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GATE -1995

ME: Mechanical Engineering

1. Choose anwer and indicate by writing only the corresponding' may be) capital letter (A, B, C, D as the case (15 xl = 15)

1.1 Tlte mU/lufacturing area of a plat is dividell into four quadrants. Four macltines Illl'Veto he located, one i/l eaclt tjuandTtlllt. Tlte total numher ofpossihle layouts is (A) 4
(8) 8

(C) 16 (D) 24 Ans. (D) Explanation. In quadrant I, we can locate anyone of the four machines. (i.e.) we can allocate quadrant I in 4 ways. Thereafter quadrant 1\ in 3 ways, thereafter quadrant 11\ in 2 ways. No further choice for quadrant IV. ... Total number of possible layouts = 4 x 3 x 2 = 24.

1.2 Tlte fUltctimt f(>..) = I x + lion tlte illterval{-2, 0/ is (A) continuous and differentiable . (B) continuous on the intergal but not differentiable at all pomts (C) neither continous nor differentiable (D) differentiable but not continous Ans. (B)



I x {. I I.

The graph y = I x + 1 I is the well known "V" graph which is continuous everywhere in particular in [-2,0] but not diffrentiable at x = -1.

1.3 if if

if a dijJerelltiable

vector fUIlctioll ami f is (I slIjjiciellt differelltiable

scalar fUIlctioll, thell curl

11 i, equal

to (V) + (fcurl V)

(A)(grad f) (C)fcurl
Ans. (A)


(D) (grade f) x (V)

i x-(fV)


+ j x -(fV)


0+ k x -(fV)




Dx + Dx V


+ two similar terms

[.I X -oV ax

. + .I x oV + k x -oV Dz

1 [

of Df i x -- + j - + k _ Dx oy Dz


x V

f curl

+ (grad f)

V .

1.4 If the demaml for (III item is doubled ami the orderillg cost halved, the ecollomic order qU(lIItily (A) remains unchanged (C) is doubled
Ans. (A)

(B) increases by a factor of

(D) is halved



PERT, the (Iistribuitoll of activity times is asnlllled to be (B) Gamma (D) Exponential

Ordering cost Demand Unit holding cost

(A) Normal

(C) Beta
Ans. (C)

1.6 Stati,,'tic(11qlltlli(I' colltrol was developed by (A) Frederick Taylor (C) George Dantzig
Ans. (8)

(B) Water shewhart (D) W.E. Deming

E\phmation. Statistical quality control was developed by Dr. Walter Shewhart during II World War.


American sd(~n1i~t

Amollg the COlIl'el1tiollalmachillillg pml.'t!.ue:., nli/ximum .Vh!cilic ellergy i3'COII.\U/W',;i m (A) turning (Bldrilling
(C) planing Ans. (0)

(D) grinding

1.8 Cutting power cOII.5tlmptioll ill turnillg call be sigllificalltly

relluced by

(A) increasing rake angle of the tool

(C) widening the nose radius of the tool

(8) increasing the cutting angks

the tool

(D) increasing the clearance angle

Ans. (A) Explanation.


Increasing rake angle reduces the force on the tool and thus pG"V'~' CerLd((,,; I":'. i, :,',ll:ced

Plaill millillg of miltl steel plate prot/uces (A) irregular shaped discontinuous chips (C) contiuous chips withuot built up edge (B) regular sharwd discontinuous chip'; (D) jOlfHed chips

J..~ A fluid is .mid to be Newtolliall whell the shear stress i~

\(A) directly proportional to the velocity gradient
// 1(8)

inversely proportional to the velocity gradient

(C) independent of the velocity gradient

(0) none of the above

Ans. (A)


According to Newtonian's law of viscosity r

=, =

~t -,


du . where -du, IS thi' ve oClty gra d'Icnt an d' ,IS t he s hear stress, e


COllsider a refrigerator (/nd a heat pump workillg 011the reversell Carnot cycle bet~ cell tlli! same temperature limits. Which of the fOllowing is correct. (A) COP of refrigerator = COP of heat pump (8) COP of refrigerator

COP ofheat pump


(C) COP of refrigerator = COP of heat pump-I (0) COP of refrigerator = inverse COP of heat pump

1. 12. COIlStlllltpressure lines in the superheated region l~lthe iHollier diagram will have (A) a positive slope
(C) zero slope

(B) a negative slope (D) both positive and negative slope


).) 3 A test specimen is .\'tressed sliglltly beyond the yield p(jim allli '"e11 unloaded. Its yield strength will (A) decrease (8) increase (C) remains same (D) becom~s equal to ultimate tensile strength

.... , y\-_-, ,,



ti. 'tI :
I 'I '


I. I I I,


,' .:

1.14 A key cO/meeting a flange coupling to a sltaft i.~likely to fail in (A) shear (C) torsion Ans. (A) Explanation. Shear is the dominant stress on the key. (8) tension (D) bending



of linear

1.15 A frere bar (If lengtlt I uniformly Iteated from OC to a temperature tOe. a is tlte coefficient expansion and E is tlte modulus of elasticity. Tlte stres.~ ill tlte bar i.~ (A) a tE (C) zero Ans. (C) Explanation. member. Ends are not constrained. (8) a tE/2 (D) None of the above

It is a free expansion problem. Hence there is no stress in the

2. Each blank ( ) is to be suitably filled in using one of the given options. In the answer book write the question number and the answer only. Also, no explanations for the answer are to be given. (IOxI=IO) 2.1 Tlte layout witlt a Itigher material handling effort is a Ans. process layout. (product/process)

2.2 Checkillg tile {liameter of a IIole using GO-NO-GO gauges i. example of illspectio .. by w, ,
Ails. attributes

(variables/at trib utes) 2.3 Macllille tool structures are made

Ans. rigid

for IIigll proce!J's capability. (tough/strong/rigid) of dependent demand itenu, tile technique most suitable

2.4 For plw1I1illg tile procuremellt is (MRP/EOQ)

Ails. MRP

or production

2.5 IIIful(I' de~'eloped laminar flow ill a circular pipe, tile IIead lo.\'s{Iue to friction is direct(r proportiollal to (mean veloci(l'/square of the mean velocity)
Ans. square of mean velocity

2.6 In mliabatic flow witll friction, tlte stagllatiolltemperature


(l streamline . (increases/decreases/remain.\'


Ans. remains


2.7 /11tlte case of a refrigeration system undergoing an irreversible cycle,

Ans. < 0



0/ >0)

2.8 Tile slle{lYforce ill a beam subjected to pure positive hemling is

AilS. zero


2.9 /n a single {Iegree {~/free{lom vibration system, tlle tilulamped natural frequency damped natural frequency. (greater than/equal/les.\)
AilS. greater than


to/tlulIl tile

2.) 0 An aeroplane make.'i ClIIalf circle towards left. The engine rum clockwise wilen viewed from tile rellr.

Gyroscopic effect Oil tile aeroplalle causes tile 1I0.'ieto

Ans. lift


3. State TRUE or FALSE witllout copying tlte questions. Give no reason(s) for your answer. (10
x ) =


w 3.1 71,e Laplace transform of cos wi is --2 0 +a/'

Ans. False Explanation. Laplace transform of cos wt is -~.

8 -w 3.2 A differential equation ofform ratio - or - . x Y

AilS. True Explanation. Since equation is defined as Homogeneous, f (x, y) = F (~) or G (~ ) y

dy {L~

= f(x,y)

is IIomogelleous iftllefunctiollf(x,y)

depends ollly Oil tile

3.3 Roth the Iii'!' (lIntn: fril"f;oil and wear.

An~. hli,c

ilIid tll..:

dead celltre of cenlre lathes are hardened and lubricated for reelucing

Expl:w<!tion 'r he dead centl e is SUbJCCll.'d to wear hv friction and it is lubricated '-.4 IHamuI,J wh,'cls shoulJ nu: Or <t\~'d gi I'W11i.lf weel components. Ans. True

for reducing

the friction .

l;>:plaoatinn, 0::l\ !l,ird marni:Jls shouid l,e !'{Gund ,n diamond wheels. (e.g,) carbide and ceramic cutting look sun mlk'rials like steel, ledd the whed quickly,

3.5 Slip gauges are calibrated by outside micrometers.


Ld:,~' Accura'.y of calibration source should be atleast one order hight:r than that of the instrument. I-Ien,.;~ .'litsidc micrometrc:, callnot be used for the calibration of slip gauges,

3.6 Comider (f Rankine (vde with superheat. If tile nUL\-imum pressure in tile cycle is' increa.,ed witllout dllwgin;,' tlte mt/ximum tcmpNilture and the minimum pressure, the drynes,'1fracthm Of.HCiil1l iifter lite i.\'el1fropj,' ",'(I'l!.;HiOIl Will increase. Ails. False

p', > PJ' Dryness

I!~----c_~~ fraction

after isentropic




4 '__

3.7 The specific speed of an impulse Itydraulic turhine will be greater titan tite specific jpeed of a reaction type hydraulic turhine.
Ans. False Explanation. Specific speed of impulse hydraulic hydraulic turbine turbine

10 -- 35 rpm
300 - 1000 rpm

Sp\:cific speed of a reaction

3.8 Self locking in power screw is better achieved by decreasing tlte helix angle and increasing the coeJficiem of fricl;oil. Ans. True E, planation.
For self locking, angle of friction should be greater than helix angle of screw.

3.9 Interference ill a pair of gears is avoided, if tlte addendum circle.s of botlt the gears imcT!J'ectcommon fallgem 10 the base circles witltin the points oftqange/l(:y,

3. to I" afour-.'ilroke engine, tlte secondary imbalance 1In"(}frcqut!11cy equal In four times engine v,ce/!.
Ans. False Explanation. Frequency of secondary imbalance will be two times the engine speed.

Li~t I

List II


(Prob/em arem) t-----t---------(A) JIT

(B) Computer (C) Scheduling (D) Simulation assisted layout

(Techniques) 1. CRAFl
2. PERT 3. Johnson's 4. K,mbans 5. EQQ rule 6. Monte Cario rule


--------L-is-t-I--------.r-----L-i-st-I-t-------l (Manufacturing
(A) Finish turning (B) Forming (C) '1 hread clltting (0) Down milling



1. Backlash
2. Zero rake


3. Nose radiu:,ing 4. Lmv ~pced

Ans. (A) -3, (B) -2. (C)-A, 4.3

(D) --I List II (Appltcatol!1s)

L T-slots



List I (Measuring instruments)


(A) Talysurf (8) Telescopic (C) Transfer gauge callipcrs

2. Flatness 3. Internal

(D) Autoc0l1imator

4. Roughness

Ans. (A) -4, (8) --3, (C)-I,

List I (Heat Eliginc:~) (A) Gas Turbme (B) Petrol Engme (C) Stirling Engine

(D) -2
List 1\

--, -'l
volume heat rejection

(Cvcles) 1. Constant
2. Constant volume pressure pressure heat addition hcat addition heat ,;ddition and constant and constant and constant foilowed

volume heat rejection

pressure heat rejection at constant by heat addition

1. Constant

(D) Diesel Engine

4. Heat additIOn at con:;t;lt1t volume temperalUre .5 H~'lt ~<>,jectionat constant temper ature volume


by heat rejection

at constant

List I (Gear types) (A) Worm gears (B) Cross helical gears (C) Bevel gears (D) Spur gears

List II (Applications) I. Parallel shafts 2. Non-parallel, intersecting shafts 3. Non-parallel, non-intersecting shafts 4. Large speed ratios

5. Choose the correct answer and indicate by writing only the con \:sponding capital letter (A, B, C, D as the case may be) (15 x 2 = 30) 5.1 . x3 -cos x 11m ---- equal x2 +(sin x)2

(B) 0 (D) does not exist cos x and sin x are finite whatever x may be . x3._ cos x hm----x~oo x2 + (sin x)2 Jim -,,'

Ans. (A) Explanation.


= 00.

5.2 Among thefollowing, the pair of vectors orthogonal to each other is

(A) [3.4,7], [3,4,7] (8) [1,0,0], [I, 1,0] (C) [I. 0, 2], [0, 5, 0] Ans. (C) (D) [I, I, I], [-I, -I, -I]

Explanation. (ai' bj c) and (a2, b2, c2) are orthogonal only if a a2, b1b1, C1C2 = o. Only C fits [I, 0, 2] x [0, 5, 0] = 0 + 0 + 0 = 0

5.3 The function f(x) = xJ - 6x2 + 9x + 25 has (A) a maxima at x = I and a minima at x = 3 (8) a maxima at x = 3 and a minima at x = I (C) no maxima, but a minima at x = 3 (D) a maxima at x = I, but no minima Ans. (A) Explanation. f(x) = 3(x2 - 4x + 3), f '(x) at x = I and x = 3 f'(I)=-ve; f'(3)=+ve 2x
= 6(x)


5.4 The .mlution to the differential equationf"(x)

(A) fl(x) = e2 (C) fl(x) = e " f2(x) ';= e-2x Ans. (C)

+ 4j'(x) + 4f(x) = 0
(8) f/x) = e2x,


f (x) = e2x 2 (D) fl(x) = e-2x, f (x) = e-X 2

(D2 + 4D + 4)y = 0, where, y = f(x) 102 + 410 + 4 = 0 or (10 + 2)2 = 0, repeated roots. y = e-2x (A + Bx) Particular solutions are Ae-2x and Bx e-2xfor all arbitrary constants A and B. Here A = 1, B = I. 5.5 11, tlrefollowing FORTRAN statements, what is tl,e value of X at exit? X 1 DO 10 I = 1,3,2 X = 2*X**2+1 10 CONTINUE (B) 5 (D) 101 Two iterations will be carried out by the DO loop.

(A)3 (C) 19

(C) Explanation.

X = (2 X = (2

x x

12) + 1 = 3 )2) + 1 = 19.

5.6 A stop watch time study on an operator witlr a performance rating of 120 yielded a time of 2 minute.~. If allowances of 10% of the total available time are to be given, tire standard time of tire operation is (A) 2 minutes (C) 2.64 minutes
Ans. (C)

(B) 2.4 minutes (D) 2.67 minutes


Standard time of the operation

= Basic time + Allowances

Observed time x Rating factor 2 x 120 100 . = 2.4 mmutes

= --= = =

100 10% of total available time

2.4 x J.Q.. = 2.4 minutes 100 2.4 + 0.24 = 2.64 minutes

(A) gd[ha - (H - h) A] (B) gdHA (C) GdHa (D) gd (H - h) A


Pressure at the piston Force acting on piston

Hdg HdgA.

pIston of area





I:: ,: ,,' /I,,(FlIClltsill the x alld y directiolls are givell by


t,.x)') - x22,

v = xy

3 4 - - Y

i be va!!:" "i ror:1 possihle

flow field involving

an incompressible 4

fluid is

(8) -IT) .-



Ans. (Dl Explanation.

FlJr steady

state incompressible

flow. the continuity




+- --


0, must be satisfied

" \) 1


2xy - 3y.J

~:yy _. 3y' = 0

r_ 5.()



J.i/omaie oj an idea/1:11s is tf,rott/ed from



an initial pre,'isure of 0.5 MPa to O./ MPa. The i"itit,1 3{Jf}K. 'Ihi' i'lltropy change of the ulliverse is

(,\) 1138 kJ/K (C) 0 ft4~6 kJK


(D) -0,0446 kJ/K

" -

T, 1\ S .- Cp,lV In-=-- RII/n-" 'I TI PI ...R


\) I =

0.1 -8.314/n0.5
For an idt~al ga~ change in enthalpy

kJ 13.38-. K
alone and change in enthalpy ofa throttling

is a function of tern perature




5.10 A heaf re:,eHoir at 90{) K is brought into contact with the ambient at 300 Kfor a short time. During this ;'1,.,iO(I9(IfJtJ k.l of heat i,'i10,'itby the heat reservoir. The total Ion in t,vai/ability due to this proce,'i.'ii.'i

(A) UWOO k.J Ie) 6000 lei

An~. (01

(8) 9000 kJ (D) None of the above


Ihe availability of a thermal I.~ngine operating between the the temperatures of source availabilities are same, Hence

reservoir equivalent to the work output of a Carnot heat reservoir and the environment. Here as there is no change in (reservoir) or the sink (atmosphere), the initiat and final there is no loss in availability.


5.1 t III order to bit",

/ kilogram of CIlJ comletely, the minimum number of kilogram!>'of oxygen "eeded i,'i (take atomic weight~ of II, C a"d 0 as I, /2 and /6 respectively).

(A) 3 (C) 5
Ans. (B)


CH4 + 2C2 16 kg


CO2 + 2Hp

64 kg

16 kg of CH4 requires 64 kg of oxygen. :. 1 kg of CH4 requires 4kg of oxygen

5.12 A spring scale indicates a tension T in the right hand cable of the pulley system shown in Fugure 5. J1. Neglecting the mass of the pulleys and ignoring friction between the cable and pulley the mass m is
(A) 2T

(C) 4T

Ans. (C) Explanation. Referring Figure, mg == 4T


Fill. 512


5.13 Fig. 5.J 3 shows a quick return mechanism. The crank OA rotan clockwise uniformly. OA =2cm, OO=4cm.

(A) 0.5 (B) 2.0 (C)





(D) 1
ADS. (B)

Forward stroke Return stroke 240



5. t 4 Tile deflection of a spring witlllO active turns under lliolid of 1000 N is 10 min. Tile spring i.~m(ule illto two pieces eacll of 10 active coils and placed in pllrallel under tile same load. Tile deflection of this system is (A) 20 mm (8) 10 mm (C) 5 mm (0) 2.5 mm
Ans. (0)


Stiffness before cutting

Stiffness after cutting into two

1000 = 100 N! mm. 10 100 x 2 = 200 N/mm. Load 1000/2 Stiffness 200

t 5. Tile arm OA of an epicyclic gear train sllown in Fig. 5.15 revolves counter clockwise about 0 witll (Ill

angular velocity of 4 rad/s. Botll gears are of same size. Tire angular velocity of gear C, B is fIXed, is (A) ~ rad/s (;;)10 rad(s
(8) 8 rad/s (0) 12 rad/s

if tile

sun gear


Fix arm A. Give GAerotation to 8 Multipl)'QY Xc. '..;' Addy



__ x.


=>.!, '.
Angular velocity of gear ~&q/~~c &ccw) --4 rad/sec (cw) y - x = 4 - (--4) = 8 rad/s

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