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BGTracks System

CSC 480

Software Requirements Specifications For The

BGTracks System
23 October 2009 Prepared for: Boys & Girls Club of Sequoias

Prepared by: Christopher Horner Fernandito Eugenio Heath Ivie John Hancock Kenneth Brower Marlo Castillo Michael Adams
Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480

Revision Sheet Release No. Date Revision Description

Approvals Title Client Representative Project Manager Printed Name Signature Date

Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480

Project Leader TABLE OF CONTENTS Page # 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 2.1 Purpose. Scope Definitions, acronyms, and abbreviations Reference.. Overview 7 Product Perspective.... 9 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4 User Interfaces.... 9 Operations.. 10 11 11 5 5 6 7


Product Functions ..... User Characteristics ... 11 Constraints 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 Design Constraints. 12 Reliability Requirements... 12 Safety and Security Considerations... 12

2.5 3.0 3.1 3.2

Assumptions and Dependencies ...........


SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS External Interfaces... 14 Functions..... 15 3.2.1 Product Functions 15 3.3 3.4 3.5 Use Cases... 16 UAT Cases... 19

Performance Requirements. 21 Logical Database Requirements..... 21 Security.... 25

Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480



Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480



1.1 Purpose
The purpose of this project is to provide the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Sequoias with a web based software solution that delivers a scalable, secure, and reliable tracking and reporting on the personal information and attendance of their membership and staff. The following SRS document will outline the features of the BGTracks System and the requirements that the project will adhere to in developing the software for the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias.

1.2 Scope
The BGTracks System will consist of 4 parts: Information Storage

The BGTracks System shall store information about members in a database and includes personal information and their hours spent at the Boys & Girls Club. The BGTracks System shall be able to track changes to members information, who made the changes and when it was made. The BGTracks System shall have the ability to make changes to specific fields for more than 1 member at time. The BGTracks System shall be able to import spreadsheets generated by other DBMS, for example by a schools DBMS. The BGTracks System shall be able to update membership data generated by other DBMS, for example by a schools DBMS. The BGTracks System shall have the ability to store documented behavioral incidents and injuries of members. The BGTracks System shall store information on employees of the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias.

Membership Time Keeping

The BGTracks System shall check members in and out at the entrance to the building. The BGTracks System shall check members in and out of individual activities in each

Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480


The BGTracks System shall enter lists of attendance using membership numbers. The BGTracks System can import/export stored attendance data from/to spreadsheets

Employee Time Keeping

The BGTracks System has a separate tracking system that will track allow employees to clock in and out to electronically document employees work hours. The BGTracks System can generate timecards from the stored timekeeping information in .xls format and can be printed. The BGTracks System will only allow authorized users or the employee themselves to view stored employee timekeeping information.

Reporting The BGTracks System will be able to visually display out reports of information in spreadsheet (.xls) format which and can be either saved to a file or printed.

1.3 Definitions, acronyms and abbreviations

Members Children who attend the Boy & Girls Club of the Sequoias Site Location of a building of The Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. The site can also referenced as a unit. Unit Unit describes both the physical location of a Boys & Girls Club site, and the idea of a site object with its employees, members, and activities. Member ID Number A 1 to 9 digit number that uniquely identifies a member Staff ID Number A 1 to 9 digit number that uniquely identifies a staff member of the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. .xls Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet file format. Reports and tables can be depicted in an Excel file format. Also, multiple member information can be portrayed in an Excel file format. Household Refers either to a family or families living in a residence. TCO Total Cost of Ownership. This term covers a wide array of criteria that take into account all associated costs that would go into ownership of the BGTracks System. This would not only include cost of BGTracks System itself but also additional cost including
Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480

upkeep, electricity, additional hard and software acquisition in relation to the BGTracks System and eventual replacement and decommissioning of the software. UAT User Acceptance Testing. This is the agreed upon test cases that the BGTracks System should successfully complete to certify that the software is working correctly. Unk. - Unknown

1.4 References
For the project site including wikis and other project documents please reference: The layout and the template used for this SRS document can be found on National Universitys eCollege, in the September 2009 course, under the Doc Sharing tab: CourseID=3540164&47=4308408&dt=8%2F26%2F2009+7%3A09%3A55+PM&DocID =7181860&DocCollab_PK=22213312&Name=3%5Fsrs.doc For the latest and most up-to-date version of this document and other project documents, please reference the Downloads section of the CSC 480 Google Project site at:

1.5 Overview
The rest of the SRS will cover the overall description of the BGTracks System which is covered in Section 2. Section 3 covers the requirements that have been specified for the BGTracks System.

Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480


Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480

2.0 OVERALL DESCRIPTION 2.1 Product perspective

The BGTracks System is a replacement of the current BGTracks System for the Boys and Girls Club of the Sequoias. The current software is used to keep track of the time spent by members in activities and at the Boys and Girls Club facilities. The BGTracks System will utilize the member and employee information stored in the database to keep track of hours spent either working or in an activity for members and employees. This is a self-contained product that will take over for the current program in place to keep track of members at the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. 2.1.1 User Interfaces The available user interfaces that will be found on the BGTracks System are: Membership Check In/Out User Interface : The user can check in and out members. Once the user has entered the necessary information, the user can confirm their check in/check out or cancel the check in/check out process. Employee Check In/Out : Employees can check in and out of their work shift to keep track of their work hours at the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. Once the user has entered the necessary information, the user can confirm their check in/check out and proceed or cancel the check in/check out process. Activity Check In/Out : The user can check in our out a member from a specific activity listed in the system. Once the user has entered the necessary information, they can either proceed with the check in/check out process or cancel it. Mass Member Check In/Out : The user can check in or out multiple members from an activity. Member Add : The user can add a single member to the system. The user will enter basic information of the prospective member, the system will then check to see if the member is in the system, if the member is found, the user has a choice of updating the existing record or creating a new one. Mass Member Add : The user can add multiple members simultaneously into the system. Reporting User Interface : The user can retrieve the Weekly Attendance Report, Emergency Roster Report and other reports to view the various data stored by the BGTracks System.
Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480

2.1.2 Operations The operations that are available to be used by the

1. Staff Check In/Check Out Operations: The staff can check in and out of their

shifts using this operation of the BGTracks System. The operations allow the ability to track the hours worked by The Boys & Girls Club staff.
2. Member Check In/Check Out Operations: Users can check in and out of The

Boys & Girls Club building by using this operation in the BGTracks System. The operations allow the ability to keep track of the time spent by a member at a site or building.
3. Mass Member Check In/Check: Multiple members can be checked in and out of

time spent inside the Boys & Girls Club using this operation in the BGTracks System. The operations allow keeping track of the time spent by members at the Boys & Girls Club sites.
4. Specific Activity Check In/Check Out Operations: Users can check in and out

of their time spent doing a specific activity while at the Boys & Girls Club. The operations allow the ability to record the time spent by members doing specific activities.
5. Mass Activity Check In/Check Out Operations: Multiple members can be

checked in and out of time spent doing a specific activity at the Boys & Girls Club. This allows keeping track of the time spent on each activity by member.
6. Activity Creation: Activities can be created for use as an activity. This operation

allows keeping track of the members and the time each member spent participating at activities offered at the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. Any created activity can then be used by the activity function to keep track of member attendance.
7. Member Enrollment: Member can be enrolled either singly by using the member

enrollment operation or multiple members by using the mass member enrollment operation. This operation allows for new enrollment of members into the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. This operation also allows for any updates or changes made to all Boys & Girls Club members information currently stored by the Boys & Girls Club.
8. Weekly Attendance Report: The user can use this operation to display a report

showing the attendance figures for a given time period. The report will display attendance figures detailing the time spent be member at the site and the time spent by member at the activities that were available for the given time period.
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BGTracks System

CSC 480

9. Emergency Roster Report: The user can display a report showing which

members and employees are currently checked in or in attendance at the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. Te report will show all members and staff currently checked in at that Boys & Girls Club site or building.

2.2 Product Functions

The 3 main functions of the BGTracks System are: (1) To keep track of the time spent by a member at the Boys and Girls Club of the Sequoias and the time each member spends at various activities. (2) To keep track of the hours worked by employees of the Boys and Girls Club of the Sequoias. This time tracking is to streamline the time tracking process for both members and staff and eliminates the need of having another system or process for the Boys & Girls Club employees. (3) Be able to utilize the information stored of members and employees and be able to print or extract this information into a report format. This reporting function is used to track and predict trends of member usage and attendance.

2.3 User Characteristics

Users of this product are selected from a wide range of individuals with varying degrees of computer experience. The largest group of users is those who perform the daily tasks of checking members into and out of activities. These users are typically 18 to 30 years of age, have had some exposure to computer software, and are comfortable with web-based applications. Many are well experienced with social networking web sites. While there are some with Bachelor's degrees, most have less than 90 units of college education. The second largest group of users is those who pull information out of the database in reports for use in grant applications, schedule activities, and retrieve time cards. These users are typically 30 to 60 years of age, and have had limited training with computers. Most are familiar with basic word processing, email, and some Internet use. Some have received targeted training on specific applications such as Quick Books, Microsoft Office, and Google Apps. Most of these users have at least a Bachelor's degree. The smallest group of users is those who will administer the system. There are currently three staff members who will administer the various aspects of the software. All have moderate to extensive computer experience. Two have experience with database management and programming. The System Administrator has experience in server/client management, web development, and network management. All three hold a Bachelor's degree

2.4 Constraints
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BGTracks System

CSC 480

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies


Employee ID and membership ID are unique numbers that will correspond to one membership or employee. No ID will be duplicated or shared between more than 1 member and staff. Members and staff can have more than 1 ID. The Boys & Girls Clubs have all the needed hardware and software for Internet access at the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Sequoias sites.

Software Requirements Specification


BGTracks System

CSC 480



The following lists of the available inputs and outs that will be found on the BGTracks System program. INPUTS: Activity Check In: - Site: The possible choices for the site input are: Exeter Pine, Exeter Teen, Exeter Wilson, Farmersville Freedom, Farmersville Hester, Farmersville Jr. High, Farmersville Snowden, Porterville Morton, and Tipton Middle School. - Activity: The possible activities available as an input include General Attendance and others specified by the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. More choices can be created and be used for use in the BGTracks System. - Membership Number: A unique number corresponding to a Boys & Girls Club member. - Staff ID Number: A unique number corresponding to a Boys & Girls Club staff member.
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BGTracks System

CSC 480

Mass Check In: - Site: The possible choices for the site input are: Exeter Pine, Exeter Teen, Exeter Wilson, Farmersville Freedom, Farmersville Hester, Farmersville Jr. High, Farmersville Snowden, Porterville Morton, and Tipton Middle School. - Activity: The possible activities available as an input include General Attendance and others specified by the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. More choices can be created and be used for use in the BGTracks System. - Membership Number: A unique number corresponding to a Boys & Girls Club member. Multiple membership numbers can be entered. Staff Clock In: - Site: The possible choices for the site input are: Exeter Pine, Exeter Teen, Exeter Wilson, Farmersville Freedom, Farmersville Hester, Farmersville Jr. High, Farmersville Snowden, Porterville Morton, and Tipton Middle School. - Staff ID Number: A unique number corresponding to a Boys & Girls Club staff member. New Member:

First Name: The first name of a Boys & Girls Club member, entered as a string. Last Name: The last name of a Boys & Girls Club member entered as a string. Address: Address of the member. City: The city of residence for the member. State: The state of residence for the member. Zip: The zip code of the member Gender: The gender of the member. Ethnicity: The ethnicity of the member. Home Phone: The home phone of the member Cell Phone: The cell phone of the member Date of Birth: The date of birth of a Boys & Girls Club member.

Reports - Report: The type of report that can be pulled can be specified. - Site: The possible choices for the site input are: Exeter Pine, Exeter Teen, Exeter Wilson, Farmersville Freedom, Farmersville Hester, Farmersville Jr. High, Farmersville Snowden, Porterville Morton, and Tipton Middle School. OUTPUTS: Member Check In

Member Name: The name of the Boys & Girls Club Member. Membership Number: A unique number corresponding to a Boys & Girls Club member. Activity: The name of the activity will be outputted.

Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

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Time: The date and time of the check or check out.

Mass Check In

Member Name: The name of the Boys & Girls Club Member. Membership Number: A unique number corresponding to a Boys & Girls Club member. Time: The date and time of the check or check out.

Staff Clock In

Employee Name: The name of the Boys & Girls Club employee. Time: The date and time of the check or check out.

3.2 Functions
3.2.1 Product Functions The functions available in the BGTracks System are: o Staff Clock In/Clock Out function to keep track of the hours worked. o User Log In/Log Out function to allow authorized users to access menu screen. o General Attendance Check In/Check Out function for members to check in when entering a building and to check out when leaving the building. o Specific Activity Check In/Check Out function for a program aide to check in or out members out of activities the member participates in. o Mass Activity Check In/Check Out function to check in a group of members in our out of activities they are participating in. o Schedule Activity function for a user to schedule activities into the Track Software so these activities become stored in the system and are then able to be accessed either through the Specific Activity or Mass Activity user interfaces. o Member Enroll function to enroll or update members into the system. o Mass Member Enroll function that permits a user to enroll multiple members into the system via a spreadsheet file.

Reporting function that permits users to print out Emergency Roster Report and Weekly Attendance Reports.

Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480 Use Cases ATTENDANCE The following covers any checking or logging cases. Staff Clock In When a staff member arrives to begin work, he/she will key in his staff ID number and click "Clock in". The software will then display a confirmation dialog with the name of the staff member who has clocked in, and the current time. Staff Clock Out When a staff member prepares to leave work, he/she will key in his staff ID number and click "Clock out". The software will then display a confirmation dialog with the name of the staff member who has clocked out, the current time, and the number of hours and minutes worked today. User Log In When a user sits down to use a workstation for any use other than clocking in or out, she will key in her user ID number and click "Log in." The system will transition to a screen with various menu options. User Log Out When a user wishes to leave a workstation, she clicks "Log Out." General Attendance Check In When a member walks into the building the front desk user will select either "Current time" or "Exact time". If "Exact time" is chosen, the user will select the desired time. This choice will be sticky until the user manually changes it, logs out or times out. Then the user will key in the member's ID number (or name, if the ID number is unknown), chooses the "General Attendance" activity (this dropdown selector will be sticky so that a user can check many members into the same activity quickly), and clicks "Check in" or presses Enter. A confirmation dialog is displayed with the member's name and ID number. Upon confirmation, the system transitions back to the activity check in screen. General Attendance Check Out When a member leaves the building the front desk user will key in the member's ID number or name, select the "General Attendance" activity, and click "Check Out". A confirmation dialog will appear with the member's name and ID number. After confirmation the system will transition back to the activity check in screen. Specific Activity Check In When a member attends an activity inside the Club, a program aide will key in the member's ID number or name, select the specific activity e.g. "Club Tech", and
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BGTracks System

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click "Check In" or press Enter. A confirmation dialog will appear with the member's name and ID number. After confirmation the system will transition back to the activity check in screen. Specific Activity Check Out When a member leaves an activity, a program aide will key in the member's ID number or name, select the activity, and click "Check Out." A confirmation dialog will appear with the member's name and ID number. After confirmation the system will transition back to the activity check in screen. Mass Activity Check In If attendance has been collected on paper, and many records need to be entered simultaneously, a staff member will click "Mass Check-In." They will then be transitioned to a screen where they can choose the activity, select the site where the activity occurred, select the date, and select the check in time. They will then be able to enter several member ID numbers into text fields arranged in a grid. When they have entered all the IDs, they will click "Check in." They will then be presented with a confirmation page with the activity, site, date, time and a list of all of the members' names and ID numbers who are to be checked in. Upon confirmation, the system will check all the members into the activity, and transition back to the main screen. Mass Activity Check Out When an activity ends, and all of the members are to check out at once, the program aid will select the activity, and click "Check out all." A confirmation dialog will appear displaying the number of currently checked in members for that activity and the current time. The dialog will ask the user if they are sure they wish to check out all of the members. Upon confirmation, the system will transition back to the activity check in screen. SCHEDULING The following covers cases of scheduling features available in the BGTracks System: Schedule Activities Unit Directors and appointed designees must schedule activities before they are available in the attendance sections. Users will click "Schedule Activities" to reach the activity scheduling screen. Once there, users will select the Unit and Activity from Drop down lists. They will then enter the start and end times for the activity, and the date. They will then have the option to click a "Repeat through" checkbox which will enable further options for repeating events a la Google Calendar. There will be no option for repeating activities indefinitely. The user must select an end date. The user may then enter comments about the activity. Users will click "Submit" when finished. The system will display a confirmation
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BGTracks System

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dialog with a calendar view that displays the activities the user has chosen to schedule. Upon confirmation, the changes will be saved, and the user will return to the Schedule Activities screen. Data Entry The following covers cases of the data entry features available in the BGTracks System: Member Enroll When a child enrolls as a member for the first time, the Front Desk Staff takes the paper application and membership fee (check or cash). The user clicks "New member." On the New Member screen, the user enters the Unit, First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth. The system transitions to a verification screen which displays existing members who match those fields. The user then has the opportunity to edit an existing member, or create a new member. This screen helps to avoid duplicate members in the database. The user will click "Create New Member" which will bring up a form that the use can enter member information on. REPORTING The following covers cases of the reporting features available in the BGTracks System.: Emergency Roster Report In the event of an emergency or drill, the front desk user will click "Emergency Roster", which will generate a list of currently checked in members and clocked in staff with head-count totals. The browser will automatically open the print dialog. Weekly Attendance Report The user will click "Reports" then choose "Weekly Attendance" from the "Report:" dropdown list. Options for the report will appear below the dropdown. The user will select the unit and desired week. If the user needs to narrow the results, they will click "More filters". They will then be presented with the "Filters" form, which will allow them to pinpoint results based on various criteria. Once all filters are set, the user will click "Submit". The report will be displayed in a printer friendly format in a new window/tab. This window will have icons and links to:

Download the report as a PDF Download the report as a spreadsheet Email the report as a PDF Email the report as a Spreadsheet

Software Requirements Specification

BGTracks System

CSC 480

If the user chooses to email the report, they will be transitioned to the email screen where they will enter the From, To, CC, and BCC addresses, the Subject, and the Body of the email. Their attachment will be included and listed. When they are finished, they will click "Send." The system will then display a confirmation dialog stating that the user's message has been sent. UAT Cases The following is a list of the User Acceptance Testing cases mutually agreed upon that the BGTracks System shall be able to perform. These are the cases that will be tested and confirmed to work on the BGTracks System prior to delivery of the software to the Boys & Girls Club. UAT # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 UAT Case Attendance The staff member shall be able to clock into the system by choosing their site and typing in their Staff ID # and clicking the Clock In Button. The staff member shall be able to clock out of the system by choosing their site and typing in their Staff ID and clicking the Clock Out Button. The staff member shall not be able to clock into the system if they have already clocked in and have not yet clocked out. The staff member shall not be able to clock out of the system if they are not clocked in yet. The staff member shall be able to log into the system by typing in their correct username and correct password and clicking on the Login button. The staff member shall not be able to log into the BGTracks System if either their username or password entered is incorrect. The staff member shall be able to log out of the BGTracks System by clicking on the Logout icon. The user shall be able to check in a member by selecting the site, the "General Attendance" activity, the scan selection, membership number and click the Check In button. The user shall be able to check out a member by selecting the site, the "General Attendance" activity, the scan selection, membership number and click the Check Out button. The user shall not be able to check in a member if the member is already checked in and have yet not checked out. The user shall not be able to check out a member if the member has not yet been checked in. The user shall be able to check in a member to a specific activity by inputting the Site, the type of Activity, the scan at selection, the membership number and clicking on the Check In button. The user shall be able to check out a member from a specific activity by inputting the Site, the type of Activity, the scan at selection, the membership number and clicking on the Check Out button.

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BGTracks System

CSC 480

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The user shall not be able to check in a member to an activity if the member has not yet been checked out of another activity. The user shall not be able to check out a member from an activity if the member has not yet been checked in to that activity. The user shall be able to check in multiple members by selecting the site, the "General Attendance" activity, the scan selection, the membership numbers and click the Check In button. The user shall be able to check out multiple members by selecting the site, the "General Attendance" activity, the scan selection, the membership numbers and click the Check Out button. The user shall be able to check in multiple members to a specific activity by selecting the site, the activity, scan at selection, the membership numbers and click on the Check In button. The user shall be able to check out multiple members to a specific activity by selecting the site, the activity, scan at selection, the membership numbers and click on the Check Out button. Scheduling The user shall be able to create an schedule an activity. Data Entry The staff shall be able to enroll a new member into the system by typing in a member's first name, last name, DOB, and clicking on the Continue button. The system will check to see if any records in the database match the submitted information, if it is a new member, the user can click on the Create New button. The staff shall be able to update a member into the system by typing in a member's first name, last name, DOB, and clicking on the Continue button. The system will check to see if any records in the database match the submitted information, the user can then select the matching record and then click on the Update button.


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The staff shall be able to enroll multiple members into the system Reporting The staff shall be able to print out a Emergency Roster Report by clicking on the Emergency Roster link. The staff shall be able to print out a weekly attendance report by clicking on the Reports menu.

3.3 Performance Requirements

The BGTracks System should be able to be run at several terminals at once. The minimum requirement in this case is that the BGTracks System will be able to run 30 separate sessions concurrently. This includes several terminals located at the Boys and Girls Club of the Sequoias
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BGTracks System

CSC 480

and also remote locations that would run the Membership BGTracks System concurrently and be able to service requests made to the BGTracks System in real time.

3.4 Logical Database Requirements

The BGTracks System will need to keep information in a database. This includes information about members, employees, the time spent by members at the Boys and Girls Club of the Sequoias and the hours worked by the employees. The following is the database schema for the BGTracks System:

The following are a list of the objects and fields that are found in the database: MEMBER
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BGTracks System

CSC 480

Member_ID : Unique ID corresponding to this specific member Prefix : Prefix of the member (Mr, Ms, etc.) First_Name : First name of the person Last_Name : Last name of the person Middle_Name : Middle Name of the person Nickname : Nickname, if any, of the person Suffix : Suffix of the member (Jr., III, etc.) Birth_Dt : Date of Birth of the person Sex : Gender of the person Ethnicity : Ethnicity of the person Home_Phone : Home phone of the member. Cell_Phone : Cell phone of the person of the member. Email : Email of the member Address1 : Number and Street Address of the person Address2 : Second line would be if address City : City of residence of the person State : State where person is located Zip : 5 digit zip of the member Start_Dt : Start date of the member Termination_Dt : Termination Date of the member School : School that member goes to Grade_Level : Current grade of the member Teacher : Name of the members teacher Doctor : Name of the members primary doctor Doctor_Phone : Phone number of the doctor Insured : Indicates if the member is insured Insurance_Group_Num : Group number of the members insurance Insurance_Member_Num : Insurance number of the member Primary_Language : Primary language spoken by the member Single_Parent_Household : Identifies if the member is living with a single parent Military_Child : Specifies if the members parent is in the military or not

Guardian_ID : Unique Number that identifies a guardian associated with a specific

member of the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. Each specific GuardianId is used only once. Prefix : Prefix of the member (Mr, Ms, etc.) First_Name : First name of the person Last_Name : Last name of the person Middle_Name : Middle Name of the person Nickname : Nickname, if any, of the person Suffix : Suffix of the member (Jr., III, etc.) Home_Phone : Home phone of the guardian.

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Cell_Phone : Cell phone of the person of the guardian. Work_Phone : Work phone number of the guardian Email : Email of the member Address1 : Number and Street Address of the person Address2 : Second line would be if address City : City of residence of the person State : State where person is located Zip : 5 digit zip of the member Employer : Name of the guardians employers

Guardian_Ref_Id : ID that connects a member to a guardian/ Guardian_Id : Unique Number that identifies a guardian associated with a specific

member of the Boys & Girls Club of the Sequoias. Each specific GuardianId is used only once. Relationship : Relation of guardian to the member Member_ID : Unique ID corresponding to this specific member of the Boys & Girls Club MEMBER_MEDICATION
Medication_ID : Number that uniquely identifies a specific medication Name : Name of a medication for a specific member. Notes : Any applicable information for the medication. These would include directions

for taking the medication and also any warnings or guidelines for that medication. Member_ID : Unique ID corresponding to this specific member of the Boys & Girls Club MEMBER_CONDITION

Condition_ID : Unique number that identifies specific condition Condition : Identifies the condition, name of the medical condition Notes : Notes pertaining to the condition listed above. Member_ID : Unique ID corresponding to this specific member of the Boys & Girls Club


Emergency_Contact_ID : Unique number that identifies the emergency contact FirstName : First name of the emergency contact LastName : Last name of the emergency contact Phone : Phone number of the emergency contact

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Member_ID : Unique ID corresponding to this specific member of the Boys & Girls

ActivityId : Unique number that corresponds to that specific activity. Name : Name of the activity

Activity_Log_ID : Number identifying a specific activity log. Site_ID : Unique number that corresponds to a specific site of the Boys & Girls Club Member_ID : Unique ID corresponding to this specific member of the Boys & Girls

Club CheckIn_Tm : Date and time that the activity was check into by the Boys & Girls Club member CheckOut_Tm : Date and time that the member checked out of the activity. EMPLOYEE

EmployeeId : Unique number that identifies a specific employee Prefix : Prefix of the member (Mr, Ms, etc.) First_Name : First name of the person Last_Name : Last name of the person Middle_Name : Middle Name of the person Nickname : Nickname, if any, of the person Suffix : Suffix of the member (Jr., III, etc.) Birth_Dt : Date of Birth of the person Sex : Gender of the person Ethnicity : Ethnicity of the person HomePhone : Home phone of the employee CellPhone : Cell phone of the employee Email : Email of the member Address1 : Number and Street Address of the person Address2 : Second line would be if address City : City of residence of the person State : State where person is located Zip : 5 digit zip of the member Title : Job title of the employee Start_Dt : Start date of the member Termination_Dt : Termination Date of the member

Timecard_ID : A 1 to 9 digit number that uniquely identifies a person EmployeeId : Unique number that identifies a specific employee
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ClockIn_Tm : Date and time that the employee checked in for work ClockOut_Tm : Date and time that the employee checked out of work

3.5 Security
To prevent unauthorized access to sensitive portions of the system, a specific username and password is needed. A user will be prompted to enter their login and password to access the BGTracks System.

Software Requirements Specification


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