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The History of Gloves

Yuliia Kolomytseva UTL Faculdade de arquitectura 1 ano, 2 semestre Ano lectivo 2010-2011 Design de moda PL.

Gloves today (3) The gloving industry started (4) Knights gloves (5) Knitted gloves (6) Gloves mens and womens accessory (7) French - leaders on the gloves market (8) Complicated technology (9) Gentlemens gloves (10) James Winter (11)

Todays' gloves are considered by many to be simply protective hand coverings used and only worn in cold weather. But for several centuries gloves were symbolic garments, worn for their usefulness and decorative purposes besides that as protective clothing.

It was in tenth century Europe that the gloving industry started. Take for example Britian whose gloving industry started in the eleventh century, gloves were made from local deer, sheep, or imported kidskins and iron gloves were used by Military and Knights in warfare as a way to protect their hands and to keep them warm.

The gloves had a symbolic meaning in the knight's circle. The handing of a glove meant that the knight became a vassal of a person who had given him a glove. If a glove was thrown under feet it meant a duel. The expression challenge to a duel was used till the end of the 18-th century. But receiving a glove from a woman had a different meaning. It was a symbol of a great

The gloves appeared in Germany and Scandinavian countries in the 13-14-th cent. In the 17-th century knitted pants appeared and knitting machine was invented, so knitted gloves were in a wide use.

By the end of the 17-th century the gloves were necessary with clothes. They become a highly decorated accessory, not only for women but for men too, with slashing, gems, pearls, lace, embroidery, tabs, ribbons and elaborate cuffs. Queen Elizabeth enjoyed a wardrobe featuring many pairs of gloves, some knitted and some perfumed. King Henry VII also had a wardrobe that included highly decorated pairs of gloves. Pair of cream leather mans
ceremonial gloves with silk gauntlet cuffs embroidered in silk and gold metal thread and seed pearls, early 17th century The Gloves' Collections Trust

French masters were leaders on the gloves market at the beginning of the 17-th century to the end of the 18-th century. The French masters opened of their technological secrets to the whole Europe under the influence of Napoleon.

The technology of producing gloves became unbelievably complicated.

For example, in the 18-th century it was very difficult to order beautiful gloves. The leather was bought in Spain, cutting-out was made in France, sewing and decoration were made in England.

Men's gloves were always short but the length of the women's gloves depended on the length of the sleeves. In the 19-th century the rules for ideal gentlemen were formulated. According to these rules a real gentlemen had to change his gloves six times a day.

In 1807 an Englishman James Winter invented a machine for sewing gloves.

The rubber gloves were patented.

In the beginning of the 19-th century Russia began to produce kid-skin; it's very mild and soft leather. The gloves that were made from it were thin, elastic and glimmering.

By the middle of the19-th century the gloves were made by hand.

Then a special machine for pressing the edges of the production was invented. These edges were held tightly and firmly and were unnoticeable. It was difficult to put on true kid-gloves. So, they put them on at home. The rules of etiquette demanded to were gloves in public.

In the 20-th century the industry of gloves production was dramatically changed. It was caused by sharp social changes, especially for the last 30 years. That's why this field of production was on the edge of dying.

The gloves were a symbol of elegance and a symbol of a true lady, who wore the gloves, a hat and pants the whole year. Sunburned hands meant belonging to a working class in 1930-s years. The top of it was in 1968. This accessory was recognition of a bourgeois symbol, a symbol of official relations, riches and hypocrisy.

The gloves industry faced with a deep crisis in the days of triumph of simple clothes and jeans.

At the beginning of the 80-s the revival of true gloves began and they returned to the shop-windows as an important accessory of fashion industry.


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