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-er /-or Used for the person who does an activity also for things that do a particular job -ee -tion/-sion/-ion - Ist/-ism The person who receives or experiences the action Used for nouns from verbs e.g. Complication Used for peoples politics, beliefs and ideologies and sometimes their profession -ist Often used for people who play musical instruments

Pencil-sharpener Grater Bottle-opener Complication Pollution Alteration Donation Promotion Admission Edible Scarcity Refusal Outrageous Furious Fortgetful Beautify Windscreen wiper Organ donor Addressee

Potloodscherper Rasp Flessenopener Complicatie Vervuiling Afwisseling Donatie Promotie Erkenning Eetbaar Schaarste/zeldzaamheid Weigering Beledigend Furieus Vergevingsgezind Verfraaien Ruitenwisser Orgaandonor Geadresseerde

Stapler Grinder Nail-clipper Coat-hanger A cooker A cook A typewriter Typist A ticket-holder

Nietmachine Slijpmachine Nagelknipper Kapstok Kookmachine Een kok Typmachine Typist Iemand die een ticket bezit/tickethouder bv een portefeuille

A cleaner A smoker A drinker

Schoonmaker/stofzuiger/wasserij(take to the) Roker/rookcoup/concert waar gerookt mag worden Drinker/alcoholist/ a hard drinker= een stevige drinker

A dresser Kinship

(kleerkast?) Verwantschap

Prefixes are used to reverse the action of the verb. In- becomes im- before a root beginning with m or p . In- becomes ir- before a word beginning with r. In- becomes il- before a word beginning with l Un- and dis- can also form the opposites of the verbs In- does not always have a negative meaning , often it gives the idea for inside or into Immature Impatient Impartial Improbable Irreplaceable Irreversible Illegible Anti Auto Bi Ex Ex Micro Mis Mono Multi Over Post Pre Pro Onvolwassen Ongeduldig Onpartijdig Onwaarschijnlijk Onvervangbaar Onomkeerbaar Onleesbaar Against Of or byoneself Two, twice Former Out of Small Badly/wrongly One / single Many Too, much After Before In favour of

Pseudo Re Semi Sub Under illeterate

False Again, or back Half Under Not enough Ongeletterd


Spec To respect To suspect To prospect Vert Reverted To Convert To divert Port To transport To import Supported Duc, duct Educated Conducted To produce Press To be impressed To Depress See, look To look up to To have a feeling about someone/something To search Turn Went back To change a belief To take attention away Carry, take To send across To buy in Held up To lead Went to school Led To make Press, push To be full of admiration and respect To make someone feel miserable

To express Pose, pone Postponed Deposed Imposed

To put thoughts into words Place, put Changed to a later date Put off the throne Put into force


Abstract nouns respect an idea, experience or quality rather than an object that you can touch. -ment, -ion, -ness, -ity -Ment Achievement Adjustment Amazement Discouragement Improvement Investment Replacement Retirement behaling aanpassing verbazing ontmoediging verbetering investering verplaasting Met pensioen gaan

-ion Action Collection Combination Illusion Imagination Production Recognition Reduction Actie Collective Combinative Illusive Verbeelding Productie Herkenning reductie

-ness Aggressiveness Attractiveness Bitterness carelessness Consciousness Friendliness Tenderness Ugliness -ity Aburdity Anonymity Complexity Curiosity Generosity Hostility Prosperity Sensitivity absurditeit Anonimiteit Complexiteit nieuwsgierigheid Genereusheid vijandigheid voorspoed gevoeligheid agressiviteit aantrekkelijkheid Bitterheid zorgeloosheid bewustzijn vriendelijkheid zachtheid Lelijkheid

-ship Apprenticeship Companionship Membership Ownership Partnership Relationship Leerlingschap/leerjaren gezelschap lidmaachtshap bezitmanschap partnerschap relatie

-dom Boredom Freedom Kingdom Martyrdom Stardom Wisdom verveeldheid vrijheid koninkrijk Martelaarschap/marteldood/marteling Beroemdheid, sterrendom wijsheid

-th Breadth Depth Length Strength Warmth Width adem diepte lengte sterkte warmte Wijdte

-hood Adulthood Brotherhood Childhood Motherhood Neighbourhood Wo)manhood volwassenheid broederschap kindsjaren moederschap Buurt, wijk Mannelijkheid/vrouwelijkheid


Well-dressed Never-ending shocking-pink Far-fetched Absent-minded Easy-going Good-tempered Warm-hearted Big-headed Quick-witted Two-faced Self-centred Stuck-up All-out Built-up Build-up Well-off Hard-up Worn-out Run-down goedgekleed Oneindig schreeuwerig roze Vergezocht (afwezig/in gedachten verzonken) Gemakzuchtig/makkelijk/laconiek Met goed humeur Hartelijk (groothoofdig/arrogant?) Gevat/vlug v begrip Met twee gezichten/oneerlijk Egoistisch Verwaand Van ganser harte/intens/krachtig/met volle kracht area = bebouwde kom Toename/publiciteit Goed gesitueerd/rijk/welgesteld Rijk, welgesteld Uitgeput Afgelopen/leeglopen/op raken/uitgeput raken/vervallen Bullet-proof Cut-price Off-peak Kogelvrij Met korting, goedkoop,goedkoper Tijdens de daluren/buiten het hoogseizoen


Example: address book, human being, science fiction. Written in 2 words Tin opener Bank account Pedestrian crossing an opener for tins an account in a bank a place for people to cross a road

Written with a hyphen Pen-name Baby-sitter a false name used by a writer, a pseudonym someone who sits with a baby while parents are out

Written in one word Earring Trademark a ring in your ear the symbol of a product

Usually the main stress is on the first part of the compound, but sometimes on the second part. Countable compound nouns Alarm clock Burglar alarm Heart attack Tea-bag Answering machine Youth hostel bus stop package holiday windscreen blood donor contact lens steering wheel windscreen wiper (ruitenwisser) book token (boekebon) credit card shoe horn (handlanger)

Uncountable compound nouns Air-traffic control Cotton wool Income tax Birth control (watten) (inkomstenbelasting) (geboortebeperking) junk food blood pressure food poisoning mail order (postorder)

Data-processing (verwerken van gegevens) hay fever (allergy to pollen)

pocket money (zakgeld) computer technology

compound nouns only in the singular arms race brain drain death penalty generation gap labour force sound barrier global warming mother-tongue welfare state greenhouse effect countries wanting most powerful weapons highly educated people leaving country to work abroad doodstraf generatiekloof dwangarbeid geluidsbarrire opwarming van de aarde moedertaal welvaartsstaat broeikaseffect

compound nouns only in the plural grass roots race relations human rights roadworks kitchen scissors sunglasses luxury goods traffic lights achterban verhouding tussen rassen mensenrechten straatwerken keuken schaar zonnebril luxe goederen verkeerslichten


Based on phrasal verbs Example: takeover / to take over

Nouns base don phrasal verbs are used in newspapers Walk-out Crack-down Break-out Shake-up Break-up strike action to prevent escape change collapse

Economic associations Takeover Outlets Check-out Cutbacks Turnover purchase by another company places to sell cash-desk reductions money passing through a company

Associations with technology Input Output Turnover Dropout Fallout Printout Breakthrough information that is put in production change person who rejects society radio-active dust in the atmosphere paper on which computer information has been printed important discovery

General circumstances Breakdown Outlook Drawbacks Outcome Feedback Outset Set-up Lay-by By-pass Outbreak failure prospect negative aspects conclusion comments the start situation parking space at the side of a road road avoiding the centre of a town start of something unpleasant


Japanese borrowed words Tycoon tycoon Groot zakenman, magnaat Karate To practise karate Origami Judo Futon Bonsai karate karate beoefenen origami (japanse vouwtechniek) judo futon (met katoen gevulde japanse slaapmat bonsai (Japans dwergboompje)

Arabic borrowed words Mattress vlechtwerk Matras Cipher To cipher Alcove geheimschrift, code, cijfer cijferen, coderen alkoof (afgescheiden slaapvertrek) Prieel (loofhuisje, tuinhuisje) Carafe Algebra Harem Yashmak karaf algebra harem yashmak (soort hoofddoek)

Turkish borrowed words Yoghurt Strawberry yoghurt Jackal Kiosk yoghurt aardbeienyoghurt jakhals kiosk

Tulip Caftan

tulp kaftan (lang traditioneel mannengewaad)

Borrowed words from Farsi Caravan caravan, woonwagen Karavaan Shawl Bazaar Sherbet sjaal bazaar, oosterse markt sorbet Bruispoeder

Borrowed words from Eskimo Kayak To peddle a kayak Igloo Anorak kajak een kajak peddelen iglo anorak, parka

Spanish borrowed words Bonanza voorspoed Grote voorraad, groot aanbod Embargo To place an embargo Guerrilla Junta Lasso Macho /macho man Macho behaviour Macho clothes Mosquito guerrilla junta (dictatoriale regering bestaande uit hoge militairen) lasso macho machogedrag machokledij mug embargo (in- of uitvoerverbod)

Patio Siesta To have/take a siesta

patio, binnenhof sista een sista houden

Portuguese borrowed words Cobra Dodo Marmalade cobra dodo (soort vogel) marmelade

Borrowed words from Norway Fjord Lemming Ski fjord lemming (Noord-Europese/Siberische marmot) ski

Borrowed words from Holland Cruise To go on/take a cruise Easel Tattoo yacht cruise op cruise gaan (schilders)ezel tatoering jacht (boot)

French borrowed words Aubergine Avant garde Boutique Chauffeur (military) coup aubergine avant garde boetiek chauffeur staatsgreep Een goede zet Creche crche

Cuisine Cul de sac Duvet Elite Gateau Saut

keuken doodlopende weg donzen dekbed elite taart saut (gerecht van licht gebakken hapjes)

Finnish and Swedish borrowed words Sauna To take/have a sauna Ombudsman sauna een sauna nemen ombudsman

German borrowed words Blitz Dachshund Delicatessen Frankfurter Hamburger Kindergarten Poodle Rottweiler Seminar To attend/hold/give a seminar Snorkel Waltz blitzaanval teckel delicatessenwinkel knakworstje hamburger kleuterschool poedel rottweiler seminarie, cursus, congres een seminarie bijwonen/houden snorkel wals (dans)

Russian borrowed words Bistro Cosmonaut bistro ruimtevaarder

Mammoth Sputnik Steppe Tsar Tundra

mamoet spoetnik steppe (klimaatsoort) tsaar toendra, steppe

Greek borrowed words Dogma Drama Hippopotamus Pseudonym Psychology Synonym Theory dogma (leerstuk) drama nijlpaard pseudoniem psychologie synoniem theorie


Closeness Distance Friendship best friend Friend, (casual) acquintance Workmate Colleague Lover steady boyfriend Mate Classmate shipmate workmate flatmate nabijheid afstand vriendschap Beste vriend kennis is usual in non-professional contexts or in informal contexts is more common among professional people and sounds more formal Liefhebber; minnaar Vast vriendje is a colloquial word for good friend Klasgenoot Scheepskameraad Collega Kamergenoot can still be used for someone you are engaged to, but a lot of people fianc/e // husband-/wife-to-be feel it is dated nowadays


things that can go wrong in houses power cut door-handle's come off the washing machine broke down to do the laundry by hand the pipe's leaking the bathroom's flooded mop the batteries have run out the chair's broken your cup's chipped stroomonderbreking de deurklinken komen los de wasmachine ging stuk de was met de hand doen de leiding lekt de badkamer Stokdweil, zwabber de batterijen zijn leeg de stoel is stuk Een kopje met een stukje af

everyday minor injuries to twist your ankle to cut your finger to slice potatoes to bump / bang your head a bruise to fall down to graze De enkel verrekken in je vinger snijden aardappelen schillen het hoofd stoten Kneuzing, buil, blauwe plek Vallen Schaven (schaafwond)


Earthquake Drought Explosion hurricane/tornado typhoons volcano famine floods epidemic war/civil war natural disaster aardbeving droogte, droogheid explosie orkaan/tornado tyfoon vulkaan hongersnood vloed epidemie oorlog / burgeroorlog natuurramp

to erupt to spread to starve to suffer to break out to sweep verspreiden verhongeren lijden uitbreken

casualty victim survivor refugee dead wounded

gewonde slachtoffer overlevende vluchteling dood gewond


disease caused by bite from a dog or fox. Very serious

malaria AIDS

usually caught because of mosquito bites acquired immune deficiency syndrome: often caused by sexual contact or contact with contaminated blood

yellow fever

tropical disease ; skin goes yellow


Animals wing beak breast eggs nest tail scales gills whiskers claws paw tail mane hoof vleugel Bek Borst Eieren Nest Staart schubben kieuwen snorharen klauwen Poot staart (paardenstaart) Manen Hoef

Flowers and trees bud petals leaf stalk bloemknop bloemblad bloemblad steel

thorn pollen leaves twig bough trunk roots branch bark

doorn pollen (stuifmeel) bladeren twijg tak boomstam wortel(en) tak schors

Specific animals frog bee seagull parrot shark bat worm snail crab pigeon peacock eagle dolphin seal hedgehog kikker bij zeemeeuw papegaai haai vleermuis worm slak krab duif pauw arend dolfijn zeehond egel

Names of trees oak willow chestnut fir pine eik wilg kastanjeboom spar den

Verbs to flower / to blossom to pick to plant to fertilise to harvest bloeien / bloesemen plukken planten bemesten oogsten


dressing-gown cuff belt coat button buckle hem braces mittens cardigan zip collar ochtendjas, kamerjas manchet, omslag riem jas knoop gesp zoom bretels wanten vest rits kraag

sleeve slippers laces heel sole

mouw pantoffel veters hiel schoenzool

Verbs to try on to dress up to let out to let down to take in to take up to change out of into to suit someone to match to fit to grow out of something proberen, aanpassen zich uitdossen ruimer maken langer maken smaller maken korter maken veranderen van in (kleren) passen bij elkaar passen passen ontgroeien

Adjectives baggy loose tight close-fitting long-sleeved sleeveless V-neck round-neck flodderen los, niet strak krap, nauw nauwsluitend met lange mouwen mouwloos V-hals ronde hals

pleated elegant smart scruffy chic trendy messy old-fashioned fashionable well-dressed badly-dressed

met plooien, verkreukeld elegant modieus sjofel, haveloos (versleten kleren) chic trendy, chic slordig ouderwets modieus smaakvol en deftig gekleed zijn slecht gekleed zijn

Materials which clothes are made of silk cotton velvet denim suede nylon polyester lycra artificial fibres wool woollen (clothes) zijde katoen fluweel denim soort leer zonder glans, zeemleder nylon polyester lycra (a trademark used for a brand of spandex.) kunstvezel wol wollen (kledij)

Adjectives to describe patterns pattern pin-striped patron gestreept, maar dunner strepen dan gewoon

gestreept spotted plain striped checked flowery tartan gespikkeld / gevlekt blanco, onbedrukt gestreept geruit gebloemd Any of numerous textile patterns consisting of stripes of varying widths and colors crossed at right angles against a solid background, each forming a distinctive design worn by the members of a Scottish clan.


A. What are your symptoms?
English A cold A cough A sore throat A temperature A stomach ache Chest pains Earache A pain in my side A rash on my chest Spot A bruise on my leg A black eye A lump on my arm Indigestion Sickness and diarrhoea (after eating too fast) An upset stomach which makes you vomit and need to go to the toilet frequently Sunburn Painful joints (e.g. ankles, knees, wrists, shoulders) Zonnebrand Pijnlijke gewrichten (e.g. after playing football) (after being hit in the eye) higher temperature than normal Explanation Verkoudheid Hoest Keelpijn Koorts Buikpijn Pijn in de borst Oorpijn Pijn in mijn zij Huiduitslag Puist Kwetsuur op mijn been Een blauw oog Een buil op mijn arm Indigestie Misselijkheid en diarree Dutch

Blister To feel sick Breathless Shivery To feel faint Dizzy To be depressed To be constipated To be tired all the time To lose your appetite To lose your voice My nose itches My leg hurts

(after wearing new, tight shoes)

Een blaar Zich ziek voelen Ademloos

Cold and hot Light-headed My head is spinning

Rillerig, beverig Zich slapjes voelen Duizelig, draaierig Depressief zijn Constiperen Heel de tijd moe zijn Geen eetlust hebben Je stem verloren hebben

I want to scratch it

Mijn neus jeukt, kriebelt Mijn been doet pijn


To take temperature To listen to your chest To look in your ears To examine you To take your blood pressure To ask you some questions To weigh you To measure you To send you to the hospital for further test Koorts nemen Naar je ademhaling luisteren In je oren kijken Je onderzoeken Je bloeddruk nemen Je vragen stellen Je wegen Je meten Je naar het ziekenhuis sturen voor verdere tests


English To have flu Chickenpox Mumps Symptoms Headache, aching muscles, fever, cough, sneezing Rash starting on body, slightly raised temperature Swollen glands in front of ear, earache or pain on eating Pneumonia Rheumatism An ulcer Dry cough, high fever, chest pain, rapid breathing Swollen, painful joints, stiffness, limited movement Burning, pain in abdomen, pain or nausea after eating Longontsteking Reuma Zweren Dutch Griep hebben Waterpokken De bof

A virus A bug Something thats going round To break your wrist To sprain/dislocate your ankle To be pregnant A hypochondriac To die a lung cancer A heart attack A brain haemorrhage

Een virus Bacterie Iets dat de ronde doet Je pols breken Verstuiken/ontwrichten Zwanger zijn Hypochonder ( persoon die denkt allerlei ziektes te hebben) Sterven aan longkanker Hartaanval Bloeding in hersenen

Scales Syringe Scalpel

For weighing people. For taking blood or giving injections. For doing operations.

Weegschaal Injectienaald, spuit Ontleed- en operatiemes


1. Take one tablet three times a day after meals. Neem 1tablet driemaal daags in, na de maaltijd. 2. Take a teaspoonful of medicine last thing at night. Neem een theelepel medicijnen voor het slapengaan. 3. Rub this ointment on you and dont spend too long in the sun without suncream. Wrijf deze zalf / balsem op u en niet te lang in de zon komen zonder zonnecrme. 4. Well get the nurse to put a bandage on your wrist. We halen de verplegerster om een verband om je pols te leggen. 5. Youll need to have some injections before you go to the Amazon. U moet inspuitingen hebben voor u naar de Amazone vertrekt. 6. Ill ask the surgeon when he can fit you in for an operation. Ik zal de chirurg vragen wanneer hij jouw operatie in zijn agenda kan inbrengen. 7. Youll have to have your leg put in plaster until the break mends. U zult een plaaster moeten dragen om je been tot de breuk geneest. 8. I think you should have total bed rest for a week. Ik denk dat je zult moeten rusten in bed voor een week.


Do you have health insurance? Are you taking any medication? Have you ever had any operations? Are you allergic to anything? Ziekteverzekering Medicatie innemen Operaties gehad hebben Allergisch zijn voor iets

Noun Breath Faint Shiver / shivering Dislocation Ache Treatment Swelling Adjective Breathless Faint Shivery Dislocated Ache Treatable Swollen Verb To breathe To faint To shiver To dislocated To ache To treat To swell Translation Ademen Flauwvallen Bibberen, rillen Ontwrichten Pijn hebben Behandelen Zwellen


English To think To belief To be convinced To hold something is Very strong feeling that youre right Formal, used for very firm beliefs; maintain could be used here To maintain Formal, insist on believing, often against the evidence; hold could not be used here To feel To reckon Strong personal opinion Informal, usually an opinion about what is likely to happen/to be true To doubt To suspect Dont believe Fairly formal, have a strong feeling about something negative Twijfelen, betwijfelen Verdenken Voelen Vermoeden, aannemen Beweren, stellen Explanation Denken Geloven Overtuigd zijn Iets voor iets houden Dutch


In my view / in my opinion To my mind If you ask me Point of view Fairly formal Fairly formal Informal How people see things, or are affected Volgens mij Volgens mij Als jet mij vraagt Standpunt, invalshoek


To belief in something Views on something To think something of something To be for or against something To be in favour of Opposed to To have doubts about something Neutral / informal Formal Formal In iets geloven Mening hebben over iets Iets over iets denken Voor of tegen iets zijn In gunst zijn van Tegengaan, tegenwerken Twijfels hebben over iets


Ideology (-ies) Philosophy Conviction Left- / right-wing Socialist Conservative Intellectual Personal Darwinist Vegetarian Religious Morals Muslim Pacifist Fanatical Obsessive Eccentric Odd Traditional Middle-of-the-road Moderate Dedicated Committed Firm Strong A perfectionist Narrow-minded A radical thinker Open-minded Dogmatic ideologie Filosofie Overtuiging Linker- / rechterzijde Socialist Conservatief Intellectueel Persoonlijk Darwinist Vegetarir religieus Moreel Moslim Pacifist Fanatiek Obsessief Excentriek Vreemd, eigenaardig, afwijkend Traditioneel De gulden middenweg Schappelijk, redelijk, gematigd Bevolen Verplicht, gedwongen, onvrijwillig Stevig, standvastig Sterk, krachtig Een perfectionist Beperkt van geest Radicale denker Een open geest hebben dogmatisch


Woord Ecstatic Content(ed) Cheerful Grateful Delighted Miserable Discontented Fed-up/sick and tired Depressed Frustrated Confused/mixed up (*):content is not used before a noun, you can say she is content or she is contented but only a contented person Depressief Gefrustreerd Verward When you are miserable over a long period of time When you are unable to do something that you want to do When you cannot make sense of different conflicting feelings or ideas Vertaling Extatisch Tevreden Vrolijk Dankbaar Verheugd Ellendig Ontevreden Beu Uitleg When you experience an intense and overpowering feeling of delight When you are satisfied with what you have (*) When life is looking bright and positive When someone has done something thoughtful for you When something has happened that gives you great pleasure When everything seems wrong in your life When your life is not giving your satisfaction When you have had enough of something disagreeable.


Woord Excited Inspired Enthusiastic Thrilled Cross Furious/livid/seething with Anxious Nervous Angstig Nerveus Vertaling opgewonden Bezield, enthousiast Opgewonden Boos Woedend/razend Uitleg When you are expecting something special to happen When you are stimulated to create deeds or words When you have very posititve feelings about something When something extremely exciting and pleasing happens When you are angry of bad-tempered When you are extremely angry, livid and seething with=more informal When you are afraid and uncertain about the future When you are afraid of anxious about something that is abou to or may be about to happen: Apprehensive about Nerveus When you are slightly nervous or anxious about something in the future eg: a meeting Worried about Ongerust When anxious thoughts constantly go through your head e.g: an operation Upset about overstuur When something unpleasant has happened to disturb you e.g: a quarrel



quite liked: fancy: tempted: fascinated: attracted: fallen in love: appealed by: captivated by: adore: fall for: fond of: affectionate: loving: caring: passionate about: worship: devoted to:

houden van graag hebben verleid gefascineerd aangetrokken verliefd worden aangetrokken gecharmeerd adoreren vallen voor graag hebben geaffectioneerd liefdevol liefdevol gepassioneerd zijn over aanbidden toegewijd

best nog eens tekst op pg 132 opnieuw lezen om de context wat beter te snappen


Loathe: Detest: Despise: Hate: Cannot stand: Repel: Revolt: Appal: Disgust: haten, verafschuwen verfoeien minachten,verachten haten niet kunnen uitstaan ontevreden ongenoegd ongenoegd misselijk maken


To desire: A desire: Look forward to: Dread: achter iemand verlangen een verlangen, wens think about something in the future with pleasant anticipation opposite: tegen opzien

Long for: Yearn for:

to wish for something very much more poetic way of saying long for


Pet: used mainly to children love,dear: can also be used with people who are not loved, can also be used with people you have a close relationship

66. Speaking
To whisper To murmur To mumble To mutter To shout To scream To shriek To stutter/stammer Verb To boast To insist To object To threaten Argue Groan Complain Maintain Confess Urge Beg To + ing Somebody to do something - Somebody to do something - For something About something Patterns To somebody about something On something To + ing To do something With somebody about something Tos omebody about something Fluisteren Mompelen, prevelen (romantisch of klagend) Mompelen, murmelen (zenuwachtig of onzeker) Mompelen, prevelen (gerriteerd) Schreeuwen (boos of opgewonden) Schreeuwen (bang of opgewonden, normaal zonder woorden) Schreeuwen (bang of geamuseerd, schril) Stamelen (zenuwachtig of opgewonden) Feeling Proud of oneself Determined Unhappy with a situation Aggressive Not in agreement Despair, pain Displeased Confident Repentant Encouraging Desperate Translation Opscheppen Aandringen Reclameren, protesteren Dreigen Disputeren, ruzien, redetwisten Kreunen, huilen Klagen In stand houden, onderhouden Bekennen, opbiechten Aansporen, opwekken Verzoeken, smeken

To grumble


Kankeren, klagen, mopperen

If someone feels angry To speak crossly To speak furiously To speak bitterly If someone feels unhappy To speak unhappily To speak gloomily To speak miserably To speak uneasily

Kwaad, nijdig furieus Angry about something in the past

Ongelukkig Verdrietig, teneergeslagen Ellendig, beroerd Verontrust, onwennig, onbeholpen

To speak sadly If someone feels happy To speak happily To speak cheerfully To speak gladly To speak hopefully To speak eagerly If someone feels worried To speak anxiously To speak nervously To speak desperately To speak hopelessly

Treurig, verdrietig

Gelukkig, blij Opgewekt, vreugdevol, vrolijk Blij, vrolijk Optimistisch, voorspoedig, hoopvol Blij, vrolijk, opgewekt

Angstig, bezorgd, ongerust Onrustig, zenuwachtig Hopeloos, uitzichtloos, wanhopig, radeloos Hopeloos, uitzichtloos

Boldly Excitedly Gratefully To speak impatiently To speak passionately To speak reluctantly To speak shyly To speak sincerely

Stoutmoedig, brutal Opgewonden Dankbaar, erkentelijk Ongeduldig, ongedurig Gepassioneerd, vurig, fervent Weigerachtig, verwerpen, afwijzend Verlegen, schuw, timide Oprecht, gemeend, eerlijk, serieus

67. The six senses

Sight To glance To notice To observe To glimps To see To peer To gaze To witness Hearing Noiseless Silent Quiet Noisy Loud Deafening Taste Sweet Salty Bitter Sour Spicy Hot Tasty Tasteful Tasteless Touch To finger To tap To grab To stroke To snatch To press To handle To grasp To pat Smell Stinking Evil-smelling Putrid Aromatic Pungent Het zien Blikken werpen Opmerken, zien Observen, bekijken, waarnemen Zien Koekeloeren Staren Getuigen van, zien, gewaarworden Het horen Geluidloos Stil Rustig Rumoerig, luid, lawaaierig Rumoerig, luidruchtig oorverdovend De smaak Zoet Zout Bitter Zuur Pikant, kruidig Pikant, kruidig Smakelijk Smaakvol (architectuur) Smakelos Het voelen Prutsen Tikken (op de schouder) Grijpen, pakken, vangen Knuffelen, liefkozen Pikken, grissen, jatten, stelen Indrukken Behandelen Grijpen

Het ruiken Stinkend Walgelijk, vies, goor, ranzig Aromatisch

Musty Fragrant Sweet-smelling Perfumed/scented Sixth sense Telepathy

Muf Geurig, welriekend Geparfumeerd Zesde zintuig Telepathie, gedachten lezen, experiencing someone elses feelings even though you are apart Voorspellen, knowing something is going to happen before it occurs Intuitie, instinctive understanding Dj vu, an inexplicable feeling that you have already been somewhere or experienced something

Premonition Intuition Dj vu

Unit 86: Idioms connected with using language

To talk at cross-purposes To have the wrong and of the stick Cant get a word in edgeways I cant make head or tail of what shes saying To talk down To talk behind someones back Small talk To talk shop Talking-point To give someone a talking to To start the ball rolling To put it in a nutshell To get to the point To speak your mind To wrap up (the discussion) To be long-winded To talk rubbish To talk sense Langs elkaar heen praten Het bij het verkeerde einde hebben Er geen speld tussen krijgen Ik kan er geen touw aan vastknopen (=wat in woordenboek stond) Noch kop of staart krijgen van wat ze zegt (mijn interpretatie) Neerbuigend praten to talk like someone is inferior Achter iemand zijn rug praten Saying negative things about someone when he/shes not there Koetjes en kalfjes Purely social talk, nothing serious Over het werk praten Talk about work Onderwerp van discussie, discussiepunt Subject that everyone wants to talk about Reproach/scold him Starten To start In een notendop Say it in few words Ter zake komen Come to the important part of the matter Uw gedacht zeggen Say exactly what you think (de discussie) sluiten To finish Langdradig zijn, lang van stof zijn To say intelligent, reasonable things Nonsense, onzin vertellen To say stupid things Verstandig praten Say thing in a long, indirect way

69: Number, quantity, degree and intensity

Number and quantity

A large number nouns) An amount uncountable nouns) Tiny Small Average Large/considerable Gigantic Enormous/huge/vast Much

groot aantal ( for countable

groot aantal ( for

heel klein, nietig klein, gering gemiddelde, middelmaat aanzienlijk, behoorlijk gigantisch, reusachting enorm groot mostly used in questions and negatives with uncountable nouns mostly for affirmatives; has a rather positive feeling; informal mostly for affirmatives; used in positive contexts used in all structures; neutral, better than lots in negative contexts + uncountables, more formal

Lots of


A lot of

A great deal of

Informal and colloquial words for number/quantity


dozijnen, twaalftallen; groot aantal, heleboel ( especially good for countables)

Heaps/bags/loads of time Tons of food

massas, hopen tijd grote hoeveelheid eten/ Te veel! ( good for things, not so good for abstract nouns) veel appels (niet noodzakelijk
druppel, drupje (klein beetje van iets vloeibaars)

Tons of apples te veel!)

A drop

Degree and intensity

A bit Quite Rather

een beetje volledig, absoluut liever, eerder

Fairly volkomen, helemaal Very heel, erg Really werkelijk, echt, eigenlijk Awfully erg, vreselijk, ontzettend Extremely uitermate, buitengewoon Al deze woorden combine with scale adjectives such as tired, worried, weak, hot.

Totally totaal, totaliteit Absolutely absoluut, totaal Completely volkomen, compleet Utterly uiterst, absoluut, volkomen Al deze woorden combine with limit adjectives (not measured on a scale; they are all or nothing words) such as ruined, exhausted, destroyes, wrong. Oefeningen The Government A grant A rocket A purse Minuscule Gigantic Overwhelming Minute Meagre Excessive Insignificant Sizeable To jam A diet Dust To fetch To cope de regering subsidie, toelage raket, vuurpijl portemonnee zeer klein, minuscuul gigantisch, zeer groot overweldigend, verpletterend gedetailleerd schraal buitensporig, overmatig onbeduidend, onbelangrijk vrij groot, flink blokkeren, verstoppen diet stof brengen/halen bestrijden, zich weten te redden

Unit 70: TIME: Periods of time:

Major Historical/geological periods o The Ice Age: de ijstijd o The Stone Age: het steentijdperk o The Middle Ages: de Middeleeuwen o The computer age: het computer tijdperk Era: long period, perhaps several decades Period: very general word Spell: indefinite but short A time: vague, indefinite A while: indefinite but not too long

Useful phrases
For the time being : not specific : enige tijd At times: soms By the time: tegen, tot Time and time again: herhaaldelijk One at a time: 1 per keer Just in time: net op tijd On time: op tijd

Time passes: pass can be used in any tense and with adverbs Time elapses: elapse is more formal and is normally used in the perfect or the past It takes 2 hours to fly to Singapore: het duurt 2 uur The batteries last for 2 months: meegaan voor 2 maanden This video tape lasts/runs for three hours: een video van 3 uur The meeting went on for two hours: duren : suggests longer than expected or desired Take your time: neem je tijd

Adjectives describing duration

Temporary: tijdelijk Permanent: voltijdes, vast, permanent Provisional: voorlopig, tijdelijk Timeless: tijdloos Eternal: eeuwig

Unit 71: DISTANCES AND DIMENSIONS Broad and wide and tall and high
Wide: ruim,, wijd Broad: uitgebreid, uitvoerig Broad expanse: big area The rooms five meters long and four wide: word order for dimensions Tall: for people High: for things Tall: for buildings or trees when they are high and thin

Deep and shallow

The deep and shallow ends of a swimming pool: diep en ondiep

Derived words, phrases and compounds

Long o o o o o Short: o o Wide: o o Broad: o o High: o o Low o Far: o Deep: o o The length : de lengte To swim 20 lengts: lengtes van een zwembad To lengthen: langer maken A lengthy process: langdurig: refers to time, rather negative A long-distance phone call: lange-afstand To shorten: korter maken A short cut: a quick way The width: de breedte To widen: breeder maken To broaden (my experience): breeder maken : usually more abstract contexts Broad-minded: ruimdenkend The height: de hoogte To heighten: verhogen: usually for feelings and emotions To lower: lager maken Faraway: ver, verafgelegen The depth:de diepte To deepen: dieper maken, erger maken: often with feelings

Other verbs for dimensions and for changing them

To stretch: reiken To extend: uitbreiden To spread: to get bigger To shrink: to get smaller

Voc in use: Unit 73: Sound and light

A. General words to describe sound
Sound Noise Racket geluid, klank, toon geluid, lawaai, rumoer lawaai, herrie, kabaal

B. Sound words and things that typically make them

Bang Rustle Thud Crash Clang Clatter Hiss Rumble Roar Ring a door closing in the wind, someone bursting a balloon opening a plastic/paper bag, dry leaves underfoot a heavy object falling on to a carpeted floor a big, solid, heavy object falling on to a hard floor a big bell ringing, a hollow object being struck a metal pan falling on to a concrete floor gas/steam escaping through a small hole distant noise of thunder, noise of traffic far away noise of heavy traffic, noise of a huge waterfall a small bell ringing, a telephone knallen, geknal ritselen, geritsel neerploffen, bonzen, plof, bons, slag te pletter vallen, neerstorten galmen, rinkelen, luiden gekletter, gerinkel kletteren, klepperen geklepper, gerammel sissen,uitfluiten rommelen, donderen, gerommel luidruchtig, stormachtig, ronken rinkelen, gerinkel

C. Darkness
Dark Gloomy Dim Sombre donker, duister, onverlicht duister, zwaarmoedig schemerig, halfduister somber, duister, zwaarmoedig

D. Types of light
Shines < to shine Rays of light Beam of light Flash of light Twinkle < to twinkle Flickers < to flicker Glows < to glow Sparkles < to sparkle Glitters < to glitter schijnen lichtstralen straal lichtflits schitteren, fonkelen flikkeren gloeien fonkelen, glinsteren glinsteren, schitteren,


1. There was a terrible RACKET outside the pub last night; it was a fight involving about 6 people. 2. I could sit and listen to the SOUND of the river all day. 3. My cars making some strange NOISE. Ill have to have it checked. 4. Gosh! What an awful SOUND! I think you should take up a different instrument; the violins just not for you! 5. I cant sleep if theres NOISE of any kind, so I use ear-plugs.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A bottle of sparkling mineral water being opened. A typewriter being dropped down an iron staircase. A mouse moving among dead grass and leaves. A rather overweight person falling on to a wooden floor. A starting-gun for a sporting event. A train passing at high speed a few feet away from you. A slow train passing, heard through the walls of a house. HISS CRASH RUSTLE THUD BANG ROAR RUMBLE

Hum Rattle Bleep Screech Chime sound that a bee makes person that doesnt shut up sound that a beeper makes a screech of brakes a chime of bells, ring the chimes zoemen, brommen ratelen oppiepen gierende, piepende de klokken luiden

1. I saw a beam of light coming towards me. It was a police officer holding a flashlamp. 2. The jewels sparkled in the sunlight Id never seen such a beautiful bracelet. 3. The candle begin to flicker uncertainly. Then it died, leaving us in a complete darkness. 4. The first rays of the sun shone into the room. It was clearly time to get up and move out.

1. She beamed at him. a) smiled b) shouted c) attacked 2. After a day of skiing , our faces glowed.

a) were frozen b) were dried up c) were full of colour 3. He has a twinkle in his eyes. a) a piece of grit b) a sign of humour/enjoyment c) a sign of anger

Voc in use: Unit 74: Possession, Giving and Lending

A. Possession
Possession Belongings Estate Property everything someone owned smaller things like a ring, a bag a piece of land a building bezit bezit bezit gebouw

B. Words for people connected with ownership

Proprietor Owner Landlord/ landlady Tenant eigenaar eigenaar ( informeel ) verhuurder huurder

C. Giving
to provide with / to provide for to contribute / to donate to cater for to allocate bevoorraden bijdragen ,doneren zorgen voor de noden toekennen

D. Lending
To hire / to rent To lend To borrow A loan you give something you receive something huren lenen lenen een lening

De antwoorden van de oefeningen van Unit 74 staan op pagina 260

Voc in use: Unit 75 : Movement and speed

Move = Basic verb for all movement, BUT it also means to move to a new house/flat. e.g. Weve moved. Do you want our new address?

Particular types of movement

Cars, lorries, Trains Boats/ships Rivers/streams White clouds The flag The leaves The trees The car Travel / drive along roads Travel along rails Sail on rivers / across the sea Flow / run through towns / villages Drifted across the sky Fluttered in the wind Stirred in the light breeze Swayed back and forth as the hurricane grew stronger Swerved to avoid a dog which had run into the road

Verbs to describe fast and slow movement

Traffic is crawling along because of To dawdle To tear along To shoot past To hurry To rush To creep To plod along Het verkeer kruipt voorbij, gaat zeer traag vooruit Treuzelen, talmen, drentelen Voortrennen, scheuren Voorbijsnellen,voorbijschieten Haasten Haasten Kruipen Zich voortslepen

Nouns to describe speed and their typical contexts

Speed Travelling at high speed Rate The birth rate The rate of increase The rate of decrease Pace To go at a very slow pace Velocity The velocity of a bullet Used for vehicles, developments, changes Rijden aan hoge snelheid Used in statistical contexts Het geboortecijfer Stijgingspercentage dalingspercentage To experience sth as happening fast or slow Traag vooruit gaan Used in technical/scientific contexts Snelheid van een kogel

Fast Quick Rapid Swift To tear out of the house To dawdle deliberately To plod along at a steady pace To not even dare to stir To shoot past somebodys office To creep around the house A slowcoach A drifter A plodder A toddler Snel, vlot, rap, onverwachts refers to speed Soon, without delay, prompt, alert refers to speed Soon, prompt Soon prompt Uit het huis trekken Met opzet treuzelen Zich aan een rustig / constant tempo voortslepen Niet eens durven te verroeren Voorbij iemands kantoor snellen Rondkruipen in het huis Kletskous, nietsnut, schooier, etter Logger ? Een kleuter

Voc in use: unit 76: Texture, brightness, weight and density

Texture how something feels when you touch it
Smooth Polished Silky Sleek Slippery Furry Rough coarse Jagged Prickly gnarled downy The paper in this book Varnished wood / a shiny metal surface Fine, expensive tights or stockings Highly polished, streamlined, new car bodywork A fish just out of the water A thick sheepskin rug (tapijt) New, unwashed denim jeans/ bark of a tree Sand Sharp, irregular edges of broken glass or metal A thistle, cactus, thorns on a rose Twisted, dead wood from an old tree New-born babys hair Glad, vlak, egaal, effen Gepolijst, gladgemaakt Zijde-achtig Erg geplolijst Vettig, glibberig Bont-achtig Ruw, hard, bobbelig Grof, korrelig Puntig, scherp, kartelig Stekelig Knoestig, knobbelig donzig

To have a silky feel This cotton is very smooth to the touch The table had a beautiful polished surface The ground was rough underfoot

Zijdezacht aanvoelen Het katoen voelt vlak, egaal aan De tafel had een mooi gepolijst oppervlak De grond was ruw aan de voeten

Shiny Vivid (colours) Shady Dazzling Dull (colours) Bright Dim A glare Glimmend Levendige, viriele Schaduwachtig Oogverblindend Vaag, flauw, mat Kleurrijk Schemerachtig schittering

Density and weight

solid Thick Dense Weighty Heavy as lead Bulky cumbersome Massief Dik Dicht, gesloten Zwaar (heavier than expected) Loodzwaar Difficult, big and heavy Difficult, big and heavy Hollow Thin / fine Sparse As light as a feather Hol Fijn, dun Open, weinig Zo licht als een veertje

UNIT 77 SUCCESS, FAILURE & DIFFICULTY to succeed in persuadING to manage: "-> i don't think i can manage the whole walk" "-> i managed to contact him just before he left" IN... + ING manage, but not succeed manage, but succeed

"I achieved / accomplished a great deal in the last year" achieved / accomplished are used with quantity phrares such as 'a great deal' , 'a lot' "The company has achieved all its goals/aims/targets. achieved is more common than accomplished when expression goals/ambitions "Do you think his plan will come off?" something goes wrong / backfires fold / go under falter come to nothing i have trouble with i had a lot of bother with cope with It's hard/difficult to hear what they're saying to attain/ realise/ fulfil / achieve AN AMBITION to realise/ achieve A DREAM to reach/ secure AN AGREEMENT to fulfill AN OBLIGATION to reach / attain / achieve A TARGET to reach / achieve A COMPROMISE reach attain secure realise fulfil achieve * = doesnt exist verb succeed accomplish achieve attain fulfil harden realise * target fail trouble adjective successful accomplished bereiken bereiken bemachtigen, veiligstellen realiseren, waarmaken vervullen, volbrengen verwezenlijken noun success accomplishment achievement attainment fulfilment hardness realisation difficulty target failure trouble adverb successfully * will succeed don't run out as intended close down (ten onder gaan, failliet) have ups & downs mislukken, verdwijnen problemen hebben met (informal) problemen hebben met (very informal) het hoofd bieden, aankunnen moeilijk(hard is more informal)

achievable attainable fulfilling hard * difficult targettable (?) failing troublesome

* * * hard * * * * *

UNIT 79: Everyday expressions

Conversation-building expressions EXPRESSION As I was saying, I havent seen her for years As I/you say, well have to get there early to get a seat. Talking of skiing, whatever happened to Bill Jakes? If you ask me, shes heading for trouble. That reminds me, I havent rung George yet. Come to think of it, did he give me this number after all? I think he may have forgotten. Key words (this, that) EXPRESSION This is it Thats it We talked about this and that We talked about this, that and the other So, thats that, then MEANING Takes the conversation back to an earlier point Repeats and confirms something someone has already said Starting a new topic, but linking it to the present one if you want my opinion (even if noone has asked for it) Something in the conversation reminds you of something important Something in the conversation makes you realize there may be a problem/query about something TRANSLATION Zoals ik al zei Zoals ik/jij zei Over skin gesproken Als je t mij vraagt Dat doet me eraan denken Nu ik eraan denk

MEANING This is an important point Thats the last thing, weve finished Various unimportant matters Various unimportant matters That is agreed, settled, finalized

TRANSLATION Dit is het Dat was het, we zijn klaar We praatten over vanalles We praatten over vanalles Zo, dat was het dan

Common expressions for modifying statements EXPRESSIONS MEANING If the situation gets very bad If the worst comes to the worst, well have to cancel indeed the holiday. If all else fails, we could fax If nothing else succeeds them Because of a lot of different What with one thing and another, I havent had time circumstances to reply to her letter In the matter of restaurants When it comes to restaurants, this towns not hat good. As far as Im concerned, we As far as it affects me/ from can eat any time. my point of view As luck would have it, she By chance was out when we called.

TRANSLATION In het ergste geval

Als niets anders lukt

Wat betreft Als je t mij vraagt

UNIT 80: Similes

As as EXPRESSIONS As dead as a doornail As blind as a bat As thin as a rake As strong as an ox As quiet as a mouse As heavy as lead As light as a feather As drunk as a lord As sober as a judge As black as night As white as snow As brown as berry As good as gold As cool as a cucumber As busy as a bee The bed was as hard as iron and I couldnt sleep. Ill give this plant some water. The soils dry as bone. Hes as mad as a hatter. He crossed the Atlantic in a bathtub. She told the teacher, as bold as brass, that his lessons were boring. Youll have to speak slowly and clearly; hes as deaf as a post. Dont worry. Using the computers as easy as falling off a log. She knew the answer as quick as a flash. When I told him, his face went as red as a beetroot. The Princesss skin was as white as snow. When he saw it, his face went as white as a sheet. The fish was bad and I was as sick as a dog. She ran off with my money; I felt as sick as a parrot. MEANING Totally dead Totally deaf Totally thin Totally strong Totally quiet Totally heavy Totally light Totally drunk Totally sober Totally black, dark Totally white Very good Totally cool Totally busy, very busy Very hard Totally dry Very mad a hatter: hoedenmaker Bold: insolent (brutaal) Totally deaf Very easy Very quick Totally red a beetroot: wortel ve biet Beautifully white Pale, with fear/horror Vomiting Bad feeling of disillusionment/frustration Steenhard Kurkdroog TRANSLATION Potdoof Graatmager Beresterk Muisstil Loodzwaar Vederlicht Stomdronken Bloednuchter Pikzwart Sneeuwwit

Zeer brutaal zo brutaal als de beul Potdoof A log: blok (bvb. blok hout) Bliksemsnel Vuurrood

Sneeuwwit Lijkbleek, spierwit Doodziek, zo ziek als een hond


EXPRESSIONS My plan worked like a dream, and the problem was soon solved. Be careful the boss doesnt see you; she has eyes like a hawk. No wonder hes fat. He eats like a horse and drinks like a fish. Did you sleep well? Yes, thanks, like a log. Sorry, I forgot to ring him again. Ive got a brain/head like a sieve! The boss is like a bear with a sore head today. She goes around like a bull in a china shop. Criticising the government in his presence is like a red rag to a bull.



In a very bad temper Bevahing in a very clumsy, insensitive way Certain to make him very angry

81 Binomials -the odds and ends -Give and take small, unimportant things a spirit of compromise
Lets get the main things packed, we can do the odds and ends later

Every relationship needs a bit of give and take to be successful

-Tears are part and parcel of growing up part of/belong to -The boss was ranting and raving at us shouting/very angry -The old cottage has gone to rack and ruin ruined/decayed -Hes so prim and proper at work rather formal and fussy -The hotel was a bit rough and ready poor standard -She has to wine and dine important clients entertain -you can pick and choose have a wide choice -My English is processing in leaps and bounds big jumps -its nice to have some peace an quiet peace/calm -The doctor recommended rest and recreation relaxation -First and foremost, you must work hard first/most importantly -There are cafs here and there scattered round -Weve had meetings on and off occasionally -Ive been running back and forth all day to and from somewhere -to and fro = back and forth -He is unemployed and down and out without a home or money -Shes better now, and out and about again going out -she ran up and down the street in both directions -A black and white film -Ladies and gentlemen -she ran back and forth -Hot and cold water -Youve got your sweater on back to front the wrong way -He wont help her, shell have to sink or swim survive or fail -Slowly but surely, I noticed the boat was sinking gradually -Sooner or later youll learn your lesson some time/day -she didnt want to be just friends, at had to be all or nothing -Thats all I can offer you, take it or leave it - Its about the same distance as from here to Dublin, give or take a few miles(ongeveer) -High and dry -Rough and ready -Safe and sound -prim and proper -law and order -Sick and tired -now and then -leaps and bounds -hit and miss -Clean and tidy no one helped me half klaar veilig en wel heel proper en formeel vraag en aanbod het beu zijn nu en dan pieken en dalen proper , ordelijk

Finding the right people is difficult it was a hit and miss

82 idioms describing people She has a heart of gold <> = very kind, generous Hes as good as <> = generous, helpful, well behaved Generally for children Shes as hard as nails = no sympathy for others Hes rather a cold fish = distant, unfriendly

Hes such an awkward costomer Shes a pain in the neck He gets on everyones nerves Hes vey quick off the mark <> = he gets things before others Youre a fast worker <> = kan ook vb als je snel met iemand trouwt Dus niet altijd professioneel To be an odd-ball To be over the top To be round the bend To be very middle-of-the-road Teachers pet Top of the class A know-all A big-head A lazy-bones, person is bone-idle Shes a cold fish To have ones head screwed on To have a head for heights To have a head like a sieve To have a good head for figures To have ones head in the clouds He has eyes in the back of his head

= difficult person to deal with = nuisance, difficult = irritates everybody slow off the mark = job had already been filled by the time i slowcoach

He has eyes like a hawk

She has an eye for antiques Her heart is in the right place

= very strange, peculiar = very exaggerated in behaviour = absolutely crazy/mad = very normal, no radical ideas; neither left- or right-wing lieveling van de leraar beste van de klas weet alles nerd luierik not friendly be sensible not suffer from vertigo bad memory be good at maths unaware of reality someone who never misses anything, especially when people are doing something wrong someone who never misses anything, especially when people are doing something wrong she is good at spotting them intentions are good but do something wrong/stupid/irritating without intending to they do not fit in naturally, they are out of place in the situation they find themselves in you were not concentrating on what was happening or what someone was saying, and were thinking about somethinh else

He is a bit square peg in a round hole

I was miles away

unit 83 To be on cloud nine to be in high spirits to be keeping your chin up to be as happy as the day is long to have a face as long as a fiddle to look down in the dumps to be in a (black) mood to be like a bear with a sore head to eat a horse to feel all in to look a bit under the weather to look, and feel, down on top form to feel as if your head was going round to be at death's door to be scared stiff to frighten the life out of him to be shaking in your shoes to jump ou of your skin to get carry away to keep a cool head to make you swell with pride to feel on top of the world to get itchy feet to be on the edge of your seat to be up in arms to be in two minds to be extremely pleased/happy to be lively, enjoying things to be happy despite bad things to be extremely content to look very depressed/sad to look depressed/sad to have a bad mood/temper to be extremely irritable to be very hungry to be exhausted to be not very well / to be ill to be in good physical condition to feel dizzy to be very sick or ill to be very scared to frighten him a lot to tremble with fear to give a big jump to be fooled to stay calm to feel very proud to be very happy indeed to get a desire to be travelling or moving around to be impatient, excited, in suspense, waiting for something to happen to be very angry and protesting loudly unable to decide or make your mind up about something


Idioms connected with praise and criticism Lof Er met kop en schouders bovenuit steken (enkel gebruikt voor mesnen) Veel beter zijn dan de rest (enkel gebruikt voor mensen Voorsprong hebben op (gebruikt voor dingen en mensen) Heel goed zijn (gebruikt voor dingen en mensen) Super / heel goed zijn (gebruikt voor dingen) Goed zijn in (voornamelijk gebruikt bij manuel bekwaamheden) De allerbeste zijn Heel erg veel weten Goed in relaties onderhouden, motiveren van mensen Goed kunnen tuinieren Het goed kunnen uitleggen Denken wondermooi, super te zijn Overdreven gekleed zijn De allerslechtste zijn Iets dat smerig, slecht is gemaakt Hele slecht kwaliteit Iets willen zonder zelf enige toegeving te doen Iemand valse lof geven om zelf iets te kunnen krijgen Totaal onredelijke verwachtingen / eisen hebben In verval raken, afbouwen Vitten op Overdreven geacteerd Overdreven acteur Niet aangetrokken zijn tot iets / iemand Nog beter zijn dan het beste Iemand die gek is Iemand loven omdat hij veel weet over een bepaald onderwerp De beste vertegenwoordigers zijn van een groep Echt de allerbeste zijn (hier zijn het de vertegenwoordigers van hierboven)

Praise To be head and shoulders above To be miles better than To be streets ahead of To knock spots off To be out of this world To be a dab-hand at To be first-rate / top-notch To be really on the ball To have a way with To have green fingers To have got the gift of the gab Think to be the bees knees To be dressed up like a dogs dinner To be the worlds worst A dogs breakfast To take the biscuit To want to have a cake and eat it To try to butter someone up To want jam on it To run down To pick holes in To ham it up A ham actor It/he/she just isnt my cup of tea Something is the icing of the cake A real nutcase Someone knows his onions To be the cream To be the cream of the cream

Unit 85
someone is head and shoulders above someone (used usually of people) Something/someone is streets ahead of something/someone (used of people or things) Something/someone knocks spots off Something/someone (used of people or things) Something was out of this world (used usually of things) carpentry Someone is dab-hand at something (used for manual skills) Someone is first-rate/top-notch ex. administrator Someone is really on the ball Someone has a way with someone Someone has green fingers Someone has got the gift of the gab Be the cats whiskers Be the bees knees Done up/dressed up like a dogs dinner The worlds worst Something is a dogs breakfast Someone takes the biscuit unreliability epitome Someone wants to have her cake and eat it contribution Someone is trying to butter me up Pay-rise You want jam on it Someone shouldnt run down something To pick holes in something To ham it up Something/someone just isnt my cup of tea Something is the icing on the cake Someone is better than the rest Someone is better than the rest

Someone is better than the rest

Outstanding/superb timmerwerk Someone is good at something Someone is the very best Someone knows a lot Someone is good at establishing good relations/ motivating them Someone is good at gardening Someone is good at talking To be excellent or has an extremely high standard To be excellent or has an extremely high standard/ has a very high opinion of themselves Over-dressed in a showy way No-one is worse A mess/ very badly done Someone is the epitome/ most striking example of some negative quality onbetrouwbaarheid toonbeeld Someone wants everything without contribution from her side bijdrage Someone gives false praise in order to get something loonsverhoging Have totally unreasonable expectations/ demands To criticise To criticise To criticise an actors performance if it is overdone If you dont like someone or something Praising something it as something extra

Someone is a real nutcase Someone knows his/her onions A group of people are the cream A group of people are the cream of the cream

good on something that is already good Someone is mad/ crazy Praising their knowledge of a particular subject They are the best possible representatives of a larger group They are the absolute best

Unit 86
Talk at cross-purposes Get the wrong end of the stick Someone cant get a word in edgeways Someone cant make head or tail of what shes saying To talk down Inferior To talk behind someones back Small talk Purely Talk shop over something Rigid Talking-point To give someone a talking to To scold To start the ball rolling To put in a nutshell To get to the point To speak my mind To wrap up the discussion To talk sense To talk rubbish To be long-winded Langs elkaar heen praten Het bij het verkeerde eind hebben/ iets foutief verstaan hebben Er geen woord tussen krijgen. Iets niet begrijpen To talk as if someone is inferior minderwaardig Saying negative things about someone when he/she is not there Purely social talk, nothing serious Uitsluitend Talk about work Erg, onbuigzaam Subject that everyone wants to talk about Reproach/ scold him Iemand een uitbrander geven Start the discussion To say in few words Come to the important part of the matter Say exactly what I think To finish the discussion To say intelligent, reasonable things To say stupid things To say things in a long, indirect way

Unit 87 Miscellaneous idioms To buy a big in a poke To pay over the odds To foot the bill A real rip-off To drive a hard bargain To make quite a bit of headway To have a song on the brain To have to pay through the nose To get if off someones chest To have a finger in every pie Come on! Weve got to leave! Rise and shine! To get a bite to eat To have a nap To fresh up To crash out To put ones feet up To watch the box

buying something without examining it properly first to pay more than the usual rate pay up to make someone pay much too much ask a lot and resist lowering the price To do a lot of effort for something cannot stop singing a song in your had pay a huge amount tell something thats been bothering you a lot To be involved in many different things A command to someone to get up, often said to someone who doesnt want to and at a very early hour have a snack or meal a short sleep was and tidy oneself ready to sleep almost everywhere to relax watch television

Unit 100 the language of sings and notices Do not align from the bus whilst it is in motion No admission to unaccompanied minors This packet carries a government health warning Trespassers will be prosecuted Feeding the animals strictly prohibited Reduce speed now Kindly refrain from smoking in the auditorium No through road for motor vehicles Pay and display Penalty for dropping litter up to 100 fine No bill-sticking Cyclists dismount here Lunches now being served Please place your purchases here Fishing: permit holders only Shoplifters will be prosecuted Admission to ticket holders only Flat to let French spoken here No vacancies Dogs must be carried Nothing to declare Dont get off the bus while its moving Young people under 18 can only come in if they are with an adult. What is in this packet is officially considered bad for your health People who walk on this private land will be taken to court. You are not allowed to feed the animals Start going more slowly now Please dont smoke in the theatre/hall There is no way out at the other end of this road for cars Buy a ticket and put it in a place where it can easily be seen You can be taken to court and made to pay 100 for dropping rubbish You mustnt put up any posters here. Cyclists should get off their bikes here. You can buy lunch here now Please put the things you are going to buy/have bought here Only people with special cards giving them permission are allowed to fish here People who take things from the shop without paying will be taken to court People need a ticket to get in It tells people that a flat is vacant for renting The staff of a shop speak French as well as english It tells people that there are no free rooms left It tells people that if they have a dog with them they must carry it At Customs: it lets people know that this is the way to go if they do not have any goods to pay duty on. Things are going to be sold off cheaply because the shop wants to get rid of its stock perhaps because the shop is about to close down It tells people that they can either hire or buy bicycles there it asks passengers to leave these seats for people who are elderly or find it difficult to move easily

Clearance sale starts today

Cycles for hire or sale These seats are appreciated by the old an infirm

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