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The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan: Karzais Anti-national and Pro-warlord Demeanor

Safar 10, 1433 A.H, Thursday, January 05, 2012

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. The Muslim and Mujahid people of Afghanistan know that the Head of the Kabul Puppet Administration relies on a limited number of warlords for continuation of his reign rather than relying on (the support of) of the nation. Hence, he always opts to tread on national and peoples interests in order to please the warlords. He tends to do that which caters to the interest of a miniscule clique of warlords. As yet, he does not wield a national strategy but toes the line of a factional policy. That's why his stance is bereft of constancy and steadiness. Ostensibly, he speaks of national sovereignty and of the welfare of people but practically, we see that there are thousands of Afghan detainees who have been suffering in the Bagram Air Base and other American bases now for years, and without a trial. But this does not prick his conscience to feel the need of a national sovereignty! Still more, as an Afghan, he has not taken any practical step as to the atrocities committed by the invaders, nor has he risen to the occasion to prevent the night raids being conducted by the invaders. This is amidst reports, that a number of officials of the Puppet Administration and their family members have either been killed or harmed during the night raids, let alone other common Afghans who have fallen victims to the brutalities. The people know that once he tried to deceive them under the name of ridding them of the warlords. Then he reneged and tried to deceive the nation by raising the issue of national participation, thus, paving the way for the rule of a miniscule mafia faction. However, this inappropriate policy has now cost him to alienate the people and they consider him as an alien who has mortgaged the interests of the nations into hands of the warlords and his foreign masters to remain as hostage in their grips.

If we look at the government offices of the Kabul Puppet Administration, we clearly see that corruption is at its climax. It is apt to say that bribery and drug trafficking have become part and parcel of the daily life of the venal officials of the government. Obviously, this is the result of the Karzai mis-management of governance as he intentionally and practically has not put into practice the system of reward and punishment in the government departments. In the last decade, what he has done, is but against the aspirations of the people. Though he has tried to deceive the people by pleasant and emotional assertions but the people have now come around to know his anti-Islamic and anti-national intentions and face as well as of the warlords around him. It will be difficult for Karzai now to hold fast on the people and the people of the world who have awake conscience by resorting to the same old tactics. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan would like to state that the Karzai Administration is not independent in its decision and approach. Therefore, not able to implement its decision. In other words, not able to play a constructive role in the solution of the Afghan issue. The Mujahideen of the Islamic Emirate will continue traversing their natural path of advancement thanks to the support of the people. The history has it that no invading power has ever been able to block the way of this country for freedom. Sooner or later, it will approach the expected destination.

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan

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