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bt Zainal Abidin Nombor Matriks : D20019035085 Program : Pendidikan Sains ( AT16) Nama Pensyarah : Dr. Razak Abd. Samad bin Yahya

Heredity And Variation


Cell division Divided into

Gene Divided into

Sex chromosom e



Variation Divided into

Mitosis Occurs in Somatic cell


Dominant Gene

Recessive Gene


Identical Twins

NonIdentical Twins

occurs during formation of Gamete Sex Gene mutations i.e Male Female Containing chromosomes 44 + XY 22 + X or 22 + Y 22 + X 44 + XX -Albinism -Sickle-cell anaemia -colourblindness -haemophilia Classified into

Discontinuous variation

Continuo us variation examples Height

Type of fingerpri nt

Chromosome mutations examples -Downs syndrome -Klinefelters syndrome -Turners syndrome


Skin and hair cell




ANALYSIS THE CONTENT OF THE SUBJECT Subject : Science Form 4 Topic : Heredity and Variation

UNIT FACT 1) Cell division Every living things undergo cell division.

KNOWLEDGE CONCEPT Two process of cell division which are mitosis and meiosis. GENERALIZATION Mitosis : 1 cell divides and produce 2 cells. Having four phases which are Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase and Telophase. Meiosis : Forming haploid cells (2n n ). COGNITIVE Understand the process of cell division.

SKILLS PSYCHOMOTOR Able to list all the stages occur in mitosis and meiosis. AFFECTIVE Realise the importance of every stages in mitosis an meiosis.

Having 9 phases which are Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I,

Telophase I, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II, Telophase II, Four cells. 2)Principles and mechanism of inheritance Genes are responsible for define characteristics. Two type of genes are dominant and recessive genes. Dominant gene = which show the characteristics that they control when paired with a dominant or recessive gene. Recessive gene = only show characteristics that they control when paired with another recessive genes. If a right-handed man(Rr) marries a lefthanded woman(rr), the probability of having a left-handed child is 50% [R: dominant gene ; r: recessive gene]
Rr Rr rr rr



Understand how characteristic of parents inherit their

Able to determine characteristics of the offspring by drawing the schematic diagram.

Students will be more appreciate with the characteristics of themselves.


3)Sex determination and the occurrence of twins in human beings

Humans sex is determined by one

A male has 22 pairs of autosomes with one X

Testis cell = 44 + XY Ovary Cell = 44 + XX

Identify the sex by referring to the chromosome.

Draw the schematic Differentiate diagram in sex determination. between identical and non-identical twins.

pair of chromosome in chromosome and Y somatic cell. chromosome. Female has 22 pairs of autosome with two X chromosome.


Mutation is the changes occur in the

Gene mutation = changes in the structure of gene

Gene mutation = albinism, sickle-cell anaemia, colour blindness, haemophilia. Chromosome mutation = Downs syndrome, Kinefelters syndrome, Turners syndrome

Understand on how mutation occur among human.

Able to draw the structure of chromosome that having mutation.

Realised that mutation also gives advantages where it can cause variations in organisms.

somatic cell. There are Chromosome mutation = two types of mutation which are gene mutations and chromosome mutation. changes in number of chromosome or arrangement of genes.

5)Effects of genetic

Parents that having

If a normal couple, i.e. no albinism, begets a child, they still having the probability to have child that is normal and also a child who is carrier.

An individual who has 1 dominant gene (normal) and 1 recessive gene (i.e. albino) known as carrier. They are not suffering from albinism but can pass this characteristic to their children.

Explain the importance of genetic research.

List out all the advantages and disadvantages of genetic research.

Aware with what are the characteristics that the future offspring might have from looking at the parents gene.

research on human life gene carrier for a characteristic will inherit it to their children.

6)Variation among living things

Two types of variation Continuous variation = which are continuous and discontinuous variation.

Continuous variation =

Understand the factors that cause variation.

Able to classify type of variations in humans.

Appreciate the variety characteristics among living things.

characteristics that do not height, body weight, skin show obvious variation in trait of same species. Discontinuous variation = show obvious characteristics in a trait of same species. colour and intelligence Discontinuous variation = ear lobe, blood group, fingerprint.

7)Code of ethics in genetic research

Human cloning and genetically products become hot issues debated nowadays.

Religious people consider human produced by cloning as not having souls.

Scientist need to follow a code of ethics when conducting scientific research and knowledge must be used with good.

Understand the effect of genetic research towards public.

Identify the advantages and disadvantages of cloning.

Realising the need of code of ethics in genetic research.

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