaL
4 aL leasL one of Lhe exlsLlng collecLlve agreemenLs wlll explre wlLhln 60 days and
4 all Lhe oLher collecLlve employmenL agreemenLs wlll explre wlLhln 120 days
O an employer or employers provlded LhaL
4 aL leasL one of Lhe exlsLlng collecLlve agreemenLs wlll explre wlLhln 40 days and
4 all Lhe oLher collecLlve employmenL agreemenLs wlll explre wlLhln 100 days 1o
calculaLe Lhe 60 and 120 or 40 and 100 days Lhe unlon or employer lnlLlaLlng
bargalnlng needs Lo look aL Lhe employee whose work ls covered by Lhe proposed
collecLlve agreemenL and ask
O re any of Lhose employees covered by exlsLlng collecLlve agreemenLs?
O f so on whaL daLes do Lhose exlsLlng collecLlve agreemenLs explre and how many days
wlll pass before Lhose daLes?

f Lhere ls no exlsLlng collecLlve agreemenL a unlon can lnlLlaLe bargalnlng aL any Llme n
employer may only lnlLlaLe bargalnlng lf Lhere ls or has prevlously been a collecLlve agreemenL
coverlng aL leasL some of Lhe employees whose work ls covered by Lhe proposed collecLlve
ther req|rements for co||ect|ve barga|n|ng

Lher requlremenLs are
O Dnlons musL lf lnlLlaLlng mulLlparLy bargalnlng balloL Lhelr members prlor Lo lnlLlaLlng
bargalnlng f an employer or employers lnlLlaLe mulLlparLy bargalnlng unlons may declde
Lo balloL Lhelr members
O 8argalnlng musL be lnlLlaLed by wrlLLen noLlce ldenLlfylng Lhe lnLended employer and unlon
parLles and Lhe lnLended coverage (le Lype of work) of Lhe collecLlve bargalnlng
O mployers musL wlLhln 10 days (or sooner lf posslble) of lnlLlaLlng bargalnlng or recelvlng
noLlce advlse unlon and nonunlon employees whose work comes wlLhln Lhe lnLended
O mployers have Lhe rlghL Lo requesL consolldaLlon of bargalnlng when faclng separaLe
noLlces from Lwo or more unlons relaLlng Lo slmllar coverage mployers musL do so wlLhln
40 days of recelvlng Lhe flrsL noLlce
O L Lhe commencemenL of bargalnlng a unlon musL sLaLe whaL membershlp raLlflcaLlon
process lL wlll follow prlor Lo slgnlng any resulLlng collecLlve agreemenL

CollecLlng 8argalnlng genL(8angladesh Labor Code2006 ecLoln202)

1 Where Lhere ls only one Lrade unlon ln an esLabllshmenL LhaL Lrade unlon shall be
deemed Lo be collecLlve bargalnlng agenL for such esLabllshmenL
2 Where Lhere are more Lrade unlons Lhan one ln an esLabllshmenL Lhe ulrecLor of Labor
shall wlLhln 120 days from Lhe daLe of recelpL of an appllcaLlon made by Lrade unlon or a
wrlLLen requesL from employer for Lhls purposed hold a secreL balloL Lo deLermlne
whlch of such Lrade unlons shall be Lhe CollecLlve 8argalnlng genL for Lhe
3 Dpon recelpL of an appllcaLlon under subsecLlon(2)Lhe ulrecLor of Labor shall by
noLlce ln wrlLlng call upon all Lrade unlons wlLhln Lhe Llme speclfled ln Lhe noLlce whlch
shall noL be more Lhan flfLeen days lndlcaLe Lo convey wheLher lL deslres Lo be a
conLesLanL ln Lhe secreL balloL
4 f a Lrade unlon falls Lo lndlcaLe wlLhln Lhe Llme speclfled ln Lhe noLlce under sub
secLlon (3) lLs deslre Lo be a conLesLanL ln Lhe secreL balloL lL shall be presumed LhaL lL
shall noL be conLesLanL ln such balloL
3 f none of Lhe Lrade unlons falls Lo convey (lnform) anyLhlng Lo Lhe ulrecLor of Labor as
lLs deslremenL Lo be conLesLanL by secreL balloL wlLhln Lhe Llme speclfled ln Lhe noLlce
Lhe Lrade unlon whlch ls submlLLed Lhe appllcaLlon shall be declared Lo be Lhe collecLlve
8argalnlng genL for such esLabllshmenL unless Lhe LoLal number of orders employed ln
such esLabllshmenL ls noL less Lhan oneLhlrd
6 very employer shall on belng so requlred by Lhe ulrecLor of Labor submlL Lo Lhe
ulrecLor of Labor a llsL of all workers employed ln hls esLabllshmenL excludlng Lhose who
are badland causal workers whose perlods of employmenL ln Lhe esLabllshmenL ls less
Lhan Lhere moLhs and ln LhaL Lhree monLhs and ln LhaL llsL Lhe followlng facLs shall be
a 1he name of Lhe workers
b 1he name of hls or her parenL and Lhelr ages(Lhe name of Lhe husband and wlfe
as Lhe case may be apply)
c 1he name of Lhe secLlon or dlvlslon
d 1he name of Lhe place ln whlch he ls employed
e Pls or her LlckeL member and Lhe daLe of employmenL ln Lhe esLabllshmenL
7 very employer shall on belng so requlred by Lhe ulrecLor of Labor shall supply
necessary member of addlLlonal coples of llsLs menLloned under subsecLlon (b) and
shall provlde all such requlslLe faclllLles for verlflcaLlon of Lhe llsLs submlLLed by hlm
8 n recelpL of Lhe llsL of workers from Lhe employer Lhe ulrecLor of Labor shall send a
copy of Lhe llsLs Lo cache of a consplcuous parL of Lhe esLabllshmenL concerned LogeLher
wlLh Lhe noLlce lnvlLlng ob[ecLlons lf any Lo be submlLLed Lo hlm wlLhln such LeneL as
may be speclfled by hlm
9 1he ob[ecLlons lf any recelpL by Lhe ulrecLor of Labor wlLhln Lhe speclfled Llme shall be
dlsposed of by hlm afLer such lnqulry as he deems necessary
101he ulrecLor of Labor shall make such amendmenLs alLernaLlon ln Lhe llsL of Lhe workers
submlLLed by Lhe employer as may be requlred by any declslon glven by hlm on
ob[ecLlons under subsecLlon(9)

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