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Developer Manual Inter Company Data Transfer

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Inter Company Data Transfer

A firm Global Enterprises using Tally.ERP 9 has a subsidiary company ABC Pvt. Ltd. Global Enterprises makes payment to ABC Pvt. Ltd. This payment entry needs to be passed as a receipt entry in ABC Pvt. Ltd.

Requirement Statement
A payment entry passed in Global Enterprises should be passed a receipt entry in ABC Pvt. Ltd. automatically.

In order to transfer a payment entry from Inter Company Data Transfer - Src to Inter Company Data Transfer - Tgt. as receipt, the following steps have to be adhered: 1. Menu for calling function a. We would transfer all payment entry from Inter Company Data Transfer - Src to Inter Company Data Transfer - Tgt, hence we would add a new menu at Gateway of Tally calling a function.
[#Menu: Gateway of Tally] Add: Key Item: Before: @@locQuit: "Inter Company Data + Transfer": N : CALL : TSPL FFE InterCompany Data Transfer Control : "Inter Company Data Transfer": NOT $$IsRemoteCompany

In the above menu definition the Control attribute is used to control the usage of inter company data transfer at Remote end. 2. Function description a. We would require switching from Inter Company Data Transfer - Src to Inter Company Data Transfer - Tgt and after transfer of vouchers we need to switch back to Inter Company Data Transfer - Src.
[Function: TSPL FFE Inter Company Data Transfer] Variable : PSVCurrentCompany : String : "Inter Company + Data Transfer - Src" Variable : SVCurrentCompany : String Variable : SrcCompanyOpen : Logical

Variable : TgtCompanyOpen : Logical 00 01 02 05 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 : SET : SrcCompanyOpen : $$FilterCount:+ Company:TSPLFFEInterBranchSource > 0 : SET : TgtCompanyOpen : $$FilterCount:+ Company: TSPLFFEInterBranchTarget > 0 : IF : ##SrcCompanyOpen AND ##TgtCompanyOpen : SET : SVCurrentCompany : ##PSVCurrentCompany : WALK COLLECTION : TSPL FFE Pymt Vouchers : SET : SVCurrentCompany: "Inter Company Data + Transfer - Tgt" : SET TARGET : SET VALUE : VoucherTypeName : "Receipt" : SET VALUE : VoucherNumber : $VoucherNumber : WALK COLLECTION : LedgerEntries : SET TARGET : LedgerEntries[$$LoopIndex] : SET VALUE : Amount : if $$IsDr:$Amount then + $$AsCrAmt:$Amount else $$AsDrAmt:+ $Amount : SET VALUE : IsDeemedPositive : NOT + IsDeemedPositive : SET TARGET : .. : END WALK : SAVE TARGET : SET : SVCurrentCompany : ##PSVCurrentCompany : END WALK : ELSE : : MSGBOX: "Error": "Both Source and Target + Companies must be Opened" : ENDIF

b. We need only payment vouchers of Inter Company Data Transfer - Src, hence we would walk collection of vouchers that are of type payment voucher
[Collection: TSPL FFE Pymt Vouchers] Type : Vouchers : Voucher Type Child Of: "Payment"

TDL Capabilities Used

I. Adding a menu calling a Function II. Child of attribute at collection level of Voucher Type Name III. Control attribute at Menu level

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