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2 :.xO:u.:O :.xO:u.:O :.xO:u.:O :.xO:u.:O
All perfecL ralse ls for Allb, we pralse Plm, seek Pls ald, and ask Pls forglveness. We
seek refuge ln Allb from Lhe evlls of ourselves and from our bad deeds.
Pe whom Allb guldes, Lhere ls none Lo mlsgulde hlm, and Pe whom he leaves asLray,
Lhere ls none Lo gulde hlm!

l bear wlLness LhaL none ls worLhy of worshlp buL Allb, who ls alone wlLhouL parLners,
and l bear wlLness LhaL Muhammad (sollAllbo oloybl wosollom) ls Pls slave and

-,-- `, -'-- = ''' ',--' ',--' ,-'' '+,' ', ,-'-- --', `'

"0 you wbo believe! Ieor Allb {by Joinq oll tbot Ee bos orJereJ onJ by obstoininq from oll
tbot Ee bos forbiJJen) os Ee sboulJ be feoreJ.
[0bey Eim, be tbonkful to Eim, onJ remember Eim olwoys],
onJ Jie not except in o stote of lslm {os Huslims) witb complete submission to Allb."
[Srah l-'lmrn : 102]

-+-- --, '+=, '+-- '=, ,--=', ,-- - -'= -'' - ',--' '-'' '+,' ', `'= '
' ',--', -'--, ',` '-, ,'= ' ''' ' '=`', - ,'-'-- -'' ''

"0 monkinJ! Be Jutiful to your lorJ, Wbo creoteJ you from o sinqle person {AJom), onJ from
bim {AJom) Ee creoteJ bis wife [Eowwo {Fve)], onJ from tbem botb Ee creoteJ mony men
onJ women onJ feor Allb tbrouqb Wbom you JemonJ your mutuol {riqbts), onJ {Jo not cut
tbe relotions of) tbe wombs {kinsbip)

. Surely, Allb is Fver on All Wotcber over you."

[Srah An-nls :1]

''' ',--' ',--' ,-'' '+,' ', '-,-- '', ',',,
' -- ',-, ''' _=, -, -,-- ' -,, ''-=' ' _'-,
'-,== ',
"0 you wbo believe! Keep your Juty to Allb onJ feor Eim, onJ speok {olwoys) tbe trutb.
Ee will Jirect you to Jo riqbteous qooJ JeeJs onJ will forqive you your sins. AnJ wbosoever
obeys Allb onJ Eis Hessenqer be bos inJeeJ ocbieveJ o qreot ocbievement {i.e. be will be
soveJ from tbe Eell-fire onJ moJe to enter PoroJise)."
[Srah Al-Ahzb : 70-71]

1o roceed......
verlly Lhe mosL LruLhful speech ls Lhe 8ook of Allb, and Lhe besL guldance ls Lhe
guldance of Muhammad, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom .
And Lhe worsL maLLers are Lhe newly lnvenLed maLLers, and ALL new maLLers are
lnnovaLlons lnLo Lhe rellglon, and all Lhe lnnovaLlons are mlsguldance, and all Lhe
mlsguldance lead Lo Lhe flre.


1o Proceed......

AfLer pralslng Allb, l would llke Lo Lhank -and l pray Lo Allb Lo have mercy on- Cur
elder , Lhe Mofti , Lhe 8evlver of Lhls rellglon -ln Lhls era- , Lhe 5boykb , ol-Allmob, ol-
lmm 'Abdul-'Aziz lbn Abdlllh lbn 8z.
We Lhank hlm for all Lhe efforLs he has puL ln
sLrlvlng for Lhls rellglon and speclflcally for Lhls Lremendous LreaLlse.

Surely our words cannoL descrlbe who he was, and whaL he dld for Lhe lslamlc naLlon.
May Allb granL hlm paradlse, and gaLher us wlLh hlm Lhereln. We have LranslaLed Lhls
shorL chapLer from hlm due Lo Lhe numerous beneflLs and lessons ln lL.

1he source of Lhe work was from a meeLlng where he spoke Lo Lhe sLudenLs and Lhe
careLakers of one of Lhe lnsLlLuLlons for Leachlng Lhe Ooto. lL can be found ln: Ma[m'
laLwa wa maqlL lbn 8z : vol 24. g.139.

losboAllb (Cod Wllllng) l hope Lhls book wlll be a source of beneflL Lo everyone.

1hen l would llke Lo Lhank Lhe LranslaLors of Lhls book, my broLher Ab 'lbraahlm and hls
wlfe umm 'lshah al-8ulbzi. May Allb reward Lhem wlLh all Lhe besL.

lf Lhere ls good ln Lhls LreaLlse Lhen lL ls from Lhe blesslngs of Allb, and lf Lhere are any
mlsLakes Lhen lL ls from ourselves and from Lhe cursed 5boyto (SaLan).

LasLly, l ask Allb Lo have mercy on my moLher and my faLher.
And on all Lhe Musllms ln Lhe world.

And Lo make us amongsL Pls speclal people, Lhe Ablol-Ooto [1he people who hold on
Lo Lhe Ooto], reclLlng lL, memorlzlng lL, ponderlng over lL, and acLlng upon lL.

And l ask Plm Lo preserve Lhe people of Lhe 5oooob - 1hose on Lhe MeLhodology of Lhe
Companlons - and Lo make us amongsL Lhem.

Ao VaaJa as-sa|aj.

lor a blography : hLLp:// & also see :

Imaam Abdu|'azeez |bn 8aaz : In the eyes of the scho|ars

,,-`, `-`, = ,`,

All perfecL pralse ls for Allb, and peace and blesslngs be upon Lhe Messenger of Allb,
and upon hls famlly and hls companlons, and Lo Lhose who followed Lhelr guldance.

1o proceed: lndeed l Lhank Allb, 1he Cne free from all lmperfecLlons, for Lhls meeLlng.

1here ls no doubL LhaL Lhe Ooto ls Lhe revealed speech of Allb, and lL ls noL creaLed.
lrom Plm lL came and Lo Plm lL shall reLurn.
Pe lnsplred lL Lo Pls slave and Pls Messenger, and Lhe lasL of Pls propheLs, Muhammad
lbn Abdullh, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom. And ln lL ls a proof on all Lhe creaLures.

Allb, Lhe LxalLed says:

'' ='- _'' +- -'- ,-'' _'' -'-'='' - '-'' _=-' =,'' -'-'-' -'- '' ,

" Alif-lm-R.
{Tbis is) o Book wbicb We bove reveoleJ unto you {0 HubommoJ peoce onJ blessinqs be upon
you) in orJer tbot you miqbt leoJ monkinJ out of Jorkness {of Jisbelief onJ polytbeism) into
liqbt {of belief in tbe 0neness of Allb onJ lslomic Honotbeism) by tbeir lorJ's leove to tbe
Potb of tbe All-Hiqbty, tbe 0wner of oll Proise." F

And Pe, Lhe LxalLed, sald:

' ' -'=''-'' ,'-, ,-'' ,--,-'' --,, ,' -'' -+, '-'' '- ' '=' +

" verily, tbis ur'n quiJes to tbot wbicb is most just onJ riqbt onJ qives qloJ tiJinqs to tbe
believers {in tbe 0neness of Allb onJ Eis Hessenqer, HubommoJ peoce onJ blessinqs be bim,
etc.). wbo work JeeJs of riqbteousness, tbot tbey sboll bove o qreot reworJ {PoroJise)." F

And Pe, Lhe LxalLed, sald:

-'--, ,- ',--' ,-'' , .

". Soy: "lt is for tbose wbo believe, o quiJe onJ o beolinqF

Srah lbrhim : 1
Srah al-lsr : 9
Srah lussllaL : 44

And Pe, Lhe LxalLed, sald:
- .- ,-'''' - .,--' -', ,'-'- ,---'' - ,-' =-' _'= ,-''' _,''
,,-- -=
" AnJ truly, tbis {tbe ur'n) is o revelotion from tbe lorJ of tbe 'Alomn {monkinJ, jinns onJ
oll tbot exists), Wbicb tbe trustwortby Rb [}ibrl {6obriel)] bos brouqbt Jown; 0pon your
beort {0 HubommoJ peoce onJ blessinqs be bim) tbot you moy be {one) of tbe worners, ln tbe
ploin Arobic lonquoqe." F

And Pe, Lhe LxalLed, sald:

--,', -',' ',--,' ='-- =,'' -'-'-' -'- -'-'''' ,','

" {Tbis is) o Book {tbe ur'n) wbicb We bove sent Jown to you, full of blessinqs tbot tbey moy
ponJer over its verses, onJ tbot men of unJerstonJinq moy remember." F

And Pe, Lhe MosL Ma[esLlc, Lhe MosL MlghLy, sald:

- '-, ,-=- '' ',--', -,--' ='-- -'-'-' -'

"AnJ tbis is o blesseJ Book {tbe ur'n) wbicb We bove sent Jown, so follow it onJ feor Allb
{i.e. Jo not Jisobey Eis 0rJers), tbot you moy receive mercy {i.e. soveJ from tbe Eell)." F

So lL ls obllgaLory on every sane adulL Lo acL upon Lhls 8ook, and Lread upon lLs
guldance, and acL upon whaL Allb has clarlfled ln lL, and be aware of golng agalnsL LhaL.

!usL as lL ls obllgaLory on Lhem Lo acL upon Lhe 5oooob of Lhe ropheL, sollAllbo oloybl

!usL as Lhe LxalLed sald:

',,=' . ', -'-= '- ,'=, .-= '- ,'= '--' ',',- ' .,-'' ',,=', '''
,--'' _`-'' ''' .,-'' _'= '-, ',--+- -,,=-

" Soy: "0bey Allb onJ obey tbe Hessenqer, but if you turn owoy, be {Hessenqer HubommoJ
peoce onJ blessinqs be bim) is only responsible for tbe Juty ploceJ on bim {i.e. to convey
Allb's Hessoqe) onJ you for tbot ploceJ on you.
lf you obey bim, you sboll be on tbe riqbt quiJonce.
Tbe Hessenqer's Juty is only to convey {tbe messoqe) in o cleor woy." F

Srah ash-Shu'ar : 192-193
Srah Sd : 29
Srah al-An'm : 133
Srah an-nr : 34

And Pe, Lhe LxalLed, sald:

,+--' -= '+- '-, -,-= .,-'' '-' '-, '
" ..AnJ wbotsoever tbe Hessenqer {HubommoJ peoce onJ blessinqs be bim) qives you, toke it,
onJ wbotsoever be forbiJs you, obstoin {from it).." F

And Pe, Lhe Cne free from all lmperfecLlons, lnformed LhaL Pe senL hlm Lo all Lhe
people- Lhe [lnn's and Lhe humans, Lhe Arabs and Lhe non-Arabs.

1he LxalLed sald:

''' .,- -' '-'' '+,' ', . ''' '' ` ''', -','--'' ='- ' -'' ',-= ,''
-', -'-', '''- -,, -'' -''' --'' ',-, '''- ',--' -,-,, ,=, , '' -,-

" Soy {0 HubommoJ peoce onJ blessinqs be bim): "0 monkinJ! verily, l om sent to you oll os
tbe Hessenqer of Allb - to Wbom belonqs tbe Jominion of tbe beovens onJ tbe eortb. l ilbo
ill Euwo {none bos tbe riqbt to be worsbippeJ but Ee); lt is Ee Wbo qives life onJ couses
Jeotb. So believe in Allb onJ Eis Hessenqer {HubommoJ peoce onJ blessinqs be bim), tbe
Propbet wbo con neitber reoJ nor write {i.e. HubommoJ peoce onJ blessinqs be bim) wbo
believes in Allb onJ Eis WorJs [{tbis ur'n), tbe Towrt {Torob) onJ tbe lnjl {6ospel) onJ
olso Allb's WorJ: "Be!" - onJ be wos, [i.e. 's {}esus) son of Horyom {Hory),], onJ follow bim
so tbot you moy be quiJeJ."

1herefore, guldance ls Lhrough followlng hlm, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom, and by
followlng whaL has come ln Lhe 8ook of Allb, Lhe MosL MlghLy, Lhe MosL Ma[esLlc.
verlly Pe, Lhe Cne free from all lmperfecLlons, sald:

',--, ',-- '-'' ' ''' ='-'-' '-,

" AnJ We bove not sent you {0 HubommoJ peoce onJ blessinqs be bim) except os o qiver of
qloJ tiJinqs onJ o worner to oll monkinJ, but most of men know not." F

And Lhe LxalLed sald:
,-'''' -= ''' ='-'-' '-,

"AnJ We bove sent you not but os o mercy for tbe 'Alomn {monkinJ, jinns onJ oll tbot exists"

Srah al-Pashr : 7
Srah al-A'rf : 138
Srah Sab : 28
Srah al-Anbly : 107

And Lhe noble messenger, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom, sald:

-'= '-'' _'' -`-

" l wos sent to oll tbe people."

So lL ls obllgaLory on every sane adulL:
-1o hold on and follow Lhe 8ook of Allb,
-And Lhe 5oooob of Pls messenger, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom.

And ln anoLher noJitb [Lhe noble messenger, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom, sald]:

'-+',' ,'-` , ='- -', : -' -'- - .=, = - ,-'', ,-+'' ,
-' -'-- ',-= - _''- - - ',----', .
"lnJeeJ l leove you witb two qreot tbinqs ; Tbe first of wbicb is tbe Book of Allb - Tbe Host
Hojestic, Tbe Host Hiqbty- ln it is quiJonce onJ liqbt.
Tberefore stick on to tbe Book of Allb -Tbe FxolteJ- onJ bolJ on firmly to it." F

And lndeed Allb creaLed Lhe creaLlon Lo worshlp Plm. Pe, Lhe LxalLed sald:

,--,' ''' -''', ='' --'= '-,

"AnJ l {Allb) creoteJ not tbe jinns onJ bumons except tbey sboulJ worsbip He {olone)." F

And Pe commanded Lhem wlLh LhaL. Pe, Lhe LxalLed sald:

- ',--=' '-'' '+,' ',

" 0 monkinJ! Worsbip your lorJ {Allb), Wbo creoteJ you onJ tbose wbo were before you so
tbot you moy become Al-Huttoqn {tbe pious)."F

And Pe senL [all] Pls messengers because of LhaL.
Pe, Lhe MosL Plgh, Lhe MosL MlghLy, sald:

-,='='' ',---=', ''' ',--=' ' `,- ,-' . '-`- --',

Agreed upon.
narraLed by lmm Musllm and Musnad of lmm Ahmad : 18464
Srah adh-uhrlyL : 36
Srah al-8aqarah : 21

"AnJ verily, We bove sent omonq every 0mmob {community, notion) o Hessenqer
{procloiminq): "Worsbip Allb {Alone), onJ ovoiJ {or keep owoy from) Tqbt

{oll folse Jeities,
etc. i.e. Jo not worsbip Tqbt besiJes Allb)." F

And Lhls 'lbJob (worshlp), lL ls: Cbeylng Allb, and lL ls havlng 1owbiJ of Allb [Slngllng
Plm ouL alone ln worshlp , rellance, asslsLance, afflrmaLlon of Pls names and aLLrlbuLes ,
and declarlng hlm free from any lmperfecLlons and any slmlllLude's..] , and lL ls havlng
fear of Allb , and [lndeed] lL ls pleLy and guldance .

!usL as Lhe LxalLed sald:

,-+'' +- - -'= --',

".tbere bos surely come to tbem tbe 6uiJonce from tbeir lorJ!" F

1herefore lL ls a musL Lo seek knowledge of Lhese 'lbJob (worshlp) and Lo have lnslghL
ln Lhem, and Lhls ls Lhe rellglon of lslm.

verlly you are creaLed for 'lbJob (worshlp), Lherefore lL ls upon you, C man, and lL ls
upon you, C woman, lL ls upon you all Lo seek knowledge and know abouL Lhese 'lbJob
(worshlp). And Lo undersLand Lhem greaLly, such LhaL you execuLe Lhem upon clear
lnslghL and undersLandlng. And Lhls ls Lhe rellglon of lslm.

And lL ls Lhe LruLh and guldance, and lL ls havlng fear of Allb, and esLabllshlng Lhe
1owbiJ of Plm, and obeylng Plm, and sLlcklng on Lo Pls 5botiob (LeglslaLlon).
1hus, Lhls ls Lhe 'lbJob (worshlp) whlch you have been creaLed for.

Allb named Pls [whole] rellglon as 'lbJob (worshlp), Lhls ls because ln Lhls world Lhe
slave ls Lo fulflll lL, [and lL ls] by humlllLy and submlsslon.

1herefore Lhe rellglon of lslm all of lL ls 'lbJob (worshlp) and havlng pleLy and fear of
Allb, and Lhe 5olb (prayers) ls 'lbJob (worshlp), and Lhe 2okt (glvlng of alms) ls
'lbJob (worshlp), and Lhe 5owm (fasLlng) ls 'lbJob (worshlp), and Lhe IlbJ ls 'lbJob
(worshlp), and llkewlse all LhaL whlch Allb has obllgaLed for us Lo fulflll and Lo obey
1herefore Lhls greaL rellglon of lslm, lL ls 'lbJob (worshlp) whlch you have been
creaLed for. And lL ls havlng pleLy and fear of Allb, and [lndeed] lL ls pleLy and guldance.

1hus lL ls obllgaLory on all Lhe creaLures [Lo all Lhe people] - Lhe [lnn's and Lhe humans,
Lhe males and Lhe females - Lo have pleLy and Lhe fear of Allb, and Lo worshlp Plm - by
observlng Pls commands and sLaylng away from Pls prohlblLlons, and havlng lkbls

Srah a-nahl : 36
Srah an-na[m : 23

(compleLe slncerlLy) Lo Plm, and Lo sLay away from worshlpplng any oLher Lhan Plm - as
such lL ls obllgaLory on every sane adulL Lo dlrecL Lhelr 'lbJob (worshlp) Lo Allb alone.

And Lhls ls Lhe meanlng of Lhe sLaLemenL L i/ho i//o4//h. verlly lLs meanlng ls LhaL:
'1here ls none who ls LruLhfully worshlpped excepL Allb. [l.e. 1here ls none who Lruly
deserves Lo be worshlpped excepL Plm].'

!usL as Pe, Lhe LxalLed, sald:

'' ''' , ''' ', .='-'' , -,- - ,=-, '- ', ='' , ''' '- ='- ,-

"Tbot is becouse Allb Ee is tbe Trutb {tbe only True 6oJ of oll tbot exists, Wbo bos no
portners or rivols witb Eim), onJ wbot tbey {tbe polytbeists) invoke besiJes Eim, it is Btil
{folsebooJ) AnJ verily, Allb Ee is tbe Host Eiqb, tbe Host 6reot." F

And Pe, Lhe MosL Plgh, Lhe MosL MlghLy, sald:

,='' -='' , ''' '' ` -=', '' +'',

"AnJ your llb {6oJ) is 0ne llb {6oJ - Allb), l ilbo ill Euwo {tbere is none wbo bos tbe
riqbt to be worsbippeJ but Ee), tbe Host Beneficent, tbe Host Herciful." F

And, Pe, Lhe LxalLed, sald:

=---' ---', ''' ''' '' ` -' '='

"So know {0 HubommoJ peoce onJ blessinqs be upon bim) tbot l ilbo ill-Allb {none bos
tbe riqbt to be worsbippeJ but Allb), onJ osk forqiveness for your sin

So Lhls ls Lhe meanlng of Lhe sLaLemenL L i/ho i//o4//h, [l.e. 1here ls none who Lruly
deserves Lo be worshlpped excepL Plm].

And Lhe Lord ls Lhe Cne who ls worshlpped slncerely from Lhe hearL, and Clorlfylng Plm
Lhrough observlng dlfferenL Lypes of 'lbJob (worshlp). And Lhls, none deserves lL
excepL Allb alone.

Pence lL ls a musL on all Lhe people of Lhe earLh - Lhe jloos and Lhe humans- and all Lhe
sane adulLs from among Lhe males and Lhe females, and Lhe Arabs and Lhe non-Arabs,
[lL ls a musL on Lhem all] Lo worshlp Allb, and Lo have pleLy and Lhe fear of Plm, and Lo

Srah al-Pa[[ : 62
Srah al-8aqarah : 163
Srah Muhammad : 19

observe Pls commands, and sLay away from Pls prohlblLlons, and Lo sLop from
Lransgresslng Lhe bounds.
And [all of Lhls LogeLher wlLh] havlng lkbls (compleLe slncerlLy), and LruLhfulness, and
Pope, and fear of Plm.

verlly Lhey are creaLed for Lhls [purpose of] 'lbJob (worshlp) and Lhey are creaLed Lo
have pleLy and Lhe fear of Plm, and Lo obey Plm.
And verlly Lhey are creaLed Lo be upon Lhe rellglon of lslm, whlch ls Lhe 'lbJob
(worshlp) Lo Allb alone. As Lhey are commanded wlLh LhaL.
Pe, Lhe LxalLed, sald :

`-''' ''' --= ,-'' '

"Truly, tbe reliqion witb Allb is lslm."

And, Pe, Lhe LxalLed, sald :

,-'='' - -=''' ,, -- .--, ' '-,- `-''' ,= _--, -,

"AnJ wboever seeks o reliqion otber tbon lslm, it will never be occepteJ of bim, onJ in tbe
Eereofter be will be one of tbe losers." F

And, Pe, Lhe LxalLed, sald :

-,-, --- ,'= ----', -,- ' -'-' ,,'' '-,- `-''' '

"Tbis Joy, l bove perfecteJ your reliqion for you, completeJ Hy Iovour upon you,
onJ bove cbosen for you lslm os your reliqion." F

1hls lslm, whlch Allb ls pleased wlLh from us - and whlch Pe does noL accepL from us
oLher Lhan lL - lL ls Lhe 'lbJob (worshlp) of Allb, and lL ls havlng 1owbiJ of Allb and
obeylng Plm, and lL ls followlng Pls LeglslaLlon, Lhrough sLaLemenLs, acLlons, and creed.

!usL as Lhe LxalLed sald:

`-''' ''' --= ,-'' '

"Truly, tbe reliqion witb Allb is lslm."

And Lhere ls no way Lo achleve Lhls knowledge and Lhls undersLandlng of Lhe 'lbJob
(worshlp) of Allb, excepL by Allb [faclllLaLlng and granLlng lL.]

Srah l-'lmrn: 19
Srah l-'lmrn: 83
Srah al-M'ldah : 3

1hen afLer LhaL, lL ls by seeklng Lhe leglslaLed knowledge unLll you have knowledge of
Lhe rellglon of Allb whlch you are creaLed for. And Lhls ls Lhe rellglon of lslm, and lL ls
Lhe 1owbiJ of Allb and Cbeylng Plm.

So lL ls a musL Lo seek knowledge and undersLandlng, [and lL ls a musL] Lo have aLLenLlon
and dlllgence on Lhe noble Ooto and Lhe 5oooob. 1o Lhe exLenL where you wlll have
Lhe knowledge of Lhls lbJob (worshlp) whlch you have been creaLed Lo observe. And
Lo Lhe exLenL where you wlll fulflll Lhese by havlng compleLe slncerlLy Lo Allb, and love
of Allh, and glorlflcaLlon of Allb aL all Llmes and places.

And also lL ls a musL Lo be uprlghL and sLeadfasL on 1owbiJ of Allb and ln obeylng Plm,
and followlng Pls LeglslaLlon, and abandonlng whaL Pe has prohlblLed - forever and
ever. And wherever you mlghL be, unLll Lhe momenL you dle, you are upon LhaL.

!usL as Lhe LxalLed sald Lo Pls ropheL, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom:

_-= =- --=', ,-,'' =,-',

"AnJ worsbip your lorJ until tbere comes unto you tbe certointy {i.e. Jeotb)." F

Meanlng: deaLh.

And Pe, Lhe LxalLed sald:

--', ''' -,-- `, -'-- = ''' ',--' ',--' ,-'' '+,' ', ,-'-- .
',-- `, ',-= ''' .-=- ',---=',

"0 you wbo believe! Ieor Allb {by Joinq oll tbot Ee bos orJereJ onJ by obstoininq from oll
tbot Ee bos forbiJJen) os Ee sboulJ be feoreJ.
[0bey Eim, be tbonkful to Eim, onJ remember Eim olwoys],
onJ Jie not except in o stote of lslm {os Huslims) witb complete submission to Allb.
AnJ bolJ fost, oll of you toqetber, to tbe Rope of Allb {i.e. tbis ur'n), onJ be not JiviJeJ
omonq yourselves." F

1hls ls Lhe 'lbJob (worshlp) whlch you have been creaLed Lo observe: [lL ls] Lo have
pleLy and Lhe fear of Allb, and holdlng on Lo Pls rope [Lhe Ooto], and havlng
uprlghLness and sLeadfasLness upon Pls rellglon, and Lo ask of Plm, Lo help you upon Lhe
8ook of Allb , and Lo learn Lhe 8ook of Allb , and Lo seek undersLandlng of lL, and of
Lhe 5oooob of Lhe ropheL of Allb, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom.

ln accordance Lo Lhe sLaLemenL of Lhe ropheL, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom:

Srah al-Pl[r : 99
Srah l-'lmrn : 102-103

,-'' +--, ',= - -' -, -

" Wboever Allb wisbes qooJ for ; Ee qronts bim unJerstonJinq of tbe reliqion." F

And, l congraLulaLe Lhose who are runnlng Lhese schools, ln Lhelr dlllgence and care of
Lhe 8ook of . And l Lhank Lhem regardlng whaL Lhey are underLaklng, ln form of
glorlflcaLlon of Lhe 8ook of and Leachlng and learnlng lL.
lndeed Lhls ls Lhe paLh Lo happlness, for Lhe one who ls sLeadfasL upon lL, and for Lhe
one who has (dolng lL slncerely for ) upon lL.

We ask Lo help Lhem ln LhaL whlch Pe ls pleased wlLh, and LhaL whlch wlll brlng
Lhelr success, and LhaL whlch ls faclllLaLlon for Lhelr undersLandlng and knowledge of Lhe

And l sLrongly encourage all Lhe Leachers and Lhe sLudenLs, Lo focus Lhelr aLLenLlon and
have prudence of Lhe 8ook of .

And l advlse all Lhe people Lo havlng dlllgence and aLLenLlon Lo Lhe 8ook of , lLs
reclLaLlon, ponderlng over lL, undersLandlng lL, acLlng upon lL, and memorlzlng.

verlly ln Lhe 8ook of ls LlghL and Culdance. !usL as Lhe Cne who ls free from all
lmperfecLlons sald:

,' -'' -+, '-'' '- '

"verily, tbis ur'n quiJes to tbot wbicb is most just onJ riqbt." F

And Pe, Lhe LxalLed sald:

',--' ,-'' , . -'--, ,-

". Say: "It is foi those who believe, a guiue anu a healing.. F

And Pe ,Lhe Cne who ls free from all lmperfecLlons, sald:

,-=- '' ',--', -,--' ='-- -'-'-' -'- '-,

"AnJ tbis is o blesseJ Book {tbe ur'n) wbicb We bove sent Jown, so follow it onJ feor Allb
{i.e. Jo not Jisobey Eis 0rJers), tbot you moy receive mercy {i.e. soveJ from tbe torment)." F

Agreed upon.
Srah al-lsr : 9
See looLnoLe 3
See looLnoLe 6

1herefore ln Lhls greaL 8ook ls guldance and llghL, and ln (reclLlng) and learnlng lL, every
leLLer has a reward, and Lhe reward ls mulLlplled Len Llmes.

And l [agaln] advlse all Lhe people Lo havlng dlllgence and aLLenLlon Lo Lhe 8ook of Allb,
Lhe MosL Plgh, Lhe MosL MlghLy, learnlng lL, reclLlng lL, and ponderlng over lLs meanlngs.

And Lo have a sLrong wlll ln undersLandlng lLs meanlngs, and Lhen acLlng upon LhaL.
1ogeLher wlLh memorlzlng whaLever ls easy for Lhe person.

And verlly lL ls Lhe CreaLesL 8ook, and Lhe mosL 1ruLhful of all Lhe books.

lndeed Allb revealed lL as a mercy Lo all Lhe people, and a cure for Lhe hearLs.

And llkewlse he made Lhe ropheL, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom, a mercy and a gulde Lo
Lhe people. !usL as Lhe LxalLed sald:

- ==,- --'= - '-'' '+,' ', -=, ,-, ,--'' '-' -'--, -

"0 monkinJ! Tbere bos come to you o qooJ oJvice from your lorJ {i.e. tbe ur'on, orJerinq
tbot is qooJ onJ forbiJJinq oll tbot is evil), onJ o beolinq for tbot {Jiseose of iqnoronce, Joubt,
bypocrisy onJ Jifferences, etc.) in your breosts, - onJ o quiJonce onJ o mercy {exploininq
lowful onJ unlowful tbinqs, etc.) for tbe believers." F

And Pe, Lhe LxalLed sald:

,--, -=, ,-, -- .' '-',-- -'-'' =,'= '-'-, ,-'--''

"..AnJ We bove sent Jown to you tbe Book {tbe ur'on) os on exposition of everytbinq, o
quiJonce, o mercy, onJ qloJ tiJinqs for tbose wbo bove submitteJ tbemselves {to Allb)." F

And Pe, Lhe LxalLed sald:

''' ='-'-' '-, ,-'''' -=

" AnJ We bove sent you not but os o mercy for tbe 'Alomn {oll tbot exists)." F

1herefore lL ls upon us Lo learn Lhls 8ook, and have an undersLandlng of lL, such LhaL we
can know whaL we have been creaLed for. [And] So we know Lhe worshlp whlch we have
been creaLed for, hence we can be sLeadfasL and uprlghL on lL.

Srah ?nus : 37
Srah an-nahl : 89
See looLnoLe 11

And llkewlse Lhe 5oooob, Lhe 5oooob of Lhe ropheL, sollAllbo oloybl wosollom, we
have Lo learn lL, and preserve lL, and have undersLandlng of lL, and ask regardlng whaL ls
doubLful Lo us.

1he sLudenL always asks regardlng LhaL whlch ls hard on hlm ln Lhe 8ook of Allb and Lhe
5oooob of Pls ropheL.

1he LxalLed sald :

,-'- ` -- ' -'' .' ',''-'

"So osk tbe people of remembronce [tbe Scbolors wbo ore on tbe riqbt potb] if you know not."F

So learnlng Lhe 8ook of Allb ls from Lhe greaLesL bounLles from Allb.

1herefore l encourage every sLudenL of knowledge Lo be dlllgenL and have exLra
aLLenLlon Lo Lhe 8ook of Allb. 8eclLaLlon, ponderlng, undersLandlng, and acLlng upon lL.
And Lhls ls a greaL blesslng.

And l advlse you Lo have uprlghLness and be sLeadfasL ln Lhls greaL goodness, and Lo ask
Allb for faclllLaLlon and Lo glve you slncerlLy ln dlrecLlng your acLlons Lo Plm alone.

And Lo be prudenL ln undersLandlng Lhe 8ook of Allb, and Lhe 5oooob of Pls ropheL,
sollAllbo oloybl wosollom, LogeLher wlLh acLlng upon Lhe obllgaLory maLLers, and
leavlng off Lhe botm (prohlblLed maLLers), and belng hasLy lnLo dolng all LhaL whlch ls
good, and avoldlng all LhaL whlch ls evll, and Lo reclLe Lhe 8ook of Allb and sLudy lL and
galn undersLandlng of lL.

And [also l advlse you] ln reLurnlng Lo Lhe beneflclal books of tofsit (commenLarles of
Lhe Ooto) llke Lhe tofsit of lbn !arir , and lbn kaLhir, and 8aghawi , and oLhers . so LhaL
Lo know Lhe LruLh, and undersLand whaL ls hard on Lhem [Lhe sLudenLs].

And lL ls upon Lhe sLudenL Lo ask hls Leacher regardlng whaL he ls flndlng dlfflculL, wlLh
Lhe lnLenLlon of recLlflcaLlon and whlle havlng deslre for lL, so LhaL he can have
undersLandlng of Lhe 8ook of Allb.

And lL ls upon Lhe Leacher Lo be dlllgenL ln LhaL Lowards Lhe sLudenL, ln Lhe aspecL of
dlrecLlng Lhem, guldlng Lhem, and Leachlng Lhem whaL ls good and Lhe acLlons.

And Lhey, Lhe youLh have Lo be doers of good, learnlng and acLlng upon whaL Lhey learn.
And hasLenlng Lowards all LhaL whlch ls good.
And LhaL whlch ls more lmporLanL afLer Lhe LesLlflcaLlon of lslm ls Lhe observaLlon of
Lhe flve dally prayers , and preservlng Lhem ln Lhe mosjlJ wlLh Lhe congregaLlon.

Srah an-nahl : 43

And lL ls upon Lhe scholars Lo be good examples, and be among Lhose who hasLen Lo
aLLend Lhe congregaLlonal prayer. Such LhaL Lhose who are less Lhan Lhem wlll Lake
noLlce of Lhelr humlllLy ln observlng Lhls maLLer [and Lhus lmlLaLe Lhem].
lndeed Lhe scholars are Lhe lnherlLors of Lhe propheLs - and ahead of Lhem -are Lhe
messengers (peace and blesslngs be upon Lhem all). And afLer Lhe propheLs, Lhe scholars
are Lhelr successors, Lhey call Lo Allb by sLaLemenLs, acLlons, and characLer.

And llkewlse Lhe sLudenLs of knowledge, lL ls upon Lhem Lo learn and Lo Leach, and Lo be
good examples Lo oLhers, and Lo make apparenL Lhe effecLs of Lhe knowledge and Lhe
undersLandlng Lhey galn from Lhe rellglon, and from Lhe 8ook of Allb.

We ask Allb by Pls mosL beauLlful names and Pls exalLed aLLrlbuLes, Lo faclllLaLe for all
LhaL whlch Pe ls pleased wlLh, and Lo granL, for all, an undersLandlng ln Lhe rellglon of
Allb, and Lo granL us wlLh dlllgence and exLra aLLenLlon Lo Pls 8ook and Lo Lhe 5oooob
of Pls ropheL (sollAllbo oloybl wosollom) and Lo acL upon Lhem.

And Lo call Lo Lhem [Lhe 8ook and Lhe 5oooob], and Lo hold on Lo Lhem, Lhrough
sLaLemenLs, acLlons, creed and undersLandlng.

And we ask Plm Lo secure us from Lhe Lrlals of devlance and Lhe whlsperlngs of Lhe

!usL as we ask Plm, Lhe Cne free from all lmperfecLlons, Lo granL vlcLory Lo Pls rellglon,
and Lo exalL Pls word, and Lo recLlfy Lhe affalrs of Lhe Mosllms ln all lands, and Lo besLow
on Lhem undersLandlng of Lhe rellglon, and Lo faclllLaLe Lhe leaders of Lhe Mosllms Lo
LhaL whlch pleases Plm, and Lo mend Lhelr affalrs and besLow on Lhem sLeadfasLness
upon Pls rellglon and rullng by Pls LeglslaLlon.

!usL as we ask Plm, Lhe Cne free from all lmperfecLlons, Lo faclllLaLe for our leaders ln
Saudl Arabla Lowards all LhaL whlch pleases Plm, and Lo ald Lhem ln all LhaL ls good, and
Lo recLlfy Lhelr maLLers, and Lo make Lhem amongsL Lhe gulded ones and Lhose who
gulde oLhers, and Lo repel from Lhem and us and all Mosllms, from Lhe Lralls of
devlaLlons and Lhe plans of Lhe devlls, and Lo make all of us amongsL Pls rlghLeous
slaves, and among hls successful parLy.

lndeed Pe ls 1he All-Pearer, 1he one who ls near.

And may peace and blesslngs be upon our propheL Muhammad, and on hls famlly and
all of hls companlons, and Lo Lhose who followed Lhelr guldance Lo uay of !udgmenL."

[Lnd of Lhe speech of Al-lmm lbn 8z (toblmobollb).]

AoJ oot last messaqe |s AllamJol|llal| Rabb|l 'alamio
j All letfect lta|se |s fot Allal , 1le lotJ of All tle WotlJs ]

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