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CREDU Co-op Membersbip and Activity Records System

1he rapld growLh of C8LuC Savlngs and Agrarlan 8eform CooperaLlve from 13 foundlng cooperaLors ln
March 9 2009 Lo 2376 members as of november 30 2011 has made spreadsheeLbased daLa capLure
and analysls prone Lo error as well as delays ln Lhe generaLlon of reporLs needed for Llmely and efflclenL
cooperaLlve governance and managemenL 1hese delays and errors have led Lo frusLraLlons among Lhe
members as well as among Lhe offlcers and sLaff of Lhe cooperaLlve and of Lhe publlc and prlvaLe secLor
arL of Lhe soluLlon ls Lhe esLabllshmenL of Lhe operaLlons plannlng and budgeLlng sysLem aL Lhe dlsLrlcL
level ln efforLs Lo address Lhe roblem 1ree deLermlned ln Lhe course of Lhe 1
AdapLlve lannlng and
8udgeLlng Workshop conducLed aL Lhe Callao Cave 8esorL ln enablanca Cagayan on uecember 24
2011 and ls shown below

1he oLher parL ls Lhe daLabase sysLem LhaL can capLure daLa and generaLe reporLs on member sLaLus as
well as parLlclpaLlon ln cooperaLlve acLlvlLles 1hls lnformat|on and communlcaLlon Lechnology needs
may be addressed by Lhe use of Lhe cusLomlzable Membershlp and AcLlvlLy 8ecords SysLem (MA8S)
sofLware program LhaL ls owned and copyrlghLed by 8ay lace SofLware 1he owner granLed a free
llcense LhaL allows use only on Lhe local compuLer LhaL Lhe sofLware ls lnsLalled on a separaLe neLwork
Llcense ls requlred Lo use Lhe sofLware ln a neLworked mulLluser envlronmenL
Members not fu||y served
Insuff|c|ent trad|ng fund
fac|||t|es and equ|pment
Insuff|c|ent report|ng of
|nputs act|v|t|es and outputs
Mu|t|p|e scope of work
and duty stat|ons
Lack of]de|ay |n
Lack of
Insuff|c|ent compensat|on
and benef|ts
Lack of
Cash f|ow
f you are new Lo Lhe Membershlp and AcLlvlLy 8ecords SysLem (MA8S) welcome! 1hls lnLroducLlon
provldes an overvlew of MA8S and how lL can beneflL your organlzaLlon 1he tart nere Lab aL Lhe lefL ls
a qulck LuLorlal and Lhe oLher Pelp Labs provlde speclflc howLos and whys for uslng MA8S
MA8S ls a comprehenslve cootoct moooqemeot system (CMS) deslgned spec|f|ca||y for nonproflL
organlzaLlons 1hls means
easy to |earn and use slnce users are ofLen parLLlme sLaff or volunLeers
membersh|p management feaLures slnce membershlp ls vlLal Lo many nonproflLs
custom|zab|e slnce Lhe personal Louch ls lmporLanL Lo servlce dellvery
|owcost Lo meeL Lhe pracLlcal budgeL resLralnLs of mosL organlzaLlons
powerfu| report|ng capab|||t|es Lo qulckly respond Lo Lhe changlng requlremenLs and quesLlons of
fundlng agencles board members and lnLeresL groups
a s|ng|e centra||zed database LhaL consolldaLes and manages all conLacL lnformaLlon so you can
operaLe ln a conslsLenL and lnformed manner
8rlefly puL MA8S keeps Lrack of everyone wlLh connecLlons Lo your organlzaLlon members lnLeresLed
people medla lnLeresL groups sLaff and volunLeers MA8S descrlbes and records all Lhese connecLlons
as acLlvlLy lor example a person renewlng a membershlp reglsLerlng for a class or aLLendlng a
meeLlng ls an acLlvlLy so ls puLLlng LhaL person on a malllng llsL or recordlng Lhelr speclal lnLeresLs
MA8S comes wlLh several bullLln reporLs for your lnLernal use plus MlcrosofL Word documenLs LhaL
serve as LemplaLes for renewal leLLers malllng labels eLc 8ecause Lhese LemplaLes are ln Word you
can cusLomlze Lhese LemplaLes and creaLe your own as Lhe need arlses
lor organlzaLlons wlLh a hlgh volume of acLlvlLy MA8S has numerous feaLures Lo speed and even
ellmlnaLe daLa enLry lor example when a membershlp paymenL ls enLered MA8S can auLomaLlcally
updaLe Lhe members sLaLus membershlp daLes eLc Lhus ellmlnaLlng whaL ls oLherwlse a second and
separaLe manual process lus MA8S has baLch conLrol feaLures Lo make lL easy Lo balance paymenLs
wlLh your deposlLs AL monLhend you can prlnL a paymenL reglsLer and posL [usL Lhe summary LoLals Lo
your accounLlng sysLem
llnally many organlzaLlons come Lo MA8S from spreadsheeLs and whaLever llmlLaLlons LhaL approach
has lL ls easy Lo geL your hands on your lnformaLlon and Lo change lL Lo make lL rlghL WlLh MA8S
you can always exporL some or all of your lnformaLlon back Lo a spreadsheeL And any and all
lnformaLlon wlLhln MA8S can always be edlLed Lo represenL exacLly whaL you wanL
Custom|zab|e for your own organ|zat|on and |nformat|on needs
1he name Lab ls used Lo dlsplay and edlL a|| lnformaLlon abouL a conLacL or organlzaLlon f you cllck Lhe
name Lab aL Lhe Lop rlghL now and Lake a look aL lL for a momenL you wlll see ln Lhe Lop half or so Lhe
'usual' lnformaLlon name and address phone numbers eLc 1haL ls Lhe only 'sLandard' lnformaLlon ln
MA8S Lveryth|ng e|se you enLer abouL conLacLs ls recorded and shown ln Lhe AcLlvlLy PlsLory LhaL
appears ln Lhe boLLom half of Lhe screen 1hls approach removes Lhe 'cluLLer' of checkboxes and oLher
enLry boxes LhaL may have noLhlng Lo do wlLh your organlzaLlon buL Lake up space on Lhe deskLop and
can lead Lo confuslon for many users L ls here LhaL you vlew membershlp renewals and oLher
paymenLs malllng llsLs Lhe conLacL ls on personal or organlzaLlonal lnformaLlon lnLeresLs meeLlngs
aLLended eLc
Lach llne ln Lhe AcLlvlLy PlsLory has a place Lo enLer a daLe counL hours dollar amounL descrlpLlon as
well as Lwo lmporLanL codes LhaL are descrlbed below uslng Lhe lLems LhaL perLaln Lo LhaL record you
can enLer vlrLually anyLhlng f you are recordlng an organlzaLlon's annual budgeL puL lL ln Lhe amounL
box 1o record a person's cerLlflcaLlon or graduaLlon daLe use Lhe daLe box noL only does Lhls
approach save space Lhere ls a blgger beneflL ln uslng Lhls approach eotetloq o lloe lo tbe octlvlty
blstoty outomotico//y pots tbot cootoct oo o llst ooJ coo be foooJ by tbot eotty ot ooy otbet eotty lo
tbelt blstoty no oLher addlLlonal efforL ls needed Lo fully search reporL and produce cusLom
documenLs from every plece of lnformaLlon you record abouL your conLacLs and organlzaLlons
MA8S uses Lwo lmporLanL codes wlLh each acLlvlLy hlsLory lLem LhaL mulLlply Lhe value of your
lnformaLlon 1he 'acLlvlLy code' ls a spec|f|c code LhaL ldenLlfles Lhe plece of lnformaLlon recorded such
as 'lamlly Membershlp' or 'Annual 8udgeL' ?ou can develop whaLever codes LhaL perLaln Lo your
organlzaLlon as you Lhlnk of Lhem 1here ls no llmlL Lo Lhe Lypes and klnds of lnformaLlon you can
A dlsLlngulshlng feaLure of MA8S ls LhaL lL also keeps Lrack of each persons role ln Lhe relaLed acLlvlLy
MA8S calls Lhls Lhe parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe acLlvlLy and ls a gener|c code LhaL may be used wlLh many
acLlvlLles lor example people may reglsLer for a class Lhelr parLlclpaLlon ls aLLendee lor oLhers
Lhelr role may be alde and for someone else Lhelr role ls lnsLrucLor MA8S records Lhls lnformaLlon
maklng lL posslble Lo easlly do Lhe followlng
send malllngs Lo everyone who aLLended any meeLlng durlng Lhe lasL Lhree monLhs
reporL Lhe LoLal number of reglsLraLlons and LoLal paymenLs for classes lasL year
reporL Lhe number of hours LhaL each alde helped ouL ln classes
conLacL all your lnsLrucLors who are scheduled Lo lead classes nexL monLh
uslng boLh a speclflc acLlvlLy code and a generlc parLlclpaLlon code makes lL posslble Lo flnd and reporL
on your organlzaLlon's acLlvlLles by elLher or boLh Lypes of codes ln comblnaLlon slngly or severally 1he
number of comblnaLlons ls huge of course meanlng LhaL you can Lap Lhe full value of your daLabase ln
powerful ways
1hank you for Lrylng MA8S you can geL sLarLed rlghL away by cllcklng on Lhe tart nere Lab aL Lhe lefL
ookup Tab

1hls Lab ls 'conLrol cenLral' and ls Lhe sLarLlng polnL for almosL everyLhlng you do ln MA8S L ls used for
looklng up lndlvldual and mulLlple names and acLlvlLy records for vlewlng edlLlng reporLlng and
documenL creaLlon ?ou can prlnL Lhe dozen or so sLock reporLs LhaL come wlLh MA8S as well as
generaLe llLerally Lhousands of cusLom reporLs as well as merge Lhe lookup resulLs wlLh your own word
processlng LemplaLes
All Lhe uses of Lhe Lookup Lab follow Lhe same procedure
Clear Lhe lookup boxes and opLlons lf necessary by elLher cllcklng Lhe C|ear buLLon or eraslng Lhe
conLenLs of Lhe boxes 'by hand'
LnLer Lhe lookup opLlons and crlLerla you wanL Lo flnd
Cllck Lhe Lookup buLLon
When Lhe lookup resulLs are dlsplayed you can Lhen use Lhe varlous 8eporLs Lmall LxporL Merge and
oLher funcLlons avallable aL Lhe boLLom rlghL of Lhe screen ?ou don'L have Lo rerun Lhe Lookup as long
as Lhe resulLs shown are whaL you wanL nformaLlon abouL Lhe Lmall Merge and LxporL opLlons are
dlscussed ln Lhelr own Pelp Labs
1he baslc lookup opLlon ls for elLher names or AcLlvlLy records SelecL
names when all you wanL Lo see or prlnL ls name lnformaLlon f you
wanL Lo see or prlnL acLlvlLy lnformaLlon (acLlvlLy daLes amounLs
eLc) Lhen selecL Lhe AcLlvlLy lookup LlLher way you can use ALL Lhe
varlous lookup boxes and opLlons on Lhe lefL slde of Lhe screen Lo flnd
whaL you wanL

When you selecL names any dupllcaLe names are auLomaLlcally removed 1hls leLs you 'complle'
mulLlple llsLs or acLlvlLles lnLo one n addlLlon lf you wanL Lo send only one malllng plece Lo each
household you can check Lhe Lxclude uupllcaLe Addresses box 1hen only one name wlLh Lhe same
exacL address ls lncluded ln Lhe resulLs (Whlch name ls selecLed ls more or less random)
MosL of Lhe lookup boxes and opLlons are selfexplanaLory here are some noLes LhaL apply ln general
1exL boxes are auLomaLlcally 'wlldcarded' on Lhe rlghL end Lhus enLerlng 'lr' ln Lhe llrsL name box wlll
flnd lrancls lrank eLc n addlLlon Lhe Cther Name and Cther Act|v|ty LexL boxes are wlldcarded boLh
fronL and back
uaLe ranges lnclude Lhe daLes enLered f you wanL all daLes afLer a glven daLe enLer [usL Lhe lrom daLe
f you wanL all daLes before a glven daLe enLer [usL Lhe 1o daLe
1he llghL blue 'checkbox' llsLs may have one or more boxes checked When more Lhan one box ls
checked a name or acLlvlLy maLchlng any of Lhe checked boxes ls lncluded ln Lhe lookup resulLs 1hls ls
very handy for complllng and grouplng mulLlple lookups lnLo one llsL whlch as menLloned above
removes dupllcaLe names 1hls ls especlally useful when you selecL mulLlple acLlvlLy Lypes as large
numbers of 'llsLs' can be qulckly comblned lnLo one nondupllcaLed llsL
1lp don'L selecL acLlvlLy codes Anu acLlvlLy Lypes for Lhe same lookup as Lhe acLlvlLy code ls always a
subseL of lLs acLlvlLy Lype
1he 'Membershlp' checkbox perLalns Lo Lhe name's currenL membershlp sLaLus Lhe membershlp
caLegorles LhaL appear ln Lhe AcLlvlLy checkbox along wlLh all oLher acLlvlLles perLaln Lo acLlvlLy
LransacLlons See Lhe dlscusslon ln Lhe Membershlp Pelp Lab abouL Lhls sub[ecL
#Members Cn|y"
f you wanL Lo resLrlcL Lhe lookup resulLs Lo only acLlve members selecL 'Members'
conversely Lo selecL only nonmembers choose LhaL opLlon 8y defaulL 'Lveryone' ls
lncluded ln Lhe lookup

Lookup I|ag
Lvery acLlvlLy record has a Lookup llag whlch by defaulL ls ?es ?ou can Lurn off
lookup for an lndlvldual acLlvlLy record by seLLlng lLs flag Lo no 1here ls also a 'bulk'
opLlon for Lurnlng Lhls flag on and off descrlbed below

No Act|v|ty |nce Date
use Lhls opLlon when you are looklng for names LhaL have had nC acLlvlLy slnce Lhe
daLe enLered 1hls ls handy when used wlLh Lhe bulk LdlL AcLlvlLy Lookup llag Lo
Lake people off newsleLLers and oLher large llsLs
1o prevlew a reporL [usL selecL lL from Lhe dropdown llsL and cllck Lhe rev|ew buLLon Whlle you are
prevlewlng Lhe reporL you can 'exporL' Lhe reporL Lo ul and oLher formaLs 8eporLs generally prlnL Lo
your defaulL prlnLer 1o change Lhe prlnLer LhaL MA8S uses go Lo Lhe etup]My Cpt|ons Lab and
change your prlnLer Lhere

8ecause Lhe number of comblnaLlons of selecLlng crlLerla for reporLs ls so large and because you are
llkely Lo end up wlLh loLs of paper reporLs a summary of your lookup crlLerla ls prlnLed aL Lhe Lop of Lhe
reporLs LhaL way you can Lell whaL you're looklng aL!
Log name |ookup resu|ts as act|v|ty transact|ons
1hls opLlon leLs you 'bulk' enLer an acLlvlLy record for each name LhaL ls llsLed ln Lhe lookup resulLs
Why would you do Lhls? erhaps you are sendlng Lhese people an lmporLanL malllng and you wanL a
record ln your daLabase of who was senL Lhls malllng Whlle vlewlng Lhe lookup resulLs enLer Lhe
deslred acLlvlLy and parLlclpaLlon code and cllck Lhe Log buLLon noLe LhaL Lhls can 'cluLLer' Lhe acLlvlLy
hlsLory for people lf you overdo Lhls opLlon so use wlLh dlscreLlon
Ld|t act|v|ty |ookup f|ag
1hls opLlon leLs you 'bulk' edlL Lhe Lookup llag for Lhe acLlvlLy records you [usL looked up ?ou can seL
Lhe flag elLher Lo ?es or no Agaln why would you do Lhls? erhaps you wanL Lo Lake a loL of lnacLlve
names off your newsleLLer or wanL Lo exclude all Lhe reglsLraLlons for a class LhaL was cancelled from
your acLlvlLy reporLs
1he '?es' opLlon ls Lhere for when you make a mlsLake you can flnd Lhe flagged acLlvlLy records and
Lhen Lurn Lhelr Lookup flag back on
MA8S can exporL Lhe resulLs of a lookup Lo a LabdellmlLed LexL flle whlch ls easlly read by Lxcel and
oLher programs Why would you do so? Cne reason would be lf you are famlllar wlLh Lxcel and wanL Lo
analyze and/or reporL Lhe lnformaLlon uslng Lxcel AnoLher would be lf you do very large malllngs and
you use a malllng house Lo do Lhe prlnLlng and labellng And lf you use a web based servlce for bulk
emalllng Lhe exporL flle can be uploaded Lo Lhe servlce
?ou can also exporL names lf you wanL Lo 'glve' some of your name records Lo anoLher organlzaLlon
1he exporL formaL corresponds Lo Lhe MA8S name mporL formaL lf Lhe oLher organlzaLlon ls uslng
MA8S Lhey can lmporL Lhe names dlrecLly from Lhe flle Powever only names (noL AcLlvlLy) may be
exporLed and lmporLed ln Lhls way
?ou can choose whlch flelds from Lhe MA8S daLabase you wanL Lo exporL Lo Lhe flle 1he defaulL ouLpuL
ls 'All llelds' buL lf you are uploadlng emall addresses or sendlng Lhe flle Lo your malllng house selecL
one of Lhe oLher opLlons Cf course you can open Lhe exporL flle yourself ln Lxcel and deleLe or modlfy
any columns you choose
lor a name lookup 'All llelds' lncludes all Lhe flelds ln Lhe name records for an AcLlvlLy lookup Lhe
exporL flle lncludes all Lhe flelds ln Lhe AcLlvlLy records LuS all Lhe flelds ln Lhe assoclaLed name
1o perform Lhe exporL cllck Lhe LxporL buLLon and
Lhen browse Lo where you wanL Lo save Lhe exporL
flle 1he defaulL flle exLenslon ls 'LxL' f you speclfy
an exlsLlng flle lL wlll be overwrlLLen

Merging MARS records witb word processing templates
1he mergeLodocumenL capablllLy of MA8S ls one of lLs mosL flexlble and powerful feaLures 8y
merglng you comblne Lhe daLa managemenL power of MA8S wlLh Lhe vasL formaLLlng capablllLles of
modern word processlng programs All of your labels form leLLers renewal and oLher membershlp
maLerlals are developed uslng Lhls merge process
Cbvlously Lo use merglng you need a word processlng program and some level of knowledge of lLs
merge feaLures 8ecause of Lhe varlous programs and verslons ln currenL use a sLep by sLep descrlpLlon
can'L be lncluded here
1o sLarL Lhe merge process perform a lookup and
Lhen cllck Lhe Merge buLLon When you merge
MA8S acLually performs an 'All llelds' exporL [usL as
lf you had cllcked Lhe LxporL buLLon 8uL lnsLead of
asklng you Lo browse Lo Lhe ouLpuL flle MA8S puLs
Lhe merge lnformaLlon ln a sLandard locaLlon so LhaL Lhe word processlng documenLs can flnd lL 1he
defaulL locaLlon ls CMAkMergeDocumentsMarsMergetxt ?ou can change Lhe dlrecLory for your
merge locaLlon by changlng Lhe Merge uocumenLs dlrecLory on Lhe SeLup/My SeLLlngs Lab 1he maln
reason for uslng a conslsLenL locaLlon for Lhe exporL flle ls LhaL Lhe word processlng documenLs
remember Lhe locaLlon of Lhe flle and when you open Lhe documenLs nexL Llme Lhey are already 'seL
up' Lo use LhaL flle
AfLer MA8S has creaLed Lhe MarsMegeLxL flle lL opens a browse wlndow for you Lo browse Lo Lhe word
processlng documenL you wanL Lo merge wlLh Lhe MA8S daLa 8rowse as needed and cllck Cpen Lo sLarL
Lhe merge process uependlng on your word processlng programs Lhere are a varleLy of prompLs and
dlalogs LhaL you go Lhrough Lo compleLe Lhe merge

Labe| r|nt|ng
MA8S has a feaLure for prlnLlng labels when a sheeL of labels has already been parLlally prlnLed LnLer
Lhe label number ln Lhe box Lo Lhe lefL of Lhe Merge buLLon Lo sLarL prlnLlng on LhaL label lor example
lf you are uslng Lhe sLandard Avery 3160 3up labels wlLh 30 labels per sheeL Lhe labels are numbered
from 1 Lo 30 flrsL across and Lhen down So lf you have already used Lhe flrsL seven labels on Lhe sheeL
enLer '8' ln Lhe Label # box Lo sLarLlng prlnLlng on label #8
Emailing witb MARS
MA8S has several opLlons and meLhods for emalllng uependlng on Lhe number of emalls frequency
and approach you wanL Lo Lake one or more of Lhe opLlons should work for your organlzaLlon 1haL
sald a loL of emall ls 'spam' and overuse of lL can have a negaLlve response from your members and
conLacLs Many people geL scores and even hundreds of spam emalls dally anoLher unsollclLed emall
from you may noL be appreclaLed even lf Lhey dld 'opLln' aL some Llme ln Lhe pasL
Cne at a t|me
1o send [usL one emall Lo a name cllck Lhe emall
buLLon Lo Lhe rlghL of Lhe Maln or AlLernaLe Lmall
boxes MA8S wlll open up a new mall message LhaL ls
addressed Lo Lhe person

A few at a t|me
use Lhe SeLup/My SeLLlngs Lab Lo enLer an
emall sub[ecL 1hls wlll lnserL Lhe sub[ecL lnLo
Lhe new mall message as above 1o dupllcaLe
Lhe body of Lhe message compose lL ln a
word processlng program and Lhen copy Lhe
body Lo Lhe cllpboard for each new emall
pasLe Lhe body lnLo Lhe new emall message
A |ot of ema||s
I|rst compose Lhe body of Lhe emall uslng a word processlng program and save Lhe documenL as elLher
LexL or as a web page (hLml) f you wanL Lo lnclude graphlcs posL Lhe documenL Lo a publlcly accesslble
webslLe (such as your organlzaLlon's webslLe) so you can vlew lL ln a browser Lo conflrm Lhe graphlcs
show up Ask a 'web' person for help lf necessary
econd use Lhe SeLup/My SeLLlngs Lab Lo enLer Lhe sub[ecL of Lhe emall plus your ouLgolng (SM1)
emall server lnformaLlon Lhls would be Lhe same lnformaLlon you use when seLLlng up CuLlook or
anoLher emall program
When uslng an lnLerneL servlce provlder
you Lyplcally need Lo provlde an accounL
name and password f you have an
organlzaLlonal mall server on your
neLwork you can usually omlL Lhe
accounL lnformaLlon 1ry lL boLh ways Lo
see whaL works for your envlronmenL
noLe LhaL many lnLerneL servlce provlders
may block Lhls Lype of emall or puL llmlLs on Lhe number of emalls you can send per day MA8S wlll
save Lhls lnformaLlon for Lhe nexL Llme you open MA8S
@h|rd use Lhe Lookup Lab Lo lookup Lhe names you wanL Lo send emall Lo A name musL have a Ma|n
Lma|| address Lo recelve an emall CLher names wlll be sklpped and Lhe AlL Lmall box ls lgnored
1he fourth and flnal sLep ls Lo cllck Lhe Lma|| buLLon on Lhe Lookup Lab A browse dlalog wlll open for
you Lo browse Lo Lhe emall documenL you saved above ln sLep 1
@|p |t |s a|ways a good |dea to send a test ema|| to yourse|f f|rst ut yourse|f on a 'test' act|v|ty and
then |ookup that act|v|ty so you are the on|y name found
Us|ng your own outgo|ng M@ ema|| server
f you send a whole loL of emalls (hundreds aL a Llme) we sLrongly recommend seLLlng up your own
lnLernal SM1 server Lo handle Lhe load MA8S would Lhen send Lhe emalls qulckly Lo your local SM1
server and LhaL server would Lhen have Lhe more lengLhy Lask of dellverlng Lhe lndlvldual emalls Lo Lhelr
Any Wlndows x compuLer on your local neLwork can be seL up as an SM1 server See Lhe Wlndows x
documenLaLlon for dolng Lhls lor Lhe ouLgolng server name on Lhe My SeLLlngs Lab use Lhe C's
compuLer name or lLs address 1yplcally Lhe only SM1 conflguraLlon lnvolves allowlng relaylng
Also check any flrewalls ln place Lo allow porL 23 Lhrough When uslng an lnLernal SM1 server Lhe
auLhenLlcaLlon lnfo on Lhe My SeLLlngs Lab ls Lyplcally not needed
AnoLher alLernaLlve for sendlng loLs of emalls ls Lo use a webbased emall servlce use Lhe LxporL
buLLon from Lhe Lookup Lab Lo exporL Lhe emalls Lo a flle (selecL Lhe Lmall flelds opLlon) 1hls flle can
Lhen be uploaded Lo Lhe web servlce
Inc|ud|ng an attachment to the ema||s
1o send a flle as an aLLachmenL Lo all Lhe emalls check
Lhe ALLachmenL checkbox below Lhe Lmall buLLon before
cllcklng lL AfLer you have browsed Lo speclfy Lhe 'body'
flle anoLher dlalog wlll open Lo leL you browse Lo
ldenLlfy Lhe flle LhaL wlll be Lhe aLLachmenL Lo Lhe emalls
@urn|ng off ema||
1here are a few meLhods for 'kllllng' emall when your conLacLs have asked Lo be removed from your
llsLs f you have sLrlcLly 'emall' llsLs Lhe easlesL way ls Lo change Lhe lookup flag for LhaL acLlvlLy Lo no
and puL a noLe ln Lhe noLes secLlon 8uL lf you use Lhe same llsLs for posLal mall and wanL Lo conLlnue
Lo mall Lo Lhose conLacLs use Lhe meLhod below (?ou could deleLe Lhe acLlvlLy also buL lL ls more
evldenL whaL ls golng on lf you leave Lhe acLlvlLy ln place)
1o klll a|| 'unsollclLed' emall for a conLacL slmply cuL Lhe emall address ouL of Lhe Maln Lmall box and
puL lL ln Lhe AlL Lmall box lnsLead Slnce , oses ooly tbe ,oin moi/ fot lts bolk emoll ptocesses no
emall wlll be senL And lf you need Lo send Lhem an lndlvldual emall you can sLlll cllck Lhe A|t Lma||
buLLon Also Lhls approach wlll leave Lhe posLal mall processlng as ls
f you use a webbased emall servlce lL normally wlll malnLaln a llsL of Lhe opLouL responses lL has
recelved from prlor emalls and noL send Lhem addlLlonal emalls even lf you conLlnue Lo upload Lhe
same address agaln Check wlLh Lhe servlce Lo conflrm Lhe way Lhey handle opLouL requesLs


1he name Lab shows all Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL MA8S conLalns abouL a conLacL 1he Lop porLlon of Lhe
screen has conLacL and membershlp lnformaLlon Lhe prlmary 'name' lnformaLlon and Lhe boLLom
porLlon has Lhe compleLe acLlvlLy hlsLory plus assoclaLes and noLes 1o edlL a name [usL Lype ln Lhe
boxes When you 'leave' Lhe name Lab or vlew anoLher name Lhe lnformaLlon ls auLomaLlcally saved
1o cancel an edlL wlLhouL savlng press Lhe Lscape key on Lhe keyboard once or Lwlce before you leave
Lhe name
Contact Informat|on
MosLly self explanaLory When you Lab ouL of Lhe LasL name box for a new conLacL MA8S wlll flll ln Lhe
lnformal and formal greeLlngs for you 1here are Lwo opLlons for Lhe lnformal greeLlng you can seL Lhls
on Lhe SeLup/uaLabase Lab ?ou can always edlL Lhe greeLlngs Lo whaLever you wanL MA8S won'L
overwrlLe your own greeLlngs
MosL names have a sLaLus of 'acLlve' f a person ls deceased or ls oLherwlse Lo be dropped from all
reporLlng and llsLs change Lhe sLaLus Lo 'lnacLlve' ?ou can deleLe a name and all lLs hlsLory by cllcklng
Lhe ueleLe buLLon buL lL ls usually beLLer Lo keep Lhe hlsLory ln place noLe LhaL Lhere ls an opLlon on
Lhe Lookup Lab Lo flnd lnacLlve names lf necessary
nsLead of Lhe convenLlonal Pome hone Work hone Cell hone eLc MA8S uses a Maln hone and
AlLernaLe hone whlch beLLer lnforms you as Lo whlch number Lo call 1hese boxes are wlde enough
LhaL you can lnlLlal Lhe phone numbers lf you wanL Lo ldenLlfy Lhem (eg P W C)
Membersh|p Informat|on
MA8S records Lhe currenL membershlp lnformaLlon aL Lhe Lop lefL ln addlLlon Lo any membershlp
acLlvlLy LhaL ls shown ln Lhe AcLlvlLy area aL Lhe boLLom f Lhe person has never been a member leave
Lhe boxes blank See Lhe Membershlp Pelp Lab for more lnformaLlon abouL LhaL sub[ecL

Act|v|ty n|story
1he person's compleLe acLlvlLy hlsLory ls shown ln Lhe llsL on Lhe AcLlvlLy subLab 1o qulckly add an
acLlvlLy record Lo a name cllck Lhe new AcLlvlLy buLLon aL Lhe boLLom and flll ln (aL Lhe mlnlmum) Lhe
acLlvlLy code and parLlclpaLlon code Crdlnarlly LhaL ls sufflclenL when you are recordlng Lhe name for
lnLeresLs malllng llsLs eLc 1o enLer an amounL for a new acLlvlLy record flrsL sLarL lL as above Lhen
doublecllck lL aL Lhe lefL Lo open Lhe full AcLlvlLy Lab All boxes may Lhen be fllled ln as needed
1o deleLe an acLlvlLy record hlghllghL lL by cllcklng aL lLs lefL and Lhen press Lhe ueleLe key on Lhe
keyboard ?ou wlll geL a conflrmaLlon dlalog Lo conflrm Lhe deleLlon
f you have noL yeL done so Lry sorLlng and fllLerlng Lhe acLlvlLy hlsLory by cllcklng Lhe column heads and
funnel lcons When Lhe acLlvlLy hlsLory sLarLs Lo grow Lhls helps Lo vlew Lhe relevanL records
MA8S leLs you assoclaLe dlfferenL name records wlLh each oLher such as spouses chlldren buslness
assoclaLes organlzaLlon sLaff eLc ?ou can esLabllsh Lhe 'relaLlonshlp' beLween Lhese names any Llme
afLer Lhey have been seL up or lmmedlaLely as Lhe 'chlld' names are enLered 1hls lasL approach ls
especlally useful when enLerlng Lhe spouse and chlldren of a new name as Lhey all Lyplcally have Lhe
same address and maln phone number noLe LhaL desplLe any 'relaLlonshlp' beLween names each
contact |n MAk |s a 'fu||' Name record |n |ts own r|ght and has |ts own contact and act|v|ty h|story
1he 'assoclaLe' relaLlonshlp ls used [usL Lo connecL and relaLe mulLlple names LogeLher
1he 'Lop' or parenL name ls referred Lo as Lhe rlmary name u
ett|ng up assoc|ates
When you add a new assoclaLe Lo a name ln MA8S you are creaLlng a new name record and Lhen
assoclaLlng LhaL new name wlLh Lhe prlmary name f you suspecL LhaL Lhe 'chlld' names are already ln
MA8S don'L use Lhe followlng approach or you wlll end up wlLh dupllcaLe name records for Lhose
1o seL up new assoclaLes Cllck Lhe new AssoclaLe buLLon and enLer Lhe relaLlonshlp honorlflc flrsL and
lasL name for Lhe new person Cllck Lhe new AssoclaLe buLLon agaln Lo add addlLlonal assoclaLes
now cllck Lhe 'go Lo' buLLon aL Lhe
rlghL of Lhe assoclaLe's name 1he
new assoclaLe's name record wlll be
dlsplayed wlLh Lhe full name
address and maln phone fllled ln for
Nav|gat|ng to the r|mary Name
1o qulckly go Lo Lhe prlmary name u cllck Lhe 'go Lo'
buLLon aL Lhe rlghL of Lhe rlmary u's name as shown
on Lhe assoclaLe's record
ett|ng up Assoc|ates at a |ater t|me
f you have Lwo names already ln MA8S and you wanL Lo esLabllsh a relaLlonshlp beLween Lhem flrsL
make a noLe of Lhe 'prlmary' name u Lhen dlsplay Lhe assoclaLe name u LnLer Lhe prlmary name ld
and relaLlonshlp ln Lhe boxes shown above When you Lab ouL of Lhe rlmary u box Lhe relaLed name
wlll be dlsplayed ln Lhe llghL blue box below lL
Da|sycha|n|ng assoc|ates
?ou may dalsychaln assoclaLe relaLlonshlps lf necessary LhaL means an assoclaLe name can also be a
prlmary name for anoLher person
kemov|ng re|at|onsh|ps
1o remove Lhe assoclaLe relaLlonshlp beLween names edlL Lhe assoclaLe name Change Lhe rlmary u
Lo zero (noL blank) and deleLe Lhe relaLlonshlp Lype ?ou can'L 'deleLe' an assoclaLe dlrecLly slnce lL ls a
name record
?ou may keep unllmlLed noLes abouL conLacLs by uslng Lhe noLes subLab and cllcklng Lhe new noLe
buLLon MA8S wlll auLomaLlcally daLe Lhe noLe 1o deleLe a noLe selecL lL aL lLs lefL and Lhen cllck Lhe
ueleLe key on Lhe keyboard
M|sce||aneous |nformat|on
?ou can use Lhe Mlscellaneous Lab Lo record legacy lnformaLlon from a prlor daLabase sysLem or for
'cusLom' named flelds 1hese flelds can be named uslng Lhe SeLup/uaLabase Lab Crdlnarlly lf you don'L
have legacy lnformaLlon Lo be preserved lL ls beLLer Lo use Lhe usual AcLlvlLy codes Lo record 'cusLom'
De|et|ng Names and Mov|ng n|story
1o deleLe a name and all lLs hlsLory use Lhe ueleLe name buLLon ?ou may
opLlonally Lransfer all of Lhe name's hlsLory Lo anoLher name u aL Lhe Llme of
deleLlon LnLer Lhe 'recelvlng' name u ln Lhe 1rans u box before cllcklng Lhe
ueleLe buLLon
Merg|ng a s|ng|e Name w|th word process|ng temp|ates
?ou can use Lhe Merge name buLLon Lo qulckly merge Lhe currenL name wlLh your merge LemplaLes
1hls ls handy for sendlng lndlvldual leLLers such as Lhankyou leLLers for donaLlons and oLher purposes
1he process ls ldenLlcal Lo Lhe Merge process on Lhe Lookup Lab
Name keport
Cne lnLernal reporL LhaL ls noL avallable from Lhe Lookup Lab ls Lhe name 8eporL Cllck Lhls buLLon Lo
prlnL ouL a compleLe hlsLory of all Lhe lnformaLlon for Lhe currenL name

1he acLlvlLy hlsLory LhaL MA8S keeps for your names ls Lhe pr|mary recordkeeplng and reporLlng daLa
for MA8S A|| Lhe lnformaLlon abouL your names ls saved ln acLlvlLy records excepL for Lhelr
name/address and membershlp sLaLus 1o keep lnformaLlon abouL your names Lhelr paymenLs Lhelr
lnLeresLs Lhe malllng llsLs Lhey are on you must enLer an acLlvlLy record for Lhem 1here ls no oLher
way! When you wanL Lo save some new lnformaLlon abouL your names always Lhlnk ln Lerms of seLLlng
up a new acLlvlLy AbouL 90 of your reporLs wlll be based on acLlvlLy lnformaLlon noL 'name/address'
An acLlvlLy record lncludes a daLe an amounL a 'counL' hours plus codes LhaL deflne Lhe acLlvlLy and
Lhe person's parLlclpaLlon ln Lhe acLlvlLy uslng Lhese elemenLs as needed you can record pracLlcally
anyLhlng and whaL ls more lmporLanL flnd and reporL on LhaL new lnformaLlon lor example Lo record
an organlzaLlon's annual budgeL use Lhe amounL box 1o record a cerLlflcaLlon daLe use Lhe daLe box
1o record volunLeer hours on a pro[ecL or evenL use Lhe hours box 1o record Lhe number of LlckeLs
sold use Lhe counL box MA8S has deLall and summary reporLs LhaL can Lally and summarlze Lhls
MA8S comes wlLh several 'sLarLer' codes buL you wlll wanL Lo seL up your own as you develop your
lnformaLlon needs 1hese sLarLer codes have been grouped by acLlvlLy Lype and you can add Lo Lhese
Lypes or creaLe your own new Lypes More lnformaLlon abouL codes ls lncluded ln Lhe SeLup Pelp Lab
Lnter|ng new act|v|ty one at a t|me
?ou can enLer new acLlvlLy one aL a Llme or ln baLches 1o enLer one aL a Llme you dlsplay Lhe name
record lnvolved and cllck Lhe new AcLlvlLy buLLon aL Lhe boLLom of Lhe AcLlvlLy subLab Cnly 'baslc'
acLlvlLy lnformaLlon can be enLered Lhls way Lvery acLlvlLy record musL conLaln aL leasL a daLe name
u acLlvlLy code and parLlclpaLlon code When you use Lhe name Lab Lo enLer a new acLlvlLy Lhe name
u ls Laken care of auLomaLlcally and Lhe currenL daLe ls enLered for Lhe daLe so you need Lo enLer only
Lhe acLlvlLy code and parLlclpaLlon code yourself ?ou can change Lhe daLe lf needed

CounL and hours may also be enLered dlrecLly buL a dollar amounL cannoL you musL open Lhe full
AcLlvlLy Lab Lo enLer Lhls and oLher acLlvlLy lnformaLlon
1here are also boxes for enLerlng Lhe AcLlvlLy nformaLlon whlch can be searched by Lhe lookup process
1hls ls where you would puL 'LexL' lnformaLlon abouL an acLlvlLy LhaL ls relevanL for example lf
recordlng members' colleges Lhe college name would go here
new acLlvlLy has lLs lookup flag (LhaL's whaL Lhe Lookup Lab uses Lo lnclude/exclude from lLs lookups) seL
Lo ? ?ou can change lL Lo n lf you wanL Lo exclude Lhe acLlvlLy from mosL lookups
AfLer enLerlng a new acLlvlLy or edlLlng an exlsLlng acLlvlLy you can open Lhe full acLlvlLy Lab vlew by
doublecllcklng lL aL Lhe lefL 1he full acLlvlLy Lab leLs you enLer a dollar amounL and a few oLher lLems
LhaL do noL appear on Lhe name Lab
Lnter|ng new act|v|ty and new names |n batches
1he 'full' acLlvlLy Lab leLs you vlew and
edlL all lnformaLlon ln an exlsLlng
acLlvlLy plus 'baLch' lnpuL one or
more new acLlvlLy records 1hls baLch
mode has been deslgned for
efflclency and conLrol and ls
parLlcularly useful when enLerlng
paymenLs or enLerlng a large number of names onLo malllng llsLs Lven lf you have [usL a few acLlvlLles
Lo enLer you'll flnd Lhe baLch meLhod qulcker and easler Lhan dolng Lhem one aL a Llme n mosL cases
you can enLer all acLlvlLy lnformaLlon by uslng Lhe numerlc keypad wlLh your rlghL hand and Labblng
beLween boxes wlLh your lefL hand use your lefL hand Lo 'fllp' Lhe paymenL or oLher documenL you are
keylng from
1o sLarL a baLch cllck Lhe SLarL 8aLch buLLon MA8S wlll creaLe a 8aLch u Lo ldenLlfy Lhe baLch and
lnserL Loday's daLe use Lhe Lab key on Lhe keyboard Lo move beLween Lhe boxes LhaL ls much fasLer
Lhan uslng Lhe mouse
?ou can change Lhe 8aLch u lf you have your own meLhod of ldenLlfylng baLches [usL Lype your own
8emember LhaL you can lookup acLlvlLles and run reporLs based on Lhe 8aLch u
As menLloned above Lhere are four requlred elemenLs Lo an acLlvlLy record and Lhey are shown bolded
ln Lhe graphlc above
Act|v|ty Date
1he AcLlvlLy uaLe ls ordlnarlly Loday's daLe for mosL acLlvlLles buL lf you are 'behlnd' ln your enLry enLer
Lhe approprlaLe daLe lnsLead 1hls ls parLlcularly lmporLanL when enLerlng membershlp paymenLs
1lp when enLerlng annlversary or blrLhdaLes and Lhe year ls noL lmporLanL only Lhe monLh and day
declde on a sLandard year for Lhese daLes say 2000 ?ou wlll Lhen be able Lo lookup Lhese daLes by
daLe range (for example all blrLhdays ln May) as Lhe year porLlon wlll be Lhe same 8uL lf Lhe daLe's year
ls lmporLanL (eg college graduaLlon daLe) use Lhe full correcL daLe as usual
f you have Lhe name u aL hand [usL Lype lL ln 8uL lf you don'L Lhere are a few feaLures on Lhls screen
Lo flnd lL wlLhouL havlng Lo leave Lhe AcLlvlLy Lab
1ype Lhe person's flrsL and lasL names (or [usL Lhe lasL name
lf you Lhlnk LhaL lL ls unlque) ln Lhe u box and press Lab
MA8S wlll look for LhaL name and lf Lhere ls only one
maLchlng name ln Lhe daLabase wlll replace Lhe name wlLh
Lhe u for you plus show Lhe full name ln Lhe llghL blue box
for conflrmaLlon f Lhere ls more Lhan one name Lhe 'hlLs'
wlll be shown aL Lhe rlghL under Lhe Culck name Lookup
f you doublecllck on a name ln Lhe Culck name Lookup llsL Lhe u wlll be puL lnLo Lhe u box for you
?ou can also use Lhe Culck name Lookup dlrecLly [usL Lype Lhe full or parLlal flrsL and lasL names and
press Lab MA8S wlll show Lhe maLchlng llsL of names
New Name
f Lhe name ls noL ln Lhe daLabase you can add lL now by cllcklng Lhe new name buLLon on Lhe AcLlvlLy
Lab 1hls wlll [ump Lo Lhe name Lab creaLe a new name record and flll ln Lhe name you enLered ln Lhe
u box LnLer Lhe new name's Ponorlflc Lhen Lab Lhrough Lhe flrsL and lasL names Lo generaLe Lhe
greeLlngs When you are done enLerlng lnformaLlon for Lhe new name [usL cllck Lhe AcLlvlLy Lab 1he
new name's u wlll be fllled ln for you on Lhe acLlvlLy Lab ?ou can Lhen conLlnue wlLh Lhe baLch enLry
Act|v|ty Code and art|c|pat|on Code
1ype ln Lhe deslred codes or use Lhe dropdowns Lo selecL Lhem
ave]New buttons
1here are Lwo Save/new buLLons use elLher one When cllcked Lhe new acLlvlLy ls saved and anoLher
blank acLlvlLy ls shown for flllln 1he baLch ld and daLe are auLomaLlcally fllled ln n case you are
dlsLracLed Lhe LasL u box shows Lhe prevlous u LhaL was saved
Lnd|ng the 8atch
1o end Lhe baLch cllck Lhe Lnd 8aLch buLLon 1hls reLurns Lhe AcLlvlLy Lab Lo Lhe usual slngle acLlvlLy
vlew mode
keopen a 8atch
1o reopen a baLch LhaL was prevlously closed cllck Lhe SLarL 8aLch buLLon and Lhen replace Lhe asslgned
baLch ld wlLh Lhe deslred baLch ld 1hen enLer Lhe addlLlonal acLlvlLles as usual
8atch keports
?ou can lookup baLches by enLerlng Lhe baLch ld ln Lhe 'CLher' acLlvlLy lookup box and selecLlng 8aLch
u AfLer you do Lhe acLlvlLy lookup you can run Lhe usual reporLs plus speclal 8aLch ueLall and 8aLch
Summary reporLs f you sorL Lhe lookup by u Lhe lLems wlll be llsLed on Lhe reporL ln Lhe same order
as Lhey were keyed a handy feaLure when you are Lrylng Lo balance Lhe baLch by golng Lhrough Lhe
addlng machlne Lape or paymenL documenLs
Merge Act|v|ty
When you are ln Lhe oneaLaLlme vlew mode you can cllck Lhe Merge Act|v|ty buLLon Lo produce a
merge documenL for LhaL one acLlvlLy [usL llke Lhe merge on Lhe Lookup Lab 1hls ls handy for preparlng
Lhankyou leLLers for donaLlons

1he SeLup Lab ls used for seLLlng up Lhe opLlons and codes used by MA8S f you are a MA8S
admlnlsLraLor you have access Lo all Lhe subLabs oLherwlse only Lhe 'My SeLLlngs' subLab ls avallable
Lo all users
My ett|ngs

use Lhls Lo seL Lhe locaLlon for your Merge uocumenLs dlrecLory Lhe defaulL locaLlon ls
CMA8SMergeuocumenLs 1hls ls where MA8S puLs Lhe merge daLa Lo go wlLh your merge
documenLs so lf you change Lhls dlrecLory you wlll have Lo 'repolnL' your merge documenLs Lo Lhe new
1he emall seLLlngs are descrlbed under Lhe Lmall Pelp Loplc
1o log on auLomaLlcally selecL Lhe auLologon checkbox
MA8S wlll Lyplcally prlnL Lo your defaulL prlnLer for lLs lnLernal reporLs 1o selecL anoLher prlnLer
change lL here
A|| About Codes
MA8S uses a varleLy of codes and you can change Lhem and add Lo Lhem as you need Codes may be
changed or deleLed however on|y |f they are not be|ng used so Lake Llme Lo plan your codes before
seLLlng up Loo many and uslng Lhem
1he defaulL acLlvlLy and parLlclpaLlon codes LhaL come wlLh MA8S were selecLed for a reason Lo make
Lhem somewhaL mnemonlc ln lengLh and number range so Lhey are easler Lo remember and also Lo
make Lhem numerlc so Lhey can be keyed uslng Lhe numerlc keypad on Lhe keyboard ?ou can make
your codes anyLhlng you wanL buL remember LhaL you'll be uslng Lhem a loL
Jbeo eotetloq oew coJes ot eJltloq exlstloq coJes tbe cbooqes ote ootomotlcolly soveJ wbeo yoo leove
tbe tob 1o coocel o cbooqe ptess tbe scope key oo tbe keybootJ o few tlmes befote leovloq tbe tob

Act|v|ty @ypes

AcLlvlLy Lypes provlde a convenlenL and lmporLanL way of grouplng acLlvlLy codes ?ou can selecL acLlvlLy
for lookup by selecLlng one or more act|v|ty types on Lhe Lookup Lab Lhls ls qulcker and more rellable
Lhan selecLlng each and every acLlvlLy for LhaL Lype ?ou can also fllLer by Lype when vlewlng each
person's acLlvlLy hlsLory on Lhe name Lab 1haL's handy when you are lnLeresLed ln a parLlcular Lype
such as 'nLeresLs' Whenever you Lhlnk you'll wanL Lo 'group' several acLlvlLles lnLo one for reporLlng
make up an AcLlvlLy 1ype and asslgn Lhose acLlvlLles Lo lL ?ou can always reasslgn acLlvlLles Lo oLher
acLlvlLy Lypes lf your grouplng arrangemenLs change

AccounLs are opLlonal ln MA8S buL handy ?ou can seL up your prlnclpal revenue accounLs and Lhen
assoclaLe Lhem wlLh acLlvlLles LhaL lnvolve revenue such as membershlp When LhaL acLlvlLy ls enLered
vla Lhe 8aLch mode MA8S wlll flll ln Lhe accounL number ln Lhe acLlvlLy record (?ou can overrlde lL lf
deslred) 1he AccounL ueLall and AccounL Summary reporLs wlll Lhen llsL Lhe acLlvlLy by accounL
number and you can Lhen posL Lhe summary LoLals Lo your accounLlng sysLem
Act|v|ty Codes

1hls ls Lhe blg llsL LhaL wlll be added Lo mosL ofLen 1o seL up a new acLlvlLy code asslgn lL a unlque
code an acLlvlLy Lype and a descrlpLlon f you wanL Lo assoclaLe an accounL number wlLh Lhls acLlvlLy
selecL lL from Lhe avallable accounLs
1wo opLlonal flelds are useful for evenLs classes and Lhe llke 1he 'Max CapaclLy' fleld can be used Lo
enLer LhaL value for Lhe evenL and ls dlsplayed on Lhe AcLlvlLy ueLall reporL
1he LvenL uaLe ls used when you wanL Lo keep Lrack of Lhose daLes 1he Lookup Lab has boxes Lo search
by LvenL uaLe as well as acLlvlLy daLe lor example Lo produce a llsL of all aLLendees of evenLs ln March
use Lhe LvenL uaLe boxes 1he 'acLlvlLy daLe' by conLrasL would Lyplcally have Lhe daLes LhaL Lhe
aLLendees reglsLered or pald for Lhe evenL
When an acLlvlLy code geLs 'old' and you don'L need lL anymore seL lLs sLaLus Lo 'lnacLlve' 1haL way lL
wlll noL appear on Lhe dropdown llsLs Lo plck from anymore As menLloned above you can'L deleLe a
code LhaL ls used f lL Lurns ouL you need Lo use LhaL code agaln seL lLs sLaLus back Lo 'acLlve'

art|c|pat|on Codes

arLlclpaLlon codes are [usL as vlLal Lo Lhe effecLlve use of MA8S as Lhe acLlvlLy codes so plan Lhem wlLh
care 1haL sald many of Lhe acLlvlLles ln MA8S (lnLeresLs malllng llsLs organlzaLlon Lypes eLc) need
only one parLlclpaLlon code '30' for 'LlsLed' MosL organlzaLlons Lyplcally need only 2030 parLlclpaLlon
codes whlch ls why Lhe defaulL codes are LwodlglL
1ry Lo keep parLlclpaLlon codes somewhaL generlc so Lhey can be 'reused' across dlfferenL acLlvlLles
1haL makes lL pracLlcal Lo do lookups by comblnlng dlfferenL acLlvlLy codes and parLlclpaLlon codes Lo
geL [usL Lhe comblnaLlon of names or AcLlvlLles you are looklng for
1he 'Membershlp rocesslng' flag ls used only by membershlp parLlclpaLlon codes Lo ldenLlfy Lhe
acLlvlLy as a 'new' or as a 'renewal' acLlvlLy See Lhe Membershlp Pelp Lab for more lnformaLlon
As wlLh acLlvlLy codes you can change Lhe parLlclpaLlon code sLaLus Lo 'lnacLlve' when you don'L need Lo
use lL anymore

ke|at|onsh|p Codes

Add Lo and modlfy Lhese codes as approprlaLe for your organlzaLlon
Users and ecur|ty

1hls ls where you seL up Lhe permlsslons for Lhose LhaL use MA8S f you look aL Lhe four defaulL users
LhaL come wlLh MA8S you wlll see Lhe mosL Lyplcal seLups Check a box Lo glve LhaL user permlsslon for
LhaL area of MA8S or uncheck Lhe box Lo remove permlsslons lor an admln user only Lhe Admln box
needs Lo be checked
name Lookup allows lookup of names only (noL acLlvlLles) Can'L see full name Lab
name All lookup of names and acLlvlLles reporLs exporL merge
AcLlvlLy vlew can vlew AcLlvlLy Lab buL noL edlL
AcLlvlLy LdlL can vlew and edlL lnformaLlon on AcLlvlLy Lab Log funcLlon on Lookup Lab
name vlew can vlew name Lab buL noL edlL
name LdlL can vlew and edlL all lnformaLlon on name Lab lncludlng Lhe parLlal acLlvlLy
records dlsplayed Lhere whlch excludes Lhe money fleld Can also edlL Lhe
SeLup/Membershlp Lab
Admln full access Lo everyLhlng
ermlsslons are checked when Lhe user opens MA8S so lf you make any changes Lo Lhe user
permlsslons have Lhe users close and resLarL MA8S Lo see Lhe effecL
1he four defaulL users have blank passwords be sure Lo change Lhe passwords Lo someLhlng else lf
securlLy ls a concern 8uL don'L forgeL Lhe admln password or you won'L be able Lo log on!
Ceneral neLwork securlLy ls provlded by your exlsLlng neLwork because a MA8S daLabase ls [usL a flle
slLLlng on a dlsk drlve A|| users of MA8S musL have readwrlLe access Lo Lhe dlrecLory where Lhe MA8S
daLabase ls sLored 1he user permlsslons descrlbed above resLrlcL only Lhe funcLlonal uses wlLhln MA8S
noL Lhe daLabase flle lLself f Lhere are people on your neLwork LhaL should have nC access Lo Lhe
daLabase Lhen have your neLwork admlnlsLraLor llmlL access Lo Lhe daLabase dlrecLory Lo only Lhe
approprlaLe users

See Lhe Membershlp Pelp Loplc for lnformaLlon abouL Lhls


1here are a handful of daLabase opLlons and funcLlons LhaL are accessed from Lhe SeLup/uaLabase Lab
Lhese are descrlbed below
Crgan|zat|on Name
LnLer your organlzaLlon name ln Lhls box 1hls name ls assoclaLed wlLh Lhe currenL daLabase ?ou may
seL up mulLlple daLabases for mulLlple organlzaLlons each wlLh Lhelr own name (noLe LhaL Lhe Llcensee
lnformaLlon ls separaLe and dlfferenL from Lhe CrganlzaLlon name)
Legacy or custom f|e|ds
MA8S comes wlLh four 'spare' flelds LhaL can be used Lo hold legacy lnformaLlon from prlor daLabases
LnLer Lhe names for Lhese flelds here 1hese flelds can be vlewed/edlLed on Lhe name Lab under Lhe
Mlsc subLab
1o leL users auLologln check Lhls box f you do noL wanL Lo allow users Lo auLologln clear Lhe
checkbox noLe LhaL lf checked Lhe user musL sLlll selecL Lo auLologln for LhaL Lo happen
Defau|t Informa| a|utat|on or Greet|ng
As descrlbed under Lhe name Pelp MA8S wlll generaLe Lhe lnformal and formal greeLlngs for new
names as Lhey are enLered 1o use Mr SmlLh" as Lhe lnformal greeLlng selecL LhaL opLlon 1o use
8oberL" as Lhe lnformal greeLlng selecL Lhe second opLlon ?ou can change Lhe opLlon aL any Llme lL
wlll affecL only new names as Lhey are enLered noL exlsLlng names
Database @asks
1here are a few Lasks LhaL you may occaslonally perform selecL Lhe Lask and cllck Lhe uo 1ask buLLon
when and lf needed
Create New MAk database
1hls creaLes a new empLy daLabase ln Lhe locaLlon you speclfy ?ou can use MA8S wlLh any number of
daLabases 1he new daLabase wlll conLaln only Lhe sLandard defaulL codes LhaL come wlLh MA8S
8|ank temp|ate for name |mport|ng
1o lmporL names lnLo MA8S from anoLher source Lhe lnformaLlon musL be organlzed lnLo columns and
Lhen LabdellmlLed you can use Lxcel Lo do Lhls 1he column names musL maLch Lhe speclfled MA8S
column names so flrsL creaLe a blank LemplaLe flle wlLh Lhls Lask 1hen open Lhls new flle ln Lxcel Lo
vlew Lhe MA8S column names 1he old name lnformaLlon may Lhen be copled lnLo Lhls LemplaLe or
you can rename Lhe columns of an exlsLlng Lxcel spreadsheeL Lo maLch Lhe MA8S column names LlLher
way save Lhe resulLlng flle as a LabdellmlLed LexL flle noL an Lxcel spreadsheeL
Import names from temp|ate
use Lhls Lask Lo read ln Lhe names you have prepared from Lhe above sLep Cnly valld columns wlll be
read columns wlLh oLher names wlll be lgnored MA8S wlll generaLe Lhe lnformal and formal greeLlngs
lf you lnclude Lhe base columns (honorlflc flrsL name lasL name) f you already have Lhose columns
Lhen Lhe lmporL wlll use Lhem lnsLead
CauLlon Lhere ls no 'undo' for lmporLlng names ?ou should always back up Lhe daLabase before
lmporLlng names
MA8S asslgns a 'baLch lmporL' ld Lo Lhe lmporLed names Lhls value can be seen on Lhe name/Mlsc Lab
?ou can also use Lhe Lookup Lab Lo flnd names wlLh LhaL baLch lmporL ld
Lxport Lrror Log
MA8S keeps a log of serlous errors lf you conLlnue Lo geL cerLaln errors LhaL are noL based on 'bad
daLa' you can exporL Lhe log Lo a LexL flle and emall lL Lo 8ay lace SofLware for analysls and revlew
8ackup Database
1hls Lask makes a copy of Lhe daLabase ln Lhe same dlrecLory as Lhe currenL daLabase LlmesLamplng Lhe
name Cf course you can (and should) back up your daLabase regularly by copylng Lhe flle Lo anoLher
locaLlon and Laklng Lhe copy offslLe f you have forgoLLen Lhe locaLlon of your daLabase Lhe locaLlon ls
shown on Lhe SeLup/uaLabase Lab
f your organlzaLlon doesn'L have members you can sklp Lhls Loplc Lhere ls noLhlng here you need Lo
Membershlp acLlvlLy and processlng ln MA8S ls performed Lhe same way all oLher acLlvlLy and reporLlng
ls done so Lhere ls noLhlng 'new' Lo learn abouL LhaL ALL member maLerlals LhaL you send Lo members
renewal leLLers Lhank you leLLers membershlp cards eLc are all produced as merge documenLs ln
Lhe same manner LhaL all oLher merge documenLs are produced ln MA8S selecL and lookup Lhe deslred
members and Lhen use Lhe Merge buLLon Lo merge Lhe resulLs wlLh your word processlng LemplaLes
WhaL dlsLlngulshes membershlp ln MA8S ls LhaL Lhere are a few addlLlonal opLlons and flelds LhaL
perLaln only Lo membershlp 1hese exLra flelds can be used by Lhe Lookup Lab Lo flnd members ln
varlous ways
MA8S membershlp lnformaLlon may be malnLalned enLlrely 'by hand' lf deslred buL Lhere are a few
auLomaLed opLlons LhaL can save Llme and lmprove accuracy when processlng membershlp paymenLs
whlch ls lmporLanL! 1he lnlLlal dlscusslon below explalns Lhe 'manual' approach
noLe LhaL Lhe 'name u' ls Lhe ldenLlfler wlLhln MA8S you can refer Lo lL as Lhe 'Member number' lf you
wanL As a person progresses from a nonmember Lo member Lo posslble nonmember agaln Lhelr u
remalns Lhe same
Add|t|ona| Name I|e|ds
AL Lhe Lop lefL of Lhe name Lab are Lhe flve flelds LhaL conLaln membershlp
speclflc lnformaLlon !usL llke all oLher flelds ln MA8S you can edlL Lhese flelds
Lo whaLever you wanL Lhem Lo be
CpLlons are 'AcLlve' and 'Lxplred' Someone who has never been a member
should have Lhls fleld blank
?ou can have any number of membershlp caLegorles Lhe defaulL MA8S
daLabase lncludes a few for lllusLraLlon Lach membershlp 'caLegory' ls
acLually an AcLlvlLy Code LhaL has an acLlvlLy Lype of 'Membershlp' vlew Lhe
SeLup/AcLlvlLy Lab and revlew/edlL Lhe membershlp acLlvlLles as needed lor
Lhe member Lhe caLegory represenLs Lhelr currenL (or lasL) membershlp
Io|n Date
1he daLe Lhe person flrsL became a member Crdlnarlly Lhls never changes once seL
M (Membersh|p) Date
1hls ls Lhe sLarL daLe of Lhelr currenL membershlp perlod AfLer each renewal Lhls daLe should be
updaLed Lo Lhelr new membershlp sLarL daLe
Lxp|rat|on Date
1hls ls Lhe end or explraLlon daLe of Lhelr currenL membershlp perlod AfLer each renewal Lhls daLe
should be updaLed Lo Lhelr new membershlp end daLe
Membersh|p I|e|ds and Act|v|ty n|story Important
L ls lmporLanL Lo remember LhaL membershlp acLlvlLy ls recorded as acLlvlLy hlsLory [usL llke all oLher
acLlvlLles ln MA8S A member has boLh membershlp acLlvlLy Anu Lhe membershlp flelds 1hls means
you can produce reporLs llsLs and membershlp maLerlals uslng Lhe membershlp flelds Lhemselves as
well as Lhe membershlp acLlvlLy records LaLer ln Lhls Loplc we'll dlscuss whlch are mosL sulLable for
dlfferenL membershlp funcLlons
noLe LhaL lL ls posslble Lo 'make a member' by [usL enLerlng Lhe membershlp flelds and noL boLherlng
wlLh Lhe acLlvlLy records buL evenLually you wlll run lnLo problems 8y keeplng Lhe membershlp acLlvlLy
records and Lhe membershlp flelds 'ln sync' anyone looklng aL Lhe name and/or acLlvlLy won'L have Lo
wonder whaL ls golng on!

Us|ng Lookup w|th the Membersh|p f|e|ds

1here ls a secLlon of Lhe Lookup Lab LhaL corresponds Lo Lhe flve membershlp flelds
under 'Membershlp' you can selecL one or more membershlp caLegorles for Lhe reporL or merge
use Lhe Lhree daLe ranges Lo flnd members by Lhe !oln uaLe Membershlp uaLe and LxplraLlon uaLe
under Lhe 'Members' opLlon selecL 'Members' Lo lookup only members whose sLaLus ls 'AcLlve'
you can also selecL everyone buL acLlve members or you can selecL everyone
no/ ,otio/s
1he besL way Lo prepare renewa|
merge documenLs and reporLs for
a group of renewlng members ls Lo
use Lhe membersh|p f|e|ds Lo
selecL Lhe deslred caLegorles Lhe
explrlng daLe range and [usL 'Members' as ls shown ln Lhe above lllusLraLlon 1hls way you can prepare
dlfferenL renewal leLLers for dlfferenL membershlp caLegorles lf you wanL (8y rlghLs only acLlve
members would have a currenL explraLlon daLe buL lL does noL hurL Lo geL ln Lhe hablL of speclfylng
'membersonly' when LhaL ls whaL you wanL)
?ou can repeaL Lhls same lookup uslng Lhe same daLe for Lhls group of renewlng members as any
renewed member wlll have a dlfferenL explraLlon daLe
,mbship Lists
!usL selecL 'Members' for all acLlve members Leave Lhe 'Membershlp' caLegorles unchecked Lo geL all
caLegorles or selecL one or more for fllLered llsLs
Us|ng Lookup w|th Act|v|ty n|story
lor membershlp maLerlals and
reporLs LhaL are based on
acLlvlLy use Lhe AcLlvlLy secLlon
of Lhe Lookup Lab Slnce new
and renewed members have
act|v|ty records Lhose are used
Lo produce Lhe correspondlng
new member and renewed
member maLerlals and reporLs
n mmb motio/s on pots
1he above lllusLraLlon shows a lookup for ldenLlfylng renewed lndlvldual members who renewed Lhe
week of 3/13 8y checklng one or more membershlp acLlvlLles and one or more parLlclpaLlon codes we
can produce dlsLlncL renewal maLerlals and reporLs for dlfferenL member caLegorles and Lo dlsLlngulsh
beLween new and renewed members lor example you may send a 'new member klL' Lo [usL new
members and a Lhankyou leLLer Lo renewed members wlLh language LhaL varles based on Lhe
membershlp caLegory
Automat|ng new and renewa| process|ng
When seLLlng up a brand new member Lhree manual sLeps are requlred
1 CreaLe Lhe new name record ln Lhe daLabase
2 LnLer Lhe membershlp paymenL
3 LdlL Lhe membershlp flelds Lo Lhe requlred values
When renewlng a member you sLlll have sLeps 2 and 3
1here ls no way Lo avold sLep 1 and lf you sklp sLep 2 you won'L be able Lo produce Lhe renewed
member maLerlals 8uL wlLh Lhe opLlonal Membershlp opLlons and by enLerlng paymenLs ln baLches
you can speed up sLep 2 and ellmlnaLe sLep 3 enLlrely! uescrlbed below are Lhe sLeps and opLlons for
auLomaLlng membershlp processlng Lhey work for Lhe vasL ma[orlLy of organlzaLlons f you have a few
excepLlons Lo Lhe rule (mosL organlzaLlons do!) you can always edlL Lhe member's record afLer Lhe facL
Membersh|p process|ng f|ag on the etup]art|c|pat|on tab
1he flrsL sLep ln auLomaLlng membershlp processlng ls Lo edlL Lhe relaLed parLlclpaLlon codes LhaL refer
Lo new and renewal acLlvlLy 1he defaulL MA8S daLabase seLLlngs uses codes 10 and 12 for new
membershlps and 11 and 13 for renewlng membershlps 1hus when an acLlvlLy wlLh a parLlclpaLlon
code of '10' ls enLered MA8S knows LhaL Lhls ls a new membershlp Cn Lhe SeLup/arLlclpaLlon Lab
edlL Lhese codes and Lhelr Membershlp rocesslng flags as approprlaLe for your organlzaLlon
Membersh|p Cpt|ons on the etup]Membersh|p tab
1he SeLup/Membershlp Lab has
several opLlons LhaL Lell MA8S
how Lo auLomaLlcally updaLe
Lhose flve membershlp flelds
when a membershlp paymenL ls
enLered Shown above are Lhe
defaulL seLLlngs LhaL come wlLh
MA8S lf you do nC1 wanL MA8S
Lo do any of Lhls [usL uncheck
Lhe 'updaLe membershlp lnfo'
checkbox f you do leave Lhe box checked and revlew Lhe remalnlng opLlons Lo maLch your own
organlzaLlon's rules for handllng membershlps
- ,mbship 5tots On
lor a new member Lhls ls Lhe '!oln uaLe' and Lhe currenL membershlp perlod sLarL daLe lor mosL
organlzaLlons membershlp sLarLs elLher on Lhe paymenL daLe or Lo a flxed day of Lhe monLh
,mbship Pio ls
MosL commonly 12 monLhs (for annual membershlps) or 3 monLhs (for quarLerly dues)
,mbship xpis On
SelecL Lhe opLlon LhaL perLalns Lo your organlzaLlon
Lot no/ 5tots On
When a renewal arrlves laLe do you 'exLend' Lhe new membershlp perlod or 'backdaLe' lL Lo Lhe end of
Lhe prlor perlod? (1he laLLer ls mosL common)
Updat|ng the Membersh|p I|e|ds
WlLh Lhese opLlons selecLed MA8S can effecLlvely (and accuraLely) updaLe all Lhe membershlp flelds Lo
correspond Lo Lhe new or renewed membershlp paymenL 1he member's sLaLus wlll be updaLed Lo
'AcLlve' lf noL already so Lhe membershlp caLegory wlll be updaLed Lo Lhe acLlvlLy's code and Lhe
membershlp daLes wlll be updaLed uslng Lhe rules speclfled by Lhese opLlons 1he flelds wlll be updaLed
aL Lhe momenL you cllck Lhe 'Save/new' buLLon on Lhe AcLlvlLy Lab noLe LhaL updaLlng membershlp
flelds happens only durlng a 'baLch' enLry noL subsequenL manual edlLlng of a slngle acLlvlLy record
D|sp|ay Membersh|p status warn|ngs on new act|v|ty
When enLerlng membershlp paymenLs wlLh Lhe 'baLch' mode you can have MA8S alerL you Lo posslble
errors 1hese alerLs are only warnlngs however you can sLlll process Lhe paymenL as you enLer lL
alLhough you may wanL Lo revlew Lhe name record flrsL 1hls feaLure ls Lurned on by defaulL Lo Lurn lL
off clear Lhe checkbox on Lhe SeLup/Membershlp Lab
1hese posslble errors produce an alerL message box
8enewlng someone who ls noL yeL a member
LnLerlng a new member paymenL for someone who already ls a member
8enewlng someone who ls noL due for renewal (posslble dupllcaLe paymenL or enLry)
Lxp|r|ng Members
MA8S lncludes a feaLure for changlng Lhe membershlp sLaLus from 'AcLlve' Lo 'Lxplred' use Lhe buLLon
on Lhe SeLup/Membershlp Lab Lo explre all members whose explraLlon daLe ls before Lhe number of
days speclfled ln Lhe ad[olnlng box 1hls leLs you allow a grace perlod afLer Lhe explraLlon daLe lf
lor example lf Loday ls !une 30 and you wanL Lo explre members who are more Lhan 60 days pasL
explraLlon (explred before May 1) enLer 60 ln Lhe box and Lhen cllck Lhe buLLon
CauLlon Lhere ls no 'undo' for Lhls sLep


CCnS11u1LS ?Cu8 ACCL1AnCL Cl 1PLSL 1L8MS l ?Cu uC nC1 AC8LL 1C 1PL 1L8MS Cl 1PS AC8LLMLn1 uC nC1 nS1ALL Anu/C8 uSL 1PS SCl1WA8L
uSL8S uSL Cl 1PS SCl1WA8L S CCnu1CnLu uCn CCMLAnCL 8? uSL8 W1P 1PL 1L8MS Cl 1PS AC8LLMLn1
1 LCLnSL C8An1 8ay lace SofLware granLs you a llcense Lo use Lhe Membershlp And AcLlvlLy 8ecords SysLem (MA8S) sofLware program (Lhe SCl1WA8L) on all
of your hardware producLs and Lhose of your employees and agenLs for Lhe sLorage malnLenance and reLrleval of organlzaLlon lnformaLlon 1hls llcense allows use
only on Lhe local compuLer LhaL Lhe sofLware ls lnsLalled on a separaLe neLwork Llcense ls requlred Lo use Lhe sofLware ln a neLworked mulLluser envlronmenL
?ou means Lhe company enLlLy or lndlvldual whose funds are used Lo pay Lhe neLwork llcense fee use means sLorlng loadlng lnsLalllng execuLlng or
dlsplaylng Lhe SCl1WA8L ?ou may noL modlfy Lhe SCl1WA8L or dlsable any llcenslng or conLrol feaLures of Lhe SCl1WA8L excepL as an lnLended parL of Lhe
SCl1WA8Ls programmlng feaLures A neLwork llcense ls valld only afLer you have pald Lhe neLwork llcense fee for Lhe SCl1WA8L A neLwork llcense ls noL
Lransferable Lo any oLher company enLlLy or lndlvldual
2 CWnL8SP 1he SCl1WA8L ls owned and copyrlghLed by 8ay lace SofLware ?our llcense confers no LlLle or ownershlp ln Lhe SCl1WA8L and should noL be
consLrued as a sale of any rlghL ln Lhe SCl1WA8L
3 CC?8CP1 1he SCl1WA8L ls proLecLed by unlLed SLaLes copyrlghL law and lnLernaLlonal LreaLy provlslons ?ou acknowledge LhaL no LlLle Lo Lhe lnLellecLual
properLy ln Lhe SCl1WA8L ls Lransferred Lo you ?ou furLher acknowledge LhaL LlLle and full ownershlp rlghLs Lo Lhe SCl1WA8L wlll remaln Lhe excluslve properLy of
8ay lace SofLware and you wlll noL acqulre any rlghLs Lo Lhe SCl1WA8L excepL as expressly seL forLh ln Lhls llcense ?ou agree LhaL any coples of Lhe SCl1WA8L wlll
conLaln Lhe same proprleLary noLlces whlch appear on and ln Lhe SCl1WA8L
4 unAu1PC8Lu uSL ?ou may noL use copy renL lease sell modlfy decomplle dlsassemble oLherwlse reverse englneer or Lransfer Lhe SCl1WA8L excepL as
provlded ln Lhls agreemenL Any such unauLhorlzed use shall resulL ln lmmedlaLe and auLomaLlc LermlnaLlon of Lhls llcense
3 8unuLnC n no case may Lhe SCl1WA8L be bundled wlLh hardware or oLher sofLware wlLhouL wrlLLen permlsslon from 8ay lace SofLware
6 uS188u1Cn 1he SCl1WA8L package lncludlng all relaLed program and documenLaLlon flles CAnnC1 be modlfled ln any way and may noL be dlsLrlbuLed
wlLhouL wrlLLen permlsslon from 8ay lace SofLware
7 uS CCvL8nMLn1 nlC8MA1Cn use dupllcaLlon or dlsclosure by Lhe uS CovernmenL of Lhe compuLer sofLware and documenLaLlon ln Lhls package shall be
sub[ecL Lo resLrlcLlons as seL forLh ln subparagraph (c)(1)(ll) of Lhe 8lghLs ln 1echnlcal uaLa and CompuLer SofLware clause aL ulA8S 232277 7013 (CcL 1988) and
lA8 3222719 (!un 1987) 1he ConLracLor ls 8ay lace SofLware 11490 Cabela l San ulego CA 92127
WPL1PL8 Lx8LSSLu C8 MLLu nCLuunC 8u1 nC1 LM1Lu 1C An? MLLu WA88An1LS Cl ML8CPAn1A8L1? C8 l1nLSS lC8 A A81CuLA8 u8CSL
nL1PL8 8A? LACL SCl1WA8L nC8 An?CnL LLSL WPC PAS 8LLn nvCLvLu n 1PL C8LA1Cn 8CuuC1Cn C8 uLLvL8? Cl 1PS SCl1WA8L SPALL 8L LA8LL
lC8 An? nu8LC1 CCnSLCuLn1AL C8 nCuLn1AL uAMACLS A8SnC Cu1 Cl 1PL uSL C8 nA8L1? 1C uSL SuCP SCl1WA8L LvLn l 8A? LACL SCl1WA8L
MA? nC1 AL? 1C ?Cu 1C 1PL Lx1Ln1 1PA1 LA8L1? S 8? LAW nCAA8LL Cl LxCLuSCn C8 8LS18C1Cn
n nC LvLn1 SPALL An? 1PLC8? Cl LA8L1? LxCLLu 1PL LCLnSL lLL Au 1C 8A? LACL SCl1WA8L
9 SLvL8A8L1? n Lhe evenL of lnvalldlLy of any provlslon of Lhls llcense Lhe parLles agree LhaL such lnvalldlLy shall noL affecL Lhe valldlLy of Lhe remalnlng porLlons
of Lhls llcense
10 nC LA8L1? lC8 CCnSLCuLn1AL uAMACLS n nC LvLn1 SPALL 8A? LACL SCl1WA8L C8 1S SuLL8S 8L LA8LL 1C ?Cu lC8 An? CCnSLCuLn1AL
SLCAL nCuLn1AL C8 nu8LC1 uAMACLS Cl An? knu A8SnC Cu1 Cl 1PL uLLvL8? L8lC8MAnCL C8 uSL Cl 1PL SCl1WA8L LvLn l 8A? LACL
CCn18AC1 1C81 C8 An? C1PL8 1PLC8? Cl LA8L1? LxCLLu 1PL LCLnSL lLL Au 8? ?Cu l An?
11 CCvL8nnC LAW 1hls agreemenL shall be governed by Lhe laws of Callfornla excludlng Lhe appllcaLlon of lLs confllcLs of law rules and shall lnure Lo Lhe beneflL
of 8ay lace SofLware and any successors admlnlsLraLors helrs and asslgns Any acLlon or proceedlng broughL by elLher parLy agalnsL Lhe oLher arlslng ouL of or
relaLed Lo Lhls agreemenL shall be broughL only ln a CCu81 of compeLenL [urlsdlcLlon locaLed ln Callfornla 1he parLles hereby consenL Lo ln personam [urlsdlcLlon of
sald courLs 1he unlLed naLlons ConvenLlon on ConLracLs for Lhe nLernaLlonal Sale of Coods ls speclflcally dlsclalmed
12 nSLC1Cn Anu 1LS1nC ?ou agree and acknowledge LhaL you wlll Lhoroughly lnspecL and LesL Lhe SCl1WA8L for all of your purposes upon commencemenL
of your use Any sulL or oLher legal acLlon clalm or any arblLraLlon relaLlng ln any way Lo Lhls agreemenL or sofLware covered by lL musL be offlclally flled or offlclally
commenced no laLer Lhan 90 days afLer your flrsL use of Lhe sofLware
13 Ln18L AC8LLMLn1 1hls ls Lhe enLlre agreemenL beLween you and 8ay lace SofLware whlch supersedes any prlor agreemenL or undersLandlng wheLher
wrlLLen or oral relaLlng Lo Lhe sub[ecL maLLer of Lhls llcense
14 8LSL8vLu 8CP1S All rlghLs noL expressly granLed here are reserved Lo 8ay lace SofLware

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