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Article 1 asma (sila pilih) nak mane satu Asthma Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory disease in which the airways

become sensitive to allergens (any substance that triggers an allergic reaction). Several things happen to the airways when a person is exposed to certain triggers like the lining of the airways become swollen and inflamed, the muscles that surround the airways tighten, and the production of mucus in increased, leading to mucus plugs. All of these factors will cause the airways to narrow, thus making it difficult for air to go in and out of lungs, causing the symptoms of asthma.

Asthma may resemble other respiratory problems such as emphysema, bronchitis, and lower respiratory infections. It is often under-diagnosed and many people with the disease do not know they have it. Sometimes, the only symptom is a chronic cough, especially at night, or coughing or wheezing that occurs only with exercise. Some people think they have recurrent bronchitis, since respiratory infections usually settle in the chest in a person predisposed to asthma. The cause of asthma involves many other environmental, genetic, infectious, and chemical factors. After a person is exposed to a certain trigger, the body releases histamine and other agents that can cause inflammation in the airways. The body also releases other factors that can cause the muscles of the airways to tighten, or become smaller. There is also an increase in mucus production that may clog the airways. There are two general types of asthma medication which can give you long-term control or quick relief of symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory drugs. This is the most important type of therapy for most people with asthma because these asthma medications prevent asthma attacks on an ongoing basis. Steroids, also called "corticosteroids," are an important type of anti-inflammatory medication for people suffering from asthma. These asthma drugs reduce swelling and mucus production in the airways. As a result, airways are less sensitive and less likely to react to triggers.

Bronchodilators. These asthma medications relieve the symptoms of asthma by relaxing the muscle bands that tighten around the airways. This action rapidly opens the airways, letting more air come in and out of the lungs. As a result, breathing improves. Bronchodilators also

help clear mucus from the lungs. As the airways open, the mucus moves more freely and can be coughed out more easily. These asthma drugs can be administered in different ways. Successful treatment should allow people to live an active and normal life. If asthma symptoms are not controlled, people should contact the doctor for advice and look at a different asthma medication that may work better.

Article 2 Asthma Asthma attacks are general in everyday life for those who suffer from the disease. Asthma attacks are even more standard for those who suffer from allergic asthma. So, you should be always alarmed about the possible allergies that can trip your asthma condition. Many infants are born with the disease. Some infants only show symptoms of wheezing. In either case, it is significant that you know what to do when you spot that an asthma attack is on its way. The most general signals and symptoms of asthma attacks are frequent coughing that may worsen during night, feeling as if you are running short of breath, wheezing, panting more than regular and tightness in the chest. To add up these symptoms, you may also find that you are impotent to occupy in daily activities in the usual way because you may feel dizzy, tired or sleepy. Change of temperament, becoming easily irritable, anxiety for no apparent reason and running nose plus a visible reduction in the pace at which you exhale all can be accounted as signs and symptoms of an asthma attack. You need to have a pretty good understanding of these early warning signs and symptoms if you are to take right measures before an asthma attack. So speak to your medical practitioner and clarify any doubts and make sure you understand the medical treatment that is in place right now. In the case of kids, they could respond in different ways to asthma attacks. Therefore you should never depend on assumptions when it comes to minors who cannot communicate to you what they go through. For example, you may find that your child is suffering from allergic

asthma but he is not allergic to pollen. In this case, you may assume that it is safe to have a pet at home because your kid will not be allergic to pets fur. But you could be very wrong in this assumption. Sometimes, babies stop reacting to certain allergens for short periods, therefore you should always take additional care when dealing with babies and when exposing them to the environment. Some infants outgrow their asthmatic conditions while they grow up. But it is never a good enough reason to assume they have wholly got over the condition. Asthma attacks can hit an asthmatic almost suddenly and without notice, sometimes. If this happens it is best to seek direct medical advice.

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