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A Cup of Coffee with God Part 3 EMOTIONS

(An Uncommon dialogue between God and Me)

Gan, Chennai

Me: Hi God ! Happy to see you again. I require few clarifications on Emotions. Would you please help me out? God: Oh, Sure! Its my bounden duty Me: What are Emotions? God: Emotions are building blocks of Existence. All living beings experience emotions. Emotions in themselves are neither good nor bad, they are inevitable. There wont be any charm in life without emotions, like living in coma state. The only requirement is, Emotion should be understood and channelized properly. ENERGY IN MOTION IS EMOTION. All Emotions arise from two fundamental principles of existence known as LOVE and FEAR. Instead of FEAR, we can use ABSENCE OF LOVE also alternatively. FEAR is the approximate English Term to mean it. Love and Fear are deeply routed in all living beings. Hence, Love and Fear are principles of existence rather than Emotions.

M: You mean all Emotions arise either due to LOVE or FEAR. G: Yes! When you DONT LOVE, you are caught up in TRAP like a monkey caught in a net. Unless you come out of the TRAP, your MIND is disillusioned and creates the HELL for you. M: Tell me how I should overcome the TRAP of FEAR or rather ABSENCE OF LOVE to be exact. G: All our actions spring up due to Love or Fear. Love is the mechanism built in each living beings to enjoy the beauty of existence at soul level. Fear is the Mechanism built in each living beings to withdraw or retract. Emotions arising out of LOVE are Joy, Trust, Affection, Lust, Hope, Happiness, Friendliness, Calmness, Compassion, Desire, Serenity, Contentment, Cheerfulness, Comfort, Composure, etc Emotions arising out of FEAR are Sadness, Distrust, Hatred, Disgust, Gloom, Sadness, Enmity, Worry, Aversion, Aloofness, Anxiety, Jealousy, Depression, Suffering, Anger, etc There are THOUSANDS OF EMOTIONS at the LOVE and FEAR level each Human Being can experience. Humans are at the grip of emotions at every moment outwardly or inwardly, knowingly or unknowingly and visibly or subtly.

M: God, How should I handle these Emotions? G: While Emotions themselves are not bad, one should use the discretionary power and check whether to hang on to the emotion or let it go. Emotion is like a Lightening. Any moment any emotion can arise even without your consent due to circumstances, environment etc. When you are in the grip of an emotion you easily get carried away and loose your SELF in the process, even without your consent. Subconscious tendencies take charge. Observation is the key to understanding emotions. Some emotions arise in the HEART and others from the MIND. Emotions from HEART are usually soft, sympathetic and spontaneous. Emotions from MIND can be due to Physiological and Psychological causes. Hence, all emotions can neither be branded as Good nor Bad. Some emotions are inevitable. Hard to deal with life situations like Death of a loved one, Loss of Job, Serious Illness, failure in love etc are very challenging life experiences which happen very rarely. When the uncertainty looms large ones emotions grow large. The ability to cope up with such situations vary with ones stability of mind, experience in life challenging situations etc. Experience the emotion if you cannot avoid it, else let the emotion go. When emotions take Drivers seat, you can not so easily do anything about it, unless you have understood the fundamentals of Life.

M: What are the fundamentals of life? G: Please, Understand the following: 1. You merely control your life. The Ultimate Authority is God. Thats Gods Job. All you can control is your ability to do your best at every moment and make the best out of better. 2. Life can be understood only by living consciously. Unconscious living is similar to walking with eyes tightly closed. 3. There is NO PERFECT and CORRECT MODEL of EXISTENCE. What if, if life is not Luxurious. Even if Life takes several U Turns, Life is still living, Life is Life. One must live it. LIFE IS. 4. All Humans are a piece of the Eternal Oneness. 5. A SMALL KEY can unlock a BIG DOOR. Awareness is the key to SELF MASTERY. BE AWARE OF YOUR THOUGHTS, WORDS and ACTIONS. 6. SILENCE (VOID) is the perennial RIVER from where every other tributaries flow. Experience it everyday through Meditation. 7. LOVE your own SELF. APPRECIATE your own SELF when you do good actions. Grow more in LOVING and APPRECIATING others.

8. BE GRATEFUL to others. GRATITUDE is the SCERET KEY to HAPPINESS. 9. BE AWAKE and NOT ENTRANCED. Watch yourself attentively. 10. Knowledge of the SELF is the Highest Knowledge. M: I dont think any of the above ten points has directly to do anything with my Emotions. Am I right? G: Behind everything seen there is something unseen that controls it. Please look up to the root level. M: Essentially you ask me to understand MYSELF, from where every other branch of Life sprouts. Sometimes I feel I am out of MOOD. Is this also an emotion? G: Yes! MOOD is a Subtle long lasting Emotion. Emotions occur for a short duration. Mood goes on to stay for Hours and Days. Sub conscious tendencies sometimes grip us even without our knowledge. An impending result, a health issue, a social issue, apprehensions, and any factor may trigger a MOOD SWING leading to irritation and may be a precursor to a bigger emotional tremor. Mood is cognitive (thinking and brooding) in nature. Nobody can easily come to know ones

mood. So, when you are not in good mood, better to inform your dear and near about your UNPLEASANT MOOD and take some remedial measures to overcome your unpleasant mood. M: Remedial Measures to correct mood, like what? G: Speak to some people whom you are close to you. Express the fundamental apprehensions which lead to the alteration in Mood. When someone is there to share your feelings and suggest a solution, possibly normal mood can be easily restored. Use MUSIC to overcome Bad Moods. Go for a walk. Watch a Movie. Entertainment is the best Medicine for Mood Correction. M: Whats your final advice to Human Beings on Emotional Behaviour? G: There may be thousands of factors to alter ones Emotional Behaviour like Personal factors, Social Factors, Health Factors, Environmental Factors, Organizational Issues etc. Emotional Disturbance leads to STRESS and DEPRESSION causing Physiological and Psychological problems. Hence, no issues should trigger your emotions beyond acceptable limits. Try to know how to channelize your emotions properly. Also, try to recognize Emotional State of others, be FRIENDLY with them, and help them overcome when they are in Emotional Trouble.

M: Yeah God, I have seen people barging at each other like Dogs for minor road accidents with emotional outbursts. In public transport too, I have seen people fighting like mongoose and snake for minor issues. What is all these? G: You character and Emotional Intelligence are determined by your emotional behavior towards unknown persons, not towards known persons alone. Such incidents reflect ones True Nature. Such people are on the lower rung of the Evolution Ladder. They have to climb a lot to reach me. M: God, We are not so. We feel emotionally attached to all living beings. I understand that we are all expressions of the single consciousness called God. We wish to emulate you. G: Thats Good. M: Do you get into Emotions? G: I am Infinite Consciousness. I am beyond Emotions. Emotions exist only for those who are incomplete. HUMANS are always INCOMPLETE as long they identify them with their bodily existence. The Design is like that. Human Beings are More of Emotional Beings Rather than Rational Beings Emotions are like Drivers of your Car Should Driver decide where you should go? Take charge of your Emotions Understand your TRUE SELF

M: Thanks for your information on Emotions. All these days I was thinking emotions are altogether bad and I should totally avoid it. Now, I know how to effectively handle emotions and enjoy them too. How about a Cup of coffee? Same Answer as usual? G: Yes! I am the Cup. I am the Coffee. I am the You. I am the All. Love You so much!

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