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Hardware Requirement Processor Pentium or Higher Version 5 GB or More 1.44 MB 128 MB or More

Hard Drive Floppy RAM -

Software Requirement Window 00/XP MS-SQL Server 2005 or Above VB.Net 2008 or Above Technology Requirement Front End Back End VB.Net MS-SQL 2005

y y y y y Management Agent Installer Supporter Other Staff Member


GROUP DETAILS Sr No. Name Roll No.

1 2



This organization is all about the Customer Relationship Management. The selling of software product like Tally, Visual Basic, Microsoft Office etc. through agent. The Organization gives the complete details about the product, installation are done by the well experienced person. The Organization keeps details of the entire customer. They give support for 1 year from the date of sales. The Organization also keeps report about the sales, installation, and support.

Software Company CRM (Customer Relationship Management) CRM- To Manage All the Customer informations in Single Place(Customized)

Call Center
y y Inbound (Customer To Company) Outbound (Company To Customer)

This application Divided into Two Part y y Agent Desk (Multi-user) Management Desk (Multi-user)

Agent Desk
Outbound Excel Data--------- Importing To Database (SQL Server 2005) - Login---- Data section in grid (it shows all the data present in database non called data) Select the Data Double click on the data-- It shows customer Information in CRM with Specific Fields like Phone No, Customer name, company name, Software using, Address.Etc. After Completing the Call with the customer the will close the call with specific Codes (CBKCall back, RNG Ringing, ENG Engage.Etc) with Remarks. Inbound 2) Another option is provided here that is External Data option. That is inbound (Customer calling to the software company)

Management Desk
y Creating New Users of Agent Desk y Adding Short Remarks (RNG,CBKetc) y Adding Software Details y Importing the Data y Reporting Section (Multiple Reports in Excel Format) y Software Support


The Present System of Managing Customer Relation is fully manual, where in all the day to day event of call Log, Automation of Customer Iteration, Preparation of Website analytics, report etc. is done manually which is the time consuming and there is lot of scope for mistake and due to the rapid increases in business it was not possible to develop a centralized system to manage the entire database and automate the manual work The system currently use is totally manual. Here the agent as well as management level person use Microsoft Excel For maintaining the records earlier. The

management level gives detail about the product, code, data etc. in a Excel sheet. The agent also fill all the information in the excel sheet. It is difficult to maintain the detail of the all the customer as well as to generate daily Reports.

The proposed system is totally automated system. In the proposed system we will be using VB. Net at front end and SQL server 2005 at back end for maintaining the Database. Here we are VB.Net at front end as it the most user friendly language or platform that even a personal that is not trained can efficiently work on it. Making it more feasible for everyday use.


The proposed system is completely automated and hence very less space is required. It gives very accurate result thus increasing the chances of development of the company. Since the system taken very less time Hence more time and energy can be diverted to taken the firm on high peak of success which in turn results in high profile of the company. Less staff is required to do same piece of work earlier done by a team of people. Thus it is both economically as well as operationally feasible.

Depending on the results of the initial investigation the survey is now expected to a more detailed feasibility study. FEASIBILITY STUDY is a test of system proposal according to its workability, impact of organization, ability to meet its needs and effective use of resources. It focuses on this major question; y y y y What are the users demonstrable needs and how does a candidate system meet them? What resources are available for a given candidate system? What are the likely impacts of the candidate system Organization? Whether it is worth to solve a problem?

During Feasibility analysis of the project, following primary areas of interest are to be considered. I and generating ideas about a new system does this.


y y y y y y y Form a project team and appoint a project leader. Prepare system flow charts. Enumerate potential proposed system. Define and identify characteristics of proposed system. Determine and evaluate performance and cost effectiveness of each proposed system. Select the best proposed system. Prepare and report final project directive to management.

A study of resource availability may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available or not. y Can the work for the project be done with current equipment existing software technology & available personnel? y If new technology is needed then what can be developed? This is concerned with specifying equipment & software that will successfully satisfy the uses requirement. The technical needs of the system may include

Economic justification is generally the Bottom Line consideration for most systems. In this, we weight the cost and the benefits associated with the candidate system and if it suits the basic propose of the organization i.e. profit making, the project is making to the analysis and design phase. The financial & the economic questions during the preliminary investigation are verified to estimate the following:y The cost to conduct a full system investigation. y The cost of hardware and software for the class of application being considered. y The benefits in the form of reduced cost. y The proposed system will give the minute information, as a result the performance is improved which in turn may be expected to provide increased profits.

The feasibility checks whether the system can be developed with the available funds. This can be done economically if planned judicially, so it is economically feasible.

It is mainly related to human organization & political aspects. The points to be considered are:y What changes will be brought with the system? y What organization structures are disturbed? y What new skills will be required? Do the existing staff members have these skills? If not, can they be trained in due course of time? The system is operationally feasible as it is very easy to far end users to operate it. It only needs basic information about windows platform.

Time evaluation is the most important consideration in the evaluation of the project. The time schedule required for the development of the project very important since more development time affects machine time, cost and cause delay in the development of other system. A reliable Hospital Management System can be developed in the considerable amount of time.

Front-end and back-end selection

An important issue for the development of a project is the solution of suitable front-end and back-end. When we decided to develop the project we went through an extensive study to determine the most suitable platform that suits the needs of and organization as well helps in development of the project.

Front-end selection
y y y It must have a graphical user interface that assists employees that are not from I.T. background. Scalability and extensibility. Flexibility & robustness of s/w.

y y y y y

It must be according to the organization requirement & the culture. It must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support. Platform independent, easy to debug & maintain. Event driven programming facility. Front-end must support some popular back-end like RDBMS.

According to above sated features we have selected VB.NET 2008 as the front-end for developing our project.

Back-end selection
y y y y y y y y y Multiple user support. Efficient data handling. Provide inherent features for security. Efficient data retrieval & maintenance. Popularity. Operating system compatible. Easy to install. Various drivers must available. Easy to implant with the front-end.

According to the above stated features, we have selected RDBMS as the back-end. The technical feasibility is frequently the most difficult area encountered at this stage. It centers on the existing computer system (hardware/software, etc.) and to what extent it can support the system.

Sales Details

Create New Batch

Create New Disposition

Internal Data

Lookup for Sales Report

Lookup for Daily Report



Login log_id user_name password user_level

Ta101: Login log_id= Ta101 user_name= Maya password= ******** user_level= Admin re_password= *******

Disposition disp_id disposition disp_code

D19: Disposition disp_id = D19 disposition= CLB disp_code= call back adding date= 19/2/2010

Product Master pro_id product version

P1:Product Master pro_id = p1 product= tally version= 1.9 date= 13/2/2010

Master Table app_no name number city address product data_name disposition called_date remark product_intrested agent_name version sales_person contact_person installation_date product_saled product_version cost_product saled_value sale_remark installed_date install_status install_by install_remark support_given_by support_issue support_remark support_date

App10: Master Table app_no-= App10 name= Maya number 9876786543 city= Navi Mumbai address= Om NIvas product= MS office data_name= data02 disposition= Sale called_date= 03/11/2010 remark= saled product_intrested= Ms office agent_name= Deepak version= 2007 sales_person= Pradeep contact_person= suman installation_date= 12/05/2010 product_saled= Yes product_version= 2007 cost_product= 5000 saled_value= 4500 sale_remark= pay installed_date= 12/05/2010 install_status= working install_by= Neha install_remark= Completed support_given_by= Mohan support_issue= not working support_remark= done support_date= 30/06/2010 Reffrence_by= friend

Insert Table app_no name number city address product data_name disposition called_date remark product_intrested agent_name version

A1:Insert Table app_no = A1 name= maya number= 9876543657 city= Mumbai address= om nivas product= tally data_name= test1 disposition= clb called_date= 12/02/2010 remark= teste product_intrested= tally agent_name= Prdeep version= 1.9 isert_date= 13/02/2010



Login Request For Login ( )

Agent or Admin logged in


Create new

Request for create new user ( )

Request granted


Create Batch Batch

Request for create new batch ( )

Request completed



Request for login ( ) Call for sale

Update / Retrieve sales details ( ) Sales details display



Sales confirm ( ) Sales details maintain

Update sales details ( ) Assign to installation department



Install completed ( ) Installation details maintain

Update Installation details ( ) Assign to support department



Support Details fill ( ) Maintain Support Details

Lookup for Support Details ( )

Generate report



Daily Report send to excel ( )

Verify report and send to admin



Sales Report send to excel ( )

Verify report of sale


Maintain Agent or Management Information

Sales Department

Create New Batch

Import Data

Add Product

Create new Disposition

Daily and Sales Report

Collaboration Diagram For CRM


Agent Subsystem

Call Sale

Assign to install

Confirm sale Agent Create a lead

Sales Department

Installer Subsystem

Confirm install

To avoid future problem

If Problem Installation Department

Provide entire details to sales Solve the current problem

Support Department

Management Subsystem
Create new user Generate final report

Import Data Management

Add product

Verify the report

Add Disposition



Use case Description for Sales

Use case Scenario Triggering event Brief description Create a lead. Create a view lead on telephone Agent calls and creates a lead. When agent calls to lead, the sales department and system verity agent information, create a view lead. Confirm sale and assign to install. Telephone sales Department. Includes check lead availability. Sales department: to provide primary definition. Agent must exist. Lead must exist for agent. Lead must be created. Lead transaction must be created for the lead payment. The lead must be related to agent. Activities Actor System 1. Sales department answers telephone and connect to the. 2. Sales department verity agent information. 3. Sales department 3.1 Create a new lead initiates the creation of new lead. 4. Sales department verifies 4.1 Display lead lead and confirm sale. information 5. 6. Repeat steps 3 & 4.

Actors Related Use cases Stake holders Preconditions Post conditions Flow of Activity

Exception condition:

Agent indicates end of 6.1 complete lead. sale, sales entry end of 6.2 computer lead sale and assign to install. 6.3 assign to install. 2.1 If agent does not exit, then the sales department pauses this use case and invokes maintain agent information use case.

Use case Description for Installation

Use case Scenario Triggering event Brief description Install lead. Install a lead. Installation department install a lead. when installation department confirm install, then provides details to sales, If problem is occurs then the support department solve the current problem avoid the future problem. Installation department and support department. Includes entire detail to sales. Check problem availability. Installation department to confirm install & provide entire. Detail of sales, support department: to avoid future. Problem and solve the current problem. Install must exist, entire details must provide. Install must created and confirm. Sales details must created current problem must be solved. Activities Actor System 1. Installation department confirm install. 2. Installation dept. provides entire 2.1 display sales detail of sales. detail. 3. Installation dept. verifies 3.1 display if problem. problem occurs 4. Support department solve the current problem. 5. Support department avoid the future problem 6. Repeat step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 7. Installation dept indicate end of 7.1 complete install install. 7.2 compute install 8. Support dept indicate end of 8.1 Complete solve solving problem. 1.1 If the install does not exist, then the installation dept pauses this use case and invokes installation subsystem use case & agent subsystem use case. 2.1 If the details of sales does not exist, then the installation dept Pauses this Use Case and invokes the agent subsystem.

Actors: Related use cases Stake holders

Precondition Post condition Flow of Activity

Exception condition

Use case Description For Create New User

Use case Scenario Triggering event Brief description Actor Related use cases Stakeholders Create new user. Create new user to add product. Management create new user. To add product When management create new user it verify user disposition, import data to excel and generally final report. And admin verify the report. Management, admin. Include check product availability check, disposition availability. Management to create new user, import data product, add disposition, curate final report. Admin: to, verify the report. User must exist, product, disposition must exit. Users must be created. Product and disposition must be related to user. Data must be created and related to user. Activities Actor System 1. Management verifies user 2. Management indicates 2.1 create new user the creation of new user. 3. Management request a product be added and disposition added. 4. Management verities Display product and the product & disposition detail. disposition. Add product & disposition. 5. Management import Display imported data data and generate final Display final report. report. 6. Admin verifies the Verify report. report 7. Management & admin Finalize, report indicated end. 1.1 it user information not exist,then the management pauses 3.1 If an product is not there, then management. a. choose not to add product or b. request product be added as a back- oriented product.

Precondition Post condition Flow of Activity

Exception condition


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