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Leadership is a quality which cannot be acquired by any person from the other but it can be acquired by self-determination of a person.

Leadership can best be called the personality of the very highest ability-whether in ruling, thinking, imagining, innovation, warring, or religious influencing. Some major leadership traits are: Honest - Display sincerity, integrity, and candor in all your actions. Deceptive behavior will not inspire trust. Competent - Base your actions on reason and moral principles. Do not make decisions based on childlike emotional desires or feelings. Intelligence and Alertness - The most important quality which a leader should possess is intelligence and alertness. A leader has to use his/her brain every time and also has to remain alert with eyes and ears open otherwise he/she could easily be carried by any fraud or enemy. Many a times we see such situations around us, where a person in trouble or problem doesnt hesitate in blaming and embarrassing even his closest friend to save himself, and also does not bother about his friends at all because the person has to get rid of his problems anyhow. So, he just thinks about himself and his life, the life of other does not matter to him much. Almost all of us are having one or more such close friends, so a leader should always keep in mind that he should not trust even his closest friends more than required as it can create problems for him. Broad-minded - Seek out diversity. Courageous - Have the perseverance to accomplish a goal, regardless of the seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Display a confident calmness when under stress. Imaginative - Make timely and appropriate changes in your thinking, plans, and methods. Show creativity by thinking of new and better goals, ideas, and solutions to problems.

A Vision - A good leader needs to have a vision or a philosophy. He, or she, needs to have a personal belief or a set of principles to guide them toward a successful outcome. I believe also that a good leader needs to have the ability to convey his vision to others and to win them over to his side and get them to support the vision. Sometimes, we have seen leaders guided by a corrupt vision or a dogma that leads them to act against the people they claim to lead. People such as Hitler or Stalin may fall into this category. But often we see leaders who have a beneficial vision, such as Gandhi. Good leaders will often eschew personal gain in favor of seeing their vision become reality. Inspiring - A good leader would appear to be one who is inspiring; that is to say that they inspire people to follow them and support their aims. Their inspiration inspires other people to achieve and bring about change. When you think of some leaders, such as captains of sports teams, you can see that they, themselves, may not be the greatest or most skillful of proponents. It is their ability to lead others and to get others to produce or perform their best which makes for a good leader or captain. It is their ability to get people to work together, to act as a team and to use their special skills for the benefit of a bigger aim which distinguishes a good leader. Value Others - Leaders make other people produce their best, either as individuals or collectively. A good leader makes other people feel valued and genuinely values their worth and their contributions. As well as having a vision, a good leader is also a people person; they know how to influence people, how to win people over and how to make them feel valued. Action Oriented approach - The other qualities of a leader include impartiality,actionoriented approach and positive attitude. A good leader should always be impartial towards all his followers, because the moment he becomes partial, he no longer remains a leader as he loses the confidence of others. The duty of a leader is to encourage and raise the standard of all his followers and not just a few of them, and he should always

remember his duty. Confidence - A leader has confidence. They have confidence in themselves, they have confidence in their vision. Perhaps above all, they have confidence in other people and in their skills or abilities. They convey this confidence in their words and their actions and this confidence is distilled into those who work with them. Ultimately a leader creates change where change is needed but that change is often brought about by encouraging other people to see the value of the change and the necessity of that change. Often it is the skills and actions of other people that bring about the change rather than the particular actions of the leader. It is as if a good leader can identify and support those people who have the necessary skills to bring about the changes that are required. Optimist perspective - A leader should also be an optimist having a positive attitude. he should not think negatively or plan something showing negative attitude. A person who thinks or plans something's showing his negative attitude never be a Leader. A leader should always be courageous. He should have courage to face the troubles or problems and solving the problems by himself in place of blaming and embarrassing others. Cowards, who at the time of facing problems or troubles in their life try to blame and embarrass others can never succeed in their life. Such person remain at the same place where they stood in the beginning. To gain height and achieve something, one should come out of cowardness, jealousy and should become innovative, courageous, actionoriented and optimist. A good leader has all these qualities in him. Example 1: Few men have ever had as much of an effect on our world as Mohandas Gandhi (18691948), though he used the message of peace and love, rather than war and destruction. One time a prominent lawyer in South Africa, Gandhi gave up practicing law and returned to India in order to help ease the suffering of the repressed people of his homeland. Gandhi's love for people and his religious fervor made him a revolutionary in many of his ideas and actions. He desired to see India freed from British rule in a

bloodless revolution, similar to the Glorious Revolution of Seventeenth Century England. Knowing that violence only begets violence, he began the practicing of passive resistance, or as he called it, Satyagraha which means holding onto truth. In his famous Salt March of 1930, Gandhi and thousands of others marched to a coast where salt lay on the beaches to protest the British Governments' prohibition against the Indians making their own salt. Though many were beaten, arrested and killed, no one fought back. Over the course of his life he led three major crusades, rallied support for nonviolent strikes, urged Indians to boycott anything British, and championed women's rights. Gandhi exemplified many characteristics of a great leader. His love for the people of India was boundless; he wanted nothing more than to serve and help them. Always putting others above himself, he sought to make himself even lower than the lowest member of the Hindu caste system. He even humbled himself to the point of sweeping up excrement left behind by others, hoping to teach that disease was spread in filth. One of his most admirable qualities was that he led by example and never preached that which he was not willing to do himself. A common thread between Gandhi and many other great leaders was that no matter what he did, he did it to the best of his ability. He once said: No matter how insignificant the thing you have to do, do it as well as you can, give it as much of your care and attention as you would give to the thing you regard as most important. For it will be by those things that you shall be judged. He gave up his life and material possessions, fasted, toiled and suffered for his people and their cause. He showed that passiveness is not synonymous with weakness, and became a leader in the truest sense of the word. Perhaps Gandhi's greatest contribution to the world continued long after his assassination in 1948. Few realize that had it not been for his influence, we may have never witnessed in this country Martin Luther King Junior's I have a dream speech, the lunch counter sit-ins, Rosa Parks, or Nelson Mandela's struggle against antiapartheid oppression in South Africa. These people and many more who have followed in his footsteps bear witness to Gandhi's leadership ability and his legacy that will continue for many centuries to come.

Example 2: One of Winston Churchills chief attributes as a leader was his capability of inspiring people, regardless of seemingly ominous circumstances. The source of this inspiration was his own character. Churchill perpetually demonstrated enthusiasm, determination, and optimismif not at all times in private, then at least always in public. Churchills ability to inspire may be seen in the opening days of World War II. He did not permit a defeatist attitude, nor would he entertain talk of reasonable terms with Adolf Hitler. Another example of Churchills powers of inspiration was his ability to channel his determination to the British people, and generally strengthen their resolve through enthusiastic encouragement and praise to others. During the opening days of the war he said that, The British people are like the sea. You can put the bucket in anywhere, and pull it up, and always find it salt.5 Churchill inspired not only British leaders, but British citizens as well, by projecting an attitude of optimism and stalwart fortitude. Finally, Churchills robust optimism is excellently showcased in a speech he made in the House of Commons on June 4, 1940.

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