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Bil 1 Skills/ Theme Pre-Number To classify concrete and semi- concrete materials a. Colour b. Sizes c. Shapes d. Types Pupils able to; To classify concrete and semi-concrete objects; 1. 2. 3. 4. Colour Sizes Shapes Types 1. Colour a)To name colour b)To match colour with object c)To join colour cards 2.Sizes a)To recognize about sizes b)To names sizes c)To match the same sizes d)To colour the same size 3.Shapes a)To names the shapes b)To match the shaped cards with concrete object c)To colour same shapes 4.Types a)To name objects according to type Colour pencils Primary colour cards Cards of different sizes Objectives Activities Resources/ Aids

Shapes cards

Various types of pictures: Living/nonliving thing/ sex/ food vehicle, animals

2 2.1

Number Concept To state quantity by comparison a. many or few b. equal or not equal c. more or less Pupils able to; 1.To state quantity by comparison a. many/ few b. equal / not equal c. more / less 1.To classify groups 2.To colour groups 3.To match the groups with same amount 4.To name the groups Concrete objects picture worksheets

3 3.1 3.2

Recognizing Numbers Pupils able to; Value of numbers 1.Recognize value 1 to 5,6 to 9 of number 1 to 9 Recognize numbers 2.To recognize numbers 1 to 9 3.To recognize numbers in word form Ascending 4.Refer to by name ascending order Descending 5.Mention desending in order 6.To state the between numbers 1.To count real objects 2.To group objects according to numbers in the instructions 3.To determine/ to name numbers of objects spontaneously 4.To match numbers with value and vice versa using concrete / semiconcrete objects. 5.To trace sequential numbers kinesthetically 6.To write numbers on dotted lines Real objects number cards kinestetic cards Ex; 2 Template

Embossed card

3.3 3.4 3.5 Numbers between

stencil numbers picture cards counters number steps

7.To write nmbers, 1 to 10 8.Counting and writing matching numbers 9.Writing numbers in word form 10.Completing numbers i ascending/descendin g order 11.To state the between numbers

To Recognize Zero 0

Pupils able to; 1.Recognize shape and zero value 2.Understand zero value in place value (ones)

1.Reduce concrete objects/material on by one in a group to introduce zero value 2.To show zero 0 symbol with numbers cards 3.To emphasize the use of zero in number 10, 20 as one place value (ones)

0 cards concrete objects double number cards in ten

4.Addition involving zero 5.Subtraction involving zero 5 5.1 To introduce the concept of addition 5.2 To write the mathematical sentence for additon by using the process of combination To write the mathematical sentence for addition involving numbers to 10 To add spontaneously numbers to 10 Addition Ten Within Pupils able to; 1.To recognize addition concept 2.To write the mathematical sentence for adddition by the process of regrouping 3.To complete the mathematical sentence for addition involving numbers to 10 4.To add Spontsneously addition facts involving numbers to 10 5.Solve daily problem involving addition 1.To state the number of objects in the group 2.To state two group of counters and the total 3.To write the mathematical sentence for the process of regrouping 4.To introduce symbol plus and equal 5.To write the mathmatical sentence based on the pictures 6.To complete the mathematical sentence 7.To complete the mathematical sentence for the Counters boxes ( in group )


numbers cards symbol cards (+) and ( = ) flash cards



Problem solving

operation of addition in vertical layout 8.To add spontaneously additon facts involving numbers to 10 9.Solving daily problem involving addition within 10 6 6.1 6.2 To recognize the concept of subtraction To write the mathematical sentence To complete the mathematical sentence for subtraction involving numbers to 10 To subtract spontaneously basic fact of subtraction involving numbers to 10 Subtraction Within 10 Pupils able to; 1.Recognize subtraction Concept 2.To write the mathematical sentence for subtraction by the process of separation 3.To complete the mathematical sentence for subtraction 4.To subtract spontaneously the basic fact 1.To state the numbers of objects in groups 2.To separate one big group of concrete objects into two small groups 3.To write subtraction statements based on the pictures 4.To write the mathematical sentence for subtraction based on the pictures Counters/ concrete materialss real objects symbol cards (-) and (=)



6.5 5.To solve daily problem Problem solving

5.To change the mathematical sentence of subtraction to vertical layout 6.To solve daily problem involving subtraction within 10

7 7.1

Recognizing Numbers 11- 50 To name and determine the value of numbers 11-50 T o write numbers 11-50

Pupils able to; 1.To name and determine the value numbers 11-50 2.To write numbers 1150 3.To complete numbers 11-50 by enumberating 4.To write numbers in word form 5.To determine the place value of tens and ones 1.To count objects by ascending and descending 2.To name each group according to the number of objects 3.To match suitable number cards with the group of objects 4.To write the number mentioned 5.To write the numbers according to the numbers of objects or pictures 6.Teens numbers. Bottle caps Seeds beads stick number cards 1-50 picture cards counter

7.2 7.3 To complete numbers by enumerating ( counting one by one ) To write numbers in word form To determine the place value of tens and ones To write numbers in horizontal layout

7.4 7.5 7.6

To rewrite the numbers in sequence 8 8.1 To write the mathematical sentence for the operation of addition by the process of regrouping To complete the mathematical sentence for subtraction involving numbers to 18 To add spontaneously basic facts of additon 18 To write the sum in vertical layout involving numbers to 18 Problem solving Addition Within 18

Pupils able to; 1.To write the mathematical sentence for addition involving numbers to 18 2.To add Spontaneously Basic facts of addition 3.To write the sum in vertical layout involving numbers to 18 4.To solve daily Problem given 1.To combine two group of objects and state the total 2.To write the mathematical sentence for the process combination using symbols 3.To write the mathematical sentence for addition based on pictures 4.To complete the mathematical sentence 5.To solve daily problems involving the operation of addition within 10 Pupils able to; 1.To write the mathematical sentence 1.To state the numbers of objects in Counters number cards number line Counters number cards picture cards symbol cards ( - ) and ( = ) flash card of basic facts of addition





9 9.1

Subtration Within 18 To write the mathematical

9.2 9.3

sentence To complete the mathematical sentence To subtract spontaneously basic subtraction facts

involving numbers to 18 2.To subtract Spontaneously 3.To write the sum in vertical layout

groups within 18 2.To separate one big group of concrete objects into two small groups

concrete objects basic facts flash cards subtraction and balance word cards symbol cards (-)(=)

9.4 9.5 To write the sum in vertical layout Problem solving 4.To solve daily problem 3.To write the mathematical statement based on pictures, Using subtraction and balance 4.To write the mathmatical sentence by introducing the symbol (-) and (=) 5.To write the mathmatical sentence based on the pictures 6.To complete the mathematical sentence fo subtraction 7.To write of subtraction in vertical layout 8.Solving daily problems mathematical sentence card

involving Subtration within 18 10 Addition Within 50 Without Regrouping To add any two numbers, one digit and in multiples of tens and vice versa 1. horizontal layout 2.vertical layout To add any two numbers, one digit and two digit and vice versa 1. horizontal layout 2.vertical layout To add any two numbers, two digit 1. horizontal layout 2.vertical layout Problem solving

Pupils able to : 1.To add any numbers in mathematical sentence 2.To add any numbers in vertical layout 3.To add spontaneously 4.To solve daily problems 1.To add one number in multiples of tens with a one digit number a. to add one digit number with zero b. to add one digit numbers with one digit number c. to add one digit numbers with one number with one number in multiples of tens and vice versa d. to change the mathematical sentence from horizontal layout into vertical layout 2. to add a two digit number with a one digit number 3. two add two digit numbers without regrouping Flash cards counters place value cards of tens and ones

10. 1

10. 2

10. 3

10. 4

11 11. 1 Addition Within 50 By Regrouing To add any two numbers, two and one digit and vice versa 11. 2 1. horizontal layout 2. vertical layout To add any two numbers of two digits with two digits 1. horizontal layout 2. vertical layout Problem solving

Pupils able to : 1.To add any numbers in mathematical sentence 2.To add any numbers in vertical layout 3.To add Spontaneously 4.To solve daily problems

4. To solve daily problems involving addition within 50 without regrouping

Counters Symbol cads (+)(=) numbers cards counter card

1.To add any two digits with one digits and vice versa a. to show the value of two numbers with counters in tens and ones 2.To add any numbers, two digits with two digits 3.To solve daily problems Involving addition of any two digits numbers

11. 3


with two digits within 50 by regrouping

12 12. 1

Subtraction Within 50 Without Regrouping To subtract any one digit number from two digits number

Pupils able to : 1.To subtract two digit and two digit in mathematical sentence 2.To subtract two digit number and one digit number in vertical layout 3.To solve problem given

1.To subtract any two digits with two digits 2.To subtract any two digit numbers from two digit numbers 3.To subtract any numbers in multiples of tens from two digit numbers

12. 2

1. horizontal layaout 2. vertical layout To subtract any two digit number from two digit numbers in horizontal and vertical layout

Counters Symbol cards ( ) and ( = ) Number cards Place value cards Counter cards

12. 3 To subtract any


12. 4

one numbers in multiples of tens from two digit numbers in horizontal and vertical layout Problem solving

4.To solve daily problems involving subtraction within 50 without regrouping

13 13. 1

Subtraction Within 50 By Regrouping To subtrac any one digit number from two digit numbers in horizontal and vertical layout

Pupils able to : 1.To subtract two digit numbers and one digit numbers in mathematical sentence

1.To revise basic facts of Subtraction orally and in ertitten from 2.To subrract any two numbers of two digit with two digit numbers 3.To subtrac one digit numbers from a number in multiple of tens 4.To solve daily problems involving subtractionany two numbers two digit numbers from numbers in multiples of ten within 50 by regrouping

Picture cards Symbol cards Place value cards Number cards Counter cards

13. 2

2.To subtract two To subtrac any two digit numbers of two numbers and one digit with two digit digit number in numbers in vertical horizontal and layout vertical layout 3.To solve daily problem


14 14. 1

Recognising Numbers 51 to 99 To name and to determine the value 51 99 To write numbers 51 99 To complete numbers by enumerating To write numbers in word form To determine the values of tens and ones To write the mathrmatical sentence in horizontal layout

Pupils able to; 1.To name and determine the value numbers 51 99 2.To write numbers 51 99 3.To complete numbers 51 - 99 by enumerating 4.To write numbers in word form 5.To determine the place value of tens and ones

1.To count in tens using bundles of tens 2.To say number cards that are shown 3.To match the bundle of counters with number cards 4.To recognize the place value of tens and ones using the counter 5.Point to the number mentioned 6.To write the

14. 2 14. 3 14. 4 14. 5 14. 6

Concrete objects Counters Bundles of tens Picture cards Place value cards


number according to the number of items or pictures


Addition Within 100 Without Regrouping To add any two numbers in tens/ multiple of tens To add any two, one digit and two digits or vice versa To add any two numbers of two digits with two digits Problem solving

Pupils able to : 1.To add any numbers involving 100 in methematical sentence 2.To add any numbers in vertical layout 3.To add any numbers Spontaneously 4.To solve daily problems 2.To add any two numbers with one digit number without involving zero 1. Vertical layout 2. Horizontal layout 3.To add two digits number with two digits number involving zero 1.To add any two numbers with one digit number in vertical and horizontal layout Counters Bunddle of tens Picture cards Place value cards

15. 1

15. 2

15. 3

15. 4


1. Vertical layout 2. Horizontal layout 4.To solve daily problems involving the addition of numbers within 100 without regrouping 16 16. 1 Addition Within 100 By Regrouping To add any one digit number with two digit number or vice versa in horizontal and vertical layout To add any two digit numbers in horizontal and vertical layout

Pupils able to : 1.To add any one digit with two digit in mathematical sentence 2.To add any number two digit in vertical and horizontal layout 3.To add any number two digit spontaneously

16. 2

1.To add any two digit number with one digit number or vice versa without involving zero 1. Vertical layout 2. Horizontal layout 2.To add any two digit number with one digit number involving zero within 50 : 1. Vertical layout 2. Horizontal layout 3.To add any tweo digt number by regrouping



involving zero within 100 17 Subtraction Within 100 Without Regrouping To subtract any one digit number from a two digits number To subtract any two digit number from a two digit number To subtract any one digit number from any number in tens/ multiples of tens To subtract any two digits number from any in tens/multiples of tens Problem solving

Pupils able to : 1.To subtract any number in mathematical sentence 2.To subtract any number spontaneously 3.To solve daily problem 1.To subtract any one digit number from two digit numbers without regrouping 2.To subtract any one digit number from two digit number 3.To subtract any two digit number from two digit number 4.To subtract one digit number from any number in multiples of tens 5.To solve daily problems involving subtraction Symbol cards ( )( = ) Counters cards worksheets

17. 1

17. 2

17. 3

17. 4

17. 5


18 18. 1

Subtraction Within 100 By Regrouping To subtract any one digit number from two digit numbers in horizontal and vertical layout To subtract any two digit numbers from two digit numbers in vertical layout

Pupils able to : 1.To subtract any Number in mathematical sentence 2.To subtract any number in vertical layout

1.To subtract any one digit number from two digit numbers by regrouping 2.To subrract any two numbers from digit numbers by regrouping

Subtraction of two digit from one digitb cards Subtraction of multiples of tens from tens cards Subtraction mode cards

18. 2

18. 3

3.To subtract any number spontaneously To subtract any one digit number from two number in multiple of tens To subtract any two digit numbers from any number in multiple of tens Problem solving 4.To solve daily Problems

18. 4

3.To subtract one digit number from any number in multiples of tens 4.To subtract any two digit numbers from any number in multiples of tens 5.To solve daily problems involving subtraction

18. 5


Multiplication Pupils able to :


19. 1

To recognize the concept of multiplication To write the mathematical sentence for multiplication 1. table of 2 to 5 2. table of 6 to 9 To complete the mathematical sentence 1. table of 2 to 5 2. table of 6 to 9 To multiply spontaneously Problem solving

1.To reognise the concept of multiplication 2.To write the mathematical sentence multiplication table of 2 to 5, 6 to 9 3.To complete the mathematical sentence 4.To multiply Spontaneously 5.To solve daily problems

1.To group objects with the same number in the group 2.Skip counting using concrete objects 3.Counting in 2 in sequence by filling the blanks 4.To state the number value of objects in each collection 5.To read the mathematical sentence for multiplication from the flash cards 6.To complete the basic facts of multiplication without the flash cards

19. 2

Basic facts cards Word cards Domino multiplication cards Flash cards

19. 3

19. 4 19. 5

7.To solve daily problems 20 20. 1 Division Up To 45 5 To recognize division concept

Pupils able to : 1.To recognize division by the process of

1.To recognize division by the concept of

Concrete objects Number cards


20. 2

To write the mathematical sentence for division To complete the mathematical sentence

distribution of items according to number determined 2.To write and to complete the mathematical sentence for the basic division facts up to 25 5 3.To recognize division Spontaneously 4.To solve daily problems

distribution of items in twos, threes, fours, fives 2. To recognize division by the process of equal distribution one group of concrete of one, twos and threes 3. To recognize division by the concrete objects and symbol 4.To complete the mathmatical sentence of division up to 25 5 5.To find the product of the basic facts of division 6.To complete the mathmatical sentence by writing the operation of division for the answers given

Symbol cards Bowl / plate Mathematical sentence cards

20. 3

20. 4

To recognize division by the process of distribution Problems solving

20. 5

Money 21

7.To write the mathmatical

Imitation coins Real coins


21. 1 21. 2 21. 3

To recognize coins To state the comparative value of two coins To write the currency symbol of Ringgit Malaysia (RM) To state the comparative the value of RM1, RM2, RM5 and RM10

sentence Pupils able to : of division which 1.To recognize coins can be divided by 3, 4, 2.To recognize the 5 symbol of sen 3.To state the 8.To solve daily comparative value problems of involving division coins, 1 sen, 5 sen, 20 sen, 50 sen and RM 1 1.To recognize coins 4.To recognize and 1 write sen, 5 sen, 10 the currency sen, 20 symbol of sen, 50 sen and Ringgit Malaysia RM 1 (RM) 2.To name the coin 5.To state the 1sen, comparative value 5 sen, 10 sen, 20 of sen, notes, example 50 sen and RM 1 RM 1, RM 2, RM 5 and 3.To trace coins and RM 10 to wite the value 6.To solve daily problems 4.To records the related to daily value of expenditure and coins in a group fares transacted using 5.To compare the sen equal involving total and value of coins of balance different denomination 6.To recognize and to name notes from

Toys for role play picture cards of coins Real notes Symbol cards Picture cards of coins Price tagsbus tickets

21. 4

Problem solving 21. 5


Rm 1 to Rm 10 7.To write the notes value using words, numbers and Ringgit Malaysia 8.To write the value of notes using number and symbol from 9.To changesen to Ringgit Malaysia

10.To calculated the sum related to : 1. Daily expenditure 2. Purchases 3. Fares 22 22. 1 22. 2 22. 3 22. 4 Time To correlate general time of the day To tell time by hours To tell time by fractions To read information from calendar : Pupils able to : 1.To recognize general time of day 2.To state the time in hour 3.To state time in Fractions 4.To read information from calender 1.To tell the general time of day a. to name the different time of day b. to record day and night activities 2.To name the part of the clock Pictures showing parts of day Picture showing activities dine in different time clock face Clock face (without hands)


day,date, week, month and year Problem solving 22. 5

5.To solve daily problems

3.To divide the clock face to 4 quarters 4.To solve daily problems involving general time of day


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