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Introduction Introduction: Self / AZR Purpose of discussion Audio recording Frank and honest feedback Confidentiality of data Section

A: Warm up & Setting the context Before starting todays discussion, please tell me something about yourself? Probe: Name Occupation Family structure Daily routine weekdays Vs weekends Hobbies & interest areas Ok, if you have to describe about yourself how would you do that? What kind of a person are you? Sir, each one of us has dreams... And ambition and goals to achieve, tell me about yours what kind of dreams do you have? Have you been able to achieve your dreams? Why do you say so? What is your ambition or goal... both short term and long term? Tell me both in your personal life as well as professional? Why you set yourself this goal what have is it that you want to achieve or gain at the end of it? Section B: Orientations towards Cars & Brand We would now discuss about the Cars, so I would like to know which car you own currently. If I talk about the small cars (Hatchback), what all cars are available in the market? MODERATOR TO AID FOR NISSAN MICRA IF NOT MENTIONED From where did you come to know about these cars? NOTE FOR MENTIONS OF ADS ELSE POST ASKING FOR ALL BRANDS, ASK Have you seen ads of _______ (Mention the brand) do you recall what it was? Could you please narrate the ad is to me?

What was the ad trying to say? Why do you say so I mean, what about the ad gave you that impression? What impression did you get about ________ (Mention the brand) post seeing the ad? Why do you say so? MODERATOR TO ASK SPECIFICALLY FOR THE ADS OF NISSAN MICRA I would like to know more about Nissan Micra Associations So what does come to your mind when I say Micra? Probe Colours Images Signs & symbols Thoughts & feelings Other mentions Brand personification exercise Lets play another game you all know Amitabh Bachan tell me if he is converted into a building due to some magic what kind of building will it be? Why do you say so? If respondents unable to say aid with words like tall / famous / posh building etc similarly, lets do a reverse 3.2 If Nissan Micra is to be converted into a human being, what would this person be like? Probe: Age & gender Lifestyle Values & attitude Personality traits

User Imagery 3.3 What kind of person would be having Nissan Micra? Probe: Age & gender Lifestyle Values & attitude Personality traits Section C: Feedback to Scripts MODERATOR TO INSTRUCT TO RESPONDENTS I have here with me a concept of an ad in the making. Please note that this is NOT the final ad but the story & overview of how the ad would be. This is done so because to shoot an entire ad it takes lot of money

and after that if people do not like it or understand then its wasted effort. So please give your honest and frank feedback on the concepts Spontaneous reactions Ok... now what I want you all to do is I am giving out a sheet of paper to each of you please write down whatever came to your mind first after this narration MODERATOR TO ALLOW RESPONDENTS TO WRITE DOWN THEIR THOUGHTS AND THEN PROCEED Please tell me what were the various thoughts that came to your mind during the narration? Why did you feel that way? Appeal Tell me did you like the ad? Why / why not? What all did you like about the ad? Can you specify why you liked it? According to you, what is the best part of this ad? Why? Is there anything that you dislike in the ad? Please elaborate. Moods & emotions Please tell me what were the feelings and emotions that you experienced while watching the ad? Can you pinpoint what was it about the ad that made you feel that way? Can you relate this ad to anything thats happened in your life? Is there any incident or anything that has happened in your life that made you feel the same way? Please tell us about it. Character recall & impact on appeal Supposing one of your friends asked you to explain everything that happened here and you had to describe this ad to him / her, how would you do it? Please describe from start to finish. Relevance Now tell me at an overall level, is this ad relevant for you? Can we say that this ad has been made for people like you? Why / why not? What all elements in this ad could you relate to? Anything; in the ad; that you could not relate to? Can you explain the same? Message - take out Listing of messages all the ads would have a message to convey, can you tell me what is the message that they are trying to convey? Why do you say so what about the ad is conveying that message? Is there anything else that the ad is conveying?

Hierarchy of messages You said quite a few things. Out of all these, what is the KEY message of the ad? Why is that? Brand message What did the ad tell you about the brand Nissan Micra? Please explain why you feel so. What specific benefit is the ad telling you about the brand? New Information Does this ad give you any new information about Nissan Micra? Please specify. Credibility Is this ad credible and acceptable to you? Can a brand claim this and deliver on this? IF NO Why not? Uniqueness in the script Was this ad new & different compared to other ads in general? IF YES Could you specify what is new & different about this ad compared to other service providers? IF NO Which other ad does this ad resemble? Can you describe the ad? Changes suggested Eventually when this ad is shot as a real film, what all would you want to change in this in order that you are able to relate better to the ad? REPEAT ABOVE FLOW OF DISCUSSION FOR BOTH NARRAMATICS POST BOTH NARRAMATICS ARE DISCUSSED, ASK You now heard about two ads for Nissan Micra. What are the key differences that you find in these ads? Which ad did you like the most? Why? THANK AND END DISCUSSION

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