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Transcript completed on 31/12/11

EXT. OUTER SPACE Begin with a WIDE SHOT of planet Earth, graceful and grand. The top, bathing in sunshine; towards the middle, in darkness with thousands of lights across the continents. Hold on this for a few seconds, then; A walloping, weighty spaceship glides into the shot, red and blue lights flashing. Its long on metallic. Pockets open and a set of laser guns roll out, every single one pointing towards Earth! SPACESHIP INTERFACE People of Earth, you stand alone. But before anything else happens, a klaxon blares. FX: Small explosions of fire burst from within the spaceship from all over. Segments of the ship floating away, fire blazing from them. SPACESHIP INTERFACE (CONTD) Intruder alert, intruder alert. INT. SPACESHIP - CORRIDOR A man is running unsteadily down a long corridor, the walls caving in behind him. SPACESHIP INTERFACE (CONTD) Intruder alert. The DOCTOR dodges large explosions of fire and rubble. WHAM! A shake of the camera as he runs, and runs! Rubble bursting into the air, the walls collapsing only a few feet away from him. Another shake of the camera. a stack of metal bins topple over, fire still blazing and rubble still blasting into the air behind him. Klaxons still blaring. Then, BANG! A cracking explosion of fire and rubble, the DOCTOR flings his arms into the air and falls to the ground (slow motion as he falls). He turns around and watches the walls cave in. He doesnt know what to do! Out comes the screwdriver and he points it in the direction hes running. Fire blazing behind the silhouette of the DOCTOR.


INT. SPACESHIP - CONTROL ROOM The circular doors open from the middle and the DOCTOR runs in, away from the explosions. He turns and sonics the doors, closing them just before a huge fireball reaches them. EXT. OUTER SPACE A huge chunk of the spaceship breaks off, fire bursting from every direction! INT. SPACESHIP - CONTROL ROOM ZOOM slowly onto the two hands of the DOCTOR, hanging on to the edge of the spaceship. He strains, still hanging. His hands slip! He grabs hold of a spiral of wires. He looks to his left and spots a spacesuit lying on the floor of the control room. He strains, thinking of his next idea. THE DOCTOR Come here, spacesuit, come to Doctor! He reaches out but hes not close enough! Just that little bit more closer and hed get it. FX: A ball of fire explodes into the control room and the spacesuit floats away behind the DOCTOR. Then, he lets go of the wire and is blown away from the exploding spaceship towards the suit. The DOCTOR and the spacesuit are tumbling towards EARTH, the spaceship behind him finally fully destroyed. The DOCTOR tries swimming motions, but cant get to the suit. But then, he grabs hold of it! THE DOCTOR Got it! Ha-ha, ha-ha-ha! He throws one arm through, then the other, reaching into the costume as quick as he can! The camera stops as the DOCTOR flies out of view, tumbling towards the beaming planet before him- EARTH. CUT TO OPENING TITLES


EXT. DORSET - VILLAGE - NIGHT CLOSE UP on the basket of a bicycle, a light at the front glowing in the darkness, the wheels squeaking. Then, move upwards to the driver of the bicycle: MADGE ARWELL. Blonde, curly hair; fair skinned. Shes wearing a scarf and a long coat over floral clothing. Shes minding her own business, cycling along. Then, a whistling noise grows and grows and suddenly theres a loud crash! MADGE jumps out of her life and loses control of the bicycle, hurtling into a wall of bushes. She gets up and walks over to the source of the noise. Its in the middle of a countryside field. MADGE walks around the long gate and stands a few meters away fromA gigantic, down-reaching trench. Smoke is moving through the air away from the deep hole in the ground. Grass is curled away from the fresh dirt which is heaped to the side, with something right in the middle. MADGE ARWELL Hello? (pause) Hello? Shes looking down into the trench. A spacesuit is lying flat in the middle with someone inside. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) Hello? Are you alright? The DOCTOR groans. Buttons on the spacesuit are bleeping urgently. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) Are you hurt? She begins to slowly walk down the trench, careful not to tumble down. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) Did you fall? She looks up into the night sky. Clear. Not a cloud in the sky. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) Where did you fall from? The DOCTOR replies with another long groan.




THE DOCTOR The helmet... MADGE ARWELL Alright, just...just let me, er...I dont want to hurt you. She opens the spacesuits helmet, expecting the front of someones head...but instead, its the back. MADGE ARWELL Oh! THE DOCTOR (groaning) I cant see. Im blind! MADGE ARWELL Oh, no, love. No. I think youve just got your helmet on backwards. How did you manage that? THE DOCTOR I got dressed in a hurry. INT. ARWELL HOUSE - DINING ROOM - NIGHT Pointed to the camera is a telescope, and a boy is sat at the other end, looking through greedily. He has thick, ginger hair with wide golden-rimmed glasses. Hes in his pjyamas. Behind him is a neatly set dining table with wooden chairs and a cosy living room to the end of the room with a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. MADGE ARWELL Cyril, what are you doing awake? CYRIL turns, but before he can speak, another voice interrupts. LILY ARWELL Its the moons fault, apparently. Its too interesting! LILY has walked in, dressed in her pyjamas. Shes holding a glass of milk. CYRIL ARWELL Its astronomy.




LILY ARWELL Dont make up words. Hes always making up things and breathing. MADGE ARWELL (ignoring LILY) Wheres your Father? CYRIL ARWELL In the garden. MADGE ARWELL Whats he doing in the garden?! CYRIL ARWELL Agriculture. LILY ARWELL (V.O) Youre not fooling anyone! MADGE has hurried over to CYRIL. MADGE ARWELL Listen, Cyril. Tell him that Ive borrowed Mr Goldsmiths car, that I found a spaceman in a fieldpossibly an angel- but hes injured, and I cant get his helmet off, so Im taking him into town to find a police telephone box. All right? CYRIL ARWELL (pause) Alright. MADGE ARWELL Good boy! She hurries out of the dining room and CYRIL returns to his telescope. Then, just as she leaves, in comes their Father, REG. He has short, black hair, dressed in a white shirt with a cream over jacket. REG ARWELL Was that your Mother? Wheres she going? CYRIL ARWELL (pause) Out.


EXT. DORSET - VILLAGE - NIGHT A car flies past the camera. Inside is MADGE (driving) and in the passenger seat, the DOCTOR. She drives down a road and eventually slows down into a space. But then the car jerks and she crashes into a post! THE DOCTOR Ow! (he coughs) Did we just...bump into something? MADGE ARWELL No, no... THE DOCTOR We seemed to bump into quite a lot of things. MADGE ARWELL Well, a lot of things get in the way. Its hardly my fault. You need to take that silly thing off. MADGE gets out of the car. The DOCTORs still sat down. THE DOCTOR Cant. Impact suit. Its still repairing me. MADGE ARWELL (opening the door for the Doctor) Repairing you? THE DOCTOR Yeah. Well, I mean, thats the idea. MADGE begins to guide the DOCTOR down the street, the DOCTORs arms stretched out in front of him. MADGE ARWELL Wont it repair you back to front? THE DOCTOR No, no. MADGE ARWELL Well, thats good! The DOCTOR walks straight into a streetlamp, his helmet crashing into it. He groans loudly.




MADGE ARWELL Oh! Thats a streetlamp! THE DOCTOR Yes. I got that impression! MADGE ARWELL Round this way. She guides him slowly towards the police box parked on the village square lawn. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) Dont you want me to take you to hospital or something? Or youre welcome to come to our house. THE DOCTOR No, no, no. Im fine. I just need to find key... MADGE ARWELL Oooh, do you want me to do it with a pin? Im good with a pin! She starts picking at the police boxs keyhole THE DOCTOR Multi-dimensional, triple-encoded temporal interface. Not really susceptible to pointy things. He stumbles but grabs hold of the police box. MADGE finishes picking the lock and gives it one push- the door clicks out of place. MADGE ARWELL Got it! THE DOCTOR OK. Suddenly the last 900 years of time travel seem that bit less secure. Thank you for taking care of me! He points his arm into the air, ready to shake her hand, but in the wrong direction. She shakes his hand gleefully. THE DOCTOR You didnt have to, you know. Youve been very kind.




MADGE ARWELL Dont be silly. Its Christmas Eve. No-one should be alone at Christmas. THE DOCTOR What did you say your name was? MADGE ARWELL Madge, Madge Arwell. THE DOCTOR If theres every anything that I can do for you, let me know. MADGE ARWELL How? THE DOCTOR I dont know. Make a wish, that usually works. MADGE ARWELL Does it? THE DOCTOR Well, it did for me. Youre here, arent you? MADGE ARWELL (flattered) Oh! THE DOCTOR Well, dont wait around here. you go home. Ill just go and, er, and wait inside here. He turns to the police box and feels around for the door with open arms. He opens the door and falls right through. MADGE watches in curiosity- what is he doing? The DOCTOR is standing- not in the TARDIS- but in an ordinary police box! THE DOCTOR Wrong one. Do you think we could try again?

9. INT. ARWELL HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT REG is sat comfortably in his armchair reading the newspaper when the door opens and closes. MADGE walks in, holding her coat. REG ARWELL You were a long time. Been taking home strays, as usual? MADGE ARWELL Just the one. What have you been reading? Not the war again! People keep reading about the war, then it will actually happen. And then where will you be? Music turns more dramatic. INT. COCKPIT - NIGHT REG is sat at the controls, pulling with all his might, flying through clouds of thick darkness. EXT. PLANE - NIGHT The words THREE YEARS LATER fade in and out. The plane is tackling the wind and cloud, the propellers spinning into a blur. Suddenly, the right propeller stops spinning. INT. COCKPIT - NIGHT Another man crawls into the shot. CO-PILOT Sir, Andersens in a bad way. Where are we? REG ARWELL I dont know. Somewhere over the Channel. CO-PILOT What do I tell Anderson? REG ARWELL Tell him...tell him...tell him were going home for Christmas.




CO-PILOT Yes, sir. REG turns to something, staring at it with awe. REG ARWELL Im sorry, my love. ZOOM in on a photo of MADGE. Its old and torn, but sellotaped to the window of the plane. And he has a finger on the photo, stroking it gently. INT. ARWELL HOUSE - MADGES ROOM - NIGHT The camera snapshots three times and focuses on MADGEs face, resting on a pillow, face up but eyes closed. Then, they open shes just had a bad dream. WIDE VIEW of her bed. She sits up, looking into nowhere, trying to remember her dream. Then, she looks down to the draws aside the bed. On the surface is a crumpled telegraph from the post office. ZOOM IN on the words REGRET TO INFORM, LOST OVER THE CHANNEL, DEEPEST SYMPATHY. EXT. ARWELL HOUSE - BACKYARD - NIGHT WIDE SHOT of the ARWELL house. A bushy garden with a flickering streetlamp at the end. On the back door, a wrath of holly is tied to the top. CYRIL ARWELL (V.O) Whens Father coming back? INT. ARWELL HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING MADGE is stood next to the Christmas tree, staring out of the window, mourning. Blurred in the b/g are CYRIL and LILY, sat at the table. LILY ARWELL For Christmas, like he always does. Now, hurry up and think of something. CYRIL ARWELL But were going to uncle Digbys house. Will he be there?




LILY ARWELL He will, wont he, Mother? Daddy will be there? MADGE ARWELL (smiling) Of course he will. LILY ARWELL See? Now, have you thought of anything? CYRIL ARWELL Erm...yep! LILY ARWELL Count of three, then. Make a wish. One, two, three! MADGE closes her eyes, too, but to herself. CYRIL & LILY pull the cord, SNAP! The camera quickly zooms into the telescope, focused on the moon. But then, something else. A familiar noise. The sound of the console. Then, a small, blue box flies past the camera! EXT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MORNING Uncle Digbys House; a gigantic, grand mansion with stained glass windows and an arched doorway with a thick, wooden door. MADGE, CYRIL & LILY are stood in front of it, taking in all its glory. They are holding a few suitcases, but not much. CHRISTMAS EVE fades in and out. CYRIL ARWELL Is it haunted? LILY ARWELL Is it draughty? MADGE ARWELL Oh, this is no good. Wheres Mr Cardew? He was supposed to be here. MADGE knocks on the door and waits.




CYRIL ARWELL Maybe its haunted by the ghost of Uncle Digby. LILY ARWELL Uncle Digby is still alive. Hes in a home in Battersea. MADGE continues knocking. MADGE ARWELL Mr Cardew! CYRIL ARWELL But why do we have to come here? LILY ARWELL Because of the bombing, stupid. CYRIL ARWELL I like the bombing. Its exciting. LILY ARWELL Will Father be here? You said hed meet us at the house. MADGE ARWELL Hell be here, of course he will. You dont need to keep asking about it. Suddenly, the door unlocks. CYRIL & LILY Father! They run to the door. THE DOCTOR (V.O) Sorry! Its the door, its developed a fault. The right door is being repeatedly pulled back but it wont open. MADGE ARWELL Oh, hello? Mr Cardew? Suddenly, the door is pulled back and it falls inwards. Then, out of nowhere, the DOCTOR pops out, smiling excitedly.




THE DOCTOR There we go! Well, come in, in you come. They all walk inside, wondering who this mad man is. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - HALL - MORNING In front of them is a grand staircase leading left and right. In every direction of the hall there are white sheets over statues etc. Its a little shady, but beautiful still. THE DOCTOR Mind your step. (lifting the fallen door) Now, dont worry, the back door is still, broadly speaking, operational. (he turns) Right then, may I take your cases? MADGE ARWELL Thank you. CYRIL ARWELL Thank you. LILY ARWELL Thank you. THE DOCTOR (walking past them) Lovely. Would you mind carrying them for me? I need to show you round. MADGE ARWELL Oh, no, wait! Who are you? THE DOCTOR Im the caretaker! MADGE ARWELL But youre not Mr Cardew. THE DOCTOR I agree. MADGE ARWELL But I dont understand. Are you the new caretaker?




THE DOCTOR Usually called the Doctor. Or the Caretaker. Or Get Off This Planet. Though, strictly speaking, that probably isnt a name. He walks up MADGE and grins. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Hello, Madge Arwell. MADGE ARWELL (not impressed) Hello. THE DOCTOR (shaking CYRILs hand) And Cyril Arwell. And Lily Arwell (shakes LILYs hand). He turns and heads to the stairs. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Now, come on, come on, lots to see. Whistle-stop tour. Take notes, there will be questions. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - SITTING ROOM - MORNING The DOCTOR opens the two joining doors wide to reveal the sitting room. In the corner is a large harp, opposite a single armchair. On the walls are many portraits of nameless people. THE DOCTOR Smaller sitting room. Just chairs. Bit pointless without a television, so I made some repairs. He switches a button on the wall and suddenly all the chairs begin to swirl and move about frantically, dancing around the room. CYRIL and LILY watch, open mouthed. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) (whispers) I know!


INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - KITCHEN - MORNING They walk into the kitchen. Its more compact and busy, pots and pans on the walls, a dinner table in the center. THE DOCTOR Kitchen! Thats a cooker, probably. And these are taps. Hot, cold...Lemonade. MADGE ARWELL Lemonade? THE DOCTOR I know! INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - HALL - MORNING Back into the hall and the DOCTOR is at the bottom of the stairs. THE DOCTOR Staircase. He taps his feet but nothing happens. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Seems to have broken down. (turns) Well have to walk up. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - LANDING- MORNING They walk to the top of the stairs, walking down the landing, MADGE trying to catch up with CYRIL & LILY. THE DOCTOR I sleep up there, stay away, beware of panthers. MADGE ARWELL Panthers!? THE DOCTOR Theyre terrifying! Have you seen panthers? Cyril! CYRIL catches up with them after looking into the DOCTORs bedroom.

16. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MADGES BEDROOM - MORNING The DOCTOR opens a door to a floral wallpapered room. THE DOCTOR Mums bedroom, grown-up, your basic boring. He slams the door shut. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - CHILDRENS BEDROOM - MORNING The DOCTOR opens the door to a more colourful bedroom. THE DOCTOR Lily and Cyrils room! Im going to be honest... The bedroom is full of toys! Jam-packed, totally and utterly stacked with wonderful toys! THE DOCTOR (CONTD) ...masterpiece! The ultimate bedroom. A sciencey-wiencey workbench. A jungle! A maze! A window disguised as a mirror! A mirror disguised as a window! Selection of torches for midnight feasts and secret reading. Zen garden, mysterious cupboard, zone of tranquility! Rubber wall! Dream tank! Exact model of the rest of the house- not quite to scale, apologies- Dolls! With comical expressions! The Manga Carta, a foot spa. Cluedo! A yellow fort! CYRIL ARWELL Where are the beds? THE DOCTOR I couldnt fit everything in. There had to be sacrifices. Anyway, who needs beds when youve got... He runs to the wall and pulls down a big lever which triggers two hammocks to fall from the ceiling. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) ...hammocks?! (pause) I know! CYRIL attempts to get on, but cant reach.




CYRIL ARWELL But how do you get on? THE DOCTOR Watch and learn, kid. The DOCTOR steadys himself and runs to the nearest hammock and leaps...but misses and collapses in between the two. MADGE ARWELL For Gods sake! THE DOCTOR (serious) This hammock has developed a fault! MADGE ARWELL Can you please stop talking? Can you please just stop? THE DOCTOR Sorry. MADGE ARWELL Children, go downstairs. LILY ARWELL Why? CYRIL ARWELL Are we leaving? MADGE ARWELL Yes! No. I dont know. Just, please, go downstairs! LILY ARWELL You dont need to shout... CYRIL & LILY walk out of the room, leaving the DOCTOR and MADGE. MADGE ARWELL Why are you doing all this? THE DOCTOR Im just...trying to take care of things. Im the Caretaker. MADGE ARWELL Thats not what Caretakers do.




THE DOCTOR Then why are they called Caretakers? MADGE stutters to answer, but sighs. MADGE ARWELL Their Fathers dead. THE DOCTOR Im sorry. MADGE ARWELL Lily and Cyrils Father- my husband- is dead, and they dont know yet. Because if I tell them now, then Christmas will always be what took their Father away from them, and no-one should have to live like that. Of course, when the Christmas period is over, I shall... Music slows slightly. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) I dont know why I keep shouting at them. THE DOCTOR Because every time you see them happy, you remember how sad theyre going to be, and it breaks your heart. LILY ARWELL (V.O) Mother, come and see! CYRIL ARWELL Mother, youve got to see this! Come on! THE DOCTOR Because whats the point in them being happy now if theyre going to be sad later? CYRIL ARWELL (V.O) Mother! LILY ARWELL (V.O) Mother? Are you coming?




THE DOCTOR The answer is, of course...because they are going to be sad later. MADGE stares at the DOCTOR, and for the first time, she admires him. But only for a second. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Now, wed better get downstairs. I think they may have found the main sitting room. LILY ARWELL (V.O) Mother! THE DOCTOR (whispers) I repaired it! MADGE shakes her head and walks out, leaving the DOCTOR to stand alone. Then, he turns, smiles at the bedroom (Ha.) and walks out. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - MORNING A train toots as toys spin around a wonderfully enormous Christmas tree on sticks reaching out. A toy train races round the bottom on a track. CYRIL & LILY laugh playfully. MADGE and the DOCTOR walk in, MADGE staring at the Christmas tree in shock. WIDE VIEW of the Christmas tree, full of flashing decorations. CYRIL & LILY turn around. THE DOCTOR I know! CYRIL ARWELL Look at that present! Placed next to the Christmas tree is a huge blue present with a bow on the top. CYRIL and LILY grab the tag dangling from the present. CYRIL ARWELL Its for me! LILY ARWELL It says its for all of us.




CYRIL ARWELL Im the youngest, I get to open it first! LILY ARWELL Doesnt say who its from. Mother, who left this here? MADGE turns, about to speak to the DOCTOR, but he isnt there. Hes gone. MADGE ARWELL That man is quite ridiculous. You must stay away from him. LILY ARWELL I like him. CYRIL ARWELL I like him, too. LILY ARWELL And its a nice tree, isnt it? CYRIL ARWELL Its the best tree in the world! MADGE ARWELL Yes. Yes, I suppose it is. CYRIL ARWELL Say it, Mother. Go on, please. Say the thing you always say. MADGE turns around and holds both CYRIL & LILY. MADGE ARWELL This Christmas is going to be the best Christmas ever. She kisses them both on the forehead. But when MADGE looks away, there is sadness in her eyes. Then, soft whispering voices echo from the present. CYRIL hears them and stares at the present. Its glowing slightly. EXT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - NIGHT WIDE VIEW of the gran house from the front. Its night. A foxes howl can be heard in the distance.


INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - CHILDRENS BEDROOM - NIGHT Its dark, with only the desk lamp on in the corner of the room. CYRIL & LILY are in their hammocks, but CYRIL is wide awake. CYRIL ARWELL Lily! Lily, can you sleep? Lily! LILY ARWELL Shut up! CYRIL ARWELL What do you think that present is? We could just sneak down and have a look. LILY ARWELL Go to sleep! CYRIL sighs. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - NIGHT The present is glowing. UP CLOSE, the present still throbbing with light, soft whispering voices echoing from inside. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - CHILDRENS BEDROOM - NIGHT LILY turns to go to sleep, CYRIL facing the ceiling. From another room, they can hear electronic sparking and the familiar buzzing of the sonic screwdriver. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MADGES BEDROOM - NIGHT MADGE is lying in bed, also awake, the telegram clutched in her hands. Shes staring into nowhere, deep in thought. Electronic sparking still can be heard. She looks to the door, wondering what it is. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - LANDING - NIGHT The door slowly opens and LILY slips through, desperately trying not to make a sound.


INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - CHILDRENS BEDROOM - NIGHT CLOSE UP of CYRIL, presumably asleep. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - NIGHT Soft whispering voices still echoing from the present, and still throbbing. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - LANDING - NIGHT LILY walks two steps down the stairs, but is distracted by the electronic sparking coming from the DOCTORs room. What is it? She turns and walks to the door to the second corridor. Its wide open. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - CORRIDOR - NIGHT LILY slowly and carefully treads into the corridor with a creak of a floorboard, and dissapears inside. Then, the childrens bedroom opens and CYRIL top-toes out. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - CORRIDOR - NIGHT LILY walks down the long corridor. There a sudden flashes of lights, and the sound of electronic sparking and the whizzing of the sonic. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - LANDING - NIGHT CYRIL, holding a torch, creeps back out of his bedroom and walks down the landing. He begins to walk down the stairs. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - CORRIDOR - NIGHT Electronic sparking and whizzing of sonic. LILY slowly walks up to the door of the DOCTORs bedroom, listening. A flash of light from inside.


INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - NIGHT CYRIL walks into the sitting room, gazing up at the Christmas tree. Soft whispering voices are echoing. He looks down at the present- its glowing. Music more dramatic! INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - DOCTORS BEDROOM - NIGHT Electronic sparking. WIDE VIEW of the DOCTORs room. The roof proves it as an attic- a triangle. The DOCTOR is sat at a desk concentrating on something, the TARDIS placed in the middle of the room. LILY folds her arms. LILY ARWELL You were lying about the panthers. THE DOCTOR Famous last words. LILY ARWELL Why have you got a phone box in your room? THE DOCTOR Its not a phone box, its my...wardrobe. Ive just painted it to look like a phone box. LILY ARWELL What are you doing? THE DOCTOR Rewiring. LILY ARWELL Why would you rewire a wardrobe? THE DOCTOR Have you seen the way I dress? LILY cant help smiling to herself.


INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - NIGHT Soft whispering voices. CYRIL walks towards the present, eyes and mouth wide open. LILY ARWELL (V.O) Who are you? INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - DOCTORS BEDROOM - NIGHT LILY ARWELL Really, who are you? Electronic beeping. The DOCTOR examines the wires. THE DOCTOR Your brother, where is he? INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - NIGHT CYRIL is un-doing the bow on the present and unfolds the front of the present. Then, suddenly, a gust of wind blows from the present. CYRIL gasps as snow blows from the present! He looks into the present: its pure white, he cant see whats through it. Then, he begins to crawl into the present. Camera zooms through, closer and closer until the white fades and revealsA FOREST! A beautiful, snowy forest with white, dusty pine trees sprouting from the icy ground like wet paintbrushes! The ground is white, the trees are white, even the sky is white! CLOSE UP on CYRILs face, in total awe of what hes experiencing. He crawls back, into the sitting room, and looks at the present. But it cant be! INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - CHILDRENS BEDROOM - NIGHT LILY looks into the room towards CYRILs hammock. It looks occupied.


INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - NIGHT CYRIL is looking into the present again. Soft whispering voices. He looks behind him- nobody there- and he turns back. Then, he crawls through! EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT In the middle of the air, a small cutout reveals CYRIL crawling through, the normal world safe and waiting behind him. CYRIL stares, taking in whats before his round glasses! INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - DOCTORS BEDROOM - NIGHT The door opens and LILY walks in. LILY ARWELL Still in bed, asleep. THE DOCTOR (analyzing wires) OK. Faulty, then. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT CYRIL climbs out of the small cutout and his feet press into the crisp snow. He looks up; thin particles of snow are floating in midair. But theres no breeze. Suddenly, the pine tree closest to him glows, and from the ends of the branches, long sticks of frost droop down, and form baubles hanging at the ends. They crisp and click in the cold, solid. CYRIL walks forwards, closer to the tree, curiosity getting the better of him. He reaches to the bauble and pulls at it. Eventually, it drops into his hands. Then, Squeak! The bauble expands in his hands and he drops it with a sudden gasp. Squeak! It grows larger on the ground.




Squeak! It grows a little bigger to the size of a bowling ball. And then, it shakes...and its hatching! CYRIL turns and darts towards the cutout in midair, jumps through and crawls back into the normal world. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - NIGHT CYRIL crawls backwards, panting. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - DOCTORS BEDROOM - NIGHT The wires beep once again. THE DOCTOR You sure hes still in bed? INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - NIGHT CYRIL overcomes his fear, and begins to crawl back into the present. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT Lying on the floor is the bauble, but now it looks more like an egg shell. Its on the floor in two pieces. CYRIL looks out from the cutout. Nothing around. Its safe. He walks towards the bauble shell, looking down at it. Soft whispering voices. Then, he notices tiny little footprints in the snow, beginning next to the egg shell and continuing through the snow, into the trees. The camera follows the visible footprints. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - CHILDRENS BEDROOM - NIGHT The DOCTOR opens the door. LILY ARWELL See?




He walks to CYRILs hammock, which looks occupied, then flips it back to reveal a large teddy bear! THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Oh, hes good! The old bear and duvet, eh? Classic. Then, zoom! Off he goes, grabbing LILYs arm and running out of the bedroom (MUSIC DRAMATIC) INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - NIGHT The DOCTOR runs towards the present and slips inside. THE DOCTOR Cyril! LILY ARWELL Whats happening? I dont...what is that? THE DOCTOR With me, quickly, come on! EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT THE DOCTOR Thats it. In you come. Brr! Bit cold. Never mind. Cyril? Cyril? LILY hops down and stares up at the gigantic towering trees before her. LILY ARWELL Where are we? THE DOCTOR In a forest in a box in a sitting room. Pay attention! Hes about 20 minutes ahead of us. LILY ARWELL But we just saw him. THE DOCTOR Time moves differently across the dimensional planes. What do they teach you in schools these days?




LILY ARWELL But I dont understand where we are! THE DOCTOR Weve gone through a dimensional portal...thingy. LILY ARWELL Well, whats that supposed to be? Where did it come from? THE DOCTOR It was a present. And it wasnt supposed to be opened till Christmas Day. Honestly, who opens their Christmas presents early? LILY cant help throwing a guilty look. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) OK. Shut up. Everyone. The soft whispering voices return. Thin particles of snow drift through the air, turning and swaying in front of the trees. No breeze. The DOCTOR hurries off into the depths of the forest, LILY tagging along behind. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) OVERVIEW of the forest. Fly over the tops of the trees through the misty air, snow covering the branches and fog blocking out the view of the ground. The trees stand silent, not moving or swaying. Silent. Like theres no atmosphere at all. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) CYRIL treads through the snow, a musical crunch at every step. He shines his torch to the alien world in front of him, scared something might jump out. Hes still following the footprints, and theyre getting bigger! LILY ARWELL (V.O) I dont understand.


EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) LILY ARWELL Is this place real? The DOCTOR and LILY are walking through the forest, the DOCTOR shining his torch in front of him similar to CYRIL. LILY ARWELL (CONTD) Is it fairyland? THE DOCTOR Fairyland?! Oh, grow up, Lily! Fairyland looks completely different. Now, these are Cyrils footprints, and these are the ones he was following. Notice anything? LILY ARWELL The other footprints are getting bigger. THE DOCTOR Yes. Whatever your brothers following...its growing. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) PAN around CYRIL, his torch shining down on the footprintsbigger every step- as he walks alongside them. CREEPY music. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) LILY ARWELL Well, then we have to get after him! She sprints past a tree and brushes it slightly with her dressing gown. Suddenly, from the branches, the tree sprouts a couple of baubles, hanging from solid icicles. THE DOCTOR Its OK, youre fine. Dont worry. LILY ARWELL Is that tree...alive?




THE DOCTOR Of course its alive, its a tree! LILY ARWELL But is it dangerous? THE DOCTOR Well, every rose has its thorns. LILY ARWELL Theyre like Christmas tree decorations. THE DOCTOR (smiling) Yeah! Naturally occurring Christmas trees. (sniffs the tree) Oh, how cool is that? LILY ARWELL I dont understand. THE DOCTOR Its a big universe. Everything happens somewhere. Call it a coincidence, call it an idea echoing among the stars. Personally, I call it a brilliant idea for a Christmas trip. Or it shouldve...been. Soft whispering voices return as a cloud of snow drifts past them, spinning and turning silently. No breeze at all, but theres voices...something spooky about the whole thing. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Do you know the difference between wind and trees talking to each other? LILY ARWELL What? The DOCTOR lifts his finger and licks it, then points it in the air and waits, his other finger on his lips. THE DOCTOR No wind. Ive been here many times, but Ive never heard the trees so active. Somethings wrong. (he listens) What are you doing? What are you up to?




He then crouches down to the hanging bauble and looks through. Staring back is his reflection. But only for a second, as the reflection shifts...and suddenly, facing him, is something else. Another face. But not of any human. A face, carved into a figure of wood. And its staring back. The DOCTOR jumps back, astonished. What? THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Im sorry, Lily. I really am, but there is something very wrong in this forest, and your brothers right in the middle of it. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - NIGHT Its still night back on the other side. MADGE ARWELL (V.O) Lily and Cyril Arwell, where are you? She enters the room quickly, then stops suddenly. Shes seen the present, and its staring right back at her. BEHIND VIEW of MADGE slowly walking towards the present, interested...confused. She bends down onto all fours, looking into the box. Blinding light is glowing from inside, but shes still staring, totally and utterly confused. And she crawls through. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) CLOSE UP of the footprints, now very large. Move up to a full shot of CYRIL, standing in front of- what looks like a giant lighthouse, reaching to the mist in the skies. A single door is fixed at the bottom, other than that just a tall tube soaring into the air. At the top, a glass dome, similar to a golf ball. CYRIL turns around. The soft whispering voices are back, echoing in the night.


EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) Another similar shot of the treetops, soaring above them (PRAC. and FX. shot) quickly. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) MADGE is slowly walking through the forest, her bright torch darting from tree to tree. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) CYRILs feet are walking up the stone steps, towards the wooden door in front of him. VIEW from behind, of CYRIL walking into the lighthouse! INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT CYRIL enters, closing the door behind him. He raises his torch to look around the lighthouse. Close up of - THE WOODEN KING! A beautifully carved wooden creature, its face fixed with eyebrows, a nose, a mouth and a long mustache around. Its just a little taller than a fully grown adult, but towering over CYRIL. Its sat in a throne above CYRIL, looking down...but not moving. CYRIL gasps, analyzing the WOODEN KING as nothing more than a scary wooden statue! BIRDS EYE VIEW of the towers EXT, brick floor and spirally concrete walls. Nothing more in sight than CYRIL and the WOODEN KING on its throne. VERY SLOWLY ZOOM onto the WOODEN KING as CYRIL walks towards the staircase spiraling around the walls, clomping upstairs to the unknown. CLOSE UP on the WOODEN KINGs face, not moving. Its long face looking straight ahead. But then, suddenly, it blinks with a wooden thomp! SIDE VIEW of the WOODEN KINGs head, slowly turning to the camera with a long creak.


EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) The DOCTOR and LILY are hurrying through the snow, following the growing footprints of the WOODEN KING. LILY ARWELL Why would you bring us to this place? THE DOCTOR It was supposed to be a treat. This is one of the safest planets I know. Theres never anything dangerous here. Just as he says that, BANG! (CAMERA SHAKE) The ground shakes. Both the DOCTOR and LILY stable themselves. They look at each other, both confused and scared all the same! LILY with a what where you saying about safe? expression. THE DOCTOR There are sentences I should just keep away from. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT CYRIL is slowly walking up the concrete steps, the torch darting to the steps and to what lies above. Suddenly, BANG! The same noise the DOCTOR and LILY heard before. He looks through a window, shining his torch to the beyond. Somethings there! EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) MADGE is now walking through the forest, utterly terrified, flinching at everything. Then, BANG! (CAMERA SHAKE) The same bang. She shines her torch into the depths of the forest. Then, BANG! (CAMERA SHAKE) She cried out in fright. SHOT through the branches, MADGE pointing the torch directly to the camera. Back to close shot. Shes shining her torch at every possible source of the bang. And then, in front of her, a huge metallic pod lands with a bang in front of her. She gasps, falling backwards, staring at the new addition to the forest. (CONTINUED)



From the darkness of the sky, a large bright light switches on directly over MADGE. She tries to block the light with her hand. INTERFACE This tree farm is private property. You are trespassing. Then, the doors of the pod fly open, a gush of smoke escapes from inside, and three figures in dirty yellow amour corner MADGE, guns pointed directly at her. They are wearing round, clumpy helmets. The first figure runs forward, pointing a scanner at MADGE. The scanner whines. Then, the figure with the scanner opens his helmet. VEN-GARR Unarmed, sir. DROXIL What the hell are you doing here? VEN-GARR No, wait! Armed! No, unarmed. DROXIL pulls up his helmet, staring at VEN-GARR in disgust. VEN-GARR (CONTD) Sorry, sir. Shes wearing wool, Sir. Its the natural fabrics, they interfere with theDROXIL -Please say we can tell the difference between wool and side arms. VEN-GARR We can tell the difference, sir. DROXIL Can we? VEN-GARR Not always, sir, no. Finally, the third figures helmet lifts to reveal BILLIS. Shes more civilized than the others, a bit more warm-hearted. DROXIL What are you doing here, and do you understand what is about to happen in this forest?




MADGE ARWELL (confused) I was just... BILLIS Sir, I think shes a time traveller. DROXIL (sarcastic) And were sure its not her cardigan? MADGE ARWELL Who are you? It was Christmas! MADGE suddenly begins to cry heavily, looking down in disappointment. The others stare, quite confused why shes crying. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT VERTICAL VIEW from the ground floor to the top of the lighthouse, a slight glow from the top. Then, almost at the top of the stairs, a small torch beams down. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT (CONTD) CYRIL is walking the final steps of the lighthouse, and has now reached a wooden door wide open. He walks through, the door closing behind him as it reveals a few more steps. He watches the door close. Theres no way back! EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT (CONTD) The DOCTOR, holding onto LILYs hand, is hurrying a little quicker through the forest, still following the bigger footprints. LILY ARWELL Its just irresponsible! How can you do this to my brother? THE DOCTOR It was meant to be a supervised trip. LILY ARWELL To the future?




THE DOCTOR The future, yes. LILY ARWELL On a different planet. THE DOCTOR Oh, yes, very different. LILY ARWELL Where Christmas trees just happen. THE DOCTOR Well, sort of Christmas trees, theyre not really Christmas trees. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT CYRIL is at the top of the steps. He finds himself at the very top of the lighthouse, the walls and ceiling around and above him is the golf ball-like dome at the top, but he cant see it- its misty glass. CYRIL walks forward around the circular room where, standing in the middle, is the WOODEN QUEEN! A female version, crafted from a figure of wood with every detail of a woman including the crown that is held out in her arms above a wooden chair. It looks like she is ready to crown someone, but nobody is sat on the seat, like shes waiting for someone particular. CYRIL stares at the QUEEN, then turns around to analyze the dome shaped roof. CLOSE UP on the WOODEN QUEEN, not moving at all for a few seconds, blinks with a thomp and turns it head slowly with a creak. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT The DOCTOR, still holding LILY, runs out of the mass of trees and stops, staring at the lighthouse before their eyes. THE DOCTOR Oh, look at that! WIDE VIEW of the lighthouse, standing tall and glorious in front of them.




CUT BACK, and the DOCTOR is now running towards the entrance of the lighthouse. LILY ARWELL What, are we going in? THE DOCTOR Well, Cyril did. He sonics the lighthouse as he runs in, trying to find some information about the building before he enters. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT They burst through the door, the DOCTOR instantly running up to the WOODEN KING. THE DOCTOR (sonicing) Interesting. LILY ARWELL Whats that? Whats that statue? What is it? Its like a king. THE DOCTOR A king, possibly, but not a statue. Look at the floor. His torch shines over footprints from the doors of the lighthouse to the chair. The footprints are the WOODEN KINGs. He was what was growing bigger! THE DOCTOR (CONTD) This is what Cyril was followingthe growing thing. Hatched from a bauble on a tree. Grew to this size in less than an hour, Id say. Oooosh! Impressive. And so is this building! (potters about) Yes. Its grown, see. This building, it isnt a building, its a group of trees grown in the shape of a building, disguised as a building. Ooh, clever, I love. Clever, clever old forest. So, a forest grows a building. Why would it do that, Lily? LILY ARWELL I dont know.




THE DOCTOR Whys there honey in a honey trap? LILY ARWELL Because its a trap? THE DOCTOR Exactly. Thing about people, we can never resist a door. LILY ARWELL So, this is a trap? Weve just walked straight into a trap? THE DOCTOR A people trap. Question is...why does a forest need people? LILY ARWELL We should go! We have to get out of here! THE DOCTOR Except? LILY ARWELL (realizing) Except Cyrils here. THE DOCTOR So, lets find Cyril. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT CONTINUE FROM LAST MATERIAL MADGE is still weeping loudly. DROXIL Maam, please stop crying. I cant interrogate you while youre crying. This is a military engagement! Theres no crying in military engagements! Then, VEN-GARR bursts into tears, too. DROXIL looks at him in confusion. Not him as well. DROXIL (CONTD) Corporal Ven-Garr, are you...




VEN-GARR -Im fine, sir. DROXIL What is wrong with you? VEN-GARR I have...Mother issues, sir. Its all on file. It wont affect the performance of my duties. BILLIS Sir, er, with regret, Im going to have to lower my gun. DROXIL Why? BILLIS She is a crying, unarmed female civilian. Im thinking of the visual. DROXIL Nobodys looking! BILLIS Doesnt mean theres no visual. DROXIL Thats exactly what nobodys looking means! It means theres no visual. VEN-GARR sobs louder, DROXIL turns around. VEN-GARR Im sorry, sir. Its under control. Do you want me to shoot her, sir? BILLIS (MADGE gasps) Oh, this visuals deteriorating, sir. DROXIL Shut up! BILLIS sighs, and with one hand she drops her gun to the floor.




DROXIL What are you doing? BILLIS I am respecting her as a woman, sir. DROXIL Oh...OK. Were putting our guns on the ground. (does so) OK? Happy now? Were stepping away from our guns. Now can we interrogate you? MADGE weakly nods. DROXIL (CONTD) Were from Androzani Major, the year is 5345, and we mean you no harm. Where are you from? MADGE ARWELL England, 1941. Then, suddenly, MADGE pulls out a gun, pointing it directly at DROXIL. The determination in her eyes is obvious. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) And theres a war on. DROXILs mouth opens, and he scolds BILLIS who also looks quite shocked, too. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) Oh, cryings ever so useful, isnt it? DROXIL If you say so. But theres nothing you could say that would convince me youd ever use that gun. MADGE ARWELL Oh, really? Well, Im looking for my children! CLOSE UP on MADGE, then end with a zoom onto DROXILs slightly wary face.


INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT The DOCTOR and LILY are running up the wide spirally stairs. THE DOCTOR Cyril? The DOCTOR hands LILY the torch and out comes his sonic. He points it at the door, the electronic sound whizzing away, trying to open the door. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Cyril? Can you hear me? INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT (CONTD) CYRIL is looking downwards towards the door the DOCTOR and LILY are behind. But then, he swings around. Now in front of him is the WOODEN QUEEN, the crown in her hands still- but now, its glowing a fiery orange. THE DOCTOR (V.O) Cyril? Cyril? The WOODEN QUEEN lowers the crown to CYRILs head, but he jumps back and runs around the queen so hes in front of the wooden chair. THE DOCTOR (V.O) Cyril? Cyril can you hear me? The WOODEN QUEEN spins around, now facing CYRIL once more. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT (CONTD) The DOCTOR is sonicing the door. THE DOCTOR Oh, of course, its wood! Its rubbish at wood! LILY ARWELL It doesnt look like wood. THE DOCTOR Its disguised wood. Have you been listening? LILY ARWELL How can trees grow into a building?




THE DOCTOR Never underestimate a tree, Lily. I met the forest of Cheem once. She fancied me. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT (CONTD) The WOODEN QUEEN shuffles forwards, the glowing crown still in her hands. CYRIL hurries backwards and falls into the wooden chair. The WOODEN QUEEN is moving forwards. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT (CONTD) LILY has now turned to a window. Shes watching something happening outside. LILY ARWELL Look at that! THE DOCTOR Busy, actually. (to the sonic) Yes, I know its wood. Get over it! LILY ARWELL But there are stars. There are stars coming out. THE DOCTOR That does happen, Lily. Cyril! LILY ARWELL Yes. But out of the trees. The DOCTOR looks, looks back, then looks again. He walks up to the window next to LILY. WINDOW VIEW SHOT- the forest of trees all have small, beautiful glowing stars at the tips of the trees. And theyre glowing. LILY ARWELL (V.O) What is that? CUT BACK. THE DOCTOR Life force. Pure life force, just... CUT BACK TO THE WINDOW VIEW.




THE DOCTOR (V.O) ...singing. CUT BACK. LILY ARWELL (in awe) Beautiful. (pause) Doesnt it want to make you cry? THE DOCTOR Crying when youre happy. Ah, good for you. Thats so human. Then, woosh! The DOCTOR returns to the door. A light is glowing around the sides of the door. Something is happening inside the room. LILY ARWELL Whats it? What is it? Tell me, what?! THE DOCTOR Cyril! INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT (CONTD) The WOODEN QUEEN is slowly placing the crown on CYRILs head. The final phase. THE DOCTOR (V.O) Can you hear me? The WOODEN QUEEN creaks as she bends slightly. Then, it sits on CYRILs head. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT (CONTD) CLOSE UP of the WOODEN KINGs face. Its eyes open in a flash, awoken by the placing of the crown. ZOOM BACKWARDS as the WOODEN KING slowly stands to his feet, creaking and groaning. (DRAMATIC MUSIC) Then, his feet bang loudly against the brick floor as he marches up the spiral staircase. Left! Right! Left! Right!

44. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT (CONTD) The banging echoes. The DOCTOR and LILY stop, and slowly turn around...listening. LILY ARWELL Oh my god! Oh my god! They look downwards. The WOODEN KING is coming!!! EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT Wide shot of the harvesters pod. Its taller than wider, towering over the trees like a metal robot! Two giant mechanical legs with a dome-shaped control room at the top. MADGE ARWELL (V.O) What is all this? INT. HARVESTER POD - NIGHT Inside the control room. Full of buttons and levers and chairs and flashing lights, all for some sort of reason or other. VEN-GARR and DROXIL are tied opposite to each other against two poles. MADGE is still holding her gun. BILLIS is in the stage of tieing DROXILs arms around the rusty pole. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) Is it some kind of cockpit? My husbands a pilot. BILLIS It drives the platform. MADGE ARWELL I dont understand! How did I get here? BILLIS You tell us, maam. MADGE ARWELL Im looking for my children. VEN-GARR There cant be anyone else in this forest, there cant be. BILLIS Well, she found her way in. Maybe her kids did, too.




DROXIL Then God help them. MADGE ARWELL Why do you say that? BILLIS We can do a scan for life forms. We can detect people, even though theyre far away. MADGE ARWELL Like RDF? Radar? BILLIS Yes. MADGE ARWELL Then please stop patronizing me and get on with it! BILLIS Yes, maam. MADGE ARWELL Why did you say, God help my children? DROXIL This forest is about to be harvested. MADGE ARWELL Harvested? DROXIL Androzani trees. Greatest fuel source ever. The entire area is being melted down for battery fluid. MADGE ARWELL Melted down? How do you melt a forest? DROXIL Acid rain. The satallities are in position. Anyone still out there in five going to burn. MADGE pants faster, her heart racing, all the hope shed kept drained from her.


INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT SHOT OF WALL, the shadow of the WOODEN KING. BACK TO- The DOCTOR at the door, LILY behind him. The clomping of the WOODEN KING growing. LILY ARWELL Caretaker, its coming! Open it! THE DOCTOR Im trying. LILY ARWELL Open it! THE DOCTOR Im trying! Suddenly, click! The door is unlocked. The DOCTOR stares in shock, the clomping of the WOODEN KING in the b/g. THE DOCTOR That wasnt me. LILY ARWELL It doesnt matter! INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT (CONTD) The doors burst open and the DOCTOR and LILY race up the stairs. The WOODEN QUEENs head snaps round to see the faces of the intruders. CYRIL is unconscious, the crown on his head. LILY sprints over to the wooden chair, ignoring the WOODEN QUEEN. LILY ARWELL Whats wrong with him, Caretaker? Is he dead? THE DOCTOR Its OK, hes just unconscious. The WOODEN QUEENs eyebrows slant, shes angry. The DOCTOR walks over to her, leaving LILY aside CYRIL. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) So what are you, then? Not a king, a queen! The Queen Bee of the forest. (CONTINUED)



LILY is staring at one of the empty panels of the dome shaped wall/roof. LILY ARWELL Caretaker. Look! He walks over to see. THE DOCTOR Its like... LILY ARWELL Like what? THE DOCTOR Like the life force is leaving the forest. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT BIRDS EYE VIEW of the trees stars slowly rising from the tips of the trees, glowing with life and strength. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT Suddenly, thumping footsteps alert them and they turn to see the WOODEN KING marching up the steps. He turns on the spot and marches towards them. LILY ARWELL What are they doing? Stop him! Both of them are marching towards them now. The DOCTOR whizzes them with the sonic and growls in anger. THE DOCTOR Oh, aliens made of wood! This was always going to happen, you know. Um... They stop marching, standing still. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Its OK. I think they just want to talk to us. The WOODEN KING creaks his neck to look at CYRIL. They all turn to see. CYRILs eyes open slowly through his rounded glasses, the crown on his head now glowing the fiery orange once more.




CYRIL ARWELL Theyre scared. Cant you hear them? The trees are screaming? Cant you hear? The WOODEN KING gazes over at the DOCTOR. THE DOCTOR No. But you can. Youre connected to them. INT. HARVESTER POD - NIGHT BILLIS OK, picking up life signs about half a mile away. MADGE ARWELL Can we got to them? Can we move this thing? BILLIS Im not trained, maam. Those two are. MADGE ARWELL I cant trust them. BILLIS I cant drive the platform, maam. MADGE ARWELL It looks a little like a plane. My husband flies a plane. He took me up once. BILLIS It takes years of training! Im scanning for an audio connectionwe might be able to hear them. INTERFACE Acid rain alert, five-minute warning. Prepare for beam-out. BILLIS Im so sorry! You have to find a way out! INTERFACE Evacuate.




BILLIS Acid fall is coming. You wont last two minutes! INTERFACE Evacuate. MADGE ARWELL No, dont go, no, wait! What am I going to do? I... With a beam of light, all three of them suddenly dissapear into nowhere, transported to safety. INTERFACE Evacuate. Evacuate. MADGE ARWELL Where have you gone? INTERFACE Acid fall in five minutes. Unauthorized personnel will be incinerated. There is suddenly a loud bleeping sound, and from the speakers around the control room, the voices of LILY and CYRIL. MADGE turns around, listening. LILY ARWELL (V.O) Why have all the stars left the trees? CYRIL ARWELL (V.O) I think theyre... THE DOCTOR (V.O) Just concentrate. What are they doing? INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT CYRIL is sat on his wooden throne, the crown still glowing orange. The DOCTOR is knelt in front of him. CYRIL ARWELL Evacuating. Theyre evacuating. THE DOCTOR Why?


CONTINUED: CYRIL ARWELL Theyre...frightened of the rain. The rain that burns.


The WOODEN KING lowers his head in agreement, the WOODEN QUEEN blinks in reply. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT WIDE VIEW of the Harvester pod. LILY ARWELL (V.O) Caretaker, please explain. INT. HARVESTER POD - NIGHT LILY ARWELL (V.O) Im frightened. MADGE is listening to every word, confused. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT The DOCTOR and LILY are looking out of the window, the WOODEN KING & QUEEN behind them. THE DOCTOR Those stars. Theyre pure life forces. Souls, if you like. And theyre trying to escape because they think their home is going to burn. LILY ARWELL Why cant they just float up into the sky? THE DOCTOR They need to travel inside a living thing. Inside Cyril. You see, this... He walks over to CYRIL and sonics the crown. Its not glowing anymore. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) ...Its not a crown, its a relay. Theyre turning your brother into a lifeboat! Thats what this place is for, then. Its an escape plan, is that it? (CONTINUED)



The WOODEN QUEENs hand lowers onto CYRILs shoulder slowly and creakily. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Dont you harm him. Do not touch that child! But when CYRIL speaks, it isnt in his voice. Its in a low pitched, muffled voice: CYRIL ARWELL Your coming was foretold. LILY ARWELL Oh my god, what is that? Why does he sound like that? THE DOCTOR Oh, hello! Are we lip-syncing now? The WOODEN QUEENs head turns to the DOCTOR as CYRIL speaks: CYRIL ARWELL We had faith. Your coming was foretold. THE DOCTOR Theres no such thing as foretelling. Trust a time traveller. CYRIL ARWELL We waited, and you came. THE DOCTOR So, youve got an escape plan. Why arent you escaping? CYRIL ARWELL The child is weak. THE DOCTOR You mean hes a child. CYRIL ARWELL No, he is weak. The forest cannot live in him. But there are others. THE DOCTOR There are, and the good thing is, I look great in a hat! So, lets get this thing off, eh?


CONTINUED: CYRIL ARWELL You are also weak. THE DOCTOR Im really not. Lets save a forest, eh Cyril? CYRIL ARWELL You are not the one. You are weak. THE DOCTOR Im really not!


And he lifts the crown off CYRILs head, grabbing it with two hands. But the crown burns in his hands and he lets out a scream. LILY ARWELL Let go of it, just let go! Let go of it! Let go! Please, just drop it! THE DOCTOR I cant! LILY then acts quickly. She runs forwards and grabs the crown herself. It instantly stops glowing with heat and returns to its normal colour of orange. LILY ARWELL Oh. Its funny, isnt it? Its sort of...tingly. THE DOCTOR Tingly!? The WOODEN QUEEN then places her arm on LILYs chest and her voice is then that of the WOODEN QUEENs: LILY ARWELL She is strong, but she is young. LILY gasps, and runs away from the WOODEN QUEEN. The crown rolls away with a clank. The WOODEN QUEEN blinks quickly with creaks. THE DOCTOR Shes strong, Im weak. Interesting. CYRIL ARWELL (normal voice) Mummy?




LILY ARWELL Cyril, its alright. Its me. Mummy isnt here, but were going to her right now. Arent we, Caretaker? There is a sudden rumble of thunder from outside. The DOCTOR stares at the ceiling. THE DOCTOR No...I dont think we are. The sound of rain trickling down the sides of the dome can be heard. The acid rain has begun. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) The rain that burns. Acid rain. INT. HARVESTER POD - NIGHT MADGE is crouched on the floor whilst the speaker records the DOCTORs voice. Shes silently crying to herself. THE DOCTOR (V.O) We have to get out of this forest, were in terrible danger. This tower wont protect us for long. CYRIL ARWELL (V.O) Wheres Mummy? LILY ARWELL (V.O) Shes coming. You know shes coming because, because she always comes, doesnt she? INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT The DOCTOR walks over to CYRIL, still sat on the throne. THE DOCTOR Cyril, the way we came here, that door wont stay open for ever. Now, Im not even sure if I can get us through the forest safely, but if were going to have any chance at all, we have to go now. But CYRIL simply folds his arms.




CYRIL ARWELL No. We wait for Mummy. Mummy always comes. THE DOCTOR Not this time, Cyril. Im sorry, but not this time. But suddenly, huge steps rumble the ground, like a giants heading towards the lighthouse. But its not...its the harvester pod! EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT The mighty harvester pod is clomping left and right through the forest clumsily, but still getting there. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT LILY ARWELL Whats that? THE DOCTOR Its an Androzani Harvester, but... LILY ARWELL You recognize that thing? THE DOCTOR More to the point...I think I recognize the driving! THE DOCTOR Ha-ha! Madge had entered the forest! INT. HARVESTER POD - NIGHT CAMERA SHAKE as MADGE pulls the lever to the left then the lever to the right. THE DOCTOR (V.O) Come on, Madge, you can do it! You go, girl! MADGE ARWELL Shut up, you ridiculous oaf!


EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT WIDE VIEW of the harvester clunking its way to the lighthouse, groaning and whining mechanically. THE DOCTOR (V.O) Come on. This way, whoa! You can do it, you can do it! INT. HARVESTER POD - NIGHT THE DOCTOR (V.O) Excellent driving! Hello! MADGE ARWELL Caretaker? THE DOCTOR (V.O) Yes? MADGE ARWELL Youre fired! INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT THE DOCTOR Oh... LILY giggles. INT. HARVESTER POD - NIGHT MADGE pulls the left control, then the right, then the left again, struggling to keep the harvester stable. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT The harvester, towering over the trees, clomping through the forest towards the lighthouse. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT They watch as the harvester clomps left and right. Suddenly, they hear MADGE wail and the whole harvester crashes to the ground.


CONTINUED: THE DOCTOR Its OK, shes fine. Dont worry. Stay here. Just stay here.


He rushes out of the room, leaving CYRIL & LILY staring at each other... INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT (CONTD) The DOCTOR, running down the stairs hysterically. THE DOCTOR Madge! Madge! MADGE opens the wooden door and runs inside, her hood above her head. Her coat has holes, still sizzling, from the acid rain. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) You OK? MADGE ARWELL Stay inside, the rain is frightful! Lily? Cyril? She runs up the stairs to find CYRIL & LILY. The DOCTOR runs to the door. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT The DOCTOR stands at the door, looking at the acid rain pouring down from the clouds. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT MADGE runs into the room where she finds CYRIL & LILY. MADGE ARWELL Cyril! LILLY ARWELL Mum! MADGE ARWELL Lily! (hugs them) Ah! What are you doing? How dare you leave the house?! Cyril, what have I told you about opening your presents early?! (CONTINUED)



CYRIL ARWELL Sorry, Mummy. MADGE ARWEL Something like this was bound to happen! LILY gasps as the WOODEN KING & QUEEN march over to them. They all step backwards. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) Oh, what are those? LILLY ARWELL Stay away from it, you have to stay back. MADGE ARWEL Thats beautiful isnt it? CYRIL ARWELL Mummy? The WOODEN QUEEN is lowering the crown on her head, MADGE mesmerized by the glow. MADGE ARWEL See how it shines. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT The DOCTOR runs to the door of the lighthouse and looks up. He sonics the harvester. THE DOCTOR Nice one, Madge. A complete write-off! WIDE VIEW from ground, the thousands of stars now twinkling in formation, all funneling into the dome of the lighthouse. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT All of the stars are streaming into the chairs occupant: not CYRIL, but MADGE! All of the trees souls shooting straight into her head. The DOCTOR sprints in.




LILY ARWELL The stars are going inside her. Shes taking the whole forest! MADGE ARWELL Oh, this is marvelous! This is really quite wonderful. Then, the stars stop entering MADGE. The DOCTOR stares at MADGE in shock, not too sure what to say. THE DOCTOR Madge! Are you alright? Talk to me. Madge, can you hear me? MADGE ARWELL Yes, I can hear you. Im perfectly fine, thank you. Shes glowing and speaking similar to if she was drunk. THE DOCTOR Fine?! Youve got a whole word inside your head? MADGE ARWELL I know! Its funny, isnt it? One cant imagine being a forest, then suddenly one can! How remarkable. THE DOCTOR Youre OK? Shes OK? The WOODEN KING touches MADGE on the shoulder. MADGE ARWELL She is strong. (now herself) Ooh! That wasnt me. Oh, this is all really rather clever, isnt it? THE DOCTOR Shes strong? Shes strong? Ooh! Stupid me! Stupid old Doctor! Do you get it, Cyril? CYRIL ARWELL No. THE DOCTOR Lily, you do, dont you?




LILY ARWELL No. THE DOCTOR Course you do! Think about it! Weak and strong, its a translation. Translated from the base code of nature itself. You and I, Cyril, were weak. But shes female! More than female. Shes Mum. How else does life ever travel? The Mother ship! EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT Suddenly, the camera shakes. The dome on the top of the lighthouse is shifting, rocking out of a golf ball! It lifts into the air, up, up, up! INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT LILY ARWELL Whats happening? THE DOCTOR No idea. Do what I do- hold tight and pretend its a plan. Everybody braces themselves. The DOCTOR launches himself into the air and grabs hold of a dome panel. EXT. THE FOREST - NIGHT The dome hovers for a split second, then soars off into the sky in a blur! EXT. TIME VORTEX FX: The golf ball flying into the vortex! INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT THE DOCTOR This is...amazing. Out of the windows, they can see the time vortex rippling and spinning in clouds of blue and purple.


CONTINUED: CYRIL ARWELL Where are we? THE DOCTOR Technically, were not anywhere. Weve flown into the time vortex. Youve got what you wanted- those idiots down there can burn you old home and youll be safe out here. But these people helped you, and theyre in my protection. Now help them. How do we get home? The WOODEN QUEEN reaches over and touches MADGE. MADGE ARWELL Think. THE DOCTOR (confused) Sorry, what? MADGE ARWELL She must only think. THE DOCTOR Madge, did you hear that? You said it, but did you hear it? Youve got to think. MADGE ARWELL Think...what? THE DOCTOR Think of home, just picture it. Feel it! You have to really real it. Can you do that? Your mind is controlling this vessel. You can fly us all back for Christmas! MADGE ARWELL My head is full of trees, Caretaker. Cant you fly us home? THE DOCTOR I dont have a home to think of. And, between you and me, Im older than I look, and I cant feel the way you do, not any more. And you really need to feel it, Madge. Everything about home you miss, till you cant bear it, till you almost burst.





MADGE ARWELL Till it hurts? Is that what you mean, Caretaker? Till it hurts? THE DOCTOR Yes. Her arm slowly finds something in her pocket, and she takes it out and clenches it in her hand. The DOCOTR looks and stares...its the telegram. MADGE ARWELL Well, then...home in time for Christmas! She gasps and moans loudly, her mind on fire inside, blue light flashing inside and outside the vessel. EXT. TIME VORTEX A blue stream of light follows the vessel as it hurtles through time and space. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT MADGE is weeping, white light still flashing. LILY ARWELL Whats happening? Where are we going? THE DOCTOR Show them! Show them! The front of the dome is replaced with a window, showing the time vortex spinning and turning. But then it transforms into another picture. The sounds of planes in the b/g echo in the room, the WOODEN QUEEN points her hand towards the screen. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Ha! The time vortex. Your Mother is flying a forest through the time vortex! Be a little impressed! What are you going home for? Whats pulling you there? Please, try. Please, think. Then, the time vortex dissapears and snapshots of REG appear. One holding a baby; one in his suit, smiling;




MADGE ARWELL Reg! CYRIL ARWELL Daddy! MADGE ARWELL My Reg! The image changes and MADGE and REG are laughing with CYRIL as a baby; of REG and LILY in the kitchen; THE DOCTOR Thats it. Focus on Reg. Be careful, but focus on him. MADGE ARWELL I dont know... THE DOCTOR How did you meet? You and Reg, tell me how you met. MADGE ARWELL He followed me home. I worked in the dairy, he always used to follow me home. Short clip of REG & MADGE many years ago, REG behind her and MADGE laughing at him. LILY ARWELL Look at Father. He looks so young! MADGE ARWELL He said hed keep on following me til I married him! Didnt like to make a scene! THE DOCTOR Just stay focused. Think of home. This thing, it works psychicallyitll find a signal and lock on. He sonics her and pulls it back. But then, the image changes into a darker scene. A plane, fighting through the clouds, dodging other planes. MADGE ARWELL No. No, please, dont show me that! Please, dont show me that!




CYRIL ARWELL Is that Daddys plane? MADGE ARWELL Please, I dont want to see that! Please, no! THE DOCTOR No, no, no, Madge. We cant break the signal now, Im sorry! MADGE ARWELL Not the night he died! I dont want to see him die! (cries out loud) LILY looks up at MADGE, in total confusion of what her Mothers just said. LILY ARWELL What do you mean...the night he died? MADGE ARWELL Oh, please dont make me watch him die! CYRIL ARWELL Mummy? Is Daddy dead? MADGE bursts out, screaming and crying, terrified she might see REG die in front of her eyes. CYRIL ARWELL (CONTD) Mummy! REPEAT SC.12 with REG in the cockpit over the channel. NEW MATERIAL: A bright light illuminates REG and the cockpit. He doesnt know what it is, but its helping him. A guardian angel. MADGE ARWELL (V.O) Goodbye, my love. Goodbye! INT. LIGHTHOUSE - NIGHT She gasps and sobs, leant back in her throne.


EXT. TIME VORTEX The vessel, spinning through time. INT. LIGHTHOUSE - MORNING FADE TO WHITE. SLOWLY FADE BACK. Everybody is on the floor. Smoke is billowing from the roof and the DOCTOR is helping everyone up. THE DOCTOR Cyril! Lily! Are you alright? LILLY ARWELL Yeah. The DOCTOR is sonicing the WOODEN KING & QUEEN, their lifeless figures on the floor. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) Are they dead? THE DOCTOR No. Theyre just wood now. Theyve been...emptied. The forest has gone from your head too, hasnt it? MADGE ARWELL But where is it now? THE DOCTOR The life force of the whole forest has transmuted itself into a sub-etheric waveband of light, which can exist as a...The...the...the...souls of the trees are out among the stars, and theyre shining, very happy. And you got them there. Well done, Madge. MADGE ARWELL And where are we? THE DOCTOR Home! Christmas morning! Weve taken a bit of a short cut. Havent you always wanted to do that?




LILLY ARWELL Mother? MADGE ARWELL Oh, look at you. Youve been so brave. You... She walks towards them but they back off, scared. MADGE ARWELL (CONTD) Look, were home again, see? LILLY ARWELL What did you mean, watch him die? Wheres Father? Where is he? Wheres Daddy? Why are you holding a telegram? Well, what does it say? CYRIL ARWELL Please, just tell us! LILLY ARWELL Tell us! THE DOCTOR I imagine youd prefer to be alone. MADGE ARWELL I dont believe anyone would prefer that. Stay close, Caretaker. THE DOCTOR Ill be right outside. The DOCTOR walks down the steps and outdoors. MADGE ARWELL Lily...Cyril... EXT. ARWELL HOUSE - MORNING The vessel is parked outside the Arwell house. The Doctor walks out of the door and stops, and stares. MADGE ARWELL (V.O) A few nights ago, your Father, who, as you know, was the best of men and the bravest of pilots...


INT. LIGHTHOUSE - MORNING MADGE ARWELL ...was flying home for Christmas. His plane was badly damaged, and his instruments failed him. Unfortunately, he was flying on a night there was no moon, and because it was very cloudy, there were no stars...there were no stars to light his way. CYRIL ARWELL Did he get lost? MADGE ARWELL Yes, Cyril. He got so very lost. THE DOCTOR Um...sorry to interrupt. You might want to pop out here for a moment. MADGE ARWELL Caretaker, Im talking to my children! THE DOCTOR I know, and before you go any further, I think youd better come and look. EXT. ARWELL HOUSE - MORNING CLOSE UP of the DOCTOR, adjusting his bow tie, impressed with what hes done. WIDE VIEW of MADGE, CYRIL & LILY walking down the field to the DOCTOR, staring at something we cant see. THE DOCTOR No stars to light the way, Madge? There was one. INT. COCKPIT - NIGHT FLASH WHITE and fade into the cockpit again, a memory. REG is pulling at the handles, desperate to find some sort of help.




THE DOCTOR (V.O) There was you. A blinding light illuminates the cockpit, REG squinting. What is that? ZOOM slowly onto the picture of MADGE, stuck onto the window of the plane. The co-pilot crawls through, also squinting. CO-PILOT What is it? REG ARWELL I dont know...but its all weve got. We can follow it! REGs face beams with happiness and determination. Hes going to survive! Hes going home for Christmas. EXT. TIME VORTEX The familiar blue and purple clouds of the time vortex, spinning away. But then, something else. REGs plane! Hes hurtling it through time and space itself, following the light...the vessel. EXT. ARWELL HOUSE - MORNING THE DOCTOR Madge, Arwell, who flew a whole forest through the time one husband! He did it again, Madge. He followed you home. MADGE is staring, utterly perplexed. Standing less then thirty feet away is her husband...alive! And REG is now walking from the plane, his goggles above his head, staring around, wondering where he is. CYRIL & LILY smile and laugh. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Look what you can do! Mother Christmas! REG ARWELL Madge! What am I doing here?




MADGE ARWELL Its Christmas Day, my love! Where else would you be? REG ARWELL Christmas Day? How? MADGE ARWELL We took a short cut! And MADGE, CYRIL & LILY sprint over to REG, jumping on top of him, enjoying another moment with her husband and their Father. CYRIL & LILY Daddy! The DOCTOR watches from afar, smiling to himself. Beaming. Hes done it again. THE DOCTOR Happy crying. Humany-wumany. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - MAIN SITTING ROOM - MORNING MUSIC: Silent Night. REG, MADGE, CYRIL & LILY are on the floor around a small table, playing a game. REGs arm is around MADGE. CUT TO the DOCTOR, watching through a slightly open door. Hes watching happily, not wanting to ruin the moment of this family. INT. UNCLE DIGBYS HOUSE - DOCTORS BEDROOM - MORNING The attic door opens slowly and MADGE walks in. In front of her is the TARDIS, placed in the middle of the attic, a beam of light casting across the blue box. The door opens and the DOCTOR walks out. THE DOCTOR Ahh... MADGE ARWELL Of course! Its you, isnt it? My spaceman angel, with his head on backwards!




THE DOCTOR How do I look the right way round? MADGE ARWELL Funnier. THE DOCTOR OK... MADGE ARWELL So, you came back. THE DOCTOR Well, you were there for me when I had a bad day. Always like to return a favor. Got a bit glitchy in the middle there, but it sort of worked out in the end. Story of my life. MADGE opens her arms and they share a hug. MADGE ARWELL Thank you. THE DOCTOR Oh, you did it all yourself, Madge Arwell. But thanks for thanking me. MADGE ARWELL Now, the last time I saw you, I went back the next day, the police box had gone. THE DOCTOR (smiling) Yeah. You want to see how its done? MADGE ARWELL No. I want you to stay for Christmas, please. THE DOCTOR Ah. Well, you see, things to do, people to see. MADGE ARWELL Of course, yes. Family of your own. THE DOCTOR, actually...




MADGE ARWELL Oh! Yes, yes, you said no family. But there must be people who love you. Friends... THE DOCTOR No. Well, yes. But...its a long story...but they all think Im dead. Never mind. Anyway, watch my box do its thing. Its really cool, youll love it! MADGE ARWELL No, no-one should be alone at Christmas. THE DOCTOR Im fine, I dont mind. Im really very good atMADGE ARWELL Im not talking about you, Im talking about your friends! You cant let them think that youre dead! Not at Christmas! THE DOCTOR (scratching his head) Its complicated, very complicated. its far too complicatedMADGE ARWELL You must tell them. At once. Off you go. THE DOCTOR Yes, Mum. Ill think about it. They smile at each other, then the DOCTOR kisses MADGE on the cheek and runs back to the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Now, eyes on the box. MADGE ARWELL Oh, Caretaker? What if I require you again? THE DOCTOR Make a wish!




Then, the DOCTOR closes the TARDIS door behind him. (FAMILIAR ACTION MUSIC) MADGE is watching, not moving her eyes. The TARDIS throbs with light. MADGE takes a few steps back as papers fly around the attic. Just as its dissapearing, REG walks in and stands beside MADGE. REG ARWELL What the hell was that? MADGE ARWELL Oh, it was just the Caretaker returning to the time vortex. Its a lovely place. Ive been there myself! Shall we go downstairs? EXT. AMY AND RORY PONDS HOUSE - AFTERNOON On the blue door. A hand knocks three times and lowers. AMY (V.O) Ughhh! If that is more carol singers, I have my water pistol! You dont want to be all wet on a night like this. AMY opens the door and points a water pistol at the DOCTOR. Her face drops, and she stares. CUT TO the DOCTOR, standing at the doorstep, a face that proves hes not too sure what hes doing there. Its gently snowing in the b/g. THE DOCTOR Not absolutely long... AMY Two years? She squirts the water in is face, again and again. The DOCTOR flinches, wiping it off him. THE DOCTOR OK. Fair point. AMY So. Youre not dead. THE DOCTOR And a happy New Year!




AMY River told us. THE DOCTOR Well, of course she did. AMY Shes a good girl. (pause) Well, Im not going to hug first. THE DOCTOR Nor am I. The DOCTOR looks around awkwardly, not looking at AMY. AMY fiddles with her watergun, not looking at the DOCTOR. The DOCTOR looks back, then away once more. His eyes meet AMY. She looks, then away once again. They both meet eyes, staring. The DOCTOR smiles slowly. They both laugh together, and hug tightly. A long, happy, and laughing hug. AMY Ohh! Mr Pond! Guess whos coming for dinner! RORY walks into the hall, wrapping his fleece around him. RORY Ooooh! Not dead, then. AMY Weve done that. RORY Oh. AMY Were about to have Christmas dinner. Joining us? THE DOCTOR If its no trouble. RORY Theres a place set for you.




THE DOCTOR But you didnt know I was coming. Why would you set me a placeAMY Oh, because we always do. Its Christmas you moron. The DOCTOR stares at them both, the sadness in his eyes. Theyre always thinking of him, even when hes not there. RORY Come on. RORY and AMY walk off into the kitchen, but the DOCTOR stays where he is. Hes upset, but happy at the same time. He stares into the house, deep in thought. Then, he walks into the hall, the door still open. He turns to close the door, but before he does, he brings his hand to his eye...and slowly...pushes away a small tear in the corner of his eye. He looks down at his finger, smiles to himself, or so to the camera, and then slowly closes the door. CUT TO CLOSING TITLES

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