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Planting Tomato in Pot, Developing Strategy and Its Contribution for Tasikmalaya Urban Society Ppp

Aziz Fauzi1, Wulan Trya PS2, Fridatami R*


Agriculture Faculty, University of Siliwangi, Siliwangi Street No.24 Telp. (0265)323531 Tasikmalaya City

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Strengthening agriculture sector is one strategy of Indonesian government to attain first point of Millennium Development Goals that is to reduce number of hunger and poverty. The vast conversion of fertile land from agricultural uses to nonagricultural uses had become the treat for agricultural development in Indonesia. Home garden has potential to be developed by people by using pot as planting media . Tomato is one commodity that can be planted on pot. Tomato is chosen because of its nutrition, function and technical easiness to plant. The objective of this study were to explain about technical cultivation of tomato in pot, to explain the strategy to develop planting tomato in pot in Tasikmalaya, to analyze the economic impact of planting tomato in pot and to know the contribution of developing in pot tomato planting for Tasikmalaya urban society particularly from their nutrition supply, economic impact, social life and regional ecology. The method used in this study were direct observation of tomato cultivation and interview with sophisticated farmer. The result of this research showed that the procedure to cultivate tomato on pot consist of germination/nursery, preparation of pot planting media, cultivation and, plant maintenance. The strategy to do to develop tomato on pot are grouping approach with supporting of parties such as government and nongovernment organization. The economic analysis showed that planting tomato will invite profit for family Rp. 44.400,-. The nutrition content of tomato are carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, Calcium, Fe, and Mineral with different proportion from tomato water extraction, young tomato and rape tomato. The economic impact of cultivating tomato in pot are adding income for people and saving money for fruits shopping. The social impacts are to enhance the awareness of people to green environment, to increase people solidarity and to decrease consumptive activities of community. While the ecology impacts are to create green environment of house, to decrease the amount of emission of CO2 as main cause of global warming and to recycle pollutant of household such as garbage and rubbish.From the research can be inferred that tomato can be cultivated on pot and with proper management, cultivation of tomato on pot can contribute to nutrition need, economic prosperity, social life and regional ecology. Keywords : Home garden, Contribution, Tomato, Strategy, Tasikmalaya

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y The first point of Millenium Development Golas (MDGs) which is declared by nations around the world is to overcome poverty and hunger. Both of them are actually related to one another. The extreme poor people will be difficultly accessing to nutritious food needs, and in longer time their condition will impact on a terrible condition namely malnutrition. According to World Health Organization (WHO) malnutrition is by far the

biggest contributor to child mortality, present in half of all cases ( To achieve this goal, Indonesian government had arranged a various plan of actions including strengthening agriculture sector (Diplomacy, 2010). Indonesian agriculture development today is facing a serious threat, that is the conversion of fertile land from agricultural uses to not for agricultural uses. Irawan (2001) in Abdurrahman (2006) state that the current land conversion process occurs really rapidly and quickly. This occurs as if there is no control, particularly the land

of irrigated rice filed in Java and around big cities in out of Java island. During year 1981-1999, Indonesia converted the area of rice field up to 1.60 million hectare and almost 1 million hectare is in Java. Steadily land conversion is predicted will increase the dependency of Indonesia to food import. Mamoen (2008) argue that throughout vast conversion of land will place Indonesia in to food scarcity condition even more he assumes it can develop to be food crisis. Imported food supply can not be relied on because sometimes it can meet interferences from various causes, such as disruption of bilateral relations with exporting country, the atmosphere of war, natural disaster and insufficient foreign exchange reserves for importing food. Because of the factors above, the attention to sleeping land or vacant land must be intensified. One that has great potential to be utilized is home garden area. National total area of home garden is about 10,3 million hectare or 14 percent of total agriculture area ( In java, home garden area is approximately one and half million hectare (1,5 Ha) or almost 20 percent of the total area of agriculture land. In West Java, the average home garden ownership is approximately reached 208,12 m2 (Anonymous,2011). Thus the home garden is very potential to increase food production, to improve health quality and to supply family nutritional needs. Utilization of home garden for agricultural purposes will result a lot of benefit either from ecological aspect, economic aspect, social aspect and health quality ones. Yuliana (2011) said that if home garden either rural or urban home garden is managed properly, it can support national food security by cultivating local food potential. Productive plant in home garden either rural home garden or urban home garden will give double adventages, physical satisfaction and spiritual ones. Beautiful home garden around the house will be able to excite and to inspire people who look at. Vegetable garden is an example of multifunctional home gardening. In one side, it can be an impressive landscape and on the other side it can be harvested and consumed as food. Moreover, if it is cultivated on large scale, it can give economic profit (Supriati et al, 2008) in Kristianti (2011).

The programs such as Home Area for Sustainable Food or Kawasan Rumah Pangan Lestari (KRPL) and Womens Movement for Optimizing Yard or Gerakan Perempuan untuk Optimalisasi Pekarangan (GPOP) developed by the agency for agricultural research are the effort of government to manage home garden as basic of food security independently beside that, they are developed to increase productive economic activities of community. Nevertheless, most of these programs are focused on rural home garden which is wider than rural ones. Yet, with technological touch and proper management, the urban home garden can also become productive economic activities base on food self- sufficiency which then enable to reduce dependency of urban society to food stuff which is produced by farmer in village. Planting vegetable on pot which is one of development of agricultural technology particularly on planting medium technology can be one solution for urban society to start gardening on limited land. With limited land, the urban can enjoy fruits and vegetable directly from the tree they plant. Further more, this cultivation system will not only prune solution for urban to start gardening but also contain the collaboration among agriculture technology, profit gaining and esthetical value (Supriati and Siregar, 2009). Tomato is one commodity that can be cultivated in pot. Supiarti and Siregar (2009) stated that tomato has relative high demand because it is preferred by everyone. It can be consumed as vegetable or fruit. Tomatoes are used by almost every cuisine. The nutrient content of tomatoes are also beneficial for humans health. Beta-carotene in tomatoes is very useful to delay premature aging. Yellowish red color of tomatoes can attract people to see, so that is why tomatoes can be presented on park. These multifunction of tomatoes maka people particularly the housewives tempt to plant it. Problem Definition What are the steps to cultivate tomatoes in pot ? What is strategy to develop planting tomatoes in pot for Tasikmalaya urban society? What are the contributions of tomato cultivation for Tasikmalya urban society ? Purpose of Study

The purpose of this study is to : Explain about cultivation steps of tomatoes in pot Explain about the strategy to develop planting tomatoes in pot for Tasikmalaya urban society Know the contribution of tomato cultivation in pot for Tasikmalaya urban society Benefit of Study This study can be beneficial for government as an alternative solution to develop home garden in city or limited land to stabilize food availability, for urban society as additional knowledge for managing their home garden and for author to increase the knowledge particularly about tomatoes cultivation. Literature Review Millenium Development Goals The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) essentially embody the international commitments made at the United Nations World Summits and global conferences throughout the 1990s. By signing the Millennium Declaration world leaders pledged to halve the proportion of people suffering from hunger, ensure that all children can complete primary education, eliminate gender disparity at all levels of education, reduce under-five and infant mortality rates by two thirds, and halve the proportion of people without access to improved water sources by 2015. Malnutrition Malnutrition is the condition that result from taking an unbalanced diet in which certain nutrient are lacking, in excess (too high intake) or in the wrong proportion. A number of different nutrition disorders may arise depending on which nutrients under or overabundant in diet (Http:// Malnutrition is the condition that develops when the body does not get the right amount of the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients it needs to maintain healthy tissues and organ function. Infants, young children, and teenagers need additional nutrients. So do women who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Nutrient loss can be accelerated by diarrhea, excessive sweating, heavy bleeding (hemorrhage), or kidney failure. Nutrient intake can be restricted by age-related illnesses and

conditions, excessive dieting, food allergies, severe injury, serious illness, a lengthy hospitalization, or substance abuse. In the United States, nutritional deficiencies have generally been replaced by dietary imbalances or excesses associated with many of the leading causes of death and disability. Over nutrition results from eating too much, eating too many of the wrong things, not exercising enough, or taking too many vitamins or other dietary replacements (Http:// There are three most common forms of vitamin/ mineral malnutrition in Indonesia. They are iron vitamin A and iodine deficiencies. These deficiencies can increase childbirth mortality rates, lower resistance to disease and impair growth and cognitive development. The World Food Program (WFP) estimates 13 million children in Indonesia suffer from malnutrition. in some Indonesian districts about 50 percent of infants and young children are moderately and or severely underweight. The approach solution to eradicate malnutrition in Indonesia must be integrated, holistic, addressing community, family and maternal awareness, education and training across all contributing causal areas including poverty, the current food crisis, climate change impact on agriculture, feeding, nutritional and dietary practices, health and sanitation awareness ( Land Conversion Land use conversion is the act or process of changing the current physical use of a piece of agricultural land into some other use (BARIE, 2007). Land conversion is allowed because of requirement of people for housing to respond the growing housing needs of the people, industrialization, agricultural land already devoted to non-agricultural uses prior, land resource maximization (BARIE,2007). Conversion of wetland area into nonagricultural uses raises economic, social, and environmental problems. This phenomenon is a serious problem for food security because it is unavoidable and its impact on food production decrease is permanent, accumulative, and progressive. To control wetland conversion the government launched many regulations but this formal approach seems ineffective due to various factors. Accordingly, policies revitalization including economic and social approaches should be developed. Principally, future policy of wetland

conversion should be intended: (1) to reduce economic and social factors that stimulate conversion of wetland area, (2) to control the acreage, location, and type of wetland area conversed in order to minimize the negative impacts, and (3) to neutralize negative impacts through investments funded by the private companies involved in the conversion (Irawan, 2001) in Abdurrahman (2006). Conclusion of review The kind of malnutrition defined in this paper is the condition when our body is lack of certain nutrition because of nutrient deficiencies. There is positive correlation between malnutrition and poverty. The Extreme poor people will have difficulties to access high nutritious food because of their economic disabilities. Government of Indonesia tries to alleviate malnutrition through eradicating proverty by signing Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). High growth of citizen of Indonesia implies to fast conversion of fertile land from agricultural uses to nonagricultural uses. This is one constraint for attaining the goal of eradicating malnutrition.

because it can be recycled in the soil. After bekongan is molded, then filled with a planting medium consists of a mixture of soil, sand and manure. After that, the seeds can be sown in bekongan, 2 seeds at most. Those Bekongan were kept in the shade and its humidity is maintained. After 1-2 weeks or it has leaves 2-3 strands, seedlings can already be weaned / moved to a larger container before planting in pots permanently. Containers used for this stage is only a polybags or plastic bag measuring 10-15 cm. The trick is to fill the half of polybags or the plastic bags and then enter the half-torn edges bekongan. After that, cover it with soil until it reaches 1 cm from the lips of polybags. 2. Preparation of the plant medium pot. The proper selection of the pot can be the initial capital for plant growth. Pots which are used can be selected by using the unused goods or containers. However, before use, the container must be cleaned to avoid contamination of the substance that fills the container. Various pots that can be used as a container for growing tomatoes include plastic pots, ceramic pots, clay pots, polybags and secondhand containers. Some examples of the former container that can be used are old biscuit tin, the remaining gallons of mineral water, unused buckets, and drums of chemical compounds. The most favorite and also most often choice of hobbyists is a container of parts of the drums. Before using it, containers should be cleaned so that it is free from germs. Media planted in pots is a mixture of soil and solid organic fertilizer with a ratio of 2:1. This mixture is then put into pots or containers having a capacity of 5 Kg. A solid organic fertilizer is the result of fermentation of organic materials which also produce organic liquid fertilizers. Thus making it is integrated with liquid organic fertilizer. 3. Cultivation Planting should be done properly so that the seed will grow well. The first step in planting the seeds of tomato plants in pots is setting up the pot. Then, enter the red brick fragments, tiles or Styrofoam to the bottom of the pot as drainage control. After that, insert the planting medium into pots until the high of planting medium is until about 5 cm from the lip of the pot. Then, the pot containing the medium is placed in an open space that gets morning sun about a week before the

tyyyyyy Data is collected by using these methods : Direct Obeservation of Cultivation.

The implementation of the cultivation of tomato plants in pots includes the following activities: 1. Nursery The propagation of tomato plants can only be done through seed nurseries. The first thing to do in nursery activities is to prepare the seeds first. Seeds can be bought from farm shops. Tomato seeds which will be planted in polybags are hybrid seed because it has several advantages such as plant vigor and viability as well as high productivity. Seedbed can be directly performed on bekongan. Bekongan is a container that resembles small polybags in a size approximately 5cm. In this case, bekongan can be made by using old newspapers. Besides reducing household waste, the made-in paper bekongan is environmentally friendly

seedlings reach the age to be moved. The goal is for the medium to be quite intact and the density will remain the same at the time of planting. Seeds must be selected first before it is moved. The healthy seedlings are marked in bright green leaves, sturdy stems, and not dadat. Polybags from the seeds are then torn out and placed in the center of the planting medium in the pot. Next, fill the pot with planting media to a height of 1 cm from the lip of the pot. After that, the planting medium is leveled and compacted by hand. Then, water the plants and place it in an open space. In terms of aesthetics, tomato plants in pots can be a new alternative to be considered. Tomatoes in pots can add the beauty to the home yard if well laid out. Laying pots also should not interfere with the aesthetic elements of the yard itself. The pot can be placed in the middle of the yard or near the fence of the house. To enhance the appearance, a few of pots should be placed in one group. Then, the border should be made around the pots like leaves green plant. 4. Plant Maintenance Maintenance of tomatoes in pots is arguably easier because the environment around the plant is easy to control. Some things to note in the maintenance of tomatoes in a pot is watering, fertilizing, weeding, mounting stakes, perempelan, as well as pest and disease control. Watering tomato plants in pots can simply be done once a day in the morning or in the afternoon. However, if conditions of plants in pots are dry, for example during the dry season, watering can be done in the morning and afternoon. Watering plants is performed using yells. Fertilizers which are applied to tomato plants in polybags are NPK fertilizer. The dosages are as much as 2.5 g / polybags. The trick is to melt it with water and then sprinkle it on tomato plants along the water sprinkler. In addition to NPK fertilizer, liquid organic fertilizer can also be applied to add the necessary nutrients by tomato plants in pots. The dose is 1 cup. Both fertilizers are applied once every week. Weeding tomato plants in pots is made to clean the planting medium from weeds that grow around the tomato plants. In addition, the control of weeds, pests and diseases of tomato plants in pots must also be controlled. The trick is through the use of bio pesticides and avoids the use of chemical pesticides because its not environmentally friendly and it does harm our health if its consumed with tomatoes. Pests and diseases that usually attack tomato plants in pots is

the tomato fruit worm, aphids thrips, white flies, aphids aphis green, red mites, curly yellow disease, bacterial wilt disease, leaf mold diseases and late blight. In addition to the activities above, maintenance activities also includes the installation of stakes or rope that is intended to prevent the tomato plants from collapsing. Usually marker (lanjaran) is made of bamboo or wood with a length of 100-175 cm, depending on the variety. Installation of marker should be done as early as possible when the plant is still small and the roots are still short so that the roots are not broken because of stake. The injury will allow plant disease entering through wounds. The Installation of stakes are spaced about 10-20 cm from the stems of tomato plants. To install the marker is to make it perpendicular or the end of the stakes is tied to form a triangle. Interview with sophisticated farmer In addition with the direct observation, we also interview the farmers who are doing this as their job. Moreover, we also talk to the expert of this subject. From what they explained about their experience, mostly, they said: Its very convenience for them to plant it at their yard. Although problems are sometimes occurred, its nothing at all because they are used to it. Besides, the yield also much better. With this activity, the household waste also is utilized so they have less of it. The most important is that their needs for tomato are fulfilled. Therefore, its very beneficial to try this method. From what we gain, even if its only a bit, we can at least contribute not only to ourselves but also to the community, direct or indirectly.

Result and Discussion
dd Technical Tomato Crops in The Pot Based on the explanation from chapter 2, there are many activities that need to be done, from the beginning until the end. Even if it looks so simple, but still, it needs high persistence and tenacity, especially for the beginner. Tomatoes can be harvested after about 2-3 months from the time of planting or after reaching the age of about 70-80 days after planting for

indeterminate tomato plants and about 60 days for determinate tomato plants. Harvesting should be done properly so that fruit quality can be maintained (Supriati and Siregar, 2009).

4. The family plant tomatoes in 50 pots in their home garden. it costs Rp. 60.000,- for investation. 5. Family labors are not calculated in this analysis. Because the do home gardening for Economic Analysis of Planting Tomatoes in Pot hobby. 6. The market price of Tomatoes are Rp. 2500/Kg. Assumptions of this analysis are : 7. Tomatoes consumed by family is 5 Kg per month or 10 Kg per production period. From this 1. Organic fertilizer and organic pesticide are analysis planting tomato in pot can be profitable to bought from market operate. The family will not only consume 2. Planting media used are the composition tomatoes in more portion but also will enjoy the between soil and compost/organic fertilizer with profit. Even more, if some of production factors are 2:1 in proportion made together in group, the total cost will be lower. 3. The capacity of Pot is 5 Kg, and its price is Production factor like organic fertilizer, Liquid Rp. 12.000,organic fertilizer and organic pesticide are able to create massively in group. Table 1 Economic Analysis Of Planting Tomatoes in Pot No. Cost and Revenue Unit and Price Total Cost or Revenue 1. Pot Depresiation 20 % of Investation Rp.12.000,Rp. 12.000,100 Kg@Rp. 500,1 sachet@Rp.9300, Rp. 500,1 Kg@Rp. 2300,5 bottle@Rp. 5000,50@Rp. 250,1 roll@Rp.2500,2 bottle @Rp. 2000 Rp. 50.000,Rp.9.300,Rp.500,Rp.2.300,Rp. 25.000,Rp. 12.500 Rp.2.500,Rp.4.000,Rp. 106.100,Rp.118.100,Rp. 187.500,-

Total Fixed Cost 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Organic Fertilizer Benih Second-hand newspaper NPK Fertilizer Liquid Organic Fertilizer Ajir/Marker Rope Organic Pesticide

Total Variable Cost Total Cost= Total Fixed Cost+ Total Variable Cost 10. Revenue Familys Consumption 1,5 Kg/potX50@Rp. 2500/Kg 11. 12. 10 Kg@Rp. 2500

Rp.25.000,Rp. 44.400,-

Profit = Revenue- Total Cost-Familys Consumption

Strategy of Developing Tomato Crops in The Pot in Tasikmalaya Urban Society Planting tomatoes in pots in the City of Tasikmalaya can be developed by group approaches. The formation of this group is based on the proximity of residence and common activities.

The example is based on the mothers PKK group or during informal gatherings. In this group, people are motivated, facilitated and provided training related to planting tomatoes in pots in their yard. In the group they also make production facilities that can be done massively, for example, the creation of organic fertilizers and organic pesticides. These

activities require support from various parties, especially from local government of Tasikmalaya City. The government of Tasikmalaya conducts counseling and training to community groups through agriculture department. Another role required is a university and non-governmental organizations in terms of providing innovation and new knowledge related to the cultivation of tomato plants in pots in the yard. Even if members of the group want to sell their tomatoes to market due to family needs are met, the access must be granted by the government. Students can also play a role in this development that is through community service activities. They can contribute by doing a demonstration of planting tomatoes in a pot in one of the houses as a model for surrounding communities. Another activity that can be done by students is through a campaign of planting tomatoes in pots through social media like facebook and twitter so people are interested to implement it. Contribution of in Pot Tomato Cultivation for Tasikmalaya Society 1. Nutrition Point of View By cultivating tomato plants in pot in yard, the needs for tomato can be fulfilled. The fulfillment of tomato needs means that the need for calories, protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron and water needed by the body has been met, at least a small portion of it. Its because tomatoes contain these nutrients. In addition, the excess consumption of tomatoes will not negatively affect the health due to an excess consumption of tomatoes will be released by the body in the form of urine. A young tomato fruit also contains the same nutrients as in ripe tomatoes, only in a less proportion. 2. Economic Impact for the community Independently cultivating tomatoes in the yard of the house means that we already make use of the yard for productive economic activity. Thus, the demand for tomatoes will be met independently by the family so it will reduce dependence on tomatoes in the market. Therefore, this means that the family has reduced expenditures for tomatoes so the rest of the money could be used for other purposes. Even if the production of tomatoes is much more and family needs are met, the products can be sold to the market or to seller so that it will drive the economic activities of others. 3. Social Impact for the community

The impact of planting tomatoes in pots from the social point of view is to participate in raising public awareness to love the environment and raise awareness to create a green environment in urban areas. With a lush and green environment in the yard will result in each person feel comfortable so that people can live more discipline and harmoniously. In addition, if its viewed in terms of ecological environment, this activity will take part as well as reducing emissions of CO2 content in the atmosphere that is claimed to be the main cause of global warming. Through these activities also organic waste of household such as waste products of cooking and others can be used to make organic fertilizer while inorganic waste such as leftover cans and balloons can be used as another medium to replace pot. This will also to overcome the problem of waste that has been a polemic in urban areas, especially in the city of Tasikmalaya.

d From the discussion above, there are several things that can be concluded, they are: 1. The technical activities for tomato cultivation in pot include nurseries, planting media selection, planting, crop maintenance, and harvest. 2. The strategy that can be taken to develop the cultivation of tomatoes in pots is by group approach. The parties that play a role in this development is the government / department of agriculture as a facilitator as well as universities and non-governmental organizations as an inventor and social assurance. 3. The economic analysis implies that the family who plants tomatoes in pot will enjoy profit Rp. 44.400,- beside they can consume tomatoes in more portion. 4. Contribution of planting tomatoes in pot is economically reducing expenditures for everyday purposes and participate propelling economic activities. In terms of nutrient, these activities can provide the intake necessary of nutrients for body for free while in social and environmental aspect, the activities of planting tomatoes in pot can overcome the problem of urban waste.


There is not much more thank you we would like to say except to Prof. Margareth Greferer from Economic and Business Faculty, Islamic State University Jakarta who has been guiding the author in writing this paper, Mrs. Tini Sudartini.,Ir., MP from Agriculture Faculty Siliwangi University Tasikmalaya who had shared ideas to write this scientific writing, Mrs. Hj.Rina Nuryati,Ir.,MP from Agriculture Faculty University Of Siliwangi Tasikmalaya for loaning some references that are cited in this scientific writing, and last but not least, our thousant thank and pray to Mr. Jumli,.Ir., M.Sc who had introduced students of Agriculture Faculty Siliwangi University to this competition who had now lived in another world.

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